Trabajo de Verano Curso: 2º Bachillerato: Asignatura: INGLÉS Profesor: Alberto Barrigón Pastor y Ruth Sánchez Roldán
Trabajo de Verano Curso: 2º Bachillerato: Asignatura: INGLÉS Profesor: Alberto Barrigón Pastor y Ruth Sánchez Roldán
Trabajo de Verano Curso: 2º Bachillerato: Asignatura: INGLÉS Profesor: Alberto Barrigón Pastor y Ruth Sánchez Roldán
Asignatura: INGLÉS
Profesor: Alberto Barrigón Pastor
y Ruth Sánchez Roldán
Trabajo de verano 2º BACHILLERATO
Estimados alumnos: os recomendamos trabajar los contenidos del curso para
repasar. Para ello, podéis utilizar el libro de texto, en sus apéndices se explican los
puntos gramaticales. Además, os recomendamos unas páginas web con las que podéis
trabajar desde un ordenador:
Ejemplos de redacciones:
Adjuntamos también unas pruebas EBAU que se han trabajado a lo largo del
curso, para practicar. Las respuestas se encuentran en edmodo (formato powerpoint).
Los que no podáis acceder a edmodo, podéis entrar con el usuario: pruebaruth
contraseña: pruebaruth .
El Departamento de Inglés
11. Las ideas están secuenciadas en párrafos (no se presentan todas seguidas) .Se entienden las ideas
principales. No son contradictorias o demasiado vagas.
12. El contenido de los párrafos es adecuado al lugar que ocupan (introducción , cuerpo, conclusión).
13. Utiliza una variedad de conectores correctamente (no solo and, because , but)
14. Hay coherencia en el texto (utiliza marcadores deícticos: pronombres (it / they/ them),
demostrativos (this/these/that/those, etc.) Para hacer referencia a distintas partes del texto).
15. Hay oraciones de cierta complejidad unidas por pronombres de relativo (what, when, where,
whose, which, that, why).
Los intensificadores y mitigadores se usan para variar el grado o fuerza de un adjetivo, verbo o adverbio.
Michael can run very fast. (Michael puede correr muy rápido.)
The restaurant was remarkably empty for a Saturday. (El restaurante estaba notablemente vacío para un sábado.)
It’s incredibly kind of you to help. (Es increíblemente amable de su parte de ayudar.)
Nota: “Enough” se puede usar como intensificador, pero ten cuidado porque “enough” se encuentra detrás del adjetivo que
Dan is not old enough to vote. (Dan no tiene la edad suficiente para votar)
My sister isn’t tall enough to ride on the roller coaster. (Mi hermana no es suficientemente alta para subir a la
montaña rusa.)
2. Cuando queremos indicar que algo o alguien es excepcional, podemos usar los adjetivos fuertes.
enormous (enorme), terrible (terrible), tiny (diminuto), excellent (excelente), brilliant (brillante), perfect (perfecto),
marvelous (maravilloso)… Como estos adjetivos fuertes ya indican un extremo (“enorme” = “muy grande”), no usamos el
intensificador “very”. Como intensificador para adjetivos fuertes, se usa generalmente: “absolutamente”,
“excepcionalmente”, “particularmente”, “realmente” o “bastante”.
The dinner you made last night was really marvelous. (La cena que hiciste ayer noche era realmente maravillosa.)
much (mucho), a lot (mucho), a great deal (mucho), a good bit (bastante)…
Dave is much faster than me. (Dave es mucho más rápido que yo.)
My brother is a lot taller than my father. (Mi hermano es mucho más grande que mi padre.)
Paul is by far the most intelligent person I know. (Paul es sin duda la persona más inteligente que conozco.)
Her essay was easily the longest in the class. (Su ensayo era fácilmente el más largo de la clase.)
Utilizamos “so” con adjetivos o adverbios para mostrar sentimientos o efectos extremos. En estos casos, el adjetivo o
adverbio va directamente despues de “so” en la frase.
I have been working since 7 this morning. I’m so tired! (He estado trabajando desde a las 7 por la mañana. ¡Estoy tan
Why are you driving so fast? (¿Por qué estás conduciendo tan rápido?)
Kate is so beautiful. I can’t believe she’s single! (Kate es tan hermosa. íNo puedo creer que esté soltera!)
My daughter studied so hard for her exam. (Mi hija estudió tan duramente para su examen.)
Podemos utilizar los cuantificadores (ITEM 23 FROM THE RUBRIC) (“many”, “much”, “little”, etc.) con “so” para indicar
extremos en cantidad, pero hace falta recordar las reglas de usos de los cuantificadores y contables e incontables, singulares y
plurales (para más información, ver la lección de cuantificadores.) Estos son los únicos casos en los que “so” se usa con un
sustantivo. “So much” o “so many” pueden ser traducidos también como “tanto” o “tantos” en español.
With three kids and a full-time job, my sister has so little free time. (Con tres hijos y un trabajo de jornada completa,
mi hermana tiene tan poco tiempo libre.)
The children watch so much television. (Los niños miran tanta televisión.)
Podemos utilizar “so” con “that” para mostrar resultados o consecuencias. En general, el uso de “that” es opcional.
The music was so loud that I couldn’t hear my own voice. (La música era tan fuerte que no podía oír mi propia voz.)
He was driving so fast that he had an accident. (Estaba conduciendo tan rápido que tuvo un accidente.)
My son studied so hard that he received the best grade in the class. (Mi hijo estudió tan duramente que recibió la
mejor nota de la clase.)
Como con “so”, utilizamos “such” con adjetivos para mostrar extremos. A diferencia de “so”, “such” está seguido por un
adjetivo más un sustantivo. Las frases que utilizan “such” para dar énfasis se pueden traducir como “¡Que!” en español (ver el
tercer ejemplo).
I am so lucky. I have such wonderful friends! (Tengo tanta suerte. ¡Tengo amigos tan maravillosos!)
That is such a pretty dress! You should wear it more often. (¡Este vestido es tan bonito! Debería llevarlo más a
Nota: No se puede utilizar “such” con los cuantificadores como “much”, “many”, “few”, o “little”. Sólo con “so” se pueden
utilizar estos cuantificadores.
Como con “so”, podemos utilizar “such” con “that” para mostrar extremos que terminan en un resultado. En general, el uso
de “that” es opcional.
It was such a beautiful day that we decided to go to the beach. (Fue un día tan bonito que decidimos ir a la playa.)
Dave has such a small car that he doesn’t have to spend much money on gas. (Dave tiene un coche tan pequeño que
no tiene que gastar mucho dinero en gasolina.)
It was such a good meal that we made it again the next night. (Era una comida tan buena que la hicimos otra vez la
siguiente noche.)
I have never liked Andy. He is such a jerk! (Nunca me ha gustado Andy. ¡Es tan idiota!)
You are such a clown! Are you ever serious? (Eres un payaso. ¿Jamás estás serio?)
Cuando “such” está seguido directamente por un sustantivo, “such” significa “tal” o “un tipo de”.
I have never seen such architecture before. (Nunca he visto tal arquitectura antes.)
We very rarely listen to such music. (Muy raramente escuchamos tal música.)
1. Mientras los intensificadores refuerzan el sentido de un adjetivo, los mitigadores los debilitan.
The movie was fairly boring. (La película era bastante aburrida.)
The students were rather quiet in class. (Los estudiantes eran bastante tranquilos en clase.)
2. Con adjetivos comparativos se usan las siguientes palabras o frases como mitigadores:
a bit (un poco), rather (bastante), a little bit (un poco), slightly (un poco)…
Dave is a bit faster than me. (Dave es un poco más rápido que yo.)
My brother is slightly taller than my father. (Mi hermano es un poco más alto que mi padre.)
PHRASAL VERBS: Tenéis una lista en la página 148 del Student’s book. Os recomiendo que la leáis para que os suenen todos y
que os aprendáis alguno que sea muy útil para que podáis usar en las redacciones de cualquier tema. Si queréis practicarlos,
tenéis en el workbook ejercicios, pp. 63 y 69
IDIOMS: Workbook p.67. Os digo lo mismo. Aprended un par de ellos y si os cuadra en el tema, usadlo en la redacción.
Workbook p59 y 65
No seas vago y mirate la larga lista de palabras que sirven para conectar ideas, sobre todo las que equivalen a also, and, but y
because, que son muy básicas.
Aprende a usar although, despite/in spite of, due to/because of, Si los usas mal, es mejor que no los uses.
Nunca olvides el sujeto después de but y because, no puedes poner because is o but is para decir porque es o pero es.
Cuando hablamos de algo en general utilizamos el plural y no ponemos the. Por eso, si seguimos hablando del tema usaremos
they para referirnos a aquello de lo que empezamos a hablar.
The plane is Planes are the best means of transport. They are fast and safe.
Cuando utilizamos un sustantivo incontable, si después nos referimos a él, usaremos it.
Siempre que utilicemos it o they como sujeto, debemos tener en cuenta que se refieren a algo que se ha dicho inmediatamente
antes, es decir, en la frase anterior. Si queremos referirnos a toda una idea, utilizaremos this en lugar de it.
Global warming has caused a climate change. This has resulted in a destruction of rainforests.
Sí que vamos a usar the con cosas de las que solo hay uno:
the sun, the moon, the universe, the world, the earth, the stars, the sky, etc.
Y cuando hablamos específicamente de algo: the students at Eulogio, the computers in my office, etc.
Recordad que hay dos tipos: si definimos algo muy general no vamos a poner comas pero si no hace falta definirlo pondremos
comas para añadir información extra. Después de coma nunca se pone that, si nos referimos a una cosa sera siempre which.
Recordad también que además de which, who, where, when, whose existe la el pronombre whom cuando va después de una
preposición y se refiere a una persona y que también se puede usar why y what como relativos y llevan después un sujeto.
FORMAL: The person about whom I was talking is my cousin. (=The person (who) I was talking about was my cousin)
FORMAL: The topic about which I was talking about is science. (=The topic (which) I was talking about was science.
Todos los verbos deben referirse a un sujeto y concordar con él, excepto cuando estamos usando oraciones de relativo, porque
el mismo sujeto nos vale para ambas partes de la frase.
The man who is at the door is my dad. (no ponemos he antes de is, el sujeto es the man para los dos)
Además el sujeto de una oración siempre va en posición 1 aunque en español sea al revés-
Sin embargo, hay expresiones como "Es imposible hacer este proyecto en 24 horas" en las que comenzamos con It is y luego un
adjetivo y un infinitivo: It is impossible (for me) to do this project in 24 hours . Esto mismo se puede decir invirtiendo el orden
pero utilizando el gerundio del verbo como sujeto: Doing this project in 24 hours is impossible.
Para esto usad el apéndice de gramática de vuestro libro o esos apuntes que os colgué sobre los tiempos verbales.
Muy importante no poner formas conjugadas después de los modales: can, could, must, may, might, will, would, estos siempre
van seguidos de forma base: eat, drive, come… sin ing o ed o s, y cuando son modales perfectos siempre van seguidos de have,
nunca has y después el participio.
Importante el pasado negativo de have es didn’t have nunca hadn’t, hadn’t solo se usa en el pasado perfecto y significa no había
o no hubo. Va seguido de un verbo en participio.
Si no tuviera amigos me cambiaría de colegio: If I didn’t have any friends, I would change school.
Debéis recordar que hay dos tipos de adjetivos: cortos y largos. Para formar el comparativo y el superlativo de los cortos se
añade X-er than (Nunca that) o the X-est al adjetivo y si es largo se añade more X than o the most X.
Con los superlativos es frecuente encontrar expresiones como : in the world (del mundo), of all (de todos/as), that I've ever
(participle) (que jamás he...) She is the most beautiful girl that I've ever seen /in the world/of all.
Cuidado con la ortografía: happier than/ sadder than / the happiest / the saddest
Hay sustantivos que tienen plurales irregulares: man-men, woman-women, child-children (childrens no existe), person-people,
mouse-mice (mouses no existe), en otros el plural y el singular es la misma forma fish-fish (fishes no existe) sheep-sheep y otros
que varían en su ortografía como life-lives (lifes no existe), knife-knives, wolf-wolves, shelf-shelves- scarf-scarves, loaf-loaves.
Si el sustantivo es contable, lo ponemos en plural y expresamos muchos/muchas con: many / a lot of / plenty of / lots of
Expresamos algunos/as ningunos/as con some / any y pocos con few (si el hecho de ser pocos es malo) o a few (si nos
conformamos con que sean pocos)
I have got some friends. / Few people like me. I haven't got many friends/ I have got a few friends here and we go out every
Si el sustantivo es incontable siempre es singular y expresamos mucho/a con: a lot of / plenty of / lots of
Having a lot of money / Drinking plenty of water / Eating lots of sugar is...
Expresamos algo de / nada de con some / any y poco con little (si el hecho de ser poco es malo) o a little (si nos conformamos
con que sea pocos)
I don't have much money but I have a little. / If you have little savings(ahorros) you won't be able to retire.
I haven't got much money / I don't drink much water / I don't eat much sugar, only a little.
Podemos usar A LOT (afirmativa) y MUCH ( negativa) para referirnos a verbos sin poner sustantivo después.
Es importante poner la COMA después de conectores como Moreover, Besides, In addition, Furthermore, However,
Nevertheless, In fact, etc. Todos estos empiezan frase, así que van después de PUNTO. (Aprende a usar although que no lleva
coma después.)
No hagáis frases demasiado largas. Si ves que usas mucho BUT, AND O SO corta con un punto y empieza otra frase nueva con
Si haces una lista de cosas, sepáralas con comas y antes de la última cosa pon un and. Evita los puntos suspensivos, si no tienes
más remedio porque has nombrado muchas cosas y podrías continuar eternamente, es mejor que uses una coma y etc.
1 Match the sentences in A to their continuations in B. Pay attention to the words and expressions in bold.
1. Kevin is insulted because you didn’t come to his party.
2. Anna has decided to look for another job.
3. Sit up straight and smile during the interview.
4. This is a great holiday deal to New York.
5. The morning bus never comes on time.
6. A thief broke into my neighbour’s house last night.
7. The teacher doesn’t want to change the test date to Monday.
a. I hope nothing valuable was stolen.
b. It includes the flight, hotel and meals.
c. You should apologise to him.
d. Her boss wants to talk her out of leaving.
e. Maybe the students will convince her to change her mind.
f. Your body language can also give a good impression.
g. We are going to complain to the company about this issue.
2 Choose the correct answer.
1. Don’t join / blame me for forgetting to buy the film tickets.
2. Did you see the collection / notice about the next English test?
3. Sandra is a sensitive / sensible girl who easily gets upset.
4. The fans cheered when their team won the championship / leadership.
5. Ian didn’t provide / react well to the bad news.
6. Children often can’t pronounce / advertise long words correctly.
7. Karen was hurt by her boyfriend’s happiness / indifference to her problem.
8. You must correct the pollution / punctuation in your writing exercise.
3 Choose the correct answer.
1. If you talk back / over to your teacher, you will be punished.
2. Amanda complained that her older sister always talks out of / down to her.
3. We talked Dad down to / into taking us to the beach on Saturday.
4. She couldn’t talk her husband back / out of going to work although he was ill.
5. The boss wants to talk over / down to the new office rules with his workers.
4 Replace the words and phrases in bold with the words below.
graduate • disease • fascinating • quarrel • massive • doubtful
1. I don’t want to have an argument with you about using the car. ……………………
2. A huge number of people came to the summer music festival. ……………………
3. I’m unsure that everyone will come to my party. ……………………
4. My brother is going to complete his university studies next spring. ……………………
5. The doctors will use the new medicine to treat this serious illness. ……………………
6. My grandfather told me interesting stories about his life. ……………………
5 Complete the sentences with the words and phrases below.
fluent • countless • get the message across • truthful • worthwhile • blame • mysterious
1. There are ……………………………… sites with information for tourists on the Internet.
2. Daniel is ……………………………… in French because he lived in France for ten years.
3. The speaker used graphs and photos to ……………………………… .
4. We don’t ……………………………… them for the damage. It was just an accident.
5. Last night, we called the police about a ……………………………… person near our house.
6. There’s nothing ……………………………… in this newspaper report. All the information
is inaccurate.
7. I think it’s ……………………………… reading this new bestseller. You’ll enjoy it.
1 Choose the correct answer.
1. We … cleaning the house by the time my parents came home.
a. had finished b. have finished
2. Carl hopes he … his car by next week.
a. have sold b. will have sold
3. Matthew … just … to play the piano. Do you want to hear?
a. has … learned b. had … learned
4. … your cousins recently?
a. Had you seen b. Have you seen
5. The teacher went to the office because she … the test papers there.
a. has left b. had left
6. Most people … their first car by the age of 30.
a. will have bought b. had bought
7. The annual dance competition … always … place in May.
a. has … taken b. will have … taken
8. I couldn’t leave until I … the dog for a walk.
a. had taken b. have taken
9. How long … the flat before he decided to move?
a. had Paul rented b. has Paul rented
10. Let’s meet tomorrow. By that time, I … an answer for you.
a. have had b. will have had
2 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Perfect Simple, Past Perfect Simple
or Future Perfect Simple.
1. The painter …………………… (finish) painting the house by the time you come home.
2. …………………… the children …………………… (have) dinner before their television programme began?
3. The term tests begin next week. However, the students …………………… (not read) the story
by then.
4. I’m surprised that my best friend …………………… (not call) me all week. Maybe she’ll call tomorrow.
5. After Bill …………………… (graduate) from university, he got a job in a big company.
6. By the time the summer starts, Alice …………………… (lose) ten kilos.
3 Choose the correct answer.
1. It’s ten o’clock. We have been waiting / had been waiting for the bus for 20 minutes.
2. Had the alarm been making / Has the alarm been making noise since you opened the door?
3. William finally found the key after he has been looking / had been looking for it all morning.
4. Cathy often falls asleep during the day because the baby has been keeping / had been keeping
her up all night.
5. The ground was wet because it had been raining / has been raining the whole night.
6. By the time Mike and Lisa sent me an e-mail message, they have been travelling /
had been travelling for a month.
4 Choose the correct answer.
I will have dreamed / have dreamed of going abroad to work for a year. Many of my friends
have done / have been doing this in the past year. However, I don’t want to go until I
have learned / had learned the language of the country.
That’s the reason that I 4. have been studying / will have studied Italian since January. Last week, after I 5. had
passed / had been passing the highest level, my teacher told me that my Italian was excellent.
I 6. had applied / have been applying for jobs in Rome and, I hope that by the end of the summer,
I 7. will have moved / have moved to Italy.
5 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use a suitable perfect tense.
1. They …………………… never …………………… (travel) to another country. This will be their first trip abroad.
2. The dog …………………… (bark) for over an hour until its owner went to see what was wrong.
3. We …………………… (drink) all the water in the bottle before the hike was completed.
4. Molly didn’t learn to cook until she …………………… (get) her own flat.
5. My brother …………………… (not feel) well for a couple of days. He is going to see the doctor soon.
6. By the time Shelley arrived at the café, Brian …………………… (order) some coffee.
1 Choose the correct answer to show that you have understood the meaning of the words in bold.
1. The computer course was very effective.
a. It was a waste of time.
b. We learned a lot.
2. Can you keep a secret?
a. I don’t want anyone to know.
b. Tell as many people as you can.
3. The spectators … .
a. paid a lot of money for the tickets
b. are playing for the championship
4. Can you lend me your phone?
a. I’ll pay you for it.
b. I’ll return it soon.
2 Choose the correct answer.
1. That man looks suspicious. Keep track of / Keep your eyes on him.
2. The police work hard to prevent / improve crime in our neighbourhood.
3. It’s unfair / misleading to ask Jim to pay because he doesn’t have a job.
4. The latest budget / trend is creating your own blog on the Internet.
5. The sponsors / contestants were divided into teams.
3 Replace the words and phrases in bold with the words and phrases below.
purchase • tolerate • get by • huge • judge • keep in mind
1. I know enough French to manage in Paris. ……………………
2. Don’t give an opinion about Sharon’s behaviour until you get to know her. ……………………
3. Most people are very excited when they buy their first car. ……………………
4. My parents can’t deal with the loud rock music that I like to listen to. ……………………
5. Don’t forget that we must leave in an hour. ……………………
6. She lives in a very big house. ……………………
4 Choose the correct answer.
1. A: Have you met Tom’s new girlfriend yet?
B: Yes, she and Tom paid me a visit / paid attention last Sunday evening. She was wearing an
expensive designer dress. She has a very childish / glamorous taste in clothes, doesn’t she?
A: I don’t like her taste in clothing at all. I think it’s really brilliant / over the top.
B: Well, Tom likes her and that’s what’s important.
2. A: We’re spending too much money. We have to cut back on / increase going out to restaurants.
B: Too bad. I just saw an advert / a network for a new Italian restaurant that I wanted to go to
this Friday.
A: Well, if we want to save money, we will have to start reducing our products / expenses.
5 Complete the sentences with the words and phrases below.
eye-catching • decrease • keep track of • major • owe • income
1. Peter is on a diet. He wants to …………………… the number of calories he eats.
2. Did you notice her ring? It’s …………………… .
3. Her …………………… has stayed the same for years so she’s going to ask her boss
for more money.
4. It’s hard to …………………… all the changes in our schedule.
5. I’m familiar with all the …………………… computer companies.
6. I think you …………………… me an apology for insulting me.
1 Choose the correct answer.
1. “I will return your camera,” Ellen said.
Ellen said that she returned / would return my camera.
2. “When is the train going to arrive?” the passenger wanted to know.
The passenger wanted to know when the train was going / was the train going to arrive.
3. “Don’t come in the house with your muddy shoes,” Mother said to us.
Mother told us not to / to not come in the house with our muddy shoes.
4. “My computer hasn’t been working all week,” the secretary complained.
The secretary complained that her computer hadn’t been working / wasn’t working all week.
5. “Let’s have a party,” my friends suggested.
My friends suggested to have / having a party.
6. “Does the coach want the team to train on Mondays?” the captain asked.
The captain asked if the coach had wanted / wanted the team to train on Mondays.
2 Complete the sentences in reported speech.
1. “I have never visited France,” Anna complained.
Anna complained that .................................................................................................................................. .
2. “Where will you look for work?” Peter asked.
Peter asked me ............................................................................................................................................. .
3. “Let’s study this chapter again,” my friend suggested.
My friend suggested that ............................................................................................................................. .
4. “Take the rubbish out,” Jerry told me.
Jerry told me ................................................................................................................................................ .
5. “The baby didn’t sleep well,” the babysitter reported.
The babysitter reported that ....................................................................................................................... .
6. “Are you going to the beach?”
They wanted to know if ............................................................................................................................... .
3 Complete the sentences with the correct verb and reported speech. Make any necessary changes.
1. “I will take you to the shops.”
Father promised / complained that ............................................................................................................ .
2. “Don’t eat the cake!”
Paula warned me / explained to me ........................................................................................................... .
3. “We robbed the bank.”
The suspects admitted / asked .................................................................................................................... .
4. “My new computer always breaks down.”
Bob complained / informed ........................................................................................................................ .
5. “Why are the guests leaving early?”
Linda wondered / reported ......................................................................................................................... .
4 Choose the correct answer.
A. I met an old friend that I had not seen for a long time yesterday. I asked her where she
was / had been all that time. She told me that she 2. has been living / had been living in
California but she 3. was planning / had been planning to move back to New York. She
promised 4. to call / calling me soon. I suggested 5. staying / to stay in touch through Facebook.
She said that she 6. hadn’t had / didn’t have a page on Facebook, but she 7. opened / would open one
B. My son spends hours on the computer. Last night, I asked him what he 8. did / had done all that time. He said
that he 9. liked / would like to play games and tweet with his friends. I wanted to
know what games he 10. did he play / played. He offered to 11. showing / show me his favourite game. I’m
bored by computer games, so I told him that we 12. were doing / would do that another time. He complained
that I always 13. had given / gave him the same answer!
5 Write the sentences in reported speech.
1. “How do you get such good marks?” Max wondered.
2. “Let’s order pizza,” the children suggested.
3. “The race is beginning,” the teacher shouted.
4. “John, did you remember to call Brad?” I asked.
1 Choose the correct answer.
1. The coach worshipped / encouraged the players to try harder.
2. Barry got an award / a costume for being the best player in the team.
3. We got front row seats / in the spotlight for the football final.
4. I won’t buy these shoes because the price is unique / outrageous.
5. Will you keep at / be around to help me prepare dinner?
6. Tom sang so badly that the audience began to boo / cheer.
7. Molly loves to live up to / show off her expensive clothes.
2 Choose the correct answer.
1. I will … this moment for years to come.
a. remember b. forget
2. Wealthy people have got a lot of … .
a. friends b. money
3. We … during the interval.
a. watched the film b. made a phone call
4. The … gave me his autograph.
a. maths teacher b. famous actor
5. Stop making that disturbing … .
a. noise b. breakfast
3 Replace the words and phrases in bold with the words and phrases below.
enthusiastic • packed • call off • venue • rehearse • weird
1. Jean might cancel the meeting. ……………………
2. We have to practise our lines for the school play. ……………………
3. The children are very excited about going to the beach. ……………………
4. This juice is a strange colour. Don’t drink it. ……………………
5. The shopping centre was very crowded because of the yearly sales. ……………………
6. We want a small, quiet place for the wedding. ……………………
4 Complete the sentences with the correct expression. Make any necessary changes.
go wild • appeal to • break up • take off • make it • come down on • book a ticket
1. Black clothes don’t …………………… me. I prefer colourful clothes.
2. If you want to fly to Berlin during the summer, you must …………………… now.
3. My parents …………………… me for not helping my brother with his homework yesterday.
4. If Jenny trains hard, she …………………… to the swimming finals.
5. It was so hot in the room that Adam …………………… his jacket.
6. After the Beatles …………………… , John Lennon began a solo career.
7. The audience …………………… when the musicians came on stage.
5 Match A to B to form sentences. Pay attention to the words in bold.
1. The scientist was unknown
2. The actress made her comeback
3. The lighting in this room is so bad
4. We will stay overnight
5. Mike put on his best suit
6. The atmosphere in the room was tense
a. in a cheap hotel.
b. that I can’t read my book.
c. in a popular television show.
d. when he went for the interview.
e. when the teacher gave back the tests.
f. until he found a cure for this disease.
1 Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets.
1. The electricity bill ……………………………… (must pay) next week.
2. Yesterday’s assignment ……………………………… (not prepare).
3. Your question ……………………………… already ……………………………… (answer)
by the secretary.
4. The time of the meeting ……………………………… (set) before you called me.
5. How many people ……………………………… (invite) so far?
6. The winners of the competition ……………………………… (chose) last Monday.
2 Complete the sentences with the correct active or passive form of the verbs in brackets.
1. People stood and watched while the building …………………… (destroy).
2. I love this guitar. My father …………………… (give) it to me for my last birthday.
3. That man was driving carelessly. He …………………… (should blame) for the accident.
4. Can we play, or …………………… someone …………………… (use) the tennis court?
5. My car isn’t working. …………………… it …………………… (repair) soon?
6. You don’t need an X-ray. We’re sure your leg …………………… (not break).
7. Ingrid hasn’t come out of the room yet. …………………… she still …………………… (examine)?
8. This is a great phone. You …………………… (can / download) lots of apps on it.
3 Rewrite the sentences in the passive. Omit the agent when possible.
1. He has just written his latest bestseller.
2. You must use a seat belt when you drive.
3. They hadn’t repaired the car so they came by bus.
4. Why does rock music bother the neighbours?
4 Complete the mini-dialogues with the verbs in brackets. Use the causative form.
1. A: Why can’t we meet tomorrow morning?
B: I …………………… my nails …………………… (do) at the beauty salon.
2. A: What did Jane do with her dog when she was away?
B: She …………………… her dog …………………… (walk) in the mornings.
3. A: Why is Britney talking to the checkout girl?
B: She wants to …………………… the shopping …………………… (deliver) to her home.
4. A: There’s a virus on our computer.
B: We …………………… it …………………… (must repair) immediately.
5. A: What did you do with that letter in Italian?
B: I …………………… it …………………… (translate) by my friend Max, who knows the language.
5 Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the active or passive form.
Linda 1. ……………………………… (need) to do a lot of things before her family
……………………………… (go) on holiday. The tickets 3. ……………………………… (buy)
a week ago, but they 4. ……………………………… (pick up) by her husband tomorrow. The
clothes 5. ……………………………… (must choose) so the suitcases 6. ……………………………… (can pack). Linda 7.
……………………………… (have) a list, but she 8. ……………………………… (add) new tasks since it 9. ………………………………
(write) last week. Every year, Linda
……………………………… (ask) herself why she always 11. ……………………………… (work) so hard before a holiday. She
……………………………… (dream) of having a relaxing time at the beach while the children 13. ………………………………
(watch) by her husband. At least that’s what she 14. …………………… (promise) by her husband every year!
1 Match A to B to form sentences. Pay attention to the words in bold.
1. The child misbehaved at dinner,
2. The court decided that
3. The intercity bus is often faster
4. It’s unbelievable that
5. Paul has a very positive approach
6. Many people had to rebuild
7. The roof leaked badly
a. to life.
b. than the train.
c. the thief was guilty.
d. he survived the tsunami.
e. so he was sent to his room.
f. and we had a flood in the kitchen.
g. their homes after the hurricane.
2 Choose the correct answer.
1. The teacher reduced / threatened to tell my parents about my bad behaviour.
2. We don’t go to that restaurant because it’s always overcrowded / overpopulated.
3. The national park near our city has interesting wildlife / urbanisation.
4. Martin looked for a new job because he was underweight / underpaid.
5. Do you destroy /disapprove of my appearance?
3 Choose the correct answer to show that you have understood the meaning of the words in italics.
1. The research paper is incomplete. We have to start / finish it.
2. Father wants to cut down the big tree / pavement in front of the house.
3. Inactive people often get thin / fat.
4. My gym banned the use of mobile phones because they help / distract people.
5. The driver was charged with parking / speeding.
6. The factory polluted the river / mountains with poisonous materials.
4 Replace the words and phrases in bold with the words below.
dishonest • treasures • shocked • litter • damaged • impolite
1. My parents were unpleasantly surprised by my decision to leave university. ……………………
2. Most of the furniture was badly harmed in the fire. ……………………
3. I never trust Anna because she’s not truthful. ……………………
4. Eating with your fingers instead of using a fork is rude. ……………………
5. The museum has many valuable objects that are rarely shown to the public. ……………………
6. There is almost no rubbish in our city centre because of the strict laws. ……………………
5 Choose the correct answer.
Our neighbours are environmental 1. auctions / activists who have a “green” lifestyle. Their house uses only 2.
solar power / global warming. There is no 3. waste / wilderness in their home. They 4. regret / reuse glass
bottles and paper. They supplied / replaced their old light bulbs with eco-friendly ones. Last year, there was a 5.
water shortage / deforestation because there wasn’t enough rain. My neighbours asked everyone to 6. exploit /
avoid using extra water in their gardens. Since then, I have always felt 7. guilty / illegal when I water my plants.
6 Complete the sentences with the words below.
fuel • international • dump • misunderstood • face • trial • source
1. The children always …………………… their muddy boots on the rug.
2. Sheila …………………… your message and arrived late for the meeting.
3. Daniel forgot to order the …………………… , so we couldn’t heat the house.
4. Reporters always keep the …………………… of their information secret.
5. I work for a well-known …………………… company that has offices all over the world.
6. Professional athletes …………………… many challenges during their careers.
7. The lawyer called four witnesses during the …………………… .
1 Choose the correct answer.
1. Jack will consider selling his car if you offer / offered / will offer him a good price.
2. If it hadn’t rained, we would have gone / had gone / went jogging in the park.
3. If you see John, will tell / told / tell him to call me.
4. I won’t bother / wouldn’t bother / didn’t bother her if I were you.
5. Mother will agree to give us the car as long as we paid / will pay / pay for the petrol.
6. If you found €100 in the street, what did you do / would you do / will you do?
2 Match A to B to form sentences.
1. As soon as the meal is ready,
2. If she had more time,
3. If the shop assistant hadn’t shown me this shirt,
4. The bus driver will stop at the corner
5. He wouldn’t have fallen asleep at school
6. My brother wishes
7. Ethan would learn how to drive a car
a. if we ask her to.
b. we will eat.
c. if he hadn’t stayed up late.
d. I wouldn’t have bought it.
e. she would finish the painting.
f. if he had enough money for lessons.
g. his favourite team hadn’t lost the game.
3 Choose the correct continuation.
1. We would have left our umbrellas at home … .
a. if we hear the weather forecast
b. if we had heard the weather forecast
2. We must leave now … .
a. unless there’s a later bus
b. unless there was a later bus
3. The house won’t be so warm … .
a. if you turn on the air conditioning
b. if you had turned on the air conditioning
4. The office worker would file the papers … .
a. if he has the time
b. if he had the time
4 Write sentences with the words below according to the form in brackets.
1. they / see / their friends / if they / visit / London (third conditional)
1 Choose the correct answer to show you have understood the meaning of the words in italics.
1. Alicia wants a part-time job. She wants to work ordinary hours / just mornings.
2. Jonathan worked his way to the top after starting as the boss / an assistant.
3. I decided to switch health clubs because I was pleased / disappointed with the new management.
4. My friend is always punctual. She’s never late / on time.
5. The shop owner fired some of his workers because they stole / made money.
6. He’s very reliable. You should / don’t have to worry.
2 Choose the correct answer.
1. If you want to change careers, you should … .
a. get some training b. run a business
2. We cleaned the room and threw away a lot of … .
a. staff b. stuff
3. Anyone working in sales must have … .
a. odd jobs b. people skills
4. Marian left the company and now works alone from home. She enjoys being … .
a. self-employed b. a team player
5. If you want to … , then you will have to study.
a. be skilled b. have common sense
6. The man … me and stole my purse.
a. raised b. attacked
2. Bus number 27 is always crowded. It travels all over the city. (which)
3. The film is about a doctor. He saves many children’s lives in India. (who)
4. The high-tech company is looking for engineers. Their references are good. (whose)
5. The best-selling author is signing books at the shop today. She is very well known. (who)
6. She tries to forget the day. She was fired that day. (when)
3 Complete the passage with suitable relative pronouns. There may be more than one possible answer.
Jack: Where are my jeans?
Andy: You mean the jeans 1. …………………… you wore last night?
Jack: Yes, the ones 2. …………………… pockets have zips. Here’s the chair 3. ……………………
I always put them, but they’re missing.
Andy: I think those are the jeans 4. …………………… Mum is washing now.
Jack: Oh, no! There’s a note 5. …………………… I left in the pocket. It has the phone number of
a girl 6. …………………… is selling her racing bike. It’s a bike 7. ……………………
ordinary price is double what she’s asking. It’s just the bike 8. ……………………
I’ve wanted to buy for a long time.
Andy: Maybe Mum hasn’t started the washing machine. Hurry up and check!
4 Rewrite the sentences using the formal structure.
1. I got a letter about the position which I applied for.
2. The old man who she is talking to is a millionaire.
3. The Internet company which they ordered the computer from went out of business.
4. The speaker who we are listening to knows how to interest an audience.
5 Complete the sentences.
1.July and August are months when ..............................................................................................................
...................................................................................................................................................................... .
2 .Jennifer fell in love with a boy who ...........................................................................................................
...................................................................................................................................................................... .
3. Coffee is a drink which ...............................................................................................................................
...................................................................................................................................................................... .
4.The story is about a family whose ...............................................................................................................
...................................................................................................................................................................... .
5.I usually choose to study in a place where .................................................................................................
1 Choose the correct answer.
1. Could you … this … for me on your way to work?
a. drop … off b. break … down
2. I don’t like walking down this … at night.
a. lane b. roundabout
3. Bob received a … for driving without a seat belt.
a. poll b. fine
4. The city lowered the … on this road to increase road safety.
a. traffic jam b. speed limit
5. If you need to buy some petrol, … the next petrol station.
a. pick up b. pull into
6. It’s difficult for smokers to … after so many years.
a. break this habit b. speed up
7. The head teacher … the school rules by giving out punishments.
a. enforces b. runs over
2 Choose the correct answer to show that you have understood the meaning of the words in bold.
1. Mary slowed down when she saw the children at the corner.
a. She stopped driving.
b. She didn’t drive as fast as before.
2. Professor Higgins went on a worldwide lecture tour.
a. He lectured about many countries.
b. He travelled to many countries.
3. The performance was delayed because the singer hadn’t arrived.
a. The performance started late.
b. The performance started on time.
4. Please use the exit on the left side of the room.
a. Enter the room through the left door.
b. Leave through the left door.
5. Cautious drivers are rarely involved in accidents.
a. They drive carefully.
b. They drive dangerously.
3 Complete the sentences with the words and phrases below.
fatal • boot • stuck • campaign • zebra crossing • jaywalk • head-on collision
1. It’s difficult to cross this busy street because there’s no …………………… .
2. There’s no room in the …………………… for all the packages.
3. Tom is …………………… in a business meeting and will be late for dinner.
4. Katie was lucky to survive the …………………… with only a broken arm.
5. You risk your life when you …………………… .
6. The shop hired top models for its new advertising …………………… .
7. Medical research is always looking for a way to cure …………………… diseases.
4 Replace the words and phrases in bold with the words and phrases below.
resist the urge • prove • distracted • overtake • unaware
1. Steve almost hit another car because he was unable to concentrate because of the news.
2. The facts show without a doubt that he is innocent. ……………………
3. She seemed not to know that her joke had insulted some people at the party. ……………………
4. Can you overcome the temptation to eat another piece of cake? ……………………
5. Pamela tried to pass the car in front of her. ……………………
5 Choose the correct answer.
1. A: Why are you leaving now?
B: I want to avoid the 1. dead end / rush hour. If I leave later, the roads will be packed with
motorists / pedestrians driving home from work.
2. A: I have to turn right at the next 3. junction / pavement to get to Carol’s house.
B: Actually, you can’t. That’s a 4. right of way / one-way street.
3. A: My son just got his driving licence. I don’t know if he’s 5. reckless / mature enough to handle driving on
his own.
B: I understand why you’re worried. Young drivers don’t realise how 6. inexperienced / tough they are on
the roads.
1 Complete the sentences with the modals below.
couldn’t • shouldn’t • may • can • must • mustn’t
1. You …………………… drive over the speed limit.
2. …………………… I please use the car today?
3. We’re stuck in traffic so we …………………… be late.
4. There’s very little petrol in the car, so you …………………… fill up on the way home.
5. We …………………… hear the announcement because there was so much noise.
6. You …………………… worry. He’s a careful driver.
2 Complete the dialogues with the correct form of the verbs in brackets and the modal perfects below.
needn’t have • could have • should have • must have
1. A: Did Matt bring his laptop to work today?
B: I didn’t see it on his desk. He …………………… (leave) it at home.
2. A: I brought you some flowers for your birthday.
B: Thank you! You …………………… (make) such an effort.
3. A: Bob called and said he had missed the train.
B: He …………………… (get) to the station earlier.
4. A: Amy knows French so well. Why didn’t you study for the test with her?
B: I …………………… (ask) her for help, but I don’t like her!
3 Choose the sentence that is closer in meaning to the original sentence.
1. She should have gone to sleep early.
a. She went to sleep late.
b. It was a mistake to go to sleep so early.
2. They might cancel their trip to Paris.
a. They aren’t sure if they are going to Paris.
b. They’ve already decided not to go to Paris.
3. You needn’t have paid for dinner.
a. You don’t need to pay for dinner.
b. It wasn’t necessary to pay for dinner.
4. It must have rained.
a. We thought it would rain, but it didn’t.
b. The ground is wet because of the rain.
5. Bill couldn’t have known about the accident.
a. Bill was in an accident.
b. It isn’t possible that Bill knew about the accident.
4 Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets.
1. There’s a possibility that my cousin is going to visit me next Sunday. (might)
3. John has the ability to be an excellent football player, but he doesn’t like the game. (could have)
5. Everyone expected the president to arrive on time, but he was late. (should have)
5 Complete the passage with a suitable modal or modal perfect and the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
For ten days last August, a queue of cars 95 kilometres long stood still on a motorway outside Beijing in what 1.
……………………………… (must / be) the worst traffic jam in history. “I’ve been waiting here for days,” said one lorry
driver. “How 2. ……………………………… I ……………………………… (can / make) a living this way?” This 3.
……………………………… (may / be) an extreme example, but it’s not that unusual. People in Beijing 4.
……………………………… (have to / deal) with the worst traffic jams on the planet. Drivers complain that the
government 5. ……………………………… (should / build) more roads a long time ago. The government, however, 6.
……………………………… (not able to / keep up) with the growing number of vehicles bought every year by newly
wealthy citizens. Without China’s recent economic boom, people 7. ……………………………… (might / stay) on their
bicycles and Beijing 8. ……………………………… (could / be) free of congestion. So traffic jams, though annoying, are
a sign that the Chinese are getting richer.
More Practice 1 More Practice 2
Vocabulary Vocabulary
1 1. c 3. f 5. g 7. e 1 1. b 2. a 3. a 4. b
2. d 4. b 6. a 2 1. Keep your eyes on 4. trend
2 1. blame 5. react 2. prevent 5. contestants
2. notice 6. pronounce 3. unfair
3. sensitive 7. indifference
4. championship 8. punctuation 3 1. get by 4. tolerate
2. judge 5. Keep in mind
3 1. back 4. out of 3. purchase 6. huge
2. down to 5. over
3. into 4 1. paid me a visit, glamorous, over the top
2. cut back on, an advert, expenses
4 1. quarrel 4. graduate
2. massive 5. disease 5 1. decrease 4. keep track of
3. doubtful 6. fascinating 2. eye-catching 5. major
3. income 6. owe
5 1. countless 4. blame
2. fluent 5. mysterious Grammar
3. get the message 6. truthful
across 7. worthwhile 1 1. would return 4. hadn’t been working
2. the train was going 5. having
Grammar 3. not to 6. wanted
A. Answer the following question using your own words (10 to 20 words)
(2 points).
What is an attention seeker? (line13)
B. Are the following statements true or false? Indicate the line(s) in the text
supporting your choice. (1.5 points as a whole: 0.5 points each).
B1. Zhang Yivi's intention is to let people see Shakespeare alive so that they can
express their sadness for his death.
B2. It is not the first time that Zhang has stirred up public opinion.
B3. Zhang can't afford the plastic surgery he is going to undergo.
EXTRANJERA. _______________________
INGLÉS CURSO:_____________
C. Choose a, b or c in the question below. Only one choice is correct (0.5 points).
According to the text, Zhang Yivi's surgery...
a) will enable him to have Shakespeare's writing skills.
b) isn't likely to be tough since he is suitable for the procedure.
c) will be harder than Michael Jackson's surgery as he does not meet the minimum
requirements to undergo this kind of operations.
1 The prime minister of Iceland quit on Tuesday because of a new global financial
scandal. Sigmundur Gunnlaugsson resigned because his name was in secret documents
leaked from a Panama law firm. Journalists reported on the 11.5 million leaked e-mails
and letters over the weekend. They contain information about how the world's richest
5 and most famous people avoid paying tax. Thousands of the world's most powerful
people appear in the documents.
Iceland's leader is the first to resign because of the scandal. The Panama Papers
name over 215,000 companies and 14,153 clients of the Panamanian law firm Mossack
Fonseca, including many current and former world leaders.
10 Many governments and celebrities around the world are now trying to keep the
scandal from hitting them. British prime minister David Cameron could be embarrassed
because his father was one of the law firm's clients. Sports figures identified in the leaks
include Lionel Messi and the new FIFA president Gianni Infantino. He is shocked that
people are questioning his honesty.
15 Mossack Fonseca could also be in trouble. Journalists say it worked with 33 people
or companies that were part of international sanctions, including a cousin of the Syrian
president Bashar al-Assad, and companies in North Korea. A British tax expert said
there is up to $32 trillion in untaxed financial wealth around the world.
A. Answer the following question using your own words (10 to 20 words)
(2 points).
Why has the prime minister of Iceland resigned?
B. Are the following statements true or false? Indicate the line(s) in the text
supporting your choice. (1.5 points as a whole: 0.5 points each).
B1. The British prime minister's father was also involved in the scandal.
B2. The Panama Papers show the names of ordinary people who committed tax
B3. Lionel Messi is upset since the new FIFA president has questioned his
INGLÉS Nº páginas: 2
C. Choose a, b or c in the question below. Only one choice is correct (0.5 points).
According to the text, the Panama Papers....
a) contain public information that has been stolen from a law firm.
b) contain classified information that belonged to a law firm.
c) contain the names of foreign leaders that have avoided paying tax.
1 Spain marks the fourth centenary of the death of its most famous author Miguel de
Cervantes this week with hundreds of events ranging from cultural to quirky... and a bit
of controversy.
The author of the world-famous novel "Don Quixote" died on April 22, 1616 in
5 Madrid but the event has always been commemorated on the 23rd -- the day when he was
buried -- coinciding with the passing of British literary co-star Shakespeare.
A colourful figure who survived a sea battle, capture by pirates, five years of
captivity in Algiers and stints in prison, Cervantes is known as the father of the modern
novel and his "Don Quixote" has become one of the world's most translated works.
10 On Saturday, the royals and acting Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy will travel to
Alcala de Henares to attend a special prize-giving ceremony for the annual Miguel de
Cervantes award, which honours the lifetime achievement of a writer.
In a statement, King Felipe VI said the commemorations would "help highlight what
unites us," at a time when Spain is mired in political uncertainty as parties fail to agree on
15 a coalition government after inconclusive December elections. But several academics and
artists have expressed dismay at the lack of central leadership over the commemorations -
- particularly compared with Britain's parallel celebrations marking Shakespeare's death.
A. Answer the following question using your own words (10 to 20 words)
(2 points).
Why has Cervantes always been commemorated on April 23rd?
B. Are the following statements true or false? Indicate the line(s) in the text
supporting your choice. (1.5 points as a whole: 0.5 points each).
B1. Every year, there is an event in which prizes named after Cervantes are given to
writers in Spain.
B2. Taking advantage of the commemorations, the King of Spain reminded the
audience of the current political situation that the country is undergoing.
B3. All the events celebrated around the world-famous writer are within the
academic sphere.
INGLÉS Nº páginas: 2
C. Choose a, b or c in the question below. Only one choice is correct (0.5 points).
According to the text, some academics and artists...
a) complained that there hadn't been an agreement to lead over the
c) explained that Spanish commemorations are far better than Britain's parallel
Shakespeare celebrations.
How would you like to commemorate the fourth centenary of the death of Cervantes and
Shakespeare at your school?
EXTRANJERA. _______________________
INGLÉS CURSO:_____________
1 About a year ago, Apple announced and released its first Apple Watch. The long-
rumored product was Apple’s first all-new product category since the iPad and its first
under CEO Tim Cook. To say that expectations were high would be an understatement.
To date, we don’t really know much about how the Apple Watch has sold—Apple
5 folds it into the “Other products” category along with the iPod, the Apple TV, Beats
headphones, Airport routers, iPhone and iPad cases and covers, and whatever other little
odds and ends the company sells.
While revenue for that category has increased year-over-year by a significant margin
since the watch was introduced, the only thing we can really infer from that fact is
10 “someone somewhere must be buying Apple Watches.”
However well it's selling, Apple's strategy with new products is to release them and
then continuously manufacture it, working until all of the biggest complaints about the
first-generation model have been addressed (or until people have forgotten about them or
moved on to something else).
15 After a full year of wearing the Apple Watch every single day, it's time to revisit the
hardware, software, and some things I looked at in our original review to see where the
platform is and where I think it ought to go in the next year or two.
A. Answer the following question using your own words (10 to 20 words)
(1 point).
B. Are the following statements true or false? Indicate the line(s) in the text
supporting your choice. (1.5 points as a whole: 0.5 points each).
B1. The revenue of Apple smartwatches has increased since the new device was
B2. The Apple Watch is the first of a new category released under the company's
new Chief Executive Officer.
B3. The writer has actually worn the Apple Watch for a year.
INGLÉS Nº páginas: 2
C. Choose a, b or c in the question below. Only one choice is correct (0.5 points).
According to the text, Apple....
a) is hiding the information about Apple Watch sales so nobody knows this
b) is providing the information about Apple Watch sales along with the sales of
other products so the actual figure of Apple Watch sales cannot be inferred.
c) is providing the information about Apple Watch sales and so far, its sales have
increased significantly.
POINTS) Would you wear a smartwatch? Explain your reasons.
EXTRANJERA. _______________________
INGLÉS CURSO:_____________
Why will people be interested in going into space in 100 years from now?
1 A number of airports in the Middle East have started implementing the ban on taking
laptop computers into the airplane cabin on flights to the USA and the UK. A new
directive from the USA and UK now requires electronic devices larger than a
smartphone to be checked in to be stored in the hold of the aircraft. So far, the US ban
5 applies to six countries. Officials said the reason for the ban was that larger digital
devices could contain explosives. They did not give any indication as to how long the
a ban would be in place. However, the Dubai-based Emirates airlines said it had received
f instructions to enforce it until at least October 14.
10e There has been mixed reaction to the ban. Airlines were unhappy about being given
c just 96 hours to comply with it or risk losing their license to fly into the USA. Some
t called it an operational nightmare. They are unsure whether or not to pass the financial
e burden of the additional layer of security checks onto passengers. Some of the affected
d countries are questioning why the ban affects only Muslim-majority countries.
15 Passengers, meanwhile, seem resigned to it. Rakan Mohammed from Qatar said: "It's a
a rule. I follow the rules. The bigger problem for my family is the no smoking." Maryam
i Hassad from Dubai was more concerned about how to keep her children occupied on a
r long flight without their laptops.
o What kind of reaction has there been to the ban?
i 2.1. Airports in the Middle and Far East have implemented a laptop ban.
d 2.2. Some airlines said their staff and passengers had nightmares.
l 2.3. One passenger was more concerned about not being allowed to smoke.
According to the text, affected airlines…
a) will make their clients pay for the new security procedures very soon.
b) may impose an additional tariff only for some passengers.
c) haven’t decided who is to pay for the costs of the new measure yet.
1 Social media websites in Germany could be in for fines of up to 50 million euros ($54
million) for removing illegal content too slowly. The German government has decided
to crack down on the darker side of online content, including hate speech, slander, fake
news and other illegal material. Under the proposed new law, the likes of Facebook and
5 Twitter would be given seven days to delete content flagged as illegal, or incur a heavy
financial penalty. Any content deemed to be "clearly criminal" would have to be
removed within 24 hours. Germany's justice minister Heiko Maas quoted research
which suggested Twitter deletes only one per cent of the hate speech it is told about by
users, and Facebook, 39 per cent.
10 Mr Maas said the new fines and regulations were necessary due to heightening concern
over the influence social media is having in shaping public opinion. He said: "The
biggest problem is that the social networks do not take the complaints of their own users
seriously enough." He added that voluntary efforts to tackle the problem were not
working, saying: "Too few comments are deleted, and they're not being deleted quickly
15 enough." Mr Maas said all social media companies would be required to set up a
5 complaints team that must be operational 24/7. A digital trade organization feared that
removing content within 24 hours from sites that handle more than one billion posts per
day was "utterly impossible".
2.1. An organization said sites could easily monitor one billion posts a day.
2.2. Sites will have a week to delete material flagged as hate speech.
2.3. The minister said voluntary efforts to tackle the problem worked well.
According to the text, hate speech, slander, fake news and other illegal material...
a) have a dark side which the German government has overlooked.
b) are being legislated against by regional governments in Germany.
c) are expected to be removed by social networking sites.
B. Are the following statements true or false? Indicate the line(s) in the
text supporting your choice. (1.5 points as a whole: 0.5 points each).
B. Are the following statements true or false? Indicate the line(s) in the
text supporting your choice. (1.5 points as a whole: 0.5 points each).
B1. The director said the natural environment must keep up with
B2. The director hopes many couples will get engaged in new
B3. One of Manchester's aims is to become an outstanding city.
INGLÉS Nº páginas: 2
1 Being a tourist and wandering around the sites of old villages is great,
but is it such a thrill for the locals? Villagers living in the area of 'Old
Holland' near Amsterdam have had enough of visitors and tour guides with
megaphones disturbing their peace. They have teamed up with tour
5 companies to create rules of conduct for tourists. These include not
photographing residents without asking, not going into their gardens and
not dropping litter. The rules are an attempt to deal with the growing
popularity of the area. Tourism is booming and will rise by 50 per cent in
the next decade.
10 Old Holland is idyllic and matches our image of Holland from a past
age. There are many windmills and locals live in traditional wooden
houses. A local resident told Holland's Het Parool newspaper that the
village of Zaanse Schans is like an open-air museum. He said: "One
resident…opened his curtains in the morning and looked into the camera
15 lenses of nine amateur photographers." He added: "The visitors seem happy
to knock on the wooden houses to see if it is real wood. If you are the
resident of that house, that is not pleasant. Tour buses were the biggest
INGLÉS Nº páginas: 2
1 A new study has shown that physical activity and exercise are
'contagious' because of social media. Researchers at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology (MIT) discovered that people who post details of
their exercise patterns and achievements on social media sites motivate and
5 encourage other people to be more active. Researchers tracked the exercise
routines of 1.1 million runners over a period of five years. They looked at
the geographic location of the runners, their social network use, distance,
time, pace and the calories they burned. The researchers concluded that
sharing personal exercise data via social media can inspire others to
10 exercise more, exercise harder and do so more competitively.
The journal 'Nature Communications' has published the research. The study
includes detailed accounts of how inspiring it can be to read about a friend's
physical activity. Researchers said: "On average, an additional kilometre
run by friends can inspire someone to run an additional three-tenths of a
15 kilometre, and an additional ten minutes run by friends can inspire
someone to run three minutes longer." The study said social media
improved the performance of runners who had been a little slower or less in
shape, and of those who were showing signs of overtaking a friend's
performance. Researcher Sinan Aral said: "In general, if you run more, it is
20 likely that you can cause your friends to run more."
What was the conclusion that researchers reached after studying the
exercise routines of 1.1 million runners?