Master of Business Administration-MBA Semester IV
Master of Business Administration-MBA Semester IV
Master of Business Administration-MBA Semester IV
Q2. Letts, Ryan and Grossman suggested four key capacities for organizational
Ans. Letts, Ryan and Grossman suggested four key capacities for organizational effectiveness.
These capacities were suggested for non-profit organizations. However they also apply to
organizations in general and thus their descriptions are modified in the following paragraphs to
apply to organizations in general.
1. Adaptive Capacity
It is the ability of an organization to maintain focus on external environment of the
organization, particularly on performing while continually adjusting and aligning itself to
respond to those needs and influences. Adaptive capacity is cultivated through attention
to assessments, collaborating and networking, assessments and planning.
2. Leadership capacity
It is the ability to set direction for the organization and its resources and also guide
activities to follow that direction. Leadership capacity is cultivated through attention to
vision, establishing goals, directing, motivating, making decisions and solving problems.
3. Management Capacity
It is the ability to ensure effective and efficient use of the resources in the organization.
Management capacity is accomplished through careful development and coordination of
resources including people, money and facilities.
4. Technical Capacity
It is the ability to design and operate products and services to customers. The nature of
that technical capacity depends on the particular type of products and services provided
by the organization.
5. Generative Capacity
It is the ability of the of the organization to positively change its external environment.
This capacity is exercised by engaging in activities to inform, educate and persuade
policy makers, community leaders and other stakeholders.
3. Developing
In an effective organization, employee developmental needs are evaluated and
addressed. Developing in this instance means increasing the capacity to perform
through training, giving assignments that introduce new skills or higher levels of
responsibility, improving work processes or other methods. Providing employees
with training and developmental opportunities encourages good performance,
strengthens job related skills and competencies, and helps employees keep up with
changes in the workplace, such as the introduction of new technologies.
Carrying out process of performance management provides an excellent opportunity
to identify developmental needs. During planning and monitoring of work,
deficiencies in performance become evident and can be addressed. Areas of
improving good performance also stand out, and action can be taken to help
successful employees improve even further.
4. Rating
From time to time organizations find it useful to summarize employee performance.
This can be helpful for looking at and comparing performance overtime or among
various employees. Organizations need to know who their best performers are.
Within the context of the formal performance appraisal requirements, rating means
evaluating employee or group performance against the elements and standards in an
employee’s performance plan and assigning a summary rating of the record. The
rating of record is assigned according to procedures included in the organizations
appraisal program. It is based on work performed during entire appraisal period. The
rating of record has a bearing on other personal actions, such as granting within grade
pay increases and determining additional retention service credit in a reduction in
5. Rewarding
In an effective organization, rewards are used well. It means recognizing employees,
individually and as members of groups, for their performance and acknowledging
their contributions to the agencies mission. A basic principle of effective management
is that all behavior is controlled by its consequences. Those consequences should be
both formal and informal and both positive and negative.
Good performance is recognized without waiting for nominations for formal awards
to be solicited. Recognition is an ongoing, natural part of day to day experience. A lot
of actions that reward good performance don’t require a specific regulatory authority.
Assignment Set- 2
Some managers feel that being legal in performance review is enough. If they comply
with rules and regulations and are careful about their documentations they feel they
are secure enough and have a defensible position. However being legal does not
always equate to being ethical. A perfunctory review is an ethical strike out- without
taking a swing. If the person being reviewed feels ignored, his feelings of personal
worth will suffer. In the worst scenario low ethics managers use the performance
review process as a form of forced humility for individuals reporting to them.
Performance appraisal must be recognized and treated as an ethical issue of high pay
off and peril.
When a performance review helps the individual recognize that his or her objectives
are closely assigned with the organizations, the individual is more likely to perform at
a higher level and the organization is less likely to lose a valuable employee. The
objective of the performance review is to develop the person, not to threaten self
esteem. Treatment of people is the most fundamental ethical issue. Performance
review as a matter of ethics.
Douglas McGregor proposed two different sets of assumptions as to what motivates people –
theory X and theory Y.
In theory X McGregor proposes that management assumes employees are inherently lazy and
will avoid work if they can. Due of this workers need to be closely supervised and
comprehensive systems of control developed. A hierarchical system is needed with arrow span of
control at each level. According to this theory employees will show little ambition without an
enticing incentive program and will avoid responsibility whenever they can. Usually managers
feel the sole purpose of employees interest in job is money. They will blame the person first in
most situations, without questioning whether it may be the system, policy or lack of training that
deserves the blame.
In theory Y McGregor proposes that management assumes employees may be ambitious, self
motivated, anxious to accept greater responsibility and exercise self control, self direction,
autonomy and empowerment. It is believed that employees enjoy their mental and physical work
duties. It is also believed that if given the chance employees have the desire to be creative and
forward thinking in the workplace. There is a chance of greater productivity by giving employees
the freedom to perform at the best of their abilities without being bogged down by rules.
It evaluates how well an employee has accomplished objectives determined to be critical in the
job performance. The method aligns objectives with quantitative performance measures such as
sales, profits, zero defect units produced.
This combines elements from critical incident and graphic rating scale approaches. The
supervisor rates employees according to items on the numerical scale.
This method lists a set of performance factors such as job knowledge, work quality, cooperation
that the supervisor uses to rate employee performance using an incremental scale.
4. Behavioral checklist
The rater is given a checklist of descriptions of the behavior of the employee on the
job. The checklist contains a list of statements on the basis of which the rater describes the on the
job performance of the employees.