GR L-9531 Warner Barnes V Reyes
GR L-9531 Warner Barnes V Reyes
GR L-9531 Warner Barnes V Reyes
In the present appeal taken by the defendants, the . . . no court will permit its process to be trifled
question raised is whether the allegation of want of with and its intelligence affronted by the offer of
knowledge or information as to the truth of the material pleadings which any reasoning person knows
averments of the complaint amounts to a mere general can not possibly be true. . . ."The general rule
denial warranting judgment on the pleadings or is that the Court is not bound to accept
sufficient to tender a triable issue. statements in pleadings which are, to the
common knowledge of all intelligent persons,
untrue, applies just as well to the provisions of
Section 7 of Rule 9 of the Rules of court, in allowing the Rule 8(b), 28 U.S.C.A. following section 723c,
defendant to controvert material averments not within as to pleadings under the, State statute."
his knowledge or information, provides that "where the (Nieman vs. Long, 51 F. Supp. 30, 31.)
defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient
to form a belief as to the truth of material averment, he
shall so state and this shall have the effect of a denial. This rule, specifically authorizing an answer
This form of denial was explained in one case as that defendant has no knowledge or information
follows: sufficient to form a belief his to the truth of an
averment and giving such answer is not the
effect of a denial, does not apply where the fact
Just as the explicit denials of an answer should as to which want of knowledge is asserted is to
be either general or specific, so all denials of the knowledge of the court as plainly and
knowledge or information sufficient to form a necessarily within the defendants knowledge
belief should refer either generally to all the that his averment of ignorance must be
averments of the complain" thus intended to be palpably untrue. (Icle Plant Equipment Co. vs.
denied, or specifically to such as are to be Martocello, D.C. Pa. 1941, 43 F. Supp. 281.)
denied by that particular form of plea. The
would be so definite and certain in its allegation
that the pleaders' adversary should not be left Wherefore, the decision appealed from is hereby
in doubt as to what is admitted, what is denied, affirmed with costs against the appellants. So ordered.
and what is covered by denials of knowledge or
information sufficient to form a belief. Under this Bengzon, Montemayor, Reyes, A., Bautista Angelo,
form of denial employed by the defendant, it Labrador, Concepcion, Reyes, J.B.L., Endencia, and
would be difficult, if not impossible to convict Felix, JJ.,concur.
him of perjury if it should transpire that some of