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Cse Sem1 PDF

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()t (u,v ) -rQ, e
1. Find the value of I1, I2 and I3.

2. State and explain Thevenin's theorem and Norton's theorem. Using thevenin's
theorem, find the voltage across the 10Ω resistor shown in the fig given below.

100 5
45V 0A
3. State and derive maximum power transfer theorem for (i)dc and (ii)ac networks.
Justify that the efficiency of a network is 50% for maximum power transfer.
4. Define a composite magnetic circuit. A magnetic core, in the form of a closed ring,
has a mean length of 20 cm and a cross-section of 1 cm2. The relative permeability of
iron is 2400. What direct current will be needed in a coil of 2000 turns uniformly
wound round the ring to create a flux of 0.2 mWb in the iron?
5. Determine the mmf required to produce a flux of 3mWb across an air gap of length 2
mm and having an effective area of 100 cm2 of a cast steel ring of mean iron path of
0.5 m and cross-sectional area of 120 cm2. The relative permeability of cast steel is
700. Assume leakage flux to be negligible.
6. (a) Explain power triangle giving suitable phasor diagram.
(b) Two impedances Z1=10 -600 Ω and Z1=16 700 Ω are in series and pass an
effective current of 5 A. Determine the active power, reactive power, apparent power
and power factor.
7. What is a balanced three phase system? A symmetrical three phase, three wire, 440V
supply is connected to a star connected load as shown in the figure below. The
impedances in each branch are ZR=2+ j3 Ω, ZY=1- j2 Ω and ZB=3+ j4 Ω. Find its
equivalent delta connected load. the phase sequence is RYB.
8. Define (i)rms value (ii)average value (iii) peak factor (iv) form factor.
Find the rms and average values of a triangular waveform having maximum value Vm
and each cycle extending 2 π .
9. Explain in detail the B-H curve or hysteresis loop for a magnetic material.
10. Find the value of Vx by using super position theorem

11. for a three phase system, determine the relation between line and phase quantities in
delta connection. Also draw the phasor diagram and find the relation for power.
12. Explain the working principle of a transformer and draw the phasor diagram of the
same at no load.
13. Explain the working principle of dc machines and their construction.
14. Explain a separately excited dc machine with its diagram. Derive the emf equation of
a dc generator.
15. What are the characteristics of an ideal transformer? Draw the exact equivalent circuit
of a power transformer.
16. Show that for a transformer the primary and secondary voltages are related as direct
ratios of number of turns and currents are related as inverse ratios. also show that
impedences on both sides are related as direct ratios of number of turns squared.
17. Derive the expression of the torque developed by a dc motor and draw the torque
speed characteristics of a separately excited dc motor.
18. What is turns ratio. Derive the expression for the induced emf for a transformer.
19. Explain series and parallel resonance in detail. derive an expression for resonant
frequency in terms of circuit parameters.
20. Draw reactance and resonance curves for a series resonant circuit.
21. Explain the analogy between magnetic and electric circuits.
22. A coil of 100 turns is wound uniformly over a insulator ring with a mean
circumference of 2 m and a uniform sectional area of 0.025 cm2. If the coil is carrying
a current of 2A, calculate the (i) mmf of the circuit (ii) magnetic field intensity (iii)
flux density and (iv) the total flux
23. Define quality factor and bandwidth. derive a relation relating resonant frequency,
quality factor and bandwidth.
24. Define bandwidth and selectivity of a circuit. What are half power power frequencies.
Derive an expression expressing half power power frequencies in terms of quality
25. A circuit consists of 1kΩ resistor in series with 50 mH coil, 10V rms, 10 kHz signal is
applied. find the impedence Z, current I, phase angle, voltage across the resistance
and voltage across the inductance.
26. Explain the principle and working of three phase induction motor and explain the type
of three phase induction motor.
27. A 8 pole dc machine has a wave winding containing 600 conductors. Calculate the
emf generated. when the flux per pole is 0.08 Wb and speed is 215 rpm. If the flux per
pole is made 0.05 Wb. At what speed should the armature be driven to generate 500 V.
28. What is a linear system? State and explain the principle of superposition.
29. The power consumed in the inductive load is 2.5 kW at 0.71 lagging power factor
(pf). The input voltage is 230 V, 50 Hz. Find the value of the capacitor C, such that the
resultant power factor of the input current is 0.866 lagging.

30. Write short notes on:

a. active and passive elements b. power factor c. leakage flux d. time constant e.
reactive elements f. superposition principle g. quality factor h. eddy current i.
hysteresis loss

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