EE249 Tire Sensor
EE249 Tire Sensor
EE249 Tire Sensor
Authorized licensed use limited to: Univ of Calif Berkeley. Downloaded on July 20, 2009 at 17:59 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
the road. This was followed by more powerful vehicle-stability quantities of interest from accelerometer data is non-
control (VSC) systems, e.g., electronic stability program, VSC, trivial [8].
and dynamic stability control. These systems use both brakes 3) Since accelerometer data have to be generated/delivered
and engine torque to stabilize the vehicle in extreme handling at each revolution of the tire, the data-rate requirement
situations by controlling the yaw motion. Active suspension could quickly deplete any battery that meet the weight
systems are also an important part in active safety systems. and size requirements. Replacing batteries is obviously
They have been traditionally designed by trading-off three out of the question because of the difficulty of reaching
conflicting criteria: road holding, load carrying, and passenger inside the tire. Hence, some sort of energy scavenging is
comfort. The suspension system must support the vehicle, needed that relies on a transducer of mechanical energy
provide directional control during handling maneuvers, and into electrical energy via inductive or capacitive coupling
provide effective isolation of passengers/payload from road or on illuminator technologies based on transferring elec-
disturbances. tromagnetic power to a remote device via an RF link.
The active safety control systems described earlier are based These approaches, however, can only provide energy of
upon the estimation of vehicle dynamics variables such as less than 1 mW/cm2 , thus limiting the total energy avail-
forces, load transfer, actual tire–road friction (kinetic friction) able for sensing, computing, transmission, and reception.
μk , and maximum tire–road friction available (potential fric- 4) The radio link from the tires to the onboard controllers
tion) μp , which is probably the most important parameter for must be sustainable with limited energy and resilient to
the improvement of vehicle dynamic control systems [10]. the harsh tire environment.
The more accurate and “real time” the parameter estimation 5) The communication protocol between the various ele-
is, the better the overall performance of the control system. ments of the system has to be carefully designed to use
Currently, most of these variables are indirectly estimated using the minimum amount of power while making sure that
onboard sensors. With a more accurate estimation, we could data reach the destination reliably and on time.
even identify road-surface condition in real time. By detecting
the change in the slope of the friction versus slip curve, regions In this paper, we describe the analysis and decision processes
of slippery surface can be identified [10], [11]. followed to design a wireless sensing subsystem based on
The Apollo project [1] attempted to gain real-time informa- intelligent sensor nodes that are inside the tire and that solve
tion by using the tire as a sensor. However, until recent de- the challenges described earlier. The final phase of the design
velopments in low-power wireless communication and energy has not been completed as yet; we are still evaluating and proto-
scavenging, this approach was expensive and remained mostly typing the energy-scavenging and wireless-communication
in the research domain, since it was not easily adoptable as subsystems. In Section II, we present how to extract the in-
a consumer product. Currently, state-of-the-art tire monitoring formation of interest for safety control from accelerometers.
systems [2]–[6] primarily acquire low-duty cycle data such as In Section III, we introduce the overall architecture of the
tire pressure, temperature, and/or material strain of the tire. system. Then, in Section IV, we discuss the architecture of
However, they are not equipped to sense and transmit high- the intelligent sensor node and describe its components. In the
speed dynamic variables used for real-time active safety control following sections, we present the most interesting and novel
systems. aspects of the design that refer to the communication scheme:
In this paper, we describe the considerations, tradeoffs, and An ultrawideband (UWB) radio designed specifically for this
decisions used to design a real-time system for extracting application (Section V) and a new medium-access-control
directly from the tire relevant information to improve signif- (MAC) protocol called implicit-scheduled time-divided MAC
icantly active safety control systems and enable the develop- (ISTD-MAC) (Section VI). In Section VII, we introduce the
ment of a wide range of new applications. Placing a sensor methodology followed in the design. In Section VIII, we draw
system that could compute the quantities of interest in a tire conclusions, and we chart the road for the future full-fledged
and transmit this information to a safety controller is a very implementation of the Intelligent Tire Acquisition system.
challenging proposition for technical, reliability, and economic
In particular, the major challenges to face are as follows. F ROM A CCELEROMETERS
1) The inside of a tire is a harsh environment with high The information necessary to significantly improve active
accelerations (at 200 km/h, we have an acceleration equal safety and active dynamics control systems is extracted using
to 3000 g’s inside the inner liner) and cannot be reached data-processing algorithms operating at two distinct levels as
without taking the tire off the wheel. This situation poses follows.
very difficult problems: The high centrifugal acceleration
implies that the sensor be lightweight, robust, and small; 1) Tire Level. They range from simple temperature and
the fact that the tire moves continuously with respect pressure information extraction to load, lateral, and lon-
to the body of the car forces us to choose a wireless- gitudinal forces and potential friction estimation based
communication link. upon more complex accelerometer data processing and
2) Among the available miniaturized sensors, accelerome- modeling. Tire wear and aquaplaning are also extracted
ters were chosen for our application, since they exhibit a with algorithms at the tire level.
number of advantages: They are well understood, widely 2) Vehicle Level. They range from load distribution and
available, reliable, accurate, and relatively inexpensive. dynamic load-transfer estimation to amount of friction
However, devising algorithms that could compute the available.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Univ of Calif Berkeley. Downloaded on July 20, 2009 at 17:59 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Univ of Calif Berkeley. Downloaded on July 20, 2009 at 17:59 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
A. Power-Supply Subsystem
The most common way of providing power to wireless
devices is storing chemical energy in a battery. In battery tech-
nologies, however, the lifetime of the node will be determined
by the fixed amount of energy stored on the device regardless of
the form of energy storage. There is no known battery chemistry
that can deliver the necessary amount of energy for the volume
available. Furthermore, the accelerations involved and the high-
temperature requirements make battery technology unfeasible
for this application.
Since energy storage in the nodes is impossible, alternative
methods of providing power fall into one of two categories.
1) Scavenging available power at the node [28]. The most
suitable technology for the tire system relies on scaveng-
ing power from vibrations. Devices include electromag-
netic, electrostatic, and piezoelectric methods to convert
mechanical motion into electricity. The amount of power
generated by the scavenger depends on the technology
Fig. 5. Sensor-node architecture. chosen, on the size of the scavenger, and on the environ-
mental conditions such as vibrations, elongation stresses,
Host. This device is responsible for coordinating all PAN and temperature gradients. These approaches provide
coordinators, interfacing them with the vehicle main control energy levels in 10–200-μW range for real-world tire
and providing a bridge to the vehicle system bus. The System scenarios. It is conceivable that, due to strong market
Control Host is responsible for transferring commands to the demands, progress will be made in terms of power output.
sensor nodes from the vehicle main control and information 2) Electromagnetic coupling. The possible methods of pro-
acquired by the PAN coordinators to the vehicle main control viding electromagnetic wireless power transfer include
via the vehicle system bus. The System Control Host may be magnetic field coupling via inductive action between two
implemented as one of the PAN coordinators, having enhanced coils, magnetic field coupling via self-resonant coils, and
functions with respect to other coordinators. microwave radiation beam via highly directive antennas.
The resulting network architecture has a cluster-tree struc- An illuminator is a main-powered antenna transferring
ture. We chose to have one PAN coordinator corresponding electromagnetic power to a remote device via an RF link.
to each tire instead of a common coordinator, since by doing Power is collected by the remote device by means of
so, we increase the total throughput by limiting the number of a suitable receiving antenna. This technique is used for
sensors controlled by each coordinator, and we minimize the RFID applications. In our case, the illuminator would
distance between sensor nodes and PAN coordinator for a more have to be placed on the wheel as well so that the amount
robust communication. A cluster-tree structure is suitable for of energy delivered is optimized.
this application, since sensor nodes need not communicate with
We are currently investigating both possibilities. Other
each other but only with the PAN coordinator.
means of transferring power to the nodes such as acoustic
emitters and lasers are not suitable for tire systems due to poor
transmission through the tire.
The sensor node (see Fig. 5) is the in-tire device with the Both alternatives provide a time-dependent power, since
tasks of acquiring data from the tire, executing preliminary power generation and coupling is strictly related to the wheel
digital signal processor (DSP) processing on them, such as motion and position. Therefore, raw generated power must be
signal conditioning and compensations, and to send data on the conditioned to provide a power supply that is almost constant,
RF link. The most important requirements of the Intelligent Tire at least within a complete wheel rotation. It is important to con-
are an unlimited lifetime and a small size. The sensor nodes sider that, during normal operating conditions, the wheel may
inside the tires should be operational for the lifetime of the tire. stop its motion and power cannot be supplied any longer: For
Moreover, the technology should satisfy the wide-temperature- this reason, a power sensing function has to be implemented,
range requirements and robustness to high accelerations: Ex- such that the microcontroller is informed as soon as power
treme temperatures range from −40 ◦ C in winter up to 100 ◦ C supplied becomes insufficient. In this situation, the node goes
in summer time, and an object mounted on inner lining is into a power-down mode in a controlled and “safe” manner. The
subject to a radial acceleration up to 3000 g’s at 200 km/h. power sensing function determines the start of communication
Authorized licensed use limited to: Univ of Calif Berkeley. Downloaded on July 20, 2009 at 17:59 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
in MAC protocol design, as we will see in Section VI. Fur- mation of the signal acquired by the accelerometers into digital
thermore, the ultra-low power-consumption constraint suggests signals, as shown in Fig. 5. The acquisition path provides an
that acquisition, reception, and transmission phases are kept analog section and a digital section.
separated as much as possible to spread power consumption on
each wheel round and avoid high consumption peaks caused by 1) The analog section amplifies and filters the acquired
overlapping different activities. This places timing constraints signal. Then, analog data are converted and passed to a
on the sensing and communication functions. digital section. Oversampling techniques may be used;
thus, signals may be acquired at sampling frequencies
higher than their final sampling rate.
B. Sensor- and Acquisition-Path Subsystems 2) The digital section is responsible for signal conditioning
The sensor is a triaxial accelerometer, mounted inside the tire for correcting accelerometer imperfections such as offset
on top of the inner liner, oriented so that the three axes measure bias and resonant-frequency compensation. Data are sent
signals in the radial, circumferential (tangential), and lateral to a processing chain that provides filtering and decima-
directions with respect to the tire circumference. Therefore, the tion to the final sampling rate. Automatic-gain-control
input flow to the sensor node consists of three data streams. techniques may be used to keep the SNR constant, even
The requirements that drive the choice of technology for the at low levels of signal dynamics.
accelerometers are reliability and reproducibility, accuracy and
resolution, power consumption, size, and cost.
Few available technologies fit all of the requirements C. Microprocessor Subsystem
listed above. Stringent power requirements exclude the use
A single-core DSP is responsible to manage the communi-
of piezoresistive technology. Today’s accelerometers based on
cation protocol; all the functions that control the activity of the
piezoresistive technology have power consumptions in the
sensor nodes, such as command execution, system monitoring,
range of several milliwatts. Even though we may consider a
and diagnostics; and the following typical DSP functions:
custom-built product that could consume up to a few hundred
microwatts, this technology intrinsically requires a bias so it 1) estimation and compensation of signal nonlinearity;
will always be more power hungry than capacitive or piezo- 2) estimation and compensation of crosstalk among the
electric devices. different accelerometers;
The two main piezoelectric non-microelectromechanical- 3) estimation of bias and offset;
system (MEMS)-based technologies are crystal and ceramic 4) data compression for reducing the input throughput;
based. The latter is somewhat smaller given the same g sensitiv- 5) algorithms required by the communication protocol.
ity, although less stable in temperature, and with higher process Note that some of these algorithms may be implemented
sensitivity spread. This technology is capable of providing the by specialized HW devices to reduce power consumption and
dynamic range of interest, with reliability indexes suitable for increase performance if product testing will uncover problems
our application, and it is intrinsically very low power, providing in these areas.
a charge as an input to the acquisition path satisfying the no-
bias-current requirements. However, it is fairly large so it does
not fit our size requirement. D. Radio Subsystem
Current MEMS-based technologies include the following
examples: The radio subsystem is responsible for the following
1) piezoelectric technology consisting of deposition of a thin
piezoelectric film of lead titanate onto a MEMS silicon 1) transforming digital data to be sent to the PAN coor-
structure; dinator into analog signals modulated over the desired
2) piezoresistive technology consisting of etching semicon- transmission channel;
ducting silicon gauges; 2) receiving analog data from the transmission channel and
3) capacitive technology. transforming them into baseband digital data.
The capacitive technology is the technology of choice, since The radio subsystem consists of an SW driver and an HW
it is used in airbags with millions of devices shipped annually, transceiver. The transceiver implements the physical-layer com-
having reached a reliability standard that complies with the de- ponents, related to channel coding/decoding, modulation and
manding requirements of our tire application. It is also very low conversions between analog signals to/from digital data, syn-
cost when manufactured in volume and fits the size constraints. chronization, and generation of events on a fine-grain timescale
The challenge to deploy this technology is to compensate for (bit or chip level). The SW driver implements the MAC layer
an intrinsic spread of process parameters and high dependences and higher network layer components and manages all events
of key design parameters such as sensitivity (millivolts or pico- and synchronization requirements at a coarse-grain timescale
coulombs per g) and offset to temperature and manufacturing (frame level). Amplifiers are included in the radio channel to
process. The challenge of extracting a wide dynamic range with increase the power of the signal before transmission or before
the required resolution is responsibility of the circuitry that processing the received signals. This subsystem is expected to
interfaces the MEMS device. The accelerometers themselves give significant contribution to the overall power-consumption
are simple devices; all compensations and corrections to the budget together with the acquisition chain, and for this reason,
sampled signals are provided by the other components of the its design is of paramount importance. We dedicate the next
sensor node. The acquisition path is responsible for the transfor- section to a detailed description of the solutions adopted.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Univ of Calif Berkeley. Downloaded on July 20, 2009 at 17:59 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
E. System Assembly
The operating conditions of the sensor nodes place hard con-
straints on the weight and size of each unit. First, the mass of the
sensors must be kept minimal so that it does not affect the tire
characteristics and the accelerometer signals. In addition, since
the nodes are to be mounted into the rubber of the tire body,
its size must be small (around 1 cm3 ) so that extra mechanical
devices do not need to be added to the system package for
mounting. The small-size requirement directly competes with
requirements needed for the antenna and energy scavenger, Fig. 6. Channel measurement setup.
where increased size and mass allow better performance. These
competing constraints create many challenges for system opti- the tire, composed of a metal mesh and rubber, attenuates the
mization. Furthermore, the high temperature, centrifugal forces, signal dramatically.
and mechanical stresses that the system must withstand are For the channel measurements, a wrecked Hyundai Accent
nontrivial tasks for system assembly. was purchased, and the right rear quarter of the car was cut
off. The wheel arch and all machinery inside including the
suspension were preserved. The SkyCross UWB antennas are
V. R ADIO S UBSYSTEM placed inside the tire under the tire tread and at the highest point
inside the wheel arch. To generate the transmit signal, a pulse
The communication environment in the Intelligent Tire
generator is used. It is capable of pulses with 100-ps width. To
system is very harsh. For the uplink transmission, UWB
receive the signal, the receive antenna is connected to a pulse
transmission is preferred to narrowband transmission and
amplifier through a short cable. The amplified signal is then sent
spread-spectrum techniques due the presence of severe
to a 20-GS/s 6-GHz input bandwidth oscilloscope. The setup in
multipath and lack of line-of-sight (LOS) [22]. In addition
the Berkeley Wireless Research Center is shown in Fig. 6.
to being robust to intersymbol interference due to multipath
The channel impulse response is based on the modified
fading, the UWB systems hide signals below the noise floor
Saleh–Valenzuela (SV) model developed for UWB systems
causing little or no interference to existing systems and mitigate
[12]. The model consists of clusters that arrive according to a
the performance degradation due to narrowband interference.
Poisson process. The power envelope for the clusters follows an
We specifically utilize impulse-based UWB technology due to
exponential-decay random process. Each cluster is made up of
the simple transmitter architecture, which makes it ideal for the
rays which also arrive according to a Poisson process and decay
low-power high-data-rate uplink transmission from sensor node
according to an exponential random process.
to vehicle. The main drawback is that UWB receiver design is
An initial comparison with the measured data showed that
challenging due to the sensitivity requirements. A low data rate
the SV model matched quite closely once the parameters are
is required for the downlink, so we use narrowband transmis-
set correctly. The only problem was that there was too much
sion and an ultra-low-power receiver on the sensor nodes.
incoming energy at very early times due to the exponential
envelope. Intuitively, this early time energy is due to a strong
LOS or at least significant energy traveling in a geometrically
A. Uplink Communication
straight line from the transmitter to the receiver. In the case of
UWB technology has emerged in recent years as the ideal the tire channel, the LOS is probably through the tire thread and,
solution for low-cost low-power short-range wireless data trans- therefore, is very weak. The strongest rays travel through the
mission. FCC defines UWB as any radio technology for which sidewalls and experience at least one reflection before arriving
the emitted signal bandwidth exceeds the lesser of 500 MHz at the receiver. Thus, the exponential random envelope for
and 20% of the center frequency [15]. In 2002, FCC has the cluster arrivals was deemed inappropriate. The base SV
allocated the 3.1–10.6-GHz band for the unlicensed use of model was modified slightly. The exponential envelope for the
UWB applications; however, these systems must limit energy cluster power was changed to a Rayleigh random envelope.
emission to follow the FCC spectral mask [16] so that no The Rayleigh distribution has maximum energy at some time
interference is caused to existing technologies in the band. greater than zero but usually a small number. In our case, that
To design the UWB system, it is necessary to understand is a few nanoseconds. All other aspects of the model were
the transmission channel that operates on the transmitted unchanged: Poisson process for cluster and ray arrival times
signal. There have been studies of typical channels for UWB and exponential decay of ray power within a cluster. This new
communication systems in indoor and outdoor scenarios. How- model is referred to as the SV-R model. An instance of the
ever, these environments are much larger than the wavelengths resulting model is shown in Fig. 7.
present in the signal, and they are mostly empty. In contrast, The experiments are performed for two tires, Hankook
the area around the tire is quite different. There are two large 175/70R13 and Pirelli Pzero Nero M+S 204/45R16, at
reflectors in the immediate vicinity of the node: the wheel 8 positions around the rotation of the tire, i.e., every 45◦ . The
rim and the wheel arch of the car’s body. Both of these are arrival-time process for the clusters is governed primarily by λc ,
virtually always metal and are curved such that they tend to whereas the ray-arrival-time process is governed by the parame-
reflect incident waves back into the area, confining them. In ter λr . Typical values for λc are slightly less than 10 ns, and λr
addition, the node is inside the tire and must transmit through is typically a few nanoseconds. These values are significantly
the tire in some way: A true LOS channel is impossible, since lower than the scenarios found in the 802.15.4a standard. This
Authorized licensed use limited to: Univ of Calif Berkeley. Downloaded on July 20, 2009 at 17:59 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Univ of Calif Berkeley. Downloaded on July 20, 2009 at 17:59 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Univ of Calif Berkeley. Downloaded on July 20, 2009 at 17:59 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Fig. 13. Packet structure used for the application with respective number of
symbols (chips) for each field. We assume M = 32 B for the MAC simulations. TABLE III
to detect packet losses and 2 B for destination and source
address, and a CRC calculated over both the MAC header and
the data payload for packet validation. The method used was the
common CRC-8 procedure. Next, following procedures in the
standard, the data are encoded for error correction. The forward TABLE IV
error-correction encoder consists of an inner RS encoder and an
outer convolutional encoder. The RS encoder appends 48 parity
bits to the MAC packet and feeds into a half-rate convolutional
encoder, which produces 2(M + 32 + 48) b. The RS encoder
uses the following generator polynomial:
g(x) = (x + ak )
= x8 + 55x7 + 61x6 + 37x5 + 48x4
+ 47x3 + 20x2 + 6x + 22. (1) Fig. 14. Downlink-receiver architecture.
Then, spreading is done by directly mapping each symbol to PPM-modulated triangular-sinusoid UWB pulse transmissions
a constant PN sequence. This differs from the standard, which in MATLAB (which takes about 90 min on an AMD Turion X2
employs a time-hopping spreading technique based on a time- laptop). Under the assumption of 8-b pseudorandom spreading,
varying PN sequence. The change to direct PN spreading allows the CER to bit-error-rate (BER) result is given in Table III. After
reduced complexity in the transmitter of the sensor nodes and packet detection and ECC decoding, the BER to packet-error-
less stringent synchronization requirements for the receiver rate (PER) result is given in Table IV. The PER information
architecture. will be used in the design of the communication protocol as
The preamble then consists of two fields: SYNC, responsible a measure of the PHY layer performance. Specifically, we
for establishing clock synchronization and timing recovery, and design a protocol, as will be discussed in Section VI, under the
the start field delimiter (SFD), responsible for denoting the assumed PER of 5%, since channel measurements show that
beginning of an incoming packet to the receiver. Due to the SNR is around 12 dB for the pulse duration.
time constraint of the transmission frame, we use the smallest
preamble size dictated by the standard, i.e., 16 SYNC symbols
B. Downlink Communication
and 8 SFD symbols, by default but the length can be adjusted
by the PAN coordinator if needed. In addition, since the length Downlink transmission from PAN coordinator to tire sensor
and the data rate of the packet for our application is fixed, we nodes is used primarily to transmit minimal information for
eliminate the PHY header. The final packet structure used for MAC scheduling, as detailed in Section VI. Due to the low-
the Intelligent Tire system is shown in Fig. 13. An additional data-rate requirements, narrowband communication is used.
deviation from the standard’s UWB PHY specifications is the Furthermore, we apply an ultra-low-power radio design due
modulation scheme used. As mentioned in Section V-A-2, bi- to power restrictions of the sensor nodes. The power of the
nary PPM (BPM) is used for this application to reduce receiver downlink receiver needs to be under 100 μW. The only viable
complexity, whereas the standard uses BPM-BPSK modulation architecture to demonstrate this low of a receiver power is
for each two symbols. based on energy-detection [18]. Other radio receivers have
UWB simulation: Upon selecting the communication ar- been demonstrated with system powers on the order of a few
chitecture, we need to extract the performance information of hundred microwatts. The key to using less than 100 μW is the
the PHY layer into the MAC layer. Since physical implementa- elimination of the local oscillator and the use of a low-power
tion is not yet complete, we can only evaluate at the functional MEMS-based bulk-acoustic-wave (BAW) front-end filter. This
level. Specifically, the performance is reported in terms of chip- influences most other decisions in the receiver design and yields
error rate (CER) in Table II. This is the lowest level of ab- the basic architecture, as shown in Fig. 14. Its basic operation
straction for the radio before physical implementation. In-band consists of determining whether RF energy exists in a given
interference for the channel was modeled as an additive white frequency band. The signal is coded for interference mitigation.
Gaussian noise channel with appropriate SNR assignment. The The operation of the receive chain is as follows. The in-
multipath profile for the channel is based on the channel model coming signal is first filtered so that only the narrowband of
we developed. Each result is based on a simulation of 10 000 interest is admitted. The performance of this BAW filter is
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Authorized licensed use limited to: Univ of Calif Berkeley. Downloaded on July 20, 2009 at 17:59 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Fig. 16. Tframe consists of n Tslot , where Tslot is the time allotted for a
single-sensor node to transmit data and n denotes the number of nodes in the
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Fig. 20. System PER versus nominal PER plot from MAC simulations.
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3) global (architecture and circuit configuration) system op- [26] P. Bhartia, I. Bahl, R. Garg, and A. Ittipiboon, Microstrip Antenna Design
timization to determine optimal system design for the Handbook. Norwood, MA: Artech House, 2000.
[27] A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, L. Carloni, F. D. Bernardinis, and M. Sgroi,
given application. “Benefits and challenges for platform-based design,” in Proc. 41st Annu.
These tools and methods will help in determining to best DAC, 2004, pp. 409–414.
[28] S. Roundy, M. Strasser, and P. K. Wright, Powering Ambient Intelligent
mapping of the Intelligent Tire system’s signal acquisition and Networks. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag, Dec. 2005, pp. 271–299.
communication functionalities onto the set of available circuit
components to minimize overall system cost.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Univ of Calif Berkeley. Downloaded on July 20, 2009 at 17:59 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Prof. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli was the recipient of the Distinguished Teach- Sayf Alalusi received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees from the University of
ing Award of the University of California in 1981. He was also the recipient California, Berkeley, in 1998, 2001, and 2005, respectively.
of the worldwide 1995 Graduate Teaching Award of the IEEE (a Technical He first worked for HRL Laboratories Malibu, CA, on many diverse research
Field Award for “inspirational teaching of graduate students”). In 2002, he tasks. He then joined the Wireless Sensor Networks Berkeley Laboratory,
was the recipient of the Aristotle Award of the Semiconductor Research Berkeley, where he worked on low-power radios and wireless energy transfer
Corporation. He was the recipient of numerous research awards, including projects for Pirelli’s Smart Tire initiative. He is currently with TransRobotics,
the Guillemin–Cauer Award (1982–1983), the Darlington Award (1987–1988) an early-stage start-up company in the San Francisco Bay Area, Hayward, CA,
of the IEEE for the best paper bridging theory and applications, and two specializing in industrial sensing and automation.
awards for the best paper published in the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS
OF I NTEGRATED C IRCUITS AND S YSTEMS . He was also the recipient of five
best paper awards and one best presentation awards at the Design Automation
Conference and other best paper awards at the Real-Time Systems Symposium Giorgio Audisio received the degree in electrical
and the VLSI Conference. In 2001, he was the recipient of the Kaufman Award engineering from the Politecnico di Torino, Torino,
of the Electronic Design Automation Council for “pioneering contributions to Italy, in 1985.
EDA.” In 2008, he was the recipient of the IEEE/RSE Wolfson James Clerk He started his professional career with the Tele-
Maxwell Medal “for groundbreaking contributions that have had an exceptional com Research Institute. In 1987, he joined Fiat
impact on the development of electronics and electrical engineering or related Auto, where he was appointed Head of the Electrical
fields” with the following citation: “For pioneering innovation and leadership in and Electronic Design Centre in 1997. During these
electronic design automation that have enabled the design of modern electronics years, his team redesigned all the electrical and elec-
systems and their industrial implementation.” He is a member of the National tronic architectures of Fiat, Alfa, and Lancia models
Academy of Engineering, which is the highest honor bestowed upon a U.S. with a dramatic improvement of reliability and cost
Engineer, since 1998. reduction. After a period as Director of Innovation,
he was appointed as Deputy Director of the Electrical and Electronic Compe-
tence Area, where he led the joint project with Microsoft for the development
Xuening Sun (M’02) received the B.S.E.E. degree of a new telematics platform (Blue&Me) which is now deployed in all Fiat
(with highest honors) from the University of Texas Auto and Iveco vehicles. In 2005, he joined Pirelli Tyres S.p.A., Milano, Italy,
at Austin, Austin, in 2004 and the M.S. degree from as Chief Engineer of the Tyre Systems and Vehicle Dynamics Department to
the University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, in lead strategic development projects to transform the tire into an active and
2007, where he is currently working toward the Ph.D. “intelligent” tire (“Cyber Tyre”).
degree in the Department of Electrical Engineering
and Computer Science.
In 2005, he was with IBM, Austin, where he was
a Design Engineer for the zSeries server processor
family before pursuing graduate studies in electronic Marco Sabatini received the Laurea degree (with
design automation. In the summers of 2006 and honors) in electrical engineering from the Politec-
2007, he was a Research Intern at the Pirelli/Telecom Italia Wireless Sensor nico di Milano, Milano, Italy, in 1991.
Networks Laboratory, Berkeley, where he was involved in ultrawideband He was with ST Microelectronics Central R&D,
system modeling and MAC protocol design. His research interests include Agrate, Italy, where he worked on innovative HW
electronic-system-level design methodologies, with a special interest in system- architecture design. In 1996, he was invited as
level composition of analog/RF circuits. Visiting Industrial Fellow at the University of
California, Berkeley, Berkeley, where he worked
on low-power analog-to-digital converter. In 1997,
he joined ST Berkeley Laboratories, where he de-
Riccardo Tebano received the Laurea degree in veloped advanced CMOS camera and solid state
physics from the Università degli Studi di Milano, fingerprint-sensor technologies. In 2001, he was appointed as Vice President
Milano, Italy, in 1998 and the Ph.D. degree from the of Engineering at Barcelona Design, where he was working on automatic
Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Milano, synthesis of analog-circuit topologies. In 2004, he returns to Italy and worked at
in 2001. Accent S.r.l. in the design and consulting service in the wireless-sensor field. In
He is currently with the Tyre System and Vehicle 2008, he joined Pirelli Tyres S.p.A., Milano, where he is currently responsible
Dynamics Department, Pirelli Tyre S.p.A., Milano, for technologies for the “Cyber Tyre” project. He has published more than
Italy. 17 patents and 7 papers at International Electron Devices Meeting, International
Solid State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), and other conferences. He was also
assigned an “Exceptional Patent Award” by ST Microelectronics in 2000.
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