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Smart Health

The market for health monitoring devices is currently characterised by application-specific

solutions that are mutually non-interoperable and are made up of diverse architectures.

While individual products are designed to cost targets, the long-term goal of achieving lower
technology costs across current and future sectors will inevitably be very challenging unless a
more coherent approach is used.

The IoT can be used in clinical care where hospitalized patients whose physiological status
requires close attention can be constantly monitored using IoT -driven, non-invasive
This requires sensors to collect comprehensive physiological information and uses gateways
and the cloud to analyse and store the information and then send the analysed data wirelessly
to caregivers for further analysis and review.

These techniques improve the quality of care

In addition the technology can be used for remote monitoring using small, wireless solutions
connected through the IoT.

These solutions can be used to securely capture patient health data from a variety of sensors,
apply complex algorithms to analyse the data and then share it through wireless connectivity
with medical professionals who can make appropriate health recommendations.

The links between the many applications in health monitoring are:

• gathering of data from sensors
• support user interfaces and displays
• network connectivity for access to infrastructural services
• low power, robustness, durability, accuracy and reliability

The main objective is to enhance life quality for people who need permanent support or
monitoring, to decrease barriers for monitoring important health parameters, to avoid
unnecessary healthcare costs and efforts, and to provide the right medical support at the right

The IoT plays an important role in healthcare applications, from managing chronic diseases
at one end of the spectrum to preventing disease at the other.
Convergence of bio parameter sensing, communication technologies and engineering is
turning health care into a new type of information industry. In this context the progress
beyond state of the art for IoT applications for healthcare is envisaged as follows:
• Standardisation of interface from sensors and MEMS for an open platform to create a broad
and open market for bio-chemical innovators.
• Providing a high degree of automation in the taking and processing of information;
• Real-time data over networks (streaming and regular single measurements) to be available
to clinicians anywhere on the web with appropriate software and privileges;
• Data travelling over trusted web.
• Reuse of components over smooth progression between low-cost “home health” devices
and higher cost “professional” devices.
• Data needs to be interchangeable between all authorised devices in use within the clinical
care pathway, from home, ambulance, clinic, hospital, without manual transfer of data.

Food and Water Tracking and Security

Food and fresh water are the most important natural resources in the world.
Organic food produced without addition of certain chemical substances and according to
strict rules, or food produced in certain geographical areas will be particularly valued.
Fresh water from mountain springs is already highly valued. In the future it will be very
important to bottle and distribute water adequately.
Using IoT in such scenarios to secure tracking of food or water from the production place to
the consumer is one of the important topics.
This has already been introduced to some extent in regard to beef meat. After the “mad cow
disease” outbreak in the late 20th century,
Some beef manufacturers together with large supermarket chains in Ireland are offering
“from pasture to plate” traceability of each package of beef meat in an attempt to assure
consumers that the meat is safe for consumption.
However, this is limited to certain types of food and enables tracing back to the origin of the
food only,

IoT applications need to have a development framework

The things connected to the Internet need to provide value. The things that are part of the IoT
need to provide a valuable service at a price point that enables adoption, or they need to be
part of a larger system.
• Use of rich ecosystem for the development. The IoT comprises things, sensors,
communication systems, servers, storage, analytics, and end user services. Developers,
network operators, hardware manufacturers, and software providers need to come together to
make it work. The partnerships among the stakeholders will provide functionality easily
available to the customers.
• Systems need to provide APIs that let users take advantage of systems suited to their needs
on devices of their choice.APIs also allow developers to innovate and create something
interesting using the system’s data and services, ultimately driving the system’s use and
• Developers need to be attracted since the implementation will be done on a development
platform. Developers using different tools to develop solutions, which work across device
platforms playing a key role for future IoT deployment.
• Security needs to be built in. Connecting things previously cut off from the digital world
will expose them to new attacks and challenges. The research challenges are:
• Design of secure, tamper-proof and cost-efficient mechanisms for tracking food and water
from production to consumers, enabling immediate notification of actors in case of harmful
food and communication of trusted information.
• Secure way of monitoring production processes, providing sufficient information and
confidence to consumers. At the same time details of the production processes which might
be considered as intellectual property should not be revealed.
• Ensure trust and secure exchange of data among applications and infrastructures (farm,
packing industry, retailers) to prevent the introduction of false or misleading data, which can
affect the health of the citizens or create economic damage to the stakeholders.
Federated Cloud Services Management

Interest for cloud computing services and the use of virtual infrastructures supporting such
services is also result of the business model cloud computing offers, where bigger revenue and
more efficient exploitation is envisaged
Likewise particular interest exists from the industry sector (where most of the implementations
are taking place) for developing more management tools and solutions in the cloud. In the other
hand academic communities point towards finding solutions for more powerful computing
processing and at the same time more efficient and also for a more extended interoperability
concept between the cloud-based IoT platforms.
Thus generally problems on manageability, control of cloud and other research challenges are
being investigated. It is anticipated that cloud computing should reduce cost and time of
computing and processing [21].
However while cost benefit is reflected mainly to the end-user, from a cloud service provider
perspective, cloud computing is more than a simple arrangement of mostly virtual servers,
offering the potential of tailored service offerings and theoretically infinite expansion.

Cloud management is a complex task as clouds must support appropriate levels of tailored
service performance to large groups of diverse users. A sector of services, named private
clouds, coexists with and is provisioned through a bigger public cloud, where the services
associated to those private clouds are accessed through (virtualized) wide area networks. In
this section challenges for managing cloud service infrastructure are discussed in the form of
scenarios, special focuses on data management systems which are essential for the provisioning
and control access of virtual infrastructure resources [20], and where such systems must be
able to address fundamental issues related to scalability and reliability which are inherent when
integrating diverse cloud-based IoT systems.

Cloud Data Management

The need to control multiple computers running complex applications and likewise the
interaction of multiple service providers supporting a common data centre service exacerbates
the challenge of finding management alternatives for orchestrating between the different cloud-
based systems and dataservices

Even though having full control of the management operations when a service is being
executed is necessary, distributing this decision control is still an open issue. In cloud
management systems, supporting such complex management operations must be addresses
focusing on the challenging problem of coordinating multiple running data applications,
management operations, and while prioritizing tasks for service interoperability between

An emerging alternative to solve cloud computing control, from a management perspective, is

the use of formal languages as a tool for information exchange between the diverse data and
information systems participating in cloud service provisioning. These formal languages rely
on an inference plane

It is a need to manage the cloud in a simplified way using the mechanism to represent and
contain Description Logic (DL) to operate operational rules.
with high-level instructions the cloud infrastructure can be managed in a more dynamic way.

Federated Management Service Life Cycle

Management and configuration of large-scale and highly distributed and dynamic applications
is everyday increasingly in complexity at the network and enterprise application levels. In the
current Internet typical large enterprise systems contain thousands of physically distributed
software components that communicate across different networks to satisfy end-to-end services
client requests.

The federated autonomic reference model service life cycle is depicted, In the diagram is
exposed how the definition and contractual agreements between different enterprises
(1.Definition) establish the process for monitoring
(2.Observation) and also identify particular management data at application, service,
middleware and hardware levels
(3.Analysis) that can later be gathered, processed, aggregated and correlated

(4.Mapping) to provide knowledge that supports management operations of large enterprise

(5.Federated Agreements) and thus the network services that they require
(6.Federated Regulations). Monitoring data at the network and application level can be used
to generate knowledge that can be used to support enterprise application management in a form
of control loops in the information; a feature necessary in the Future Internet service
provisioning process
(7.Federated Decisions). Thus infrastructure can be re-configurable and adaptive to business
goals based on information changes
(8.Action). It is also important to consider appropriate ways on how information from enterprise
applications and from management systems can be provided to federate management systems
allowing to more robustly and efficiently be processed to generate adaptive changes in the
(9.Dynamic Control). Appropriate means of normalising, interpreting, sharing and visualising
this information as knowledge
(10.Foundations) thus allocate new federated network services
(11.Enforcement). More specifically, work is being carried out to develop monitoring
techniques that can be applied to record, analyse, correlate and visualise information and trends
in both network management systems and enterprise application management systems, in a
manner such that a coherent view of the communication profiles of different application-level
and network-level services can be built.

Open IoT Autonomic Data Management

The first step towards federation is the automate process by integrating sensor data and cloud
infrastructures. IBM1 has introduced autonomic computing as part of the vision for “systems
managing themselves according to an administrator’s goals. New components integrate as
effortlessly as a new cell establishes itself in the human body. These ideas are not science
fiction, but elements of the grand challenge to create self-managing computing systems”. This
principle has emerged and transcended beyond computing frontiers and also in the area of the
communications management, the term autonomic communications has been researched for
several years, reflecting a real challenge to materialize the vision of transparent interaction
between administrator’s goals and systems self-management operations. In the late 90’s
supported by the Autonomic Computing Forum (ACF) autonomics brought the concept of
seamless mobility associated to scenarios for people configuring new personalized services
using displays, smart posters and other end-user interaction facilities, as well as their own
personal devices. Named lately as pervasive computing, autonomics bring the inherent
necessity to increase the functionality of those systems dealing with additional information and
funded on communication system infrastructures. Pervasive service requirements are headed
by the interoperability of data, voice, and multimedia using the same (converged) network.
This requirement defines a new challenge: the necessity to integrate smartness to the systems
and make the infrastructure more reactive by means of data and services control. Nowadays
the Future Internet design with the inclusion of IoT is motivated by both, the necessity to
support the requirements of pervasive services and the necessity to satisfy the challenges of
self-operations dictated by the largely named Internet-of-Things paradigm.
As part of the OpenIoT and inorder to establish it as a blueprint open source solution, the
creation of new challenges in terms of enhancing complex systems functionality, enable large
support of sensors, devices and services systems and enable dynamic deployment and
implementation is fundamental.
Autonomic systems must dynamically adapt the services and resources that they provide to
meet the changing needs of users and/or in response to changing environmental conditions
alike that system control demands; this requires the integration of management information.
Figure 9.2 depicts the
OpenIoT autonomic control loop mapping proposed in OpenIoT. This model for OpenIoT is
crucial, as each day, more complex IoT consumers require services, which in turn requires
more complex support systems that must
Open IoT Autonomic Service Control Loop for IoT

harmonize multiple technologies and linked information from sub-systems interacting to offer
embedded services. IoT envisage new smart scenarios, and at the same time challenging the
user-centric applications and services. IoT systems require information and systems able to
support services and especially interoperable applications. In autonomic systems linked data
plays the important role of enabling the management plane to adapt the services and resources
that it is offering to the changing demands of the user, as well as adapt to changing
environmental conditions, by meaning of the linked nature, thus enabling the management of
new functionalities in IoT complex system

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