Industrial Crops and Products: Formulation of A Novel Bio-Resin From Banana Sap
Industrial Crops and Products: Formulation of A Novel Bio-Resin From Banana Sap
Industrial Crops and Products: Formulation of A Novel Bio-Resin From Banana Sap
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The purpose of this work is to develop and characterise a novel bio-resin made from banana sap (BS)
Received 15 May 2012 for low end applications such as the interior components of motor vehicles. The sap from banana plant
Received in revised form 27 July 2012 (Musa cavendish), that is locally grown in Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa, was used as the starting material
Accepted 31 July 2012
for the bio-resin. The BS was characterised using various physical and chemical testing methods. Quali-
tative analysis of BS confirmed the presence of carbohydrates which was quantified by high performance
liquid chromatography. Phenols were identified by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. BS from
Musa cavendish
the pseudo stem of the plant was added in varying concentrations (30–65 wt.%) to polyester resin. The
Banana sap maleate
Thermal properties
bio-resin was processed for 12–35 h and reacted with styrene, an initiator and a catalyst, and cured at
Mechanical properties room temperature for 24 h and post cured at 80 ◦ C for 3 h. The thermal and mechanical properties of the
Non-petroleum based products resulting product, called a banana sap maleate were evaluated by differential scanning calorimetry, ther-
Banana sap characteristics mogravimetry and dynamic mechanical analysis. It was concluded that adding 50 wt.% BS gave the best
mechanical properties when compared to the control resin which is 100% petroleum-based unsaturated
polyester resin.
© 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0926-6690/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
V. Paul et al. / Industrial Crops and Products 43 (2013) 496–505 497
2000) poly lactic acid (Narayanan et al., 2004), soybean oil (Haq Spectrophotometric analysis of total phenols was carried out
et al., 2008), collagen, carbohydrate-derivatives from starch or cel- using a Perkin Elmer UV/vis spectrophotometer. The total pheno-
lulose (Satyanarayana et al., 2009), natural rubber based adhesives lic content of extracts was determined using the Folin–Ciocalteu
(John et al., 2008; Mathew et al., 2010) and natural phenolic adhe- method (Singleton and Rossi Jr., 1965). The extracts were oxidized
sives such as tannin or lignin (Fowler et al., 2008). In this study with Folin–Ciocalteu reagent, and the reaction was neutralised with
banana sap, containing carbohydrates is used in the formulation of sodium carbonate. The absorbance of the resulting blue colour was
a novel bio-resin. measured at 765 nm after 60 min. Gallic acid (GA) was used as
Polyester resins are commercially prepared by a polycondensa- a standard the total phenolic content was expressed as mg GA
tion reaction between a saturated diol and a mixture of unsaturated equivalent/L of extract. The standard curve was prepared using
dibasic acids (John et al., 2008). The cross-linking may be achieved concentrations 50–500 mg/L.
by the use of either polyols or an unsaturated di-carboxylic HPLC analysis was performed using the Waters HPLC unit with
acid as described by (Shaktawat et al., 2008). In this study the a refractive index detector and ultra-violet detector with the Phe-
banana sap which consists of about 90% water was subjected nomenex Rezex H Organic Acid column. The mobile phase was
to an esterification process using maleic anhydride and propy- made of 0.0025M H2 SO4 /H2 O. Chromatograms were recorded and
lene glycol. The removal of water from the sap was subsequently the peaks from the sample were identified by comparison to pure
effected. standards. The peak areas were determined by integration using
Since it was difficult to produce a natural resin with banana sap, the Clarity Software from Delta.
a hybrid resin was formed using a polyester resin. The remain- GC–MS analysis was performed using the Agilent Technolo-
ing organics in the banana sap reacted with the polyester resin. gies 6890 Series GC coupled with an Agilent 5973 Mass Selective
Polyester resins are cost effective and there is a very large market Detector driven by Agilent Chemstation software. The samples
for it in South Africa. The locally available banana sap is compatible were prepared by liquid–liquid extraction using dichloromethane,
with the polyester resin. ethyl acetate and hexane to extract the polar, medium polar and
Polyester resins are used in various applications such as con- non- polar components. All solvents were of GC grade. The organic
struction, transportation and marine applications (Riedel et al., extracts were concentrated by rotavap and analysed by GC–MS.
1999; Baley et al., 2006) and it was for these reasons it was used. The titration method is used to measure the acid number of the
Maleated polypropylene composites showed improved flexural banana sap maleate. The acid number is the measure of carboxylic
properties (Gironès et al., 2011). Reactions of maleic anhydride acid in the polymer. Acid number is defined in ASTM D 1386 as
with polypropylene is of great industrial interest to enhance its the milligrams of potassium hydroxide required to neutralise 1 g
compatibility, adhesion and reactivity to fibres (Saad, 2011). of sample. Viscosity measurements were performed with the Cone
Over the years landfill sites are being strewn with automo- and Plate viscometer. The molecular weight distribution was done
tive interior components that do not biodegrade. This negatively by gel permeation chromatography. During the processing of the
impacts on the carbon footprint. In order to minimise this prob- resin samples were taken every hour and then every half hour to
lem the automotive sector has made a commitment to produce measure acid number, viscosity and molecular weight distribution.
components that do biodegrade (Gerrard and Kandlikar, 2007). Functional groups of the resin were determined by use of a Nico-
Therefore the aim of this study is to produce a bio-based resin let FTIR instrument with Attenuated total reflectance (ATR) in the
system from banana sap that is biodegradable and environmen- range of 400–4000 cm−1 .
tally friendly. Clearly the material system must have comparable Thermal analysis was performed by TA SDT Q600 instrument.
thermal and mechanical properties with the existing system. The DSC and TG analysis of the samples were performed at 40–400 ◦ C,
resin system will be used for low end applications for the interior heating rate of 10 ◦ C/min with a nitrogen flow of 50 mL/min.
of motor vehicles (Patel et al., 2003) such as dashboard supports,
internal door trim, seat back trim etc. 2.3. Bio-resin processing
2. Experimental Maleic anhydride (MA) and propylene glycol (PG) were pro-
cessed at temperatures between 170–240 ◦ C for 12–40 h with
2.1. Materials of synthesis 30–64% BS as per Table 1. The polypropylene maleate with dou-
ble bonds cross-linked with the unsaturated monomer styrene. A
The stem of the banana plant was collected from a banana control sample was also prepared without banana sap.
plantation in Durban, South Africa. The sheets of the plant were The resin blend was processed with cobalt naphthenate as an
separated and crushed with a Pinette Emidecau Hydraulic Press. accelerator and methyl ketone peroxide as an initiator. The resin
The sap was collected and stored in the freezer at −18 ◦ C for further was cast between two moulds that were assembled from two pieces
use. The fibres were washed several times to remove the pith, air of plate glass, each of size 300 mm by 300 mm and 4 mm of thick-
dried and then stored in plastic bags for further use. Chemical tests ness with a polyurethane gasket between the glass plates. The resin
were performed on the banana sap. Maleic anhydride, propylene cured within 24 h and was post cured at 80 ◦ C for 3 h.
glycol, cobalt naphthenate, styrene and methyl ketone peroxide The new bio-resin was called “banana sap maleate” (BSM).
were purchased from Sigma–Aldrich, South Africa. Table 1 shows the differing composition of the banana sap in the
approximately 97% water. This was confirmed by the Dean and Sample Composition/%
Stark method which removes water continuously that is produced BSM 0 0% BS
during a chemical reaction performed at reflux temperature. Li BSM 1 30% BS
et al. (2010) reported about 96% moisture content in fresh banana BSM 2 47% BS
pseudo stem. The sap was qualitatively analysed for carbohydrates BSM 3 57% BS
BSM 4 64% BS
using the Molish test (a solution of ␣-napthol in 95% ethanol).
498 V. Paul et al. / Industrial Crops and Products 43 (2013) 496–505
0.8 and 2,4 bis 1.1 dimethylethyl phenol. The phenolic compounds
0.7 were confirmed by the UV/vis and GC–MS methods. It is presumed
that these esters and phenolic compounds polymerise within them-
selves before attaching themselves to the maleate backbone.
remaining phenolic compounds react with the resin, imparting the DCM extract Dihydro-5-pentyl 2(3H)-furanone
dark brown colour. Hexadecane
The carbohydrates identified by the HPLC analysis as per Fig. 2 6,10,14-Trimethyl 2-pentadecanone,
Dibutyl phthalate
were: sucrose, fructose and glucose. These sugars quantified in
1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, butyl
Table 2, are caramelized during the heating process of the resin. It 2-methylpropyl ester
is assumed that the caramelized sugars could also contribute to the Hexadecanoic acid
dark colours of the resin. However, it has not been ascertained if the Hexane extract 2-Methyl-heptane
sugars actually attach themselves to the backbone of the maleate 3-Methyl-heptane
resin. 1,3-Dimethyl cyclohexane
GC–MS results in Table 3 confirmed the most abundant pres- 2,5-Dimethyl heptane
3-Methyl octane
ence of 1,2 benzenedicarboxylic acid, bis (2-methylpropyl) ester
1,3-Dimethyl benzene
Table 2 Ethyl acetate extract 1-Ethyl-3-methyl benzene
Concentration of sucrose, fructose and glucose in banana sap. 2,4-Bis(1,1-dimethylethyl phenol
2,6-Bis(1,1-dimethylethyl) phenol
Carbohydrate Original sap/%
2,5-Bis(1,1-dimethylethyl) phenol
Sucrose 0.018 3,5-Bis(1,1-dimethylethyl) phenol
Glucose 0.04 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid,
Fructose 0.04 bis(2-methylpropyl) ester
V. Paul et al. / Industrial Crops and Products 43 (2013) 496–505 499
Fig. 2. HPLC chromatogram of carbohydrates in BS (peak 3 – sucrose, peak 5 – glucose, peak 6 – fructose).
Fig. 3. Image of control sample and samples with varying concentration of BS.
in the resin gelling. From Fig. 7a and b it can be observed that as chain transfer predominates over the acid-glycol esterification
the acid value decreases, the viscosity and the molecular weight reaction. Here the large polymer chains start joining together and
increases. increasing the molecular weight. If at this stage the product is not
The acid value is low and molecular weight is very high which cooled in time the MW would increase too much and the product
should improve the chemical resistance of the polymer when cross- will harden to an irreversible cross-linked polymer which would be
linked. The sudden rise in viscosity and MW at the end is where incompatible with styrene and require strong solvents to dissolve it.
O (CH 2 ) 3 O C CH CH C O (CH 2 ) 3 O
O (CH 2 ) 3 O C CH CH C O (CH 2 ) 3 O
O (CH 2 ) 3 O C CH CH C O (CH 2 ) 3 O
O CH 2 O
CHPh n
O (CH 2 ) 3 O C CH CH C O (CH 2 ) 3 O
O CH 2 O
CHPh n
O (CH 2 ) 3 O C CH CH C O (CH 2 ) 3 O
1,2-Benzenedicarboxylicacid, 1,2-bis(2-methylpropyl)
O CH3 ester
O (CH2)3 O C CH CH C O (CH2)3 O
O (CH2)3 O C CH CH C O (CH2)3
CHPh n
O (CH2)3 O C CH CH C O (CH2)3 O O CH3
O (CH2)3 O C CH CH C O (CH2)3 O
Viscosity / Pa.s
BSM-1 (30% BS) 374.25 122.5 65.84
BSM-2 (47% BS) 375.98 151.2 71.35
60 BSM-3 (57% BS) 376.89 166.4 69.93
100 BSM-4 (64% BS) 377.34 29.71 68.58
20 3.5. Thermal analysis
0 0 Acid Value A comparison of the thermal transitions of the bio-based resins
8 10 12 14 16
Viscosity and the control sample are shown in Fig. 10. The control sample
Time / hours
is labelled as BSM-0 while BSM-1 to BSM-4 represents 30%, 47%,
Molecular weight distribuon
2500 b 57% and 64% of banana sap in the maleate resin. BSM-0, BSM-1,
2179 BSM-2 and BSM-3 shows the glass transition (Tg ) between 63 ◦ C
and 69 ◦ C and melting point temperatures (Tmelt ) from 373 ◦ C to
1500 376 ◦ C (Table 4). BSM-4 on the other hand displays a glass tansition
1000 at 68 ◦ C, melting point at 377 ◦ C and crystallisation temperature at
300 ◦ C. BSM-4 exists in both amorphous and crystalline forms.
BSM-3 and BSM-4 has a lower Tg value than BSM-2 because
0 they contain of more banana sap than BSM-2, resulting in the sam-
11 12 13 14 15 ple becoming more diluted. This means that there could be some
Time / hours unreactive components in the sap that cannot be esterified and
remain as free plasticizers in the polymer. The control sample has an
Fig. 7. (a) Comparison of acid value and viscosity of the banana sap maleate and (b)
molecular weight distribution of the banana sap maleate.
enthalphy value of 62.73 J g−1 . As the BS concentration is increased
from 30 to 57 wt.%, the change in enthalpy (H) of BSM-1, BSM-2,
BSM-3 was observed to increase from 122 to 166 J g−1 respectively.
However H of BSM-4 (64% BS) decreased to 29.71 J g−1 due to
Fig. 8 shows the FTIR scans of the functional groups of BS, MA the crystallisation temperature at 300 ◦ C. One of the factors affect-
and PG. The carbonyl groups of the MA are depicted at 1855 cm−1 ing the enthalpy of a reaction is the concentration of the reactants
and 1776 cm−1 . The FTIR analysis of the PG and BS are dominated and products. The change in enthalpy depends upon the quantity
by hydroxyl moieties at 3310 and 3320 cm−1 respectively. The peak of reactants used. When the number of moles of MA, PG and BS
at 1628 cm−1 in the BS may be attributed to the presence of ketones increases, the change in enthalpy (H) also increases. As the chain
and 1030 cm−1 may be attributed to C O stretching. The polyester length increases so too does the melting point. In this study, only
chain grows as the acid and the hydroxyl groups combine to form one weight loss or degradation step was shown in Fig. 11 at approx-
ester and water is removed in the polycondensation reaction as imately 371 ◦ C. This is the decomposition step of the polymers.
seen in Fig. 9 during the processing at 2 h, 12, 13 and 13.5 h. As the
resin was processed and the water from the BS was removed, the 3.6. Mechanical properties
O H band at 3400 cm−1 slowly disappears. The carbonyl stretch at
1709 and 1716 cm−1 gradually becoming more pronounced as the 3.6.1. Dynamic and static stiffness
esters are formed. The peak at 1640 cm−1 gradually disappears as The stress–strain behaviour of these resins are shown in Fig. 12.
the C C stretch breaks. BSM 1–4 showed a greater stiffness than the control sample. By
Fig. 8. Comparison of FTIR of starting materials of the resin namely banana sap, maleic anhydride and propylene glycol.
502 V. Paul et al. / Industrial Crops and Products 43 (2013) 496–505
Fig. 9. FTIR scans of the banana sap maleate resin during the processing at 2, 12, 13 and 13.5 h.
Fig. 10. DSC curves of BSM-0 (control) and BSM-1, BSM-2, BSM-3 and BSM-4 (sample weight 10 mg, heating rate 10 ◦ C/min, and nitrogen atmosphere).
Fig. 11. TG curves of BSM-0 (control) and BSM-1, BSM-2, BSM-3 and BSM-4 (sample weight 10 mg, heating rate 10 ◦ C/min, and nitrogen atmosphere).
V. Paul et al. / Industrial Crops and Products 43 (2013) 496–505 503
25.000 BSM2
Stress / MPa
15.000 BSM4
0.000 Fig. 14. Comparison of stiffness of control sample with BSM1, BSM2, BSM3 and
0.000 5.000 10.000 15.000 BSM4.
Strain / %
Fig. 12. Stress–strain curves of CONTROL sample compared to BSM1, BSM2, BSM3
and BSM4.
adding varying quantities of BS, the resin has imparted some inter-
esting mechanical properties. The control sample, containing no BS,
has an elongation at break value of 9.2% and can be classified as a
strong and tough polymer. BSM 1, 2 and 3 undergo stress at 20, 23
and 19 MPa respectively but BSM 4 has a strain value of 12 MPa.
BSM 1, 2 and 3 can be classified as strong but not tough resins. BSM
4 is more brittle than the other resins.
Due to the reduced crosslink density caused by reduced maleate
content, BSM 4 with 64% BS had a lower value. By incrementally
increasing the quantity of the BS we are also reducing the maleate
content and thus have less saturation available for crosslinking
with styrene. This may result in the styrene crosslinking with Fig. 15. Flexural stress–strain curve of control sample and BSM1, BSM2, BSM3 and
itself and also residual styrene left in the cured resin with reduces BSM4.
Fig. 13. Comparison of the tensile strength of CONTROL sample and BSM1, BSM2, Fig. 16. Comparison of flexural modulus of control sample with BSM1, BSM2, BSM3
BSM3 and BSM4. and BSM4.
504 V. Paul et al. / Industrial Crops and Products 43 (2013) 496–505
Table 5
Comparison of mechanical properties of banana sap maleate with the control sample. The percentage difference between the sample and control is given in parenthesis.
Dynamic stiffness (GPa) 0.4 0.62 (55%) 0.79 (98%) 1.20 (200%) 0.64 (60%)
Static strength (MPa) 12 12.6 (5%) 27 (125%) 21.7 (81%) 25 (108%)
Flexural modulus (MPa) 870 1571 (81%) 1677 (93%) 2528 (190%) 1727 (98%)
Tensile stress–strain 16.5 21 (27%) 23 (39%) 19.0 (18%) 12.6 (<1%)
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