Soft Soils 2016 - Full - Paper - Nila Sutra PDF
Soft Soils 2016 - Full - Paper - Nila Sutra PDF
Soft Soils 2016 - Full - Paper - Nila Sutra PDF
ABSTRACT: Open dumping waste in Ngipik, Gresik has still not possessed a good liner system to prevent the
leachate penetration to the surrounding natural soil. The characterization of the subsurface structure and subsoil
characteristics are investigated on the monsoon season using the geo-resistivity and very low frequency (VLF)
methods. The undisturbed and disturbed natural soil sample is taken from the different soil conditions. The
proposed paper is aimed to better understand the correlation between the subsurface structure and subsoil
characteristics to the various soil contamination level.
Nila Sutra, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (Civil Engineering),, INDONESIA
Ria Asih Aryani Soemitro, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (Civil Engineering),, INDONESIA
Dwa Desa Warnana, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (Geophysics),, INDONESIA
Waste Characteristics Firstly, the characteristics of the disturbed soil
will be analyzed. The laboratory investigation for
The characteristics of waste in Ngipik Open disturbed soil includes Atterberg Limit Test,
Dumping Waste is shown in Table 1. Standard Proctor Compaction Test and Sieve
Analysis. The undisturbed soil will also be
Table 1. Waste Characteristics in Ngipik Landfill investigated on laboratory by Volumetry and
Parameter Unit Ammount Gravimetry test. The chemical contents of both soil
Moisture content % 37,46 will be carried out to better understand leachate
Volatile solid % 15,14 penetration depth.
Carbon % 63,77 Furthermore, There are two monitoring wells in
Hydrogen % 6,96 Ngipik Landfill area that the water will also be taken
Oxygen % 28,77 and investigated in laboratory to gain the
Nytrogen % 0,5 contamination level of groundwater surrounding,
(Agustina, 2013) validated by the soil resistivity and FLV test ongoing
on field. The water is taken from 3 (three) locations,
Leachate Characteristics from each monitoring wells and from the lake nearby
Ngipik Landfill to see the contamination level. The
The characteristics of leachate in Ngipik Landfil, location of monitoring wells shown on Figure 2 and
Gresik Residence is shown in Table 2. methodology of this study are shown on Figure 3.
Table 2. Leachate Characteristics in Ngipik Landfill
Parameter Unit Ammount
BOD mg/L 2876
Literature Review
COD mg/L 4640
Salinity ppt 6,01
(Agustina, 2013)
Field Investigation
Contaminated Uncontaminated
Soil Soil
Figure 2. Research Location Detail
Figure 3. Methodology
Water Quality This study is still being carried out on field and
laboratory. Especially for the soil characteristics.
Water quality of the water taken from two Study for the water quality has been conducted. So
monitoring wells in Ngipik Landfill area and the lake another test will also be conducted due to the
nearby are shown on Table 3. objectives of this study.
The result shows that the water from Ngipik lake
Table 3. Water Quality on Ngipik Landfill Area are contaminated more than the water from
Parameter Unit MW1 MW2 Lake monitoring well. We can see from the TDS result of
TDS ppt 1,87 4,92 500e3 lake water compared to the water from monitoring
Salinity ppt 1,41 3,69 369e3 wells. But from pH value, water from the monitoring
pH - 7,14 6,91 8,11 wells have lower pH value than water from lake.
ORP mV 217 223 224 According to Gray (1981), pH value of leachate is
MW = Monitoring Well around 5.2-7.3. So the water from monitoring wells
have a closer value. The salinity of the water from
Soil Characteristics monitoring wells also have the closer value to the
leachate’s. The value of salinity in leachate is 6,01
The soil taken from 3 (three) boreholes on field ppt and from Monitoring 1 and 2 are 1,41 ppt and
are dominated with clay with SPT value varied from 3,69 ppt respectively. Otherwise the salinity of water
2 to 5 blows on the surface soil until 5 meter depth. from the lake is much higher. We can conclude that
Based on Bowles (1988), the soil consistency of the the water from monitoring wells are still influenced
first 5 meter of soil depth in Ngipik landfill can be by the leachate from Ngipik Open Dumping Waste,
chategorized as a very soft clay. BH-1 taken from and water from lake is not. Because water from the
the point nearby Monitoring Well 1, BH-2 taken lake, most likely got seepage from the Java Sea.
from the point nearby Monitoring Well 2, and BH-3 Another water quality parameter is Oxidation/
taken from the point far from the waste. Reduction Potential, ORP. If ORP is low this might
Approximately 200 meters from the waste. N-SPT be due to organic pollution or lack of oxygen or both.
value shows on Figure 3. The soil is typical from the It may also mean more sulphides and ammonia. Most
3 (three) boreholes. Until 5 meters soil still classified surface waters have an ORP value of from 100 – 200
as very soft clay, and the next depth varied from mV with cleaner oxygenated water getting up to 400
medium to stiff clay in 10 to 30 meters depth. mV. If the ORP value gets below about 200 mV then
this indicates reduced levels of dissolved oxygen.
ORP value of the waters studied are around 217-224
mV, it means that ORP value for the waters are
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