Course Code Course Title Course Planner Lectures Tutorials Practicals Credits
INT404 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 22733::Dr. Gokulnath K 3 1 0 4
Course Weightage ATT: 5 CA: 25 MTT: 20 ETT: 50
Exam Category: 55: Mid Term Exam: All Subjective – End Term Exam: All
TextBooks ( T )
Sr No Title Author Publisher Name
Reference Books ( R )
Sr No Title Author Publisher Name
Other Reading ( OR )
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
RW-7 Prolog Tutorial
Sr No (S/E/D) (only if relevant to the course) Salient Features
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
Week 1 Lecture 1 Introduction(History of AI) T-1 OR-2 Lecture 1 should be Students will learn Demonstration Driver-less car,
OR-3 utilized to discuss Foundations using Power Point AI robots.
AV-1 lecture zeros. Lecture 2 of artificial Presentation.
should be utilized to intelligence(AI),
discuss AI problems, History of AI, Basics
Underlying assumptions, of AI, AI Problems.
AI techniques.
Lecture 2 Introduction(What is T-1 OR-2 Lecture 1 should be Students will learn Demonstration Driver-less car,
intelligence?) OR-3 utilized to discuss Foundations using Power Point AI robots.
AV-1 lecture zeros. Lecture 2 of artificial Presentation.
should be utilized to intelligence(AI),
discuss AI problems, History of AI, Basics
Underlying assumptions, of AI, AI Problems.
AI techniques.
Introduction(Foundations of T-1 OR-2 Lecture 1 should be Students will learn Demonstration Driver-less car,
artificial intelligence(AI)) OR-3 utilized to discuss Foundations using Power Point AI robots.
AV-1 lecture zeros. Lecture 2 of artificial Presentation.
should be utilized to intelligence(AI),
discuss AI problems, History of AI, Basics
Underlying assumptions, of AI, AI Problems.
AI techniques.
Introduction(History of AI) T-1 OR-2 Lecture 1 should be Students will learn Demonstration Driver-less car,
OR-3 utilized to discuss Foundations using Power Point AI robots.
AV-1 lecture zeros. Lecture 2 of artificial Presentation.
should be utilized to intelligence(AI),
discuss AI problems, History of AI, Basics
Underlying assumptions, of AI, AI Problems.
AI techniques.
Lecture 3 Introduction(Basics of AI) T-1 OR-1 AI techniques, AI Students will learn Lecture delivery Tic-Tac-Toe
problems. different using Power Point game
Artificial Intelligence Presentation, development
Techniques, nature of Problem-based using move
AI problems. learning. table and
without move
Introduction(Artificial T-1 OR-1 AI techniques, AI Students will learn Lecture delivery Tic-Tac-Toe
Intelligence Problems) problems. different using Power Point game
Artificial Intelligence Presentation, development
Techniques, nature of Problem-based using move
AI problems. learning. table and
without move
Introduction(Artificial T-1 OR-1 AI techniques, AI Students will learn Lecture delivery Tic-Tac-Toe
Intelligence Techniques) problems. different using Power Point game
Artificial Intelligence Presentation, development
Techniques, nature of Problem-based using move
AI problems. learning. table and
without move
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
Week 2 Lecture 4 Problem Spaces and Search T-1 RW-9 State space search and Students will Lecture delivery Water-Jug
(Defining the problem as a production system. understand state using Power Point Problem.
state space search) space, Presentation.
state space search,
and production
Problem Spaces and Search T-1 RW-9 State space search and Students will Lecture delivery Water-Jug
(Production systems) production system. understand state using Power Point Problem.
space, Presentation.
state space search,
and production
Lecture 5 Problem Spaces and Search T-1 RW-9 Four Types of Students will learn Lecture delivery Characteristics
(Problem characteristics) production system and about using Power Point of Water-Jug
Eight problem different AI problems Presentation, problem, general
characteristics. problem-based
characteristics and learning problem solver.
production system
Problem Spaces and Search T-1 RW-9 Four Types of Students will learn Lecture delivery Characteristics
(Production system production system and about using Power Point of Water-Jug
characteristics) Eight problem different AI problems Presentation, problem, general
characteristics. problem-based
characteristics and learning problem solver.
production system
Lecture 6 Problem Spaces and Search T-1 RW-8 Discussion related to Students will Lecture delivery Apply BFS on
(Issues in designing search different issues in learn to apply BFS on using Power Point Water-Jug-
problems) designing search AI problems like Presentation, Problem.
program. water jug, tic-tac-toe, problem-based
8-puzzle. learning.
Problem Spaces and Search T-1 RW-8 Discussion related to Students will Lecture delivery Apply BFS on
(Breadth first search (BFS)) different issues in learn to apply BFS on using Power Point Water-Jug-
designing search AI problems like Presentation, Problem.
program. water jug, tic-tac-toe, problem-based
8-puzzle. learning.
Week 3 Lecture 7 Problem Spaces and Search T-1 RW-5 Depth First Search, Bi- Students will Lecture delivery Apply DFS on
(Depth first search(DFS)) directional search, learn to apply DFS using Power Point Water-Jug-
Iterative Deepning. on AI problems like Presentation, Problem.
water jug, tic-tac-toe, problem-based
8-puzzle. learning.
Problem Spaces and Search T-1 RW-5 Depth First Search, Bi- Students will Lecture delivery Apply DFS on
(Bi-directional Search) directional search, learn to apply DFS using Power Point Water-Jug-
Iterative Deepning. on AI problems like Presentation, Problem.
water jug, tic-tac-toe, problem-based
8-puzzle. learning.
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
Week 3 Lecture 7 Problem Spaces and Search T-1 RW-5 Depth First Search, Bi- Students will Lecture delivery Apply DFS on
(Iterative Deepening) directional search, learn to apply DFS using Power Point Water-Jug-
Iterative Deepning. on AI problems like Presentation, Problem.
water jug, tic-tac-toe, problem-based
8-puzzle. learning.
Lecture 8 Informed Search Strategies T-1 DK-1 Heuristic function and Students will Lecture delivery A random guess
(Heuristic functions) its application, generate learn the selection of using Power Point of distance in
and test search heuristic functions Presentation, human mind can
algorithm. Term paper and application of problem-based
should allocate to generate and test learning be considered as
students. algorithm.
Informed Search Strategies T-1 DK-1 Heuristic function and Students will Lecture delivery A random guess
(Generate and Test) its application, generate learn the selection of using Power Point of distance in
and test search heuristic functions Presentation, human mind can
algorithm. Term paper and application of problem-based
should allocate to generate and test learning be considered as
students. algorithm.
Lecture 9 Informed Search Strategies T-1 RW-5 Hill climbing algorithm Students will learn Demonstration Solve Water-Jug
(Hill Climbing) and its application. Hill Climbing using Power Point
searching algorithm Presentation, problem of 5-3
and its application on problem-based liter jugs using
problem like water- learning Hill Climbing.
jug, block-world.
Week 4 Lecture 10 Informed Search Strategies T-1 Simulated Annealing Students will Demonstration Explain with the
(Simulated Annealing) and its application, learn Simulated using Power Point
Class test 1 should be Annealing basics and Presentation, example of
allocated to students. its problem-based metal annealing
applications to solve learning. process.
water jug problems.
Lecture 11 Informed Search Strategies T-1 RW-5 Lecture 11 should Students will Demonstration
(Best first search) DK-1 utilized to discuss Best learn the basics of using Power Point
first search and its Best First Search, its Presentation,
application.Lecture 12 advantages over Hill problem-based
should utilized to climbing algorithm learning.
discuss A*, AND OR and A* algorithm.
graph and AO*
Informed Search Strategies T-1 RW-5 Lecture 11 should Students will learn Demonstration Random
(A* algorithm) DK-1 utilized to discuss Best Hill Climbing using Power Point
first search and its searching algorithm Presentation,
application.Lecture 12 and its application on problem-based
should utilized to problem like water- learning.
discuss A*, AND OR jug, block-world.
graph and AO*
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
Week 4 Lecture 11 Informed Search Strategies T-1 RW-5 Lecture 11 should Students will learn Demonstration Random
(Constraint satisfaction) DK-1 utilized to discuss Best Hill Climbing using Power Point
first search and its searching algorithm Presentation,
application.Lecture 12 and its application on problem-based
should utilized to problem like water- learning.
discuss A*, AND OR jug, block-world.
graph and AO*
Lecture 12 Informed Search Strategies T-1 RW-5 Lecture 11 should Students will Demonstration
(Best first search) DK-1 utilized to discuss Best learn the basics of using Power Point
first search and its Best First Search, its Presentation,
application.Lecture 12 advantages over Hill problem-based
should utilized to climbing algorithm learning.
discuss A*, AND OR and A* algorithm.
graph and AO*
Informed Search Strategies T-1 RW-5 Lecture 11 should Students will learn Demonstration Random
(A* algorithm) DK-1 utilized to discuss Best Hill Climbing using Power Point
first search and its searching algorithm Presentation,
application.Lecture 12 and its application on problem-based
should utilized to problem like water- learning.
discuss A*, AND OR jug, block-world.
graph and AO*
Informed Search Strategies T-1 RW-5 Lecture 11 should Students will learn Demonstration Random
(Constraint satisfaction) DK-1 utilized to discuss Best Hill Climbing using Power Point
first search and its searching algorithm Presentation,
application.Lecture 12 and its application on problem-based
should utilized to problem like water- learning.
discuss A*, AND OR jug, block-world.
graph and AO*
Week 5 Lecture 13 Test 1
Lecture 14 Knowledge Representation R-2 Knowledge To visualize the Power point
(Representations & Representation representation of
mappings) information as
Lecture 15 Knowledge Representation T-1 Knowledge Students will learn Demonstration
(Approaches in knowledge representation about different using Power Point
representation) techniques, various mapping approaches, Presentation,
approaches and issues in approaches in problem-based
knowledge knowledge learning.
representation. representation and
issues in knowledge
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
Week 5 Lecture 15 Knowledge Representation T-1 Knowledge Students will learn Demonstration
(Issues in knowledge representation about different using Power Point
representation) techniques, various mapping approaches, Presentation,
approaches and issues in approaches in problem-based
knowledge knowledge learning.
representation. representation and
issues in knowledge
Week 6 Lecture 16 Knowledge Representation T-1 Propositional logic and Students will Demonstration
(Propositional logic) its application. learn basics of using Power Point
conversion of English Propositional logic Presentation,
statement in and its application in problem-based
propositional logic. knowledge learning.
Lecture 17 Knowledge Representation T-1 RW-6 Predicate logic and its Students will learn Demonstration
(Predicate logic) application. conversion the basics of using Power Point
of predicate logic to Predicate logic and Presentation,
CNF. its application in problem-based
knowledge learning.
Lecture 18 Knowledge Representation T-1 RW-7 Logic programming in Students will Demonstration Solving family
(Procedural versus SW-1 PROLOG will be learn various types of using Power Point tree
declarative knowledge) discuss in this lecture. knowledge and Presentation, examples,compu
programming in problem-based ting factorial od
prolog. learning. a number in
Knowledge Representation T-1 RW-7 Logic programming in Students will Demonstration Solving family
(Logic programming) SW-1 PROLOG will be learn various types of using Power Point tree
discuss in this lecture. knowledge and Presentation, examples,compu
programming in problem-based ting factorial od
prolog. learning. a number in
Week 7 Lecture 19 Knowledge Representation T-1 RW-4 Forward and backward Students will Demonstration
(Forward versus backward reasoning, Resolution learn various using Power Point
reasoning) principle. methods of reasoning Presentation,
and their problem-based
comparisons. learning.
Week 7 Lecture 21 Spill Over
Week 8 Lecture 22 Statistical reasoning T-1 RW-1 Basic probability Students will learn Demonstration
(Probability & Bayes' concept, Bayes theorem. basic probability using Power Point
theorem) concepts and Bayes Presentation,
theorem application problem-based
in statistical learning.
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
Week 8 Lecture 23 Statistical reasoning T-1 RW-2 Solving examples of Students will learn Demonstration
(Bayesian networks) burglary alarm system Bayesian belief using Power Point
using Bayesian belief networks and its Presentation,
networks. application in problem-based
Statistical reasoning. learning.
Lecture 24 Statistical reasoning T-1 Measure of belief, Students will learn to Lecture delivery Random
(Dempster-Shafer-Theory) measure of disbelief, compute measure of using Power Point
Certainty factors and its belief, measure of Presentation,
application in Statistical disbelief and Problem-based
reasoning. Certainty factors of learning.
MYCIN rules.
Statistical reasoning T-1 Measure of belief, Students will learn to Lecture delivery Random
(Certainty factors & rule- measure of disbelief, compute measure of using Power Point
based systems) Certainty factors and its belief, measure of Presentation,
application in Statistical disbelief and Problem-based
reasoning. Certainty factors of learning.
MYCIN rules.
Week 9 Lecture 25 Test 2
Lecture 26 Weak slot and filler R-2 Introduction Slot and to have basic power point any database
structures(Semantic nets) Fillers mapping of slots and presentation
Lecture 27 Weak slot and filler T-1 Frames Explain frames with Power point Airport /
structures(Frames) various aspects presentation Railway ticket
Week 10 Lecture 28 Strong slot and filler T-1 Explain scripts and connect weak to Power point online
structures(Conceptual conceptual dependency strong slots presentation reservation
Strong slot and filler T-1 Explain scripts and connect weak to Power point online
structures(Scripts) conceptual dependency strong slots presentation reservation
Lecture 29 Natural Language T-1 Detailed description to to have clear Power point hand writing
Processing(Introduction to NLP distinguishing presentation recognition
NLP and information features between text,
retrieval) voice and others
Lecture 30 Natural Language T-1 Detailed description to to have clear Power point hand writing
Processing(Introduction to NLP distinguishing presentation recognition
NLP and information features between text,
retrieval) voice and others
Week 11 Lecture 31 Natural Language T-1 RW-3 Introduction about Students will learn Lecture delivery
Processing(NLP phases) Natural Language different stages of using Power Point
processing, information natural language Presentation,
retrieval and detailed processing with Problem-based
description of the NLP example of creation learning.
phases of parse tree for
given rules, grammar
and dictionary.
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
Week 11 Lecture 32 Natural Language T-1 Spell checking Students will learn Lecture delivery
Processing(Spell checking) algorithm for removing spell checking using Power Point
different types of error algorithm to remove Presentation,
in sentences. different types of Problem-based
errors in a sentence. learning.
Lecture 33 Natural Language T-1 Soundex algorithm to Students will learn to Lecture delivery
Processing(Soundex categorize the words. use soundex using Power Point
algorithm) algorithm to Presentation,
categorize the words Problem-based
on the basis of sound learning.
despite minor
differences in
Week 12 Lecture 34 Game playing(Minmax T-1 Min-Max problem to solve min-max power point analytical
Problem) problem presentation
Lecture 35 Natural Language T-1 NLP applications like Students will learn Demonstration
Processing(Applications of machine translation, about various real using Power Point
NLP) information retrieval, time applications of Presentation.
pattern matching, NLP.
paraphrase detection,
speech recognition etc.
Lecture 36 Test 3
Week 13 Lecture 37 Advanced topics in Artificial R-2 GA basic to learn GA as an Flow chart civilization
Intelligence(Overview of algorithm
Genetic Algorithms)
Lecture 38 Game playing(Alpha-beta T-1 Alpha-Beta Pruning Apply Min- Max and Tree structure Live examples
pruning) with example solve alpha-Beta
Lecture 39 Advanced topics in Artificial R-2 Basics of Machine to understand basics powerpoint online examples
Intelligence(Definition of Learning of leaning methods
Machine Learning)
Advanced topics in Artificial R-2 Basics of Machine to understand basics powerpoint online examples
Intelligence(Types of Learning of leaning methods
Machine Learning)
Week 14 Lecture 40 Advanced topics in Artificial R-1 Types of learning in to distinguish student data
Intelligence(Supervised detail learning with respect
Learning) to environment
Advanced topics in Artificial R-1 Types of learning in to distinguish student data
Intelligence(Unsupervised detail learning with respect
Learning) to environment
Advanced topics in Artificial R-1 Types of learning in to distinguish student data
Intelligence(Reinforcement detail learning with respect
Learning) to environment
Advanced topics in Artificial R-1 Types of learning in to distinguish student data
Intelligence(Overview of detail learning with respect
Neural Networks) to environment
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
Week 14 Lecture 40 Advanced topics in Artificial R-1 Types of learning in to distinguish student data
Intelligence(Overview of detail learning with respect
Fuzzy Logics) to environment
Week 14 Lecture 42 Spill Over
Week 15 Lecture 43 Spill Over
Lecture 44 Spill Over
Lecture 45 Spill Over
Academic Task Objective Detail of Academic Task Nature of Academic Academic Task Marks Allottment /
Task Mode submission
(group/individuals) Week
Test 1 Apply analytical CA1 Individual Offline 30 4/5
concepts for solving
logical problems
using different
optimized and
approaches. •
Analyze the role of
problem solving,
vision, and language
in understanding
human intel
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
Test 2 • Analyze the role CA2 Individual Offline 30 8/9
of problem solving,
vision, and language
in understanding
human intelligence
from a
perspective. Apply
analytical concepts
for solving logical
problems using diff
Test 3 understand the CA3 Individual Offline 30 11 / 12
concepts of machine
learning and other
List of suggested topics for term paper[at least 15] (Student to spend about 15 hrs on any one specified term paper)
Plan for Tutorial: (Please do not use these time slots for syllabus coverage)
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
Tutorial11 Problem based on certainity factor Problem Solving
Tutorial12 Problem based on Damster shafer theory Problem Solving
Tutorial13 Problem based on sementic net and frames Problem Solving
Tutorial14 Problem based on conceptual dependencies and scripts Problem Solving
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.