ENY Whitepaper
ENY Whitepaper
ENY Whitepaper
Version 1.00
When Bitcoin was started 2009, it was a very new technologie with a view
supporters. But it grows as the frist cryptocurrency with a huge suscess. As it was
growing since today new cryptocurrencys occured with different ideas. Our idea is to
create a stabil working coin which has a good proofed algorithm with several
advantages in opposite of bitcoin or other cryptocurrencys and helps non profit
organisation in emergency medicine or civil protection to work.
Problems of bitcoin:
Since bitcoin has become an objekt for speculators, the price ist high. According to
this and slow Block time, it is now nearly unable to do regular payments.
Mining Bitcoins for getting coins and probably confirm transactions is that difficult,
that special equipment is needed. This equipment has high energy consumption which
is harmfull for enviroment
The last thing in junger days. There have been found illigal content in Bitcoin. There
must be solutions to avoid this.
We create a coin with a complete different way of working, the so called Proof of
Stacke mechanims. With this no energeny consumption mining is needed. In addion
the block time will be much lowered so that transactions are set up very fast.
Technical details:
EmergencyCoin is based on the Script protokoll with Proof of stacke which has been
used for more then 8 years. there are multiple advantages to other coins/protocolls:
Coin value:
There will be a maximun numer of exact 85806452 coins. This hard limit can not be
6 Mio Coins will be premined (exact 6006452 ). 2 Mio Coins for Airdrop. 2 Mio Coins
for the social aspect mentioned below and 2 Mio for developers team.
Early mining:
The first 1000 Blocks are POW/POS mixted with an reward of 190 Coin of a mined
block. The mining starts when coin is publiced to github. So the maximum of
190000 coins (less cause of staking) is an additional Airdrop.
Network background:
For network background a wallet software will be used. This will be downloadable on
Social aspect:
As our team mebers are working in emergency medicine, we see that much
organisation need help with money.
All annual rewards of the 2 Mio coins reserved for this case will be spend on a non
profit organsation of emergency medicine and civil protection
It will be spend randomly based on medium daily reward. the first 3 month of
working the network, it will be spend for:
THW Local Group Stelle/Winsen, Members Support society,
Alte Lüneburger Dorfstrasse 51, 21453 Stelle, Germany
After that every non profit organisation wourldwide can apply on this via Email. The
winner of a public list of all candiates will be found by raffle ticket.
Everyone set up a new node gets 50 ENY's just for setting up a node/wallet. Just
email at airdrop@emergencycoin.net with your wallet adress is necessary. To avoid
double payments a screenshot of Mac Adress and running Wallet is needed.
If you work in a non profit organsation we can proof you get 50 ENY's extra.
For every website link on your side to our site www.emergencycoin.net we offer 2
ENY a day.
Every Webshop accepting EmergencyCoins gets 10 ENY's a day. Even after Airdrop
there will be an support of 1 ENY a day limited to 50000 ENY a year by dev team.
Every mined Bitcoin Emergency can be exchanged 1 BEM = 1 ENY. This offer is
valid until 15. of May 2018
As always in live: first come, first serve. The Airdrop is limited to 2 Mio Coins
Coin overview:
Name: EmergenyCoin
Ticker: ENY
Maximum amount: 85806452
Premined: 6006452 (2 Mio Airdrop, 2 Mio non profit, 2 Mio dev team)
Algorithm: Script / Proof of Stacke Youthful
Annual reward: 15 %
Minimum Coin age: 1 hour
Block time: 60 sec
Max Block size: 1000000 Byte
With EmergencyCoin the cryptocurrency market gets a new coin based on promising
Proof of Stacke algorithm with social interaction.
We hope many users will support our project.
Arwed Lorenzen
DEV team leader