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Moraga Rotary Newsletter April 2 2019

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The club welcomed Katie Varner
ROTARY who was introduced by Debbie

April 2, 2019
Next Celebration: April 9, 2019
Evening Meeting – 6 PM
Moraga Country Club

Speaker: Jennifer McCollum –

President, Moraga Junior Mike McCluer Kicking Off Our Meeting Today

Women’s Club
Greeter: Dianne Wilson Evie Michon was happy about the
Upcoming Programs: mention of several Moraga Rotary
projects at the Lamorinda Sunrise
April 16 – Club Assembly (Nite at the meeting that she attended last
Races review etc.) week.
April 23 - Jack Dice--Muffin Men
Gary Irwin offered Happy Bucks
*May 14 – Father Paul from St. Monica’s
Church for his low net score golf
performance this week.
* Dinner Meeting at 6PM Kevin Reneau offered a dollar for
any information about the person
who altered his entry into the
~INVOCATION & PLEDGE~ NCAA Tournament Bracket.
Rich Render was also less than
The meeting was called to order happy about the basketball
by President Ron. Mike McCluer tournament but thanked Roger
offered some opening thoughts on Gregory for his $10 donation to
memorable April Fools Day pranks the pool without submitting an
pulled over the years. entry.
Debbie Roessler offered a buck President Ron passed around a
in support of the Warriors. flyer advertising a Gala benefiting
John Erickson offered two bucks Families Without Borders to be
for the progress made with the held on May 14th. Ron also
“architectural” stonework at the thanked Past President Dianne
All-Access Playground. Wilson for filling in for him at the
meeting last week.

The E-Waste event will be held on

Saturday April 27. Rich Render
will ask for sign ups in the next
couple of weeks.

The Athletic Field Day will be held

on Wednesday May 8th. Please
put this event on your calendar as
we need everyone’s help in
Good Attendance at Our Meeting Today making the event a success.

The District 5160 Spring

~~ANNOUNCEMENTS~~ Education Event will be held this
Mike McCluer announced that the Saturday in Fairfield. President
planned activities with residents of Ron is sitting on a panel. Evie,
Shelter Inc. are moving along and Debbie and Jennifer plan on
a firm schedule should be coming attending,
Gary Irwin announced that John
Mike also told the group of a new Erickson is currently ahead in the
land depression found in the basketball bracket pool. Cliff
Rheem Center close to the 2016 Dochterman is a close second.
sinkhole. The town is waiting for Gary intimated that he felt the
the weather to clear before further leader will be deposed after the
assessing the situation. final four games this weekend.

President Ron mentioned that The raffle this week was won by
Tony Schoemehl had a wedding Barbara Bruner who came ever so
anniversary on April 1. He will ask close to the jackpot.
him about his celebration next
changing physiological and
spiritual system controlled by
~~PROGRAM~~ different combinations of these
elements. Alka described a life
Our speaker this week was our cycle controlled by Vata (Space
own member, Alka Mulakaluri. and air), Pitta (Fire and Water)
The title of her talk was “Ayerveda and Kapha (water and earth).
– Science of Life.
Each of us is an individual
composed of different
combinations of these elements.

Alka also talked about how Vata,

Pitta and Kapha tend to dominate
different parts of our lives with
Vata influencing ages 1 through
12, Pitta 13 through 50 and Kapha
from age 50 onwards.
Thank you, Alka, for introducing us
to Ayerveda. To learn more about
the Ayerveda philosophy visit
Our speaker, Alka Mulakaluri Discussing
Ayerveda – The Science of Life http://www.tathagatayurved.com/Philosophy.h
Alka began the session by
conducting a breathing exercise to
help us relax and become more
aware of ourselves and our
~~ Cliff’s Corner ~~
An Enjoyable Club Meeting
She described Ayerveda as a Moraga Rotary is a fortunate Club since there is
a tradition of excellent weekly meetings. In my
lifestyle that has existed for over
travels, I have seen Clubs with extremely
5000 years. It began in India but is enjoyable meetings and some which appear to
now practiced throughout the be a waste of time. There are a number of
world. Ayerveda is a natural experiences which seem to enhance a Rotary
healing science. meeting:

Alka described the five basic 1. Arrive at the meeting a few minutes
early to visit and enjoy a little
elements of the body. Space, air, conversation and fellowship. Give a
fire, water and earth. She sincere greeting to as many members as
described the human body as a possible, and especially new members,
rather than merely selecting a chair upon • June 1-5: Rotary International
arrival. Convention in Hamburg, Germany
2. Introduce yourself to any visitors or • June 25 – Moraga Rotary Demotion
prospective members who may be Party
attending for the first time. If you bring • July 27 Afternoon - Cliff Dochterman
a guest, be sure to introduce the Luncheon Celebrating 60 Years of
individual to other attendees. Invite Service in Rotary
visitors or a new member to join your
3. After the program, stop for a moment
and express your appreciation to the
guest speaker for giving their time to
your Club.
4. Take your time in saying “good-bye” to
friends and guests as you leave the
5. Help make every meeting an enjoyable
one for everyone.

With these ideas in mind, it is certain that you

will leave the weekly meeting feeling that it
was just a little bit better than any other you
have attended. Just following these steps and
you will realize why Moraga Rotary is
considered one of the most active and friendly
Clubs in Northern California.

Greeter/Invocator Schedule
4/09/19 = Dianne Wilson
4/16/19 = Barbara Bruner
4/23/19 = Angelo Costanza
4/30/19 = Frank May
5/07/19 = Herb Wehmeyer

Coming Events

• April 7 – District 5160 Spring

Education Event - - Fairfield
• April 27 – E-waste collection
• May 8 – Athletic Field Day
• May 11 – Rotary Bocce tournament
• May 11 -- Moraga Community Faire
• May 17-19: District Assembly for four
districts at Peppermill Casino in Reno.

President Ron Mucovich

Co-Presidents-elect Debbie Koo & Evie Michon
Past President Dianne Wilson
Co-Secretary Vickie Devlin & Evie Michon
Treasurer Lad Lynch
Foundation Chair John Erickson
Youth Service Chair Rich Render
Public Relations Gary Irwin
Newsletter Editor Frank May
Community Service Chair Tony Schoemehl
Co-Chair, International Services Barbara Bruner
Co-Chair, International Services Linda May
Membership Chair Debbie Koo
Director at Large Mary Sue Erickson
Director at Large Roger Gregory
Director at Large Debbie Roessler
Advisor to the Board Jim Campbell
Advisor to the Board Cliff Dochterman

District Governor 5160 Jon Dwyer

Newsletter Editor for April Frank May

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