0 Goood
0 Goood
0 Goood
the wave number, is wavelength, L is the propagation simultaneously illuminated with each data stream signal and
distance and C is the refractive index structure parameter. the space time signal processing using V-BLAST technique
[7, 8] is carried out to cancel out their interference by
successive cancellation. The individual streams are then
The irradiance of optical field is defined as the product of demapped and multiplexed into a single stream of data. The
two random processes, i.e., I = I x I y , where I x arises from impulse response of the atmospheric channel to the symbols
propagating through it is superimposed in the form a random
large scale turbulent eddies and I y from small-scale eddies.
channel matrix, which has the dimensions of the order of the
Specifically, gamma pdf is used to model both small scale system diversity and follows the PDF as discussed above.
and large scale fluctuations, leading to the so-called The total power is restricted to Po regardless of the number
gamma-gamma pdf, i.e.
α +β
) of transmit lasers M. The noise at the receiver comprises of
2(αβ )
2 α +β
the thermal noise, background noise and shot noise and
f (I ) = Kα − β ( 2 αβ I )
Γ(α )Γ( β ) (1) assumed to be equal at the N receiver-detectors. Also, it is
assumed that the thermal and background noise dominate in
Where, I is the signal intensity (I>0), α and β are parameters comparison with the shot noise, or the noise is signal
of PDF given by equations 2 and 3 below, Γ is the Gamma
independent. However, since the channel does not introduce
any nonlinearity, the overall noise component can consider to
function and K α − β is the modified Bessel function of the be normally distributed.
second kind of order .
0.49σ R In MIMO, each pair of transmitter and receiver is linked
α = (exp[ ] − 1)−1 through an independently and identically distributed path.
(1 + 1.11σ R )
12 / 5 5 / 6
With this formulation of symbol propagation and reception,
the decision at the receiver is hard or soft based on the
received vector Y which is N-dimensional. The vector
0.51σ R
contains a mixture of interfering signals that have been
β = (exp[ ])−1
(1 + 0.69σ R ) received simultaneously. The basic vector equation that
12 / 5 5 / 6
(3) describes the channel with narrowband assumption is,
The performance of non-repetitive MIMO optical link
with channel characterized by gamma-gamma PDF has been
carried out. In order to increase the robustness of the system
error correcting LDPC codes have been added. The layered
space time architecture based VBLAST-ZF detection is
chosen in this work to overcome the complexity of ML
detection. As VBLAST-ZF has a limitation in the form of
error propagation to the subsequent layers, variable rate
LDPC codes are used to overcome this. Simulation results
show significant improvement in the performance of the
system over the uncoded case. A higher order of degree of
MIMO system gives further more performance improvement
in terms of BER as compared to the uncoded case of same
order with VBLAST system. This is attributed to the
additional variability in the rates of LDPC codes that is
included in the coded case.