College Resume - Capstone
College Resume - Capstone
College Resume - Capstone
Apply and get admitted to a four-year college, then graduate with a
Bachelor’s degree in elementary school education with a teacher’s certificate.
Stephen F. Austin High School, Austin, TX
GPA: 3.4
Academy for Global Studies student at AHS
● A specialized program that focuses on global perspectives and
● Requires at least 80 community service hours
Class of 2019
● 10th - Librarian
(Organize music, file, create new folders, etc.)
● 11th - Social coordinator & Haunted House coordinator
(Plan out socials & design and layout the Haunted House)
● 12th - Vice President & Haunted House coordinator
(Organize large events such as working socials and recruitments, oversee all
of the other positions, etc. & design and layout the Haunted House)
● 10th - 11th - Staff writer (Write stories and design pages for the newspaper
in InDesign)
● 12th - Editor in Chief (Write stories, layout/design the paper, make lesson
plans, etc.)
Computer skills: P
roficient in InDesign, Google products, Weebly websites, and
Microsoft products
Orchestra camp - Students had to practice every day for around 6 hours each
day. I learned how to improve my violin skills specifically my bow hold, vibrato, and
intonation. (9th grade)
Mariachi camp - Students had to practice every day for around 6 hours each day.
I specifically learned how to play Mariachi music and learn more about my Hispanic
culture. (12th grade)
Newspaper camp - Students were separated into multiple groups to learn more
about the certain roles they would be in. For example, I was in all the leadership
and editor in chief classes. I learned how to write an editorial piece and basic
InDesign information. (12th grade)
This was a sophomore project to reach out to the community my group chose the
topic gentrification and we focused on supporting minority businesses.
● My group made a flier that had local restaurants and businesses owned by
● We posted these posters in libraries, stores, restaurants, etc.
Teach for a Day:
Sophomores were separated into groups where they had to read a certain novel
and learn about the country which it took place in. Based on this research we would
have to create a lesson plan to present for middle schoolers.
● Based on the book Animal Farm, my group decided to teach about the history
of Russian communism.
● I taught a simulation portion which got the kids interacted and they saw how
the people of Russia and the animals from the book were treated.
Westlake Methodist Church:
I traveled to Tennessee and North Carolina with a church group to help people in
● We went to a food bank and help organize food, weigh it, and throw away
any trash or spoiled food
● We rebuilt two client's roofs (take off shingles, re-shingled, secured spots
with tar and flashing)
● We also helped clean up any unnecessary trash around Tennessee and North
Emler Swim School Teacher & CPR certified
I taught children from three to eight how to swim according to Emler Swim School
teaching standards.