Ear - Structure and Function: By: Dr. Vijay Kumar
Ear - Structure and Function: By: Dr. Vijay Kumar
Ear - Structure and Function: By: Dr. Vijay Kumar
1) protection
2) Amplification
3) sound localization
I. Outer ear:
(1) Pinna (Binaural cue to sound source location)
t Right
t Left
Outer ear:
Acoustic energy, in the form of sound waves, passes pinna, ear canal. Sound waves hit the ear drum, causing it
to vibrate like a drum.
Middle ear:
It sets three ossicle bones (malleus, incus, stapes) into motion, changing acoustic energy to mechanical energy.
These middle ear bones mechanically amplify sound and compensate mismatched impedance.
Inner ear and Central auditory nervous system:
When the stapes moves in and out of the oval window of the cochlea, it creates a fluid motion, hydrodynamic
energy. It causes membranes in the Organ of Corti to shear against the hair cells.
This creates an electrochemical signal which is sent via the auditory nerve to the brain.