Arnold Quintic
Arnold Quintic
Arnold Quintic
A BSTRACT. We give a proof (due to Arnold) that there is no quintic formula. Somewhat more precisely, we show
that any finite combination of the four field operations (+, −, ×, ÷), radicals, the trigonometric functions, and the
exponential function will never produce a formula for producing a root of a general quintic polynomial. The proof
is elementary, requiring no knowledge of abstract group theory or Galois theory.
Here I’m restricting the term define to mean solving polynomials whose coefficients are real numbers.
More precisely, in Galois theory one derives information about how numbers can (and can’t) be described.
The first step to understanding Arnold’s idea is to build up some intuition. Navigate to the website
Set the degree of the polynomial to 2. There are two copies of C drawn. On the left is coefficient space –
there are two dots, labelled a0 and a1 , corresponding to the coefficients of a quadratic polynomial (precisely,
the polynomial x2 + a1 x + a0 ). The C on the right is root space: the two dots displayed are the two roots of
the polynomial defined by the current state coefficient space.
To get a feel for all this, drag the a0 coefficient to −1 and the a1 coefficient to 1/2. You should have two real
roots in root space (one at ≈ −1.28, the other at ≈ 0.78). Let’s call r1 the negative root, and r2 the positive
root. Now move the coefficient a0 around in a small loop (i.e. move it around a little bit, and then return it to
−1 where it started). Note that the roots move continuously, and then return to their original positions. Next,
move a0 in a big loop (big enough that it orbits around r2 ). Something funny happens: the roots r1 and r2
switch places.
Pause and think about this for a second. This is really, really weird. Here’s one immediate consequence of
this observation:
Proposition 1. There does not exist any continuous function from the space of quadratic polynomials to C
which associates to any quadratic polynomial a root of that polynomial.
Proof. Exercise.
Wait, what? Don’t we have a quadratic formula?! Well, here’s the thing: the quadratic formula is
−b ± b2 − 4ac
which isn’t a function, since it outputs two values for a given input. You might√think I’m cheating by writing
the ± in there. What if we just write +? Well, it’s still not a function, because z isn’t a function. We saw an
example of this at the very beginning of this essay, when discussing the definition of i. But even
√ in cases when
we’re used to being able to canonically choose the value of√ the squareroot – for example, 1 – there’s more
than meets the eye. To convince yourself of this, consider e2πit . No matter how we choose√to define this,
2πit := eπit .
we end up with a problem √ if we allow t to vary broadly enough. For example, √ suppose we set e
Plugging in t = 0 gives
√ 1 = 1, unsurprisingly. But plugging in t = 1 gives 1 = −1.
Thus, we see that z isn’t a function over C. By contrast, it turns out that sin, cos, and exp are all continuous
functions over C. In particular, Proposition 1 implies:
Corollary 2. There’s no quadratic formula built out of a finite combination of +, −, ×, ÷, the functions
sin, cos, exp, and the coefficients of the polynomial.
In this language, we see that any quintic formula built out of the field operations, continuous functions, and
radicals must have nesting of level ≥ 3.
Since we can keep taking commutators of commutators of commutators of... and still have the same 60 left,
including (1 2 3 4 5), we can iterate the argument about to conclude that
Theorem 9 (Arnold, 1963?). Fix any positive integer N . Any quintic formula built out of the field operations,
continuous functions, and radicals must have nesting of level ≥ N .
Corollary 7 immediately follows.
One important point is that we are not disproving the possibility of solving any particular quintic using finitely
many symbols. For example, we can easily express a solution to the quintic equation
x5 − 1 = 0.
Instead, we proved the impossibility of a formula which produces a root for arbitrary separable quintics.
Exercise 4. Where in the proof did we require the quintic formula to be general? In other words, why doesn’t
the proof apply to a particular quintic?
Arnold’s goal was to make it accessible to high school students, while this document is probably better-suited to undergraduate
math majors.