A 75 Year Old Woman Presenting With Nasal Vestibulitis
A 75 Year Old Woman Presenting With Nasal Vestibulitis
A 75 Year Old Woman Presenting With Nasal Vestibulitis
DOI 10.1007/s15010-017-1087-z
An Italian diabetic 75-year-old woman presented with Ziehl–Neelsen staining was negative. TST resulted in 10 mm
nasal vestibulitis, which had worsened in the preceding induration; QuantiferonTB Gold Test was undetermined;
20 months despite multiple antibiotic cycles. No fever or microscopic examination yielded negative results. No pre-
systemic symptoms were reported. Dermatological exami- vious tuberculosis (TB) or TB contact was reported. A total
nation revealed infiltrative dermatitis of the nose on both body CT scan excluded the involvement of other organs.
alar-sidewalls and apex, also extending to right cheek. The Isoniazid, rifampin, ethambutol and claritromycin were ini-
skin was reddish-brown, slightly desquamating, swollen tiated, to take into account non-tuberculous mycobacteria.
and infiltrated upon palpation (Fig. 1a, b). A diascopy was One month later, M. tuberculosis (fully susceptible to all
carried out, pressing a pocket hand lens on the lesion, thus antitubercular drugs) was isolated, then claritromycin was
provoking a momentary ischemia, resulting in a yellow- interrupted. A 6-month regimen is recommended for cutane-
ish color at the periphery. Infection was spreading to nasal ous TB (lupus vulgaris) treatment [1], which was sufficient
mucosa, where crusting mucoid rhinorrhea and mild airway in our patient to obtain a complete resolution.
obstruction were observed. Laboratory exams and chest Cutaneous tuberculosis, which represents < 1–2% of all
X-ray images were normal. cases of extra-pulmonary TB, is scarcely known by physi-
A biopsy of nasal vestibule was performed (Fig. 1c, cians in areas with low prevalence, also because of the huge
d). Histopathological analysis revealed multiple granu- variety of clinical presentations, often leading to treatment
lomatous tubercles composed of epithelioid cells, giant delay [2, 3].
(Langhans) cells, and lymphocytes, with caseous necrosis.
* Annalisa Saracino
Department of Biomedical Science and Human Oncology,
Clinic of Infectious Diseases, University of Bari, 11, Piazza
Giulio Cesare, Bari 70124, Italy
Section of Pathological Anatomy, Department of Emergency
and Organ Transplantation, University of Bari, Bari, Italy
Mycobacteria Laboratory, Microbiology and Virology Unit,
University Hospital, Policlinico, Bari, Italy
Section of Dermatology, Department of Biomedical Science
and Human Oncology, University of Bari, Bari, Italy
A. Saracino et al.
Fig. 1 Infiltrative dermatitis of nose (a) and right cheek (b) and his- of epithelioid cells, giant cells (Langhans type) (black arrows), and
topathological examination of a biopsy specimen obtained from the lymphocytes (yellow arrows), with central caseous necrosis (white
nasal vestibule, hematoxylin and eosin stain, ×40 magnification (c) arrows) is showed (hematoxylin and eosin stain)
and ×100 magnification (d). A granulomatous infiltrate composed
Compliance with ethical standards 2. Bravo FG, Gotuzzo E. Cutaneous tuberculosis. Clin Dermatol.
3. Van Zyl L, du Plessis J, Viljoen J. Cutaneous tuberculo-
Ethical standards The patient provided a written consent for the use
sis overview and current treatment regimens. Tuberculosis.
of her clinical data for scientific purposes.