Rotokas - English Dictionary: Unpublished 2008
Rotokas - English Dictionary: Unpublished 2008
Rotokas - English Dictionary: Unpublished 2008
Unpublished 2008
A - a
aa inter. which (one). Aarovira rugoopau. You are thinking in an undecided
aa rorovira adv. way.
— ph. how many. Aa rorovira oupari? How many are aasi vRO. hang something decorative around the neck. Teapi
you getting or Aren't you getting quite a few?! Aa varoara aasipata okoe IAVA pisikuipaoro. You all do
roropavira ragai votovotopari? How many times are not hang the cloth tying it around your necks.
you going to pinch me? or That's enough! Aa roropavira aasi vRE. decorate with beads. Kakaeto aasievora aakova.
rera ikau piepari? How fast are you going to make him, The mother put beads on the child.
the car, go? or You are going too fast! All are rhetorical aasi iro nCN. beads strung.
questions. aasiara nCN. beads unstrung.
aa vo vokio inter. aasiua nCN. beads, string of.
— ph. when, which day. aasua nCN. shell money-white, money-white shell. This
aaita nCM. bird, crow. Same as money is similar to the red shell money made on Malaita
aakau kare nCN2. wild animals. and brought to Bougainville. It consists of small round
aako nKF. mother, aunt (FaBrWi). When referring to one's discs strung on twine. The value is measured by the
own mother, aahova aahova is used. 'fathom'.
aakopeva nCN. thumb. aata vRE. swim with part of the body out of the water.
aakorivatoarei nKM. both parents. Not used commonly. Aatapareva avakava-IA. He was swimming on the
aakova vure nCN2. married couples, couples of married surface of the ocean.
persons. aate adv. slow. Aate visivi va purari. Do it slowly.
aakovatoarei nKM. both parents. aate vRE. weigh, scale. Gare pitokavi vai wit ateri aue
aao nKN. extended families. uvuiaro-IA katai voki voriaro. Weigh a small bowl of
aao irara nKn2. grandparents, ancestors, grandchildren, wheat the equivalent of one day's wage.
descendents. aate pie visivi adv. decreasing slightly-like.
aaoaao adj. become grandparents. Revatai avukarei ora aate vovouto nCN2. patient person.
vatuavaaro aaoaaosiepa. Revatai and his wife became aateate pie vRE. bide one's time, wait. Oire vo peva puteva
grandparents. voki oa-IA oira aateate piepareva Asiri. Three days
aaooa nKF. great-aunt (FaFaSi). passed as Asiri was waiting.
aaoto nKM. grandfather (FaFa), grandson (SoSo). aato vRE. answer, reply. Voea vo reoaro aatoreva. He
aaova nKF. granddaughter (SoDa). answered their talk.
aaoveva nCF. lizard. See kokopa. aatogo nCF. tree, with very strong wood used for posts, post
aapaapau vRO. unfamiliar, visit. Taureviri wood. Same as penas in Neo-Melanesian Pidgin. The
aapaapaoparoepa evoa. Taureviri was visiting there. wooden posts do not rot and are valued for this reason.
Ibu IAVA aapaapau rovoroepa. - He came first from aatokoro adj. parallel, equal in distance, within sight.
Ibu to visit. aatokorovira adv. closely related.
aapaapauto nCN2. visitor. aatu nCF. bat, flying fox, fruit bat.
aapaapauvira adv. visiting-like. Aapaapaovira aau adj. blinded by light. auuparoi aviavia 'IA He is blinded
uriopaaepa. They came as visitors. by the light.
— vRO. visit. Ibu IAVA aapaapau rovoroepa. He came aau pie vRE. make brilliant, blind by light. oirara auu piepae
first from Ibu to visit. vuravu. The lamp blinded the people.
aapova nCF. bat, flying fox, small type. aau reo CN. foolish talk.
Aapu nPR. village which was formerly above Togarao years aaua nCN. brightness, brilliant.
ago. aauto nCN2. unlearned person.
aaraasiipato nCM. initiate who has worn Upe hat over a aauvira adv. without knowledge, unknowing. Aauvira
relatively long period of time. reoparoveira. He is always talking being unaware of
aaraoko nCF. tree, grows at lower altitudes near streams, what he is talking about.
used for medicine. aavara kare nCN2. insect, tiny black ants that are always
aarave nCN (subfill: up). vine, the kind from which Buin into food stuff, ants, tiny black.
baskets are made. aaviiko nCF. star, planet.
aare nCF. shell, small used as decoration. aaviito vRE. purify, remove altogether. Igei iava sopaura
aareva nCF. ear ring made from orifice of shell. rera IAVA upia aaviitori. Remove the pain altogether
aaro avuo inter. from our hearts.
— ph. Who might it be? aaviopavira inter. when, what time.
aaro kaukauvira inter. aavuaavu pie vRE. notch something. Evao rao aavuaavu
— ph. how many, how long a time. Aaro kaukauvira vii piesi. You two notch the stick of wood.
siposipopaavere? How many times will I tell you? or aavuto nKM. grandfather (MoFa), grandson (DsSo).
Won't you ever learn?! aavuva nKF. grandmother (FaMo), granddaughter (DaDa).
aarovira adv. excessively, undecided. Aarovira upiriko aera excl. All right!, Okay!
oririvo. You cooked too much sweet potato. Aarovira aeri excl. All right!, Okay!
rugoopau. - You are thinking in an undecided way. agara vRE. unaffected, Unperturbed. Agara ragarevora. He
agara akave
came unaffected straightway. A person caught in the very aio kavu vRE. fast, abstain from eating. Aioara kavurevora.
act of doing wrong has nothing to say about it. Without He fasted, not eating. The period of the fast is longer
excuse. when referred to by this word than when referred to by
agara vRO. unable to do something for lack of strength, the word iguva.
powerless to act. Agararoi. He is unable to talk because aio kitupa nCN. food cupboard, storage place for food. Aio
of his weak condition. Said of a man so near death that he kitupara vearovira purapaivora oirara kepa IARE.
was unable to talk. The men built the food cupboards well for the house.
agara STAT. quiet, unasserting, calm (as a lake). Agaraparoi aio kurooroaro nCN. crumbs of food, food crumbs.
ovusa aioiva rera arova. He didn't say anything as they aio ori nCN. food which is cooking or cooked.
ate without him. Agararai. I have nothing to say. I have aio pie vRE. feed, love charm, work sorcery. Kakae vure aio
no excuse to offer. pieiva aako riako. The mothers fed the children.
agara pie vRE. catch red handed, apprehend in the act, silence aio ropito nCN2. person not worthy of serving good food to,
someone. Ceitai voea agara piereva osa kurue kare-ia one who wastes food.
ora tuutuupaaepa. Ceitai caught them in the act as they aio ururuko nCN. crumbs of food, food crumbs.
were trading doves. When he caught them, they had aioa nCN. food, feast, meal.
nothing to say. aioaio vRO. snack. Aioaiopauvere. You will be snacking on
agara visivi adv. quietly. food from time to time.
agara vovouto nCN2. unasserting person, calm person. aire adj. new, recent.
agaru vRE. complain. Aioa agaruparevoi kakaeto gareavi, aire pie vRE. renew, rejuvenate. Kepa aire pieri va kipuoro.
uvare aakova rera vateevo va. The boy is complaining Rejuvenate the house, painting it.
about the little food, because the mother gave the small airea nRP. two of them (2F).
amount to him. airepa adj. new, fresh.
agasi adj. be full. Voea rutu tapo agasiaepa. They all were airepa kavauto nCN2. newly born child.
also filled. airepato nCN2. new comer, newborn child.
agasi pie vRE. fill something. Kakate agasi piereva aue-IA airepavira adv. recently.
gau. He filled the bamboo tube with tears. airerei vRE. safeguard something, protect. Va airereipari,
ageage nCN. lungs. teapi va vuri pie. Take good care of it safeguarding it
agesi vRO. laugh. Uva ora agesisiepa ora kiap. He and the lest someone spoil it.
patrol officer laughed together. airerei tapi nCN. taboo area, restricted area.
agesi pie vRE. make laugh. Aite oviito agesi pierevere. The airereitoa rutu nCN2. self-disciplined person (who keeps
father will make his son laugh. himself from wrong behavior). similar to roroio vovouto.
agesi piepato nCN2. jokester, funny person. airoa nRP. they, them (all F).
agesia nCN. laughter. aisi nRPN. ball, round object.
agiagi vRE. welcome back, be reconciled. Rera agiagieva aisivu nCN. other round object.
vorevira. She welcomed him back again. ; She was Aita nPR. name of clan, dialect of Rotokas, area of
reconciled to him once again. Bougainville Island.
agigio nCN. (highest) respect. aita nCF. sugar cane, red and yellow stripes.
agoagoto vRE. flatter. E visii vai agoagoto ragapaavoi visii aite STAT. (hold) directorship, (hold) leadership. Uvuoa-IA
roru pie ragapaoro? Am I just flattering you all to make aitepaaera. They were the directors of the ship. This
you happy? included the company to which the ship belongs.
agoagotopato nCN2. flatterer. aite nKM. father, uncle (MoSiHu, FaBr).
agorau pako nCN. bracelet made from Turbin shell, (white) aite vRE. name father, respect as father. Ovokivu-ia viiRE
shell bracelet, arm band. aiteavere. On another day I will name you <<father.>>
agugurioto nCM. tadpole, (immature) frog. aiterea nRP. they, them (2M, MF).
aguvi adj. clear, clean or worn clear. aitetoarei nKM. both parents.
aguvi tou nCN. bottle, glass container. aiva adj. easy, simple. Ragaips aivai It is easy for me.
aguvivira adv. clearly, transparent. aivaro vRE. go straight to the place, meet together.
ai ai excl. expression of sorrow. OiratoaVA aivaroreva koieto. The pig went straight to
aia adv. more, again. the man. Avau ra rera-VA aivarorivere. You go and
aia ita adv. once more, again. you will meet together with him.
aigeto nKM. father-in-law (WiFa), son-in-law (DaHu). aivaroa nCN. meeting, market.
aigeva nKF. mother-in-law (WiMo), daughter-in-law-(SoWi). aivaroo adj. straight.
aika excl. Wait!, Hold on!, Be quiet! aivirare conj. for the purpose of, fulfill.
aikavu rovo excl. First wait a minute! aka vRE. open the mouth, shout. Teapi orekevu avu vaiRE
aio vRE. eat. Upiriko aiori. You eat the sweet potato. akapasi Don't you both open your mouths to anything.
aio id. (cause a) sore, infect. Tuitui vii aiovere. The fire will akaepa adj. insignificant, unimportant.
eat you. or It will cause a wound. akaepato nCN2. unimportant person. Viapau oiso viiPA
aio kataa nCN. premasticated food. It was the custom akaepato-a eera. That man is not unimportant to you. ;
previously to chew food for the infant and keep it in a Or don't regard that man lightly.
coconut shell near the fire until ready to be eaten. akave nCF. spider. The kind that shakes raurau its web when
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akavi apopoi
approached. The motion is associated with intercourse ao vRE. illuminate, give light. Vuravu aopae. The lamp is
and has a related folk story. giving light.
akavi nCN. (tough) skin on nut meat, nut-tough skin on meat. ao paripari nCN. bamboo pieces used for torches, torch
akaviva nCF. shell fish, oyster, oyster with abalone-like made of dried pieces of bamboo.
appearance. ao tou nCN. bamboo torch, torch made from bamboo.
akaviva nCF. stinging nettle. aoa nCN. a light. Aoa rukueri ra vuravuravio. Light the
ake vRE. ask. Ragai akepaiva riakora. The women asked torch and we will see.
me. aopava nCF. torch, flashlight.
akea nCN. question. aorepavira adv. differentiated-like. Aorepavira vaiterei
akeake vRE. try, tempt. Kokotoa akeakepaavora oiso, E ouri. Get the two from different clans or races.
goruera? I tried my leg to see if it were strong. aoreva nCN2. member of different clan or race. Sarava-a,
akeakea nCN. temptation. viapau aoreva. She is a clan member of mine, not one
akera nCN. shade tree, tree used in coded leaf letter to mean, from another clan.
`I ask you.', shade tree. Planted to shade young cocoa aovata nCF. banana, may be eaten cooked or raw.
trees. aoveva nCF. lizard, black with body about 15 inches in
akerato n(N2) id. person who goes to bed early like the shade length, has distinguishing marks on its face.
tree, akera, that folds its leaves at evening. Also akera apa excl. Hey!, Eh!
uusito. apaapaa koaravira ph.
akeruka adj. left side. Same as koike. — id. with spots before the eyes or like seeing a swarm
akerukavira adv. improperly, twisted a little. Vo kovo of fireflies. Usually when dazzled by light or dizzy.
akerukavira purarivo. You did this work improperly. apaeo nCF. bird, wild fowl, lives and nests on the ground,
You messed it up! Akerukavira pauparai. I am sitting a lays eggs in warm soil near volcanic heat where they
bit twisted. incubate ;.
akoea excl. truly! Said when some fact is discovered. apeapei vRE. claw at. Ragai kokotoaaro apeapeievoi epusi.
akopara nCN. breadfruit tree leaves. The cat is clawing my leg.
akoro nCM. shell fish, Cat's eye or Turbo ib petholatus. See apei vRE. scratch. Apeiivoi. The thorns are scratching.
akoroto. apei iro nCN. vine with thorns.
akoro vRE. charm with powder or with package of powerful apeisi inter. how, what, What did you do or say?
objects. Voea akororeve. He would charm them with apeisi avu-a? inter.
special powder. — ph. What in the world?
akoro puku nCN. cyst. apeisi avua vearovira rutu avua? inter.
akoroa nCN. lime for betel nut, powder. — ph. Are there any good things?
akoroisi nCN. calabash. apeisi ragato inter.
akoroto nCM. snail, lives in freshwater, has a large shell used — ph. What kind of thing?
for powder with betel nut. The shell is roasted in a fire apeisi ragavira inter.
and then crushed to powder to produce lime. — ph. how.
akotei nCM. ant, large black biting type. A nickname for this apeisi rera pieri inter.
ant is kukue pute 'head breaks off' because its bite is so — ph. What are you doing to him?
strong that when one brushes it away, the head breaks off apeisi roro uvuiva-a? inter.
while still holding the flesh. — ph. What is her size? For male Apeisi roro uvuito-a?
akova nCM. 'What is his size?'.
— id. crab, hermit crab, person who scrounges for things. apeisi roroa? inter.
aku vRE. cook with salt. Koie sope akuri. Cook the pig meat — ph. How big are the sections?
with salt. apeisi rorovira inter.
aku adj. salted. Koue akuovi. The pig meat is salted. — ph. how much?
aku rovu nCN. salt water, brine. apeisi rugoopau? inter.
akukua adj. empty, nothing. — ph. What do you think?
akukuvira adv. free of charge, nothing involved. apeiva nCF. vine, with thorns.
akupa adj. salty. apekuto nCM. elbow.
akupa nCN. apepa adj. expensive, difficult.
— adv. reddish design, reddish color. api STAT. embarrassed. Apirai rutu. I am very embarrassed.
akuta nCF. mouth. Pitokava-a riro akutava. The saucepan api pie vRE. embarrass someone. Riakova api pierevora. He
is one with a very large mouth. embarrassed the woman.
akuta vRO. open mouth (to yell), shout. Rirovira akutaroi apo vRE. miss out on something desired, come up short.
keerapaoro visiire. He yelled loudly (with mouth wide Apoavoi ita uvare eerapa itova vateri. I missed out
open) while calling to you all. again because you gave the bananas to him. Apoavoi
akutava nCN2. va-IA riroa. I'm just short of grasping completely this
— id. loud talker. Riro akutava-a. She is a very loud big object In the example the person's hands weren't large
talker. enough to go around the object.
akuvira adv. salty. apopoi adj. difficult, expensive, hard to get. ragai voaaro
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apopoipa irara arorea
atoiia apopoipai. My village is difficult to get to. areo urusi nCN.
Apopoi ova tree without vines (making it difficult to — ph. vision during which the person is not sleeping but
climb). Apopoi tapi place difficult to get to (no trail is consciously seeing and hearing.
there). areovira adv. lightly. Areovira uusiparoveira. He always
apopoipa irara nCN2. people hard to get at, difficult people. sleeps lightly hearing everything that goes on around
apopoivira adv. with difficulty. him.
apota adj. poor, lacking. Viapau apotaparoi varaPA evara. areputu turu nCF. calendar made of knots tied in vine. With
He is not lacking those. each passing day a knot would be cut off.
apotato nCN2. poor person, beggar. arere tou nCN. bamboo, used for spear and arrow tips, and
apui vRE. dig a ditch. for fishing spear shafts. It is used because of its fairly
apuia nCN. ditch. solid inside which adds to its strength and rigidity.
aputa koko nCN. arere tuta nCN. arrow type used for shooting flying fox. It
— ph. powdery substance, crumbly substance. has four bamboo blades with arrow-like tips spread apart.
araara aio nCN. arereva nCF. sugar cane, strong black skin.
— ph. food not mixed with meat. areteita nCM. Upe leader from clan.
araaravira adv. without meat-like. arevara nCN. yam, with thorns.
araiarava pie vRE. atone. arevuoto nCM. tongue.
araita nCM. tree, very tall large type. araitaua one such tree ari conj. yes, but.
araitauruu grove of such trees araitaurei two of such ari ita! excl. Indeed!
trees araitara three or more of such trees ari vai pasi ph. maybe, I think.
araiva STAT. comprehend, understand, (be) clear about ariaara loc. on top, topside, the top.
something. Viapau araivaparai. I am not ariararo loc. on top of, above.
comprehending or clear about it. ariarava v. clear the way, omit, leave out. Uuko ovi
araiva adj. easy, simple. raakaepa kavori kare ariarava. The stream dried up
araiva pie vRE. explain, clarify. Rera vo reoaro araiva leaving the crayfish stranded. Person is not marked in
pieri ragaiPA. Explain his talk for me. verb.
araivavira adv. clearly, understandably. Similar to roroiovira. ariarava pie vRE. atone for, take place of. Vigei ariarava
arakasi adj. deserted, vacant. piereva Jisas vuriara oavi kaeoro. Jesus took our place
arakasi tapi nCN. deserted place, vacant spot. (punishment) carrying our sins.
arakasivira adv. emptied. Vo uruio arakasivira toupai. ariari nCF. onion.
This village is empty. ariaua nCN. penis.
arakausi nCM. snail, very small body, lives in water. arii STAT. ashamed of. Oa iava voeao reraVA keripa irara
araoko nKM. brother of male, male cousin. rirovira ariiaepa rutu. After this the enemies were
araoko irara nKM. brothers. greatly ashamed of him.
araorei nKM. brothers, (2M). arikisi adj. curdled. Opita rovi arikisiei. The coconut milk is
arapa gr. disinclination marker. curdled.
ararave adj. wilt, weaken. Kokookoara araraveei, uvare arikoko vRO. (pay) respect toward, honor by avoidance.
viapau uukoa vai. The flowers are wilted because there ReraPA arikokoparai. I am respecting him by my
is no water. staying at a distance from him. Uva evaPA rirovira rutu
araropa nCM. light from bacterial source, bioluminescence. ora arikokopaaveira. For that reason they were always
Nowadays the meaning includes glow from luminescent respectful.
watch face. arioisi nCN. seed of kapiok, kapiok seed, ankle.
arasi vRO. glide. Keravo arasiparoi varapaoro. The hawk is arirao vRE. harvest food. Aioara ariraori. Get the food crop
gliding while descending. Said of birds and airplanes. from the garden.
arasi STAT. skillful, carefully. Also a variant of agasi meaning arirouvira adv. undecided. Arirouvira rugoopau. You are
`full'. thinking in an undecided way.
arasito nCN2. skillful worker. arita kasio nCN. bamboo, used for making shafts of arrows,
arasivira adv. skillfully, intricately, saturated, fully. arrow-bamboo used for shaft. Same as keari tou but
are vRE. request, ask for, call for. VoeaPA aioaRE vii second preference for naming bamboo.
arepaavoi. I am requesting from you food for them. Aritapaia nPRN. village which was above Paraipaia near
Kakaeto arepareva aakorirei RUVARA-IA. He Ibu.
requested the child from the parents. Asked that the child aritaru vRO. delay, linger, hesitate. Aritarupavei urio
be given by the parents to him. ARAPA. you are delaying and not coming on purpose.
areii adj. same. Avikerirei areiipaere. The two stones are the aritaruvira adv. delayed-like, hesitantly.
same. Similar to vaea. ariveva nCF. worm, shiny pencil-size body l8 inches long,
areii vRE. organize. lives in the ground.
areiivira adv. similarly, identical. arokaukau inten. not much, undecided, expression of
areiua nCN. skin. Similar to rakariua and is used in Pip amazement.
dialect. aroke nKM. brother of male. Rarely heard.
areo adj. recover. Areorai. I recover. arorea inter. Who is that?
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arova atarito
arova prep. without. asavira adv. frightening, not trusting, without.
arovi STAT. obedient, willing, submit to, yield to. asi excl. Why of course! Asi, evoa toupasivoi. Why of
Aroviroepa reo uvuoro kovosa. He was obedient course the two of them are over there! Used in responses
hearing the order to work. Eva vituaro oa iava vuri to questions beginning with 'where' or 'when.'.
pitupitu sirova utusa oisoa arovipaave. For that reason asi vero nCN. chewed up betel nut.
they were always giving in to following evil ways. asiga nCN. vine, similar to upiriko but with thicker edible
aroviaku vRE. cool anger, pacify, persuade. Rera stems.
aroviakureva. He flattered him deceptively. Rera asige vRO. (make) sneezing noise. Asigeparoi oirato. The
aroviakua. I cooled his temper down. Va raga vao vuri man is sneezing.
ruipa vigei vaaro oa raga vigei aroviakupaiveira asigea nCN. a sneeze.
vigei-ia kokarapaoro. Our own wrong desire is always asigo vRE. use the Rotokas language, speak Rotokas. Akoitai
persuading us and tempting us. asigoparevoi. Akoitai is using the Rotokas (Asigoao)
aroviakuto nCN2. flatterer. language.
arovipato nCN2. recruit, disciple. Asigoao nPRN. mountain people, people of the mountains.
aru vRE. tell, designated, order. Uva aakova ora araoko Name used to designate the Rotokas people before the
irara oavaoa karea viropa ratau tousa uvava aruaepa word rotokas was used.
reraRE, oiso ra vo avao iare urioro. The mother and Asigoao reo nPRN. Rotokas language as designated before
brothers arrived outside from where they ordered him to the term Rotokas came into use.
come to them. asikauru vSTAT. rust. Ro-ia Toiota asikauroepa. The
arua vRE. sprout, send up new shoots, leaf. Evaova Toyota truck rusted away.
aruapaive. The trees send up new shoots. asikori nCM. grasshopper, small black body.
arua nCN. vegetable, water cress, mix vegetables. asiraue nCF. shellfish, blue shell inside and out, found along
arua vRE. get vegetables. Oire uva vara aruareva voeaPA. coast in saltwater.
Then he got vegetables for all of them. asiriito nCN2. person who takes advantage of a situation.
arua vRO. leaf out, come into leaf. Vosa guruvara rutu asiriko adj. dirty, soiled. Kakaeto asirikoparoi sipoi-ia. The
kovekovepe, ra vorevira aruaave. If all of the leaves boy is dirty from sugar cane juice.
should fall, then it will leaf out again. asisoe STAT. numb, sickly, paralyzed. Asisoepauei. You are
arua kapisi nCN. cabbage. numb. Referring to a part of a person.
aruaru vRE. urge on, nag. Aiteto ovii irara asisoevira adv. numb-like. Asisoevira vokaparevoi, uvare
aruarupareveira skul iare vatatopovira sisupasa. The ora toeroi. He walks with a numb leg having cut himself.
father is always urging the children to be washed in asita nCF. sap of tree used to bind wrappings and tips on to
readiness for school. arrows or spears. This is a common adhesive used in
aruaru adj. unfastened, unstuck. Aruaru piropai vuku-IA PNG and sometimes referred to as "putty". It is used to
The book binding has become unfastened. plug holes in monas on Buka.
arueia nCM. (safe) container made from a section of bamboo, asita vRE. (put) putty, apply native putty. Iroiro asitaparevoi.
(native) bank made from bamboo section. Also described He is smearing native putty onto the vine lashings. Putty
as vori arue 'money bank'. made from the asitaisi fruit.
aruo vRE. weed a garden. Aio kovo aruopare. He would be asitaa nCN. plug made of wood, wedge.
weeding the food garden. Pita oisoa vo kovo asitai nCF. tree, which yields fruit that is used as ``putty''
aruopareve vo kovo vioupaoro. Peter was always when securing lashings to arrow or spear shaft.
getting rid of trash cleaning the garden. asitaisi vRO. march in line, form a line. Polis irara
aruova nCN. mark in the shape of a `V' painted with white asitaisipaai. The police are marching in line.
mud from the Pioto warm spring. The mark went from asiva nCF. tree, betel nut palm, betel nut palm.
the shoulders to the point of the brestbone. asivuru nCM. melon, cucumber.
arupa vRE. fertilize, cause growth in garden. Vo kovo asivuru vRE. collect melons or cucumbers. Asivuruevoiva,
arupareva va riro piepaoro. He fertilized the garden vara aioiva. She got the melons, after which they ate
causing it to grow well. them.
arupa geesi up. charm used by Upe initiates to make their asoko nCF. cockroach.
bodies grow strong and attractive. asurike nCM. crab, small type.
arupa kovoro nCN. cultivated flowers. atara vRO. huddle together, sleep together in one confined
arupaua nCN. plants used to enchant food gardens so that place. Vo rupa-a vao oa-ia aiterei atarapasiverea katai
higher production results ; charm used in food garden. uru vai-ia. It will be on this night that two people will be
aruvea temp. yesterday. sleeping together on one bed.
asa vRO. dislike, without. Asaparaepa reraPA. I didn't like atari vRO. fish. Jisas Pita tavireva oa iava rirovira
him. atariroepa. Jesus told Peter so that he would go catch
sa gr. disinclination marker. many fish.
asao adj. barren, sterile. atariketo nCM. termite, wood borer.
asao nCN. bush with leaves used in coded plant letter called atario vRO. hunt. atarioparoi vegoaro. He went hunting in
variua to stand for the phrase 'you accuse falsely'. the jungle.
asaoto nCN2. sterile person. atarito nCM. fish in general.
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atau keru avata kepa
atau keru nCN. hip bone. auo exclF. Hey woman!
ate pie vRE. wait considerately, delay patiently. Aioa aate auoro exclM. Hey man!
pieri, osa ori piro. Wait patiently for the food as it is aupari nCN. possessed object, owned thing.
finishing cooking. Oirato aate pie rovori osa kovoreve. aupearito nCN2. kidder, jokester. Pip dialect.
Wait patiently first for the man as he works. aupo pie reoto nCN2. suave convincing fake, persuasive
ateate nCN. bile sack. coniving person. A man who with sweet words is able to
atepa nCN. spring scale. persuade whoever listens to his false talk.
ato vRE. aupo pievira adv. slyly, deceptively. Aupo pievira
— vRO. harvest from tree by cutting or picking. reoroepa osa viapau oisa ro toree rutu-a oa-ia. He
Atopauei? Are you harvesting from trees? Kakau spoke deceptively while, in fact, it wasn't important talk.
atopaavoi. I am harvesting cocoa. aure excl. Yes, Of course!
atoaro loc. inside. ausikara nCM. insect, like flying ant but with tiny black
atoato vRE. wipe away, smear on. Iriavu sanda ovi-IA rera wasp-like body, trasparent wings, and irritating sting.
atoatoeva vo Betani urui-ia. Another woman smeared auta irara nPRN2. coastal people, people of the coast.
him with oil in Betani village. auvuto nCM. sucker from banana plant. Oirato ito auvuro
atoatopa nCN. serviette, napkin. pakore vara pausa. The man removes the banana
atoia nCN. village, home, banana. suckers in order to plant them.
atoiaa nCN. womb. ava vRO. go. Sisusa avaaepa. They went to wash.
atopau nCN. sides of house (front and back). avaavaeo vRE. sort out. Varao avaavaeori. Sort out these
atopauaro nCN. inside front wall of house. things.
atope nCF. shell of coconut only, coconut shell. avaavao nCN. forwarning. Avaavao pura piropa. A
atoro STAT. disinterested, lazy, disabled. Atoroparoi kovo forwarning was made. Some event is being for-
ARAPA. He isn'nt intereste in working. shadowed.
atoro pie vRE. weaken, plan to injure. Koie atoro pierevoi avaavao vRE. act simultaneously, anticipating. Torea
riro toriva. He is weakening the pig that always runs avaavaoreva Jisu kopiia iava toreoro. Jesus
away. Uva aue raga-ia rera atoro pieiva uvare voea simultaneously revived when he stood up again from
rutu rera-ia pituiva. They planned to harm him because being dead.
they had possession of him. With the purpose of killing it avaavaovira adv. anticipating-like, simultaneously.
eventually. Avaavaovira toreroepa Jisas. Jesus rose again
atu nCN. too much, overflow. anticipating the resurrection of all believers in Him.
atuava nCN. ringworm, tinea. avae nCN. interrupted travel. Such as when one takes a trip
atura nCN. yaws disease. Probably. and stops in different places each night.
atura kapua nCN. sore of scabies, scabies. avae adj. tentative, transient, temporary. Avae uusi purare.
auau vRO. signal with hands to stop. Auauaepa. They He just slept (here) overnight and left.
signaled with their hands to stop. avaepa kepa nCN. guest house.
auau vRE. quiet someone. Rera auaureva. He quieted him. avaevira adv. interruped (travel), temporary, transient-like.
auauva nCF. slit gong signal of death. Avaevira vusipaoro karepataveira. You all always
aue vRE. dummy verb stem, substitute for. Va aueri ra va return home stopping at night in different places.
karuri. You do something, you open it. avaio kuero nCN. first-fruits offering. United Church
aue vRO. consider, think about, contemplate, about to (do designation for the thank offering after the intial havest.
something). Oiso auepauei ra ragai upori. You are avaioto nKM. first-born son.
considering killing me. Kopiisa aueuei. You do avaiova nKF. first-born daughter.
something, you open it. avaisi vRE. spice food, flavor vegetables with aromatic plants
aue nP. This is a `dummy word' which can stand for almost or herbs. Arua tai avaisie aue-IA kaari. She spices the
any lexical form. Eakere ragai akepari aveRE rakoru? greens with curry.
Why are you asking me about the snake? Here aue avaka adj. salty, seasoned. Aioara avakapai. The food is
substitutes for `snake' and has the preposition -re '`about' salty.
suffixed to it. avaka nCN. salt from water.
aue iare loc. towards (something). avakapava nCF. banana, cooking variety.
aue iava loc. from, about, because of (something). avakapavira adv. salty, sweet when associated with the
aue oara oa purarivere ph. It is your responsibility which ocean's salt. Avakapavira aiopapi. The food is salty.
you will do in the future. avakava nCF. ocean, beach, shore.
auearo gr. possession marker. avao nK. mother and children.
aue-ia prep. in, on, at, with, by, to, from, during. avarao nCM. Upe leaders.
auere conj. so that, for the purpose of. avaraosi nCM. grasshopper, small striped body, long legs,
auero nP. these(allN). lives in dried leaves of wild banana plants.
aueva prep. with, from. avarato nCM. ant, small black type.
aukue vRO. showoff. OiraraRE aukueparoveira. He is avaruka nCM. bird, probably Brahminy Kite. See keravu.
always showing off for the people. avata nCN. single men's house.
aukueto nCN2. showoff, extrovert. avata kepa nCN. house restricted to men only, source of
6 Rotokas — English Dictionary 3/17/2008
avataropato avuka
power, men's house, House of Assembly in modern own thing possibly indangering himself. Similar to eaka.
usage. avi voki temp. daytime.
avataropato nCM. bachelor, young man living by himself. avia nCN. dawn, light.
avaue vRE. (say) goodbye, farewell. Oira avauereva. He said aviaua nCN. pink, dawn.
goodbye to her. aviavi STAT. clear, light, understand. Voeao oirara viapau
avaue ph. Good bye. or You go. oiso vo reo-IA vao aviavipaaepa. The people did not
avaue aio nCN. marriage feast. understand these words.
avavaia STAT. frustrated, confused. Avavaiapa vo aviavi pie vRE. explain, make light, clear. Vii vo kepaaro
vusivusiro-IA. He is frustrated by all the leaks. aviavi pieri aue-IA vuravu. You light up your house
avavaia pie vRE. confuse someone with choices. Ragai with a lamp.
avavaia piepata. You all are confusing me with too aviavi piea nCN. example.
many alternatives. aviavipava nCF. candle, torch.
avavaiavira adv. undecidedly. Avavaiavira vovouparai. I avie nCN. ashes for seasoning bamboo tubes used for
am undecided as to what I want. preserving and flavoring meat.
avavaiuvira adv. undecided. Avavaiuvira rugoopau. You avieua nCN. salt-impregnated bamboo tube used for cooking,
are thinking in an undecided way. bamboo tube impregnated with native salt used for
avavarao STAT. dizzy. Avavaraoparai. I am dizzy. cooking.
Avavaraorai kukue IAVA. I'm dizzy in my head. Teapi aviko kare nCN2. germ, maggot.
osireiara voeaRE avavaraopape raveravepaoro. It aviova excl. Of course not!, Since when! Implies a negative
wouldn't be good if their eyes felt dizzy being weak. response.
avavaravira adv. dazzled by light. avitoava nCN. dawn.
aveave STAT. cross, fussy. Tugara kare aveaveaepa auePA aviva aaviiko nPRF. (the) Morning Star.
sisievi kou, uvare vo kou kaviruiva. The spirits were aviviaua nCF. bush, tall with white-bordered leaves.
cross about the bamboo, because they had stolen it. avivike vRO. mark as important, (pay) respect towards,
aveavea nCN. anger, ill humor. honor. ReraPA avivikeparai. I am paying him my
aveaveo vRO. soreness in groin. From swollen lymph glands respect or marking him as important and to be respected.
located in groin. Also can indicated inability to walk Ira oisoa Pautoa-PA avivikeparo rutu. He was always
because of extreme soreness in groin due to infection. respecting God.
aveaveoa nCN. lymph gland in groin. avokori adj. another kind, different, not recognized.
aveavero vRO. dry heave, feel like vomiting without being avokorito nCN2. different kind of person, stranger.
able to. Aveaveropau. You have the dry heaves. avokorivira adv. differently. Similar to pisavira.
aveavero vRE. incite to anger. Irouto aveaverore ro-ia? avororo nCF. sea cow, mantee, dugong.
Who made this man so angry? avoviroa inter. How much?
avekata adj. (do something with) ease, easily do something, avu adv.
simple. Avekatarovere vo kovo puraoro vo utupaua. It — gr. maybe, non-absolute marker, unspecified marker.
will be easy for him to do this work in the future. Vo Vara uvuipai avu. They are sufficient maybe. It always
kovo-a vao oa avekatapai rutu. This work here is very immediately follows the verb or relative pronoun it
simple. modifies as in oavu avu vai `something (unspecified)'.
avekata kovo nCN. easy work, simple task. avu vRE. bite. Teapi koieto ragai avureve ra upia oua. It
avekata pie vRE. simplify, (cause to be) easy, explain. Vii wouldn't be good if the pig bit me so that I would get
vo rugorugooaro avekata pieri igeiPA. Simplify your pain.
ideas for us and make them easier for us to understand. avu irara nKN2. grandparents.
avekatavira adv. easily, simply. avua keru nCN. back bone, spinal column.
aveke nCF. stone, rock. avuakoro nCN. leaf stalk of sago palm.
aveke kasi nCN. stones heated for purpose of cooking food. avuaua nCN. back of body.
Usually a small pit is dug for the food, stones, and leaves avuavu nCN. sharp edge.
used in this cooking process. avuavu asava nCF. insects, non-dangerous type of millipede,
aveke tairioto nCM. cliff face as on the east coast of Buka millipede. Litterally a female thing that doesn't bite
Island. sharply.
averu adj. tissue-like, thin. avuavu kare nCN2. savage animal, lion.
averu pie vRE. (cause to be) thin. Va averu pieri. Make it avuavu pie vRE. sharpen. Sigova avuavu pieri. You
thin. sharpen the knife.
averu vovouto nCN2. wishy-washy thinker, undecided avueto nKM. brother-in-law (SiHu).
person. avueva nKF. sister-in-law (BrWi).
averuara nCN. thin papers or cloth etc. avui vRE. make hole in the nose, pierce septum in nose.
averuvira adv. thin. Characteristic of paper, cloth, wood, etc. Oearovu oisoa avuipaive voVA iruvaoara kakae vure
aveverau vRE. release from one's responsibility ora kakae riako. Other people would always pierce the
unintentionally, responsiblity relieved unintentionally. noses of the boys and girls.
Eakere rera aveveraurivoi? Why did you let him do his avuiva nCF. ornamental shell worn through the nose.
own thing? He was in your care and you let him do his avuka adj. age. Rausira ira avukaroepa rutu. Rausira
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avukarei erako tokoru
became very old. avuo nPF. woman.
avukarei nK. married couple. avuorei nKF. sisters-in-law (2F).
avukato nCN2. old person. avuoto nCM. charm belt to protect child and to cause a strong
avuki tupa rutu nCN. (very strong) secure lock, lock-very body.
strong type. avupa nCN. mouthful, a bite.
avuki vovouto nCN2. person who hangs onto anything avurara nCF. axe, large type.
tightly. avuru vRO. draw flies. Eake vao oa avurupai? What is this
avukivira adv. securely. Monia avukivira toupaivoi that is drawing flies?
benk-ia. The money is securely in the bank. avuruva nCF. fly, insect.
E - e
eagara excl. Let it be!, Forget it! egaega vRE. compliment, (be) excited about something. Vii
eaka vRE. egaegaparevoi. He is excited about this and is
— vRO. give over to, yield, allow, concede. Pauto rera complimenting you on it. Rera egaegaiva rutu, uvare
eakareva viurupa irara vavaearo-ia, oiso ra kopiiro. vo reoro iare rugoopaaepa vearo reoro. They really
God gave him up to the soldiers so that he would die. complimented him, because they were thinking of these
Apa eakau! Okoeto ragai avurevo! Voea eakareva. He good words.
allowed them conceding to them. Stop it! The crab is eira nDF. that female, her.
biting me! eisi nDN. that way, like that.
eaka vRO. stop an action, end something, cease. Apa eakau! eisito nDN2. similar person, person like that.
Okoeto ragai auvrevoi! Stop it! The crab is biting me! ekarako nCF. bird, lives on the ground, call sounds like
eaka vRE. give over to, yield, allow, concede. Araokoto rera koakoakoa.
eakareva viurupa irara vavaearo-IA, oiso ra kopiiro. ekarau nCF. sugar cane.
The brother gave him over to the hands of the soldeiers, eke conj.
so that he died. — excl.
eakea inter. what. — gr. or, Oh!, question marker.
eakepa inter. what for, Why. ekeriko nCF. bird, swallow with black body and bluish back
eakepato interN2. what person. and tail, constructs mud nests, probably Pacific Swallow.
eakerea inter. why. ekuri nCF. (carrying) basket. Same as pekuri.
eapaa inter. why. Pip dialect. eoro adj. suspend like fruit. Opitaisi takeru-IA eoropaai.
eaputo nCM. ant, has light brown body, makes nest by The coconut is suspended by its stalk.
sticking leaves together, probably Tree-nesting Weaving epa vRE. peel, husk. Opita isi epari. Husk the coconut.
Ant. epao vSTAT. exist, be. Viapau irai epao evoa. There is no
earai nCN. shellfish. Also used to describe plate-like object, or other person there. Aakova epao. Mother is here. This
flat-bottom canoe. verb form is not marked for subject or time and is usually
eare inter. what. Pip dialect. followed by the form of the verb `to be' tou which is
eari excl. Now what! marked for subject and time.
eari pasi ph. Perhaps!, Possibly! epioto nCM. frog, large body, edible variety.
earova vRE. give generously without thought of reward. epita nCN. nest of bird, rat, or mouse, nest that hangs from
easi excl. Why of course! limb.
eavi nCN. pus thick, blood coagulated in sore. Kapua epiua nCN. penis.
eaviaro. The sore's thick issue. epo vRE. decorate one's body or face with powder, etc. Ragai
eaviova excl. No, Of course not! epori. You decorate my face.
eeko vRE. defecate (human). Viapau katai tapi rera epo adj. decorated. Eake-ia epouei? With what are you
eekopaive. They wouldn't defecate in just one place. decorated?
eera nDM. that male, him. epusi nCF. cat. obviously derived from English 'pussy'.
eerii vRE. prompt someone to do something, urge someone to era vRO. sing. Avuto vairei uvureva osa oira-IA
action. Ragai eeriiparevo, oa iava avarai ogoepaoro. erapaereiepa. The grandfather heard the two girls as
He urged me so that I went away while hungering. they sang it (the song).
eesa excl. It isn't! eraeraovira adv. pair, dual.
ega STAT. happy, (full of) joy, excited about something. erako adj. wither, dry up. Isiso kouro erakopapeira rutu.
Aitetoa-IA egapaoi. She is excited about (seeing) her The kunai grass always dries out.
father. erako vRO. collect firewood. Erakosa avau. go get some
ega STAT. rejoice, feel pleasure. Egaparoi kakaeto firewood.
aitetoa-IA uvare aioarava kareroi. The child was erako pie vRE. dry out.
pleased with the father, because he returned with the erako purisi vRE. pull down and break up a large tree by
food. The idea of satisfying pleasure is expressed in this supernatural powers.
word. erako tokoru nCN. dried leaves of tree fern which catch rain
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erakoa ewara irara
and are used in medicine. eropa nCN. charcoal, charred remains, black ash from fire
erakoa nCN. dry, firewood. used to blacken designs.
erakusi vRO. persisting. Vii vaisiaro-IA erakusiparai. I am eru adj. stink, spoil, decay. Jisas iava viapau oiso varaua
persisting in naming you. oaro eruera. The body of Jesus did not decay.
erao vRE. wake up, start engine. Rera eraopareva rera eru pie vRE. decay, cause to. Oira eru piereva aue verasa
vurevurepaoro. He awoke him while moving him. tuuga. He caused it (cocoa) to spoil in order to get rid of
erao adj. two. the grease.
erao vRO. wake, up arise from sleep. Vokipaua rutu eraoroe erua nCN. rot, mold, spoilage.
avasa. He arose early in the morning to go. esisikotu nCN. orchid, bright purple and orange flower,
erao tau adj. twenty. flowers are in clusters on a stalk, grows at higher
erao vatara adj. seven. elevations above 2000 feet.
erao vatara tau adj. seventy. eteku pie vRE. shorten. Evao rao eteku pieri. Shorten the
erao vatarapa kekira nPR. July, 7th month. tree limb. Iroiro eteku pieri. Shorten the rope.
eraopa adj. second. etekua adj. short.
eraopa kekira nPR. February, 2nd month. eto nCN. fire.
eraopa voki nPR. Tuesday, 2nd day. eto vRE. build a fire. Varuereaiva, etopaiva oiso ra oriave.
erapa vuku nCN. songbook. Having hunted some game, they built a fire so as to cook.
erava nCF. song, music. eto kasi nCN. fire.
Eravaa nPR. Mt. Balbi volcano. eto kasi verapato nCN2. fireman.
eravaa nCF. volcano. etoko vRE. steer, straighten, guide (as-the blind). Oirato
eravaa kasi nCN. volcano. etokori vokapaoro. Guide the man walking along.
eravao nCN. insect, spider with sharp horny body cover. The etokovira adv. straightway. Etokovira avapaai. The people
word rokarokapava 'feminine thing with thorns' is used to are going straightway.
describe the body. etokovira adv. fire-like.
eravao tapi nCN. fiery place, hell. etutu kakae nCN. premature birth, stillborn premature child.
eravaoa nCN. altar for burnt offering. In the past cremation of Usually said of fetus stillborn when it is not yet well
a body took place on this. formed.
ereere vRO. walk across something suspended or lying on the eu vaaroa-a ph. whose.
ground like a log. Oirato ereereparoi evao tataga-IA. eva nDN. that.
The man is walking across the fallen log. evairei nDF. those two (2F).
ereereo vaesi nCN. (gently) sloping hill, hill side. evairo nDF. those (all F).
ereku nCM. crab, fresh water edible crab earger than the evaiterei nDM. those two (2M, MF).
OKOE. evao irara id. wooden headed people or people who do not
ereku vRE. collect crabs. Evo kare erekusivoiva, voea respond to advice or warning given to them.
orisivora. The two of them having collected crabs evao kae nCN. pole.
cooked them. evao parikou nCN. wooden cross.
erepia nCN. tree, grows in dense jungle used for medicine. evao rao nCN. branch of tree.
ereuru pukui nCN. (rolling) hills, rolling hills. evao tavara nCN. wooden bridge. Logs laid in a parallel
ereviako vRO. walk along, step along (something). Evao series across supporting beams.
rao-IA ereviakoparoi ovuveo. The hornbill is waling evao upi nCN. core of tree.
along on the limb. evaova nCF. tree (general).
eri id. deprive of, `dig out' idea or information. Rera evaova vituaaro nCN. tree stump, stump of tree.
eripaiva rera akepaoro. They are depriving him of his evara nDN. those things.
things asking him for them or they are digging into him evaratao nCN. that side.
asking for things. Vii erisa uriorai. I come to nag you evarei nDN. those two things.
for information. evavi raga ph. that's just about it.
eri vRE. dig, chisel. Raisia erieriri savero-IA. chip away at evei vRE. recognize. Aitetoarei vo kuio eveisiva Matevu
the earth with the shovel. Rikui erirevora auePA koie kuio. The two parents recognized the Matevu taros.
ousa. He dug a hole in order to get pig. eveu nCN. breadfruit tree, tree, breadfruit. The sap of this tree
Eri ovi nPR. spring of water near Vukovukora hamlet. is used for various purposes glue and medicine to stop
erie adj. color-brown to tan. dysentery among them.
erieri vRE. dig, chisel. evoa loc. there (medium distance).
erii vRE. begrudge, persist, persuade. Rera eriiri ra avaro. evoea nDM. those (all M, MF).
Persuade him so that he would go. evoraro loc. everywhere at a distance, here and there, about.
eriikasivira adv. persistently. evoraro uruiara ph. (those) far off villages.
eriito nCN2. person who taunts. ewara irara nCN. Rotokas people from the area immediately
eripato nCM. shovel, chisel. south of Wakunai on the coast. According to local
eriua nCN. hole, pit. spelling. Otherwise, evara.
F - f
fitakooto nCN2. stubborn person, big headed person.
G - g
ga vRE. wedge, pry. Va karuoro vagari. you pry it opening gapu adj. naked, be. Ae! Gapupauei! Hey! You're naked!
it. gaputo nCN2. naked person.
gaari vRE. hoe, heap up ground. Varuparo gaaripareva gapuvira adv. naked like. Gapuvira toureva Adam. Adam
rasia porepaoro. He hoed the garden turning the ground was naked.
over. Gara nPRN. name of lake.
gaaripato nCM. hoe (tool). garagarako STAT. shake, excited, startled, anxious.
gaaru vRE. shave. Aite givugivu gaarurevora va vera Garagarakooro rerare sopaua ora sitaera oiraVA. His
ovoioro. Father shaved the beard completely off. heart was excited being startled by her.
gaarugaarupa nCN. razor blade. garagarako STAT. excited, startled, anxious, shake. Rerare
gae vRE. sopaua ora sitaera oiraVA garagarakooro. His heart
— id. follow a course, heed talk, drift, wander. Raiva was excited being startled by her.
gaeri. Follow along the road. Tuariri tokutokuara garavesi nCF. pandanus, screw pine, plant used for weaving
gaepaeva. In the past she wandered around under mats.
overhanging ledges. Vearo vovou gaeri. Follow after a garavoka vRE. loosen, unscrew, unfasten. Va garavokari.
good way. Vo reo gaeri. Heed the talk. You unscrew ; loosen it.
gae class. waterway, river. Sepik gae. the Sepik River garavoka adj. loose.
gaegaere vRE. drift. Voa toupaeva gaegaerepaoro vo osa garavoka pie vRE. loosen, unfasten. Pisikui garavoka pieri
rupupaveva. It (canoe) was there drifting around while tuukea IAVA. Untie the knot from the fastener.
we both were diving. garavokavira adv. loosely. Garavokavira iroiro pisikuiri.
gaegaerevira adv. drifting like. Tie the rope loosely in a knot. Can't use goegeo with
gagari vRE. plane wood. Evao pero gagariivora. They planed pisikui, only garavoka.
the board. gare adj. small, little.
gagarike vRE. scratch, rake with claw. Ragai gagarikerevoi gare kaekae adj. short.
epusito. The cat is scratching me with his claw. gare pie vRE. lesson the amount, size, force, etc. Reoa gare
gagarioua nCN. bracelet. pieri. Lower your voice.
gagaripato nCM. carpenter's plane. gare visivi adv. very small, carefully.
gagata nCN. worksack, group of objects. garea nCN. small object.
gagataa nCN. shilling. gareavi adv. almost, nearly.
gagauko nCM. leaf, wide base of sago frond. garepara nCN. few things.
gagavuo avu nCN. bites of betel pepper (daka). garevavi torara nCF. axe (small), hatchet.
gagavuoto nCM. pepper of betel vine. garigari nCN. chips of tree.
gagavuri nCM. (very short) haircut. garigariava pie vRE. rustle something. Garigariava
gagavuri vRE. cut hair off at scalp, shave head. Kakaeto piepaevoi. She is rustling scraping around in something.
gagavurievoi aakova veo kapuaroRE oiso ra opesipe. gariko nCN. place, area.
The mother cut the boy's hair off to the scalp so that the garitato nCM. cuticles.
scabies sores would heal and finish. gariva nCF. vine, yellow vine used for weaving, orchid, type
gagavuri kukue nCN. shaved head. A man with a shaved of.
head is a gagavuri kukueto. garo adj. loose, slack. Iroiro garoi. The rope is loose.
gago vRE. skin. Saimon oisoa bulmakau rakariro Kuvupato garoparoi. The shirt is too loose. Also used
gagopareve vara purapasa. Simon would always skin with a loose screw, etc.
off cows' hides hide to make things. garoava nCF. rattan, cane.
gai STAT. apprehensive, speechless, shocked, aghast. garogaro adj. loose.
Gaiparaera. I was being apprehensive. garu vRE. shave head with blade of some sort. In the past a
gai ovi nCN. musk fluid found on opossums. It is always sharpened edge of bamboo was used as a razor.
removed before cooking because of its bitter taste. garutu adj. slow, dilly-dally. Garuturae uriopaoro. I was
gaitao nCF. fingernail, toenail. slow in coming. Garutuparai. I am late.
gaiua nCN. musk sack found on opossums. garutuvira adv. slowly.
gaiua nCN. lower external stomach area. gasi adj. broken. Uva gasi viropa ragaiVA evaova. The tree
gao ovi nCN. ink, banana (wild) juice. was broken with me (my weight).
gaoto nCM. banana, type of wild. gasi vRE. break, penalize, break the law, condemn. Kirokoro
gapa nCN. wedge (tool). tapo gasireva voaVA. He broke off the bush from over
I - i
ia gr. location, attitude or position of object. karepaoro. They hurried up the horses on the way back.
ia loc. place. Togarao-IAarei ora Ruruvu-IA The two ikau vasito nCN2. runner who is strong and steady.
places of Togarao and Ruruvu. ikauvira adv. quickly, fast, rapidly. Pertains to motion like
iare prep. towards. running.
iarei gr. dual of places. See example above for “ia”. ikopito nCM. taproot.
iava prep. from, about. ikoto nCM.
iavirava conj. by means of, because of. — id. taproot. Used as an illustration of Jesus Christ (or
Ibu nPR. village name. some other important central character).
Ibu touto nCN2. person who lives at Ibu. Other village names ipiriko iro nCN. instestines.
may be substituted for Ibu. ipu vRE. dam up. Oira ipuiva rirovira varuereaepa. They
ie vRE. here take (it). Ieri aioa iava aiori. Here, take of this dammed it (stream) up and got a lot of edible things
food and eat it. (from the stream).
ie excl. Here take it! The `e' is pronounced as is the `e' in ira nRPM. he, him.
the word 'hen'. ira iavirava ph. He is the reason for it., He stands for it.
igei nRP. we all not you (excluding listener). ira kovapato nCN2. firstborn child.
igei vaaro nPS. ours (excluding listener). ira riaaro iava ph. He is the reason for it., He stands for it.
igoa nRP. we all not you (excluding listener). iraira vRE. stretch out in front. Iroiro irairari. Stretch out the
iguva vRE. miss a day, (put) taboo on short period of time for rope in front of you.
some purpose, rest. VaoPA iguvari aioa. You mark a iraira adj. stretched out in front. Irairauei. You are stretched
short period of time during which no food will be eaten. out. In this example the person had his legs stretched out
iguva pie vRE. (cause to be) taboo for a short time. Vo voki in front of him.
iguva pieri. You taboo this day against any activity. irao gr. truly, must, intensibier marker. Ovu iraova? Truly
iguva voki nCN. vacation day, holiday. from where?
iia vRE. shoot. Opeita rera iiapari. Don't shoot him. irapa visivi temp. already.
iiapato nCN2. hunter. irapato nCN2. leader, headman.
iipa nCN. blockage between sides of valley or gulch, dam, irapaua loc. ahead, front.
ridge. iravira adv. front, in front of, preceding-like.
iipa vRO. climb, go upward, breed. Iipaaepa vo pukui-IA. iravu nPM. another male.
They climbed up this mountain. ireire vRE. shoo out of the way, warn of impending danger.
iipa vRO. Kaakau ireirereva, osa oirato avusa auepaopa. He
— id. startled. Vovouisi ipaepa. It was startled or (his) shooed the dog away as it was about to bite the man.
heart came up. iria nRPF. she, her.
iipa pie vRE. lift up, make go upwards. Uva oira tuusivoiva, iriavu nPF. another female.
oira iipa piepasiva rikui IAVA. Then having tied her iro nCN. belt. As in opo kavu iro 'belt made of taro leaves'
they lifted her up from the hole. used to stave off hunger.
iipapa nCN. ladder, stairs. iro riripu nCN. vine, small in size.
iipavira loc. upward, high, up. iroiro nCN. vine, rope, string.
iira vRO. precede, go first. Kepa pausa iiraroepa. He went irou vaaro inter. whose.
ahead to build a house. VisiiPA iirapa. He is going iroua inter. who (indefinite gender).
ahead of you all. irouto inter. who (M).
iirui nCF. flea, louse. irouva inter. who (F).
iiruko STAT. selfish, stingy. Similar to vairu 'selfish' and iruato sisu nCN. ceremonial wash prior to going inside the
opposite of paaro 'generous' and vagaga 'yield'. Upe house.
iirukoto nCN2. selfish stingy person. irurai nCN. spider web.
iirukovira adv. selfishly. iruuta adj. disordered, untidy.
iiruviro nCN. epidemic, mass sickness. Iiruviro iruutavira adv. stringy, (in) disarray, unfolded rope or
purapaiveira upiara oirara rutu-ia. Diseases make clothes.
epidemics (spread widely) to all people. From the word iruvaoto nCM. nose.
iirui <louse> in that sickness spreads like the louse isa nCN. seed of tree. A seed that explodes when heated.
jumping from one person to the next. isi class. group of ferns. As in topirei isi.
iisi vRE. oil. Iriavu riakova rera kokotoaro iisieva aue-IA isike nCN. rat.
korovo ovi. Another woman put oil on his feet. Isio nPR. bush spirit, mask of wood.
iisi ovi nCN. oil. Isio pisikui nCF. Granny knot, knot, Granny knot.
ikau vRE. run, hurry. Uva ikauava vorevira. Then I hurried isipuko nCN. tree, which grows in dense jungle used for
back. medicine.
ikau pie vRE. hurry, cause to. Hos kare ikau pieiva isiputu nCN. grass, which is used for making a drink like tea.
14 Rotokas — English Dictionary 3/17/2008
isisaga kaakito
isisaga nCM. soot from fire. agreed to her word.
isiso vRO. steaming, giving off steam. iuiutoo vRE. correct something. Rera taveooro utuu rera
isiso vRE. steam something, heat with steam, scald. Ragai iuiutoopaoro. You follow joining him and correcting his
isisopae pitokava vuvutaopaoro. The steaming kettle way.
scalds me. iuiutoo vovouto nCN2. (person with) correct behaviour.
isiso kou nCN. grass, kunai grass. This word has been replaced by torevokovira 'correctly'.
isiva vRO. turn one's back on someone, turn away from iuiutoovira adv. uninterrupted, straightway.
someone, reject someone. ReraRE isivaaepa. They iva nCN. year, season of fruit.
turned their backs on him rejecting him. ivao vRE. predict accurately, threaten to do something,
isiva vRE. back up, reverse, reject, turn back on. Uva viapau foreshadow. Ragai vii ivaopaa kopiia-IA, ra kopiiu. I
uvuipaviei ra vareiRE isivapavio. We can't turn our predict accurately your death, and you will die. Vurivira
backs (reject) on the two things (feminine). rutu ragai-IA torara ivaorivoi. In an evil way you are
isivaaro temp. threatening to axe me.
— loc. after, reverse side. ivao vRO. compliment something inorder to get it from owner.
isivarapoko nCM. bat, small type. Uriou itova ousa, iria-IA ivaouera. Come get the
isivauaro loc. in back of, reverse side. banana which you said was so nice all the time hoping to
isivio loc. back a ways. get.
ita temp. again. ivara-ia id. disobey, supercede. Teapi uriou ragai iavara-ia.
itako adj. sour. E itakopai va eva? Is that sour? Don't surpass my authority or don't come over me. Teapi
itako ovi nCN. bile, bitter liquid. ivara-ia puteri. Don't supercede my authority or don't
itakoore nCN. leaf used as a contraceptive. pass over.
itakooreto nCM. sterile man. ivara-ia loc. on top, above.
itakooreva nCF. barren woman. ivia vRE. come to investigate, scout out something, test.
itakupa vRE. act carelessly. Vii itakupa ragapaavoi. I am ViiRE iviaparevoi osa vorevira voreroi kovosa. He is
just acting carelessly toward you. coming to see what you are doing as he is returning to
itakupa vovouto nCN2. careless person, thoughtless person. work.
itasi nCN. rattan, small type, cane. ivirio nCF. blood vessel.
itauara nCN. inside of wild taro? iviro vRO. cross over. Oirato iviroparoi uuko ovi-IA. The
itaurito nCM. tree, limbum palm found on Mt. Balbi's slopes. man is crossing over the stream.
itauro nCN. bean. iviro vRE. cross over. Uuko ovi iviro rovori. You cross first
ito vRE. grab away, tug against each other. Rera itoavoi vii over the stream.
varaa. I grabbed your things away. Rera ruvara-IA ivita nCN. cork, lid, top.
ikauvira va itoreva. He grabbed it quickly away from ivita vRE. put lid on pot, cork up. Rikui riaaro ivitaiva
him. aveke-IA. They closed the mouth of the hole with a
ito nCN2. bananas in general. stone.
itoa nCN. yolk of egg. Ivitu vagapa nPRN. waterfall on the Ivitu river behind
itoito id. firm up, tighten up. Itoitooro tore iraota. Togarao, height 68.7 meters.
Tightening your legs you all must stand. ivooru nCF. turtle, small sea type.
itoito pie vRE. make tight, tighten. Iroiro itoito pieri. Make ivu vRE. pull. Ragai kokotoaro ivuriva. You pulled my leg.
the rope tight or taut. Similar to kaitutu. ivu piro adj. unraveled. Iroiro ivu piropai. The rope is
itoro vRE. extend straight out. Vavaea itorori. Extend your unraveled.
hand straight out in front of you. ivuke nCF. bird, with long orange legs and red cap, eats taro
itoroko adj. stiff, rigor mortis(?). from gardens.
iu excl. yes. ivurao turu nCF. calendar made of knots tied in vine. With
iu vRE. agree to, say ''yes''. Oira vo reoaroRE iureva. He each passing day a knot would be cut off.
K - k
kaa vRE. strangle, gag. Kokioto kaareva iroiro-IA. He kaakaaviko nCF. insect, round beetle like Mexican bean
strangled a bird with a vine. beetle, beetle.
kaa pie vRE. snag with hook, hook, capture with hook. kaakaavo adj. white. As in kaakaavopa varoa 'white cloth'.
Atarito kaa pieivora avakva-IA. They caught the fish kaakaoko nCF. beetle, type of.
with a hood in the sea. kaakasi adj. hot. Kaakasipa. He is hot.
kaa pieto nCM. hook, fishhook. kaakau nCF. dog.
kaa rarearo nCN. ashes of cremated person. kaakau kare vo pitupituaro ph.
kaaisi nCM. cooking bananas. — id. fornication or the way of dogs.
kaakaaro vRE. mix food or meat with salt. kaakauko nCM. insect, gray weevil pictured on PNG
kaakaaro nCN. mixtures, charm used to keep married men postage stamp.
and women youthful and attractive. kaakito nCN2. blind with cataracts, one eyed eyed person
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Kaakuupato kakuaku
(nickname). kagave nCF. forehead.
Kaakuupato nPRM. spring of hot mineral water near kaie vRO. make trash, create a mess. Kaiepauei. You are
Togarao. It is located in gulley above the shorter creating a mess with the rubbish.
waterfall and is most likely ferrous oxide in solution. kaiea nCN. rubbish, trash, garbage.
kaapea adj. weak, loose, easy. kaikaio nCN. vine, sometimes mistaken for the black vine
kaapea vovouto nCN2. open-minded person. varuru iro.
kaapeavira adv. easily. kaipori STAT. alert. Kaiporiparoi. He is very alert.
kaapisi vRE. pinch together, grip with pincers. kaiporivira adv. alertly. Kaiporivira vuravurarevoi. He is
kaapisivira adv. linked, pinched. looking around in an alert way.
kaapo adj. white. kairi nCN. spear, arrow.
kaapopato nCN2. white person. kairiro nCN. bushes, small trees.
kaara nCF. car. Obviously derived from English 'car'. kairo nCN. neck.
kaare adj. white. kaita nCN. beads, white type.
kaareko vRE. scour, clean by scraping. Opo kuio kaitutu STAT. resolute, steadfast, tight. Kaitutuparoepa
kaarekoreva va oriorioro. He scoured the taro by uriri ASAVIRA. He was fearlessly steadfast.
scraping it. kaitutu pie vRE. smooth out, tighten. Refers to smoothing
kaareto nCM. white male object. Used to describe a white out cloth during process of pressing it with hot object.
male pig. kakae adj. small, little.
Kaareva nPR. Mapiaro, altenate name for this village. kakae pukui id. family with many children or a heap of
kaava vRE. feint with bow and arrow. Kaavapaivoi. They are kids.
feinting with their bows and arrows. kakae vure nCN2. children.
kaavaaua nCN. plant, from which salt flavor is derived by kakaeto nCN2. small child.
burning it to ash, it grows in damp area below waterfalls. kakaevira adv. small-like.
kaaveaka STAT. available, free. Kaaveakapai. It is kakapikoa adj. small, little.
available in the open. Viapau kaaveaka taraia-a. The kakapikoto nCN2. (tiny) newborn baby, baby newborn.
meaning is not easy to get at. kakapu vRE. place in sling for purpose of carrying. Aakova
kaaveaka vRE. clear up, (make) available. Eake-a ra va kakaeto kakapupae. The mother places the child in the
kaaveakapareve? What is it that he can make it clear? sling.
kaaveaka reoto nCN2. person who doesn't speak harshly. kakapua nCN. sling for lifting.
kaaveaka vovouto nCN2. generous person, gentle kakara nCN. arm band, bracelet.
transparent person. kakarau nCF. frog, lives in the bush, stingray.
kaaveakavira adv. revealed, out in the open, freely, kakata nCF. cockatoo.
available, easy, clearly. Kaaveakavira toupai. It is out kakate nCF. bamboo tube cut to hold water, water carrying
in the open and available. Eake-a ra va iava tube made from bamboo section.
kaaveakavira taviro? What is it that he can explain it kakatuara nCM. lizard, dark body, tan scales, eats snakes,
clearly? skin not used for drum.
kae class. group of long objects. As in ripo kae 'eyelashes'. kakau nCF. cocoa. Obviously derived from English 'cocoa'.
kae vRE. carry. Pirutuva ragai kaeeva VORE raiva kakauoa nCN. skin, husk.
vituaro-ia. The flood carried me to the end of the road. kakaveisi nCN. fern tree-general name for all.
kae keru nCN. clavicle. kakavoro nCF. Malay apple tree.
kae pie vRE. hoist, lift, raise. Visii rutu evaova kae pieta. kakavu vRE. scoop up with the hands. Kuriara kakavuri.
All of you together lift the wood. Scoop up the scrapings with your hands.
kae pievira loc. high. kakeoto nCM. inside of anything.
kae reasi nCN. woven criss-cross pattern that is slanted. kaki vRE. fracture something, shatter something. Sisiro
kae reasivira adv. slanted. kakireva. He shattered the mirror. Takura kakiri. Break
kae viro vRO. rise up, ascend, take off (as a plane takes off). open the egg.
VigeiPA ravireo kaero viro. The sun rose (and shone) kaki adj. opened, cracked, split open. Rasia vao oa kaki
on us. piropa. The ground was cracked open. Kakio viro
kaekae vRE. tempt someone. Ragai kaekaeparevoi. He is rivuko. The mosquito is burst open.
tempting me. kakiaki vRE. crack open, fracture.
kaekaearo nCN. length of. kakiri nCN. insect liko sandfly that lives near beach area.
kaekaeo nCN. fern, grows on the ground and has leaves used kakiua nCN. cave, cavern.
in medicine and in coded leaf letter to mean, You tempt kaku vRE. split open with axe or knife. Kepa pausa oira
me. kakurivere. Split it (tree) open in order to build the
kaekaesoto nCN2. tall person. house.
kaepa nCN. wheelbarrow, basket, something for carrying kaku asiava nCF. object (such as axe) without handle.
things. kaku pie vRE. shout, yodel. Kaku pierevorao roruvira. He
kaetu adj. tight, stiff, taut. was shouting merrily.
kaetu pie vRE. tighten. Iroiro kaetu pieta, ra vara ivupe. kaku rao nCN. axe handle.
Tighten the rope and we'll pull them. kakuaku vRE. break into pieces using some instrument as a
16 Rotokas — English Dictionary 3/17/2008
kakupa kapua sisi
knife. Kaukau kakuakuri. Break open the sweet potato also to reduce the bride price to come. Also the groom-
with some instrument. to-be's father looks after the bride-to-be during this
kakupa nCN. landslide, mudslide. period of getting acquainted and making payments.
kakuparei nCN. two halves. kapekape vRE. embrace, grip with arms not meeting. Opita
kakupute nCF. fern tree, like kakavea, grows at high ipasa kapekapepasivoi The two men are embracing the
elevations. coconnut tree to climb up (arms not meeting).
kakutauo nCN. flower sheath of palms. kapekapevira adv. in this manner, with arms barely
kakuto nCM. fight club. encircling. Oirato kapekapevira iparoi opita atosa.
kakutuiato nCM. tree, with leaves rough enough to be used The man climbs the coconut tree, nearly embracing the
for sandpaper. trunk with his arms, in order to harvest the coconuts.
kakuva nCF. frog, brown body, cry sounds like the striking of kapere vRE. swim with part of the body out of the water.
an axe on wood, lives in wild banana, when held the Kaperepareva avakava-IA. He was swimming on the
stomach swells. surface of the ocean.
kakuvira adv. split-like. kapiaa vRE. clear up, elucidate, (make) available. Eake-a ra
kaokao vRO. invite to meal, feast, or party, request, beckon, va kapiaareve? What is it that he can make it available?
summon. VoeaRE kaokaou. You invite them to come kapiaa adj. available, free. Viapau kapiaa taraia-a.
eat. VaoRE kaokaoparai ra va vateri. I am requesting kapiaavira adv. available, easy, clearly. Eake-a ra va iava
this so give it. Avaraepa kaokaosa vo araoko irara oaa kapiaavira taviro? What is it that he can explain it
oiso ra voea urioave. I went to invite my brothers so that clearly?
they would come. kapikapi nCN. bow of ship, peak of house.
kaokao nCF. frog, mate of epioto, cry sounds like its name, kapiroa vRE. grasp with tongs.
i.e. kaokaokao, edible. kapiroa nCN. clamp, vise.
kaokaoara nCN. invitations. kapiroko nCN. clamp, boundary.
kaokaoto nCN2. messenger. kapisi kuvu nCN. tinned tobacco.
kapa nCN. corregated sheet of galvanized iron. Obviously a kapisito nCM. tobacco, plant with long wide leaves used for
loan word from Neo-Melanesian Pidgin. smoking. A bundle of tobacco leaves kapisi is neuter
kapa vRE. remove taboo on eating, break fast. Opposite of gender.
kavu pie 'put taboo on eating'. kapiua nCN. bill of bird, beak.
kapa nCN. food cooked to break a period of fasting. The food kapo vRE. join together, clamp together, fasten on coverstrips.
like koora kapa or koie kapa (opossum or pig) was Varei kapori. Join the two things together. Take
usually mixed with fragrant leaves to add pleasant kapoave ra opesipe. I'll clamp on the bamboo wall
flavors. material and it will be finished.
kapaava nCF. teeth (molars). kapo pero nCN. coverstrip, strip of limbum bark used to
kapai nCN. pitpit, wild. Used for shelves ; platforms. secure woven bamboo matting to wall studs.
kapara vRE. roast without pan or container. Orekerovu aue kapokao nCN. kapok tree.
keruara oara oisoa kaparapaive oearovu. Other people kapokapo nCN. coverstrips of wall or house.
would always roast the bones. kapokaporo vRE. carry between the shoulders of two people.
kaparu vRE. short of, missing (something). Kareroepa Rera kapokaporoereva voa raivaaro. The two (girls)
gaupaoro vore Rotokasi-ia vo uvare vo aaorei carried him (supporting him) between their shoulders.
kaparuiva. He returned to the Rotokas area crying kapokari nCF. vine, red vine used for weaving.
because he missed the father and child. kapokarito nCM. tree, roots used for red to purple colored
kaparuvira adv. one missing. stain.
kapatau vRE. augment, add to, cap up, supplement. Uuko kapoo adj. poor.
rovu kapatauevere oai tovooro She will add to the kapoo adj. poor, destitute. Kapooparoi auePA moni. He is
water putting some other (water in). poor, lacking money. Similar to apota.
kapatoro adj. leprous. kapooto nCN2. poor person.
kapatoroto nCN2. leperous person. kapoovira adv. poor, without much.
kape vRE. grip with arms not meeting. Kapepaavoi va-ia pitu kapopa nCN. wrench, spanner.
ARAPA uvare riro govukoa. I am holding on with arms kaporo nCN. space between objects, mountain passage,
not completely surrounding, unable to hold, because of passage.
the large size of the tree trunk. kaporopa nCN. clamp.
kape vRE. unable to meet(?). Kapepaivoi siguva. kaporoto nCM. scissors.
— The joint does not meet together. kapua adj. (with) sores. Kapuaparai. I have sores on my
kapea adj. (not) solid, flimsy, unstable. Vo kovo kapeapape. body.
The work would not be lasting and would be flimsy. kapua nCN. sore, infection, wound.
kapeapa vRE. payment in advance of marriage, marriage kapua pie vRE. wound someone. Rera kapua pierivora.
payment in advance. Oira-ia tupareve aiteto oira You wounded him so that he had sores on his body.
kapeapareveira. He always is paying in advance to kapua sisi nCN. vine with tiny white flowers. Said to have
secure her with her father. The advance payments are been introduced by the Japanese to destroy the food
made not only to establish a guarantee of marriage, but crops. Flowers are mixed with another ingredient and
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kapuapato kasi
used as medicine for sores around the mouth and anus. Vo touo karekereva oviito roPA aiteto. The son
kapuapato nCM. showed the bottle to the father.
— id. (single) fruit damaged by insect or disease with kareke vRO. appear, happen, came to be. Viapau oiso
mark (sore) on it. vearoa vai karekepape kovoa oaio-IA. Nothing good
kapuasisi nCN. vine, that covers everything. would come from our (exclusive) work.
kapuu adj. tight. kareke pie vRE. start, show. Ruipaparai oiso ra va kareke
kapuu vRE. dumb, (not) speaking. Kapuuevoi. She, the piea viiPA. I want to show it to you. Gavman viiPA
mouth, is dumb. tauva kareke piereve. The government would come up
kapuu gisipo tupa vSTAT. mute. with some help for you.
kapuu pie vRE. close tight. karekova nCF. vine, water can be extracted from it.
kapuu pie vRE. close mouth or jaws. Spana kapuu pieri. kareo vRE. penetrate through, pierce through. Oirato kaakau
Close up the jaws of the wrench. kareorevora rera iiaoro koetava-ia. The man shooting
kapuu piea nCN. lock (on door). the dog with a bow and arrow pierced it through.
kapuu piepa nCN. pincers. kareovira adv. clear through-like. Kareovira vusire. He
kara class. group of streams. burst throught from one side to the other.
kara nCN. leaf used for mat weaving. karepieto nCM. entrance to village, village entrance. Occurs
kara ruoa nCN. hibiscus, comb of rooster, crest of cockatoo. in both Pip and Rot dialects.
karaa iro nCN. vine, suspended from tree used for climbing kariava nCF. lizard, dark body with tan to yellow scales, no
up into the tree itself. spines, skin used for drum, looks like small Komodo
karaava nCF. bamboo, large Chinese bamboo, cultivated. lizard.
karakarao vRE. take without permission. karikari vRE. tear, shred. Pepa karikariri rerapa va
karakarao reoto nCN2. speaker of words that are not vatesa. Shred the paper and give it to him.
always directly related to the subject. karivai STAT. desire food, sex, (have) appetite for food, sex.
karakaraoa nCN. trough for carrying liquids. Karivaiparai. I have a desire for food.
karakaraoto nCN2. boldly possessive person. karivaito nCM. man who always desires sex.
karakuku nCM. coconut sheath. Karivara nPRN. name given to Buka area or Buka people by
karao nCF. seed, large type used in place of betel nut. Rotokas.
karao koko nCN. food specially prepared for use during the karo vRE. spoon out a liquid. Uukoa vai karori reraPA.
divining rite. spoon out some water for him.
karao peri nCN. trough for carrying liquid. karopo nCN. portion of something.
karapi vRO. sing high pitched. Irouto-a karapiroi. Who is karopo vRE. portion out, divide up. Aioara karopori
the man singing with the high pitched voice? voeaPA. Divide up the food for them. Repeated action is
karapivira adv. pitched high-like. marked by the reduplicated form karokaropo.
karara nCF. crab, lives in the beach sand. karoto nCN. rafters.
karata vRE. divide up, apportion. Aioara karatareva. He karova nCN. shelf, table.
divided up the food. When much is to be divided the karu vRE. switch on. E viapau waialas karuri? Didn't you
reduplicated form is used, karakarata. turn on the radio?
karato nCM. (small) stream of water. karu nCN. divining concoction or thing used to `open up' the
karavau nCN. mushroom, small type. sick man's troubled area. As in vo karu 'this divining
karavisi STAT. angry, upset. Ikauvira raga karavisi thing'.
ovoirovere. Quickly he becomes very upset. karu vRE. open, unlock, untie, unhook. Masta Kostro ira vao
karavisito nCN2. person who is easily angered or upset. karu rovoreva Rotokas taere. Mr. Kostro opened up the
Riro karavisito ro oirato garepara-IA reoreoara Rotokas area initially.
kasipupaoro. Easily at just a little talk that man gets karuka nCF. tree, pandanus with leaves used for woven mats,
angry. pandanus tree.
karavuru vRE. dust, get dusty. Karavururivoi. You are karuka nCF. mat.
getting dusty. karukaru vRE. open-repeatedly or many things. Ora
kare vRO. return to starting place, go back again. Kareparai vurevureoro oira karukarureva. Moving himself
atoi IARE. I am going back to the village. about, he opened up (his bindings).
kare pie vRE. return (something) to its rightful place, pay karukava nCF. rat, large bush type.
back a debt, send back. Vii vaaro vukua oa vii IARE karutu vRE. divide up, portion out. Moniara rutu
kare pieavere. I will return your book to you. karukaruturi. Divide up all of the money. To emphasize
kare uviro vRO. arrive at a place after traveling. Evoa kare the plural object the reduplicated form, karukarutu, is
uviroaepa. They arrived there after being away and used.
traveling back again. karuvira adv. open.
karekareara toi nCN. message passed by slit gong. kasarao nCF. limbum, large leaf variety, used for making
karekarearava nCF. slit gong signal of patrol officer. pakou 'fighting stick'.
karekareto nCN2. person who has grille or ringworm. Pip kasi vRE. burn, ignite. Oire vo ori kasiereva. Okay then the
area. two girls burned up the cooked food.
kareke vRE. originate, create, cause to be, manifest, show. kasi vRO. build a fire. Oire eto kasiaepa, oripaaepa. They
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kasi pie kavee
built a fire and cooked. katarauto nCM. chest, rib (sternal).
kasi pie vRE. care for. Voea vearovira kasi piepaive. They katokato adj. black, filthy.
would diligently care for them. katokatoto nCN2. black person, negro.
kasiava nCM. tree, used for making canoes. This type of tree katokatovira adv. black-like, dirty.
is also used to be the target of vented anger and katokoi nCF. tree, type of limbum, limbum.
frustration. Arrows and, or spears are hurled into the tree katokoi nCF. strip of limbum used for sago leaf shingle. The
which takes the place of the object that caused injury to sago leaves are folded over and fastened onto the strip.
the person. katopato nCN2. skinny person, thin person, bony animal.
kasikasi nCN. (small) pustules that cover the body. Used if insult is intended, otherwise for describing
kasikasi STAT. cross, angry, difficult, diligent. animals only. See keruito.
kasipu STAT. angry, cross. ReraRE kasipuaepa. They were katoto nCM. rib (asternal), rib cage.
angry with him. Evo reoreo uvu ragapaoro katuara vRE. scour, bush on (something). Saspan katuarari?
kasipupaopa. Not paying attention to those words she Are you scouring the saucepan?
was angry. katuarapato nCM. brush.
kasipu pie vRE. anger (someone), incite to anger. Teapi rera katukatu adj. rot away, flake off, unfastened. Katukaturo
kasipu pieive ora reoreopaoro. Don't make him angry viro. His skin has rotted and is flaking off. Clasp breaks
talking among yourselves. or knot becomes untied and binding becomes unfastened
kasipuvira adv. sharp flavor, flavor-sharp, angry-like. resulting in things being spilled out.
Sipeipai kasipuvira. It has a sharp flavor. katuta nCF. spear, a long type.
kasirao vRE. warm up, stir feelings. Tugoropa Uraura oira kau adj. solid, hard.
vo vovouaro kasiraorevora. The Holy Spirit stirred her kau kepo id. stubborn, obstinate. RagaiVA kau kepoparoi.
heart. Used commonly at time of the revival early in He is stubbornly arguing with me or he is like the hard
l980. portion of betel nut with me.
kasirao adj. hot. kau kepoto nCN2. obstinate person, stubborn person.
kasirao pie vRE. heat up (something). Vorerivira aioara kaukau pie vRE. shine intensely, (intense) sunlight. Ravireo
kasirao piereva. He heated the food again. kaukau pieparevoi. The sun shines intensely.
kasiraopa ovi nCN. hot springs. kaukauvira adv. intensly as a very bright hot sun.
kasiraovira adv. energetically, diligently. Kasiraovira Kaukauvira rutu roroparevoi ravireo. The sun is
kovopaavoi. I am working very hard. shining intensely. Also kaukau pievira with same
kasiura nCN. fence. meaning.
kasivari vRO. scavenge, be diligent. kaukovu nCM. watercress. Most likely not a Rotokas word
kasuari nCM. cassowary. originally.
kataavira adv. mashed and mixed together. kauo nKF. cross aunt (MoBrWi).
katai adj. same. As in katai sipei raga 'the same saltiness'. kauo vRO. jump.
katai adj. one. kauokauo vRO. jump up and down.
katai ipu adj. one million. kaureo vRO. contradict, disagree, stubbornly against,
katai keke nCN. same appearance. rebellious. Rirovira oisoa reraVA kaureopaave. They
Katai kokoto nPRN. name of bush spirit living in stone that were always in much disagreement with him.
guards the Suriketo-Ovuveo property. kaureoto nCN2. braggart, back talker.
katai reo nCN. agreement. kauro vRO. contradict. Variation of kaureo.
katai tau adj. ten. kausopa STAT. stubborn, unrelenting, concerned, anxious.
katai tau erao adj. twelve, dozen. Kausopapau. You are unrelenting. E vaRE
katai tau eraopa kekira nPR. December, 12th month kausopapau? Are you very concerned about it? From
(moon). the two words kau `strong' and sopa `inside'.
katai tau katai adj. eleven. kausopavira adv. anxiously.
katai tau kataipa kekira nPR. November, 11th month kavakavau vRE. reproduce, bear many children. Rirovira
(moon). oisoa kavakavaupaive tuariri. In the past they
katai taupa kekira nPR. October, 10th month (moon). reproduced greatly.
katai tuku adj. one thousand. kavatao kepa nCN. newlywed's house.
katai vatara adj. six. kavatao pupi nCN. singsing to open newlyweds' house.
katai vatara tau adj. sixty. kavau vRE. hold child in arms. Kakaeto kavaupaevoi. She is
katai vatarapa kekira nPR. June, 6th month (moon). holding the child in her arms or on her lap.
katai vovoto adj. one hundred. kavau vRO. born. Kavauroepa Togarao-IA. He was born in
kataia raga nCN. alone, one kind, only one. Togarao.
kataipa irara nCM. individuals. kavau vRE. birth, give, bear a child. Kakaeto kavauevora.
kataipa kekira nPR. January, 1st month (moon). She gave birth to the child.
kataipa potepai nCN. (single) short thing. kavau asa adj. barren.
kataipa voki nPR. Monday, 1st day. kavau asava nCF. barren woman.
kataitoarei nCM. two small things, limited to two only. kave adj. cool off in a shaded spot.
katakataivira adv. individually, separately. kavee adj. diminish in strength. Ravireo kaveeroi rokooro.
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kavee kekesopa
The setting sun loses its heat. something. Oira kopaoro rera kavusireva. Swallowing
kavee vRE. whisper, reduce the strength or heat of something. it, he spit it (something else) out.
Vii kaveeparevere. He will whisper to yo. kea vRE. deceive, confuse, trick. Teapi vii keareve vo vokia
kavee pitupitu nCN. gentleness, mildness. ovokia-ia oviitoaaro voreroverea. It wouldn't be good if
kavee reoto nCN2. person who always speaks in a whisper. he deceived you about the day his son is returning.
kavee vovouto nCM. easy going person, calm person, gentle kea STAT. confused, deceived. Uva eva-IA keasiepa oiso,
person. iria ita uusipaoi. They both though in error (confused)
kaveepa nCN. shade. that she was just sleeping.
kaveepa kepa nCN. shaded house. keakea turu nCN. basting stictch.
kaverui NCF. gourd prepared as a container for keeping akoro keakeato nCN2. deceiver.
<lime powder>. keari nCM. bamboo, used for making arrow shafts.
kaveruko vRE. hold in arms. Oira kaverukopaoro kearito nCM. grass with long leaves used in coded plant letter
vorevira karero oira-ia rorupaoro. Holding her in his called variua to stand for the phrase, 'you deceive me' \lx
arms he returned being very pleased with her. kearito.
kavikavi nCN. all kinds of little things for play and use. — nCM. arrow, long type.
kavikavi vRE. combine, work together. Vara rutu keavira adv. deceptively, confused.
kavikavireve. He would combine all of the things. Uva kee vRE. shatter, fracture, chip. Botol tou keerevora va
oavuRE kavikaviiva. Va vaisiaro avata. They worked kovepaoro. He shattered the bottle, dropping it.
together for something else. Its name is, single men's keekee vRE. fracture something, shatter something, chip
house. something. Sisiro keekeereva. He shattered the mirror.
kavikaviru vRE. steal some thing for intended sorcery. keekee adj. chipped, shattered. Sisiro keekeeo viropa. The
kaviko vRE. love intensely. Ira oviitoaPA oisoa kaviko mirror is shattered.
iraopareve. He was always intensely loving his son. keekeepa nCN. shattered object, fractured object.
kavikoa nCN. love, filial love. keekeeri nCN. spear, like raavai but only small area fitted
kaviru vRE. steal, rob. Opeita oaravu avu vai kavirupari. with flying fox bones, used to kill man.
Do not be stealing anything. keekeerito nCM. insert to hold arrow tip.
kaviruto nCN2. thief, robber. keera vRO. call for, beckon to. ReraRE keeraiepa, Auoro
kaviruvira adv. stealthily, secretly. Soraviri, varau! We (exclusive) called to him, Hey
kavo vRE. scavenge, pick up. Uva oisoa rera keruaro Soraviri, come down!
kavoive rareto guruoro. They would always hunt keeraa nCM. bird, sea bird, sharp pointed wings, probably a
around for the bones collecting the charred parts. Frigate Bird.
kavokavo vRE. perform sorcery, work black magic. Eera keerapa nCN. signal for meeting.
kavokavoto ira oirara kavokavoparoveira. That keeriva nCF. crest of cockatoo.
sorcerer is always working black magic on people. keetaa nCN. chin, jaw, mandible.
kavokavoa nCN. sorcery, black magic. keevuru vRO. glide. Keevuruparoi keravo. The hawk is
kavokavoto nCN2. sorcerer. gliding (through the air).
kavora nCF. red rash on skin, ringworm, tinea, grille. kegi vRE. taunt. Ragai kegiparevoi va purasa osa reasiparai
kavorato nCN2. person with ringworm or tinea. va pura arapa. He is taunting me to do it, as I am not
kavori nCF. crayfish, lobster (general name). wanting to do it.
kavori vRE. collect crayfish or lobster. kei nCN. house with a single pitch roof. Full form is kei
kavorou vRO. covet, keep something intended for another, kepa.
intercept. Eakere ragai vaaro-IA kavorouuei monia. keke vRE. look at, see. Evaova kekeri. Look at the tree. Uva
Why are you keeping my money? See also the word ogo. voava vo pouka kekeereva. From there the two girls
kavovoa nCN. valley, ravine. saw the leaning tree.
kavovovira adv. open slightly. keke adj. resemble, look like, appear. Ira kekero oiso osa
kavu vRE. leave, lose. Va kavuavora rera RUVARA-IA. I avukato. He resembles or looks like an old man.
left it near him. Vearovira rutu kekeparoi. He is looking very nice (his
kavu adj. left behind, left over. Viapau oiso irai kavuro appearance).
viropa. no one was left behind VokipaviraRE varao keke pie vRE. show. Tuitui kasi vai keke pieio vegoaro.
kavupa piroi. These are left for tomorrow. We (exclusive) may show (you) some fire in the jungle.
kavu pie vRE. put taboo on eating, fast. Opposite of kapa kekekeke pie sararo nCN. variety of objects.
'remove taboo on eating.'. kekeputu adj. nearly, almost. Kekeputui vuuta ra karesi.
kavu pie nCM. The time is nearly present for you both to return.
— id. nickname of man left after all his relatives had kekeputuvira adv. close, nearly. Kekeputuvira va tovorivo.
died. You put it very close to the edge. Alternate forms
kavuava nCF. limbum, small but very strong trunk. kekeputu and keputu are used.
kavura nCF. copra. kekeraokovira adv. nicely. Kekeraokovira rutu va
kavurao nCF. dust. puraparivoi. You are making it very nicely.
kavusi vRE. spit forcefully towards mark, spit out. kekesopa nCF. tree, with fragrant leaves used when cooking
Kavusipareveira. He is always spitting hard at opossum.
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kekevotovira ketoo pie
kekevotovira adv. out of sight, slyly. Kekevotovira va carefully about his talk evaluating it.
kaeri. Carry it so that no one sees it. kerioua nCN. coconut torch, stalk of palm leaf.
kekira nCM. moon, month. keripara vRE. pierce nose septum. Keriparaivere. They will
kekira vieipa nCN. calendar. pierce their noses. Similar to avui 'pierce nose'.
keo vRE. give a party, make a feast. keripato nCN2. enemy.
keo aio nCN. food for the road, feast made before death. kerisi vRE. discern, evaluate, judge talk or situation well.
keoka adj. left over, surplus. Rera kerisiiva. They discerned him. Reoara
keopa vuta nCN. sweet flavor. kerisiparevoi. He is judging well the talk. Rera
keopavira adv. sweetly. kerisiiva. They discerned him.
kepa nCN. house, cabin, building. kerisi vovouto nCN2. person who can get to the heart of the
kepa kaporo nCN. clearing between houses. talk.
kepa paupato nCN2. carpenter. kerisito nCN2. discerning person.
kepa torevokopa nCN. level (tool). kerisivira adv. wisely, discerningly. Kerisivira reoparoi.
kepetai nCF. tall woman. He talks with good judgement.
kepi adj. fractured, broken in two. Kokotoa viiRE kepi keritara nCN. trash, rubbish, garbage.
piropa. Your leg broke. keriva nCF. feather of hawk used in coded leaf letter to mean,
kepi vRE. fracture (something). Teapi ragai kokotoaro 'enemy'.
kepiive. It wouldn't be good if they fractured my leg. keroroi nCN. leanto. As in keroroi kepa lean to house.
kepia nCN. nest of sticks woven into loose platform, built by keru vRO. harden like bone. Semen keruovere. The cement
crows, hawks, etc. will become hard as bone.
kepikepiisi nCN. tree fern, small with thorns and edible new keru rupirupi nCM. leprosy.
shoots. kerua nCN. bone.
kepiriko nCN. betel pepper vine with fragrant leaf. A wild kerui adj. thin, bony, skinny.
type and not eaten. keruiato nCN. determination.
kepiro nCF. cicada, largest type. keruito nCN2. skinny person, thin person.
kepita ogata nCF. worm, that carries its cone-shaped house kerupiua nCN. tree, when burned it is a source of salt.
on its back. keruria STAT. persistent, stubborn, determined.
kepitai nCF. (small female) child. Also used as a nickname Keruriaparoi ava ARAPA. He is determined not to go.
which stays with the female even as an adult. keruria reoto nCM. persuasive talker. Similar to kaureoto.
kepitara nCN. firewood sticks. keruria vovouto nCM. stubborn person, man with strong
kepito nCN2. crippled person. personality.
kepo adj. have two sides, sides, two. keruriavira adv. persistently, obstinantly.
Kepo riri nPRM. place on Togarao road where limestone cliff keruru reoto nCN2. person who back talks.
is exposed and the river tributary is forded. It was keruru upo purato nCN2. person who retaliates with
considered a place of an evil spirit in the past. another fight.
kepoi nCF. shell, small type. kese adj. yellow.
keposi nCN. wood chips from a cut, sliver of wood. kesi vRO. hobble around (because of deformed foot, feet),
kepoto nCM. vulva opening, labia. limp.
kerakera nCM. bird, probably Brahminy Kite. See keravo. kesi pupi nCN. name of singsing by Upe initiates danced in
kerakera nCM. mushroom, very large type, edible. another village for the first time after they had been
keraria nCN. all vegetation, glory of God. settled back into their own village.
kerau adj. stiff, rigormortis, rigid. Kopiito kerauroepa. The kesivira adv. limping-like. Kesivira tasiparevoi. He steps in a
corpse has rigormortis. Keraurai. I'm stiff. limping way.
kerauto nCN2. paralized person. keso vSTAT. clever.
keravisa nCN. hook, plough (tool). kesoto nCN2. clever person.
keravisi vRE. plough under, turn soil over. Rasia keta vRE. comb hair. Orui ketaparevoi kakaeto. The boy is
keravisipaivorao. They turned the soil over yesterday. combing his hair. Pip area.
keravo nCM. bird, chestnut body with pure white head, ketaka vRE. notch out, (make) groove. Veeta tou
probably the Brahminy Kite, hawk. ketakarevere auePA koru. He will notch out the
kerekoi nCF. lizard, blue body with two yellow lines down bamboo pole in order to pick off fruit. Tuuta ketakareva
the back, smaller than the turukoua. kovurui tovosa va-IA. He notched the pole in order to
kerekoi nCF. fly, small type found in jungle area. put up the rafter with it. The notched end of the long pole
kerereua nCN. arrow made of sago leaf midrib. is used to <hold> fruit otherwise out of reach.
kerete prep. inside out, reverse. ketakaa nCN. groove, niche.
Kerevaru nPR. rive behind sisisivi village which flows over ketato nCM. tusk of pig.
high double falls. ketoo vRE. grow from seed, sprout from seed. Kukaraisi
keri vRO. enemy with, reject friendship. RagaiVA ketoovoi. The corn seed is sprouted and is growing.
keripauveira. You are always being my enemy. ketoo nCM. plant which came up from seed.
kerikerisi vRE. evaluate, judge carefully. Vearovira rera vo ketoo pie vRE. sprout from seed, cause to. Auero rutu ketoo
reoaro kerikerisiri. Mark his words well. Think piepareveira. He makes all things (plants) sprout from
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ketoo pieara koai
seeds. kio vRE. attract attention by touching, tapping, or scratching.
ketoo pieara nCN. sprouts, buds. Ragai kiorevoi. He nudged me gaining my attention
ketu vuruko nCN. framework of house, upright pieces. (discreetly). Repeated action is marked by the
kevaita vRO. kid, joke, jest. Viapau viiVA kevaitaparai. I'm reduplicated form, kiokio.
not kidding you. Oiso ruipaparai ra ora kevaita kipe vRE. cut grass with a sickle.
ragave. I want to just joke around between us. kipekipea nCN. point of land in water, point at base of ridge,
kevaitato nCN2. jester, kidder. riro kevaitato big jokester In (back) spine of lizard.
the good sense of the word jokester. kipeto nCM. sickle, scythe.
kevira nCF. dog. kipu vRE. paint, smear (something) on surface. Voea
kevoisi STAT. persistent, determined. Kevoisiparoi. He is kipupaive vo taritaro-IA varao opita taritaro. They
persistent. Kevoisiparoi va pura arapa reasipaoro. He would smear them with the mashed coconut meat.
is determined not to do what he doesn't want to do. kipukipu vRE. rub on, smear on, massage.
kevoisi kovoto nCN2. persistent worker. kipupa nCN. paint brush.
kevoisi reoto nCN2. speaker whose talk is unchanging, kipupato nCN2. painter.
strong talker. kipuvira adv. smeared.
kevoisi vovouto nCN2. (strong) personality, persistent kirava STAT. oblivious of something. Kakaeto kiravaparoi
person, determined person. gaupaoro. The child is oblivious of anything while
kevoisivira adv. determined-like. Kevoisivira vovoupata crying.
eisi piepasa. You all desire determinedly to do it like kiri vRE. rip open, tear open. Rais ruu kirikirirevoi. He rips
that. open the rice bag. Repeated action is marked by the
kiapi kou nCN. Wandering Jew plant. reduplicated form kirikiri.
kie excl. Watch out!, Be careful! kirikaokao nCF. bird, makes oora 'hole in tree used for
kii adj. short of, lacking. Kiiei oirara ARAPA. There isn't nesting place, calls kirikaokao kirikaokao.
enough space for the men. Kiiei oirara AROVA aioa. kirioto nCM. vulva and all parts inside.
There isn't enough food for people. kiro vRE. write. Vii vaisiaro kirori. Write your name.
kii pie vRE. (cause to be) short of, (cause to be) lacking. Riro kirokiro nCF. bush used for sorcery, write.
irara aioara kii pieivo tavete irara ragaiRE. The kirokiropato nCM. pencil, pen, typewriter.
visitors caused me to be short of food. kiru adj. sore near mouth, to have.
kiikariko nCF. bird, duck-like, webbed feet and flat bill, lives kirukiru adj. crisp.
in shallow holes, plentiful at high elevations but it has kirukirua nCN. biscuit, ground food parched on fire.
been decimated by wild cats, calls kiikariko vuura gariko kirupato nCN2. person with sores around the mouth.
'kiikariko's good place'. kitoiva nCF. crayfish, very small shrimp, comes in with
kiire vRO. play tag. Kakal vure kiirepaaepa. The children whitebait on surface of ocean waves.
were playing tag. kitu vRE. store up, save.
kiiru nCF. walking stick, cane. kitu tovopava nCF. cupboard, pantry.
kikipi nCM. sticks within sago stalk, arrow made of sago kitukitu vRE. scrub clothes. Vearovira varoara
midrib. kitukituerevora. Both women washed the clothes well.
kikipi iro nCN. wire. kitupa kepa nCN. storehouse, warehouse.
kikipi uru nCN. wire bed. kitupa tugi nCN. storeroom, storehouse.
kikipisi nCN. iron spear, iron rod. kiu adj. tingle, stinging sensation. Kiurai. My skin has a
kikira vRE. mix meat and geens. Oirato koorato kikirarevoi burning, stinging sensation.
arua tai TAPO rera orisa. To cook the opossum, the kiu vRE. insert, go into. Vavaea kiuri rikui SOVARA
man is mixing it with green vegetables. IARE. Insert (your) hand into the hole.
kikiraeko nCF. spider, with green to yellow body, black legs kiu vRE. put in first, insert first. Voea rutu kukueara
and head, makes very large sticky web capable of kiuivere koatapaoro. They all will go head first,
trapping small birds, web used for fishballs, i.e.sticky entering in.
ball for catching small fish. It is much like the akave kiu pie vRE. penetrate, cause to, thrust into. Vavaea kiu
spider but larger. pieri rikui SOVARA IARE. Thrust your hand into the
kikisi nCM. midrib of sago frond. hole.
kikisi kae nCN. broom, gunny sack. kiuto nCM. ant, with stinging bite.
kikisiova nCN. bow made for children. kiuve vRO. get big sores. Kiuveuvere. You will get big sores
kikiso tesi nCN. (five small) bamboo tubes bound together on you.
used in coded plant letter called variua to stand for the kiuve nCF. (very large) open sore, tropical ulcer.
phrase, 'you ate pig celebrating the man you killed'. kiuvu nCM. wind.
kikitausi vRE. tear off with teeth. Oirato koue sope kiuvu ratao nCN. window.
kikitausipare va aiopaoro. The man is tearing the flesh kiuvu reo raga id. rumor, gossip.
of the pig off as he is eating it. There is humor associated koa vRE. bark a tree, skin off. Rakariua koaivere evaova
with the use of this word in this way. IAVA. They will take the bark off of the tree.
kikooto nKM. second (but not last) born male. koai nCN. clam, edible found on the west coast of
kikoova nKF. second (but not last) born female. Bougainville.
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koakoa kokevare rakurakupa
koakoa vRE. husk coconut or galip. Opita koakoari. You pituri. Hold the branch absolutely securely.
husk the coconut. kogo vRE. cut.
koakoa nCN. plant, has broad leaf like wild banana, used to kogo vRE. cut, chop. Tuariripa irara oisoa evaoara
make temporary shelter in the jungle. kogopaive vara toepaoro aue-ia kogoi aveke. People of
Koakoa uvuoto nPRF. bush spirit that lives in a spring of long ago always chopped trees cutting them with stones
water and guards the Orukui land. axes.
koara vRE. break into pieces. Evaova koararevoi va sikaoro kogova nCF. stone axe head, axe head made of stone.
auere erako. He breaks the tree into pieces while koi adj. high pitched sound.
splitting it up for firewood. Koie koararevoi. He is koi reova nCF. soprano singer.
breaking the pork into many pieces. koie nCF. pig, pork.
koara class. group of long things, group of insects, swarm. As koie vRE. collect pig to eat.
in erako koara 'axxxxx heap of firewood sticks, sipareo koie kuvu nCN. pork preserved in bamboo tube.
koara-a bunch of fingers, pensel koara-a group of pencils. koie vavae nCN. (five small) bamboo tubes bound together,
koara class. group of insects, swarm. As in apaapaa koara- used in coded plant letter called variua to stand for the
swarm of fireflies. phrase, you ate pig celebrating the man you killed.
koara vRE. put together. Vara rutu koaraavoi. I am putting koike adj. left side.
them all together. Used when putting all of the songs on a koike vavae nCN. left hand.
recording tape. koiketo nCN2. left handed person.
koara uru nCN. shelf. koikevira adv. (a little bit in) error, off the track. Koikevira
koaraua nCN. shelf, platform for keeping things up off of the va uvuta. You didn't hear it quite right.
ground, table. koikoi vRE. groan with pain. Koikoipareva uvare iravu rera
koaso nCN. clam, edible clam like koai only longer, found on uporeva. He is groaning with pain because another man
the west coast of Bougainville, they live in the sand and hit him. EakePA koikoipari? For what reason are you
bury down into it when you try to get them. groaning?
koata vRO. enter. Pupipaoro koatapaiera. While dancing we koikoito nCM. (boy) orphaned at adolescence.
(exclusive) entered (the village). koisi ovi nCN. honey.
koata pie vRE. accept. Jisas koata pieri. Accept Jesus into koisiva nCF. honey comb, comb-like door built by birds and
(your life). animals to enclose mate or young in oora-hole in tree
koauve nCF. snail, large brown type found in the jungle. used for nesting place.
koavaato nCM. betel pepper vine fruit. koisiva nCF. honey bee.
koe vRE. spoon out a solid. koivira adv. soprano-like sound.
koe vRE. spoon out a solid. Aio koko koepaevora aako koka vRE. warn, tell in advance, instruct. Oirato viiRE
spun-IA va aiopaoro. Mother spooned out the portion of kokarevo, oiso ra uriou rera iare. The man told you in
food while eating it. advance that you should come to him. Voea kokareva.
koe tuta nCN. pitch fork. He instructed them
koea nCN. swing, choir. koka nCM. grasshopper, small brown body. Alternate name of
koekepa visivi adv. not quite correct. siikoto. Also referred to as the female of the siikoto by
koekoe nCM. spider, has black or white medium size body some.
and red head. kokara vRO. tempt, try, test. Urioparoepa oira-IA
koekoe vRE. spoon out. kokarapaoro oisore ra va uvupaeve. He came tempting
koepato nCM. spoon. her so that she would listen to it (do it).
koeta vRO. mature, grow up, ripen collectively. Itoto kokaraa nCN. temptation.
koetaroera. The banana matured. Upiriko kovo koetaei. kokarapato nCN2. Satan, evil spirit, tempter.
The sweet potato garden has matured and is ready for koke vRE. (cause to) rain, make rain. Kokerivere. You will
harvest. Used with oveu-breadfruit, and ito-banana since make it rain.
these fruits mature more or less together. The word vioroi koke gore nCN. water flowing from rainfall, rainwater
is now used instead. flowing and eroding a ditch.
koeta keavua excl. true! kokee vRE. peek through a blind or crack. Kakae vure
koeta pie vRE. investigate, satisfy curiosity. Rera vo kovoaro kokeepaiva kepa IAVA. The children peeked through
koeta piepaiva. They investigated his work. They the blind of the house. Repeated action is marked by the
searched for further knowledge of his work. Riakova reduplicated form, kokekoke.
koeta piesa uturoepa ato-ia, uvare rera vo kovoaro-ia kokerao adj. mottled, spotted. Varoara kokeraopai. The
aioara oueva kaviruvira. The man followed the woman cloth is spotted.
to confirm or satisfy his suspicions that she had stolen kokerao nCN. opossum with black and white hair, mottled,
food from his garden. spotted.
koetara keavu id. truth which is absolute, absolutely. E kokeu nCF. shellfish, blue shell inside and out, found along
koetara keavu va purarivere? Will you absolutely do coast in saltwater. This name preferred to asiraue also
this? blue shellfish.
koetava nCF. bow. kokeva nCF. rain.
koetavira adv. absolutely, satisfying. Evao rao-ia koetavira kokevare rakurakupa nCN. rain coat.
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koki koopipi
koki vRE. chisel out, chip away. Rivutevira raga vo eva kokoropavira adv. foolishly.
kokipareve. He would be chipping away at the tree just kokorosi nCF. cockroach.
like a wood borer. kokoruuto nCM. worm.
kokioto nCM. bird in general. kokosi vRO. irritated mouth because of something bitter eaten,
kokito nCM. ear canal. itch. Gisipo ragaiRE kokosipaoi. My mouth tingles or
kokito vate id. pay attention, listen. Kokito vateparevoi. He itches because of what I ate.
is listening or he is giving his ear. kokosi nCN. plant, stinging nettle.
kokivira adv. unobstructed hole. kokosito nCN2. person with sores on the body all of the time.
koko vRO. pour out, spill. Bensin kokoaepa. The benzene kokosiva nCF. sore, large, wound, large, infection, large.
spilled out. kokotagoe nCM. banana, has a strong smell when ripe. Same
koko vRE. dish out. as kovato and vatauvore.
koko vRE. dish out, portion out. Aio kuvuro kokopaivere kokote nCF. bird, has small black body, lives on the ground,
oirara tauoara-IA vara. The people will dish out the feathers are not nicely formed, sound of call is
bundles of food onto limbum plates. koakoakoa.
koko ruu nCN. flower bud. kokotoa nCM. leg, entire part.
kokoi nCF. plug of rotten wild banana stem. Used to plug kokotopa kurasi nCN. bones of ankle, ankle.
holes when damming up a stream of water. Also known kokotopa tou upisi tou nCN. bone, femur, femur.
as koko eru. kokotu vRE. thin seedlings and replant them elsewhere.
kokoi nCN. (small) taro sprout or bulb. kokotu nCN. sucker of taro plant.
kokoi nCF. banana, eating variety, short thick type. kokotuo nCF. heel of foot.
kokoisi nCF. sweat, perspiration. kokovae vRO. sing. Rirovira kokovaepaave. They would be
kokoisi vRO. sweat, perspire. singing a lot.
kokoo nCN. food on plate, something which is placed on top kokovaeva nCF. song.
of something else. As in aio kokoo-food sitting on a kokovara adj. green.
plate. kokovara adj. unripe.
kokooko ruu nCN. flower bud. kokovaraisi nCN. unripe coconut.
kokookoa nCN. open flower. kokovua nCN. hill, small.
kokoote nCF. bird with strange night call. kokovuasa vRE. shave the hairline.
kokootu nCF. chicken, hen. kokovupa parie nCN. bamboo razor blade, blade for cutting
kokopa nCN. grass, general term. hairline.
kokopa nCM. lizard, has small dark body, lives on the kokovurito nCM. inside of anything edible.
ground, has smooth skin, deaf to noises. It seems like this koku excl. nearly missed. Spoken as a warning that you have
name is given in general to lizards with similar nearly been affected in some way by something, i.e. a
appearances. thrown stone just missed you.
kokopa nCM. mudskippers, live in mangrove swamps. koku vRE. break off at base.
kokopa kou nCN. overgrown bush area. koku vRE. break off at base, snap off at base. Pita sipoiua tuu
kokopeko vSTAT. unconscious, stupor, in a. kokureva kovoa-ia. Peter broke off the standing sugar
kokopekovira adv. unconsciously. cane at the base in the garden. Refers to breaking off
kokopeoto nCM. grass-like plant with green & white striped anything standing, and doing it without the aid of a knife.
leaves. kokuoku nCF. plant, like wild taro but with edible young
kokopuoto nCM. butterfly, moth. leaves. It has a distinct odor.
kokopuvira adv. hazy, bluish in appearace at a distance. As kokupa keru nCN. back of neck.
mountains appear with a blue hazy appearace in the kokureko nCF. umbrella, taro leaf.
distance. kokuuto nCN2. cheeky person.
kokora nKM. last-born son. kooe v. swing.
kokorai nKF. last-born daughter. kooe vRO. swing on something. Kakae vure kooepaai. The
kokorai kova nCF. little finger or toe. Meaning the last to be children are swinging on something.
born. kookaa nCM. insect, grasshopper, grasshopper.
kokori nCF. snail, in general. kookai nCM. rooster.
kokori adj. spiralled. kookoo nCM. doll, toy, infant (baby talk).
kokorivira adv. spiralling. kookooia vRO. mourn, singsing-cry. Kookooiaaepa
kokoro vSTAT. crazy, insane, foolish, stupid. Kokoropaoi koovapaoro. They singsinged mournfully while singing.
rirovira upiapaoro. She is out of her head being very kookoopeko STAT. faint. Kookoopekoroi. He fainted.
sick. kookoopi nCF. tail of lizard, dog, pig.
kokoroki nCF. earring worn in the ear lobe, ring for finger or kooku reo nCN. scandal, gossip.
nose. kookuto nCN2. liar.
kokoroku vRE. (to) crow. Kokai kokorokupare. The koopi nCF. coffee.
rooster is crowing. koopikoopiara nCN. spotted, dots, blotches.
kokoropato nCN2. insane person, crazy person, foolish koopipi nCM. plant, has red leaves that grows close to the
person. ground.
24 Rotokas — English Dictionary 3/17/2008
koora aao kore kare
koora aao nCN. cross-marriage custom, custom of inter- kopiipa irara nCM. sick men and women.
marriage between clans, landrights system. The words kopiito nCN2. dead person, corpse, seriously sick man, spirit
mean family of the opossum and are used to stand for the of dead man.
inter-marriage custom because a family of opossums kopikao nCF. bird, wader like ibis or pelican, same name
reside in and eat from one tree only displaying a close used for both.
association between them. kopikopi adj. spotted, mottled.
koorato nCM. opossum in general. kopikopi vRE. baptize, sprinkle.
kooroo STAT. hampered speech, to have, hoarse. Kooroorai kopikopi vRE. baptize, sprinkle. Oirara kopikopipaivora
reoreopaoro. My throat is hoarse (and I can't speak pasta irara vo lotua IARE voea reesipaoro. The
well). Kooroopape. (The speaker in the radio) is "tight" pastors baptized the people, marking them into the
and not working well. church. Used mainly in the United Church.
koorooto nCN2. person with hoarse throat. kopipi nCM. plant, with red leaves (. Used as a tall border
koorooto nCM. lizard which makes a sound like a hoarse plant.).
throat. Hold it in your hand and you will also become kopipi kepa nCN. round house, house with circular shape,
hoarse. See sirie-lizard. house with four-pitch roof.
koota class. group of rope like objects. As in garoa koota- kopirovu nCM. rope, hawswer.
group of rattan or cane vines, iro koota-group of ropes or kopua adj. green, unripe, uncooked.
vines. kopuasi pie vRE. restore, rejuvenate. Va kopuasi pierivo va
kootopa nCF. corn. kipuoro vorerivira. You restored it while painting it
kootutu nCF. stocky fat woman. again.
koou vRO. go astray, foul up. Koouuei. You fouled up. kopuasito nCN2. youthful looking person, (person who)
koou v. incest between parent and child or clan. retains youthful vigor and looks.
kooupato nCN2. incestuous person. kopuasito adj. young.
koova v. singsing, to. kopuasitovira adv. youthful.
koova vRO. dance, singsing (Pidgin). Voea rutu koova kopuasivira adv. young and fresh, powerful, tirelessly.
rovopaavere pupipaoro. All of them will start dancing, Kopuasivira kovopare. He works tirelessly.
blowing the pipes and singsing. kopukopu adj. front of anything like shirt, blouse, body,
koovoto nCN2. cheeky person, joker. One can't believe his house.
words. kopukopua nCN. front side of house.
koovotova nCF. posts used to hold up rafters. kopupa adj. unripe, green yet.
kopa id. acquired fluency in speaking. Kieta reo koparevora. kopupavira adv. uncooked, unripe. Viapau vearovira vao
He acquired fluency in the Kieta language or he opoa ori piro o kopupavira toupaevoi. The taro isn't
swallowed the Kieta talk. well cooked, it is still uncooked.
kopa vRE. swallow, ingest. kopupira nCN. (type of) ground, clay-like ground. Red clay-
kopa iro nCF. neck, windpipe, trachea, esophagus. like ground.
kopakai nCF. sugar cane, with stripes, brown inside. It was kopuro nCF. skink, with blue tail, pictured on l0t PNG
formerly taboo for children to eat it since it stunted their postate stamp.
growth. kopuro nCF. fly, small type lives in jungle.
kopakava nCF. baby-black female. kopuve kouro nCN. green grass, (fresh) grass.
kopakopa vRE. swallow quickly, qulp down. Aioara kora vRO. vent anger or frustration on an object (in place of
kopakopapari. You are gulping down the food. inflicting pain on a person). Oiratoa-IA koraaepa
kopakopa aioto nCN2. person who gulps down food. oirara, uvare koveroepa opita atopaoro. The people
kopakopavira adv. gulping-like. Kopakopavira aiopare. vented their frustration and sorrow for the man because
He is eating quickly gulping down his food. he fell while harvesting coconuts.
kopava nCN2. big eater, voracious eater. Riro aio kopava korapato v. shoot arrows into tree for celebration?
koie kovoara-ia. The pig is a big eater in the gardens korapato nCM. tree designated to receive <punishment>
(destructive pest). otherwise vented on a person. Also see kasiava.
kopii nCN. corpse. Jisas kopii corpse of Jesus korara nC. top for spinning, spinning. Made from shell of
kopii vRO. die, very ill. Viapau oiso taraipasi oiso osa coconut.
kopiipavioveira. They both didn't know how we always korara vRO. spin top in play. Korarapaai viovokopa irara
die. atopeara-IA. The boys are playing a spinning game with
kopii ovoi vRO. (final) death. Upo purapa irara kopii coconut shell tops.
ovoiaera. The soldiers died completely. koraraoko nCF. frog, small yellow to brown body, large feet.
kopii pie vRE. murder, kill. Rera kopii pieiva. Oire It was pictured on the 20t PNG postage stamp.
raveraveroepa. They were killing him. And he became korau adj. clear, unobstructed.
very weak. koraua nCN. clearing.
kopii turia nCN. natural illness not supernaturally caused. korauru nCM. lizard, small brown body, lives in tops of
kopii urui nCN. cemetery. trees.
kopiia nCN. death, sickness. korauvira adv. unobstructed.
kopiia vaaro siitoka nCN. anguish of death. kore kare nCN. insects in general.
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korea kovatae
korea nCN. waddle of rooster or hen. kosi pie vRE. hand over. Keripa iraraPA rera kosi pieri.
korereto nCM. lizard, small with ridge down the back, lives You hand him over to the enemies.
in sago palms and coconut trees. kosi pie vRE. go out, cause to, exit, cause to. Oire avipe ra
kori vRE. mark, weave with design, write. Take koriiva. voava voea kosi pieive ita aia voeava pupisa. Then
They wove the bamboo with a design. when it was light they would bring them out again to
koria nCN. writing, markings, design. singsing with them.
korikoripava nCF. snake with marks on its back, upe hat kosikosi nCN. taro shoots.
with designs. kosikosi vRE. cut off sago palm leaves.
korita vRE. dissect meat, cut up meat. Oire voava rera kosikosipa piro vRO. gush out, emerge.
koritaive rera aiosa. Then they would cut him up to eat kosivago nCN. shell, large flat type worn on neck as
him. decoration.
koro nCN. fruit. koto vRE. hang from something. Tauoa pura rovoivoiva,
koro STAT. blocked. RagaiRE vovouisi koropi. My breath is garoaVA kotoiva oavu-ia evao pouka. Having made
blocked (and I will soon die). the sacrifice, they hung it with cane vine from a leaning
koro vSTAT. blind, go inside the eye. tree.
koro pie tou nCN. (new) shoots of bamboo of any variety. koto vRO. hang from.
kororoisia nCN. ball, round, sphere. koto adj. hang from something. Aatu kotivira kotopaoi
kororovi nCN. circle. uusipaoro. The flying fox hangs in a hanging position
kororovivira adv. circular. while sleeping.
kororu vSTAT. endangered, death, be near. kotokoto nCN. cargo, supplies.
kororu pie vRE. stranded by flood, endangered, cause to be. kotokoto tokipato nCN2. customs officer.
koroto nCM. pieces of rubbish in the eye, speck in eye. kotopa nCN. fishhook, hook.
koroto vRE. meet together. kotovira adv. hangi-like.
koroviri nCN. rope. Similar to viripa. kotu vRE. bite.
koroviri vRE. braid, plait, twist together. Irorio kotu vRE. bite something. Aakova aioa kotupaevoi. The
koroviripasivoi. The two men are braiding rope. mother is biting the food.
koroviri iro nCN. braided rope, plaited vine. kotukotu vRE. gnash teeth, grind teeth together.
korovo vRE. oil, lubricate. kotupiua nCN. knee.
korovo ovi nCN. oil. koturu nCN. bark of tree.
koru vRO. warn, caution, prohibit. ReraRE koruu, teapi va kou vRE. lay egg, defecate (but considered vulgar useage).
purapareve. You caution him lest he do it. KakaetoaRE koue nCF. pig, pork.
koruparoi aiteto. The father is prohibiting the son from koue vRE. collect pig to eat.
doing something. koui vRE. selfish with food.
koru nCN. unripe coconut. Full form is opita koru. koukouo v. laugh heartily.
koru vRO. return, cause to. koukouo vRO. laugh heartily. Viovokoto Koukouoparoi.
koru pie vRE. take outside. The boy is laughing heartily. The preferred word of
koru pievira adv. whispered-like. <laugh> is agesi.
korukoru vRO. block, obstruct. Uva ragaiRE korukoru kova nCN. growth. Kova kosipa piro vo rasito. The growth
ragaparoepa. He tried to hinder me, but in vain. or sprouts are emerging from the ground.
korukoru piro vSTAT. put outside. Vara rutu korukoru kova vRO. grow, mature. Evaova kovae uuko ovi ruvara-ia.
piro. Everything has been put outside by someone. This The tree grew near the stream.
is in contrast with kosi viro where no agent is involved in kovaaro nCN. growth of something.
causing the object to be located outside. kovaeto nCM. stocky fat man.
korukoruaka reoto nCN2. person who talks incessantly kovaii nCN. taro with long root.
keeping others from talking. kovakovara nCN. shoots of plant.
korukoruto nCN2. paralyzed person. kovapato nCM. stomach.
koruo nCN. young living thing. koruova donki young female kovarato nCM. shoots of plant or tree coming from where cut
donkey was made, sprouts from cut off section of plant or tree.
koruo adj. young. Plural is kovakovara.
koruoto nCN2. young person. kovaru kou nCN. all kinds of grasses and weeds.
koruou vRO. sacrifice. kovarua nCN. bushes, foliage.
koruou vRO. sacrifice to something, offer sacrifice. kovasi vRO. pregnant-dog or pig only. Koie kovasioi iria
Tuariripa irara oisoa tugara karePA koruoupaave kakae kavaupaoi rara. The pig is pregnant and she will
aue-IA koie karero. People of long ago would always farrow later.
sacrifice to the bush spirits using pigs. kovata vRO. smile, laugh. Kovatapau. You are smiling.
koruou koko nCN. food for offering, offering of food. kovata keketo nCN2. happy person.
koruoua nCN. sacrifice. kovata reoto nCN2. person whose talk is always happy.
kosi vRO. exit, go outside. Rera ariarava topureva uva kovata vovouto nCN2. person with pleasant disposition,
kosiro viropa. He left him going on outside. happy personality.
kosi adj. half full. kovatae STAT. thrilled, happy.
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kovatavira kukuriko
kovatavira adv. smiling-like. Riakova kovatavira marked by the reduplicated form kovukovurukopavira.
vurapae. The woman is looking on with a smile. kovuruvira adv. at a right angle, cross-wise, horizontal.
kovato nCM. banana, has a strong smell when ripe. kovutara vovouto nCM. generous person, hospitable
kovauke nCF. banana-short stubby eating type. person, selfless person.
Kovava nPRF. cave near Ibu. kovuto nCN2. abdomen, stomach, diarrhea.
kovava nCF. sugar cane, a type of. ku vRO. satisfied with, finished with.
kove vRE. drop something. Va koveri. You drop it. kuara vRE. yell at. ReraVA kuarapaeva. She yelled at him.
kove id. establish. Ragai vo saraaro koveta visii kakae vure. kue vRE. draw a bowstring taut.
You children establish my clan line here or you children kue vRO. bear fruit, reproduce. Vosa kakao kueo, ra apeisi
make my clan fall here. vo kue piea. When the cocoa bears fruit, then what do I
kove vRO. fall, lay an egg. Teapi ipau ra ora kepioro ita do with the fruit?
koveuvere vorevira. It wouldn't be good if you climbed kuea nCN. fruit.
up and breaking (your leg) again you would fall once kuga vRE. bump into, nudge. Vii-IA kugapaavoi. I am
more. bumping into you.
kove oapa nCN. kit bag. kui ovi nCN. semen.
kovea nCN. pocket. kuio class. group of round objects. As in ?. When two round
kovekove vRO. drip repeatedly. Uva gau oviro oisiri objects, then kuiorei-these two round things.
kovekovepaepa kakate SOVARA-IA. The tears dripped kuio class. group of round objects. opo kuio group of taro
into the bamboo tube. roots kuiorei two round objects
koveva nCN. sack, string bag. kuioi nCN. taro with round root.
kovikoro nCF. frog, lives in the bush. kuiopesi nCM. frog, small yellow body, pictured on PNG
kovirea nCN. (type of) ground, whitewash, ground, type of postage stamp, lives on leaves.
white earth used to whitewash outside of houses. White kuiopetu nCM. frog, small. This was pictured on the 10t PNG
colored earth found near old Togarao one half hour's postage stamp.
walk from Togarao. kuito nCM. ant, body is blue-black, like army ant.
kovo vRE. work. Ragai vo reoaro uvupaoro kovopareve. kuka nCF. shackle, handcuffs.
Hearing my talk (being obedient), he would be working. kuka uviro vRO. slip off, relax. Kuka uvirouei. You
kovo pie vRE. use, make work. slumped over slipping off of the chair.
kovo tokipato nCN2. agronomist, agricultural advisor. kukara nCF. corn, cane, wild type.
kovoa nCN. garden, work, week, day. kukau viro vSTAT. deteriorate, fall over.
kovoaka nCN. roof cap. kuki kasi nCN. fire used to cook completely things only
kovokovo nCF. Jews harp. Made from split bamboo and partially cooked.
twine. kukiuki vRE. rattle.
kovokovo vRO. enclosed, to be, surrounded. Voa kukiuki vRO. shake, rattle. Moniara kukiukipai bokis
kovokovoparoepa vo kepa SOVARA-IA tupa sovara-IA. The money is rattling inside of the box.
goruoro. He was enclosed within the house locking the kukiuki vRE. shake something, rattle something. Moniara
door. kudiukiri bokis sovara-IA. Shake the money inside the
kovokovo vRE. fence off, surround. box.
kovokovo vRE. fence off, surround. Oirato kepa kukiukia nCN. rattles for play.
kovokovoreva kasura-IA koie kare ASAVIRA. The kuku vRE. pre-chew, pre-masticate. Aakova kakaeto
man surrounded his house with a fence against (to keep kukupaevoi opoa-IA. The mother is pre-chewing the
out) pigs. taro for the child. The food is mashed and mixed with
kovokovoa nCN. fence. saliva by either human or avian parent for easier
kovopa tapi nCN. garden area. swallowing by either child or young bird.
kovopara nCN. tools. kuku vRE. feed a person incapable of feeding himself. Used
kovopato nCN2. laborer, worker. describing a pastor who feeds the people from the Word
kovoruko nCM. tree, with white bark. of God.
kovovo vRE. fence, protect. kukua nCN. Tahitian chestnut, peanut.
kovuaka nCN. roof. kukua ovi nCN. sap of Tahitian chestnut which burns.
kovuaro nCN. middle section, center section. kukuaua nCN. candle, light made from sap of galip (Tahitian
kovukovu vSTAT. false, fake, untrue. chestnut).
kovukovu aio nCN. breakfast, appetizer. kukue kiu v. go head first.
kovukovuto nCM. tree, tall fast-growing type with pithy kukue upia nCN. fever, headache.
center. kukuepa nCN. hat.
kovukovuvira adv. falsely. kukueva nCF. head, skull.
kovuru pute nCN. marks for placement of rafters. kukuku nCN. headwater of river.
kovurui nCF. rafter, eave of roof. kukupira nCN. ground, type of. Loamy clay as in kukupira
kovuruko nCN. carved decorative marks on arrows, rasi-ground that is hard when dry but very muddy when
decoration on arrow shaft. wet.
kovurukopavira adv. striped. The meaning, many stripes, is kukuriko STAT. head, (most) important part. Oara rutuPA
3/17/2008 Rotokas — English Dictionary 27
kukurikoto kuva
kukurikopai. It is the most important part of all. kuro
kukurikoto nCM. head of tree, talk, or thought, crown of — leftover food.
tree. kuroa nCN. half.
kukusiri nCM. midrib of sago frond. kuroea nCN. vine, with leathery appearance, shoe.
kukutauvu nCF. bird, parrot, female of visooto. kurokuro STAT. arthritic, paralyzed. Kurokuroparoi. He is
kukutu nCN. coconut, immature green without juice. an arthritic with stiff joints. Vavaea korukorupai
kukuuku vRE. footfall, to make. Iroutoa ro ira ragaiRE. My hand is paralyzed.
kukuukupare ragai sirova utupaoro. Who is this man kurokuroto nCN2. arthritic person.
treading along (heard) following me. kuroo nCF. penis. Okay to say this word in mixed company.
kukuukua nCN. sound of footsteps. It pertains to child's penis.
kukuuvua nCN. roof cap. kurooro nCN. crumbs, small particles.
kukuuvua nCN. roof. kurovira adv. incompletely. Kurovira toupaivo rari vuku.
kukuvai vRE. shelter head, cover the head from rain or sun. The trust is incomplete.
Kukue kukuvairi ambrela-IA. Shelter you head with kuru vRE. strip off branches. Evaova kururi. Strip the tree of
the umbrella. all the branches.
kukuvaipa nCN. hat. kurue nCM. bird, dove with gray body, good eating, pigeon.
kukuvitaisi nCN. tree fern, small with edible new shoots. kururai nCF. bamboo, two joined sections of bamboo used
Similar to kepikepiisi. for carrying water.
kupare v. smoke. kururu vRE. crumble something. Va kurururi. You crumble
kupare vRO. smoke, produce smoke. Etokasi kupareepa. it.
The fire smoked. kururu piro adj. crumbled. Kururu piroverea. It will be
kupareto nCM. smoke. crumbled completely.
kupero nCF. bone of pig (clavical?) used to tip arrow, arrow kurutu nCN. portion, part of. Uuko kurutu vateri eva. Give
with flat bone tip. Dull flat point knocks birds out of tree that half full cup of water (to him).
or bush without penetrating the body. kusii nCN. ice, cold mist.
kupero nCF. shoulder joint. kusii vRO. cool off. Varaua reraRE kusiipe. His body would
kuperovira adv. dull flat-like. cool off.
kupii nCN. pupa of beetle. kusike nCF. rat.
kupukupu vSTAT. excited, anxious. kusito nCM. shellfish, scallop. So called because in the past
kurae nCF. frog, green, rubbery appearance, cries just before the shell was attached to a piece of wood and used to
the rain to get the rain started. This was pictured on the kusi-scrape out coconut meat.
15t PNG postage stamp. kutu kare nCN. fly, large blue type.
kurasa nCN. bone, lower bones of limbs. kuu nCN. talk of dead man, dead person's talk.
kurei nCF. lizard, black smooth skin, small, lives near the kuu pie vRE. make aware of, call out, gain attention. ReraRE
beach. kuu pieiva ra urioro. They called out to him so that he
kuri class. groups of scrapings. As in vo kuri-these scrapings. would come.
kuri v. gnashing, gritting, scraping. kuu pie vRE. communicate with the spirit of the dead person.
kuri vRE. scrape, scratch, grashing, gritting. Vii vo raivao oa Kuu piereva. He caused the spirit of the dead person to
kuripari. You are to scrape off (clean off) this path here. speak.
Visii iava reuri oauisii kuripaoro siraovira toupataua kuu viro vRO. speaking of spirit of the dead person, reply by
voa. You were sorrowfully there gritting ; grashing your spirit of the dead. Kuuro viro. The spirit of the dead
teeth. person replied.
kuriato nCF. frog, small, cry in evening sounds like its name, kuukuuvu vRO. lie, deceive.
i.e. kuriakuriakuria. kuukuuvuto nCN2. liar, deceiver.
— nCF. frog, very small black body. kuuoa nCN. bird, owl with small brown body, large yellow
kurikaakaakuto nCM. insect, weevil with long proboscis, eyes, wire tufts around the beak, about 5 inches long,
looks like boll-weevil, weevil. (small) owl.
kurikasi v. urge along. kuurea nCF. gekko, large with white skin.
kurikasi vRE. urge along, prod along. Koie kurikasireva kuuva adj. blue.
oirato. The man urged the pig along. kuuva uriko adj. blue-green.
kurikasivira adv. urgently. kuuvaki STAT. quiet.
kurikoko nCN. orchid, type of. kuuvakito nCN2. quiet person who doesn't talk much, docile
kurikuri vRE. scratch repeatedly. person.
kuripa nCN. drawknife, scraper. kuuvato nCM. parrot, green type.
kuritava nCF. squid. kuuvau ura nCN. deserted places. Pip dialect.
kuro nCN. part of something. kuuvu vRO. lie, deceive. Asi vii vai kuuvupauei vo vokio.
kuro vRE. divide in half. Why you are lying today, I think!
kuro vRE. leave unfinished. Va kuropaave rara. I'll be kuuvu vate vRE. cheat.
leaving some of it unfinished later on. kuuvuvira adv. deceptively, untruthfully, illusive.
kuro nCN. part of something. kepa kuro unfinished house aio kuva vRE. sorcery, to work, black magic, to make.
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kuvaku ogaaga
Uririparaepa oiso, teapi ragai kuvaive. I was afraid to your words so as to hold on to them.
that they would work sorcery on me. kuvere vRe. echo, to make an.
kuvaku nCF. plant, with branches which were smashed and kuverea adj. incomplete, unready, not all right.
used as splints for holding broken bones in place. After kuvereto nCM. echo.
the smashed branch was in place, the area of the break kuverevira adv. incompletely.
was warmed and then left to heal. kuvikuvi kare nCN. insect like fruit fly.
kuvau adj. alone. Kuvauuei. You are all alone. kuvoro adj. burned out, extinguished. Uva oiso puraaepa,
kuvau pie vRE. desert. RagaiPA kuvau pieta. You all are ``Eavoeao, e kuvorotae?'' They said this, ``Why, are
deserting me. Ovokivu-ia kuvau pieiva vikuoro vore you all burned out?''
opopasa. One time they deserted (the village) going to kuvu vRO. dress in clothes. Varoa-IA kuvuraera. I dressed in
the garden to get taro. the cloth laplap.
kuvau tapi nCN. deserted place. kuvu vRE. fill up, put inside bamboo, clothe. Vosa koiea vai
kuvau voki nCN. day when no one is around. upoa oisoa iriai kuvua aue-IA veeta. When I would kill
kuvauvira adv. alone, isolated. Kuvauvira toupari. You are a pig, I would always put it inside bamboo tubes.
all alone. kuvuara nCN. clothing, apparel.
kuvera vRE. catch in a net, net animals or fish. atarito kuvukuvu vRE. fill up, stamp the ground.
kuverareva. The man netted the fish. kuvukuvua nCN. pole planted in the ground as sounding
kuvera vRO. net fish or animals. Rokoe atari kuveraroepa board.
avakava-IA. rokoe netted fish in the sea. kuvuoropa tapi nCN. area where there is no fire, cool place
kuverava nCF. net, spider web, strainer. without a fire for warming one's self. It can refer to a
kuvere id. listen carefully, pay attention. Vii vo reoaro cookhouse in which there is no fire burning.
kuverepaavoi oiso ra va-ia pitua. I am paying attention kuvupato nCM. shirt, jacket, coat.
L - l
lotu vRO. worship, church, go to. Viapau ragai lotuparaera. lotu asato nCN2. heathen.
I wasn't going to church in the past.
M - m
Moipeua nPRN. name given to Tinputz area or people by which causes the file to become sharper. Moori is from
Rotokas. the Neo-Melanesian Pidgin word muli 'citrus.'.
moori vRE. sharpen file. Citrus leaves are burned with a file
O - o
o nDF. this female, her. — nPS. all of them, yours (single).
o ita excl. oaraoto nCM. crayfish large salt water type.
— ph. All right, Okay! oarea nRPN. two of them.
o pasi excl. oareko nC. grass, used to make play Upe hats in the past.
— ph. Maybe, I think! oari nDF. this female.
o vai ph. Well, maybe. oaro nPSM. his.
oa nRPN. it. oavao nKF. family (mother and children).
oa pere ph. It will be here. oavaoa nRPF. they, who (mother and children).
oa vituaro iava conj. oave nPS. ours (dual).
— ph. for that reason. oavi nPS. ours (inclusive).
oaa nPS. mine. oaviri nKF. sister-in-law.
oaaoa nRPM. they, who (father and children). oavisii nPS. yours (plural).
oae nPSF. their (all F). oavu nPN. another, alternate.
oaere nPSF. their (2F), your (2F). oavu avu nPN. something (not recognizable).
oaesi nPS. their (2M, MF), your (2M, MF). oe vRE. vomit, sea sick. Uva oira kopaoro revasiva
oaio nPS. ours (exclusive). oereva. Then swallowing her he vomited blood.
oaive nPS. their (all M, all MF). oea nRP. they, them (all MF, all M).
oapa nCN. bag. oeatavira adv. easily.
oapa vRE. carry in sling or bag. Erakoara oapari. Carry the oeavu nP. other people, some people.
firewood in a sling. oga vRO. follow behind.
oapova nCF. flying fox with small black body. oga pievira loc. short distance away. Similar to tauaivi.
oara nRPN. ogaaga vRO. whisper, talk quietly. Ogaagaparoi. He is
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ogaaga visivi oovaa
talking quietly. oisiriva loc. from over there.
ogaaga visivi adv. slowly, deliberately. Ogaaga visivi reou. oisito nCN2. similar person.
You speak deliberately. oisivi adv. slightly.
ogagaua nCM. grasshopper, green body and large wings, oiso nPN. this way, like this.
longhorn type, katydid. Cries with wings like a cicada. oiso pie vRE. imitate, duplicate, mimic. Oiso piepaeve oira
ogaso nCN. grass, long and used for weaving. vo kovoaro Kuokuo. Kuokuo's work would be just like
ogata vRE. carry on one's back. this.
ogata nCN. knapsack. oisoa temp. always.
ogo vRE. conceal from someone, hide from someone. Ragai oitapa nCN. charred food.
vaaro ogo ragarevo. He tried to conceal mine from me. oitapato nCN2. negro, Buka islander.
ogo vate vRE. deceive. oitapavira adv. charred.
ogoe STAT. hunger, to have. Rirovira ogoeparaera. I was oive vRE. shout, yodel, yell.
very hungry indeed. okaoto nCM. tree, grouws along the coast.
ogoe pie vRE. hunger, cause. Vigei ogoe pieivorao kovoa okarauto nCM. bat, small type.
opesi pieoro. It made us hungry finishing off the work. okarevu nCN. other animals.
ogoe vuuta nCN. famine. okoe nCF. neck, voice.
ogoevira adv. hungrily. okoe vRO. collect crabs. Kearae oiso, Aako iria okoepao. I
oi vRE. hint, suggest gift. AioaRE oireva ragai ruvara-ia mistakenly thought that mother was collecting crabs.
oa iava va vateava. He hinted at my food so I gave it (to okoe gurugopai reoreopaoro ph.
him). It can be an outright request for something — id. The sound of the voice is heard talking or the neck
belonging to someone else. is sounding while talking.
oira adj. married to a man. Riakova oirapao. The woman is okoe takipa iro nCN. necktie.
married to a man. okoeto nCM. crab, lives in sand.
oira nPP. Okoraare nPRN. area in which Ibu and Koku are located.
— nP. she, her, male, people. okote vRE. collect freshwater crabs.
oira asava nCF. widow. okote nCN. crab. Alternate pronunciation of the name okoe
oira asavira adv. deserted-like. crab.
oira upoto nCN2. soldier, fighter. okote vRO. collect crabs.
oira vaaro nPSF. okovu nCM. limbum, large variety.
— ph. hers. oku STAT. miss out on something. Okuparoi. He missed out
oira vasi irara nCM. mature people. on something.
oira vasi riako nCF. adult females. oku pie vRE. fake something, miss the mark. Oirato kokioto
oira vasirirei nCF. adult females (two). oku pierevoi rera iiaoro. The man missed the bird as he
oira vasito nCM. adult male. was shooting him. Oira oku pierevora. He missed
oira vasitoarei nCM. adult males (two). (hitting) her.
oira vasiva nCF. important female, adult female. oo nPSF. hers.
oira vure nCN. people. Oogaa vaesi nPR. hill between Ruruvu and Togarao villages.
oirao vRO. believe. Uva oiraoparaepa vara kekeoro. I oora nCN. hole in tree used for nesting place, made and, or
believed seeing them. occupied by hornbill, opossum, cockatoo, etc. As in
oirao true, valid, real. Iu, oiraopai rutu. Yes, it is really true. koorapa oora 'nesting hole of opossum'.
oirao pie vRE. believe, confirm. Viapau rera vo reoroaro ooro vRE. look downward. Evoa oorori. You look downward
oirao piepaive rutu. They were not believing his words. over there. Oire uva oira oorapasiva. Okay then they
oirao piea nCN. belief, faith. both looked down on her.
oiraopavira excl. Truly!, Really! oova vRE. paint with gray-purple earth.
oirapapa nCN. right side. oova nCN.
oirapapa vavae nCN. right hand. — adj. ground that has gray-purple tint, purple.
oirapapato nCN2. right handed person. oova vRO. commemorate. Ruruvupa irara oisoa oovapaave.
oirapava nCF. married woman. The people of Ruruvu would always commemorate (it).
Oirara nC. people, mankind. oova pura vRE. follow footsteps, track a person or animal.
oirara rutu nCM. all men. Uturaera vaiterei oovaaro purapaoro. I followed in
oire conj. their tracks.
— excl. All right, Okay! oova vago nCN. a divining practice to find which of the Upe
oire taru ph. All right now! initiates were the best of the lot, celebration during Upe
oisi avuo excl. True! intiation during which the intitiates ate on a platform
oisi keketo nCN2. same appearance. above a man-made pond, the rao rovu. It was a big
oisi puato nCN2. same appearance. occasion when men from all over gathered. The divining
oisi roro adj. similar. oisi roro puato man with a similar also determined whether or not the parents of the initiates
looking face had been on their good behaviour during the initiation
oisiri loc. over there, back there. period of their sons.
oisirire loc. towards over there. oovaa nCN. footsteps, tracks of man or animal.
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oovaa pie ora kokovu
oovaa pie vRE. break trail. ora conj. and.
oovapa aio nCN. memorial feast. Oovapa aio purapaiveira ora aatokoro vRO. side by side. Ora aatokoropasiei
oirara vosa iravu oirato turaroto iava kopiiro. The oiratoarei paupaoro. The two men are sitting side by
people always make a memorial feast when a leader of side.
the village dies. ora airerei vRO. restrict, keep from. Ora airerei iraopata.
oovapa pupi nCN. memorial singsing. You must hold yourselves back. Ona airereparoreina
oovato nCM. (type of) ground. Purple colored earth found opituroru rutu PA. He keeps himself from wrong
only in the Tutupaia area in a cave-like enclosure. behaviour.
oovau vRE. track an animal or man. Koie oovaurevora. He ora aivaro vRO. come together, join together. Ira TAPO ora
followed in the pig's tracks. aivaro pieraepa. I joined together with him.
oove STAT. uncertain, conjectured. oovepa siposipo ora aivaropa nCN. official meeting.
conjectured story ora api pie STAT. embarrass one's self. Ora api pieroi
oove vRO. frighten with gestures, challenge with gestures. riakova-IA. The man embarrassed himself asking for the
Ooveparai. I am challenging someone. ViiRE oovepara. woman in marriage and being refused.
I am razzing you. ora asiko adj. alone. Ora asikoparai. I am all alone.
opaopara STAT. (become) disoriented, (become) lost. ora asikoto nCM. single man.
Opaoparaparai. I got lost by myself. ora asikovira adv. alone, individually. Ora asikovira
opaturato nCM. vine, with fuzzy skin. toupaa. I am all alone.
opeita gr. do not, forbid. ora gago vRO. skin one's self on stone or tree. Ora
opesi adj. end, finish, conclusion, destroyed. Katai tuku gagoroepa. He skinned himself. In the example the
(1,000) oirara voeao oea opesiaepa voa vo upoa person bumped up against a tree stump.
sovara-ia. A thousand men were destroyed in the war. ora gere vRO. recline, lay oneself down.
opesi pie vRE. end (something), finish (something), conclude ora gere paupa nCN. easy chair.
(something), destroy. Kovoa opesi pieivorao vigei ora gori vRO. encircle, turn around, pass by in opposite
vaaro oa iava ogoepaviei. They destroyed our garden so directions. Oiso ora goriroi oirato kepa ravisioro. The
now we are hungry. man encircled the house going around and around it. Ra
opesi tutuuei ph. nearly finished. va iava ragai IARE ora goripaave. And because of it
opesi voki ph. finish of contract, end day. they would turn around (back to) me.
opesiaro nCN. end, finish, conclusion. ora gurupa nCN. official meeting.
opesiko vRO. vanish, disappear. Opesikoroepa. He vanished. ora ito vRO. pull back and forth, tug back and forth. Ora
opesiko rugorugoo vRO. forget, lose track of thoughts. itopasiei. The two are pulling back and forth.
Opesikopai ragaiRE rugorugoo. I lost track of my ora iu vRO. convince one's self positively. Ora iu ragarai
thoughts and I forgot. ro-IA oirato, osa ragaipa reasiparoi. I convinced
opesoto nCN. larva of butterfly. myself that this man would agree with me, but he didn't.
opi vRE. intercept, interrupt, cut across, shortcut. ViiRE Ora iu ragaroi rera ruvaru ragapaoro. He convinced
opipare ikaupaoro. While running he will intercept you. himself that the medicine would work, but it didn't.
Oopipasivoi They are talking Repeated action is ora kaa vRO. hang oneself.
marked by the reduplicated form, opiopior. ora kaipori pie vRO. arouse one's self. Ora kaipori pieroi.
opiopi reoto nCN2. person who always interrupts others. He alerted himself.
opiopivira adv. interrupting-like, anticipate speech. ora karata vRO. divide into two groups. Ora karataaepa.
Opiopivira reoparoi. He keeps interrupting the They all divided themselves into two groups.
conversation. ora karekare vRO. scrathch to relieve itching. Oirato ora
opita nCN. coconut. karekareparoi veruveru IAVA. He is scratching
opita kuri nCN. shredded coconut. himself because of the grille (skin disease).
opita ova nCN. coconut tree. ora keke vRO. reflect, see oneself, meet again.
opita rovi nCN. coconut oil. ora kekevoto adj. hidden. Ora kekevotoparoi. He is
opivira adv. shortened-like. Refers to walking or running completely hidden.
distance only. ora kiu vRO. go into, penetrate, insert. Avataaro ora
opivira adv. shortened-like. Refers to walking or running kiuroepa vore rera vo kepaaro. He entered into his own
distance only. bachelor's house.
opo vRE. collect taro. Opopape ra vara aiopata. We'll all ora koara vRO. come together in one place, swam together.
collect taro and you will eat it. ora koetaova id. form one bow or inter-marry between
opo kavu id. put belt around the stomach to end hunger pains. clans. Ora koetaovaai. They are marrying between
opoa nCN. taro, bread, cake. clans. This expresses in a picture the custom of
opoko nCF. feces (human). exchanging wives between two clans in order to form a
opoko vRE. defecate, eliminate. Oirara opokopaiveira strong bond between them resulting in less fighting.
garepa keparo-IA. The people always defecate in the ora kokovu vRO. shave hairline, trim hariline with razor.
privies (small houses). Tuariripa irara oisoa reesiara-IA ora kokovupaave
Opove nPR. name of Orukui property below Ruruvu. ora garupaoro. People of long ago always trimmed their
opuruva nCF. canoe. own hairlines, shaving themselves with a razor.
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ora koku ora topogo
ora koku vRO. break at base. Ora kokuroepa oirato evaova multiplied and grew numerous. Rirovira ora rigaaepa
iava koveoro. The man fell from the tree and broke his voraro rutu. They multiplied in numbers spreading
neck. everywhere.
ora kurikuri vRO. scratch one's self. Kakaeva ora ora roo pie vRO. divide up, portion out. Oirara oisoa ora
kurikuripaopa veruveru IAVA. The little girl scratched roo piepaave moniara-IA. The people would always
herself because of the grille. divede the money among themselves.
ora ou vRO. marry. ora ropi vRO. waste something. Kokeva ora ropioi. The
ora parikou vRO. exchange. rain is wasting itself as no one is catching it. Ravireo ora
ora pariorupa vRO. go and come, reciprocate. Evoea raga ropiroi. The sun is wasting itself as no one is putting out
ora pariorupaavere. Only those will be going and clothes to dry in its heat. Ora ropirae. I wasted my time
coming. and effort. When going to see someone who isn't there, or
ora paupau vRO. compete against, race. Oirara ora when doing something that doesn't need to be done, etc.
paupaupaaveira orekerovu voriara oupasa. People are ora ropo vRO. confide, tell a secret.
always competing to get pay for (their) things. ora ruvu vRO. shrink away from something, (be) repulsed by
ora pege vRO. break intself open. something, flinch, wince. Vii ASAVIRA ora ruvurai. I
ora pegepege adj. break open into pieces, shatter, fracture. shrank away from you. Ora ruvura ita kovo ARAPA. I
Aveke ora pegepegepe rasiuaro koveoro. The stone stopped working because of my embarassment. Uva ora
shattered, falling to the ground. com The <shattering> is ruvuroepa. Ora vurevureroepa. He flinched, and he
not as complete as described by the word kururu piro moved about.
<crumbled>. ora siiro pie adj. stop movement, cease, silent, become. Ora
ora pekapakeara vRO. line each other up. Ora siiro pie rovou. Stop yourself first. Ora siroi pieu. Put
pekapekarata. Form yourselves into a line. yourself at ease. Similar to ora tape pie 'quit yourself!'.
ora peropero vRO. cause dissension within clan. Visii raga ora sisiputapa vRO. shake hands or head in surprise or pain.
ora peroperopatai katai sara vo rasio ruvara-ia visii ora sita STAT. excited. Ora sitaaepa. They all were excited.
rutu vaaro. You yourselves are causing dissension in ora sitaro vRO. sneak away.
your clan over the matter of your own property. ora taa vRO. wrestle. Oiratoarei ora taapasiepa. The two
ora pesi pie vRE. forget, lose track of thoughts. Ora pesi men wrestled together.
piea. I lost my line of thoughts. ora taava vRO. judge.
ora piiuu vRO. scramble around, work up trouble, struggle, ora taea adj. deny, feel consequence of something. Pita ora
compete. taearoepa oiso puraoro, ``Viapau ragai-a.'' Peter
ora piopio vRO. discuss, clear, argue. Uva ora denied (the accusation) saying, ``I am not the one.''
piopiopaereiepa, Tepa vii ira rovou. The two girls ora takato vRO. argue. Ora takatopasiei araokotoarei. The
argued between them (saying), You must go on ahead! two brothers are arguing.
ora pipi vRO. give momento. Give something to a friend ora taketake vRO. struggle together (seriously). Ora
before the person dies so that in the afterlife that friend taketakesiepa ora upopaoro. They struggled together
will still be fond of the giver. while fighting each other.
ora pire vRO. leave alone, abandon temporarily, abandon ora taki adj. (be) stuck.
thought of oneself. Uva ragai ora pireraepa vo uririo ora tape pie vRO. stop movement, stop activity, shut up. Ora
raga purapaoro. I came away from everyone and made tape pie rovou. You stop your activity first.
only this fear. ora tarai pie vRO. learn.
ora poisi vRO. determine to do something, set oneself to do ora tarai piea nCN. learning, knowledge.
something, get courage, refuse. Ora poisiroi rutu ora tava vRO. struggle to gain control. Ora tavasiei
kevoisivira riro vavata kaepaoro. He steeled himself oiratoarei oiraraPA. The two men struggled for the
determinedly while carrying the very heavy load. Uva control and leadership of the people.
rera raga ora poisiroepa them uposa. He was the only ora tavaka pie vRO. (cause) trouble for one's self. Ora
one who refused to kill them. tavaka pierai. I am causing myself a lot of worries.
ora pore vRO. transformed, to be, changed into, reverse, turn ora tavatava vRO. argue, bicker, struggle. Ora
around. Uva eisi ora poreopa oiso osa aveke. So just tavatavapaai oirara auePA moniara vo vokio. At this
like that she turned into a stone. time men are arguing about money.
ora pue vRO. recover from near death. Ora pueu. You ora tavosi vRO. join together.
recovered after nearly being dead. ora toa vRO. position of two sides of somehing, straddle.
ora puko vRO. fold over, turn under, cling to. Oire kakaeto Oiratoarei ora toapasiei. The two men are on either
ora pukoroepa voa avusa. Then the boy doubled over to side.
bite (it) there. ora toara pie vRO. meet together. Ora toara piesa
ora ravuru vRO. gather into a group. Vovio raga ora avapaviei. We are going to meet together.
ravuruta. You all gather together right here. ora toatoa vRO. concede. E rera vo reoaroPA ora
ora reoreo vRO. converse, discuss together. toatoapau? Are you giving in to his talk?
ora reoreopa nCN. meeting. ora topogo vRO. reckless, abandon thought of oneself.
ora riga vRO. reproduce, multiply numbers of family, ora topogo STAT. (be) careless, (be) reckless. Ora
populate. Ora rigaaepa Noa aao. Noah's family topogoparoi vokapaoro. He is really being creless,
32 Rotokas — English Dictionary 3/17/2008
ora topu oriru
walking along. ora vikiviki vRO. jump up and down.
ora topu id. expose hidden deed. Tuituie ora topu piepae. ora virato adj. separate into like groups, segragate.
The hidden deeds will eventually be exposed or the little ora viri vRO. twist, spin. Ora viripa. He is twisting himself
bird makes a hole in the tree, then returns to make it around.
deeper until it will eventually cause the hole to go ora viroviro vRO. wrap around, entwine.
completely through to the other side of the tree. ora viru vRO. shift itself, move oneself elsewhere. EvoaRE
ora tovi vRO. brag. Rera araokotoaro ora toviparoveira. ora viruu. Move yourself over there.
His brother is always bragging about himself. ora viuviue vRO. slip out of a hole.
ora tuguru vRO. bash against. Ora tugururai. I bashed ora vivi vRO. worry, be concerned. Rirovira ora
myself against something. viiviiparaepa oiso, <<Ae, viapau rutu uvuiparai.>> I
ora tuguru vRO. kick one's self. Ora tugururai was worrying much like this, <<I truly am unable.>> Pip
vokapaoro. I kicked myself while walking along. dialect.
ora tupereo vRO. follow one another. Vaiterei ora ora voreri vRO. repeat, reiterate. Oarare vii akepasa ora
tupereosiera kopiioro. One died after the other. voreripaioverea. We (exclusive) repeatedly will ask you
ora tupetuperoe vRO. fall into a single line. Ora about them.
tupetupereoaepa oirara pupisa. The men fell into a ora vovou eaka vRO.
single line to dance. — ph. put away thoughts. Ora vovou eakaroi. He has
ora tuu vRO. marriage of two brothers to two sisters. forgotten all about the problem deliberately.
ora tuutuu vRO. trade back and forth. ora vurevure vRO. move around, jostle, sway back and
ora tuutuuko vRO. trade off, exchange for pay. Ora forth. Ora vurevureroepa. He swayed back and forth.
tuutuukopaaepa kurue kare-IA. They were exchanging oraivavu nCN. another way, another road or route.
money for doves. orave nCM. pillow (wooden).
ora tuuvu pie vRO. steel oneself, brace oneself, persist. Ora orave vRO. lay on's head on a pillow. Orave-IA
tuuvu pieroi gau ARAPA. He braced himself against oraveparoveira oirato uusipaoro. He always lays his
crying with pain. Ora tuuvu piepauvere. You will be head on a pillow while sleeping.
stubborn. orekerovu nPN. something (recognizable).
ora uruuru vRO. ignore. Kovopavevoi ora uruurupaoro. oreko nCM. earthworm, with small body.
We two are working putting things out of our mind. By oreku nCM. crab, large type lives in beach sand.
working hard you can forget your worries for a while. oreore STAT. tired of doing somthing, dislike doing
ora uugaa vRO. kiss one another. Vaiterei ora uugaapasiei. something. Uva oreoreaepa taraapaoro. I got tired of
The two are kissing each other. searching.
ora uvariatoo vRO. foul one's self. Ora uvariatoouei vo orere vRE. look intently, size something up, stare. Eakere
vovou-ia vuria. You cause your own life to be fouled up ragai orerepari? Why are you looking at me so intently?
by evil ways. ori id. defeated. Oriparai. I am defeated or I'm cooked.
ora uvariatoo vRO. spoil one's self, harm one's self. Ora ori vRE. cook. Uva aue vourei oripaiva varuere aue
uvariatooroi vuriara-IA aioara-IA. He is harming uorirei. They cooked the two eels.
himself with the bad food (eating taboo food). ori piro adj. cooked completely. Uriota uvare upriko ori
ora vage pie vRO. move oneself quickly. Ora vage pieu piroi. You all come because the sweet potato is cooked.
voRE. Move quickly over here. oria nCN. cooked thing. As in koie oria 'the cooked piece of
ora vaisi vRO. name oneself. pork.
ora variriakou vRO. criss-cross paths in opposite directions. oria pie vRE. shorten. Evao rao oria pieri. Shorten the tree
Ora variriakoupaerei riakorirei. The two women limb. Pip dialect.
crossed each other's paths going in opposite directions. oriituuro nCN. hair of opossum?
ora varovaro vRO. pursue, race against another, compete. orikoroisi nCN. testicle of man or animal.
Oiratoarei ora varovaropasiepa ikaupaoro. The two oriori vRE. scrape, scratch. Kaukau orioriri. Scrape the
men competed against each other running. burnt part off of the sweet potato. Poroporo rovoevoiva
ora vase vRO. leave, depart. Uva ora vaseereiepa oira-ia situa, oa IARE orioripaopa. Having first broken into
erapaoro erava. So the two women departed singsing pieces the stick used to start fires, she then scraped it
the song. toether.
ora vasike vRO. leave, depart. Ora vasikesiepa koue orioria nCN. cooked food.
tariopaoro. They departed chasing the pig. oriorisi vRE. suspect, distrust. Rera vovouaro
ora vatave vRO. collaborate with someone, join with one oriorisipariveira, teapi vii uporeve. Always be
another. RagaiVA ora vatavepau. You join in with me. suspicious of his ways lest he kill you.
ora veepou ph. You get out of the way! oriorisi vovouto nCN2. suspicious person.
ora veera vRO. line up. oripa nCN. stove, oven.
ora veo vRO. reget something, disppointed with on's self. ora oripato nCN2. cook (person).
veoparae eisi piepaoro. I regretted doing that. Oriri kovu id. pregnancy with child already named or `Oriri
ora viki vRO. jump, off of, jump over. VaitereiVA ora stomach' meaning when Oriri yet in the womb was being
vikiopa vagapa-IA. She jumped down the landslide with carried by her mother.
the two men. oriru vRE. store away, keep, save.
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oriruvira oveove
oriruvira adv. carefully. Viapau oriruvira oa pituparevo. otaava nCF. tree, used for making medicine.
He didn't hold it carefully. otara vRO. recline, lean back. Paupa-IA otarapa. He is
orito vRE. decorate. Vearovira ita vo kepa oritoive vao oa leaning back in the chair.
iare oisoa vaiterei tapo pieive. They would decorate the otaravira adv. reclining. Otaravira pauparai. I am sitting
house nicely in which they would (formally) join the two in a reclining position.
(newlyweds). otavosirea nCN. two things joined, united. See also tavo.
oritoa nCN. decoration, finery. oteote nCM. crocodile.
orive nCM. cane, small type, rattan, small type. oto vRE. punch. Oirato otorevoi. He punches the man.
orivo vRE. name someone. Rera orivori. You name him. oto vRO. fornicate, commit adultery, rape. RiakovaVA
orivoa nCN. (a) name. Pip dialect. otoparoi. He commits adultery with the woman.
oroga nCM. bird, small black with yellow head and feathers otoa nCN. promiscuity.
under tail, builds an oora 'hole in tree used for nesting'. otopato nCN2. adulterer, promiscuous person.
orokui nCM. bird, small black. Totem for a clan. otu vRE. sharpen to a point.
ororo loc. side. Similar to vatuaro. otua nCN. point.
ororo nCN. sides of house (lengthwise). otuko nCN. ginger, large type.
oru vRE. casterate animal. Kaakau iava orikoroisi otuotu nCN. sharp point.
verarevoi rera oruoro. He is getting rid of the testicles Otureia nPR. twin peaks of Mt. Balbi.
casterating the dog. otuureivu nCN. (two other) partners in marriage exchange of
oru vRE. trim down, shave away. Evaova vituuaro oruri. clan members.
Shave down the stump of the tree. otuvira adv. sharply.
oru kou nCN. plant, ornamental with red and yellow small ou id. bear a child. Kakae oupao. She would bear a child or
leaves close to ground. she would get a child.
orui nCF. hair of head. ou vRE. get, take, receive. Uva siraoa ouava reivira rutu. I
oruo vRE. diligent. Rera vo kovoaro-IA oruopare. He is received a lot of sorrow.
diligent and satisfied doing his own thing. ou raga vRE. incur a debt.
oruo pie vRE. admire without words(?). ou ragaa nCN. loan, debt.
oruo pie aio nCN. tasty sweet food. ouruvato nCM. banana, cooking vari\d Rotokas English
oruo pie reoto nCN2. convincing persuasive talker who is Dictionary Firchow, Kaibala 22-Feb-84.
enjoyable to hear. ova class. group of trees.
orupa nCN. feather. ova adj. brown.
oruto nCM. man with much hair as in riro oruto - 'very hairy ovaiaa nCN. bow string, string of bow.
man'. ovaiaro temp. afternoon (3 to 5pm).
oruto nCM. plant, ornamental with red and yellow small ovaiarovi temp. afternoon (1 to 3pm).
leaves close to ground. Same as oru kou. ovaratavu nCN. other side.
osa conj. as, same as, like, similar to. Osato-a ro-ia. The ovareoko nCM. lizard, with spines on its back.
male is the same as this male. Osato-a ragai. He is the ovarovu nCM. lizard, smaller variety of aoveva.
same as I am. Osa kare kaakau kare. Animals like Ovato nPRM. legendary wild man.
dogs. Ragai-a eisito osa eera roari. I am like that other ovatuvu nCN. other side.
man over there. Ragai-a ita eisi vovouto osa vii. I have ovau vRO. forget. VaRE ovaurai. I forgot it. Viapau oiso ra
the same heart or mind as you. reraviRE ovaupara. I won't be forgetting that little
osa pie vRE. do as. Oiso osa piepaivorao vo airepavira. So fellow.
they did like this just recently. ovauto kakae nCN2. orphan-one or both parents dead.
osasarovu nPN. all kinds. ovauvari vRO. forget something recently thought of,
osavua excl. True! remember but not for long. Ovauvariparai. I'm
osireiara gare pie id. forgetting something which I had recently thought of.
— ph. ignore. Osireiara gare pieta. Close your eyes to Ovauvariroepa raivaRE rugoo ARAPA. He forgot
or ignore these otherwise embarrassing incidents. again the road not thinking of it for a little while.
osireipava sisiro nCF. eye glasses. ovavio kou nCN. grass, with a hollow center that grows near
osireito nCM. eye. the base of trees used for divining sicknesses.
osireopavira adv. (in) sight of. Va osireopavira va ovavuari pie vRE. foul someone up. Voea ovavuari
purarivora. You did it in sight of everyone. pieivora. They fouled them up causing them to become
osivu nPN. (just) something else. disoriented.
osivu raga kekea a different kind of appearance. ove vRE. pour out from. Bag rais overi eva. Pour out of that
osivu ragato nPN2. another kind of person. bag of rice.
osivu ragavira adv. another kind. oveato nCM. banana, ripens within 2 or 3 weeks after stalk
oso nCF. tree, with edible nuts. Fruit grows on long hanging first bends over. Main characteristic is its rapid ripening.
spikes from bushy yellow blossoms. oveove adj. revealed, uncovered, exposed. Aio ruu oveovepa
oso vuta nCN. sweet flavor. piroi. The food covering has been opened up. Vo reo
otaava nCF. bush, which bears small nose-shaped red fruit oveovepai. This talk has its meaning revealed and is
which can be eaten uncooked. easily understood.
34 Rotokas — English Dictionary 3/17/2008
oveovepa reo raga pakoe vutuoto
oveovepa reo raga nCN. talk that is easily understood. ovoovo raga vRE. test, try, traim tasol. Vo kovo ovoovo
oveu nCN. breadfruit tree. ragarevoi. He is just trying out this work.
oveurao nCF. snail, lives in trees and bushes. ovoovoa nCN. parable, example, a mask.
ovi nCN. ovoovovira adv. testing like, allegorically. Ovoovovira
— class. liquid, juice. kuvupato tovori. Try the shirt on for size.
ovii arao nKM. sons-brothers. ovoto nCM. vine, used as binding in spear or arrow
ovii avao nK. offspring and their children. construction or in fastening a bunch of tobacco leaves,
ovii irara nKM. offspring, sons and daughters. etc. It is called ariono in Teop area and was used as kite
ovii kakae nCN. offspring. string on fishing kite vavatoa which was made of sago
oviito nKM. son (nephew) (HuBro)S (HuSiSo). leaves. This type of kite was not made by the Rotokas but
oviiva nKF. daughter (niece) (WiBrDa) (WiSiDa). only referred to in their stories.
ovirovua inter. how many. ovoto iro nCN. fishline.
oviurereo nPRF. tree, bark used for making medicine. ovoto poori nCN. crooked and twisted vine.
ovoi adj. completed, finalized. Oira tekasiva, oira tekasiva ovovoa nCN. mask.
ovoiopa. They both dug it (hole), and dug it, and (then) it gr. other, alternate.
was done. ovu va pere ph. Where will it be?
ovoi vRO. finish something. Vosa rikui ovoive ra voviore ovu-ia inter. where.
tueue. - When we finish the hole, then you wait there. ovuovu vRE. try.
ovoi pie vRE. satisfy, bless. ovurava nCF. fish, whitebait, small body, collects on surface
ovoi vaisi nCN. promise, agree upon, contract. Literally, of ocean waves, whitebait.
finalized word or last word. ovure inter. where to.
ovoie inten. enough, final, last. ovuruva nCF. vine, similar to the kind chewed with betel
ovoie reo nCN. promise. nut.
ovoievira adv. completely. ovusa conj. while.
ovoioto nCN2. last person. ovuuta-vu temp. next time, another time. Besides the suffix
ovoiovira adv. finally. -vu, the same meaning results when ovuuta is suffixed by
ovoito nCM. overripe fruit, fruit, overripe with sap coming the following: -ri, -ia, or -o.
out. ovuva inter. from where.
ovokirovu-ia temp. sometime, some other days. ovuvaia excl. No!
ovokivu temp. sometime, another time, another day. ovuveo nCM. hornbill, bird, hornbill.
P - p
paapaato nKM. uncle (FaSiHu). paipai ragapaeva. She was kept from her brothers(?)
paapu excl. No! Baby talk only. paitu nCN. deep area.
paaro vRE. share with others. Rera varaaro paaropareveira. paitua nCN. flood.
He always shares his things. paituru STAT. not understandable, incomprehensible.
paaro STAT. generous. Oara IAVA paarorovere. He will be paituru pie vRE. confuse, disorient. Rera vo
generous with those things. rugorugooroaro paituru pieiva reoreopaoro. They
paaroto nCN2. sharing person, generous person. Riro confused his thoughts as they were talking.
paaroto-a eera. He is a very generous sharing person. paituruvira adv. confused, disoriented.
paarovira adv. generously, freely. paivuru STAT. confused, stymied, blocked.
pae vRE. appropriate another's possession, identify. paivuruva nCN2.
Orekerovu-IA paepareveira. He is always staking his — id. blocked object, closed up object, confused. Viapau
claim on everything. Rerava paeavora - shouted uvuiparoi ra paivuruva-ia ukaioro kakate. He can't
making his presence known. drink from the blocked up bamboo. This is an idiom
pae pituto nCN2. man who takes something not his own. which means that one can't understand a parable.
pai nCN. hand as in ito pai'-hand of bananas'. paivuruvira adv. solid without holes, blocked-like.
pai vRE. cut hand of bananas. Itoara pairi. Get a hand of Paivuruvira upiaparo. Paivuruvira upiaparo. He was
bananas. sick with constipation. Preferred to paiguruvira.
pai STAT. confused, difficult, stuck. Voeao oirara paipaai pako vRO. wear bracelets. Agorau pako-IA pakoopa. She
vo raivaaro ARO. The people are stuck on the road. had put shell bracelets on.
pai guruva gisipo nCN2. mute person. pako vRE. break open dam, raze, tear down a building, break
paiguruisi nCN. solid ball or sphere-shaped object without apart. Ipua pakori. Break open the dam. Uva kepa
holes, ball without holes. pakoiva. The razed the house. Vo rovu-IA pakou. Break
paiguruvira adv. solid without holes. open something by the pond ; for the pond to flow out.
paipai vRE. blocked in childbirth, distructed, stymied. The latter example uses the intransitive person marker
Paipaipareve kakaeto kare ARAPA. The child would since the object is not absolute.
be stuck not able to `come home'. Iria taataa iraraRE pakoe vutuoto nCN2. (person with) paralized shoulders.
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pakoeto pe
pakoeto nCN2. (person) paralized in shoulders, arms, or comes while I go.
hands. pare vRE. break down, destroy. Irurai-IA parerivere. Break
pakopakoto nCN2. (person) with) paralyzed shoulders and down the spider web with a stick.
arms. pare vRE. remove from net. Kokopuoto pareri. Take the
pakopi adj. bent down position. butterfly out of the net.
pakoto nCM. symbol of sorcery, package in which source of pari vRE. alert someone, put on guard. ViiRE pariavoi. I am
powers for working white or black magic was placed, alerting you. Rera uvusa pariavo uusia IAVA. I came
power of the masalai or bush spirits. out of my sleep on guard to hear him. Intensity of
pakoto nCM. betel nut fruit stalk and used in coded leaf, emotional feeling condition? is marked by the
varuid letter to mean, sorcery. reduplicated form, paripari.
pakoua nCN. armband of woven grass (usually dyed black pari adj. split in half. Ro-ia oveato pariro viro. This banana
yellow or red). Used to give strength when fighting. here is split in half.
pakovira adv. bent over. parie nCN. pieces.
paku vRO. net animals. Kavori pakuparoepa. He was parie nCN. bamboo strip used as a knife, plank, thin.
catching some crayfish in a net. parike nCM. pumpkin, squash (food).
pakuto nCN2. fisherman using nets. parikou nCN. cross position, criss-cross.
pao vRE. open something. Atari kuvu paori. Open up the tin parikouvira adv. `t'-like cross.
of fish. pariparikou v? alternating, exchange repeatedly.
paovira adv. openly. pariparikouvira adv. alternatingly.
papa vRE. fly through the air. Kokootu papapaevoi. The paro vRO. wander? Pito kou sovaraaARO paroroepa ora
chicken is flying. vikipaoro. He wandered around inside the pitpit grasss
papa pie vRE. fly an airplane. jumping up and down.
papaapa varo nCN. cloth trim on clothes. Used to describe paropaua temp. early morning.
the fringes of robes worn by Jewish priests, etc. of Bible paru vRE. flow, move, come and go. Uukovi parupaivoi. The
times. river is flowing. Paruive. They would come and go. O
papaato nCM. border, margin. papaato varoa iava the uukova vagapa kepa sovara-IA parupaiveira. This
border of the cloth vuku papaa the margin of the book river flows through the cave. Said of people also.
papao nKN. children of sister. paru pie id. pass around. Kaokaoara paru pieive. They
papapa gariko nCN. airstrip. would pass around the invitations or they made the
papapa kepa nCN. airplane. invitations to flow around.
papapato nCN2. pilot. parurato nCM. boil on skin.
papara nCN. chapter, remaining group of objects. pasi excl. Maybe, I think!
paparito nKM. nephew. pasiko pie vRE. separate out, set aside. Vara rutu pasiko
papariva nKF. niece. piereva. He set aside all of them.
papata vRE. form a tangled mass, tangle. Iroiro papatavora. pasiko pievira adv. isolated, separately. Similar to toko
The vines formed a tangled mass. pievira.
papata nCN. tangled mass. givugivu papata tangled mass of pasipavira adv. doubtfully. Pasipavira vii tavipaavoi. I am
beard on one's face telling you with some doubts about it.
papata kou nCN. vines that grow up into the crown of a tree paso nCN. juice of plant that is used for stomach ills.
making a large tangle of growth in branches. patura adj. flat and big.
papeo STAT. obedient. Riro papeoroi. He is really obedient. paturaua nCN. stalk of coconuts.
Aroviroi papeooro. He goes willingly being obedient. pau vRO. sit, be eternal. Vearovira paupaviei vo vokio-ia.
papeoto nCN2. obedient person, faithful person, consistently At this time (today) we all are living (sitting) well.
good person. pau vRE. plant, build. VaitereiPA kepa paureva. He built a
papu vRE. extinguish, (turn) off. Vuravu papuri. Turn off the house for the two of them.
lamp. Vuvua papuri. Extinguish the flame. Rera Pau tugarato nPRM. Satan.
papurevora. He silenced him. Waialess papuri. Turn pauaka adj. eternal.
off the radio. Also used with anger when making peace. pauakavira adv. continually.
papu adj. extingquished, died out, without. Vuravu papuo paupa nCN. chair.
viroi. The lamp died out completely. paupau v? race, compete, suspicious.
papuapuarovira adv. completely, all inclusive. paupauvira adv. suspiciously.
Papuapuarovira vara rutu ouri. Get every last bit. paupe nCN. leaders of the Upe initiates chosen from among
Paraipaia nPRN. village site near Ibu where old German the boys themselves.
blue beads were located. paupe vaio nCN. (the two) Upe leaders.
paraka adj. wide, spread out. Parakapai. It is wide. Pauto nPRM. God. This term was used for the original
paraka nCN. width. supreme spiritual being who was worshipped and
parakau vRE. lightning, spread across an expanse. appreciated for his various kinds of help.
Varakeoto eera parakaurevoi. The lightening and pe STAT. leave, let be. Rera pe! Just let him be! This is
thunder is appearing all over. actually a common verb suffix but used here in a
parasire vRE. exchange places. Ragai parisiparevoi. He restricted way.
36 Rotokas — English Dictionary 3/17/2008
peara piirii
peara adj. opened. peroa nCN. plank, board.
peeka adj. bald, bare. peru vRE. root in something with nose. Rasia perupae koie.
peekato nCN2. bald headed person. The pig is rooting in the ground.
pege vRE. break open. Uva oiso puraaepa, ``Aveke pegesi.'' peru adj. ripe. Kukua kue peruepa. All of the Tahitian
They said, ``You two break open the stone.'' Chestnut (galip) fruit was ripe.
pege adj. broken in pieces. Evao pero pege piroi osa va pesi STAT. tired of remembering. Pesiparai rera vaisiaroRE.
tekapare oirato. The board breaks into pieces as the man I'm tired of trying to remember his name. Similar to
hews it. ovau'-forget.'.
pegepege nCN. fractured pieces. pesipa vaisito nCN2. person whose name is easily forgotten.
pegepege vRE. break open repeatedly. pesipesiko adj. fade away, disappear, lost. Pesipesikoroi
pegu vRE. bark. Kaakau peguparevoi. The dog is barking. vovio. His footprints fade away here. Pesipesikopaiera
peka vRE. Turn over, flip over, reveal, turn page. Vataua We all-exclusive were lost. RAgaiRE rugooara
pekari. You reveal the hidden thing. Repeated action or rugooara pesipesikoopai. My thoughts are about to be
plural object is marked by the reduplicated form forgottern.
pekapeka. pesipesikovira adv. fading like. Pesipesikovira reoparoi.
pekapeka rutua nCN. (something) absolute. He talks fading away into silence.
pekapekara vRO. line up. Pekapkearataepa. You all were petao nCN. husk of nut, nut husk.
lined up. peto vRO. overturn, turn towards. Uva voea rutu petoa
pekapekavira adv. clearly without doubt, absolutely. viropa voRE Katolik lotu-IA. They all turned to the
pekara adj. miss narrowly, come close to, along side. Catholic church (became Catholics).
pekaravira adv. side by side, lined up. peto vRE. overturn, pour. Pirutuva opuruva petoeva. The
pekere adj. flat, plate like, thin and flat. flood overturned the canoe.
pekerevira adv. flat like. petopa nCN. jug, pitcher, funnel.
pekeri nCN. shell of nut, nut shell. petopeto vRE. rock to and fro. OiratoaVA opuruva
pekeri adj. flat. petopetopareva kiuvu avakava-IA. The wind rocked
pekeria nCN. a flat shield. As in utopa pekeri 'a flat protective the canoe with the man (in it) on the ocean.
shield. petuapato nCN2. incestuous person.
pekerivira adv. flat like. pekerevira preferred. peva piepavira adv. three times.
pekoe STAT. uneasy, restless. Epusi pekoeoi uriripaoro. The pia vRE. prune, trim off. Tetevu piapaivoi. The are
cat is restless, being afraid. trimming off the sago palm leaves.
pekuriva nCF. basket, woven container. piaara nCN. broken off twigs and branches.
peo vRE. push, shove, heave. Goruvira rutu evaova piaopa STAT. stubborn, not open to suggestions. Taviara-IA
peopata! You all push the tree forcefully! piaopaparoi osa rera tavi ragapaavoi vearovira. He
peopeo vRE. pump. turns a deaf ear to the talk as I am telling him these things
peopeopato nCM. water pump. in vain.
pepe vRO. sleep. Baby talk. piaopa vovouto nCN2. (very) self-determined person.
peperava uru nCN. frame for carrying a heavy object. piara nCN. fork in branch, crotch, forked twig. Also used to
pepero vRO. cook soup. VigeiPA peperopauei. You are refer to a waterpipe coupling in the form of a `T'.
cooking soup for all of us. pie vRE.
pepero nCN. soup usually with fish. — gr. make, do, cause to. Oisi pieri. Do like this. Ragai
pera vRE. shove, kick out of the way, motion aside. Eakere roru pieparivoi va-IA. You are making me happy by it.
ragai perari oiso rutu osa orekevu avu raga? Why do piepie vRE. signify, stand in place of, represent, exemplify.
you shove me out of the way like an insignificant object? Oavu avu piepierevora He represented something. Igei
perapa isi nCN. soccer ball. More often heard is the word piepiereva Kraist kopiia iava vorevira toreoro. Christ
kikipa isi for soccer ball. typified us rising from the grave. Vao piepieireva
perapera vRE. kick repaeatedly aside, shove out of the way. vigeiPA. He made this an example for us. As the leaves
Kookai rasia peraperaparevoi. The rooster is in the coded plant letter, variua, stand for the meanings
scratching the ground aside. desired from the message.
perepere vRE. roll something. piepiea nCN. forecast, prediction, example of something to
perepre vRO. rolling. Opita isi pereperei. The coconut is come.
rolling along. Pip area. pigi vRE. twist, squeeze, wring out.
peri vRE. roll something. pigigio nCN. fine spray.
peri vRO. rolling. Opita isi peri piroi. The coconut is rolling pigo nCN. feces of chicken.
along. pigo vRE. defecate (chicken). Kookai pigorevoi eekooro. The
periko vRO. rolling. Oirato rera uvureva orave osa rooster excretes feces, defecating.
perikoparoepa. The man heard the wooden pillow as it pigoga adj. infected. Pigogai kapua. The sore is infected or
was rolling. has pus in it.
perito nCM. snout including both nose and mouth. pigoga rovu nCN. puss from sore.
pero nCN. tree section that has been smoothly hewn, plank. pigogava nCF. infection.
pero vRE. slice into planks, split apart. piirii nCN. banana, excellent eating variety. Second name for
3/17/2008 Rotokas — English Dictionary 37
piiroo pito
roveraga. child to be harmed as he is soaking with rain.
piiroo nCF. finger. pireeri nCN. walkway for the Upe initiates.
piiroo vRE. point towards something with finger or object. piri nCF. banana, large eating variety, like roveraga.
ReraRE piiroori. Point towards him. Uva ragai piripiriko vRE. twist.
piirooiva reraRE. They pointed me to him with their piro STAT. confused, go astray, fouled. Piroroi. He is fouled
fingers. up and confused.
piitua nCF. pipe to smoke made of clay. piro vRE. divert, cause someone to err. Uva ragai
piiuu vRE. rape, molest. piropareva, Vore uriou ra vo rokove. He caused me to
pika pie vRE. splash. Aveke uukoa pika pieevoi. The rock make a mistake (saying), Come on here, and we two will
causes the water to splash (falling in it). go inside.
pikapika pie vRE. (cause liquid to) splash. Kiuvu rovoa piro pie vRE. foul, go off course, deviate.
pikapika piepare. The wind is causing the lake to splash piro visivi adv. (a little bit in) error.
with waves. piru vRO. play. Kakae vure pirupaai The children are
pikarata adj. explode. playing Pipipaia-visiko.
pikipiki vRE. blind with light, dazzle with light. piru adj. slip, slippery.
Pikipikiparevoi ragai osireito. He (the sun) is blinding piru pie vRE. oil, lubricate, slippery, cause to be.
my eyes. Same as aau pie and used with sun, torch, lamp, piruiripa nCN. Upe ceremony in which the initiate was
etc. washed, whipped, and observed. The word comes from
piko vRE. whip, beat, cause pain. Repeated action pikopiko. Keriaka. The Kunua people were first to start the Upe
piko pie vRE. whip with rope or vine. Rera piko pieri rera rites and hats in the central part of Bougainville. The
torevokooro. Whip him with a rod, correcting him. Keriaka Upe hats were round, the Rotokas hats were long
piku vRE. break, have tip broken off, nod the head. and round, and the Teop hats were long and somewhat
piku kovu adj. pot bellied, distended stomach. Piku kovuoi pointed.
rivuko. The mosquito has a full stomach. Derrogatory if pirukeua nCN. tail tip.
used to describe pregnant woman. piruko vRE. forgive, restore, clean. Ragai piruko rovori
pio vRE. smear white substance from Pioto hot spring on You first take away all obstructions ; You first forgive
something. Varei riaro pioreve. He would smear the me ; You first clean me completely. Vuri vovouroRE
pioto on the two openings. ragai piruko rovori ora vii iava revasiva-IA. Oire ra
pioi vRE. mark a sacrifice for a spirit in order to demonstrate vo viae iare vereopa vovou purari ragaipa. Eisi osa
commitment or dedication to that spirit. iava vii vo ruipaaro uvuipai ra ragai-ia ora vasi piepe.
pioive nCN. offering. Pauto pioive sopaua oaa vatepaavoi Completely forgive me first with your blood. Then to this
viipa. God, here is your offering as I give my heart to clean thing give a generous heart. Like that then your
you. desire can stay fast within me. Igei pirukori ra
piopiopa kukueto nCM. head with balding a reas caused by sisigarueio Forgive us and we will be clean.
sores. Piopiopa kukueto kakaeto kapuara IAVA. The pirupako vRO. start, begin.
boy's head is covered with bald spots because of the pirupakoaro nCN. beginning, the.
sores. pirupakovira adv. initially.
piopioto nCM. a clearing. pirupiru adj. very slippery.
Pioto kukukuaro nPRN. name of the hot spring area near pirupirua nCN. slippery place or thing.
Togarao. Spring of warm water with a sulfur compound pirutu vRO. flood. Viapau oiso pirutupaoveira. It (river)
disolved in it. A clear warm liquid bubbles out and never floods.
almost immediately a sulfur compound begins to settle pirutu STAT. disgusted, embarrassed. Pirutupaoro avaopa
out along the stream bed. This is collected and sold to riakova, uvare vatuato oirare reoparoepa. The woman
those who use it to 'encourage' their hunting dogs. It is went away embarrassed, because the husband talked to
mixed with the dog's food and apparently aggitates them. (scoled) her. Pip area. The equivalent in the Rotokas
pipi vRE. (almost) shut, close to, narrow opening. Pipiva dialect is ritu.
ratao oirato ururau. The door swung nearly shut pirutuva nCF. flash flood, flood.
enclosing the man. pisa adj. different.
pipi adj. (very) small, (very) narrow. pisa pievira adv. peculiarly, unusually.
pipi topu nCN. narrow hole. pisa varata nCN. different side, reverse side.
pipisiara nCN. curly tubes in area of placenta. These were cut pisavira adv. differently, diversly.
with bamboo knives if the birth of a child was restricted pisikui vRE. tie in knot, knot something. Iroiro pisikuireva.
by them. He knotted the rope vine. Repeated action is marked by
pipisipa riako nCF. women who had trouble giving birth the reduplicated form, pisipisikui.
because of the obstructions near the placenta. pisikuia nCN. knot. Uupa pisikui tururo describes a knotted
piraki ova nCN. bushes and shrubs in general. rope with the number of knots designating the the
pirata STAT. fouled, gone astray. Similar to piro. number of days remaining before a market or general
pirata vovouto nCN2. person who has gone astray. meeting.
pire vRE. allow someone to be harmed. Opeita kakaeto pisipisavira adv. varied, differently.
pirepari eera osa kokeva-ia poropa. Don't allow the pito nCN. sugar cane, wild type.
38 Rotokas — English Dictionary 3/17/2008
pitoka eeri porete pie
pitoka eeri nCN. clay. poko pie vRE. blast, explode, cause to.
pitokava nCF. pot, pan, clay used to make pots. poko piepa gavuta nCN. gunpowder.
pitoo STAT. preoccupied. E pitoopau kovo ARAPA? Are you Pokoepura nPR. name of bush spirit that guards the Ovuveo
so preoccupied that you can't work? property.
pitoo pie vRE. (cause one to be) preoccupied. Similar to pugu pokopoko pie vRE. clapping with hands.
pie. politik vRE. (play) politics. Politikparevoi. He is in politics.
pitu id. hold together. Eakerea katai gurua pitupata? Why Obviously a loan word from English.
are you all staying together or why are you holding to poo vRE. test out. Koetava pooparevoi akeakevira iroiro-ia
one group? oira kuepaoro. He is testing out the bow pulling back on
pitu vRE. hold, alight. Vigei kovoara-IA pitupape. We all the string.
would be holding onto our jobs. (We all would be pooke vRE. bend taut. Evaova pookeri. Bend the tree over
employed.) Pautoa-IA pitupaio. We are giving our making it taut.
alleglance to God or we are holding onto God. pooke ova nCN. trap for pig made by bending young tree
pitu pie vRE. marry, hold, cause to. Voavao pitu piesa avau down with rope loop attached into which the pig walks
siara avaoara. You go get (hold on to) your clan family. springing the trap, pig trap.
pitu pie kou nCN. vine with sticky fruit. pookepa pero nCN. (rat) trap.
pituapato nCM. man who commits incest. Pip dialect. pookevira adv. taut-like, set to spring free.
pitupa nCN. handle. poori adj. curved.
pitupitu nCN. fashion, custom. poori pie vRE. curved, make something.
pituro nCN. herd, flock, swarm. poorivira adv. curved-like.
pituru nC. tree with round leaves used in coded leaf letter, poorokoua nCN. stick used for fighting. Also refers to bat
variua to mean, 'You hold something'. Commonly used used to hit a baseball.
for firewood. popota vRE. insulate against something (usually heat).
piu adj. burn, incinerate, bonfire, cause a. Uva kepaara oaio Pitokava popotari iria kasiraopaoi oira vera piesa
piuaepa Japan voreoro. Then the Japanese burned our tuitui iava. Insulate the pan handle which is hot so as to
houses as they returned. take the pan off of the fire.
piu geesi pie vRE. odor of burning substance. Refers to the popota nCN. pair of anything. Possibly only inanimate
burning of opossum hair at the graveside during certain things.
rituals. popotapavira adv. insulated-like.
piua nCN. bonfire, fire, large. popote adj. white.
piupiuko nCF. bird, with small yellow body like suriketo, popote vRO. whiten, turn white. Rera iava varua popoteepa
lives at high elevations. upia iava. His body turned white from the sickness.
piururuo vRE. bribe with something. Turaro piururuoiva popotepato nCN2. white person.
oiraRE vao-IA vearo aio. They bribed the leader with pora oapa nCN. (small) purse, (small) basket.
this food to do something for her. porapora vRE. space apart. Vara rutu poraporari. Space
piururuo aio nCN. bribe offer of food. out all of those things.
piuta nCF. bush with bitter nettles but edible leaves. poraporavira adv. spaced apart. Poraporavira vara
poepoeravira adv. revealed, exposed. tovotovori. Put those things here and there spaced out.
poera vRE. reveal, expose. Ruu reo poeraivere vigeiPA pore vRE. mix, convert, switch. E vo voki-ia riakova
rara. They will explain the riddle to all of us later. vovouaro poreo viropa vo oiratoa-IA? Did the woman
poeravira adv. transparent, clear, empty. Same as viaevira. change her desire for the man today?
pogara adj. white. pore vRO. turn. Vorevira poreparoepa. He turned back.
pogarato nCN2. white person. poreara vRE. shoot, hunt for. Uva igeire utuaepa Japan
pogata adj. burst open. Orekerovu pogata piroi. All of porearapaoro, oisiore ra igei iiaive. The Japanese
these things are burst open. followed us hunting for us so as to shoot us.
pogopogorovira adv. slack, loose. Pogopogorovira va porearapato nCN2. hunter.
tukeri. You tie it loosely. porearo nCN. meaning, tranlsation.
pokapoka STAT. lazy, unenthusiastic, to be. Uva pokapoka poreo nCN2. incestuous person.
ragasiepa vo aaorei. The father and son were just plain porepa nCN. rein, bridle, steering wheel.
lazy. porepore vRO. sway to and fro. Guruvara poreporepai. The
pokapokato nCN2. lazy person. leaves are swaying to and fro.
pokeua nCN. trap for animals or fish. porepore vRE. mix, steer.
poki nCN. corner. porepore pie vRE. translate, interpret. Visii vo reoaro
poko id. burst, pop. Teapi pokopari. Lookout lest you burst. porepore piepaavoi ra taraipavio vearovira. I'm
Used when referring to over eating. translating your words so that all of us will understand
poko adj. incinerate, burn up. Poko ragasiepa. The were well.
nearly incinerated. poreporepa nCN. food mixer.
poko adj. explode, loud noise, cause a, erupt. Uva vokiaro porete pie vRE. cure, sustain, fertilize. Upiapato porete
uusipaaepa osa erava poko viropa o vo tutue-IA. It piereva rera pituoro Jisas. Jesus cured the sick man,
was at night as they slept when the volcano exploded. touching him.
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poretea pukupukui
poretea adj. recover, cured, miracle. pouka adj. lean, inclined.
poreteato nCN2. cured person, recovered person. pouka pie vRE. lean, cause to.
poretepa kovo nCN. healing work. poukato nCM. leaning tree.
porevira adv. inside out, reversed. poukavira adv. leaning.
porikeua nCN. tip of tail. poupou nCF. dust.
poro vRO. dripping, drizzling, soaking with. Kokeva-IA poupou kove nCN. dust, fallout.
poroparovere. He will be soaked with rain. povuvau adj. dull, blunt. Vao povuvaupai sigoa, oa iava
poro vRO. fall as rain. Ovu kokeva visiiRE porooe? Where viapau vearovira isiso kou tosipa. The knife is dull so
did the rain fall on you all? Rauriva koveoro reraRE that I can't cut the grass well.
poropa. The rain falling dripped on him. VoVa poropai. puaka adj. clear.
It is dripping from here. Same as kove, i.e.Ovu kokeva puapuata vRO. splash over. Puapuatapava toko novu,
visiiRE koveoe?-Where did the rain fall on you all? uvare kiuvu va vuvurereva. The lake splashed over
poro adj. wet, damp. Teapi porou. It wouldn't be good if you because the wind blowing it.
were all wet or don't get wet. puaua nCN. face.
poroko nCN. circle. pue STAT. recovered, revived. Jisas pueroepa vorevira.
poroko kapiua nCN. (hooked) bill of bird as on parrot. Jesus revived back to life. Similar to porete.
poroko pie vRE. wind into loops, loop something. Vo iro pue vRE. carry on one's back. Ogata pueeva riakova vava
poroko pieri vo irova riosa. Wind the rope into loops in avasa kovoa IARE. The woman carried the pack on her
order to come with it. back to go with it to the garden.
porokoa nCN. slingshot. pue vRE. entice, call for.
porokoto nCN2. stooped person. pue vRE. sweep.
porokovira adv. circular, winding like. pue kae nCN. broom.
poroporo vRO. drip, leak, drizzle. Kokeva poroporopaoi. pue pie vRE. refresh, have a good outlook on life again.
The rain is drizzling. Similar to gavaure.
poroporo vRE. break up. Poroporo rovoevoiva situa, oa pue pievira adv. tidy, nicely. Pue pievira kekepa piroi
iare orioripaopa. Having first broken up the wood for kokookoa. The flower looks neat and nice.
starting fires, she scraped it. puepa nCN. broom.
poroporoko vRE. wind along, follow winding path. Vo raiva puepa reo nCN. message of restoration or salvation.
poroporokota vo raiva tosioro. Follow this winding puepue vRO. signal with hands to come. Puepueaepa. They
road, cutting the grass on the road. signaled with their hands to come.
poroporokovira adv. winding, snaky. Vo raiva puratavora pugo vRE. roll up something stringy like vine, pipe, or snake.
poroporokovira. You all built the road in a winding Ora pugopugooi rakoru. The snake wound itself up.
way. Repeated action is marked by the reduplicated form,
posige vRO. snort, (sort of) sneeze. Posigerai. I sort of sneeze. pugopugo.
Also posigi with same meaning and person marker. \lx pugu STAT. busy, occupied. Vaiterei ivueva osa ora
posiposi. vaiterei-IA pugupasiepa. She pulled them (gained their
— adj. dry. Isiso kouro guruguruta oara posiposipae attention) while they both were occupied with one
vo ravireo-IA. Gather all the grass that has dried in the another.
sun. pugu pie vRE. interrupt, waste someone's time. Teapi ragai
posiposi pie vRE. dray out. Varoara posiposi pieri, uvare pugu pie ragari! Don't just waste my time (make me
tupitupipai. Dry out the clothes because they are wet. busy).
posiva nCF. ant, black body, bite pains. General name for ant. pugu pitupitu nCN. diligence.
pota adj. fastened together, heaped together. pugupavira id. pregnant. Riakova pugupavira toupae. The
pota cl. group of flat layered objects. As in vuku pota `a book woman is pregnant or she is busy carrying the unborn
of pages' or guruva pota `a pile of leaves.'. child.
potavira adv. interleaved, layers. puko vRE. crease, clench, fold over. Vavaeara pukorevo
pote vRE. look for in vain, out of reach. Ira reraRE kakaeto toosa ; He clenched his hand to hit the boy.
potereva. He was just out of his reach or sight. pukopuko adj. clenched.
pote adj. short. pukopukoto nCN2. crooked or gnarled fingers or toes, person
poteku adj. short. with.
poteku pie vRE. shorten. Evao rao poteku pieri. Shorten the pukopukovira adv. firmly, tightly, clenched.
tree limb. Iroiro potaku pieri. pukovira adv. stooped-like, crouched. Pukovira toupare
potekuvira adv. short. vataupaoro. He is staying in a crouched position while
potu vRE. isolate, select. Kokookoara poturi. Select one of hiding.
the flowers. Similar to toko. puku vRE. swell up, hump. Uva va pukureva vari-ia iro
potu vRE. break off. Evao rao poturi. Break off the branch. riara-ia, vo uvare rera kotoiva. He humped up in the
pou vRO. arrive. Uva pouro viropa vo atoi-IA. He arrived at opening of the rope because they had hung him (there).
the village. Uva riroto kiuvu igei-IA pou viroroepa vo pukuivira adv. mountainous, hilly.
avakava sirova. A strong wind came upon us (exclusive) pukupato nCN2. swelling on the body, person with.
off of the sea. pukupukui vRE. mound up, hill up. Rasiara pukupukuita
40 Rotokas — English Dictionary 3/17/2008
pukutaisi raeraevu
upiriko pausa. You all mound up the ground in order to purepure vRE. fan something.
plant the sweet potatoes. purepurepa nCN. fan made of leaves.
pukutaisi adj. round, circular. pureva nCF. wind carrying rain.
pukuto nCN2. short person. puri vRE. lay on side, press down(?). Evo kou puriri kaukau
puoa nCN. tower, stalactities, stalagmites. kou. Lay all the growth from the sweet potato plants on
pupi vRE. singsing with bamboo pipes, blow bamboo pipes. its side. The illustration refers to the act of cleaning a
Pupiara-ia pupipaive ra vo tou-IA pupipareve. They garden area of the former crop waste.
would be dancing and he would singsing with this purisa nCN. area of trampled down grass. A word picture used
container (while dancing and blowing bamboo pipes) he to describe the finished initiation ceremony of the Upe
would blow into this bottle to make the music). boys. Another example: 'Who trampled down the grass?'
pupi tavara nCN. mouth organ, harmonica. And: Irou vo puri vo raivaaro? Who made this road?
pupia nCN. dance, a. puru kou nCF. hair on body.
pupiupi vRE. puff, blow. puruata nCN. isolated area, (small) path, (small) island.
pupukai adj. dirty from dust, get? Rera iava varaua Buka puruata Buka island The use of this word has
vuripape vo osa pupukaipape vo rera varaaro IARE largely been superceded by the use of toko which has
tuitui kasi. His body was spoiled as the dust ashes of the nearly the same meanings.
fire fell all over his body. purupai nCN. (all white) flowers.
pupukaia nCN. ashes, wood chips, dust. purupiekove nPRN. mole cricket.
pupupu nCN. cotton, fibers of kapok fruit. pururuko vuruko nCN. horizontal plank forming window
pupuraki nCF. sweat, perspiration. ledges & door frames.
pupuraki vRO. perspire, sweat. Rirovira pupurakirai pururuo nCN. bamboo slivers used as knives.
kovopaoro. I sweat a lot while working. puruvari vRO. work carefully, work skillfully.
pupurikoto nCM. flavor, strength of native salt. puruvaripato nCN2. skillful worker.
pupusi nCF. sink hole. This is also said in a derrogatory way puruvarivira adv. carefully, skillfully.
of a girl. putaepavira adv. wing-like.
pur vRE. sweep, tidy up, clean up. EvoaVA pueri kepa putaeua nCN. wing.
reroaro. Clean up under the house. putaputa vRE. flapping of wings. Kokioto putaputaparevoi.
pura id. contract something. Vo upia puraparevere. He will The bird is flapping its wings.
be sick. or He will make this sickness. putaputa nCN. eaves of roof.
pura vRO. say. Uva oiso puraaepa, ``Aveke pegesi.'' They pute irao inten. too much.
said, ``You two split open the stone.'' pute pie vRE. dominate, surpass, go by. Voava gare visivi
pura vRE. make, do, create. Korovo ovi puraereva. The two raga pute pieiovora. From there we (exclusive) went on
women made oil. by a little bit.
pura pie vRE. use. Monia pura pieri va kovo pieoro. You putepute vRE. chop up, cut up, section off. Bulmakau kare
use the money making it <work> (gain interest or profit). opokoaro puteputepaa vo vo kovo IARE. I broke the
puraka vRE. spy out, survey. Raiva purakapareva. He cow manure into little pieces for the garden.
surveyed the road to be built. Oirara purakareva. He puteputeara nCN. pieces, halves.
spied on the people to see how many there were. puu vRE. break wind. Irouto puurevoi visii IAVA? Which
purapurapato nCM. meteoroid, asteroid, shooting star, one of you is breaking wind?
angel. puupuru adj. darkened. Puupuruei rerovira rutu. It has
purato nCN2. dummy, man-made person. become dark. Due to clouds covering the sun, etc.
puravaripato nCN2. craftsman. puupurua nCN. unlit area, shadowy place.
pure nCF. wind storm. As in kiuvu pure wind storm or puuputo nCM. scrotum.
purepava-wind storm' or purepava 'wind storm.'. puuva nCF. fart.
R - r
ra conj. and, and then. raavai nCF. spear, barbs made of flying fox bones, used to kill
raa excl. Eh!, So?! When following a question, a negative man.
response is hinted at. raavaito nCM. insert to hold arrow tip.
raageo nCF. frog, yellow or tan to orange body, lives in the Raavoro nPR. name originally of the Keriaka area and
bush. people.
raaka nCN. reef that is exposed. Used to describe a dry stoney raerae vRE. test, try out. Va raeraeri. You try it out. Similar
desert place. to akeake.
raaka adj. dry up. Rirovira ukaioroepa oiso ra uuko ovi raeraevira adv. testing-like. Raeraevira reou. You talk in a
raakape kavori kare AIARAVA. He drank a lot so that testing unsure way.
the stream would dry up from (leaving) the crayfish. raeraevu adj. little. Viapau oiso raeraevuto-a oirato. He
raaka adj. dry up. Ukovi raakapai. The river is drying up. isn't a little man. Viapau oiso raeraevu vavata. It isn't
raatevoiva nCF. tree which when burned is a source of salt. just a little bit heavy (but very heavy). The word is not
S - s
sara adj. (be of same) clan. IraVA sarapaioveira Orokui. sigu vRE. take away and destroy, expel. Rakoru siguri kepa
We-exclusive are clansmen with the Orokui bird. AROVA!
sara nCN. clan, country, kingdom. — Get that snake out of the house!
sarato nCN2. clan brother or sister. siguri vRE. miss the mark. Ruega sigurirevoi. He missed the
sare nCF. stomach. hawk.
sare vRE. disembowel an animal, bird, or fish. sigusiguva vRE. join together, weld together. Oire uva
sarearo nCN. inside of anything. oriveara sigusiguvaiva. Then they joined together the
sasara nPN. different objects, diverse, multiform. (lengths of) rattan vine.
se vRE. wipe the nose, move something away. siguva vRE. join together, mix, join after, splice, add onto.
sei nCF. banana, cultivated, long stemmed cooking variety. Iroirorei siguvari. You join the two ropes together. Uva
sekari vRE. shake hands, greet. Obiously from the English eisivi raga osa vo tavi siguvaavoi, ragai Akoitai. That
`shakehands'. little bit I add to this story, I, Akoitai.
semen nCF. cement. Obviously from the English 'Cement'. siguvae nCN. joint.
seru adj. rainwashed, soaked, drenched. Seruuei kokeva-IA sii vRE. cut hair, groom hair. Orua siiri. Cut the hair. Ragai
porooro. You are soaking wet dripping in the rain. siipaevoi. She is cutting my hair. No need to specify hair.
siga nCN2. force, pressure. Kiuvu sigaaro vego uporevo. siigaae nCM. spider, with small to medium size angular body
The force of the wind is breaking down the jungle. Koke commonly found indoors, it walks in a jerky jumping
sigaaro vego upoevo. The force of the rain is breaking fashion.
down the jungle. Avakava toruaro sigaaro. The force of siigaato nCM. (type of) ground, black, paint made brom black
the ocean's waves (masculine). earth. Black immature coal found above Togarao Village.
siga pie vRE. open a ceremony, cancel a taboo. Tugoroa siga siigeeto nCN2. person with crooked or flattened nose.
pieiva. They cancelled the taboo that had been placed on siiguru vRO. drum, beat drum. Siigurupaai oirara. The men
it. Vosa va siga pieive, oire vearopaara purapaive are drumming.
utupaua. If they would open it up, then they would do siikoi nCF. tree, leaves eaten but smell unpleasant, when
good things later on. cooked with salt the leaves are used as medicine to clear
sigesigere nCM. insect, like a dragonfly. headaches.
sigi vRE. deflate, reduce size of something, release pressure. siikooto nCM. insect, like grasshopper, brown body.
Gas tou sigiri. Let the (butane) gas out of the bottle. siikopi nCM. scorpion, short body, sting pains.
sigo kakae nCN. pocket knife. siikui nCM. bird with light brown body yellow breast, sickle
sigoa nCN. knife, short. bill, eats turoturo koko 'flower', probably Brown Honey
sigoto vRE. join together two things. Iroirorei sigotori ra Eater.
ogata tuuri. You join the two ropes together and fasten siikurai nCF. bird, one of the swifts.
on the backpack. siipara adj. color-brown, brown color.
sigoto nCM. knife, long, machete. siipara oruto nCM. red haired person, hair of red or light
sigovira adv. knife-like. coloring.
T - t
taa vRO. desire to hit. Taa vovouparo. He wants to hit him. Ovirovua va tagaaro? How many lengths is it?
taa vRE. wrestle. Rera taareve rera ro irava ora aivaro taga vRE. mark off, stake out. Rasia tagapaivoi va uvuioro.
piero. We would wait in vain for this man with whom They are marking out the ground (property) measuring it.
they had met. tagarao nCN. tree used as a fire started when sticks of this
taa visivi temp. soon, a little while. wood are rubbed together.
taagau vRE. step over something, jump over, pass over. tagataga vRO. create trash, make a mess. Tagatagapauei.
Va-IA taagauri. You step over it. You are making a mess with trash.
taapa nCN. ladder, steps. tagataga nCN. trash, rubbish, garbage, scraps of house
taapeto nCM. axe made of stone. building.
taapirikoto nCM. insect, with yellow-green body, lives on tagava vRE. salute, shield the eyes, with hand. Vavao
cocoa, leaves a burn on skin when brushed against. tagavari. Shield your eyes to see better over there.
Formerly they were found mainly on wild banana leaves. Kukurai kiapiVA ; RE tagavare. The kukurai salutes
taaripa vRE. circle, spin. Taariparevoi ikaupaoro. He is the patrol officer.
running in circles. tagavava nCF. lizard, large type, about 8'' long.
taasi vRE. put together, complete something. Vara rutu tage vRE. insert, put inside. Va tageri evoa. You put it over
taasiri. Complete all of those. Put them all together into there inside of something.
a single unit. tagerea nCN. spare part, replacement. Tagere vuku vao-ia.
taataaiva nKF. grandmother (MoMo). This is an extra book.
taataate adj. completely ripe. tagereara nCN. mixture of insignificant things, extra things
taataato nKM. brother of female or of female cousin. mixed together.
taataava nKF. sister of male or of male cousin. tagi vRE. (be) responsible for, care for. ira oisoa tagipareve.
taatoto nKM. father-in-law (HuFa). Abraham was always responsible for Vupari. Kakaeto
taatova nKF. mother-in-law (HuMo), daughter-in-law. tagiri. Take care of the child. Same as toki and is found
taava nCN. court, judgement. in both the Rotokas language and the Teop language.
taava vRE. judge something. tagiria nCN. passage, canyon, gulley, grove.
taava vRE. judge someone. Rera vo vuriaro-IA rera tagiteva nCF. bird, parrot with green body and blue head, red
tavareva. He judged him on the basis of his wrong. under wings, probably Rainbow lorikeet.
taava purapato nCN2. judge. tagoro vRO. hide something, secret something. Vuria
taava tueto nCN2. person awaiting trial. purapariveira vo reo tagoropaoro igeiRE. You are
taavi vRE. consider carefully. Vearovira vaVA taaviri ra always doing wrong hiding this talk from us.
vearovira va purari. Think carefully about it and you Tagoropaue. You are keeping a secret.
will make it well. Vo reoVA taaviri. Consider this talk. tagoro vRE. secretly do something, conceal from, secretly kill.
Ora viiVA taaviri. Consider yourself. Ragai vii tagoropaavoi. I am doing something secretly
taavira adv. recently, soon. to you or I am concealing something or some action from
taavo vRE. anticipate something, inspect. Uuko rovu taavosa you. Iravu tagororeve oirato. He would secretly kill
avau, teapi agasipe. Go watch with anticipation the lake, another man.
lest it fill up and overflow. tagoro reo nCN. secret.
taavore vRE. help, assist. This word has been replaced largely tagorovira adv. hidden meaning-like, unnoticed, unaware.
by tauva. Upiriko tagorovira ori piro. The sweet potato was
taavoto vRE. shoot accurately. Kokio kare taavotopareva. cooked completely without anyone being aware of it.
He was shooting accurately at the birds. Ragai tagorovira viiRE oavu oua. I get something that
taavoto iiato nCN2. accurate shooter. you don't know about.
taavoto reoto nCN2. (one whose) talk shoots straight. tagotago nCF. ginger root.
taavotovira adv. accurately. tagugu STAT.
taavovira adv. anxiously. — id. cloudy, overcast, uncertain. Ragai rugorugooaro
taavu nCM. fish, black body, lives in saltwater along the taguguei. My thinking is unclear or uncertain.
coast. Second name of virovu. tagugu pie vRE. compress, squash with something. Oveu
taea vRO. deceive, deny, accuse. Taeapaaepa, ``Easi igei tagugu piere. He squashed the breadfruit with his foot.
viapau ari voeao.'' They denied it (saying), ``Why, it tagugu voki nCN. cloudy overcast day.
wasn't us but these people.'' VoeaPA taearoepa. He tai class. group of edible vegetables. As in arua tai'group of
accused them. greens'.
taeru nCN. shell of galip (Tahitian Chestnut) or any other nut taitapavira adv. mashed, minced.
with very hard shell except coconut. taituova nCN. (small) bow for children to play with.
taetuova nCF. child's bow. takae nCN. trash, rubbish, garbage, refuse, remains of fire.
taeva nKF. sister of female or of female cousin. takato vRO. (constant) talking with loud voice. Takatoparoi.
taga nCN. measurement of two arm's length(?), fathom, mark. He is making a lot of noise talking. Eakepa ora
U - u
uga vRE. force through. Kepito ugaparevoi evoa. Kepito is uka vRE. overflow, spill out. Oearovu ukapaivoi oepaoro.
forcing his way through over there. Others are vomiting, <spilling out>.
ugaogaoa adj. moist, damp. uka pie vRE. spill into something. RagaiPA oai uka pieri vii
ugaogaoa tapi nCN. damp place. vo rovuaro IAVA. Spill from your liquid some for me.
ugaogaoavira adv. damp, moist. Used when referring to a container (other than something
ugavero nCF. (alpine) grass found on top of Mt. Balbi near like a teapot) that is too full and needs to be emptied a
craters. bit.
ugo pie vRE. rejoin, graft together. Voava vorevira rera ukaio vRO. drink cool liquid. Rirovira ukaioroepa oiso ra
IAVA rakariua ugo piereva. He fastened his skin uuko ovi rakape kavori kare ariarava. He drank a lot
together again. so that the stream would dry up leaving the crayfish.
ugoro adj. cold. Ugoro iraoparai. I am very cold. ukauka vRE. swish around, splash around. Toko rovu
ugoro pie vRE. cool down something. ukaukapaeveira kiuvu-IA. The lake is splashed around
ugoro voki nCN. cool shady day, day-cool, shady. by the wind.
ugoropa kusia nCN. (very) cold object. ukauka pie vRE. spill, cause to.
uguro adj. soggy, placid. Twisties uguroera. The Twisties ukaukato nCM. surf, white cap of water.
were soggy. ukavio nCF. scapula.
ui nCN. fuzz on leaves. uova nCF. eel, lives in fresh water streams under stones and in
uisiuisi vRE. blow whistle. Uisiuisiri rera piesa. Whistle caves, grows to one meter or more.
him to go on. Obviously from the English, whistled - upara nCN. tree, type of.
whistle. Heard during sporting events. upe vRE. initiate by putting Upe hat on person followed by
uka vRO. spill over. Touvira uuko rovu ukapai tenk customary rituals. Rera upeiva. They put an Upe hat on
tou-IA. The water is yet to spill out of the tank. him starting the initiation rites. Ro kakaetoa raga ira
uka vRE. vomit, overflow, seasick. upereva tugarato. The bush spirit initiated with the Upe
V - v
va nPPN. it. same as the other thing.
va rovope ph. Let it be for a while yet. vaea vRE. compare. VaVA vaeaa. I compare with it.
vaagi vRE. bake, steam, pit-cook. Aioara vaagierevere kepa vaea kaevira adv. similar, sameness. Vaea kaevira
sirova. The two women will cook the food in a pit beside sipeipapeira. It always has a similar saltiness.
the house. vaea keke adj. same appearance.
vaagi nCN. pit-cooked items. upiriko vaagi pit-cooked vaea keketo nCN2. similar looking person.
(steamed) sweet potato vaea peva nCN. three identical things.
vaagore vRE. persuade, trick. Ragai vaagorerevoi ragai vaea puato adj. similar looking.
keaoro, oa iava viapau avaveiei. He changed his mind vaeatoarei nCN2. (two) identical objects.
deceiving me so that we aren't going now. vaeavira adv. same, all together.
vaagore vovouto nCN2. strong minded, single minded. vaere vRE. hoe, turn over soil. Rasia vaereri. Hoe the
Viapau vaagore vovouto-a eera. That man is not a ground.
single minded person. He is not determined in his way. vaereto nCM. hoe (tool).
vaakakao nCM. thunder, gun. vaesia nCN. slope, steep area.
vaakira nC. bird, type of crane. vaesivira adv. steep, sloped - like.
vaakora adj. supernatural, miraculous. Similar to ravoto. vaevae nCM. shellfish, giant clam, Tridacna gigas, (giant)
vaakora adj. supernatural, miraculous. Silmilar to viae. clam.
vaao nDF. that feminine object, person. Lengthened vowel vagaga vRE. submit, give in. Ora rera IAVA vagagareva
especially noticeable when spoken while pointing out the voeaPA. He gave himself up to them. Plis, vagagari
object or person. ragaiPA. Please, give (it) to me. Similar to ora vase.
vaaoo nDF. that feminine thing there. vagaga vovouto nCN2. lenient person, compromising
vaapeta nCN. tree, with red wood that doesn't deteriorate, the person, person who holds onto things (or talk) loosely.
smell makes one vomit, it is not used in native medicine. Viapau vagaga vovouto-a. He is not a man to hold
vaaraa vRO. awake, recover senses, clear of illness. Vosa things lightly.
uusirai uva torerai, oa iava vaaraarai. When I slept vagai nCN. paper, leaf.
then I arose after which I recovered by senses. vagao adj. toothless.
vaaraa nCN. cool air, cool breeze. vagaoto nCN2. toothless person.
vaaraa voki nCN. clear bright day. vagapa nCN. waterfall, steep slope, stone face.
vaaro nDM. that masculine thing there. vagapa vRO. fall a great distance (stone or water).
vaaro nDM. that masculine object, person. Lengthened vowel Vagapaiera rasia. The land slide down.
especially noticeable when spoken while pointing out the vagapa varake nCN. spray from waterfall, mist from
object or person. waterfall.
vaaruu STAT. unlearned (as a child), unable to talk or hear, vage v. hasten. sau
senseless. — vRO. come. Aita dialect. Same as urio.
vaaruuto nCN2. deaf-mute. vage pie remove quickly, swipe, hurry. Irouto va vage
vaaruuvira adv. unlearned. pierevoi voaVA? Who swiped it from here? Sau vRO.
vaavaavu adj. peppery, hot flavor. Vaavaavuparoi. He has come. Aita dialect. Same as urio.
a peppery or cross disposition. Vaavaavupe. It would — vRE.
taste hot. vage pie visivi adv. quickly.
vaavaavu vRE. embitter. Ragai vaavaavuurevoi rutu. He vage pievira adv. hurried, rushed. Viapau oiso ra vage
made me very bitter with his talk. pievira voea karekeave. They didn't return home in a
vaavaavuvira adv. bitterly emotional. Vaavaavuuvira hurry.
kasipurai. I am bitterly angry. vagepato nCN2. opponent, winner.
vaavo nDN. that thing there. vagevagevira adv. quickly, huriedly. Vagevagevira
vaavo nDN. that thing. Lengthened vowel especially opesiera. It came to a quick conclusion.
noticeable when spoken while pointing out the object. vagevira adv. recently.
vaea adj. same as, identical. Oa vaeapai oavuVA. It is the vagipa nCN. stove, oven.
70 Rotokas — English Dictionary 3/17/2008
vagiri kou varake
vagiri kou nCF. vine, similar to upiriko but with smaller leaf. vaki vRE. mistake for something else. Viapau vearovira va
vago vRE. slack, loosen, open. vakiavo. I didn't recognize it well.
vago gariko nCN. open area. vaki urui nCN. temporary shelter on the road.
vago kepa nCN. spacious house. vakia nCN. paper, leaf.
vago pie vRE. loosen, slacken. vakipa nCN. paper money.
vagoa nCN. opening. vakiri nCM.
vagoe nCF. grasshopper, general name of young before wings — adj. banana, wild type, Chinese.
have matured, wingless, immature grasshopper. vakivaki adj. different, unusual. vakivaki keketo one who
vagogo vRE. spy on, scout out. Japan vagogosa avaaepa. looks unusual vakivaki reoto one who speaks for
The Japanese went to scout out (the area). himself without following the opinions of others
vagogopato nCN2. scout, spy. vakivaki rugooto one who has unusual thoughts
vagore vRO. hesitate before or while speaking. vakivira adv. mistakenly, leafy.
vagore vovouto nCM. indecisive man, double minded man. vakokoi nCN2. navel of child which has swollen because of
vagorevira adv. undecidedly, hesitantly. Vagorevira the cord being cut too short. Also refers to permanently
reoreoparoepa. He speaks hesitantly. enlarged navel of adult.
vagoto vRO. cough, cold (illness). vakora adv. singly. vakorarei the two things only vakora
vagovira adv. loosely, spacious. peva three things only vakora tau the ten things only
vagovira adv. open-like. Vagovira toupai igei vo kepaaro. voresura vakoravira 'the four things together'
Our (exclusive) house is open and spacious. vakoravira temp. short period of time, immediately.
vagu STAT. proud. Vakoravira rutu voea ouvo upia. The sickness <got
vagua nCN. pride. them> in a very short space of time. They immediately
vaguvira adv. proudly. became sick.)
vai gr. maybe, probably, some (indefinite amount). vakoreva nCF. yam, wild variety.
vaikeua nCN. fish trap made of rattan or vine. vakutoveo vRO. doubt.
vaio gr. dual of animate beings. As in Pita vaio ora Kariri vakuvaku vRO. scorn, doubt, scoff. Rugooa oureva, oa iava
'Peter and Kariri'. vakuvakuroepa. He got second thoughts and then
vairei nPPF. they (2F). doubted. Also vakuaku.
vairei vaaro nPSF. vakuvakuto nCM. shark.
— ph. theirs (2F). vakuvakuto nCN2. scoffer.
vaireo nDF. these (2F). vakuvakuvira adv. doubtfully.
vairo nPPF. they (all F). vao raga-ia loc.
vairo vaaro nPSF. — ph. now, presently, this here.
— ph. theirs (all F). vaoraoto nCN2. person who can work with either hand,
vairoo nDF. these (all F). ambidextrous person.
vairu vRE. refuse to give, selfish, greedy to get. Torara vaoraovira adv. ambidextrous. Vaoraovira kovoparoi. He
vairupare ragaiPA oira vate ARAPA. He refused me is able to work with either hand.
the axe not giving it. Varao oara arova kopiiroi ra vara vaovio adv. partly, a little.
vairupaive. He will leave all these things dying, and they vaoviopavira temp. now, presently.
will be greedily getting them. vapavapa vRE. unfamiliar, unknowing. Vapavapapare. He
vaisi vRE. call, name. Uva rera vaisieva ro irapa oisoa doesn't know about it. Vapavapa iraopaavoi oira
reasipao, Kaka. She named him, Kaka, this one whom kekepaoro. I am really at a loss to know, seeing her.
she always disliked. vapavapa reoto nCN2. person abbreviates or skips talk.
vaisi pie vRE. nice. vapavapavira adv. unfamiliar-like.
vaisi pievira adv. nicely. vara class. group of grass stems(?).
vaisia nCN. ball, sphere, name, letter. vara nPPN. all of them (N).
vaiterei nPPM. they two (2M or MF). vara vRO. come down, descend. Uva ragai AROVA
vaiterei vaaro nPSM. varaaepa voRE avakava. Then they went down away
— ph. theirs (2M or MF). from me to the sea.
vaitereo nDM. these two (2M or MF). vara pie vRE. let down, put down.
vaivaisi vRE. speak from the heart or spirit. Ragai iava vara rutu nCN. everything, all.
vovouisi oiso vaivaisivoi, oa iava vorerai. My heart varaaro nCN. body of man, exterior of body.
spoke to me so I returned. If the words are audible then varaata id. (something) unimportant, worthless. varaata
reoreo is used, but if the words come from the mind then reoto person whose talk isn't worth much Normally
vaivaisi is used. means a light weight object.
vaivaisi vRE. name several objects. varaata adj. light weight.
vakaaua nCF. bird, that eats snakes. varaata pero nCN. plywood, light plank.
vakakao v? explode, pop. varaata vego nCN. light pithy trees and bushes.
vakakao kakae nCN. pistol. varaeo nCN. raintree.
vakakaoto nCM. gun, rifle. varaka taisi nCN. supreme law, law of the highest order.
vakapa-ia nCN. alleyway. varake vRE. hatch, break open and leave. Suriketo
3/17/2008 Rotokas — English Dictionary 71
varake varuvaru
varakereva epita IAVA. The Suriketo bird hatched out see if it is satisfied with its new surroundings. The
and left the nest. This is not said of a chicken, however. It custom included burning of opossum hair, piu geesi, and
also refers to a grub changing into an adult. offering of bits of food.
varake adj. large. oira varake large man evao varake large variriupa voki nCN. day on which body was buried and
tree Pip and Aita dialects. spirt of dead person consulted.
varake adj. very high. varito nCM. fern, leaves are clustered on a stalk, used in
varake ovaro nCN. tall timber. cooking for flavoring greens.
varakeoto nCM. thunder, thunderstorm. variua nCN. accusation-See under `letter', message-See under
varaketo nCM. adult man. Pip dialect. `letter', letter coded by using special plants tied together
varaku pie vRE. fill half full. to convey a message, accusation, etc. The names of the
varaku pie vRE. fill half full. Va varaku pieri uukovi. Fill it plants are similar to words which have the meanings used
half full with a little water. to convey the message. See kearito, koie vavae, kikiso
varakuvira adv. half. tesi, voori, asao, sisiva, and taratarari.
varao nDN. all these (N). varivari adj. mighty, strong.
varara vuruko ncN. logs placed parallel to fire used to varivaria nCN. strength, brute force.
support cooking utensils. varivariaro masin nCN. power of a machine.
varaso nCM. trash, rubbish, garbage. varivarike vRO. hasten. Varivarikeparoi. He is in a hurry.
varata nCN. side. varivarikevira adv. hastily.
varaua nCN. body exterior. varivarito nCN2. strong person.
varaua irara nCN. Rotokas people from the area near varivarivira adv. forcefully.
Lekoia and Siroripaia villages. varo karipa nCN. plank, board.
varaura nPN. units of something, bodies. varoa nCN. clothes, loincloth, cloth material.
varavaravira adv. nearly, almost. Vioro varavaravira varoova vRE. care for, (be) responsible for. Vigei
toupai. It is nearly ripe. This has limited use. varoovapareveira. He is always taking care of us.
varavira adv. body-like. Kaapo varavira toupaive. They varovaro vRE. pursue, follow in pursuit. Oirato koie
would be with whitened bodies-like. varovaroreva. The man chased after the pig. VegeiviPA
varavira adv. downward, below. vearovira rutu opuruva varovarori. Chase after the
varavirapa vuuta loc. space below, (space) below. canoe carefully for the two of us.
vareeto nCM. opossum, small with brown hair color. varovarovira adv. behind, following.
varei nPPN. two things (N). varu nCN. piece of something, part of something. As in kiro
vareivi raga nCN. pair of things (N). varu 'a part of the written page'.
vareka irara nCN. rotokas people from the area near the varu vRE. hunt for opossum. Even though varu refers to most
southern border (Mabiri Point). meats.
vareo nDN. these two things (N). varu vRO. go up, ascend, loose. Uva varupasiera osa
vari loc. over there, before. Variant of voari. avaraera Koku iare Ivu-ia. Then the two of them went
vari vRO. feint an action with a spear or axe, threaten. on up while I went to Koku near Ibu.
RagaiRE variroi torara-IA. He threatens me with an varu vuakoto nCM. chrysalis of butterfly.
axe. varuara nCN. pieces of cut up meat, meat in pieces.
varia vRE. fasten with a noose, trap with a noose. Evaova-ia varuere nCN. all kinds of edible animals.
garoara tuve o-ia iria-IA koue varaivevoi oira varuere vRO. hunt edible animals in general. Varuereaiva,
voaviva. We fastened the rattan vine to the tree, this etopaiva oiso ra oriave. Having hunted some game, they
(vine) with which we trapped the pig. built a fire so as to cook.
variaua nCN. noose of trap or snare. varuiva nCF. yam, that is cultivated, green leaves and vine.
variavu temp. before, long ago. varupato nCN2. person who is very good at climbing trees.
variavu rutu temp. long ago. Has since been replaced by varuru nCF. armband or pako made from a vine which
tuariri rutu 'long ago'. Other archaic forms for `long ago' grows from cliff faces and has a distinct odor.
are voariavu rutu and vari replaced by voari 'beyond'. varuru adj. sick with illness caused by spirit of Upe.
varikata nCM. lizard, dark brown body, smaller than kokopa Varururove. He could get this illness caused by the
otherwise the same. spirit of Upe.
variri vRO. pray, petition. RagaiviPA variripata osa tauai varuru nCF. vine, black vine used for weaving.
toupaa. You all pray for me while I am staying a long varuru upia nCN. sickness resulting in aching of joints. The
way away. Takuta viro ra varirivio Pautoa IARE. sickness is sometimes attributed to the spirit of the Upe
Bow (your heads) and we will pray to God. Originally being angered.
used in petitioning a spirit-being for aid in battle or to varuto nCM. ant, with black body, flying type.
retaliate against an enemy. varuto nCM. flesh, meat, piece.
variri pie vRE. change. varuupara nCN. (new) growth in garden.
variria nCN. prayer. Varuupatoa iipa nPRN. ridge of land above Vukovukora
variriakou adj. criss-cross. that belongs to the Orukui clan.
variriposi reoto nCN2. person who back talks. varuvaru adj. healthy, vigorous. Riro varuvaruparoi
variriu nCN. custom of talking with spirit of dead person to vokapaoro. He is very vigorous, walking along.
72 Rotokas — English Dictionary 3/17/2008
varuvarupavira vatave
varuvarupavira adv. physically sound. ARAPA. It is very strongly tabooed to carry on this
varuvaruto nCN2. healthy person. custom.
varuvato nCM. sticks used to start fire (by rubbing together), vasiri nCN. surf board as described by Pip dialect speaker (?).
firestarter sticks. Sticks of wood from only certain trees vasivasi STAT. important, outstanding.
can be used for fire starters such as tararao. vasivasito nCN2. important person.
varuvuakoto nCM. pupa of butterfly. vata nCN. place, village, inhabitants of a place. As in Togarao
vasare vRO. dislike a man. RagaiPA vasarepauveira. You vata 'the place of Togarao and everyone living there'.
are always disliking me. vata kare nCN. fruit flies, insects, fruit flies.
vasarepava nCF. woman who doesn't like men. vatako nCN. pair of things.
vasava nCN. (new) skin covering wound, wound covered by vatako vRE. mix together, join together. Varei vatakori.
new skin. Mix or join the two things together.
vasava vRO. cover over, grow new skin. Kapua vasavapai. vatakopavira adv. mixed up, diverse.
The new skin is covering over the sore. vatarako adv. stinging sensation, tingle. Vatarakorai. I am
vase vRE. allow, share, yield. Vearo vovou IAVA vaseri. tingling with a stinging sensation.
Share your kind ways. VoeaPA va IAVA vaseri. You vatarako nCM. ant, body is red or black, burrows through the
give it up to them. Ora rera IAVA vasereva. He gave ground, has stinging bite.
himself up, yielding to them. Airevira raga ora vatasoko STAT. unsettled, discontent. Rirovira
vasiesiepa koue tariopaoro. Just recently the two of vatasokoparoi vo toupaoro. He is very unsettled being
them left chasing some pig. here.
vase class. group of humans. As in oira vase 'group of people', vatasokoto nCN2. unsettled person.
and Vusipiri vasee-'Vusipiri and his friends'. vatatava nCF. bamboo, grows at high elevations.
vasi STAT. remain. Vii vo ruipaaro uvuipai ra ragai-IA ora vatatopa pie vRE. prepare, ready, caution. Vo kuio oaPA
vasi piepe. Your desire can remain fast ; firm with ; in vairei vatatopa pie ragasiva, teapi Matevu kuio
me oupaerevere. They cautioned the two girls about the
vasi inten. intensification of meaning. Kovo vasito. A hard taro, lest they would get the Matevu taro (by mistake).
working man. Kovo vasivasito-a rutu. A very hard vatatopo vRE. ready something, prepare. Vatatopopaavoi
working man. vokipaviraRE. I am getting ready for tomorrow. Aue
vasi STAT. consolidate, convince. Rera vo rugorugooaro vatatopopaiva koie ora vara rutu varao aioara. They
oiratoa-ia vasipe. His thoughts consolidated or prepared the pork and all of these foods.
convinced the men. vatatopo vRO. take care, (be) careful. Vatatopopau. You be
vasi gr. emphasis marker. Kaureo vasipaue. You are really careful. Vatatopoparaepa vore avasa vegoaro. I was
stubborn. Uvu vasipari? Are you really listening? ready to go to the jungle.
Avoeao! Apeisi pie vasiparevoi ro vo topisio-ia. Wow! vatatopo pie vRE. make ready, prepare. Kakaeto vatatopo
What in the world is he doing in this room?! Similar to - pieri. Get the boy ready.
irao. vatatopovira adv. ready, carefully.
vasi pie vRE. realize, (cause to be) secure, verify, fasten. Va vatau adj. hidden. Vo vokio-ia viapau oeaiei oea vatau
vasi pieri reraPA. Verify it with him, or make sure that ovoiaera. Today there are none who are completely
he has a good grasp of it before letting him go. The hidden.
opposite of kasikasi. vatau vRE. hide something. Va vataureva osa taraa
vasi pie aioto nCN2. slow steady eater. ragapaeva. He hid it as she was searching in vain for it.
vasi pie reoto nCN2. good talker, easy to listen to. vataua nCN. hidden way, secret way. With reference to
vasi pie touto nCN2. settled person. sorcery.
vasi pie visivi adv. slow and easy. vataupa tapi nCN. hiding place, hidden spot.
vasi pie vovouto nCN2. person who can guide the thoughts vatauvira adv. hidden, secretly.
of others or who can consolidate the thoughts of others. vatauvore nCM. banana, with strong smell when ripe. Name
vasi pieto nCN2. stay-at-home person. comes from the fact that one can't hide this ripe banana
vasi pievira adv. settled-like, relaxed. Viapau vasi pievira because of the strong odor which it has.
touta. You all are not settled but are going here and vatavata vRE. go around, by pass.
there. Vasi pievira vokapari. You're walking easily. vatavatakoro adj. mixed.
vasike vRE. leave, allow, let go. Oire va AIVA vasikereva. vatavatakoropavira adv. mixed up.
Okay then he allowed it. vatavatakovira adv. mixed-like, undifferentiated.
vasikoro nCM. binding around and between feet to assist in vatavatau vRE. hide several things. Ora vatavatauaepa.
climbing trunks of trees. They all hid themselves.
vasiku touto nCN2. contemplative person. vatavatave nCN. sections, levels, rooms.
vasikuvira adv. quiet and contemplative. Vasikuvira vatavatavira adv. circuitously, by passed. Oisi raga eisi
toupareveira kepa-ia toupaoro reo ruuro vatavatavira karepaa viro. They came home on a
rekirekisipaoro. He is contemplating quietly in the circuitous route.
house considering in all wisdom the parables. vatave nCN. room, pocket, enclosure.
vasirakovira adv. strongly tabooed, prohibited. vatave vRE. join together, include together with. Varei rutu
Vasirakovira rutu tugoropai vo pitupitu pura vatavepari. You join the two of them together.
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vate veeraa
vate vRE. give. Koetava vateri ra rera iiaa. Give (me) the vavau v? breathe.
spear and I will pierce him. vavaua nCN. breath.
vate raga vRE. offer freely. vavauko vRO. talk (in one's sleep). Uusipaoro
vateto nCN2. friend. vavaukoparoepa. While asleep he was talking in his
vatevateavira adv. freely given. sleep.
vato STAT. respect by not naming, honor (something). vavavu adj. bitter (taste).
AvuePA vatopara rera vaisi ARAPA. I am respecting vavio vRO. dodge, avoid. Vearovira rutu vaviopaave. They
my in-law by not naming him. ReraPA vatopai. They all would skillfully dodge and avoid the objects.
are respecting him. vavioko nCN. pawpaw, general name.
vato nCN. honor. vaviopavira temp. now, presently.
vatoe nCM. plant, with red and green leaves used to ornament vavo vRE. wipe out the eye. Osireito vavoreva uukoa-IA
and charm gardens. Flowers are used in sorcery. sisuoro. He wiped it out of his eye as he washed it with
vatou keru nCN. upper leg, femur. water.
vatoua nCN. thigh. vavo loc. there.
vatuaaro nCN. vavorii vRO. shut eyes, (become) blinded. Osireito
— loc. edge, alongside. vavoriiera. The eye was blinded (by something).
vatuato nKM. husband. vavoriito nCN2. blind person.
vatuava nKM. wife. vavoviore loc. over there.
vatukoro adj. coagulate, thicken. Revasiva vatukorooi. The vavovouvira adv. immediately.
blood is coagulating. vavovouvira adv. immediately. Vavovouvira rasirasipa.
vatukorovira adv. thick-like. Vatukorovira revasiparoi They were satisfied immediately.
uvare rera toeiva. He is bleeding with thickened blood vavu adj. bitter (taste).
because they cut him. vavuata nK. siblings, brothers and sisters.
vautako nCF. lizard, fairly large black body, runs on the vavuatarei nK. brother and sister.
ground usually, common. vavurupato nCM. root of plant or tree.
vaute vRE. decorate with flowers, feathers, etc. vavuvira adv. bitter-like.
Kookookoara-IA vautere kukue-IA vara tovooro. He vea vRE. lick with tongue. Plet vearevoi. He is licking the
decorates his head, putting flowers on it. plate. Repeated action is marked by the reduplicated form
vauvau vRE. loud noise, to cause a, noisy, to be. Oiso avuo veavea.
vauvaupaevoi osa vo eva toetoepare oira-ia. This blade vearo vRE. improve, right (something). Rera vearori. Rera
would make a loud noise as he cut the tree with it. rekori. You improve it. You fix it.
vauvau pie vRE. make noise. vearo STAT. good, fine, well. E vearouei voVA kokotoa-IA.
vauvaua nCN. sound of noise. Is your leg well again? Litterally - 'Are you good from
vavae nCN. hand. your leg?'.
vavae adj. five. vearo keke adj. pretty, beautiful, handsome, nice looking.
vavae vRO. extend the hand outward. vearo ovaiaro ph. good afternoon.
vavae vRO. extend hand. Vavaeroi va pitusa. He puts his vearo pie vRE. fix, repair. Uva ragai vearo pierevora. Then
hand out to hold it. he made me all right.
vavae kae pie vRE. salute. vearo rupa ph. good night.
vavae pitu vRE. shake hands. vearo siposipo nCN. good news, gospel.
vavae tagavau vRE. salute. vearo vaisi nCN. good reputation, thanks, agreement.
vavaepa kurasi nCN. bones of wrist, wrist. vearo vaisi pura id.
vavaepa tou upisi tou nCN. bone, arm bone between — ph. agree, say ``yes''.
shoulder and elbow, arm bone. vearo varato nCN2. person with good body.
vavaepava aakopeva nCF. thumb. vearo voki ph. good day.
vavagisi STAT. difficult, confused. Uva oavivu raga oa-IA vearo vuta nCN. sweet taste.
vavagisiparai. I'm confused about just a little thing. vearoa nCN. goodness, expression of appreciation, a
vavaia nCN. pawpaw, type of. greeting.
vavao loc. there (distant). vearoparo ph. good morning.
vavarai adj. wild, undomesticated. vearovira adu.
vavaraito nCN2. wild person, wild pig. — id. well, thank you.
vavaraiva kaakau nCF. wild dog. veavea vRE. lick. Muli veaveaparevoi. He is licking the
vavata id. (something) important and solid, burden, trouble. lemon.
vavata adj. heavy. Itova riro vavatapaoi. The bananas are veeku vRE. disregard talk. Teapi ragai veekupari. Do not
very heavy. listen to me without paying attention to what I am saying.
vavata pie reoto nCN2. one whose talk is worthwhile. Don't disregard my words.
vavataa nCN. weight. veepo vRE. shove aside, move out of the way. Paupa veepori.
vavau vRO. breath. Iravu oirato tootoo pierevora rera Move the chair aside. Similar to viru.
IARE vavauoro. He revived another man breathing to veera vRE. line up, form a line.
(into) him. veeraa nCN. a line, a row.
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veeraveera verutava
veeraveera nCN. rows, lines. vepu pie vRE. fill up with something. Rovu vepu piesa
veeravira adv. lined up, (in) rows. Veeravira vara rutu avaaepa. They went to fill up the lake with decorations.
tovota. You all put all of the objects in rows. You all put This was said in the context of the Upe initiation rites.
all of the objects in rows. vera vRE. clear out, rid of, expel. Riakora ragai verapaivoi
veeta nCN. bamboo, generally used for walls and for uuko ovi IAVA. The women are getting rid of me from
cooking. the stream.
veeta siguva nCN. packet made from two sections of vera vRO. leave. Iriavu ita utuopa oiso purasa, ``Verau ra
bamboo one which fits into the other. It was used to carry uuko rovoa.'' Another woman came, too, and said, ``Get
medicine in and also called a gorua 'strong thing', as in away so I can collect some water first.''
gorua purareve 'he would make a strong thing' referring vera pie vRE. take away.
to this bamboo packet. vera uviro vRO. come ashore, beach something. Uva vera
veeto vRE. slash through. Evaova rakariaro veetori. You uviroveiepa vo rogaraaro. We both came ashore on the
slash through the bark of the tree. Used when a very beach. Opuruva verao viropa. The canoe is beached.
sharp object is the instrument. verakoa nCN. clay soil.
veetoa nCN. slash on the body of person or thing. verasoa nCN. temporary object. Something that will
veeveea nCN. story. Aita dialect. eventually be done away with.
veeveera vRO. line up. Upe irara veeveeraavere. The Upe veravera vRE. change, get rid of.
initiates will all line up. veravera pie vRE. take away several things. Uva Sinakiu
veeveera vRE. line up, put in a row. Upe irara atari kare veravera piepaevora opuruva IAVA.
veeveerarevere. He will line up the Upe initiates. Sinakiu (she) took the fish from the canoe.
veeveera vRE. line up, put in rows. Vara rutu veeveerata. vereoa nCN. piece of ground.
You all put all of the objects in rows. vereopa adj. sincere, unattached.
veeveeraa nCN. row of something, line of something. vereopa vate nCN. gift given in the truest sense with no
vega vRE. cut one side. Opita isi vegari. Cut off the top only thought of return. It is a gift from the heart or from the
of the coconut fruit. ground.
vegei nPP. we two. vereopa vovou nCN. generosity, grace.
vegei vaaro nPS. vereopa vovouto nCN2. person who is considerate,
— ph. ours. gracious person, kind person.
vego vRO. hunt in the jungle for food. Vegoparo tauai rutu. verepara nCN. (all little) games children (only) play.
He is hunting a long way off in the jungle. Vegopaai. verete vRE. move to one side, shove aside. Tebol veretereva.
They are going to the jungle to gather food and hunt. He moved the table aside. Similar to veepo.
vego urui nCN. camp. verevereko vRO. roll. Opitaisi vereverekopai. The coconut
vegoa nCN. bush, the, jungle. is rolling along.
vegoro vRE. take off, remove. Kuvupato vegororeva. He veri vRE. dislike on second thought. Va veririvoi. At first
took off the coat. you liked it but since something better came along now
vegoto nCN2. native inhabitant of the jungle. you reject it. Vao veripaa. I don't like this now as I did at
vegovego vRO. picnic in the jungle. Kakaeto first. Oira-a o iria oisoa rera veripaeve kovokovo
vegovegopaaepa. They made a one-day picnic in the uvuoro urioopa. It was this woman, who disliked him
jungle for the child This sort of `picnic' is made to hearing the Jews harp, who came.
celebrate the maturing of the child to the point where it veri adj. worthless. Rigatoa vai-ia veri toupere. The writings
can eat food from the jungle (not prepared in the village will not be worth anything in the future.
cookhouse). veriverisi vRE. wander, make the rounds, on the move.
vegovego aio nCN. picnic. Formerly a feast associated with Riakora rutu veriverisipareveira. He is always going
Upe initiation rites. around to all the women. Aioara veriverisiparevoi
vegovego ova nCN. (wild) tree, uncultivated tree found in the vearopa taraapaoro. He is going from one bit of food to
jungle. another looking for something good to eat. For immoral
vegovegoto nCN2. uncivilized person. purposes.
veguru nCN2. (young) child not walking yet. veropa adj. flat.
vei nPP. you two. verovira adv. sideways, (at an) angle. Verovira koatau.
vei vaaro nPS. Enter sideways (because of the narrow opening).
— ph. yours. veru vRE. shed skin, roll back, peel off. Rakoru Rakoru
veigoa nRP. you two (who). verupaeveira. The nake always sheds its skin. Said of
veirirea nRPF. you two females (who). spider, snake, crayfish that periodically shed their
veitoarea nRPM. they two males (who). ectoderm. Like eating a banana and peeling back the skin
vekaveka vRE. gasp, breath heavily. Vekavekapaavoi. I am as you eat it.
breathing very heavily. veru id. causing pain. Irouto verupai kaakau? Who is
veke adj. jell, paste. Kakao vekepai. The cocoa is a paste. making the dog yelp or who is peeling the dog?
veku v? bark. veruta nCN. scales of fish.
veo kapua nCN. scabies on head. verutai nCF. newborn infant up to 2-3 months.
veoroua nCN. lips. verutava nCF. skin flakes, flakes of skin. Kakaeto
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veruveru viitasito
posiposirevoiva verutava karekeoi vo rera varaaro-ia viara-ia loc. high up.
airepa kavauto. The newly born child having been dried viaraiapavira loc. on top of.
had flakes of skin come on his body. viarora nCN. pitpit, wild cane.
veruveru vRO. peel off. Rakaria veruverupa piroveira viarovi loc. above, on top of.
oiratoa IAVA. The skin is always peeling off of the viaruva nCF. tree-casurina, casurina tree.
man. Viasiito nPR. Mt.Balbi as named by people from the Keriaka
veruveru nCN. ringworm, grile, tinea. side and to a lesser degree by the Rotokas people.
veruveru vRE. scale fish, (make) circular. Atari kare viato vRE. clear the way. Viato rovoive. They would first clear
veruverutavere avakava sirova. You all will scale the the way.
fish beside the sea. viato adj. vacant, void of, without. Oire oisi raga vo avao
vesi vRO. portion out a bit at a time, space out activity. viatoive oiso, torara, sigo, ora varoara. The mother and
Kotokotoara-IA vesiparoi vara sipopaoro. He gets rid her children had no axe, or knive, or clothes.
of a little cargo each time as he sends it out. Ora voea-IA viato pie vRE. empty.
vesipaai avapaoro. A few of them are going each time. viato tapi nCN. cleared area, desert.
vesipavira adv. (a) bit at a time, portioned out. Vesipavira viatovira adv. vacant, void-like.
kotokotoara sipoparevoi. He gets rid of a little cargo viaua reoto nCN2. person who doesn't make his point when
each time as he sends it out. Vara vesipavira talking.
vateparevoi viipa. He is giving you them a little at a viauaro nCN. air, above.
time. viaviaevira adv. aloft-like, up in the air-like.
vetaveta nCN. numbers. viaviatarau adj. unobstructed, clear. Similar to riro.
vetaveta vRE. count, enumerate. viavira adv. freely, loosely.
vete vRE. give. Va veteri ragaiPA. Give it to me. Pip dialect. viei vRE. count, read. Eisi osa oisoa vara vieipaive. That is
veu STAT. childish. the way they would always read ; count them.
veu vRE. stain something. Varoara veurevoi. He is staining vieia nCN. a reading, lesson.
the clothes. vieiasa STAT. illiterate.
veupa nCN. (a) stain. vieiasato nCN2. illiterate person.
veupa iro nCN. vine stained with designs used by women vieviei vRE. enumerate, count several objects. Voea
only in the past, the vine usually was a type of rattan. vievieiavoi. I am counting all of them.
vevea nCN. story. vigei nPP. we all (inclusive)(who).
veveeroua nCN. snail, type of. vigei vaaro nPS. ours.
vevega nCN. semen, spit, slime. vigoa nRP. we all (inclusive).
vevega ? drool, secreet slime. vigovigo adj. blistered. Vigovigorai voVA vavae-IA. I have
vevei adj. (completely) ripe. Vosa veveipe vo guruva, ra oira blisters on my hand.
purave revasiva. When the leaves are completely `ripe', vigovigo vRE. pinch, pinched.
then they turn red. Vavioko isi veveipai. The papaya vigovigo pie vRE. (cause) to blister. Kerosin parupaoro
fruit is completely ripe. rera vigovigo pieevora. As the kerosene poured out it
veveoro rasi nCN. loose soil, friable soil. raised blisters on him.
veveto vRE. sharpen edge. vigovigoa nCN. blister on skin, melt from fire.
vevetopato nCM. file. vigu vRE. loosen, slacken.
vevetovira adv. sharp-like. vigupa nCN. screwdriver.
via adj. finished, gone, cleared. Aioara vo vokio. The food viguvigu nCN. strength, brute force.
is finished today. Similar to opesi. vii vRE. sponge up, absorb. Uukoa viiri. Sponge up the
via vRE. make something. The more common word meaning water.
`to make' is pura. vii nPP. you (singular).
viaa nCN. sago pudding. vii pe ph. you stay (while I do something else).
viae STAT. talk clearly, innocent. vii vaaro nPS.
viai ova nCN. (single) tree in a clearing. — ph. yours.
viapa vRE. empty. Auepa viapaoro veeta ra vo iriai tovoa viiaka adj. empty, void of, vacant. Viiakai rutu stua. The
kupareto. (I) was emptying the bamboo tube so as to put store is completely empty. The word riato is more
it (in the) smoke. commonly used.
viapa adj. absent, empty, without. Viapau oiso kareraeri viiaka pie vRE. clear away, empty out. Vara-IA viaka
vorara viiRE viapape. I wouldn't come home (if) you pierevo. He cleared them away.
weren't there. viigoa nRP. you (singular) (who).
viapa pie vRE. clear away, empty something. viioo vRE. mimic, imitate, copy. Rera viioori. Imitate him.
viapau gr. viioovira adv. likewise, same. Viioovira va purari. Do it in
— nCN. no, nothing. the same way.
viapau oai epao ph. There isn't anything. viiroo STAT. repulsive. Ro viiPA viirooparoi. He is repulsive
viapau uvui STAT. unable, impossible. to you.
viapau vitui vai ph. no meaning, no reason. viitao nCN. plant, red ornamental type.
viapaua vai ph. I don't think so., Maybe not. viitasito nCM. insect, beetle with long body, larvae bores into
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viitaua virivari
trees, beetle. IARE vira piropa. The house became yours. Vaiterei
viitaua nCN. flowers, small blue that grow from red-leafed rera IARE virasi viropa. They both became his.
decorative plant. viraako vRE. bless, cause growth, cause good health, cause
viivii vRE. strip away. Sipoi-IA viiviireva va gataooro oirato. safety supernaturally, charm someone. Kakaeto
The man stripped away the outside of the sugar cane, virakoreva. He gave the young person a blessing of
sucking out the juice. power to make him significantly outstanding. This charm
viiviia nCN. husk of betel nut. is given usually after the siruru has had its effect.
viiviite nCF. spider, with stubby round body, it builds its nest viraako nCN. blessing, charm for enabling young person or
by curling a leaf and securing it with its web. adult to gain special powers and strength.
viki id. express a thought in a trial way or toss out an idea. viraako koke nCN. charmed rain or mist. Because it would
Rugooa vikiri reraRE. Try your idea on him expressing suddenly appear on an otherwise clear day.
it to him or throw to him your thought. virakoi avao nCN. mother and children whose husband and
viki id. urinate, defecate. A tactful way of speaking about father have died, widow and her children.
relieving oneself. virakoi kakae nCN. orphan-one or both parents dead.
viki vRE. throw, toss. Uva vovouisiaro vikirevora vigeiPA virakoi pie vRE. orphaned, (cause to be) widowed. Riakova
vao vo Rotokas. He threw away his heart (life) for us AROVA kopiioro oira virakoi piereva. He made his
Rotokas people. wife a widow by dying.
viki vRO. sendout. Va puraoro reo vikiave ouruivuRE. virakoito nCN2. orphan.
Doing this they tossed out (sent) talk to the other village. virakoiva nCF. widow.
vikipa kepa nCN. outhouse, toilet. virao nCN. moss that grows in the lake near the Pioto or on
vikiviki vRE. toss several things. trees. In the past it has been used for mattress material.
viko vRE. fold, bend over, roll up. Varoara verari ra vara virarea nCN. coral tree.
vikori. Take down the clothes and fold them. virarei nCN. dam to block water.
viku vRE. go to the garden, or go to the bush. Vikupai virarei vRE. block waterway to catcth fish or crayfish.
riakora aioara ousa. The women are going to the garden Virareisa avavio varuere kare kare vaiRE. We
for food. Oire vikuiva pupisa. Then they went into the (inclusive) go to block the stream in order to get some
jungle to singsing. Vatatoporoepa ita oiso ra vorosa edible fish or crayfish.
vikureve. He was ready again so that he would go into virareia vRE. divert a stream to trap fish.
the jungle to hunt. virata adj. wild, untamed after once being tamed. Not the
viku class. group of humans. As in oira viku 'group of people', same as vavarai.
pupi viku 'group of dancers'. viratato nCN2. wild animal or person.
vikuka nCN. edge, corner. virato vRE. purify. Upiriko guru viratorivere opoara
vikuroi nCM. (small) crow, crow, small black. veraveraoro. Purify the heap of sweet potato by taking
vikuta v? whistle with the lips, tongue, or teeth. all of the taro out of it.
vioe vRE. imitate. virato adj. segregated, refined.
viokeke vRO. whistle with pursed lips. Viokekeroi ragaiRE. viratoaro nCN. pure essence of something, essence of
He whistles to me. something. Gol viratoaro. The pure essence of gold
viokoko vRO. whistle with pursed lips. Viokokoroi ragaiRE. itself. Rera viratoaro. The true man himself or what he
He whistles to me. is really like.
vioroi adj. ripe, mature fruit. viratovira adv. pure, uncontaminated. Upiriko guru
viotu iro nCN. intestines, small. viratovira toupai. The heap of sweet potato is sweet
viou vRE. cut away, clean, sweep. Oire vegoa viou rovori. potato and nothing else.
Okay first you cut away the bush. virava pie vRE. impower, infuse with power, imbue with
vioupa nCN. broom. power, charge up. VisiiPA virava pieavoi. I am
viovioe vRE. exemplify. impowering you.
viovioevira adv. illustrative. vire nCN. edge of blade.
viovoko vRO. become adolescent. Viovokoparoi riropaora. vireto nCM. point of spear that breaks off inside the body.
He became an adolescent growing up. viri vRE. wander about. Voraro rutu viriiva. They wandered
viovoko irara nCM. three or more teenage boys, boys. all over the place. Aakovatoarei taraapaoro viripasiva.
viovokoa nCM. three or more teenage boys, boys. Searching for (their) parents they both went around and
viovokoto nCM. teenage boy. around.
vira pie vRE. transfer over. Vii vo taraiaro vira pieri viri vRE. twist something. Iroiro viriparevoi. He is twisting
reraPA. Transfer your knowledge over to him. ViiPA the vine.
ragai taraiaro vira piea. I transfer over my knowledge virikasi adj. (very) hot, difficult. Virikasiparoi. He is very
to you. hot.
vira pievira adv. transfered-like. Vira pievira oai purari. virikasi voki nCN. (very) hot day.
You are doing it as if the knowledge about it had already virikasivira adv. difficult, sweaty \lx virikoito.
been transfered over to you or you do it by your own — nCM. hatchet.
ingenuity. viripato nCM. thread, string, fishline, cord.
vira piro vRO. appropriate, (become) possessed. Vo kepa vii virivari vRE. shield, protect, save from harm. Vuri ARAPA
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virivari vo aaorei
vigei virivaripareveira Pauto. God always is saving us visiko v? play. Vovouparo vo reraVA visikopasa. He wants
from evil. It also means to dodge about in a fight averting to play with him here.
being hit. visikoto nCN2. playmate, player.
virivari vRO. protecting, shielding, averting danger. visipa nCN. valley.
Virivariparoi. He is averting danger. visipaa nCN. knife, machete.
virivari pako nCN. armband with protective powers. visirako vRE. whip, strike with object. Kakaeto
virivirerovu rutu nCN. all kinds of food stuffs. Similar to visirakorevoi aiteto. The father whips the boy. Similar
osasararovu rutu. to ragi.
viriviri vRE. spin, whirl. See also viriviriko. visisata nCF. fence for protection of the Upe house.
viriviri nCN. bicycle, Obviously from Tok Pisin wiliwili. visivi adv.
viriviria nCN. charm belt to protect a child, wheel. — gr. diminutive marker. tou visivi ruioravere. I will
viriviriero nCN. all of these kinds. come in a little while. Vaaraa visivi piea. I recover
viriviriko vRE. twist something. Va virivirikori. You twist slightly.
it. visivisi vRE. beat a slit gong, tap. Evaova visivisipare
virivirio vRO. think of one's self only, self centered thinking. vurukoa-IA. He strikes the wood with a pole.
Virivirioparo. He is thinking only of himself in a selfish visooto nCM. bird, parrot with green body, red head, about 4
way. to 5 inches long.
viriviro vRE. hold tight to all possessions. visuriko nCF. starfish.
virivoko nCF. sap of breadfruit tree, rubber. visuriko nCF. star.
viro gr. stative marker in combination with certain verb vita nCM. sugar cane, type of.
stems. vitatito nCF. beetle, often has lichen-like growth on its back.
viroo nCN. expectation (with results). As in viroo evara vitato nCM. shell fish, including the cowries like Textile
oaiaro 'results from those things expected', viroo evara shells.
iavirava 'results from those things expected', viroo vara vitavuko adj. hard. Used to describe solidified hard crystaline
iava evara 'results from those things expected'. salt. Similar to ritavuko.
viroo vRO. return (as inevitable consequence). Ora voea vitu nCF. anus, buttocks.
raga-ia viroopavere vo vuria eva. That evil will vitu STAT. bases of, responsible for. Vo kovoro-IA vituparai
inevitably return to those people without fail. ragai didimanpato. I, the agricultural officer, am
viropa kare nCN. all small animals. responsible for these jobs.
virorai nCN. animal trail or road. vitu v? defecate.
viroviro vRE. entwine, wrap. Ora viroviroroepa. He vitu adj. basic. Rera vo rugooaro vitupai. His thoughts are
tangled himself up. basic.
virovu nCM. fish, black body, lives in saltwater along the vitu vRE. excrete, defecate. Opoko viture kaakau. The dog
coast. excretes feces.
viru vRE. move something. Viovokotoa vai voRE vituaro nCN. origin, source.
virupareve riakopa kepa vai IARE. He moved him to vituasito nCM. young man. Pip dialect. Same as viovokoto in
the women's house. Rot.
viru vRO. move. Vosa voRE virupau, ra vii kukuearo vituasito nCM. old man. Rot dialect. Same as visuasi in
kakua. If you move to here, I'll crack open your head. Timputz and Teop.
viru pie vRE. move something. vituoto nCM. navel, umbilical cord.
virueua nCN. penis. viupa nCN. scar from wound.
virui nCF. limbum, leaves used for construction of Upe hat. viuro v? unblocking of urinary or digestive track(?).
virukae nCM. snake, thin green body and yellow belly, lives viuru vRO. fight. Viurusa avaaepa oirara tauai, oire uva
in tree. oeavu upoiva oirara. The men went off to fight, and so
virutu vRE. squeeze out a liquid, extract. Muli isi viruture they killed some other men.
uuko oviRE. Squeeze the juice out of the lemon. viuru vikupato nCM. fight leader.
viruviru vRE. move back and forth, retreat, make go back. viuviu adj. straight, unpretentious.
Uva ora viruviru ragaparoepa ragai uriripaoro. He viuviu takei nCN. bamboo woven without design.
just moved himself back and forth frightening me. viuviu vovou nCN. honesty, sincerity.
viseua nCN. bamboo tube open at both ends. When small viuviua nCN. line.
enough it may be used for flute pipe. viuviuvira adv. straight away, sincerely, honestly.
visi vRE. poke with an object, jab or hit. Rakoruto visireva vivigore nCN. vegetable, small yellow native melon, (native)
kareparoepa. He poked the snake (and then) he went melon.
back home. viviko vRE. urinate. Ari evoa vivikopari. Vii upopaavoi. You
visi rao nCN. stick, twig. go urinate there. I am going to kill you. Used in distain as
visii nPP. all of you. in the example given.
visii peva nPP. your three. vivikoa nCN. urine.
visii vaaro nPS. vivisa v? underestimate, short of, slurp with mouth.
— ph. yours. vo aao nK. family (Fa, Mo, children).
visiigoa nRP. all of you (who). vo aaorei nK. family (Fa and child).
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vo aavupa vokipavira
vo aavupa nK. grandfather and grandchildren. voeari nPP. these others beyond (all M or all MF).
vo kae nCN. (this) carried thing. voevoe vRO. belch, burp. Oirato voevoeparoi. The man is
vo kauorei nKF. belching.
vo kekeo nPN. kind, sort, view, appearance. vogeta vRE. draw in stomach, empty stomach, to have.
vo kuru nCN. (tall main) trunk of tree, tree trunk. Vogetaparai. I'm drawing in my stomach.
vo peruva adj. three. vogete vRE. deal unfairly, short-change. Ragai vogetereva
vo peva adj. three. sitoa tokipato iriavu raga vuriva vateoro osa tou
vo peva tau adj. thirty. iraopaeva oira rutu o iria-ia ragai vo ruipaaro
vo peva vatara adj. eight. toupaiva. The store keeper unfairly gave me the bad one
vo peva vatara tau adj. eighty. while the thing I really wanted stayed there. voroko
Vo peva vatarapa kekira nPR. August, 8th moon. — STAT. ecstatic, joyful, smile. Voroko iraoparoi
Vo pevapa kekira nPR. March, 3rd moon. kakaeto rorupaoro. The boy is ecstatic, being very
Vo pevapa voki nPR. Wednesday. happy.
vo pevapato nCM. Trinity, three-in-one person or thing. vogisi pie vRE. fill space with something. Kepa vogisi
vo rara conj. when, because. In reference to future events. piereve pampato marasin-IA. The pump man filled the
vo resura adj. four. house with the smell of DDT. Urui vogisi pieiva oirara.
vo resura tau adj. forty. The people filled the village. See John 12:3.
vo resura vatara adj. nine. vogo vRE. roll up something flat like leaf, paper, or clothes.
vo resura vatara tau adj. ninety. Varoara vogori. Roll up the clothes. Repeated action is
Vo resura vatarapa kekira nPR. September, 9th moon. marked by the reduplicated form, vogovogo.
Vo resurapa kekira nPR. April, 4th moon. vogovogo vRE. crumple, wad up, knead. Va
Vo resurapa voki nPR. Thursday. vogovogoevora. She kneaded it.
vo ruu nCN. bud of plant. vo-ia loc. here, this here.
vo tataepa nK. grandmother and grandchildren. voka id. pass around. Varuiua epao oua vokapai. There is a
vo tauro rooparo iava nCN. tithes, divisions of tens. coded leaf letter which is making the rounds. or It is
vo varatao loc. this side. walking around.
vo vatave rutu ph. the two or more of them joined together voka vRE. walk, scan, glance through. Vo aaorei vokapasiva
into one. raiva-IA vao koue kare vo raivaaro. The father and
vo vavae adj. five. child walked on the pig trail.
vo vavae tau adj. fifty. voka pie vRE. fly a plane, drive a car, stear a boat.
vo vavae vovoto adj. five hundred. vokapavira adv. walking-like. Vokapavira uvuiroepa. He
Vo vavaepa kekira nPR. May, 5th moon. was old enough to be walking.
Vo vavaepa voki nPR. Friday. vokavoka vRE. scan, glance through. Vokavokaive. They
vo vavaerei adj. ten. would scan the situation.
vo vokio temp. today. vokavoka vRE. journey, stroll.
vo vokio riaaro-ia temp. start of the day. vokavoka nCM. seagoing canoe with an outrigger.
vo vokipa irara nCM. people of today. vokeruto nCM. beetle, with pincer type mouth part.
vo vokiri aruvearo temp. day before yesterday. voki vRO. get up early in the morning to go somewhere, arise
vo vokiri vokipaaro temp. day after tomorrow. early to go somewhere. Vokiroepa vore uriooro. He got
vo vureo nCN. all married couples. up early coming here. Uva voava vokiaepa voea uposa.
vo vureo kakae vure nCN. small children. Then from there they got up to go to kill them.
voa loc. here. voki nCN. day, time.
voa ragavirare ph. to just about there. voki pie vRE. arouse from sleep. Seven klok rutu-IA ora
voaaro nCN. possessed area. voki piepauvere kovopasa . Right at seven o'clock you
voakou vRE. eliminate feces or urine. Voakourevora. He will arouse yourself to work.
eliminated. voki vieviei-ia temp. period of days, number of days.
voari loc. beyond, before, long ago, back there. As in voari vokiara rutu temp. everyday, always.
tuariri rutu 'beyond the immediate past', utupaua voari vokiaro vRE. farewell someone. Vokiaropae. She said good
rutu 'beyond the immediate future'. night.
voari rutu loc. very long time ago. vokiaro temp. night.
voarire loc. toward back there. vokiarovi temp. afternoon (5 pm till dark).
voavao nK. family (Mo and children). vokiei adj. (become) night. Vokiei igeiRE kepa pura arapa.
voavaorei nK. family (Mo and child). Night is coming and we haven't made a house. Uva
voavi avu loc. vokiepa vaitereiRE. The night fell on the two of them.
— ph. somewhere, I don't know where. vokikou rutu temp. early morning.
voea nPP. they (all M or all MF). vokipakou temp. morning (10 to noon).
voea rutu nC. everyone. vokipara temp. morning (early morning till 10 am).
voea vaaro nPS. vokipaua temp. morning (early morning till 10 am).
— ph. theirs. vokipavira temp. tomorrow. Rot dialect.
voeao nD. these (all M or all MF). vokipavira temp. morning. Pip dialect.
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vokiura vovou vakuvaku
vokiura nCN. units of days. people so that they would become unaware of what was
vokukasirei nCN. (two) poles of wild fig tree used to happening to them. It is said that this powder would
decorate a house. The two inch poles were smashed and cause kiaps to lose their line of thought when they came
hung frayed ends downward from the roof peak in front to scold the people, soldiers couldn't hold their weapons,
and behind the house. women would not be aware of being molested, etc. It is
voori nCN. citrus leaves used in coded plant letter called said that the Tinputz and Teop people used it against the
variua to stand for the phrase, 'you buy something'. Japanese during World War II since they had no Allied
voorova nCF. turtle, small sea type, female of the ivooru Forces to help in that area.
type. vorokoa nCN. smile.
voosi adj. blind. voroo vRE. hunt with dogs. Uva taraapareva, voroopareva
voosito nCN2. blind person. vo vegoaro. So he looked for them, (and) he hunted with
voosivira adv. blindly. the dogs in the jungle.
voovoosi nCN. sediment, solid. As in vo vovosiro 'these vorooto nCM. hunter with dogs.
sediments', tuuga voovoosi 'solid grease.'. vorupa nCN. side portion of coconut shell.
voovoosi adj. settle out of a liquid, solidify. Tuuga ovi voruvoru adj. wrinkled. Avukaoro vurovuroroepa. While
voovoosiei uteooro. As the grease cooled off it settled aging he wrinkled up.
out (and solidified). voruvoru keke nCN.
vopato nCM. limbum, planted and grown for wood used to — ph. wrinkled appearance.
make pakou 'fighting stick'. voruvoru pua nCN.
voraro loc. everywhere, here and there, about. — ph. wrinkled up face.
vore vRO. return from trip. Voreravere rara. I will return vosa conj. when, because, if. In reference to other than future
later. events usually.
vore vRE. return something. Pepa voreri vore. Return the vosi vRE. warn. Rera vosiri. Warn him. Similar to goru reo
paper to this place here. Igei vorereva. Uva eisire vate 'give strong talk'.
avaiepa Chinatown. He returned us (exclusive). Then vosi vRE. warn, caution against doing something. Vaiterei
we went there to Chinatown. vosireva. He warned the two men. Oira vosirevo turaro
vore loc. to here. oiso, ``Teapi vo kovo purarivere.'' The leader warned
vore pie vRE. send back, bring or give back. Rera vore piesi the woman like this, ``Don't do this work.''
vore atoiaaro. They returned him to this village. vosirare nCN. pipe for smoking made of porcelain.
vore turuva nCF. slip knot, knot-slip knot. voto vRE. pinch. Tomas Jisas iava riripa vuu votoreva, oa
vorekue nCM. roundworm, tapeworm, hookworm. iava oiraoroepa. Thomas pinched the nail wound of
voreri vRE. oscillate, go back and forth, vascilate, repeat. Va Jesus and thus Jesus' reality was verified or made true.
vorerirevora. He repeated it. voto vRE. stick together, press, adhere, glue. Uva iravu oviito
voreria nCN. repetition, repeat. vo tavuru votoreva. Another son stuck the covering
vorerivira temp. another time, again. together.
voreva pisikui nCF. slip knot, knot-slip knot. voto adj. stuck together.
vorevira adv. backward. voto pie vRE. fasten together.
vorevore vRO. repeat. voto piepa nCN. adhesive tape, glue.
vorevoreri vRO. repeat again and again. Uva oavu-ia ipa ora votoueto nCM. ant's nest, house or nest of ants, termite nest.
vorevoreripaiera We repeatedly went up another ridge. votovira adv. sticky.
vorevorerivira adv. repeatedly. votuara nK. wife or husband of neice or nephew.
vori vRE. cost, pay, buy. Rera vorireve uvare rera votutua nCN. frog, black body with red breast.
tuvetuvepaoro avaroepa. He bought him because he vou class. one or more unfamiliar human (s). kakae vou
came while leading him. single person (unfamiliar) Irou vou eera? Who is the
voriaro nCN. cost, wage, price. male? riako vourei two females (unfamiliar)
vorie nCN. food cooked in bamboo tube. vova loc. from here.
voripa kepa nCN. store building. vovapato nCM. local person, person from here.
voripato nCN2. paymaster, redeemer. vovio loc.
voririke v? blurred vision. — temp. here, now.
voriua asiua nCN. shell money-red, money-red shell. This voviri temp. before, earlier, back there.
money is made on Malaita. It consists of small red discs vovoao nKF. sisters.
strung on twine. The Provincial Government has vovoaorei nKF. sisters, two.
apparently outlawed the use of it in the North Solomons vovou vRO. like, want, desire, breathe, intend. Vosa aio
Province for valid payments (1980). vovouave, oire voea aio pieive. If they want food, then
voriuto nKM. firstborn male. Same as avaioto. they would feed them.
voriuva nKF. firstborn female. Same as avaiova. vovou gr. desiderative marker.
voro vRE. roll up something stringy like vine, pipe, snake. vovou tagi reo ph. good advice since it takes care of the
Iroiro vorori. Wind up all of that rope. Repeated action heart or desires.
is marked by the reduplicated form, vorovoro. vovou vaarata ph. light hearted feeling.
voroara akoro nCN. (powerful) powder used to charm vovou vakuvaku STAT. insensitive, preoccupied, lose
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vovou vera vurovira
interest. vuku adj. full of food, satisfied appetite. Uva reuriara-IA
vovou vera vRE. die, lose breath completely. vukupavearea vo vokiaro rutu-IA. We always will be
vovoua nCN. desire, want, intention. filled with teeth every night.(?)
vovouisi nCN. air. Used when referring to airgun. vuku nCN. book.
vovouisi nCN. heart. vukuku tuke nCN. (vine) lashing on the notch end of arrow
vovouso STAT. anxious, worried. Vovousoparaerao. I was shaft.
worrying yesterday. vukuro nCN. (these) filled things.
vovovo vRE. warn, caution. Rera vovovori, teapi kovero. vukusi adj. cold other than weather.
You caution him lest he fall. Oirato vovovosa avaroi vukuvisisi adj. moderately cold other than weather.
kakaeto rera tavioro vaore tuepauvere reoa oa vupa vRO. smell, sniff.
karekepere. The boy went to tell the man predicting that vura vRE. look at, gaze at something. Rera vuratavere. You
he should watch for the talk to happen. It can also be an all will be looking at him. Voeavi-IA vurari voeao oea
instruction to watch for something beneficial. taku viropaai viipa. Look at these dear ones who are
vovueo adj. unsalty, tasteless. Itoara vovueopai. The bowing down to you.
bananas are tasteless. vurapa pupi nCN. happy singsing.
vuaioua nCN. banana, wild. The leaves of which are used for vurapava nCF. telescope, binoculars.
building a temporary bush house. vuraua nCN. center of an area.
vuaki nCM. python snake. vuravu nCF. lamp.
vuaki keru nCN. scythe, sickle, snake bone. vuravura vRE. scan, gaze, to watch.
vuako nCF. beetle, eats taro and is edible itself. vurei vRO. feast, party, have a.
vuato v? clear out. Vuatooro sopaua iava Clearing from the vureia nCN. party, celebration.
insides. vuri adj. bad, inferior, spoiled, wrong. Uva viapau oiso oavu
vuato pie vRE. explain, clear away, clarify, empty out. ViiPA avu vai vuripai. There is nothing wrong.
aue vuato piepaavoi, ra taraiu vearovira. I am vuri evei temp. dusk. The meaning is associated literally with
explaining it for you, so that you will know (it) well. difficulty in recognizing something.
Vara-IA vuato pieri. Clear these things away. vuri geesi nCN. stink, stench, bad odor.
vuato piea nCN. example, illustration. vuri pie vRE. ruin, spoil, wrong, damage, harm. Viapau oiso
vuato vovouto nCN2. Christian, clear-hearted person. ra iravu vuri pieri. Don't harm anyone.
vuatoa nCN. explanation. vuri pitupitu nCN. trouble, bad custom.
vuatovira adv. clearly, understandable. vuri tapi nCN. spoiled area, hell.
vuavua adj. cool. vuri vovou nCN. sin, evil desire.
vuavua pie vRE. cool off. Oire rera vuavua pieive. Uva vuria nCN. sin, evil, bad, wrong, fault.
oisoa rera keruaro kavoive . Okay they would cool him vuriei rutu ph. ruined completely.
off. Then they would always hunt around for his bones. vuriso nCN. tree, bark used as building material to wall in a
Vuavuriko nPR. Old Togarao. house in the past, used for medicine.
vuavuriko nCN. living place, residence. vurita adj. separate, part. Vuritao viropa oira avakava. The
vuavuriko-ia nCN. place of residence for the Upe initiates in ocean parted into two halves.
the jungle. vurita vRE. divide exactly in half. Opita isi vuritari. Divide
vuevue nCN. picnic. As associated with the Upe rites. the coconut into halves.
vuevue vRO. picnic, sniff. Eva oa vaisipai oiso, vuevuea, vurito nCN2. trouble maker, good-for-nothing.
osa oisoa vuevuesa avaave. That was called, a picnic, as vuriva nCF. diarrhea.
they always would go to make a picnic. vurivira adv. badly, ruined.
vuipa vRO. think, visualize something continually. Rera-ia vurivuri nCN. paper, tan colored dried banana leaf.
vuipau. You are constantly visualizing him thinking vurivuri adj. tan (color).
about him vuro vRE. hit with stone, stone something. Oirato kookae
vuirovu nCF. lizard, has bright green body, spines on the vuroreva aveke-IA. The man hit the rooster with a
back, smaller than ovareoko. stone.
vuisiva nCF. dew, manna for want of a better vernacular vuro STAT. senseless (but not unconscious), stupified, drunk.
term. Vuroroi. He is senseless.
vuivui adj. dirty. vuro pie vRE. (cause to be) senseless, (make) drunk. Voea
vuivuia nCN. dirt. vuro irao pieparevoi. He is really making them
vuke nCM. bird, has long legs and short tail, head is red and senseless and drunk.
white spot is on tail, destroys food crops, cries ''like Isio''. vuroko vRE. stone someone, throw stones at something.
vuke vRO. cut short, falter. RagaiRE vukepi vovou isi. My vuropa ovi nCN. wine, liquor.
heart is faltering. vuropava aasiva nCF. betel nut, capable of causing
vuke pie vRE. thwart, hinder. Ragai vo ruipaaro vuke pieri. stupifying effect.
You are thwarting my desire. vurorovira adv. together, completely. Vurorovira kosia
vukere nCM. bat, flying fox. Same as vuvuai. viroi. They are all leaving together.
Vukovukora nCN. name of village just above Togarao vurovira adv. more still. Vurovira uuko kokori. Pour out
where Catholic school was formerly located. more water still.
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vuru pie vuvuto
vuru pie vRE. silence someone, quiet someone. Rera vuru vuu ovoiroepa. He held tightly on to the talk. Vo reo
piea uvare ragai uvagi piepare. I silence him because vuuuvere. You will keep this talk in your memory. It
he is making me deaf! also may have the idea of being stingy.
vurua nCN. seed. vuu nCN. scar, would, blemish. nilpa vuu wound from the
vuruao vovouto nCN2. strong person, stout person. nail rokapa vuu would from the shot rova vuu burn scar
Description given of a <muscle man> in a magazine. eru vuu blemish from rot on fruit
vurukearo nCN. middle of something. Similar to vuura vovou pie vRE. (show) appreciation, show interest in
vuruvuruaro. something. Vii vuura vovou piepareveira vii vo
vuruko nCN. tree section that has been only roughly hewn if kovoaro-ia rorupaoro. He is always complimenting you
hewn at all. being very happy with your work.
vuruko vRE. section off. vuurapa adj. good, splendid.
vurukoua nCN. stick for beating slit gong or garamut, vuurapa vaisi nCN. compliment, praise.
section of something. vuuta vRO. eventuate. Tutuu piepai ra ravireo vuutape ra
vurukovira adv. incomplete. Vurukovira reorai. I am aiope. Noon (or sun time) is nearly here or the sun has
talking with incomplete knowledge. nearly eventuated and we'll eat. Tutuu piepai ravireo
vurupa adj. thick, strong. vuutasa. To be the time of the sun is approaching. or It is
vurupa rutu nCN. strong cloth, cloth, strong type. nearly noon.
vurupa varoa nCN. khaki cloth, canvas. vuuta nCN.
vurupakea nCN. operculum of Cat's eye shell and fresh — temp.
water snails. — loc. space, crack, opening, period of time, verse.
vurupara nCN. thick papers or cloth etc. vuutaaro nCN. middle of something.
vurupavira adv. thick. Characteristic of paper, cloth, wood, vuuto nCM. bird, wader, has long neck like crane and lives in
etc. either salt or fresh water areas.
vururuua nCN. club for fighting. vuvu vRE. flare up. Eto kasi vuvuvora. The fire flared up.
vuruvuruia vRE. exist on both sides, place something Rovapasiepa vo kepa soparo-ia, vo uvare vuvuva
between two or more objects. Pute vuruvuruiasiva. kepa. The two of them burned up inside the house,
They placed Pute between the two of them. because the house had burst into flames.
vuruvuruia adj. exist in the middle, (to be) between. Pute vuvua nCN. flames, light of fire.
vuruvuruiaroepa. Pute was in between or in the middle. vuvuai nCM. bat, flying fox with hairy crest, largest of all the
vuruvuru-ia loc. between, middle. bats, sleeps in clusters of from 10 to 20 or more, lives
vusi vRE. burst forth, erupt, break out. Ravurike vusireva. near the top of Mt. Balbi at an altitude of between 2000
The earthquake burst out or started. Kiuvu vusirevo. The and 2700 meters.
wind came up all of a sudden. Uva voava Joseph vuvuge nCF. sugar cane, black skin, inside is brown.
vusireva ragaiRE. Then Joseph came out to me. Uva vuvui adj. transparent.
riroto kiuvu igeiRE vusirevora Kiviri Poin-ia. A big vuvui tou nCN. glass bottle or pane that is transparent.
wind rushed out at us (exclusive) at Kiviri Point. vuvuiua nCN. sky, heven.
vusi pie vRE. originate, emit, gush out. vuvuko nCF. hand, fist.
vusiva nCF. mist, dew. vuvuko vRE. hold in the hand, flail away with hands.
vusivusiara nCN. leaks. vuvukorapa nCN. fist.
vusivusivi vRE. appear, come out. vuvure vRE. blow instrument for sound. Utave
vuta nCN. sweet taste. vuvurepaevoi. She is blowing the Triton shell horn.
vutakou nCN. grass, which grows in very moist area and vuvurea nCN. breath.
used for medicine. vuvureoto nCM. insect, wasp that stings, wasp found on
vutuko adj. round, panlike. coast.
vutuo vRE. carry on shoulders. Uva rera vutuoereva vuvureoto nCM. flying fish, lion fish.
riakorirei. The two women carried him between them on vuvuripa nCN. stingy thing, tendril of plant. As in varo
their shoulders. vuvuripaaro 'string from fraying cloth', pipisi vuvuripaaro
vutuotasi nCN. shoulders, both. 'tendrils of pea plant'.
vutuoua nCN. shoulder. vuvuripato nCN. fiber, string.
vututu vRE. smash down, raze, uproot. Kepara vututupare vuvutaaro loc. between.
kiuvu. The wind smashed down the houses. Evaova vuvutau adj. steamed, scalded. Teapi vuvutauuvere.
vututurevoi kiuvu. The wind is uprooting the tree. Lookout lest you become scalded with steam.
vututu nCN. base, bottom. vuvutau vRO. (produce) steam. Vuvutaupaoi pitokava. The
vututu piro adj. uprooted. Evaova vututu uvirooi. The tree saucepan is steaming (while being heated).
is uprooted. vuvutauto nCM. steam, vapor.
vuu vRO. treasure something, memorize. Va-IA vuuparai. I vuvuto nCM. flame, light of fire.
am holding on strongly to it and treasuring it. Vo tavi-IA
A - a
a distance adv. tavasikovira. accept vRE. koata pie.
(a) bit at a time adv. vesipavira. accompanied adv. tavetaveovira;
a bite nCN. avupa. adv. toatoa pievira.
(a) blind nCN. utoa. accompany vRE. taveo.
a clearing nCM. piopioto. accurate shooter nCN2. taavoto iiato.
a different kind of appearance — osivu raga kekea. accurately adv. taavotovira.
a divining practice to find which of the Upe initiates were accusation-See under `letter' nCN. variua.
the best of the lot nCN. oova vago. accuse vRO. taea.
(a) divining rite nCN. taraoa. acknowledge leadership vRO. ruvarao.
a flat shield nCN. pekeria. acquired fluency in speaking id. kopa.
(a) footing nCN. tasi. act carelessly vRE. itakupa.
a greeting nCN. vearoa. act simultaneously vRE. avaavao.
a light nCN. aoa. add onto vRE. siguva.
a line nCN. veeraa. add to vRE. kapatau;
a little adv. vaovio. vRE. takuvu;
(a little bit in) error adv. koikevira; vRE. tapoko;
adv. piro visivi. vRE. tauvavu.
a little while temp. taa visivi. adhere vRE. voto.
a lock nCN. gorupa. adhered together adv. tapokovira.
a mask nCN. ovoovoa. adhesive tape nCN. voto piepa.
(a) name nCN. orivoa. adjacent to loc. tarautoa.
(a person who) wants something badly nCN2. ruipato. admire strongly vRE. riirii.
a reading nCN. vieia. admire without words(?) vRE. oruo pie.
a row nCN. veeraa. adult female nCF. oira vasiva;
a ruler nCN. reesipa. nCF. riako vasiva.
a runaway nCN2. torito. adult females nCF. oira vasi riako.
(a) shout nCN. takoto. adult females (two) nCF. oira vasirirei.
(a single) drifting brach nCN. riita rao. adult male nCM. oira vasito.
a slate nCN. rigatopa aveke. adult males (two) nCM. oira vasitoarei.
a sneeze nCN. asigea. adult man nCM. varaketo.
(a) stain nCN. veupa. adulterer nCN2. otopato;
abandon temporarily vRO. ora pire. nCN2. touto.
abandon thought of oneself vRO. ora pire; adultery-be suspicious of vRE. roruoru.
vRO. ora topogo. afraid STAT. uriri.
abdomen nCN2. kovuto. after adv. utupavira;
abide in id. tasi. loc. isivaaro;
able STAT. uvui. temp. rekuvira.
(able) judge nCN2. raviravisi vovouto. afternoon temp. tauravia.
able person nCN2. rutarato. afternoon (1 to 3pm) temp. ovaiarovi.
about loc. aue iava; afternoon (3 to 5pm) temp. ovaiaro.
loc. evoraro; afternoon (5 pm till dark) temp. vokiarovi.
loc. voraro; again adv. aia;
prep. iava. adv. aia ita;
about to (do something) vRO. aue. temp. ita;
above loc. ariararo; temp. vorerivira.
loc. ivara-ia; age adj. avuka.
loc. viarovi; aged adj. ruta.
nCN. viauaro. aghast STAT. gai.
absent adj. viapa. agree ph. vearo vaisi pura.
absolutely adv. koetavira; agree to vRE. iu.
adv. pekapekavira; agree upon nCN. ovoi vaisi.
id. koetara keavu. agree with STAT. totoe.
absorb vRE. vii. agreement nCN. katai reo;
abstain brom eating vRE. aio kavu. nCN. vearo vaisi.
abundantly adv. tauvavuvira. agricultural advisor nCN2. kovo tokipato.
84 English — Rotokas 3/17/2008
agronomist another time
B - b
baby newborn nCN2. kakapikoto. bamboo, generally used for walls and for cooking
baby-black female nCF. kopakava. nCN. veeta.
bachelor nCM. avataropato; bamboo, grows at high elevations nCF. rereva;
nCM. taporuto. nCF. vatatava.
back a ways loc. isivio. bamboo, large Chinese bamboo, cultivated nCF.
back bone nCN. avua keru. karaava.
back of body nCN. avuaua. bamboo matting woven diagonally with spaces of one to
back of house nCN. tapoisi. three inches between slats of bamboo
back of neck nCN. kokupa keru. nCM. rekereke.
(back) spine of lizard nCN. kipekipea. bamboo pieces used for torches nCN. ao paripari.
back talker nCN2. kaureoto. bamboo razor blade nCN. kokovupa parie.
back there loc. oisiri; bamboo section containing food nCN. tokotokorie.
loc. voari; bamboo section emptied of food which had been preserved
temp. voviri. whithin it nCN. ririvua.
back to front adv. siposipokovira. bamboo slivers used as knives nCN. pururuo.
back up vRE. isiva. bamboo, small type nCF. sisevi;
backward adv. vorevira. nCN. rere tou.
bad adj. vuri; bamboo strip used as a knife nCN. parie.
nCN. vuria. bamboo torch nCN. ao tou.
bad custom nCN. vuri pitupitu. bamboo tube cut to hold water nCF. kakate.
bad odor nCN. vuri geesi. bamboo tube impregnated with native salt used for
badly adv. vurivira. cooking nCN. avieua.
bag nCN. oapa. bamboo tube open at both ends nCN. viseua.
bake vRE. vaagi. bamboo tube used for curing meat nCN. tuikopa kuvu.
bald adj. peeka; bamboo, two joined sections of bamboo used for carrying
adj. rivo. water nCF. kururai.
bald headed person nCN2. peekato; bamboo, used for making arrow shafts nCM. keari.
ncN2. rivopa kukueto. bamboo, used for making shafts of arrows nCN. arita
ball nCN. kororoisia; kasio.
nCN. vaisia; bamboo, used for spear and arrow tips, and for fishing
nRPN. aisi. spear shafts nCN. arere tou.
ball or sphere-shaped object full of holes nCN. bamboo, which retains good drinking water in its sections
toputopupaisi. nCF. rivatava.
ball without holes nCN. paiguruisi.
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bamboo with joints closely spaced, has thick sides beard
bamboo with joints closely spaced, has thick sides bass singer nCN2. ruvaku reoto.
nCM. rivu tou. bass-like adv. ruvakuvira.
bamboo with long narrow sections which normally contain basting stictch nCN. keakea turu.
water, found on the Gerioko Vaisi nPRN. bat, flying fox nCF. aatu;
rere kou. nCM. vukere.
bamboo woven without design nCN. viuviu takei. bat, flying fox, small type nCF. aapova.
bamboo-holes at intersection of woven matting nCM. bat, flying fox with hairy crest, largest of all the bats,
siririko. sleeps in clusters of from 10 to 20 or more,
banana nCN. atoia. lives near the top of Mt. Balbi at an altitude
banana, cooking vari\d Rotokas English Dictionary of between 2000 and 2700 meters. nCM.
Firchow nCM. ouruvato. vuvuai.
banana, cooking variety nCF. avakapava; bat, flying fox with thick yellow hair on neck, several live
nCM. taravo. in one nest at a time nCN. geesi.
banana, cultivated, long stemmed cooking variety bat, fruit bat nCF. urakava.
nCF. sei. bat, small type nCM. isivarapoko;
banana, delicious eating variety nCN. roveraga. nCM. okarauto.
banana, eating type nCF. uvuapava. bat, with small body but larger than aapova'-bat' nCM.
banana, eating variety, short thick type nCF. kokoi. sisirue.
banana, excellent eating variety nCN. piirii. battle nCN. upoa.
banana, has a strong smell when ripe nCM. kokotagoe; Baylor shell nCF. utaveva.
nCM. kovato. be vRE. tou;
banana, has short green fruit which is cooked before eating vSTAT. epao.
nCM. tatuato. Be careful! excl. kie.
banana, large eating variety, like roveraga nCF. piri. (be) careful vRO. vatatopo.
banana, may be eaten cooked or raw nCF. aovata. (be) careless STAT. ora topogo.
banana, ripens within 2 or 3 weeks after stalk first bends (be) clear about something STAT. araiva.
over nCM. oveato. be concerned vRO. ora vivi.
banana, type of wild nCM. gaoto. be diligent vRO. kasivari.
banana, wild nCN. vuaioua. be eternal vRO. pau.
banana (wild) juice nCN. gao ovi. (be) excited about something vRE. egaega.
banana, wild type adj. vakiri. be full adj. agasi.
banana, with strong smell when ripe nCM. vatauvore. (be in a) liquid state adj. uuko.
bananas in general nCN2. ito. (be) molested vRO. ruperupe.
banana-short stubby eating type nCF. kovauke. (be of same) clan adj. sara.
bandage nCN. tuukepa iro. Be quiet! excl. aika.
banyon tree mCM. sikato. (be) reckless STAT. ora topogo.
baptize vRE. kopikopi; be reconciled vRE. agiagi.
vRE. kopikopi. (be) repulsed by something vRO. ora ruvu.
barbs on spear or arrow nCM. taruo. (be) responsible for vRE. tagi;
bare adj. peeka. vRE. teerio;
bark v? veku; vRE. varoova.
vRE. pegu. (be) sick id. upia pura.
bark a tree vRE. koa. (be) stuck adj. ora taki.
bark of a tree used for cloth nCN. ravae. (be) troubled STAT. siitako.
bark of tree nCN. koturu. beach nCF. avakava;
bark of tree chewed like betel nut with powder nCF. nCN. rogaraua.
tutuuka. beach something vRO. vera uviro.
barren adj. asao; beads, string of nCN. aasiua.
adj. kavau asa. beads strung nCN. aasi iro.
barren woman nCF. itakooreva; beads unstrung nCN. aasiara.
nCF. kavau asava. beads, white type nCN. kaita.
base nCN. vututu. beak nCN. kapiua.
bases of STAT. vitu. bean nCN. itauro;
bash against vRO. ora tuguru. nCN. raviriro.
basic adj. vitu. bear a child id. ou;
bask in sun vRO. tava. vRE. kavau.
basket nCF. pekuriva; bear fruit vRO. kue.
nCN. kaepa. bear many children vRE. kavakavau.
bass adj. ruvaku. beard nCN. givugivu.
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bearded male bird, black and purple body, lives on ground but nests in
bearded male
tree, will nCM.disturbed
fly when givuto. loc. rasiuaro.
beat vRE. piko; belt nCN. iro;
vRE. ragi. nCN. takipa iro;
beat a slit gong vRE. visivisi. nCN. tuu iro.
beat drum vRO. siiguru. belt made of wild banana leaf made of wild banana leaf
beat slit gong vRE. toi. worn by women only, a piece of which might
beautiful adj. vearo keke. be used in coded leaf letter to mean, 'female'
beautifully adv. siruruvira. nC. turavua.
because conj. uvare; bench nCN. rigatopa urua;
conj. vo rara; nCN. urua.
conj. vosa. benched adv. togeuvira.
because of conj. iavirava. bend adj. goo;
because of (something) loc. aue iava. vRE. regore pie.
beckon vRO. kaokao. bend down vRE. gore.
beckon to vRE. turo; bend over vRE. viko;
vRO. keera. vRO. taku.
become adolescent vRO. viovoko. bend taut vRE. pooke.
(become) blinded vRO. vavorii. bent adj. regore.
(become) disoriented STAT. opaopara. bent down position adj. pakopi.
become grandparents adj. aaoaao. bent over adv. pakovira.
(become) light vRE. raraka. betel nut, capable of causing stupifying effect nCF.
(become) lost STAT. opaopara. vuropava aasiva.
(become) night adj. tutuvagi; betel nut fruit stalk and used in coded leaf, varuid letter to
adj. vokiei. mean, sorcery nCM. pakoto.
(become) possessed vRO. vira piro. betel nut juice nCN. ura ukaio.
bed nCN. urua. betel nut palm nCF. asiva.
bed of fire nCN. gavuta. betel pepper vine nCN. urata.
bed of river nCN. uuko gae. betel pepper vine fruit nCM. koavaato.
bed time nCN. tugurai. betel pepper vine with fragrant leaf nCN. kepiriko.
beet nCN. uue. between loc. vuruvuru-ia;
beetle nCF. kaakaaviko; loc. vuvutaaro.
nCM. viitasito. beyond loc. voari.
beetle, eats taro and is edible itself nCF. vuako. Bible nPRN. Tugoropa vuku.
beetle, often has lichen-like growth on its back nCF. bicker vRO. ora tavatava.
vitatito. bicycle nCN. viriviri.
beetle, type of nCF. kaakaoko. bide one's time vRE. aateate pie.
beetle, with pincer type mouth part nCM. vokeruto. big adj. rei;
before loc. vari; adj. riro;
loc. voari; adj. tuupuu;
temp. tuariri; adj. tuupuu;
temp. variavu; adj. tuupuua.
temp. voviri. big eater nCN2. kopava.
beggar nCN2. apotato; big headed person nCN2. fitakooto;
nCN2. tupa areto. nCN2. ritakooto.
begin vRO. pirupako; big talker nCN2. riro akutato.
vRO. rogo. big thing nCN. sopa.
beginning, the nCN. pirupakoaro. bile nCN. itako ovi.
beginning-like adv. tuuruvira. bile sack nCN. ateate.
begrudge vRE. erii. bill of bird nCN. kapiua.
behind adv. varovarovira; billfish, like a sailfish, has long pointed bill nCF. siiriiko.
loc. sirova. binding adj. tokii;
belch vRO. voevoe. nCN. tuukea.
belief nCN. oirao piea. binding around and between feet to assist in climbing
believe STAT. rari; trunks of trees nCM. vasikoro.
vRE. oirao pie; binoculars nCF. vurapava.
vRO. oirao. bioluminescence nCM. araropa.
believer nCN2. rari purato. bird, black and purple body, lives on ground but nests in
belittle vRE. tovi. tree, will fly when disturbed nCM. tuutuuto.
belittle criticize vRE. gete.
below adv. varavira;
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bird, builds stick platform, cries low-vuuvuuvuu, lives 6 to 8000 feet up on slopes of Mt. Balbi
bite something
bird, builds stick platform, cries low-vuuvuuvuu, lives 6 to caught in woven nets strectch between trees
8000 feet up on slopes of Mt. Balbi nCF. nCM. rereveoto.
uvuutu. bird, probably Brahminy Kite nCM. avaruka;
bird, chestnut body with pure white head, probably the nCM. kerakera.
Brahminy Kite nCM. keravo. bird, probably Pacific Swallow nCF. tegeri.
bird, cries just before dawn nCM. torooi. bird, sea bird, sharp pointed wings, probably a Frigate Bird
bird, crow nCM. aaita. nCM. keeraa.
bird, dove, gray body, crest, female of kurue, good eating bird, small black nCM. orokui.
nCF. uruvao. bird, small black with yellow head and feathers under tail,
bird, dove with gray body, good eating nCM. kurue. builds an oora 'hole in tree used for nesting'
bird, duck-like, webbed feet and flat bill, lives in shallow nCM. oroga.
holes, plentiful at high elevations but it has bird, small yellow type with back yellow-olive, the male is
been decimated by wild cats, calls kiikariko black with irridescent throat, has a thin
vuura gariko 'kiikariko's good place' hanging nest nCM. suriketo.
nCF. kiikariko. bird, swallow with black body and bluish back and tail,
bird, has crest like cockatoo, lives both at high elevations constructs mud nests, probably Pacific
and elsewhere, cries like a dove nCF. uvuo. Swallow nCF. ekeriko.
bird, has long legs and short tail, head is red and white bird, that eats snakes nCF. vakaaua.
spot is on tail, destroys food crops, cries ''like bird that hunts at night nCM. tokororo utuuko.
Isio'' nCM. vuke. bird, type of crane nC. vaakira.
bird, has small black body, lives on the ground, feathers bird, wader, has long neck like crane and lives in either
are not nicely formed, sound of call is salt or fresh water areas nCM. vuuto.
koakoakoa nCF. kokote. bird, wader like ibis or pelican, same name used for both
bird, hawk nCM. tookuito. nCF. kopikao.
bird, hawk that eats snakes, chickens, etc. nCN. ravute. bird, wild fowl, lives and nests on the ground, lays eggs in
bird, hawk that robs villages of chickens nCM. ruega. warm soil near volcanic heat where they
bird, hornbill nCM. ovuveo. incubate nCF. apaeo.
bird in general nCM. kokioto. bird with black body, long black tail feathers, and yellow
bird, like Kookaburra or kingfisher, pecks hole in tree for throat, it builds its nests together in a single
its nesting place, during dry times it is said to tree where they hang down from the limbs
call more frequently as it is calling for rain nCM. suriraoto.
nCF. tuituiie. bird with light brown body yellow breast, sickle bill, eats
bird, lives on the ground, call sounds like koakoakoa turoturo koko 'flower', probably Brown
nCF. ekarako. Honey Eater nCM. siikui.
bird, makes oora 'hole in tree used for nesting place, calls bird, with long orange legs and red cap, eats taro from
kirikaokao kirikaokao nCF. kirikaokao. gardens nCF. ivuke.
bird, one of the swifts nCF. siikurai. bird, with long pointed wings and slender v-shaped tail, a
bird, owl that has large staring eyes, it hunts opossum at type of swift nCF. sura.
night nCRF. utuuko. bird, with small black body and call similar to Friar bird's
bird, owl with small brown body, large yellow eyes, wire call. nCM. touea.
tufts around the beak, about 5 inches long bird, with small blue-black body and scarlet red breast, it
nCN. kuuoa. has sharp straight bill. nCF. siisiipiri.
bird, parrot nCF. takesei. bird, with small yellow body like suriketo, lives at high
bird, parrot, female has red body with blue head and male elevations nCF. piupiuko.
has bluish-green body, eats unripe papaya bird with strange night call nCF. kokoote.
and corn (Erectus parrot) nCM. sikarato. bird-migrant wader with buff and white body, long straight
bird, parrot, female of visooto nCF. kukutauvu. beak and common on Wakunai airstrip,
bird, parrot with green body and blue head, red under possibly Sandpiper nCM. siruirui.
wings, probably Rainbow lorikeet nCF. bird-Willy Wagtail with small black body and long tail
tagiteva. that sways back and forth constantly
bird, parrot with green body, red head, about 4 to 5 inches nCF. tutupariko.
long nCM. visooto. birth, give vRE. kavau.
bird, parrot with small green body nCF. rusiva. birth place id. revasi tova.
bird, parrot with small red body, breaks into young biscuit nCN. kirukirua.
coconuts and drinks juice nCM. sirivi. bit (tool) nCM. gogagarepato.
bird, pidgeon with gray body, makes nest of sticks on the bite vRE. avu;
ground, flies in large flocks, lives 6 to 8000 vRE. kotu.
feet up on slopes of Mt. Balbi formerly bite lightly vRE. gerigeri.
bite something vRE. kotu.
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bites of betel pepper (daka) bow over
bites of betel pepper (daka) nCN. gagavuo avu. blow vRE. pupiupi.
bits of dried firewood carried on trip to start fire nCN. siitu. blow bamboo pipes vRE. pupi.
bitter adj. uureo. blow instrument for sound vRE. vuvure.
bitter liquid nCN. itako ovi. blow Triton's trumpet vRO. utave.
bitter (taste) adj. vavavu; blow whistle vRE. uisiuisi.
adj. vavu. blue adj. kuuva.
bitter-like adv. vavuvira. blue-green adj. kuuva uriko.
bitterly emotional adv. vaavaavuvira. bluid adj. uuko.
black adj. katokato; bluish in appearace at a distance adv. kokopuvira.
adj. rakao; blunt adj. povuvau.
nCM. siigaato. (blunt) bill of bird nCN. tupuru kapiua.
black ash from fire used to blacken designs. nCN. eropa. blurred vision v? voririke.
black haired person nCN2. rupa oruto. blurry adv. uraurapavira.
black magic nCN. kavokavoa. board nCN. peroa;
black magic, to make vRE. kuva. nCN. varo karipa.
black person nCN2. katokatoto; boast vRO. tavoko.
nCN2. tutuvagito; boast about somehing vRO. riata.
nCN2. uvakiraoto. boat nCN. uvuoa.
blackboard nCN. rigatopa pero. bob up and down vRE. tokatoka.
black-like adv. katokatovira. bodies nPN. varaura.
blade for cutting hairline nCN. kokovupa parie. body exterior nCN. varaua.
blaspheme vRE. takau. body interior nCN. sopaua.
blast vRE. poko pie. body of man nCN. varaaro.
bleed vRO. revasi. body-like adv. varavira.
blemish nCN. vuu. bogged adj. tapa uviro.
bless vRE. ovoi pie; boil, cause to vRE. goagoara pie.
vRE. viraako. boil on skin nCM. parurato.
blessing nCN. siruru; boiling adj. goagoara.
nCN. viraako. boldly possessive person nCN2. karakaraoto.
blind adj. voosi; bone nCN. kerua.
nCF. takei; bone, arm bone between shoulder and elbow nCN. vavaepa
vSTAT. koro. tou upisi tou.
blind by light vRE. aau pie. bone, femur nCN. kokotopa tou upisi tou.
blind person nCN2. vavoriito; bone from wing of flying fox nCM. taruoto.
nCN2. voosito. bone, lower bones of limbs nCN. kurasa.
blind with cataracts nCN2. kaakito. bone of pig (clavical?) used to tip arrow nCF. kupero.
blind with light vRE. pikipiki. bone, uppermost bone of limbs nCN. upisi tou.
blinded by light adj. aau. bones of ankle nCN. kokotopa kurasi.
blindly adv. voosivira. bones of wrist nCN. vavaepa kurasi.
blinking the eyelids vRE. riporipo. bonfire nCN. piua.
blister nCN. tavokoro. bonfire, cause a adj. piu.
blister on skin nCN. vigovigoa. bony adj. kerui.
blistered adj. vigovigo. bony animal nCN2. katopato.
blister's fluid nCN. topikoro ovi. book nCN. vuku.
block vRE. goto pie; border nCM. papaato.
vRE. ruku; bore nCF. rivute.
vRO. korukoru. bore a hole vRE. topu.
block because of rain vRE. taki. bore holes vRE. rivute.
block waterway to catcth fish or crayfish vRE. virarei. born vRO. kavau.
blockage between sides of valley or gulch nCN. iipa. both parents nKM. aakorivatoarei;
blocked STAT. koro; nKM. aakovatoarei;
STAT. paivuru. nKM. aitetoarei.
blocked in childbirth vRE. paipai. bottle nCN. aguvi tou.
blocked object id. paivuruva. bottom nCN. vututu.
blocked-like adv. paivuruvira. boundary nCN. kapiroko.
blockhead nCN2. tupa rataato. bow nCF. koetava.
blood nCF. revasiva. bow down vRE. gore.
blood coagulated in sore nCN. eavi. bow made for children nCN. kikisiova.
blood vessel nCF. ivirio. bow of ship nCN. kapikapi.
blotches nCN. koopikoopiara. bow over vRO. taku.
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bow string bunched up-like
bow string nCN. ovaiaa. breast milk nCM. roroo ovi.
bowed adv. takuvira. breasts of woman nCN. rorooua.
(boy) orphaned at adolescence nCM. koikoito. breath nCN. vavaua;
boys nCM. viovoko irara; nCN. vuvurea;
nCM. viovokoa. vRO. vavau.
brace oneself vRO. ora tuuvu pie. breath heavily vRE. vekaveka.
bracelet nCN. gagarioua; breathe v? vavau;
nCN. kakara. vRO. vovou.
bracelet made from Turbin shell nCN. agorau pako. breed vRO. iipa.
brag vRO. ora tovi. bribe offer of food nCN. piururuo aio.
braggart nCN2. kaureoto. bribe with something vRE. piururuo.
braid vRE. koroviri. bridge nCN. tavara pero.
braided rope nCN. koroviri iro. bridle nCN. porepa.
brain nCF. goroveuko; brightly adv. siruvau pievira.
nCF. rarirako; brightness nCN. aaua.
nCF. rataava; brilliant nCN. aaua.
nCF. toopera. brine nCN. aku rovu.
branch nCN. rao. bring or give back vRE. vore pie.
branch of tree nCN. evao rao. bring trouble upon one's self vRO. rovusaka.
brave STAT. tuuvu. broken adj. gasi.
brave person nCN2. tuuvu vovouto. broken completely apart adj. toko piro.
bravely adv. tuuvu vovouvira. broken in pieces adj. pege.
bravery nCN. tuuvu vovou. broken in two adj. kepi.
bread nCN. opoa. broken off twigs and branches nCN. piaara.
breadfruit tree nCN. eveu; brook nCN. uuko ovi.
nCN. oveu. broom nCN. kikisi kae;
breadfruit tree leaves nCN. akopara. nCN. pue kae;
break vRE. gasi. nCN. puepa;
vRE. piku. nCN. vioupa.
break apart vRE. pako; brother and sister nK. vavuatarei.
vRE. rekareka. brother of female or of female cousin nKM. taataato.
break at base vRO. ora koku. brother of male nKM. araoko;
break down vRE. pare. nKM. aroke.
break fast vRE. kapa. brother-in-law (SiHu) nKM. avueto.
break into parts adj. gasigasi. brothers nKM. araoko irara.
break into pieces vRE. koara; brothers and sisters nK. vavuata.
vRE. tukituki. brothers, (2M) nKM. araorei.
break into pieces using some instrument as a knife brow of eye nCN. uvu keru.
vRE. kakuaku. brown adj. ova.
break intself open vRO. ora pege. brown color adj. siipara.
break off vRE. potu; brush nCM. katuarapato;
vRE. ruperupe; nCM. sisupato.
vRE. toko. brush against vRO. riru.
break off at base vRE. koku; brute force nCN. varivaria;
vRE. koku. nCN. viguvigu.
break off something vRE. rotu. bubble up vRO. guvuguvurio.
break open vRE. pege. bubbles nCN. tguvuguvurioara.
break open and leave vRE. varake. bubbling-like adv. guvuguvuriovira;
break open dam vRE. pako. adv. guvuguvuriovira.
break open into pieces adj. ora pegepege. bud of plant nCN. vo ruu.
break open repeatedly vRE. pegepege. buds nCN. ketoo pieara.
break out vRE. vusi. bugs insects nCN. riroiro kare.
break the law vRE. gasi. build vRE. pau.
break trail vRE. oovaa pie. build a fire vRE. eto;
break up vRE. poroporo. vRO. kasi.
break up and pile firewood vRE. repi. building nCN. kepa.
break wind vRE. puu. Buka islander nCN2. oitapato.
breakfast nCN. kovukovu aio. bump into vRE. kuga.
breaking as waves vRE. toru. bunch together vRE. gugura.
breast feed vRE. roroo. bunched up-like adv. ravuruvira.
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bundle together cargo
bundle together vRE. guruguru; bush, which bears small nose-shaped red fruit which can
vRE. tuutuuke. be eaten uncooked nCF. otaava.
bundle up vRE. takotakou. bush with bitter nettles but edible leaves nCF. piuta.
burden id. vavata. bush with leaves used in coded plant letter called variua to
burial nCN. tovaa. stand for the phrase 'you accuse falsely'
burn adj. piu; nCN. asao.
vRE. kasi. bush, with red leaves used in sorcery nCF. rekuva.
burn up adj. poko. bushes nCN. kairiro;
burn up (houses vRE. rare pie. nCN. kovarua.
burned adj. rova. bushes and shrubs in general nCN. piraki ova.
burned out adj. kuvoro. busy STAT. pugu.
burp vRO. voevoe. but conj. ari.
burst id. poko. butterfly nCM. kokopuoto.
burst forth vRE. vusi. butterfly, large type nCF. torouke.
burst open adj. pogata. buttocks nCF. tete;
bury vRE. tova. nCF. vitu.
bush) vRE. rare pie. buttress root nCN. totoue.
bush, not strong branches nCF. sisae. buy vRE. vori.
bush on (something) vRE. katuara. by prep. aue-ia.
bush spirit nCN2. tugarato; by and by conj. rara;
nPR. Isio. inten. taru;
bush spirit that lives in a spring of water and guards the temp. rapi.
Orukui land nPRF. Koakoa uvuoto. by means of conj. iavirava.
bush, tall with white-bordered leaves nCF. aviviaua. by pass vRE. vatavata.
bush, the nCN. vegoa. by passed adv. vatavatavira.
bush used for sorcery nCF. kirokiro. bypass vRE. raviravisi.
C - c
cabbage nCN. arua kapisi. cannon nCN. riro vakakaoa.
cabin nCN. kepa. canoe nCF. opuruva.
cage nCN. tuukepa kepa. canoe paddle nCN. tuuaa.
cake nCN. opoa. canvas nCN. vurupa varoa.
caked with white or light colored ground adv. canyon nCN. tagiria.
riuriupavira. cap up vRE. kapatau.
calabash nCN. akoroisi. capable STAT. uvui.
calendar nCN. kekira vieipa. capstone nPRF. Rakuova aveke.
calendar made of knots tied in vine nCF. areputu turu; captain of ship nCM. uvuoa ivupato.
nCF. ivurao turu. captives nCN2. tuukepa irara.
call vRE. vaisi. capture with hook vRE. kaa pie.
call for vRE. are; car nCF. kaara.
vRE. pue; care for STAT. goru;
vRO. keera. STAT. sirao;
call out vRE. kuu pie. vRE. kasi pie;
calm (as a lake) STAT. agara. vRE. tagi;
calm person nCM. kavee vovouto; vRE. teerio;
nCN2. agara vovouto. vRE. toki;
came to be vRO. kareke. vRE. varoova.
camera nCN. uraurapa. care for animals class. ragui.
camp nCN. vego urui. carefully adv. gare visivi;
cancel a taboo vRE. siga pie. adv. oriruvira;
candle nCF. aviavipava; adv. puruvarivira;
nCN. kukuaua. adv. rekorekovira;
candy nCN. sipoipa. adv. roorootevira;
cane nCF. garoava; adv. vatatopovira;
nCF. kiiru; STAT. arasi.
nCN. itasi. careless adv. topogovira.
cane, small type nCM. orive. careless person nCN2. itakupa vovouto.
cane, wild type nCF. kukara. cargo nCN. kotokoto.
carpenter nCN2. kepa paupato. (cause to) make a big effort vRE. takau pie.
carpenter's plane nCM. gagaripato. (cause to) rain vRE. koke.
carry vRE. kae. (cause to) stop vRE. rite pie;
carry away vRE. turo. vRE. ruu pie.
carry between the shoulders of two people vRE. (cause to) tingle vRE. uririo.
kapokaporo. (cause to) work hard vRE. takau pie.
carry in sling or bag vRE. oapa. cause trouble vRE. taketake.
carry on one's back vRE. ogata; (cause) trouble for one's self vRO. ora tavaka pie.
vRE. pue. (cause) trouble for someone vRE. tavae.
carry on shoulders vRE. vutuo. causing pain id. veru.
carry on the back vRE. tutu pie. (caust to) exceed the limit vRE. turi pie.
(carrying) basket nCF. ekuri. caution vRE. vatatopa pie;
carved decorative marks on arrows nCN. kovuruko. vRE. vovovo;
carved drum used for washing things nCN. sisupa toi. vRO. koru.
carved figure nCN. uvaru. caution against doing something vRE. vosi.
carved wooden figure nCM. tokarasi. cautiously adv. rekorekovira.
cassava nCN. tapoko. cave nCN. kakiua;
cassowary nCM. kasuari. nCN. tarieua.
casterate animal vRE. oru. cave near Ibu nPRF. Kovava.
casting reflections id. roro pie. cavern nCN. kakiua;
casurina tree nCF. viaruva. nCN. tarieua.
cat nCF. epusi. cease adj. ora siiro pie;
catch vRE. gota. vRE. rite;
catch in a net vRE. kuvera. vRO. eaka.
catch red handed vRE. agara pie. celebration nCN. vureia.
caterpillar, hairy type nCM. tuupepere. celebration during Upe intiation during which the intitiates
(cause a) commotion vRE. raga pie. ate on a platform above a man-made pond,
(cause a) sore id. aio. the rao rovu. nCN. oova vago.
cause dissension within clan vRO. ora peropero. cement nCF. semen.
(cause) frustration vRE. tavavaia pie. cemetery nCN. kopii urui;
cause good health vRE. viraako. nCN. tova urui.
cause growth vRE. viraako. center of an area nCN. vuraua.
cause growth in garden vRE. arupa. center section nCN. kovuaro.
(cause) illness and its effects to finish vRE. rito. centipede, large kind, very painful bite nCF. tavuako.
(cause liquid to) splash vRE. pikapika pie. ceremonial wash prior to going inside the Upe house
(cause one to be) preoccupied vRE. pitoo pie. nCN. iruato sisu.
(cause one to) search for answer vRE. tarataraa pie. ceremony for cleansing from contamination nCN.
cause pain vRE. piko. sisigarue pue.
(cause) prickly sensation vRE. uririo. Certainly! excl. taru;
(cause) recovery vRE. rito. excl. tepa.
cause safety supernaturally vRE. viraako. certainly inten. taru.
cause someone to err vRE. piro. chair nCN. paupa.
cause to gr. pie. challenge with gestures vRO. oove.
cause to be vRE. kareke. change nCN. tavarioa;
(cause to be) dirty vRE. sikupu pie. vRE. variri pie;
(cause to be) easy vRE. avekata pie. vRE. veravera.
(cause to be) idle vRE. tou pie. change a person's mood or attitude id. sisi.
(cause to be) lacking vRE. kii pie. change of thinking nCN. rugoo tavario.
(cause to be) secure vRE. vasi pie. change over vRE. tavari;
(cause to be) senseless vRE. vuro pie. vRE. tavario.
(cause to be) shiny vRE. sirusiru pie. change places vRE. tavari pie;
(cause to be) short of vRE. kii pie. vRO. tavario.
(cause to be) slack id. goo pie. changed into vRO. ora pore.
(cause to be) taboo for a short time vRE. iguva pie. chapter nCN. papara.
(cause to be) thin vRE. averu pie. charcoal nCN. eropa.
(cause to be) unaware vRE. uruuru pie. charge up vRE. virava pie.
(cause to be) widowed vRE. virakoi pie. charismatic personality nCN2. ruvaraoto.
(cause) to blister vRE. vigovigo pie. charm belt to protect a child nCN. viriviria.
(cause to) cease vRE. rite pie.
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charm belt to protect child and to cause a strong body clean
charm belt to protect child and to cause a strong body chop slice vRE. toe.
nCM. avuoto. chop up vRE. putepute.
charm for enabling child to grow healthy and strong Christ nCN2. turaro.
nCN. siruru. Christian nCN2. rari purato;
charm for enabling young person or adult to gain special nCN2. vuato vovouto.
powers and strength nCN. viraako. chrysalis of butterfly nCM. varu vuakoto.
charm someone vRE. siruru; chuckle vRE. rovi.
vRE. viraako. chunk of burning log ph. tuitui turu.
charm used by Upe initiates to make their bodies grow church, go to vRO. lotu.
strong and attractive up. arupa geesi. cicada, large type that makes its sounds just before sunset
charm used in food garden nCN. arupaua. nCM. reerito.
charm used to keep married men and women youthful and cicada, largest type nCF. kepiro.
attractive nCN. kaakaaro. cicada, small kind that starts its sounds just after sundown
charm with powder or with package of powerful objects nCM. rerirerito;
vRE. akoro. nCM. rerirerito.
charmed rain or mist nCN. viraako koke. cicada, that stops humming abruptly nCM. riteto.
charred adv. oitapavira. cicada, very large type nCF. teeva.
charred food nCN. oitapa. circle nCN. kororovi;
charred remains nCN. eropa. nCN. poroko;
charred remains of house nCN. rarei. vRE. taaripa.
chase vRE. tario. circuitously adv. vatavatavira.
chayote nCN. soko. circular adj. pukutaisi;
cheat vRE. kuuvu vate. adv. kororovivira;
check vRE. rivutoa. adv. porokovira.
cheeks nCF. tautau. citrus leaves used in coded plant letter called variua to
cheeky person nCN2. kokuuto; stand for the phrase, 'you buy something'
nCN2. koovoto. nCN. voori.
chest nCM. katarauto. city nCN. uruia.
chew v? toke; clam, edible clam like koai only longer, found on the west
vRE. gatagata. coast of Bougainville, they live in the sand
chew betel nut vRE. ura. and bury down into it when you try to get
chewed up betel nut nCN. asi vero. them nCN. koaso.
chick nCM. sosoto. clam, edible found on the west coast of Bougainville
chicken nCF. kokootu. nCN. koai.
chickenpox nCN. tavato kapua. clam, very large nCM. taraai.
child that cries a lot nCN2. gauto. clamp nCN. kapiroa;
childish STAT. veu. nCN. kapiroko;
children nCN2. kakae vure. nCN. kaporopa.
children of sister nKN. papao. clamp together vRE. kapo.
child's bow nCF. taetuova. clan nCN. sara.
chin nCN. keetaa. clan brother or sister nCN2. sarato.
Chinese adj. vakiri. clan totem nCM. suriketo.
chip vRE. kee. clapping with hands vRE. pokopoko pie.
chip away vRE. koki. clarify vRE. araiva pie;
chip away bamboo joints vRE. tuvituvi. vRE. vuato pie.
chip something vRE. keekee. class nCN. uvuia.
chipped adj. keekee. clavicle nCN. kae keru.
chips of tree nCN. garigari. claw at vRE. apeapei.
chips of wood nCN. tepu. clay nCN. pitoka eeri.
chips of wood or soil nCN. tekaara. clay soil nCN. verakoa.
chisel nCM. eripato; clay used to make pots nCF. pitokava.
vRE. eri; clay-like ground nCN. kopupira.
vRE. erieri. clean adj. sisigarue;
chisel out vRE. koki; adv. sisigaruevira;
vRE. tekateka. vRE. piruko;
choir nCN. koea. vRE. viou.
choose out at random vRE. roporopo. clean by scraping vRE. kaareko.
chop vRE. kogo; clean or worn clear adj. aguvi.
vRE. toetoe. clean out vRE. govugovu;
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clean up color
vRE. riu. cloth, strong type nCN. vurupa rutu.
clean up vRE. pur. cloth trim on clothes nCN. papaapa varo.
clear adj. aguvi; cloth with sheen nCN. gausisi varo.
adj. korau; clothe vRE. kuvu.
adj. puaka; clothes nCN. varoa.
adj. viaviatarau; clothes pin nCN. takipa.
adv. poeravira; clothing nCN. kuvuara.
STAT. aviavi; cloud nCN. rukuta.
vRE. aviavi pie; cloudy id. tagugu.
vRE. roroio; cloudy overcast day nCN. tagugu voki.
vRO. ora piopio. club for fighting nCN. vururuua.
clear away vRE. viapa pie; club of wood used as a pestle nCN. togapa.
vRE. viiaka pie; cluck with tongue v? takotakora.
vRE. vuato pie. coagulate adj. reviriua;
clear bright day nCN. vaaraa voki. adj. vatukoro.
clear of illness vRO. vaaraa. coastal people nPRN2. auta irara.
clear off adj. raipi. coat nCM. kuvupato.
clear out v? vuato; cob of corn nCM. takeru.
vRE. vera. cockatoo nCF. kakata.
clear the nose vRE. goropa. cockroach nCF. asoko;
clear the way v. ariarava; nCF. kokorosi.
vRE. viato. cocoa nCF. kakau.
clear through-like adv. kareovira. cocoa husk nCN. ripoa.
clear up vRE. kaaveaka; coconut nCN. opita.
vRE. kapiaa. coconut grease nCF. roviva.
cleared adj. via. coconut, immature green without juice nCN. kukutu.
cleared area nCN. viato tapi. coconut oil nCN. opita rovi.
clear-hearted person nCN2. vuato vovouto. coconut scrapings with juice extracted from them
clearing nCN. koraua. nCM. gataoto.
clearing between houses nCN. kepa kaporo. coconut sheath nCM. karakuku.
clearly adv. aguvivira; coconut shell nCF. atope.
adv. araivavira; coconut shell, bottom half nCF. teruopava.
adv. kaaveakavira; coconut torch nCN. kerioua.
adv. kapiaavira; coconut tree nCN. opita ova.
adv. roroio pievira; coffee nCF. koopi.
adv. vuatovira. cold adj. ugoro;
clearly understood adv. soporevira. adj. uteo;
clearly without doubt adv. pekapekavira. adv. uteovira;
clench vRE. puko. id. uteo viro.
clenched adj. pukopuko; cold (illness) vRO. vagoto.
adv. pukopukovira. cold mist nCN. kusii.
clever vSTAT. keso. cold other than weather adj. vukusi.
clever person nCN2. kesoto. cold wind nCF. utevuteo.
cliff face as on the east coast of Buka Island nCM. aveke collaborate with someone vRO. ora vatave.
tairioto. collect crabs vRE. ereku;
climb vRO. iipa. vRO. okoe;
cling to vRO. ora puko. vRO. okote.
clitoris nCM. rokato. collect crayfish or lobster vRE. kavori.
clock nCN. ravireo vetavetapa. collect firewood vRO. erako.
close adv. kekeputuvira; collect freshwater crabs vRE. okote.
loc. ruvara-ia; collect melons or cucumbers vRE. asivuru.
vRE. tupa. collect pig to eat vRE. koie;
close eyes vRO. uruuru. vRE. koue.
close mouth or jaws vRE. kapuu pie. collect sago leaves vRO. tetevu.
close tight vRE. kapuu pie. collect sugar cane vRE. sipoi.
close to vRE. pipi. collect taro vRE. opo.
closed up object id. paivuruva. collect together vRE. ruosi.
closely related adv. aatokorovira. collect water vRE. uuko.
closely spaced adv. rivurivuvira. collection cooperative nCN. takutakuvua.
cloth material nCN. varoa. color adj. sirovie.
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color red consecutive
color red adj. turuea. adv. papuapuarovira;
color-brown adj. siipara. adv. vurorovira.
color-brown to tan adj. erie. completely divided adv. torotoroovira.
colorful adv. sirovievira. (completely) lost adv. roroverikovira.
color-tan adj. riuriuvira. completely ripe adj. taataate.
comb nCM. sipari; (completely) ripe adj. vevei.
vRO. sipari. compliment nCN. vuurapa vaisi;
comb hair vRE. keta. vRE. egaega.
comb of rooster nCN. kara ruoa. compliment something inorder to get it from owner
comb of rooster or hen nCN. rivo. vRO. ivao.
combination nCN. takutakuvua. comprehend STAT. araiva;
combine vRE. kavikavi. vRO. sopore viro.
comb-like door built by birds and animals to enclose mate compress vRE. tagugu pie;
or young in oora-hole in tree used for nesting vRE. tuu.
place nCF. koisiva. compromising person nCN2. vagaga vovouto.
come vRO. urio; conceal from vRE. tagoro.
vRO. uro; conceal from someone vRE. ogo.
vRO. vage; conceal talk vRE. taporo.
vRO. vage pie. concede v? toatoa;
come and go vRE. paru. vRE. eaka;
come ashore vRO. vera uviro. vRO. eaka;
come close to adj. pekara. vRO. ora toatoa.
come down vRO. vara. concerned STAT. kausopa.
come into leaf vRO. arua. concerned for STAT. goru.
come near vRE. tutuu. conclude vRE. gogoto.
come out vRE. vusivusivi. conclude (something) vRE. opesi pie.
come out of hiding vRE. guvi. conclusion adj. opesi;
come to investigate vRE. ivia. nCN. gogotoa;
come together vRO. ora aivaro. nCN. opesiaro;
come together in one place vRO. ora koara. nCN. rakotea.
come unannounced vRE. rata pie. condem a group while speaking to a representative only of
come up short vRE. apo. the group vRE. tavatu.
comfort someone vRE. rasivauru pie. condemn vRE. gasi.
commandment nCN. reo taisi. condensation nCF. guvisi.
commemorate vRO. oova. confess vRE. tavitavi.
commence vRE. rovo. confession nCN. tavitavia.
commence from the start vRE. tuuru. confide vRO. ora ropo.
commit adultery id. tou; confide in v? ruuruuku.
vRO. oto. confidence nCN. rasivauru vovou.
common adj. tuuri. confirm vRE. oirao pie;
communicate with the spirit of the dead person vRE. kuu vRE. rivutoa;
pie. vRE. tuuta.
companion nCN2. taveoto; confirming adv. rorovearavira.
nCN2. toa pieto. confuse vRE. gogu pie;
company nCN. takuvua. vRE. kea;
comparatively adv. roropavira; vRE. paituru pie.
adv. rorovira. confuse someone with choices vRE. avavaia pie.
compare vRE. vaea. confused adv. keavira;
compass nCN. tuvetuvepa. adv. paituruvira;
compete v? paupau; id. paivuruva;
vRO. ora piiuu; STAT. avavaia;
vRO. ora varovaro. STAT. kea;
compete against vRO. ora paupau. STAT. pai;
complain vRE. agaru. STAT. paivuru;
complete adj. rutu. STAT. piro;
complete journey vRO. tugura. STAT. vavagisi.
complete something vRE. taasi; congeal adj. reviriua.
vRE. tupasiko. congregate vRO. rava.
completed adj. ovoi. conjectured STAT. oove.
completely adv. ovoievira; consecutive adj. tavae.
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consider covering
consider vRO. aue. cooperatively adv. takuvuvira.
consider carefully vRE. taavi. copra nCF. kavura.
consistently good person nCN2. papeoto. copy vRE. urooro;
consolidate STAT. vasi. vRE. urooro pie;
(constant) talking with loud voice vRO. takato. vRE. viioo.
constantly adv. sipu pievira. coral tree nCN. virarea.
container classifier as in veeta tou class. tou. cord nCM. viripato.
contemplate vRO. aue. core of pineapple or other fruit nCM. takeru.
contemplative person nCN2. vasiku touto. core of tree nCN. evao upi.
content STAT. rasirasi. cork nCN. ivita.
content-like STAT. rasirasivira. cork up vRE. ivita.
continually adv. pauakavira. corm of plant nCN. tuvitu.
continue on vRE. topa; corn nCF. kootopa;
vRE. topa pie. nCF. kukara.
continuously adv. topa pievira; corner nCN. goria;
adv. tuupavira. nCN. poki;
continuously falling vRO. taruu. nCN. vikuka.
contract nCN. ovoi vaisi; (corner) studs of a wall nCN. tasi tuuta.
nCN. tapate reo. corpse nCN. kopii;
contract something id. pura. nCN. tataga;
contradict vRO. kaureo; nCN2. kopiito.
vRO. kauro. correct adj. torevoko;
converse vRO. ora reoreo; vRE. reko;
vRO. reoreo. vRE. torevoko pie.
conversion nCN. tavarioa. correct someone or something vRE. torevoko.
converstation nCN. reoreoa. correct something vRE. iuiutoo.
convert vRE. pore. correctly adv. torevokovira.
convince STAT. vasi. corregated sheet of galvanized iron nCN. kapa.
convince one's self positively vRO. ora iu. cost nCN. voriaro;
convince with talk vRE. tuturi. vRE. vori.
convincing persuasive talker who is enjoyable to hear cot nCN. uru kakae.
nCN2. oruo pie reoto. cotton nCN. pupupu.
cook vRE. ori. cough vRO. vagoto.
cook in an enclosure vRE. takou. council man nCN2. urui tokipato.
cook (person) nCN2. oripato. council member nCN2. tuvetuvepato.
cook soup vRO. pepero. count vRE. rooroove;
cook to soft texture vRE. gavagava. vRE. rooroove;
cook with salt vRE. aku. vRE. vetaveta;
cooked adj. uviruera. vRE. viei.
cooked completely adj. ori piro; count several objects vRE. vieviei.
adj. uviru. country nCN. sara;
cooked food nCN. orioria. nCN. tokoa;
cooked thing nCN. oria. nCN. tokotoko.
cooking bananas nCM. kaaisi. couples of married persons nCN2. aakova vure.
cool adj. uteo; court nCN. taava.
adj. vuavua; cover over vRE. raku;
nCN. guvaguva. vRE. raku;
cool air nCN. vaaraa. vRE. rakuraku;
cool anger vRE. aroviaku. vRE. ruu pie;
cool breeze nCN. vaaraa. vRE. sira;
cool down something vRE. ugoro pie. vRO. vasava.
cool off vRE. guvaguva pie; cover the head from rain or sun vRE. kukuvai.
vRE. vuavua pie; cover up vRE. takou;
vRO. kusii. vRE. tavuru.
cool off in a shaded spot adj. kave. cover with earth paint vRE. ruu.
cool place without a fire for warming one's self nCN. covered adv. rakuvira.
kuvuoropa tapi. covered up adv. takouvira.
cool shady day nCN. ugoro voki. covering nCN. rakurakupa;
cool-like adv. uteovira. nCN. ruupa.
cooperate vRE. takutakuvu.
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covering which grows over and between newly developing coconuts, looks like burlap cut
covering which grows over and between newly developing crooked adj. regore;
coconuts, looks like burlap nCN2. adv. regorevira.
tootoopaua. crooked and twisted vine nCN. ovoto poori.
coverstrip nCN. kapo pero. crooked, cause to be vRE. regore pie.
coverstrips of wall or house nCN. kapokapo. crooked or gnarled fingers or toes, person with nCN2.
covet vRE. riirii; pukopukoto.
vRO. kavorou. cross STAT. aveave;
crab nCN. okote. STAT. kasikasi;
crab, fresh water edible crab earger than the OKOE STAT. kasipu.
nCM. ereku. cross aunt (MoBrWi) nKF. kauo.
crab, hermit crab id. akova. cross beam of house nCM. sisivoto.
crab, large type lives in beach sand nCM. oreku. cross over vRE. iviro;
crab, lives at high elevations, has strong pincers, eats vRO. iviro;
pandanas fruit nCF. toisiva. vRO. uviro.
crab, lives in sand nCM. okoeto. cross position nCN. parikou.
crab, lives in the beach sand nCF. karara. cross-marriage custom nCN. koora aao.
crab, small type nCM. asurike. cross-wise adv. kovuruvira.
crack loc. vuuta; crotch nCN. piara.
nCN. geto. crouched adv. pukovira.
crack into pieces vRE. rekareka. crow adj. rakao.
crack open vRE. kakiaki. crow, small black nCM. vikuroi.
cracked adj. kaki. crowbar nCN. taroropa keru.
cracking noise nCN. rakaraka. crown of tree nCM. kukurikoto.
craftsman nCN2. puravaripato. crucify vRE. tapa.
crawl on knees vRE. riru. crumble something vRE. kururu.
crawling adv. riruvira. crumbled adj. kururu piro.
crayfish nCF. kavori. crumbly substance ph. aputa koko.
crayfish large salt water type nCM. oaraoto. crumbs nCN. kurooro;
crayfish, small freshwater variety, has hair between nCN. rurukopara;
pincers on forelegs nCF. siputavu. nCN. uruuruko.
crayfish, small freshwater variety, long forelegs, marks on crumbs of food nCN. aio kurooroaro;
the body nCM. taviroi. nCN. aio ururuko.
crayfish, very small body nCM. rusivato. crumple vRE. vogovogo.
crayfish, very small shrimp, comes in with whitebait on crunchy adv. ritoritovira.
surface of ocean waves nCF. kitoiva. cry vRE. gau.
crazy vSTAT. kokoro. crybaby nCN2. gauto.
crazy person nCN2. kokoropato. cucumber nCM. asivuru.
crease vRE. puko. cultivate vRE. tupeso.
create vRE. kareke; cultivated flowers nCN. arupa kovoro.
vRE. pura. cup nCF. tapipava.
create a mess vRO. kaie. cupboard nCF. kitu tovopava.
create trash vRO. tagataga. curdled adj. arikisi.
cremate vRE. rare pie. cure vRE. porete pie.
cremated person nCN2. rareto. cure with salt vRE. sisi.
cremated remains nCN. rarea. cured adj. poretea.
crest of cockatoo nCF. keeriva; cured person nCN2. poreteato.
nCN. kara ruoa. cures nCN. raviravi.
crew of ship nCN2. uvuoa tokipa irara. curly tubes in area of placenta nCN. pipisiara.
crib nCN. uru kakae. curved adj. poori.
crippled person nCN2. kepito. curved, make something vRE. poori pie.
crips food dried and ground up nCN. ritorito. curved-like adv. poorivira.
crisp adj. kirukiru. custom nCN. pitupitu.
crisply adv. ritoritovira. custom of inter-marriage between clans nCN. koora aao.
criss-cross adj. variriakou; custom of talking with spirit of dead person to see if it is
nCN. parikou. satisfied with its new surroundings nCN.
criss-cross paths in opposite directions vRO. ora variriu.
variriakou. customs officer nCN2. kotokoto tokipato.
criss-crossed adj. tapetuta. cut nCN. toea;
crocodile nCM. oteote. vRE. kogo;
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cut across deep or dark color
vRE. kogo. cut into sections vRE. returetu.
cut across vRE. opi. cut off sago palm leaves vRE. kosikosi.
cut apart vRE. totoe. cut one side vRE. vega.
cut away vRE. viou. cut repeatedly vRE. toetoe.
cut grass vRE. tosi. cut short vRO. vuke.
cut grass off at ground level vRE. toetoe. cut straight across vRE. rooroo.
cut grass with a sickle vRE. kipe. cut up vRE. putepute.
cut hair vRE. sii. cut up meat vRE. korita.
cut hair off at scalp vRE. gagavuri. cuticles nCM. garitato.
cut hand of bananas vRE. pai. cyst nCN. akoro puku.
D - d
dam nCN. iipa. dazzle with light vRE. pikipiki.
dam for holding water nCN. tavura. dazzled by light adv. avavaravira.
dam to block water nCN. virarei. (dead) coral nCN. rarita.
dam up vRE. ipu. dead person nCN2. kopiito.
damage vRE. vuri pie. dead person's talk nCN. kuu.
damp adj. poro; deaf adj. uvagi.
adj. tupitupi; deaf person nCN2. uvagito.
adj. ugaogaoa; deaf slightly adj. uvagi visivi.
adv. guvisipavira; deafen vRE. uvagi pie.
adv. ugaogaoavira. deaf-like adv. uvagivira.
damp object nCN. upisipa. deaf-mute nCN2. vaaruuto.
damp place nCN. ugaogaoa tapi. deal vRE. rooka.
dampen vRE. tupitupi pie. deal out vRE. roro pie.
dampness nCF. uteova. deal unfairly vRE. vogete.
dance vRO. koova. death nCN. kopiia.
dance, a nCN. pupia. death, be near vSTAT. kororu.
dance bending the knees deeply vRE. rekureku. debt nCN. ou ragaa.
dark adj. rupa; decay adj. eru.
adj. tutuvagi. decay, cause to vRE. eru pie.
darken adj. rupa. deceitful person nCN2. rataa vovouto.
darkened adj. puupuru. deceive vRE. kea;
darkly adv. rupavira; vRE. ogo vate;
adv. tutuvagevira. vRE. rata;
darkness nCN. rupa; vRE. ratarataa;
nCN. tutuvagia. vRO. kuukuuvu;
daughter (niece) (WiBrDa) (WiSiDa) nKF. oviiva. vRO. kuuvu;
daughter-in-law nKF. taatova. vRO. taea.
daughter-in-law-(SoWi) nKF. aigeva. deceived STAT. kea.
dawn nCN. avia; deceiver nCN2. keakeato;
nCN. aviaua; nCN2. kuukuuvuto.
nCN. avitoava; December nPR. katai tau eraopa kekira.
vRE. sikere. deceptively adv. aupo pievira;
day nCN. kovoa; adv. keavira;
nCN. voki. adv. kuuvuvira.
day after tomorrow temp. vo vokiri vokipaaro. decorate vRE. orito.
day before yesterday temp. vo vokiri aruvearo. decorate one's body or face with powder, etc. vRE. epo.
day of death ph. rera vaaro opesi voki. decorate with beads vRE. aasi.
(day of) death ph. rera vaaro opesi voki. decorate with charms vRE. siruru.
day on which body was buried and spirt of dead person decorate with flowers, feathers, etc. vRE. vaute.
consulted nCN. variriupa voki. decorated adj. epo.
day on which the period of mourning for the dead is ended decoration nCN. oritoa.
with a feast nPR. Ruupa voki. decoration on arrow shaft nCN. kovuruko.
day when no one is around nCN. kuvau voki. decreasing slightly-like adv. aate pie visivi.
day-cool, shady nCN. ugoro voki. deep area nCN. paitu.
daytime temp. avi voki. deep area of body of water nCN. rokoa.
daytimes temp. ravireoura. deep or dark color adj. tore.
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deep water in river or sea dig out
deep water in river or sea ph. riro roko rovu. destroy vRE. opesi pie;
defeat id. tasi. vRE. pare.
defeated id. ori. destroy in a rage vRE. teki.
defecate id. viki; destroyed adj. opesi.
v? vitu; detain vRE. tuuke.
vRE. opoko; deteriorate vSTAT. kukau viro.
vRE. vitu. determination nCN. keruiato.
defecate (but considered vulgar useage) vRE. kou. determine to do something STAT. goru;
defecate (chicken) vRE. pigo. vRO. ora poisi.
defecate (dog) vRE. tugisi. determined adj. gorupasi;
defecate (human) vRE. eeko. STAT. gorupasi vovou;
defecate (pig) vRE. rikoto; STAT. keruria;
vRE. ritoko. STAT. kevoisi.
defecate (rat or insect) vRE. tupi. determined person nCN2. kevoisi vovouto.
deflate vRE. sigi. determined-like adv. kevoisivira.
delay vRO. aritaru. develop breasts vRO. roroo.
delay patiently vRE. ate pie. deviate vRE. piro pie.
delayed adv. tou pievira. deviate from mark vRE. turi pie.
delayed-like adv. aritaruvira. dew nCF. guvisi;
deliberately adv. ogaaga visivi; nCF. uriteva;
adv. roorootevira. nCF. vuisiva;
demented due to spirit possession STAT. tutue. nCF. vusiva.
deny adj. ora taea; diagonally woven-like adv. rekerekevira.
vRO. taea. dialect of Rotokas nPR. Aita.
depart vRO. ora vase; diarrhea nCF. vuriva;
vRO. ora vasike. nCN2. kovuto.
dependable adj. rekisi. die vRE. vovou vera;
depression nCN. rikuo. vRO. kopii.
depression above the clavicle bone nCN. goragora riku. die down adj. rakote.
deprive of id. eri. die out (fire or engine) adv. roko.
depths nCN. rokoa. died out adj. papu.
descend vRE. rere; different adj. avokori;
vRO. usireo; adj. pisa;
vRO. vara. adj. vakivaki.
descendents nKn2. aao irara. different appearance nCN. tavari keke.
desert nCN. viato tapi; different kind of person nCN2. avokorito.
vRE. kuvau pie. different location adv. uposivira.
deserted adj. arakasi. different objects nPN. sasara.
deserted place nCN. arakasi tapi; different side nCN. pisa varata.
nCN. kuvau tapi. differentiated-like adv. aorepavira.
deserted places nCN. kuuvau ura. differently adv. avokorivira;
deserted-like adv. oira asavira. adv. pisavira;
desicated adj. ragegeta. adv. pisipisavira;
desiderative marker gr. ruipa; adv. roorookavira;
gr. vovou. adv. tavarivira.
design nCN. koria; difficult adj. apepa;
nCN. riporipoa; adj. apopoi;
vRE. riporipo. adj. virikasi;
designated vRE. aru. adv. virikasivira;
desire nCN. ruipaa; STAT. kasikasi;
nCN. vovoua; STAT. pai;
vRE. ruata pie; STAT. vavagisi.
vRO. vovou. difficult people nCN2. apopoipa irara.
desire food, sex STAT. karivai. difficult to cure STAT. takau pie.
desire to hit vRO. taa. dig vRE. eri;
desirous person nCN2. ruipato. vRE. erieri.
desk nCN. rigatopa urua; dig a ditch vRE. apui;
nCN. urua. vRE. goore pie.
despersed adv. sikasikavira. dig a hole vRE. riku.
destitute adj. kapoo. dig out vRE. teka;
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`dig out' idea or information do as
vRE. tovutovu. id. reroaro.
`dig out' idea or information id. eri. disobey law vRE. toko.
dig up ground vRE. tupeso. disordered adj. iruuta.
diligence nCN. pugu pitupitu. disorient vRE. paituru pie.
diligent STAT. kasikasi; disoriented adv. paituruvira;
vRE. oruo. adv. riroirovira.
diligently adv. kasiraovira. disperse vRE. riga.
dilly-dally adj. garutu. dispersed adj. sikasika.
diminish in strength adj. kavee. displaced adj. gopu piro.
diminutive marker gr. visivi. disppointed with on's self vRO. ora veo.
dip out vRE. toke. disregard STAT. uruuru.
dipper nCN. toke. disregard talk vRE. veeku.
directly adv. turakasivira. dissect meat vRE. korita.
directly towards adv. tuurituuripavira. distance nCN. sita.
dirt nCN. vuivuia. distant adj. tauai;
dirty adj. asiriko; loc. tauai.
adj. sikupu; distended stomach adj. piku kovu.
adj. vuivui; distorted adv. regorevira.
adv. katokatovira. distract attention vRE. uruuru pie.
dirty from dust, get? adj. pupukai. distribute vRE. ropa;
dirty person nCN2. sikuputo. vRE. roro pie;
dirty things nCN. sikupuara. vRE. tovotovo pie.
disabled STAT. atoro. distributed evenly adv. totoevira.
disagree vRO. kaureo. distructed vRE. paipai.
disappear adj. pesipesiko; distrust vRE. oriorisi.
vRE. toropo; ditch nCN. apuia.
vRO. opesiko. ditch with water nCM. tapirioto.
disappeared adj. rovarovako. diverse adv. vatakopavira;
disappointed STAT. takau. nPN. sasara.
discern vRE. kerisi. diversly adv. pisavira.
discerning person nCN2. kerisito. divert vRE. piro.
discerningly adv. kerisivira. divert a stream to trap fish vRE. virareia.
disciple nCN2. arovipato. divide vRE. ropa;
disclose vRE. reo kosi pie; vRE. roviriei.
vRO. riata. divide exactly in half vRE. vurita.
discontent STAT. vatasoko. divide in half vRE. kuro.
discuss vRO. ora piopio; divide into two groups vRO. ora karata.
vRO. reoreo. divide into two more or less equal portions vRE.
discuss together vRO. ora reoreo. roorooka.
disembowel an animal, bird, or fish vRE. sare. divide up vRE. karata;
disguise vRE. geesi. vRE. karopo;
disguised adj. tavutavu. vRE. karutu;
disgusted STAT. pirutu; vRE. torotoroo;
STAT. ritu. vRO. ora roo pie.
dish nCF. tauo. divided adv. ropavira.
dish out vRE. koko; divided into portions adv. roopavira.
vRE. koko. divided up adj. sika.
disinclination marker gr. arapa; divine sickness to see whether it is real or from an evil
gr. sa, see: asa. spirit vRO. tarao.
disinterested STAT. atoro. diviner nCN2. ravotopato.
dislike vRO. asa; divining concoction or thing used to `open up' the sick
vRO. reasi. man's troubled area nCN. karu.
dislike a man vRO. vasare. division nCN. rookaa.
dislike doing something STAT. oreore. divisions of tens nCN. vo tauro rooparo iava.
dislike on second thought vRE. veri. divisions of two each nCN. totoepara.
dislocate vRE. gopu. divulge vRE. reo kosi pie.
dislocated adj. gopu piro. dizzy STAT. avavarao.
dislodged adj. goro. do gr. pie;
disobey id. ivara-ia; vRE. pura.
id. reroaro; do as vRE. osa pie.
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do not ear ring made from orifice of shell
do not gr. opeita. drip from something vRE. toporoko.
(do something with) ease adj. avekata. drip repeatedly vRO. kovekove.
docile person nCN2. kuuvakito. dripping vRO. poro.
doctor nCN2. ruvarupato. drive a car vRE. voka pie.
dodge vRE. raviravisi; drizzle vRO. poroporo.
vRO. vavio. drizzling vRO. poro.
doesn't burn too much adv. gavagavaruvira. drool ? vevega.
dog nCF. kaakau; drop vRE. gaveru.
nCF. kevira. drop head in sleep vRO. ragorago.
doll nCM. kookoo. drop something vRE. kove.
dominate vRE. pute pie. drop to one side vRO. gore.
done adj. uviruera. droplet adj. sikosiko.
Don't! excl. teapi. droplets adv. topogovira.
door nCN. rataoa. droppings from insects nCN. rovusiko.
door opening nCN. riaaro. drown vRO. gisi.
dots nCN. koopikoopiara. drum nCN. raraava tou;
double minded man nCM. vagore vovouto. vRO. siiguru.
doubt vRO. vakutoveo; drunk STAT. vuro.
vRO. vakuvaku. dry adj. posige;
doubtfully adv. pasipavira; nCN. erakoa.
adv. vakuvakuvira. dry heave vRO. aveavero.
downward adv. varavira; dry in the sun vRE. tava.
loc. uusireovira. dry out vRE. erako pie.
doze vRO. ragorea. dry out something by squeezing or heating vRE. ragegeta
dozen adj. katai tau erao. pie.
drain vRE. raosa. dry up adj. erako;
drainage ditch nCM. goore. adj. raaka;
draw a bowstring taut vRE. kue. adj. raaka;
draw flies vRO. avuru. vRE. ruirui.
draw in stomach vRE. vogeta. dual adv. eraeraovira;
draw up something vRE. rupi. adv. toa pievira.
drawknife nCN. kuripa. dual of animate beings gr. vaio.
dray out vRE. posiposi pie. dual of places gr. iarei.
dream, a nCN. urusia. duck nCF. ururuera.
dream-like adv. urusivira. dugong nCF. avororo.
drenched adj. seru. dull adj. povuvau.
dress in clothes vRO. kuvu. dull edge nCN. gitagita.
dried leaves nCN. ruruiara. dull flat-like adv. kuperovira.
dried leaves of tree fern which catch rain and are used in dull, to be adj. sirisiria.
medicine nCN. erako tokoru. dumb vRE. kapuu.
dried out adj. ragegeta. dummy nCN2. purato.
drift id. gae; dummy verb stem vRE. aue.
vRE. gaegaere. duplicate vRE. oiso pie.
drifting like adv. gaegaerevira. during prep. aue-ia.
driftwood nCN. riitara. dusk temp. vuri evei.
driftwood in piles nCN. riita guru. dust nCF. kavurao;
drill nCF. rivute; nCF. poupou;
nCM. gogagarepato; nCN. poupou kove;
nCN. topupa. nCN. pupukaia;
drink cool liquid vRO. ukaio. nCN. rovusiko;
drink hot liquid vRE. tapi. vRE. karavuru.
drip nCM. toporokoto; dusty adv. rivutevira.
vRE. roroporoko; dysentery nCF. revasiva.
vRO. poroporo.
E - e
eagle nCF. tokiuva. ear (external) nCN. uvareoua.
ear canal nCM. kokito. ear ring made from orifice of shell nCF. aareva.
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earlier entice
earlier temp. voviri. embarrass someone vRE. api pie.
early morning loc. riro paro; embarrass someone in their act of doing wrong vRE. ruvu
temp. paropaua; pie.
temp. vokikou rutu. embarrassed STAT. api;
earring worn in the ear lobe nCF. kokoroki. STAT. pirutu;
earth nCM. rasito. STAT. ritu.
earth paint usually smeared on the hair nCN. ruua. embarrassed for lack of something STAT. tarataraa.
earth with umber color used to decorate the skin nCM. embitter vRE. vaavaavu.
raoveto. embrace vRE. kapekape;
earth worm nCM. tororo. vRE. rau.
earthquake nCM. ravurike. embrace, an nCN. raua.
earthworm, with small body nCM. oreko. emerge vRO. kosikosipa piro.
easily adv. avekatavira; emit vRE. vusi pie.
adv. kaapeavira; emphasis marker gr. vasi.
adv. oeatavira. emptied adv. arakasivira.
easily do something adj. avekata. empty adj. akukua;
(easily) frightened person nCN2. uririavupato. adj. viapa;
easy adj. aiva; adj. viiaka;
adj. araiva; adv. poeravira;
adj. gauvioro; vRE. viapa;
adj. kaapea; vRE. viato pie.
adv. kaaveakavira; empty out vRE. viiaka pie;
adv. kapiaavira. vRE. vuato pie.
easy chair nCN. ora gere paupa. empty out a shell, husk, etc. vRE. topuka.
easy going person nCM. kavee vovouto. (empty) shell of egg, shellfish, coconut, cocoa, etc.
easy to listen to nCN2. vasi pie reoto. nCN. topuka.
easy work nCN. avekata kovo. empty something vRE. viapa pie.
eat vRE. aio. empty stomach, to have vRE. vogeta.
eave of roof nCF. kovurui. enable vRE. tugura pie.
eaves of roof nCN. putaputa. encircle vRE. tari;
echo nCM. kuvereto; vRE. tariko;
vRO. uveio. vRO. ora gori.
echo, an nCM. uveioto. enclose vRE. ruu;
echo, to make an vRe. kuvere. vRE. ruu pie.
ecstatic STAT. vogete. enclosed adv. uu pievira.
edge loc. vatuaaro; enclosed, to be vRO. kovokovo.
nCN. vikuka. enclosure nCN. vatave.
edge of blade nCN. vire. end adj. opesi;
edible larva nCM. tootooru. nCN. gogotoa;
edible portion of coconut stalk which tastes like cabbage nCN. opesiaro.
nCN. sisorua arua. end abruptly vRE. rite.
eel, lives in fresh water streams under stones and in caves, end day ph. opesi voki.
grows to one meter or more nCF. uova. end of small intestine nCN. tupipa iro.
effervesce vRO. guvuguvurio. end something vRE. gogoto pie.
egg nCN. takura; end (something) vRE. opesi pie.
nCN. takura isi. end something vRO. eaka.
Eh! excl. apa; end up at a certain point adj. rekasi.
excl. raa. endangered vSTAT. kororu.
eight adj. vo peva vatara. endangered, cause to be vRE. kororu pie.
eighty adj. vo peva vatara tau. endlessly adv. sipu pievira.
elbow nCM. apekuto. enemy nCN2. keripato.
elect vRE. tore pie. enemy with vRO. keri.
eleven adj. katai tau katai. energetically adv. kasiraovira.
eliminate vRE. opoko. English language nCN. uvuapa reo.
eliminate feces or urine vRE. voakou. enlighten vRE. sopore.
(elongated) hole nCN. geto. enough adj. rovosi;
elucidate vRE. kapiaa; inten. ovoie.
vRE. sopore. enough, cause to be vRE. tugura pie.
elude vRE. raviravisi. enter vRO. koata.
embarrass one's self STAT. ora api pie. entice vRE. pue.
104 English — Rotokas 3/17/2008
entire arm extend the hand outward
entire arm nCM. tavirauto. vRO. ora parikou;
entirely adv. rutupavira. vRO. tavario.
entirety of something nCN. rutuaro. exchange for pay vRO. ora tuutuuko.
entrance to village nCM. karepieto; exchange places vRE. parasire;
nCM. siriupe. vRE. tavari.
entwine vRE. viroviro; exchange repeatedly v? pariparikou.
vRO. ora viroviro. excited STAT. garagarako;
entwined adv. takokarevira; STAT. garagarako;
vSTAT. takokare. STAT. ora sita;
enumerate vRE. vetaveta; vSTAT. kupukupu.
vRE. vieviei. excited about something STAT. ega.
envelop vRE. ruu. excrete vRE. vitu.
envelope nCN. ruupa. exemplify vRE. piepie;
envy vRE. riirii. vRE. roroio pie;
epidemic nCN. iiruviro. vRE. urooro;
equal in distance adj. aatokoro. vRE. viovioe.
equally adv. rosivarevira. exist vRE. tou;
erase vRE. riga; vSTAT. epao.
vRE. rigariga. exist in the middle adj. vuruvuruia.
eraser nCN. rigapa. exist on both sides vRE. vuruvuruia.
erode away vRE. tovutovu. existing things nCN. touara.
erroneously adv. turi pie visivi. exit vRO. kosi.
erupt adj. poko; exit, cause to vRE. kosi pie.
vRE. vusi. exmine intently v. sisivare.
esophagus nCF. kopa iro. expectation (with results) nCN. viroo.
essence of something nCN. viratoaro. expel vRE. sigu;
essential part or inside portion id. upito. vRE. vera.
establish id. kove. expensive adj. apepa;
established in id. tasi. adj. apopoi.
eternal adj. pauaka. experimental offering used for divining source of sickness
eternally adv. touvira. nCN. tarao koruou.
evade vRE. ravisi. experimentally adv. tarauverivira.
evaluate vRE. kerikerisi; explain vRE. araiva pie;
vRE. kerisi. vRE. avekata pie;
evened out with reference to differences adv. vRE. aviavi pie;
rosivarevira. vRE. roroio;
evenly distributed adv. totoevira. vRE. roroio pie;
even-tempered STAT. uruuru. vRE. sopore;
even-tempered person nCN2. uruuru vovouto. vRE. vuato pie.
eventuate vRO. vuuta. explain clearly vRE. rekesi.
everyday temp. vokiara rutu. explanation nCN. vuatoa.
everyone nC. voea rutu. explode adj. pikarata;
everything adv. rutupavira; adj. poko;
nCN. vara rutu. v? vakakao.
everything that is nCN. touara. explode, cause to vRE. poko pie.
everywhere loc. voraro. expose vRE. guvi;
everywhere at a distance loc. evoraro. vRE. guvi pie;
evil nCN. vuria. vRE. poera.
evil desire nCN. tugara vovou; expose hidden deed id. ora topu.
nCN. vuri vovou. expose hidden deeds id. tava.
evil spirit nCN2. kokarapato; exposed adj. oveove;
nCN2. tugarato. adv. poepoeravira.
examine intently vRO. sisivare. express a thought in a trial way or toss out an idea.
example nCN. aviavi piea; id. viki.
nCN. ovoovoa; expression of amazement inten. arokaukau.
nCN. vuato piea. expression of appreciation nCN. vearoa.
example of something to come nCN. piepiea. expression of sorrow excl. ai ai.
exceed limits adj. turi. extend hand vRO. vavae.
excessively adv. aarovira. extend straight out vRE. itoro.
exchange vRE. tavari pie; extend the hand outward vRO. vavae.
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extended families female cross-cousin
extended families nKN. aao. extract vRE. tate;
exterior of body nCN. varaaro. vRE. virutu.
extingquished adj. papu. extract out juice vRE. gatao.
extinguish vRE. papu; extrovert nCN2. aukueto.
vRE. roko; eye nCM. osireito.
vRE. sisi. eye glasses nCF. osireipava sisiro.
extinguished adj. kuvoro. eyelash nCN. ripoa.
extra things mixed together nCN. tagereara. eyelashes nCN. ripo kae.
F - f
FaBr nKM. aite. fasten repeatedly vRO. tutuuke.
face nCN. puaua. fasten together vRE. takitaki;
facing v? toa. vRE. voto pie.
facing each other adv. toa pievira. fasten together with nail or peg vRO. tatakoro.
fade away adj. pesipesiko. fasten with a noose vRE. varia.
fade out adj. roroveriko. fasten with wire vRE. taketake.
fading like adv. pesipesikovira. fastened together adj. pota.
faint STAT. kookoopeko. fat adj. taoro.
faith nCN. oirao piea. fat person nCN2. taoropato.
faithful person nCN2. papeoto. father nKM. aite.
fake vSTAT. kovukovu. father-in-law (HuFa) nKM. taatoto.
fake something vRE. oku pie. father-in-law (WiFa) nKM. aigeto.
fall vRO. kove. fathom nCN. taga;
fall a great distance (stone or water) vRO. vagapa. nCN. uvuia.
fall as rain vRO. poro. fault nCN. vuria.
fall into a single line vRO. ora tupetuperoe. fear nCN. uriria.
fall over vSTAT. kukau viro. fearful adv. uririvira.
fallen out of adj. roro. fearless child nCN2. uruuruva kakaeva.
fallout nCN. poupou kove. fearless person nCN2. tuuvu vovouto.
false vSTAT. kovukovu. fearlessly adv. tuuvu vovouvira.
falsely adv. kovukovuvira. feast nCN. aioa;
falsely solid adj. rarita. nCN. gata;
falter vRO. vuke. vRO. vurei.
fame nCN. riro vaisi. feast given before death nCN. tavaaria.
family (Fa and child) nK. vo aaorei. feast made before death nCN. keo aio.
family (Fa, Mo, children) nK. vo aao. feather nCN. orupa.
family (Mo and child) nK. voavaorei. feather of hawk used in coded leaf letter to mean, 'enemy'
family (Mo and children) nK. voavao. nCF. keriva.
family (mother and children) nKF. oavao. feathered headpiece nCF. raropava.
family with many children or a heap of kids id. kakae February nPR. eraopa kekira.
pukui. feces (human) nCF. opoko.
famine nCN. ogoe vuuta. feces of chicken nCN. pigo.
fan made of leaves nCN. purepurepa. feces of dog nCF. tugisi.
fan something vRE. purepure. feces of pig nCF. ritoko.
far off loc. tauai. feces of rat or insect nCN. tupi.
farewell vRE. avaue. feed vRE. aio pie.
farewell someone vRE. vokiaro. feed a person incapable of feeding himself vRE. kuku.
fart nCF. puuva. feel vRE. rava;
fashion nCN. pitupitu. vRE. sovo.
fast adv. ikauvira; feel consequence of something adj. ora taea.
vRE. aio kavu; feel like vomiting without being able to vRO. aveavero.
vRE. kavu pie. feel pleasure STAT. ega.
fasten vRE. goru pie; feel sick vRE. rava.
vRE. tu; feel something vRE. sosovo.
vRE. tuuke; feet) vRO. kesi.
vRE. vasi pie. feint an action with a spear or axe vRO. vari.
fasten clothes vRO. tuu. feint with bow and arrow vRE. kaava.
fasten on coverstrips vRE. kapo. female cross-cousin nKF. raovuuva.
106 English — Rotokas 3/17/2008
femur fish, appears to have wings, sits on stones, small body
femur nCN. kokotopa tou upisi tou; vRE. kuvukuvu.
nCN. vatou keru. fill up with vRO. gisi.
fence nCN. kasiura; fill up with something vRE. vepu pie.
nCN. kovokovoa; filthy adj. katokato;
nCN. taketakeia; adj. sikupu.
vRE. kovovo. final inten. ovoie.
fence for protection of the Upe house nCF. visisata. (final) death vRO. kopii ovoi.
fence in v. rirore; finalized adj. ovoi.
v. ururau. finally adv. ovoiovira.
fence off vRE. kovokovo; fine STAT. vearo.
vRE. kovokovo. fine spray nCN. pigigio.
fences of pig nCF. rikoto. finery nCN. oritoa.
fern, grows on the ground and has leaves used in medicine finger nCF. piiroo;
and in coded leaf letter to mean, You tempt nCN. sipareo.
me nCN. kaekaeo. fingernail nCF. gaitao.
fern, leaves are clustered on a stalk, used in cooking for fingers nCN. sipareo koara.
flavoring greens nCM. varito. finish adj. opesi;
fern, leaves are used in cooking for flavoring greens nCN. opesiaro;
nCN. sopapiara. vRE. gogoto;
fern, parasitic type that grows from trunk of living tree in vRE. gogoto pie.
the shape of an upside down umbrella finish of contract ph. opesi voki.
nCN. sirigaea. finish off id. upo.
fern tree, like kakavea, grows at high elevations nCF. finish (something) vRE. opesi pie.
kakupute. finish something vRO. ovoi.
fern tree, tall with fine leaf design nCN. rotokasisi. finished adj. gogoto;
fern tree, used for food, has no thorns nCN. topirei. adj. via.
fern tree-general name for all nCN. kakaveisi. finished with vRO. ku.
fern, white mottled leaves, decorative fern nCM. fire nCM. tuitui;
tatareko kou. nCN. eto;
fern, with red leaves which turn green as they mature nCN. eto kasi.
nCM. sirurupeita. fire for warming one's self nCN. tuitui kasi.
fertilize vRE. arupa; fire, large nCN. piua;
vRE. porete pie. nCN. riro kasi.
fever nCN. kukue upia. fire starter nCN. situa.
few things nCN. garepara. fire starter, bits of firewood carried on trip nCN. siitu.
fiber nCN. vuvuripato. fire used to cook completely things only partially cooked
fibers of kapok fruit nCN. pupupu. nCN. kuki kasi.
field gun nCN. riro vakakaoa. fire-like adv. etokovira.
fiery place nCN. eravao tapi. fireman nCN2. eto kasi verapato.
fifty adj. vo vavae tau. firestarter sticks nCM. varuvato.
fig, wild mCM. sikato. firewood nCN. erakoa.
fight nCN. upoa; firewood sticks nCN. kepitara.
vRE. upo; firm adj. goru.
vRO. viuru. firm up id. itoito.
fight club nCM. kakuto. firmly adv. pukopukovira.
fight leader nCM. sitapato; first vRO. rogo;
nCM. viuru vikupato. vRO. rovo.
fight with airborn weapons vRE. tatu. first object nCN. rovopa.
fighter nCN2. oira upoto. first time adv. taraipavira.
file nCM. roriroripato; First wait a minute! excl. aikavu rovo.
nCM. vevetopato; firstborn child nCN2. ira kovapato.
vRE. rorirori. first-born daughter nKF. avaiova.
file something vRE. ravutu. firstborn female nKF. voriuva.
file (tool) nCM. ravututo. firstborn male nKM. voriuto.
filial love nCN. kavikoa. first-born son nKM. avaioto.
fill half full vRE. varaku pie; first-fruits offering nCN. avaio kuero.
vRE. varaku pie. firstly adv. rovovira.
fill something vRE. agasi pie. fish vRO. atari.
fill space with something vRE. vogisi pie. fish, appears to have wings, sits on stones, small body
fill up vRE. kuvu; nCN. rarakataua.
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fish, black body, lives in saltwater along the coast food
fish, black body, lives in saltwater along the coast flavor vegetables with aromatic plants or herbs vRE.
nCM. taavu; avaisi.
nCM. virovu. flavored adv. geesovira.
fish, black body with yellow marks, good eating nCN. flavor-mild adv. gavaure visivi.
sisorua. flavor-sharp adv. kasipuvira.
fish, found in freshwater streams clinging to stones, large flea nCF. iirui.
eyes (like mudskippers) nCN. rokoe kare. flesh nCM. varuto.
fish in general nCM. atarito. flesh attched to bone nCN. sope.
fish, that eats coral nCM. raritatopu. flesh unattached to bone nCN. tatavu.
fish trap made of rattan or vine nCN. vaikeua. flexed muscle nCN. sope puku.
fish, whitebait, small body, collects on surface of ocean flimsy adj. kapea.
waves nCF. ovurava. flinch vRO. ora ruvu.
fish with very small body nCM. taraipura. flip over vRE. peka.
fisherman using nets nCN2. pakuto. flock nCN. pituro.
fishhook nCM. kaa pieto; flood nCF. pirutuva;
nCN. kotopa. nCN. paitua;
fishline nCM. viripato; vRO. pirutu.
nCN. ovoto iro. floor nCN. rakorako.
fist nCF. vuvuko; flow vRE. paru.
nCN. vuvukorapa. flower bud nCN. koko ruu;
five adj. vavae; nCN. kokooko ruu.
adj. vo vavae. flower sheath of palms nCN. kakutauo.
five hundred adj. vo vavae vovoto. flower which is the favorite food of the Brown Honey
(five small) bamboo tubes bound together, used in coded Eater nCN. turoturo koko.
plant letter called variua to stand for the flowers, small blue that grow from red-leafed decorative
phrase, you ate pig celebrating the man you plant nCN. viitaua.
killed. nCN. koie vavae. fluid in blister nCN. topikoro ovi.
(five small) bamboo tubes bound together used in coded fly a plane vRE. voka pie.
plant letter called variua to stand for the fly an airplane vRE. papa pie.
phrase, 'you ate pig celebrating the man you fly, insect nCF. avuruva.
killed' nCN. kikiso tesi. fly, large blue type nCN. kutu kare.
fix vRE. vearo pie. fly, small type found in jungle area nCF. kerekoi.
fixed in position vRO. taki. fly, small type lives in jungle nCF. kopuro.
flacid adj. gavagava piro. fly through the air vRE. papa.
flail away with hands vRE. vuvuko. flying fish nCM. vuvureoto.
flake off adj. katukatu. flying fox nCF. urakava.
flakes of skin nCF. verutava. flying fox with small black body nCF. oapova.
flame nCM. vuvuto. foam nCN. ruiruiso.
flames nCN. vuvua. foamy adv. ruruisovira.
flapping of wings vRE. putaputa. foggy adj. sirorova;
flare up vRE. vuvu. adv. sirorovira.
flash flood nCF. pirutuva. fold vRE. viko.
flashlight nCF. aopava. fold over vRE. puko;
flat adj. pekere; vRE. reku;
adj. pekeri; vRO. ora puko.
adj. veropa; foliage nCN. kovarua.
adv. tuurivira. follow vRO. utu.
flat and big adj. patura. follow a course id. gae.
flat like adv. pekerevira; follow behind vRO. oga.
adv. pekerivira. follow footsteps vRE. oova pura.
flat raised areas nCN. togetogeua. follow in pursuit vRE. varovaro.
flatten vRE. tapetapeko. follow one another vRO. ora tupereo.
flatten out vRE. taruru; follow something up vRE. utu pie.
vRE. tatu. follow suit vRO. tupe.
flatter vRE. agoagoto. follow winding path vRE. poroporoko.
flatterer nCN2. agoagotopato; following adv. varovarovira.
nCN2. aroviakuto. following after temp. utupaua.
flavor nCM. pupurikoto. food nCN. aioa;
flavor something with salt vRE. sisi. nCN. gata.
108 English — Rotokas 3/17/2008
food concocted to make Upe initiate grow strong quickly frog,
large body, edible variety
food concocted to make Upe initiate grow strong quickly form one bow or inter-marry between clans id. ora
nCN. siruru aio. koetaova.
food contained in edible tuber which is broken down and fornicate vRO. oto.
used to nourish new shoots from the tuber if fornication or the way of dogs id. kaakau kare vo
not harvested right away nCN. gorova. pitupituaro.
food cooked in bamboo tube nCN. vorie. forty adj. vo resura tau.
food cooked to break a period of fasting nCN. kapa. forwarning nCN. avaavao.
food crumbs nCN. aio kurooroaro; foster father or mother nCN2. tokipato.
nCN. aio ururuko. foul vRE. piro pie.
food cupboard nCN. aio kitupa. foul one's self vRO. ora uvariatoo.
food eaten while traveling nCN. tavaaria. foul someone up vRE. ovavuari pie.
food for offering nCN. koruou koko. foul up vRO. koou.
food for the road nCN. keo aio. fouled STAT. pirata;
food mixed with grease nCN. sisipara. STAT. piro.
food mixer nCN. poreporepa. foundation nCN2. tuutato.
food not mixed with meat ph. araara aio. four adj. vo resura.
food on plate nCN. kokoo. fracture adj. ora pegepege;
food specially prepared for use during the divining rite vRE. kakiaki;
nCN. karao koko. vRE. kee.
food which is cooking or cooked nCN. aio ori. fracture something vRE. kaki;
foolish vSTAT. kokoro. vRE. keekee.
foolish person nCN2. kokoropato. fracture (something) vRE. kepi.
foolish talk CN. aau reo. fractured adj. kepi.
foolishly adv. kokoropavira. fractured object nCN. keekeepa.
foor for a journey nCN. tavaari aio. fractured pieces nCN. pegepege.
foot nCN. tasipa; fragrant-like adv. geesovira.
nCN. tasiua. fragrantly adv. geesovira.
footfall, to make vRE. kukuuku. frame for carrying a heavy object nCN. peperava uru.
footholds nCN. togetogeua. frame of house nCN. raro.
footprint nCN. tasiaro. framework of house, upright pieces nCN. ketu vuruko.
footsteps nCN. oovaa. free adj. kapiaa;
for that reason ph. oa vituaro iava. STAT. kaaveaka.
for the purpose of conj. aivirare; free of charge adv. akukuvira.
conj. auere. freely adv. kaaveakavira;
forbid gr. opeita. adv. paarovira;
force nCN2. siga. adv. viavira.
force through vRE. uga. freely given adv. vatevateavira.
forcefully adv. varivarivira. frequent v? tuvutuvu;
forecast nCN. piepiea; v? tuvutuvuke.
nCN. ruvaraoa. frequently adv. tuvutuvukevira;
forehead nCF. kagave. adv. tuvutuvuvira.
foreign adv. uposivira. fresh adj. airepa.
foreign place loc. uposiua. (fresh) grass nCN. kopuve kouro.
foresee vRE. siva pie. friable soil nCN. veveoro rasi.
foreshadow vRE. ivao. Friday nPR. Vo vavaepa voki.
foreskin of penis nCN. goagoa. friend nCN2. vateto.
forget vRE. ora pesi pie; fright nCN. uriria.
vRO. opesiko rugorugoo; frighten vRE. uriri;
vRO. ovau. vRE. uriri pie.
Forget it! excl. eagara. frighten with gestures vRO. oove.
forget something recently thought of vRO. ovauvari. frightening adv. asavira.
forgive v. tavore; frog nCF. gavura.
vRE. piruko. frog, black body with red breast nCN. votutua.
forgiveness nCN. tavorea. frog, brown body, cry sounds like the striking of an axe on
fork in branch nCN. piara. wood, lives in wild banana, when held the
forked twig nCN. piara. stomach swells nCF. kakuva.
form a line vRE. veera; frog, green, rubbery appearance, cries just before the rain
vRO. asitaisi. to get the rain started nCF. kurae.
form a tangled mass vRE. papata. frog, large body, edible variety nCM. epioto.
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frog, lives in the bush give
frog, lives in the bush nCF. kakarau; loc. irapaua;
nCF. kovikoro. nCN. tarautoaro.
frog, mate of epioto, cry sounds like its name, i.e. front of anything like shirt, blouse, body, house adj.
kaokaokao, edible nCF. kaokao. kopukopu.
frog, small nCM. kuiopetu. front side of house nCN. kopukopua.
frog, small, cry in evening sounds like its name, i.e. froth nCN. ruiruiso;
kuriakuriakuria nCF. kuriato. nCN. tguvuguvurioara.
frog, small yellow body, pictured on PNG postage stamp, fruit nCN. koro;
lives on leaves nCM. kuiopesi. nCN. kuea.
frog, small yellow green body, large feet, pictured on PNG fruit bat nCF. aatu.
postage stamp, general name of frog fruit flies nCN. vata kare.
nCF. sirori. fruit, overripe with sap coming out nCM. ovoito.
frog, small yellow to brown body, large feet nCF. frustrated adv. takau pie visivi;
koraraoko. STAT. avavaia;
frog, very small black body nCF. kuriato. STAT. tavavaia.
frog, very small, body nCF. rokisi. fulfill conj. aivirare.
frog, yellow or tan to orange body, lives in the bush full of food adj. vuku.
nCF. raageo. full of holes adj. rikuriku.
from loc. aue iava; (full of) joy STAT. ega.
prep. aue-ia; fully adv. arasivira.
prep. aueva; funnel nCN. petopa.
prep. iava. funny person nCN2. agesi piepato.
from here loc. vova. funny talk nCN. roveu reo.
from over there loc. oisiriva. fuse together vRE. tapo pie.
from where inter. ovuva. fussy STAT. aveave.
front adv. iravira; fuzz on leaves nCN. ui.
G - g
gag vRE. kaa. nCN2. paaroto.
gain attention vRE. kuu pie. generously adv. paarovira.
galip nCF. tapuruva. genius nCN2. taraitoa rutu.
game nCN. sipiroa. gentle person nCM. kavee vovouto.
garbage nCM. varaso; gentle transparent person nCN2. kaaveaka vovouto.
nCN. kaiea; gentleness nCN. kavee pitupitu.
nCN. keritara; (gently) sloping hill nCN. ereereo vaesi.
nCN. rarapetao; genuflect vRE. reku.
nCN. rogeta; genuine honest person ph. rutara vovoutoa rutu oirato.
nCN. tagataga; germ nCN2. aviko kare.
nCN. takae. get vRE. ou.
garden nCN. kovoa. get big sores vRO. kiuve.
garden area nCN. kovopa tapi. get courage vRO. ora poisi.
gasp vRE. vekaveka. get down vRE. rere.
gather vRE. takutakuvu. get dusty vRE. karavuru.
gather in a heap vRE. gugura. get rid of vRE. veravera.
gather into a group vRO. ora ravuru. get sun vRO. tava.
gather together vRE. rugurugu; get up vRO. tore.
vRO. uu; get up early in the morning to go somewhere vRO. voki.
vRO. uvuru. get vegetables vRE. arua.
gathering nCN. uvuru. (giant) clam nCM. vaevae.
gaze vRE. vuravura. gift nCN. sirao vatevatea.
gaze at something vRE. vura. gift given in the truest sense with no thought of return
gekko, large with white skin nCF. kuurea. nCN. vereopa vate.
gekko, small body and white skin nCM. utauei. gigantic adj. riroa rutu.
gekko with white skin nCN. tausiua. giggle vRE. ruku.
generosity nCN. vereopa vovou. ginger, large type nCN. otuko.
generous STAT. paaro. ginger root nCF. tagotago.
generous person nCM. kovutara vovouto; ginger, tall type nCN. gigio.
nCN2. kaaveaka vovouto; give vRE. vate;
H - h
hair in armpit nCN. girigirio. happy personality nCN2. kovata vovouto.
hair of black or dark coloring nCN2. rupa oruto. happy singsing nCN. vurapa pupi.
hair of head nCF. orui. hard adj. kau;
hair of opossum? nCN. oriituuro. adj. tuakaka;
hair of red or light coloring nCM. siipara oruto. adj. vitavuko.
hair of Upe initiate (long) nCN. geegeru oru. hard to get adj. apopoi.
hair on body nCF. puru kou. harden adj. reviriua.
hair on stomach nCN. sire kou. harden like bone vRO. keru.
half adv. varakuvira; harm vRE. vuri pie.
nCN. kuroa. harm one's self vRO. ora uvariatoo.
half full adj. kosi. harmonica nCN. pupi tavara;
half full (nearly) adj. sikopa. nCN. siraiko tavara.
hallow vRE. tugoro pie. harvest vRE. rotu;
halved adv. rovirieivira. vRO. tue.
halves nCN. puteputeara. harvest cocoa vRE. rere pie.
hammer nCM. tapapato; harvest food vRE. arirao.
nCN. tatepa; harvest from tree by cutting or picking vRO. ato.
vRE. tapatapa. hasten v. vage;
hampered speech, to have STAT. kooroo. vRO. varivarike.
hand nCF. vuvuko; hastily adv. varivarikevira.
nCN. vavae. hat nCN. kukuepa;
hand as in ito pai'-hand of bananas' nCN. pai. nCN. kukuvaipa.
hand over vRE. kosi pie. hatch vRE. varake.
handcuffs nCF. kuka; hatchet nCF. garevavi torara;
nCN. tuuke koro. nCM. virikasivira.
handle nCN. pitupa. have a good outlook on life again vRE. pue pie.
handles of slit gong nCN. takereto. (have a) seizure vRO. tavusi.
handsome adj. vearo keke. (have) appetite for food, sex STAT. karivai.
handwriting nCN. rigatoa. (have) chickenpox adj. tavato.
hang from vRO. koto. (have) mercry STAT. ruata.
hang from something adj. koto; have tip broken off vRE. piku.
vRE. koto. have two sides adj. kepo.
hang oneself vRO. ora kaa. hawk nCM. keravo;
hang something decorative around the neck vRO. aasi. nCM. ruega;
hangi-like adv. kotovira. nCM. tookuito;
happen vRO. kareke. nCN. ravute.
happily adv. roruvira. hawswer nCM. kopirovu.
happiness nCN. rorua. haze nCM. sirorovato.
happy STAT. ega; hazy adj. sirorova;
STAT. kovatae; adv. kokopuvira;
vRE. roru. adv. sirorovira;
happy person nCN2. kovata keketo. adv. uraurapavira.
I - i
I nPP. ragai; STAT. vasivasi.
nRP. ragoa. important female nCF. oira vasiva.
I am a social misfit or isolate. ph. toko-a ragai. important name or title nCN. riro vaisi.
I don't know where ph. voavi avu. important person nCM. riro oira;
I don't think so. ph. viapaua vai. nCN2. vasivasito.
I think! excl. pasi. important persons nCN. tura irara.
I think ph. ari vai pasi. important talk nCN. reo toree.
I think! ph. o pasi. impossible STAT. viapau uvui.
ice nCN. kusii. impower vRE. virava pie.
identical adj. vaea; imprison vRE. tuuke.
adv. areiivira. improperly adv. akerukavira.
identically adv. uroorovira. improve vRE. vearo.
identify vRE. pae. in prep. aue-ia.
idol nCN. uvaru. in addition to adv. tupe pievira.
if conj. vosa. in back of loc. isivauaro.
ignite vRE. kasi. (in) disarray adv. iruutavira.
ignite something vRE. rukue. in front of adv. iravira.
ignited adj. rukue. in pairs adj. tupetupereo.
ignorant of something STAT. ruruvutu. (in) pairs adv. tavetaveovira;
ignorant person nCN2. rorukoto. adv. toatoa pievira.
ignore ph. osireiara gare pie; (in) rows adv. veeravira.
STAT. ruruvutu; (in) sight of adv. osireopavira.
vRE. uruuru; in this manner, with arms barely encircling adv.
vRE. uruuru pie; kapekapevira.
vRO. ora uruuru. inaccurately adv. turi pie visivi.
ill humor nCN. aveavea. incense odor nCN. ripuua geesi.
illiterate STAT. vieiasa. incense (smoke) nCN. riipu kupare.
illiterate person nCN2. vieiasato. incest adj. giigoo.
illuminate vRE. ao. incest between parent and child or clan v. koou.
illusive adv. kuuvuvira. incestuous person nCN2. kooupato;
illustrate vRE. roroio pie. nCN2. petuapato;
illustration nCN. vuato piea. nCN2. poreo.
illustrative adv. viovioevira. incinerate adj. piu;
imbue with power vRE. virava pie. adj. poko.
imitate vRE. oiso pie; incite to anger vRE. aveavero;
vRE. viioo; vRE. kasipu pie;
vRE. vioe. vRE. tavatavae.
(immature) frog nCM. agugurioto. inclined adj. pouka.
immediately adv. vavovouvira; include together with vRE. vatave.
adv. vavovouvira; included everything in one homogenous state vRE.
temp. vakoravira. taotaope.
important adj. rei; incomplete adj. kuverea;
adj. riro; adv. vurukovira.
J - j
jab or hit vRE. visi. vRE. vatako;
jack nCN. tatepa. vRE. vatave;
jack up vRE. taroro; vRO. ora aivaro;
vRE. tate. vRO. ora tavosi.
jacket nCM. kuvupato. join together two things vRE. sigoto.
jail nCN. tuukepa kepa. join with one another vRO. ora vatave.
January nPR. kataipa kekira. joined object nCN. tavosi.
jaw nCN. keetaa. joint nCN. siguvae;
jell adj. veke. nCN. uu piea;
jest nCN. roveu reo; vRE. tavotavosi.
vRE. tovi; joint of bamboo nCF. rakaso.
vRO. kevaita; jointly adv. uu pievira.
vRO. roveu. joke nCN. roveu reo;
jester nCN2. kevaitato; vRO. kevaita;
nCN2. roveuto. vRO. roveu.
Jews harp nCF. kovokovo. joker nCN2. koovoto.
join after vRE. siguva. jokester nCN2. agesi piepato;
join ends vRE. uu pie. nCN2. aupearito.
join in with vRE. taveo pie. jostle vRO. ora vurevure.
join to vRE. tapoko. journey nCN. sita;
join together vRE. kapo; nCN. sita;
vRE. sigusiguva; vRE. vokavoka.
vRE. siguva; joy nCN. rorua.
vRE. sikata; joyful STAT. vogete.
vRE. tapo; joyfully adv. roruvira.
vRE. tapo pie; judge nCN2. taava purapato;
vRE. tavosi; vRE. roviriei;
vRE. uvere; vRO. ora taava.
K - k
Kaibala 22-Feb-84 nCM. ouruvato. kingdom nCN. sara.
kapiok seed nCN. arioisi. kiss nCN. uugaaa.
kapok tree nCN. kapokao. kiss one another vRO. ora uugaa.
katydid nCM. ogagaua. kiss someone vRO. uugaa.
keep vRE. oriru. kit bag nCN. kove oapa.
keep for a long time vRE. tuiko. knapsack nCN. ogata.
keep from vRO. ora airerei. knat nCM. ragoviri.
keep information from v? ruuruuku. knaw on vRE. gerigeri.
keep something intended for another vRO. kavorou. knead vRE. vogovogo.
key nCN. tupa karupa. knee nCN. kotupiua.
khaki cloth nCN. vurupa varoa. kneel vRE. reku.
kick vRE. tuguru. kneel repeatedly vRE. rekureku.
kick one's self vRO. ora tuguru. knife nCN. visipaa.
kick out of the way vRE. pera. knife, long nCM. sigoto.
kick repaeatedly aside vRE. perapera. knife, short nCN. sigoa.
kid vRE. tovi; knife-like adv. sigovira.
vRO. kevaita; knock vRO. toto.
vRO. roveu. knock fruit out of tree vRE. topa.
kidder nCN2. aupearito; knot nCN. pisikuia;
nCN2. kevaitato. nCN. tuukea.
kidding nCN. roveu reo. knot, Granny knot nCF. Isio pisikui.
kill vRE. kopii pie. knot something vRE. pisikui.
killer nCN2. upo purapato. knot-slip knot nCF. vore turuva;
kind nPN. vo kekeo. nCF. voreva pisikui.
kind person nCN2. vereopa vovouto. know vRO. tarai.
king nCN2. reito; knowledge nCN. ora tarai piea.
nCN2. riroto; kunai grass nCF. reeso;
nCN2. turaro. nCN. isiso kou.
L - l
labia nCM. kepoto. nCN. toko rovu.
laborer nCN2. kovopato. lame person nCN2. tore gosito.
lacking adj. apota; lamp nCF. roropava;
adj. kii. nCF. vuravu.
ladder nCN. iipapa; land a plane vRE. rere pie.
nCN. taapa. land (airplane) vRE. rere.
ladle nCN. toke. landrights system nCN. koora aao.
laid out adv. gerevira. landslide nCN. kakupa.
lake nCN. rovua; large adj. rei;
Let it be! excl. eagara. limbum, planted and grown for wood used to make pakou
Let it be for a while yet. ph. va rovope. 'fighting stick' nCM. vopato.
letter nCN. rigatoa; limbum, small but very strong trunk nCF. kavuava;
nCN. vaisia. nCF. sokeva.
letter coded by using special plants tied together to convey limbum, small leafed variety nCF. tosipute.
a message, accusation, etc. The names of the limbum, small leaved variety nCF. sisivu.
plants are similar to words which have the lime for betel nut nCN. akoroa.
meanings used to convey the message limestone nCN. turei.
nCN. variua. limited to two only nCM. kataitoarei.
level adv. rosivarevira; limp adj. goo;
adv. tuurivira; vRE. gosigosi;
vRE. torevoko pie. vRO. kesi.
level out adv. rosivarevira. limping-like adv. kesivira.
level place nCN. tuuri. line id. raiva;
level (tool) nCN. kepa torevokopa. nCN. viuviua.
levels nCN. vatavatave. line each other up vRO. ora pekapakeara.
lever nCN. taroropa keru. line of something nCN. veeveeraa.
liar nCN2. kookuto; line up vRE. veera;
nCN2. kuukuuvuto. vRE. veeveera;
lick vRE. veavea. vRE. veeveera;
lick with tongue vRE. vea. vRO. ora veera;
lid nCN. ivita. vRO. pekapekara;
lie vRE. rata; vRO. veeveera.
vRO. kuukuuvu; line up side by side vRE. tavara.
vRO. kuuvu. lined up adv. pekaravira;
life nCN. tootooa. adv. veeravira.
life-like adv. tootoovira. lines nCN. veeraveera.
lift vRE. kae pie. linger vRO. aritaru.
lift up vRE. iipa pie. linked adv. kaapisivira.
light nCN. avia; lint gauze nCN. tuukepa iro.
STAT. aviavi. lion nCN2. avuavu kare.
light from bacterial source nCM. araropa. lion fish nCM. vuvureoto.
light hearted feeling ph. vovou vaarata. lips nCN. riaua;
light made from sap of galip (Tahitian chestnut) nCN. nCN. veoroua.
kukuaua. liquefy adj. uuko.
light of fire nCM. vuvuto; liquid class. ovi.
nCN. vuvua. liquified grease nCN. tapi ovi.
light pithy trees and bushes nCN. varaata vego. liquor nCN. vuropa ovi.
light plank nCN. varaata pero. listen id. kokito vate;
light weight adj. rarakeo; vRE. uru pie.
adj. varaata. listen carefully id. kuvere.
lightly adv. areovira. lit adj. rukue.
lightning vRE. parakau. little adj. gare;
light-skinned man nCM. riuriuto. adj. kakae;
like adv. tariatavira; adj. kakapikoa;
conj. osa; adj. raeraevu.
vRO. ruipa; little finger or toe nCF. kokorai kova.
vRO. vovou. live vRO. tootoo.
(like a) judge nCN2. rovirieisoto. live, cause to vRE. tootoo pie.
like that nDN. eisi. liver nCN. tokata.
like this nPN. oiso. living person nCN2. tootooto.
likewise adv. viioovira. living place nCN. vuavuriko.
limbum nCF. katokoi. lizard nCF. aaoveva.
limbum, common nCF. tokuo. lizard, black body, small, quivers when sunning itself on
limbum, large leaf variety, used for making pakou rocks nCN. tavusua.
'fighting stick' nCF. kasarao. lizard, black body with distinct scales, lives on the ground
limbum, large variety nCM. okovu. nCM. sirie.
limbum, leaves used for construction of Upe hat nCF. lizard, black smooth skin, small, lives near the beach
virui. nCF. kurei.
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lizard, black with body about 15 inches in length, has distinguishing marks on its face love
lizard, black with body about 15 inches in length, has look above for vRE. taraa.
distinguishing marks on its face nCF. aoveva. look after vRE. toki.
lizard, blue body with two yellow lines down the back, look at vRE. keke;
smaller than the turukoua nCF. kerekoi. vRE. vura.
lizard, bluish skin, lives in ground under rotted logs in look away vRE. uruuru.
groups, possibly one of the skinks nCN. look downward vRE. ooro.
taruviakoua. look for in vain vRE. pote.
lizard, dark body, tan scales, eats snakes, skin not used for look from a distance without recognizing adv. toapavira.
drum nCM. kakatuara. look inside of something transparent — turo.
lizard, dark body with tan to yellow scales, no spines, skin look intently vRE. orere;
used for drum, looks like small Komodo vRE. sisiro.
lizard nCF. kariava. look like adj. keke.
lizard, dark brown body, smaller than kokopa otherwise look toward other side v? toa.
the same nCM. varikata. look upward vRE. taraa.
lizard, fairly large black body, runs on the ground usually, loop something vRE. poroko pie.
common nCF. vautako. loops nCN. gorigoriara.
lizard, green body with yellow brest, longtail lives in the loose adj. garavoka;
bush, common nCN. turukoua. adj. garo;
lizard, green type that lives in trees nCF. taviova. adj. garogaro;
lizard, has bright green body, spines on the back, smaller adj. goegoe;
than ovareoko nCF. vuirovu. adj. kaapea;
lizard, has small dark body, lives on the ground, has adj. uuge;
smooth skin, deaf to noises nCM. kokopa. adv. pogopogorovira;
lizard, large type, about 8'' long nCF. tagavava. vRO. varu.
lizard, small blue body, moves very quickly, possibly one loose grip on something vRE. raravio.
of the skinks nCM. gogorioto. loose soil nCN. veveoro rasi.
lizard, small brown body, lives in tops of trees nCM. loosed adj. goro.
korauru. loosely adv. garavokavira;
lizard, small with ridge down the back, lives in sago palms adv. vagovira;
and coconut trees nCM. korereto. adv. viavira.
lizard, smaller variety of aoveva nCM. ovarovu. loosen id. goo pie;
lizard which makes a sound like a hoarse throat nCM. vRE. garavoka;
koorooto. vRE. garavoka pie;
lizard, with spines on its back nCM. ovareoko. vRE. uuge pie;
loan id. rikua; vRE. vago;
nCN. ou ragaa. vRE. vago pie;
lobster (general name) nCF. kavori. vRE. vigu.
local person nCM. vovapato. loosened adj. gavogavoto.
located vRE. tou. loot vRE. gogi.
location, attitude or position of object gr. ia. looter nCN2. gogipato.
lock nCN. gorupa; lord nCN2. turaro.
nCN. tupaa; Lord's Supper nCN. tavaaria.
vRE. tupa; lose vRE. kavu;
vRE. tuuke. vRE. riroiro.
lock (on door) nCN. kapuu piea. lose breath completely vRE. vovou vera.
lock up vRE. tupa pie. lose grip vRE. gaveru.
lock-very strong type nCN. avuki tupa rutu. lose grip on — goropi.
lodged in adj. goto. lose interest STAT. vovou vakuvaku.
logs placed parallel to fire used to support cooking utensils lose track of thoughts vRE. ora pesi pie;
ncN. varara vuruko. vRO. opesiko rugorugoo.
loincloth nCN. varoa. lost adj. pesipesiko;
loincloth of bark (formerly used) nCF. sikure. adj. roroveriko;
lolly nCN. sipoipa. adj. rovarovako.
long ago loc. voari; lost peron nCN2. riroiroto.
temp. tuariri; loud noise, cause a adj. poko.
temp. variavu; loud noise, to cause a vRE. vauvau.
temp. variavu rutu. loud talker id. akutava.
long lasting object nCN. tuuvauru toua. louse nCF. iirui.
long (time and space) adj. riro kaekae. love nCN. kavikoa;
122 English — Rotokas 3/17/2008
love charm market
nCN. siraoa; lower down loc. uusireovira.
STAT. ruata; lower external stomach area nCN. gaiua.
STAT. sirao. lower something vRE. usireo.
love charm vRE. aio pie. lubricate vRE. korovo;
love intensely vRE. kaviko. vRE. piru pie.
low pitch adj. ruvaku. lunch nCN. tavaari aio.
low to the ground adj. takutaku. lungs nCN. ageage.
low voiced person nCN2. ruvaku reoto. lymph gland in groin nCN. aveaveoa.
M - m
machete nCM. sigoto; male cross-cousin nKM. raovuuto.
nCN. visipaa. male initiate nCM. upeto.
maggot nCN2. aviko kare. man vRE. rare pie.
main nCN. rovopa. man and guardian spirit nK. uroturei.
main road nCN. tou raiva. man responsible for charming food nCM. sirurupato.
main room nCN. tou tugi. man responsible for holding the Upe initiates special soup
make gr. pie; in his lap nCM. rovi kavaupato.
vRE. pura. man who always desires sex nCM. karivaito.
make a feast vRE. keo. man who commits incest nCM. pituapato.
(make a) flanged edge vRE. siresire. man who doesn't forget talk nCM. reo tuikoto.
(make a) hole vRE. topu pie. man who takes something not his own nCN2. pae pituto.
make a mess vRO. tagataga. man who usually makes true predictions nCN2. siva pie
(make a) road or path vRE. raiva. reoto.
(make) alike vRE. urooro pie. man with much hair as in riro oruto - 'very hairy man'
(make) available vRE. kaaveaka; nCM. oruto.
vRE. kapiaa. manager nCN2. tokipato.
make aware of vRE. kuu pie. mandible nCN. keetaa.
make brilliant vRE. aau pie. mango tree nCN. tavute.
(make) circular vRE. veruveru. mangrove tree nCM. togoro.
(make) confident vRE. rasivauru pie. manifest vRE. kareke.
(make) drunk vRE. vuro pie. manioc nCN. tapoko.
make enough vRE. uvui pie. mankind nC. Oirara.
make go back vRE. viruviru. man-made person nCN2. purato.
make go high vRE. totopeu pie. manna for want of a better vernacular term nCF. uriteva;
make go upwards vRE. iipa pie. nCF. vuisiva.
(make) groove vRE. ketaka. mantee nCF. avororo.
make hole in the nose vRE. avui. map nCN. tuvetuvepa.
(make) idle talk id. gisipo viki raga. Mapiaro, altenate name for this village. nPR. Kaareva.
make laugh vRE. agesi pie. March nPR. Vo pevapa kekira.
make light vRE. aviavi pie. march in line vRO. asitaisi.
(make) mischief or pranks vRO. rerei. margin nCM. papaato.
make noise vRE. vauvau pie. mark nCN. reesiara;
(make) obscene jestures vRE. siki. nCN. taga;
make rain vRE. koke. vRE. kori;
make ready vRE. vatatopo pie. vRE. reesi.
(make) sneezing noise vRO. asige. mark a sacrifice for a spirit in order to demonstrate
make something vRE. via. commitment or dedication to that spirit
make something well vRE. rutara. vRE. pioi.
make the rounds vRE. veriverisi. mark as important vRO. avivike.
make tight vRE. itoito pie. mark in the shape of a `V' painted with white mud from
(make to) chew betel nut vRE. ura pie. the Pioto warm spring nCN. aruova.
make trash vRO. kaie. mark off vRE. taga.
make turn vRE. gori pie. mark the end vRE. rekasi.
make work vRE. kovo pie. mark with a design vRE. riporipo.
Malay apple tree nCF. kakavoro. marked all over nCN. reeresipa.
male nP. oira. market nCN. aivaroa;
(male) child left by parents nCM. sipeto. nCN. toara;
male cousin nKM. araoko. nCN. uua.
N - n
nag vRE. aruaru. name originally of the Keriaka area and people nPR.
nail nCM. ririto; Raavoro.
nCM. tatakoroto; name several objects vRE. vaivaisi.
nCM. tavaato; name someone vRE. orivo.
vRE. tapatapa; napkin nCN. atoatopa.
vRE. tuuke. narrow hole nCN. pipi topu.
naked, be adj. gapu. narrow opening vRE. pipi.
naked like adv. gapuvira. narrow passage nCN. geto.
naked person nCN2. gaputo. (native) bank made from bamboo section nCM. arueia.
name nCN. vaisia; native inhabitant of the jungle nCN2. vegoto.
vRE. vaisi. (native) melon nCN. vivigore.
name father vRE. aite. natives of mainland Papua New Guinea nCN. turue
name given to Buka area or Buka people by Rotokas irara.
nPRN. Karivara. natural illness not supernaturally caused nCN. kopii turia.
name given to Tinputz area or people by Rotokas navel nCM. vituoto.
nPRN. Moipeua. navel of child which has swollen because of the cord being
name of bush spirit living in stone that guards the cut too short nCN2. vakokoi.
Suriketo-Ovuveo property nPRN. Katai near loc. ruvara-ia;
kokoto. vRE. tutuu pie.
name of bush spirit that guards the Ovuveo property (near) completion adj. rakote.
nPR. Pokoepura. nearly adj. kekeputu;
name of clan nPR. Aita. adv. gareavi;
name of lake nPRN. Gara. adv. kekeputuvira;
name of Old Togarao nCN. Uriiko tuikou. adv. tutuu pievira;
name of Orukui property below Ruruvu nPR. Opove. adv. varavaravira.
name of Rotokas village nPR. Togarao. nearly finished ph. opesi tutuuei.
name of singsing by Upe initiates danced in another nearly missed excl. koku.
village for the first time after they had been neck nCF. kopa iro;
settled back into their own village nCN. kesi nCF. okoe;
pupi. nCN. kairo.
name of the hot spring area near Togarao nPRN. Pioto necktie nCN. okoe takipa iro.
kukukuaro. needle nCM. tavaato.
name of tree which marks the boundary of Ovuveo clan negro nCN2. katokatoto;
property nPR. ririko Kuvui. nCN2. oitapato;
name of village just above Togarao where Catholic school nCN2. tutuvagito.
was formerly located nCN. Vukovukora. nephew nKM. paparito.
name oneself vRO. ora vaisi. nest of bird, rat, or mouse nCN. epita.
O - o
oar nCN. gote pero. old (thing) adj. ruta.
obedient STAT. arovi; Old Togarao nPR. Vuavuriko.
STAT. papeo. omit v. ariarava.
obedient person nCN2. papeoto. on prep. aue-ia.
obese adj. taoro. on the move vRE. veriverisi.
object (such as axe) without handle nCF. kaku asiava. on top loc. ariaara;
oblivious of something STAT. kirava. loc. ivara-ia.
observe STAT. uruuru; on top of loc. ariararo;
vRE. rigo; loc. roevira;
vRE. siitue. loc. viaraiapavira;
observe over a period of time vRE. teerio. loc. viarovi.
observing vRE. tapate. On top of him ph. ro ivara iava.
obstinantly adv. keruriavira. once more adv. aia ita.
obstinate id. kau kepo. one adj. katai.
obstinate person nCN2. kau kepoto. one eyed eyed person (nickname) nCN2. kaakito.
obstruct vRE. goto pie; one hundred adj. katai vovoto.
vRO. korukoru. one kind nCN. kataia raga.
Obviously from Tok Pisin wiliwili. nCN. viriviri. one million adj. katai ipu.
occupied STAT. pugu. one missing adv. kaparuvira.
ocean nCF. avakava; one or more unfamiliar human (s) class. vou.
nCF. toruva. one thousand adj. katai tuku.
October nPR. katai taupa kekira. (one who) can't remember well nCN2. uvariatoo
odor nCN. geesia. rugorugooto.
odor of burning substance vRE. piu geesi pie. (one who) fouls up things nCN2. uvariatoo rugorugooto.
odor of cooked animal flesh or burnt hair nCN. riipu. (one who) laughs easily nCN2. roveuto.
Of course! excl. aure. (one who) skips words while speaking nCN2. tavasiko
Of course not! excl. aviova; reoto.
excl. eaviova. one who wastes food nCN2. aio ropito.
off of vRO. ora viki. one whose talk is worthwhile nCN2. vavata pie reoto.
off the track adv. koikevira. (one whose) talk shoots straight nCN2. taavoto reoto.
off to the side loc. uposiua. onion nCF. ariari.
offer freely vRE. vate raga. onlooker not inclined to pitch in and help nCM. sosope
offer in ceremony vRE. tauo. vovouto.
offer sacrifice vRO. koruou. only adv. raga.
offering nCF. tauo; only one nCN. kataia raga.
nCN. pioive. open adv. karuvira;
offering of food nCN. koruou koko. vRE. karu;
office nCN. rigatopa kepa. vRE. vago.
official meeting nCN. ora aivaropa; open a ceremony vRE. siga pie.
nCN. ora gurupa. open area nCN. vago gariko.
offspring nCN. ovii kakae; open flower nCN. kokookoa.
nKM. ovii irara. open mouth (to yell) vRO. akuta.
offspring and their children nK. ovii avao. open sea or ocean nCF. rirova avakava.
Oh! gr. eke. open slightly adv. kavovovira.
oil nCN. iisi ovi; open something vRE. pao.
nCN. korovo ovi; open the mouth vRE. aka.
vRE. iisi; opened adj. kaki;
vRE. korovo; adj. peara.
vRE. piru pie. opening loc. vuuta;
Okay! excl. aera; nCN. riaaro;
excl. aeri; nCN. topua;
excl. oire; nCN. vagoa.
ph. o ita. open-like adv. vagovira.
old adj. tavuara. openly adv. paovira.
old man nCM. vituasito. open-minded person nCN2. kaapea vovouto.
old person nCN2. avukato. open-repeatedly or many things vRE. karukaru.
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operculum of Cat's eye shell and fresh water snails paper
operculum of Cat's eye shell and fresh water snails other side nCN. ovaratavu;
nCN. vurupakea. nCN. ovatuvu.
opossum in general nCM. koorato. ours nPS. vigei vaaro;
opossum, small with brown hair color nCM. vareeto. ph. vegei vaaro.
opossum with black and white hair nCN. kokerao. ours (dual) nPS. oave.
opossum with black hair nCF. toruvauru. ours (excluding listener) nPS. igei vaaro.
opossum, young just weened nCM. rapotato. ours (exclusive) nPS. oaio.
opponent nCN2. vagepato. ours (inclusive) nPS. oavi.
or gr. eke. out in the open adv. kaaveakavira.
or bush with knife or sythe vRE. tosi. out of reach vRE. pote.
or go to the bush vRE. viku. out of sight adv. kekevotovira.
or occupied by hornbill, opossum, cockatoo, etc. outhouse nCN. vikipa kepa.
nCN. oora. outrigger of canoe nCN. rutara tavara.
or spears are hurled into the tree which takes the place of outside loc. ratau;
the object that caused injury to the person. nCN. tarautoaro.
nCM. kasiava. outside in back of loc. tapoisi-ia.
orchid, a beautiful large type nCM. rarike. outside-like loc. ratauvira.
orchid, bright purple and orange flower, flowers are in outspread wings adv. ravutevira.
clusters on a stalk, grows at higher elevations outstanding STAT. vasivasi.
above 2000 feet nCN. esisikotu. oven nCN. oripa;
orchid, type of nCF. gariva; nCN. takoupa;
nCF. tokaaru; nCN. vagipa.
nCN. kurikoko. over there loc. oisiri;
order vRE. aru. loc. vari;
organize vRE. areii. loc. vavoviore.
origin nCN. vituaro. overcast id. tagugu.
originate vRE. kareke; overflow nCN. atu;
vRE. vusi pie. vRE. uka;
ornamental shell worn through the nose nCF. avuiva. vRE. uka.
orphan nCN2. virakoito. overflow into another vessel vRE. gatu.
orphaned vRE. virakoi pie. overgrown bush area nCN. kokopa kou.
orphan-one or both parents dead nCN. virakoi kakae; overlook vRE. gogu.
nCN2. ovauto kakae. overripe fruit nCM. ovoito.
oscillate vRE. voreri. overturn vRE. peto;
other gr. vRO. peto.
other animals nCN. okarevu. owned thing nCN. aupari.
other people nP. oeavu. oxbows nCN. gorigoriara.
other round object nCN. aisivu. oyster with abalone-like appearance nCF. akaviva.
P - p
pacify id. sisi; paint with gray-purple earth vRE. oova.
vRE. aroviaku. painter nCN2. kipupato.
package vRE. takou. pair adv. eraeraovira.
package in small bundles vRE. takotakou; pair of anything nCN. popota.
vRE. takotakou. pair of things nCN. vatako.
packet made from two sections of bamboo one which fits pair of things (N) nCN. vareivi raga.
into the other nCN. veeta siguva. pair off vRE. toatoa pie.
paddle nCN. gote pero. paired adv. toa pievira.
pain, cause vRE. upia pie. pan nCF. pitokava.
pain, intense nCN. siitoka. pandanus nCF. garavesi;
pain, to be in STAT. upia. nCF. sitai.
painfully adv. upiavira. pandanus tree nCF. karuka.
paint vRE. kipu. panlike adj. vutuko.
paint base made of red earth nCF. rasiva. pantry nCF. kitu tovopava.
paint brush nCN. kipupa. pants nCM. tuupato.
paint cookers nCN. roto kasi. paper nCN. vagai;
paint made brom black earth nCM. siigaato. nCN. vakia;
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paper money persistently
nCN. vurivuri. peaceful cool-headed person nCN2. rukuvaki vovouto.
paper money nCN. guruva; peacefully adv. gavaurevira.
nCN. vakipa. peacemaker nCN2. revasi tokoto.
papilloma (on sole of foot) nCN. rokapisi. peak of house nCN. kapikapi.
parable nCN. ovoovoa; peanut nCN. kukua.
nCN. ruu reo. peck food v? togotogo.
parakeet, small green type nCF. siraiko. peculiarly adv. pisa pievira.
paralized person nCN2. kerauto. peek through a blind or crack vRE. kokee.
parallel adj. aatokoro; peek through opening vRO. siririko.
adv. sirovavira. peel vRE. epa;
paralyzed STAT. asisoe; vRE. sivesive.
STAT. kurokuro. peel off vRE. veru;
paralyzed person nCN2. korukoruto. vRO. veruveru.
parasitic plant that kills cocoa trees nCF. tetesora. peelings nCN. sivesiveara.
parrot, green type nCM. kuuvato. peg nCM. tatakoroto.
part adj. vurita. pen nCM. kirokiropato;
part of nCN. kurutu. nCN. rigatopa.
part of something nCN. kuro; penalize vRE. gasi.
nCN. kuro; pencil nCM. kirokiropato;
nCN. varu. nCN. rigatopa.
partly adv. vaovio. penetrate vRO. ora kiu;
partner nCN2. taveoto; vRO. roka.
nCN2. toa pieto. penetrate, cause to vRE. kiu pie.
party nCN. vureia. penetrate into adv. roko.
party, have a vRO. vurei. penetrate through vRE. kareo.
pass around id. paru pie; penis nCF. kuroo;
id. voka. nCN. ariaua;
pass by vRE. utuvaiko. nCN. epiua;
pass by in opposite directions vRO. ora gori. nCN. virueua.
pass on responsibility vRO. gogoura. people nC. Oirara;
pass on (something) vRE. gogoura pie. nCN. oira vure;
pass on to next in line vRE. tupetupe. nP. oira.
pass over vRE. taagau. people hard to get at nCN2. apopoipa irara.
passage nCN. kaporo; people of the coast nPRN2. auta irara.
nCN. tagiria. people of the mountains nPRN. Asigoao.
paste adj. veke. people of today nCM. vo vokipa irara.
path id. raiva. pepper of betel vine nCM. gagavuoto.
patient person nCN2. aate vovouto. peppery adj. vaavaavu.
pawpaw, general name nCN. vavioko. perform sorcery vRE. kavokavo.
pawpaw, long type, red fruit nCN. torotae. perfumed water nCN. sisupa ogo.
pawpaw, type of nCN. vavaia. Perhaps! ph. eari pasi.
pay vRE. vori. period of days temp. voki vieviei-ia.
pay attention id. kokito vate; period of time loc. vuuta;
id. kuvere. nCN. toko.
pay back a debt vRE. kare pie. permanently built house nCN. tou kepa.
pay for vRE. riara pie. persist vRE. erii;
pay no attention to STAT. uruuru. vRE. tapotapoko;
(pay) respect toward vRO. arikoko. vRO. ora tuuvu pie;
(pay) respect towards vRO. avivike. vRO. taketake.
paymaster nCN2. voripato. persistent adj. gorupasi;
payment for wife by working nCN. toaera kovo. STAT. keruria;
payment in advance of marriage vRE. kapeapa. STAT. kevoisi;
payment made for broken promise of guardian or parent vRE. sipu pie.
who desired the daughter for another's son or persistent person nCN2. kevoisi vovouto.
another's daughter for his son nCN. persistent person determined to do something nCN2.
tevurako vori. gorupasi vovouto.
peace nCN. gavaure vovou; persistent worker nCN2. kevoisi kovoto.
nCN. rasivauru vovou; persistently adv. eriikasivira;
STAT. gavaurea. adv. geravira;
peaceful STAT. rasirasivira. adv. keruriavira.
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persisting picnic
persisting vRO. erakusi. person who mumbles while speaking nCN2.
person nDF. vaao; guvuguvurioto reoto.
nDM. vaaro. (person who) retains youthful vigor and looks nCN2.
person abbreviates or skips talk nCN2. vapavapa reoto. kopuasito.
person able to perform something no one else can person who retaliates with another fight nCN2. keruru
comprehend or explain nCN2. ravotopato. upo purato.
person always asking nCN2. tupa areto. person who scrounges for things id. akova.
person awaiting trial nCN2. taava tueto. (person who) stops bloodshed nCN2. revasi tokoto.
(person) easy to please nCN2. uururu vovouto. person who takes advantage of a situation nCN2. asiriito.
person from here nCM. vovapato. person who talks foolishness nCN2. tataapara reoto.
person like that nDN2. eisito. person who talks incessantly keeping others from talking
person not open to suggestions nCN2. taraigegea vovouto. nCN2. korukoruaka reoto.
person not worthy of serving good food to nCN2. aio person who talks play nCN2. regeri reoto.
ropito. person who taunts nCN2. eriito.
(person) paralized in shoulders, arms, or hands nCN2. person whose name is easily forgotten nCN2. pesipa
pakoeto. vaisito.
(person) slow to grow up id. gorupasito. person whose talk is always happy nCN2. kovata reoto.
person who always interrupts others nCN2. opiopi reoto. person whose talk usually comes true nCN2. siva pie reoto.
person who always speaks in a whisper nCN2. kavee (person with) correct behaviour nCN2. iuiutoo vovouto.
reoto. person with crooked or flattened nose nCN2. siigeeto.
person who back talks nCN2. keruru reoto; person with good body nCN2. vearo varato.
nCN2. variriposi reoto. person with hoarse throat nCN2. koorooto.
person who can discern well nCN2. raviravisi vovouto. person with notched ear nCN2. getoreto.
person who can get to the heart of the talk nCN2. kerisi (person with) paralized shoulders nCN2. pakoe vutuoto.
vovouto. (person) with) paralyzed shoulders and arms nCN2.
person who can guide the thoughts of others or who can pakopakoto.
consolidate the thoughts of others nCN2. person with perpetually running nose nCN2. goropato.
vasi pie vovouto. person with pleasant disposition nCN2. kovata vovouto.
person who can not resist nCN2. gogoveaka vovouto. person with ringworm or tinea nCN2. kavorato.
person who can plumb the depths of meaning and explain person with scabies nCN2. sivipato.
it nCN2. rekisipato. person with sores around the mouth nCN2. kirupato.
person who can work with either hand nCN2. vaoraoto. person with sores on the body all of the time nCN2.
person who counts the cost nCN2. rooroove vovouto. kokosito.
person who counts the cost\lx rooroovipa visivi nCN2. perspiration nCF. kokoisi;
rooroove vovouto. nCF. pupuraki;
person who doesn't make his point when talking. nCF. riariao.
nCN2. viaua reoto. perspire vRO. kokoisi;
person who doesn't speak harshly nCN2. kaaveaka reoto. vRO. pupuraki;
(person who) eats without being fussy or picky nCN2. vRO. riariao.
uururu aioto. persuade vRE. aroviaku;
(person who) generaliyes everything nCN2. taotaope vRE. erii;
vovouto. vRE. tuturi;
person who goes to bed early like the shade tree, akera, vRE. vaagore.
that folds its leaves at evening. n(N2) id. persuasive coniving person nCN2. aupo pie reoto.
akerato. persuasive person nCN2. rataapa reoto.
person who gulps down food nCN2. kopakopa aioto. persuasive talker nCM. keruria reoto;
person who hangs onto anything tightly nCN2. avuki nCN2. tuturi reoto.
vovouto. peruse vRE. rigo.
person who has gone astray nCN2. pirata vovouto. pester vRO. riu.
person who has grille or ringworm nCN2. karekareto. pests nCN. riroiro kare.
person who hides his talk nCN2M. utopa reoto. petition vRO. variri.
person who holds onto things (or talk) loosely nCN2. photo nCN2. uraura.
vagaga vovouto. photograph something vRE. uraura ousa.
person who is considerate nCN2. vereopa vovouto. photographer nCN2. uraura piepato.
person who is easily angered or upset nCN2. karavisito. physically sound adv. varuvarupavira.
(person who is) not fussy nCN2. uururu vovouto. pick nCN. tatepa.
person who is put first nCN2. ruvaraoto. pick a leaf crop vRO. tue.
person who is very good at climbing trees nCN2. varupato. pick up vRE. kavo.
person who lives at Ibu nCN2. Ibu touto. picnic nCN. vegovego aio;
person who makes insignficant talk nCN2. tarauveri reoto. nCN. vuevue;
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picnic in the jungle plant with long wide leaves used for smoking
vRO. vuevue. nCN. tapi;
picnic in the jungle vRO. vegovego. nCN. vata;
picture nCN2. uraura. nRPN. uva;
piece nCM. varuto. vRE. tovo.
piece of ground nCN. vereoa. place in sling for purpose of carrying vRE. kakapu.
piece of something nCN. tuki; place just inland from Wakunai nPRN. Tuvakoopa-ia.
nCN. varu. place of residence for the Upe initiates in the jungle
pieces nCN. parie; nCN. vuavuriko-ia.
nCN. puteputeara; place of severe pain nCN. siitoka tapi.
nCN. uruuruko. place of sorrowing nCN. siraopa tapi.
pieces of cut up meat nCN. varuara. place on Togarao road where limestone cliff is exposed
pieces of rubbish in the eye nCM. koroto. and the river tributary is forded. nPRM. Kepo
pierce nose septum vRE. keripara. riri.
pierce septum in nose vRE. avui. place something between two or more objects vRE.
pierce through vRE. kareo. vuruvuruia.
pig nCF. koie; placid adj. uguro.
nCF. koue. plain surface nCN. tuuri.
pig trap nCN. pooke ova. plait vRE. koroviri.
pigeon nCM. kurue. plaited vine nCN. koroviri iro.
pile nCN. gurua. plan to injure vRE. atoro pie.
pile of firewood nCN. repia. plane wood vRE. gagari.
pile up trees vRE. rakurakuo. planet nCF. aaviiko.
piled adv. guruvira. plank nCN. pero;
piles of drifwood nCN. riita guru. nCN. peroa;
pillow (wooden) nCM. orave. nCN. varo karipa.
pilot nCN2. papapato. plank, thin nCN. parie.
pin nCM. tavaato. plant vRE. pau.
pincers nCN. kapuu piepa. plant, from which salt flavor is derived by burning it to
pinch vRE. vigovigo; ash, it grows in damp area below waterfalls
vRE. voto. nCN. kaavaaua.
pinch together vRE. kaapisi. plant, has broad leaf like wild banana, used to make
pinched adv. kaapisivira; temporary shelter in the jungle nCN. koakoa.
vRE. vigovigo. plant, has red leaves that grows close to the ground
pineapple nCF. usiva. nCM. koopipi.
pink nCN. aviaua. plant, like wild taro but with edible young leaves. It has a
pipe for smoking made of porcelain nCN. vosirare. distinct odor. nCF. kokuoku.
pipe of bamboo made to carry water ph. uuko karao peri. plant, ornamental with red and yellow small leaves close
pipe to smoke made of clay nCF. piitua. to ground nCM. oruto;
pistol nCN. vakakao kakae. nCN. oru kou.
pit nCF. rikui; plant parasite that will kill cocoa tree, has red flowers and
nCN. eriua. seed pods which birds carry to other trees
pit cooking method nCN. takouva. nCF. tetesora.
pitch fork nCN. koe tuta. plant, red ornamental type nCN. viitao.
pitched high-like adv. karapivira. plant shoots nCN. sipusipu.
pitcher nCN. petopa. plant, stinging nettle nCN. kokosi.
pit-cook vRE. vaagi. plant used for weaving mats nCF. garavesi.
pit-cooked items nCN. vaagi. plant which came up from seed nCM. ketoo.
pithy adj. gorotu; plant which grows in very moist area and used for
adv. gogoveakavira. medicine nC. turoturo.
pithy centre of tree as in a palm nCM. upito. plant with a colored root nCN. uue.
pitifully adv. siraovira. plant, with branches which were smashed and used as
pitpit nCN. rereveo; splints for holding broken bones in place.
nCN. viarora. nCF. kuvaku.
pitpit, wild nCN. kapai. plant, with long grass-like leaves used in coded leaf letter
pity nCN. siraoa; to mean, female nCF. gavegave.
STAT. ruata; plant with long leaves used in coded leaf letter to mean,
STAT. sirao. 'You pester me.' nCF. riua.
place loc. ia; plant with long wide leaves used for smoking nCM.
nCN. gariko; kapisito.
nCN. rarikoa;
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plant, with red and green leaves used to ornament and charm gardens. Flowers are used in sorcery.
plant, with red and green leaves used to ornament and pole leaned against a tree used for climbing into the tree
charm gardens. Flowers are used in sorcery. itself nCM. tokarato.
nCM. vatoe. pole planted in the ground as sounding board nCN.
plant, with red leaves ( nCM. kopipi. kuvukuvua.
plant with slimy edible leaves nCN. ruve tai. pole used for support nCN. toku rao.
plants used to enchant food gardens so that higher polish nCN. turauru;
production results nCN. arupaua. vRE. tarauru;
plant-see kokuoku. nPRF. rereova. vRE. tesiko pie.
plate nCF. tauo. polish something vRE. gaurirao pie;
plate like adj. pekere. vRE. gausisi pie.
plateaus nCN. togetogeua. polished adj. gaurirao.
platform nCN. rakorako. pond nCM. sisiroko;
platform for keeping things up off of the ground nCN. nCN. rovua;
koaraua. nCN. toko rovu.
play v? visiko; pond, man-made for use in Upe initiation ceremony
vRO. piru; nCN. rao rovu.
vRO. regeri; pool nCM. sisiroko;
vRO. rerei; nCN. rovua;
vRO. sipiro. nCN. toko rovu.
play around vRE. tegere. poor adj. apota;
(play) politics vRE. politik. adj. kapoo;
play tag vRO. kiire. adj. kapoo;
play with vRE. gete. adv. kapoovira.
player nCN2. visikoto. poor person nCN2. apotato;
playful person nCN2. regeripato. nCN2. kapooto.
playfully adv. regerivira. pop id. poko;
playmate nCN2. rereito; v? vakakao.
nCN2. visikoto. populate vRO. ora riga.
pleasant adv. reereevaaevira; porch nCN. rakorako urua;
STAT. gavaurea. nCN. tavuo kepa.
pleasantly adv. gavaurevira. pork nCF. koie;
pleased vRE. roru. nCF. koue.
plenty adv. riroara. pork preserved in bamboo tube nCN. koie kuvu.
pliers nCN. tatupa; porous adj. rikuriku.
nCN. tovopa. portion nCN. kurutu;
plough (tool) nCN. keravisa. nCN. rookaa.
plough under vRE. keravisi. portion of something nCN. karopo.
pluck vRE. toisi; portion out vRE. karopo;
vRE. toitoi. vRE. karutu;
pluck stringed instrument vRE. toi. vRE. koko;
plug made of wood nCN. asitaa. vRE. rekasi;
plug of rotten wild banana stem nCF. kokoi. vRE. roo pie;
plywood nCN. varaata pero. vRE. rooka;
pocket nCN. kovea; vRE. ropa;
nCN. vatave. vRE. torotoroo;
pocket knife nCN. sigo kakae. vRO. ora roo pie.
point nCN. otua. portion out a bit at a time vRO. vesi.
point at base of ridge nCN. kipekipea. portioned out adv. vesipavira.
point of land in water nCN. kipekipea. position nCN. tavuki.
point of spear that breaks off inside the body nCM. vireto. position of two sides of somehing vRO. ora toa.
point towards something with finger or object vRE. position something vRE. tovo.
piiroo. possessed area nCN. voaaro.
pointed - like adv. rokarokavira. possessed by spirit (harmful) STAT. tugara.
poison fish vRE. rutaa; possessed object nCN. aupari.
vRE. teevusi. possession marker gr. auearo.
poison man nCM. sorato. Possibly! ph. eari pasi.
poke with an object vRE. visi. post nCN. tuuta.
pole nCN. evao kae. post wood nCF. aatogo.
pole canoe vRE. toka. posts vRE. rakurakuo.
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posts used to hold up rafters punch in anger
posts used to hold up rafters nCF. koovotova. press vRE. voto.
pot nCF. pitokava. press down(?) vRE. puri.
pot bellied adj. piku kovu. pressure nCN2. siga.
pouch of opossum and other narsupials nCF. resipota. pretty adj. vearo keke.
pour vRE. gatu; preying mantis nCF. siirare.
vRE. peto; price nCN. voriaro.
vRE. siko pie. pride nCN. tavoko vovou;
pour out vRO. koko. nCN. vagua.
pour out from vRE. ove. primary nCN. rovopa.
powder nCN. akoroa. print vRE. rigato.
powdery substance ph. aputa koko. prison nCN. tuukepa kepa.
power nCN. gorua. prisoners nCN2. tuukepa irara.
power of a machine nCN. varivariaro masin. probably gr. vai.
power of the masalai or bush spirits nCM. pakoto. prod along vRE. kurikasi.
powerful adv. kopuasivira. produce smoke vRO. kupare.
(powerful) powder used to charm people so that they (produce) steam vRO. vuvutau.
would become unaware of what was prohibit vRO. koru.
happening to them nCN. voroara akoro. prohibited adv. vasirakovira.
powerless to act vRO. agara. prolong vRE. topa pie.
praise nCN. vuurapa vaisi; promiscuity nCN. otoa.
vRE. rei vaisi pie. promiscuous person nCN2. otopato.
pray vRO. variri. promise nCN. ovoi vaisi;
prayer nCN. variria. nCN. ovoie reo;
precede vRO. iira; nCN. reo opesi pie;
vRO. rovo. nCN. reo ovoiei;
preceding-like adv. iravira. nCN. tapate reo.
pre-chew vRE. kuku. prompt someone to do something vRE. eerii.
pre-dawn or before the sun has risen ph. ravireo kae pronged arrow nCN. tuta.
uviro asavira. propagate plant from shoots vRe. tevateva.
predict accurately vRE. ivao. protect vRE. airerei;
prediction nCN. piepiea. vRE. kovovo;
predictive signs nCN. ravaa reesi. vRE. virivari;
pregnancy with child already named or `Oriri stomach' vRO. uutu.
meaning when Oriri yet in the womb was protected adv. utopavira.
being carried by her mother id. Oriri kovu. protecting nCF. uutuva;
pregnant id. pugupavira. vRO. virivari.
pregnant woman nCF. tarukova. protective covering nCN. utoa.
pregnant-dog or pig only vRO. kovasi. (protective) equipment for safely observing during fight
pregnant-human adj. taruko. nCN. utuara.
pre-masticate vRE. kuku. proud STAT. tavoko;
premasticated food nCN. aio kataa. STAT. vagu.
premature birth nCN. etutu kakae. proud person nCN2. tavoko vovouto.
preoccupied STAT. pitoo; proudly adv. vaguvira.
STAT. vovou vakuvaku. provide foundation for vRO. ruvarao.
prepare vRE. ravaa; prune vRE. pia.
vRE. rekoreko; prune back vRE. tokotoko.
vRE. vatatopa pie; pry vRE. ga;
vRE. vatatopo; vRE. taroro.
vRE. vatatopo pie. puddle nCM. sisiroko.
prepare sago leaves for sewing vRO. tetevu. puff vRE. pupiupi.
prepare way vRO. ruvarao. pull v? tuua;
present nCN. sirao vatevatea. vRE. ivu.
presently ph. vao raga-ia; pull back and forth vRO. ora ito.
temp. vaoviopavira; pull down and break up a large tree by supernatural
temp. vaviopavira. powers vRE. erako purisi.
preserve STAT. goru; pullet nCM. sosoto.
vRE. reko; pump vRE. peopeo.
vRE. tuiko. pumpkin nCM. parike.
preserve food by smoking it vRE. rereo. punch vRE. oto.
president nCN2. riroto. punch in anger vRE. taparako.
134 English — Rotokas 3/17/2008
punish rat
punish vRE. ripuripu. put belt around the stomach to end hunger pains id. opo
pupa of beetle nCN. kupii. kavu.
pupa of butterfly nCM. varuvuakoto. put down vRE. usireo;
pure adj. roroio; vRE. vara pie.
adj. tuuri; put in a row vRE. veeveera.
adj. tuurituuri; put in first vRE. kiu.
adv. viratovira; put in rows vRE. veeveera.
vRE. roroio. put inside vRE. tage.
pure essence of something nCN. viratoaro. put inside bamboo vRE. kuvu.
pure person nCN2. roroioto. put inside or into vRE. roko pie.
pure water ph. uuko tuuri raga. put into pairs vRE. toatoa pie.
purely adv. roroiovira. put into sets of two vRE. toa pie.
purge vRE. govugovu; put lid on pot vRE. ivita.
vRE. riu. put on guard vRE. pari.
purify vRE. aaviito; put on top of something vRE. roe.
vRE. virato. put outside vSTAT. korukoru piro.
purple adj. oova. (put) putty vRE. asita.
pursue vRE. tario; put someone at ease vRE. siiroi pie.
vRE. varovaro; put taboo on eating vRE. kavu pie.
vRO. ora varovaro. (put) taboo on short period of time for some purpose
pus in eye nCM. goeto. vRE. iguva.
pus thick nCN. eavi. put to sleep vRE. uusi pie.
push vRE. peo. put together vRE. koara;
puss from sore nCN. pigoga rovu. vRE. taasi;
pussy adj. topikoro. vRE. tapo.
pustule nCN. tusia. putrid (odor) adj. gavata geesi.
put vRE. tovo. putrify adj. gavata.
put away thoughts ph. ora vovou eaka. python snake nCM. vuaki.
Q - q
quarantine vRE. toko pie. quiet someone vRE. auau;
quaver as in the vibrato of one's voice vRO. rikerike. vRE. siiroi pie;
queen nCN2. turaro. vRE. tape pie;
question nCN. akea. vRE. tapetape;
question marker gr. eke. vRE. vuru pie.
quickly adv. ikauvira; quietly adv. agara visivi;
adv. vage pie visivi; adv. rooroove vovouto;
adv. vagevagevira. adv. rooroovipa visivi;
quiet STAT. agara; adv. tape pievira;
STAT. kuuvaki; adv. tapevira.
vRO. siiroi. quiver vRO. tuutuusi.
quiet and contemplative adv. vasikuvira. quiver as in a fit or seizure vRO. tavusi.
quiet person who doesn't talk much nCN2. kuuvakito. qulp down vRE. kopakopa.
R - r
race v? paupau; rainwashed adj. seru.
vRO. ora paupau. rainwater flowing and eroding a ditch nCN. koke gore.
race against another vRO. ora varovaro. rainy day when no one can work nCN. taki voki.
rafter nCF. kovurui. raise vRE. kae pie.
rafters nCN. karoto. raised adv. taraapavira.
rain nCF. kokeva; rake with claw vRE. gagarike.
nCF. rauriva. rape vRE. piiuu;
rain coat nCN. kokevare rakurakupa. vRO. oto.
rain storm nCM. taruu. rapidly adv. ikauvira.
rainbow nCM. govugovuto. rapids in river nCN. gorogoroua.
raintree nCN. varaeo. rat nCF. kusike;
S - s
sack nCN. koveva. salt from water nCN. avaka.
sack produce vRO. turu. salt soaked log used as a source of salt nCN. rakiraki.
sacred STAT. tugoro. salt water nCN. aku rovu.
sacrifice nCN. koruoua; salted adj. aku.
vRO. koruou. salt-impregnated bamboo tube used for cooking nCN.
sacrifice to something vRO. koruou. avieua.
sadly adv. sirakoisivira. salty adj. akupa;
(safe) container made from a section of bamboo nCM. adj. avaka;
arueia. adj. sipei;
safeguard something vRE. airerei. adv. akuvira;
sago grub nCM. tootooru. adv. avakapavira.
sago palm nCM. tetevu. salute vRE. tagava;
sago palm leaf used for house roof or side nCN. tetevu vRE. vavae kae pie;
guruva. vRE. vavae tagavau.
sago pudding nCN. viaa. same adj. areii;
salt (crusty hard) nCF. sisiva. adj. katai;
T - t
table nCN. karova; take without intending to return vRE. upiko.
nCN. koaraua; take without permission vRE. karakarao.
nCN. urua. talk nCF. gisipo;
taboo STAT. tugoro. vRO. reo.
taboo area nCN. airerei tapi. talk clearly STAT. viae.
taboo something vRE. tugoro pie. talk (in one's sleep). vRO. vavauko.
tadpole nCM. agugurioto. talk of dead man nCN. kuu.
Tahitian chestnut nCN. kukua. talk quietly vRO. ogaaga.
tail of lizard, dog, pig nCF. kookoopi. talk that is easily understood nCN. oveovepa reo raga.
tail of rooster or crayfish nCN. topetopeua. talkative person nCN2. sipu pie reo purato.
tail tip nCN. pirukeua. (tall main) trunk of tree nCN. vo kuru.
take vRE. ou. tall person nCN2. geerato;
take away vRE. vera pie. nCN2. kaekaesoto.
take away and destroy vRE. sigu. tall timber nCN. varake ovaro.
take away several things vRE. veravera pie. tall woman nCF. kepetai.
take care vRO. vatatopo. tamboran's door or area of jungle in which clansman feels
take down vRE. rere pie. his alliegance to his clan is located nCN.
take no notice STAT. uruuru. tugara ratao.
take off vRE. vegoro. tan color adj. riuriuvira.
take off (as a plane takes off) vRO. kae viro. tan (color) adj. vurivuri.
take out vRE. goro; tan colored dried banana leaf nCN. vurivuri.
vRE. tate. tangle vRE. papata.
take out of proper place vRE. gopu. tangled mass nCN. papata.
take out taro shoots vRE. uvi. tank nCN. rakaapa tou.
take outside vRE. koru pie. tap vRE. toisi;
take place of vRE. ariarava pie. vRE. toitoi;
take spoils vRE. gogi. vRE. visivisi.
U - u
ukulele nCN. gitaa; unable STAT. viapau uvui.
nCN. toitoi. unable to do something for lack of strength vRO. agara.
umber color adj. raove. unable to meet(?) vRE. kape.
umbilical cord nCM. vituoto. unable to recognize vRE. taratara.
umbrella nCF. kokureko. unable to talk or hear STAT. vaaruu.
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unaffected unsettled
unaffected vRE. agara. unfastened adj. aruaru;
unannounced adv. rorogovira; adj. katukatu.
adv. ruvu pievira. unfolded rope or clothes adv. iruutavira.
unannounced-like adv. rata pievira. unforgetting person nCN2. tuikopa vovouto.
unasserting STAT. agara. unforgiving person nCN2. tuikopa vovouto.
unasserting person nCN2. agara vovouto. unhappy STAT. roga.
unattached adj. vereopa. unheeding nCN2. uruuruva kakaeva.
unaware adv. rorukovira; unhook vRE. karu.
adv. siiva pievira; unimportant adj. akaepa.
adv. tagorovira. unimportant person nCN2. akaepato.
unblocking of urinary or digestive track(?) v? viuro. uninformed STAT. roruko.
uncertain adv. togovira; uninitiated adv. taporuvira.
id. tagugu; uninitiated male nCM. taporuto.
STAT. oove. uninitiated men without Upe nCM. upe asa irara.
uncivilized people nCN2. rupa irara. unintelligible adv. sopaipavira.
uncivilized person nCN2. vegovegoto. uninterrupted adv. iuiutoovira.
uncle (FaSiHu) nKM. paapaato. uninterrupted-like adv. toko asavira.
uncle (MoSiHu nKM. aite. union nCN. tavosi.
uncomprehending vRE. taratara. unite vRE. tavotavosi.
unconcerned-like adv. rasivauruvira. united adv. ruosivira;
unconscious STAT. tapurisi; nCN. otavosirea.
vSTAT. kokopeko. units of days nCN. vokiura.
unconscious person nCN2. tapurisito. units of something nPN. varaura.
unconsciously adv. kokopekovira; unknowing adv. aauvira;
adv. tapurisivira. adv. rorukovira;
uncontaminated adj. roroio; STAT. roruko;
adv. viratovira. vRE. vapavapa.
uncooked adj. kopua; unknowingly adv. sopaipavira.
adv. kopupavira. unlearned adv. vaaruuvira.
uncovered adj. oveove. unlearned (as a child) STAT. vaaruu.
uncultivated tree found in the jungle nCN. vegovego ova. unlearned person nCN2. aauto;
undecided adv. aarovira; nCN2. sopaipato.
adv. arirouvira; unlit area nCN. puupurua.
adv. avavaiuvira; unlock vRE. karu.
inten. arokaukau; unmarked Upe hat nCN. taporua.
STAT. goo. unnamed people nCN2. urui vou.
undecided person nCN2. averu vovouto. unnoticed adv. tagorovira.
undecidedly adv. avavaiavira; unobstructed adj. korau;
adv. vagorevira. adj. viaviatarau;
under loc. reroaro. adv. korauvira.
underestimate v? vivisa. unobstructed hole adv. kokivira.
underneath loc. reroaro. unpeeled-like adj. rakaripavira.
undernourished male nCM. sipeto. Unperturbed vRE. agara.
understand STAT. araiva; unpretentious adj. viuviu.
STAT. aviavi. unraveled adj. ivu piro.
understand completely vRO. sopore viro. unready adj. kuverea.
understandable adv. vuatovira. unrecognizable adj. tavutavu;
understandably adv. araivavira. STAT. sopai.
undifferentiated adv. vatavatakovira. unrelenting STAT. kausopa.
undomesticated adj. vavarai. unresisting adj. gogoveaka.
uneasy STAT. pekoe. unripe adj. kokovara;
uneasy feeling nCN. siitoka siraoa. adj. kopua;
unenthusiastic, to be STAT. pokapoka. adj. kopupa;
unfamiliar STAT. uvua; adv. kopupavira.
vRE. vapavapa; unripe coconut nCN. kokovaraisi;
vRO. aapaapau. nCN. koru.
unfamiliar with STAT. sopai. unsalty adj. vovueo.
unfamiliar-like adv. vapavapavira. unscrew vRE. garavoka.
unfasten vRE. garavoka; unselfish person nCN2. uururu vatevateto.
vRE. garavoka pie. unsettled STAT. vatasoko.
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unsettled person (vine) lashing on the notch end of arrow shaft
unsettled person nCN2. vatasokoto. upright position adv. taraa pievira.
unspecified marker gr. avu. uprightly adv. torevira.
unstable adj. kapea. uproot vRE. vututu;
unstuck adj. aruaru. vRO. gauru.
untamed after once being tamed adj. virata. uprooted adj. vututu piro.
untidy adj. iruuta. upset STAT. karavisi.
untie vRE. karu. upside down adv. ruturuvira.
untrue vSTAT. kovukovu. upward adv. taraapavira;
untruthfully adv. kuuvuvira. loc. iipavira;
unusual adj. vakivaki. loc. urareovira.
unusually adv. pisa pievira. urge along v. kurikasi;
up loc. iipavira. vRE. kurikasi.
up arise from sleep vRO. erao. urge on vRE. aruaru.
up in the air-like adv. viaviaevira. urge someone to action vRE. eerii.
Upe ceremony in which the initiate was washed, whipped, urgently adv. kurikasivira.
and observed. nCN. piruiripa. urinate id. viki;
Upe hat nCF. upeva. vRE. viviko.
Upe hat, not marked with a design nCN. taporua. urine nCN. vivikoa.
upe hat with designs nCF. korikoripava. use vRE. kovo pie;
Upe leader from clan nCM. areteita. vRE. pura pie.
Upe leaders nCM. avarao. use the Rotokas language vRE. asigo.
upper leg nCN. vatou keru. used to show possession loc. ruvara-ia.
upper teeth nCN. gigisa. uses of something nCN. raivaroaro.
V - v
vacant adj. arakasi; (very large) open sore nCF. kiuve.
adj. gavuara; very little adj. sikosiko.
adj. viato; very long time ago loc. voari rutu.
adj. viiaka; (very) narrow adj. pipi.
adv. viatovira. (very) self-determined person nCN2. piaopa vovouto.
vacant spot nCN. arakasi tapi. (very short) haircut nCM. gagavuri.
vacation day nCN. iguva voki. very slippery adj. pirupiru.
vagina nCM. tereto. (very) small adj. pipi.
valid — oirao. very small adv. gare visivi.
valley nCN. kavovoa; (very strong) secure lock nCN. avuki tupa rutu.
nCN. visipa. (very) stubborn self-determined person nCN2. taraigegea
vanish vRO. opesiko. vovouto.
vapor nCM. vuvutauto. view nPN. vo kekeo.
varied adv. pisipisavira. vigorous adj. varuvaru.
variety of objects nCN. kekekeke pie sararo. village nCN. atoia;
vascilate vRE. voreri. nCN. uruia;
vegetable nCN. arua. nCN. vata.
vegetable, small yellow native melon nCN. vivigore. village chief nCN2. urui tokipato.
vent anger or frustration on an object (in place of inflicting village entrance nCM. karepieto;
pain on a person) vRO. kora. nCM. siriupe.
veranda nCN. rakorako urua; village leader nCN2. turaro.
nCN. tavuo kepa. village name nPR. Ibu.
verify vRE. vasi pie. village site near Ibu where old German blue beads were
verse loc. vuuta. located. nPRN. Paraipaia.
very adv. rutu. village which was above Paraipaia near Ibu nPRN.
(very) cold object nCN. ugoropa kusia. Aritapaia.
(very) deep-like adv. rokovira rutu. village which was formerly above Togarao years ago
very high adj. varake; nPR. Aapu.
adv. totopeuvira; vine nCN. iroiro.
nCF. totopeu. vine, black vine used for weaving nCF. varuru.
(very) hot adj. virikasi. vine introduced by the Japanese nCN. rovarisi.
(very) hot day nCN. virikasi voki. (vine) lashing on the notch end of arrow shaft nCN.
very ill vRO. kopii. vukuku tuke.
(vine) lashing on tip end of arrow or spear shaft nCN. vine with thorns nCN. apei iro.
tavua tuke. vine with tiny white flowers nCN. kapua sisi.
vine like Morning Glory from which kaukau gets its name vine, yellow vine used for weaving nCF. gariva.
nCM. upiriko. vines that grow up into the crown of a tree making a large
vine, red vine used for weaving nCF. kapokari. tangle of growth in branches nCN. papata
vine, similar to the kind chewed with betel nut nCF. kou.
ovuruva. vineyard nCN. gerep kovo.
vine, similar to upiriko but with smaller leaf nCF. vagiri vise nCN. kapiroa.
kou. visible inside adj. turopa.
vine, similar to upiriko but with thicker edible stems vision during which the person is not sleeping but is
nCN. asiga. consciously seeing and hearing ph. areo
vine, small in size nCN. iro riripu. urusi.
vine, sometimes mistaken for the black vine varuru iro visit vRE. tavete;
nCN. kaikaio. vRO. aapaapau;
vine stained with designs used by women only in the past, vRO. aapaapauvira.
the vine usually was a type of rattan visiting-like adv. aapaapauvira.
nCN. veupa iro. visitor nCN2. aapaapauto;
vine, suspended from tree used for climbing up into the nCN2. tavetepato.
tree itself nCN. karaa iro. visualize something continually vRO. vuipa.
vine, that covers everything nCN. kapuasisi. voice nCF. okoe.
vine, the kind from which Buin baskets are made void adj. raipi.
nCN (subfill: up). aarave. void of adj. viato;
vine, used as binding in spear or arrow construction or in adj. viiaka.
fastening a bunch of tobacco leaves, etc. void-like adv. viatovira.
nCM. ovoto. volcano nCF. eravaa;
vine used for poisoning fish nCN. rutaa iro. nCN. eravaa kasi.
vine, used in crushed form to poison fish nCF. tevusi iro. vomit vRE. oe;
vine, water can be extracted from it nCF. karekova. vRE. uka.
vine, with fuzzy skin nCM. opaturato. voracious eater nCN2. kopava.
vine, with leathery appearance nCN. kuroea. vulva nCM. sikoroto.
vine with sticky fruit nCN. pitu pie kou. vulva and all parts inside nCM. kirioto.
vine, with thorns nCF. apeiva. vulva opening nCM. kepoto.
W - w
wad up vRE. vogovogo. wall in vRE. take.
waddle of rooster or hen nCN. korea. wall up with sago palm leaves vRE. tavoo.
wage nCN. voriaro. wallow in mud vRO. siku.
Wait! excl. aika. wander id. gae;
wait vRE. aateate pie; vRE. rigo;
vRO. tue. vRE. veriverisi.
wait considerately vRE. ate pie. wander? vRO. paro.
waiting adv. tuevira. wander about vRE. viri;
waiting for something anticipated to happen vRE. tapate. vRO. tariri.
waiting-like adv. tapatevira. wander around vRO. tegeri.
wake vRO. erao. wanderer nCN2. taririto;
wake up vRE. erao. nCN2. tegerito.
walk vRE. voka. Wandering Jew plant nCN. kiapi kou.
walk across something suspended or lying on the ground Wandering Jew with purple leaves nCF. tapiraua.
like a log vRO. ereere. want nCN. vovoua;
walk along vRO. ereviako. vRO. ruipa;
walk hesitantly vRO. uturo. vRO. vovou.
walk with aid of supporting stick vRO. tooro. war nCN. upoa.
walking stick nCF. kiiru; warehouse nCN. kitupa kepa.
nCM. tokoro; warm one's self by fire vRO. tuitui.
nCM. tooroto. warm up vRE. kasirao.
walking-like adv. vokapavira. warn vRE. koka;
walkway for the Upe initiates nCN. pireeri. vRE. reesireesi;
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warn of impending danger whip
vRE. vosi; weakened STAT. rageragete.
vRE. vosi; weakly adv. raveravevira.
vRE. vovovo; weapons nCN. upo purapara.
vRO. koru. wear bracelets vRO. pako.
warn of impending danger vRE. ireire. weave vRE. rekereke.
warning, a nCN. reesireesia. weave, type of nCF. takei.
wash vRO. sisu. weave with design vRE. kori.
washcloth nCM. sisupato. (web-like) tissue surrounding stomach of animal
washed objects nCN. sisupara. nCN. teitei.
wasp nCM. uvereoto. wedge nCN. asitaa;
wasp found on coast nCM. vuvureoto. vRE. ga.
waste someone's time vRE. pugu pie. wedge (tool) nCN. gapa.
waste something vRE. ropi; Wednesday nPR. Vo pevapa voki.
vRO. ora ropi; weed a garden vRE. aruo.
vRO. tovitovii. week nCN. kovoa.
wasted adj. ropi. weep vRE. gau.
watch vRE. siitue; weevil nCM. kurikaakaakuto.
vRE. teerio; weigh vRE. aate.
vRE. tue; weigh down vRE. raku.
vRO. utu. weight nCN. vavataa.
watch house nCN. uutupa kepa. weight down vRE. sira.
Watch out! excl. kie. welcome nCN. roru vaisi.
watchman nCN2. tokipato; welcome back vRE. agiagi.
nCN2. uutupato. weld together vRE. sigusiguva.
water nCN. uukoa. well id. vearovira;
water carrying tube made from bamboo section nCF. STAT. vearo.
kakate. well for water nCN. uukopa riku.
water cress nCN. arua. Well, maybe. ph. o vai.
water flowing from rainfall nCN. koke gore. welts from being whipped nCN. ragi vigovigoro.
water from rivatava 'bamboo' that is good for drinking wet adj. poro;
nCN. rivata ovi. adj. tupitupi.
water of drainage ditch nCM. goore. wet object nCN. upisipa.
water pump nCM. peopeopato. wet something vRE. tupitupi pie.
water tank or drum nCN. uuko tou. what inter. apeisi;
water that is pure ph. uuko tuuri raga. inter. eakea;
water well nCN. uukopa riku. inter. eare.
watercress nCM. kaukovu. What are you doing to him? ph. apeisi rera pieri.
waterfall nCN. sirisiri; What did you do or say? inter. apeisi.
nCN. vagapa. What do you think? ph. apeisi rugoopau?
waterfall on the Ivitu river behind Togarao, height 68.7 what for inter. eakepa.
meters nPRN. Ivitu vagapa. What in the world? ph. apeisi avu-a?
waterway class. gae. What is her size? ph. apeisi roro uvuiva-a?
watery adv. uukovira. What kind of thing? ph. apeisi ragato.
waves nCN. toru kou. what person interN2. eakepato.
way id. raiva. what time inter. aaviopavira.
ways of something nCN. raivaroaro. wheel nCN. viriviria.
we all (inclusive) nRP. vigoa. wheelbarrow nCN. kaepa.
we all (inclusive)(who) nPP. vigei. when conj. rara;
we all not you (excluding listener) nRP. igei; conj. vo rara;
nRP. igoa. conj. vosa;
we two nPP. vegei. inter. aaviopavira;
weak adj. goo; ph. aa vo vokio.
adj. kaapea; where inter. ovu-ia;
STAT. reasi. nRPN. uva.
weaken adj. ararave; where to inter. ovure.
id. goo pie; Where will it be? ph. ovu va pere.
STAT. raverave; which day ph. aa vo vokio.
vRE. atoro pie; which (one) inter. aa.
vRE. raverave pie. while conj. ovusa.
weaken by fondling vRE. rageragete pie. whip nCN. ragipa;
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whip with rope or vine without juice
vRE. piko; wild animals nCN2. aakau kare.
vRE. ragi; (wild) banana nCM. tego.
vRE. visirako. wild cane nCN. viarora.
whip with rope or vine vRE. piko pie. wild dog nCF. vavaraiva kaakau.
whirl vRE. viriviri. (wild) kaukau nCM. upiriko.
whisper vRE. kavee; wild person nCN2. vavaraito.
vRO. ogaaga. wild pig nCN2. vavaraito.
whispered-like adv. koru pievira. (wild) tree nCN. vegovego ova.
whistle made of certain leaves used to call the bird, willing STAT. arovi.
tapuruo nCN. tapuruo keakea. wilt adj. ararave;
whistle with pursed lips vRO. viokeke; vRO. ragorago;
vRO. viokoko. vRO. ragorea.
whistle with the lips, tongue, or teeth v? vikuta. wince vRO. ora ruvu.
white adj. kaakaavo; wind nCM. kiuvu.
adj. kaapo; wind along vRE. poroporoko.
adj. kaare; wind carrying rain nCF. pureva.
adj. pogara; wind into loops vRE. poroko pie.
adj. popote. wind storm nCF. pure;
white cap of water nCM. ukaukato. nCM. riroto kiuvu.
white magic nCN. raviravi. winding adv. poroporokovira.
white male object nCM. kaareto. winding like adv. porokovira.
white person nCN2. kaapopato; window nCN. kiuvu ratao.
nCN2. pogarato; windpipe nCF. kopa iro.
nCN2. popotepato; wine nCN. vuropa ovi.
nCN2. uvuapato. wing nCN. putaeua.
(white) shell bracelet nCN. agorau pako. wingless, immature grasshopper nCF. vagoe.
white water nCN. gorogoroua. wing-like adv. putaepavira.
whitebait nCF. ovurava. winner nCN2. vagepato.
whiten vRO. popote. wipe away vRE. atoato.
whitewash nCN. kovirea. wipe away feces vRE. tei.
who (F) inter. irouva. wipe off vRE. gavi.
who (father and children) nRPM. oaaoa. wipe out the eye vRE. vavo.
who (indefinite gender) inter. iroua. wipe the nose vRE. se.
Who is that? inter. arorea. wipe up vRE. ruirui.
who (M) inter. irouto. wire nCN. kikipi iro.
Who might it be? ph. aaro avuo. wire bed nCN. kikipi uru.
who (mother and children) nRPF. oavaoa. wire something vRE. taketake.
whole adj. rutu. wise person nCN2. rekisipato.
wholly adv. rutupavira. wisely adv. kerisivira.
whose inter. irou vaaro; wishy-washy thinker nCN2. averu vovouto.
ph. eu vaaroa-a. wiskers nCN. givugivu.
Why inter. eakepa. with prep. aue-ia;
why inter. eakerea; prep. aueva;
inter. eapaa. prep. tapo.
Why of course! excl. asi; with difficulty adv. apopoivira.
excl. easi. with hand vRE. tagava.
wide adj. paraka. (with) sores adj. kapua.
widow nCF. oira asava; with spots before the eyes or like seeing a swarm of
nCF. virakoiva. fireflies id. apaapaa koaravira.
widow and her children nCN. virakoi avao. withdraw person from marriage proposal vRE. tevurako.
widow woman nCF. raroeva. wither adj. erako.
widowed, to be adj. raroe. within sight adj. aatokoro.
widower nCM. riako. without adj. papu;
width nCN. paraka. adj. raipi;
wife nKM. vatuava. adj. viapa;
wife or husband of neice or nephew nK. votuara. adj. viato;
wife payment by working nCN. toaera kovo. adv. asavira;
wild adj. vavarai; prep. arova;
adj. virata. vRO. asa.
wild animal or person nCN2. viratato. without juice adv. ragegetavira.
160 English — Rotokas 3/17/2008
without knowledge Yes
without knowledge adv. aauvira. worm, shiny pencil-size body l8 inches long, lives in the
without meat-like adv. araaravira. ground nCF. ariveva.
without moisture-like adv. ragegetavira. worm, that carries its cone-shaped house on its back
without much adv. kapoovira. nCF. kepita ogata.
without previously informing adv. rorogovira. worm, type of nCM. tororo.
without the husband because of his death adv. raroevira. worried STAT. vovouso.
witness of truth nCN2. roroveara reoto. worry vRO. ora vivi.
witness to some fact vRE. roroveara. worship vRE. rei vaisi pie;
woefully adv. sirakoisivira. vRO. lotu;
woman nPF. avuo. vRO. rootu.
woman who doesn't like men nCF. vasarepava. worthless adj. veri;
woman whose breasts have dried up nCF. ragegeta id. varaata.
roroova. would nCN. vuu.
womb nCN. atoiaa. wound nCN. kapua.
women who had trouble giving birth because of the wound covered by new skin nCN. vasava.
obstructions near the placenta nCF. pipisipa wound from a knife nCN. toea.
riako. wound, large nCF. kokosiva.
wood borer nCM. atariketo; wound someone vRE. kapua pie.
nCN. rivute kare. wounds from cuts nCN. toe vuu.
wood chips nCN. pupukaia. woven container nCF. pekuriva.
wood chips from a cut nCN. keposi. woven criss-cross pattern that is slanted nCN. kae reasi.
wooden bridge nCN. evao tavara. woven design nCN. riporipoa.
wooden cross nCN. evao parikou. wrap vRE. viroviro.
wooden headed people or people who do not respond to wrap around vRO. ora viroviro.
advice or warning given to them id. evao wrap with out intervening spaces vRE. tavua.
irara. wrasp nCM. roriroripato.
words nCF. gisipo; wrench nCN. kapopa.
nCN. reoara. wrestle vRE. taa;
work nCN. kovoa; vRO. ora taa.
nCN. reoa; wring out vRE. pigi.
vRE. kovo. wrinkled adj. voruvoru.
work as payment v? toaera. wrinkled appearance ph. voruvoru keke.
work as payment for wife nCN. toaera kovo. wrinkled up face ph. voruvoru pua.
work black magic vRE. kavokavo. wrist nCN. vavaepa kurasi.
work carefully vRO. puruvari. wrist watch nCN. ravireo vetavetapa.
work skillfully vRO. puruvari. write nCF. kirokiro;
work sorcery vRE. aio pie. vRE. kiro;
(work) sorcery vRE. sora. vRE. kori;
work together vRE. kavikavi; vRE. rigato.
vRE. takutakuvu. writing nCN. koria.
work up trouble vRO. ora piiuu. wrong adj. vuri;
worker nCN2. kovopato. nCN. vuria;
worksack nCN. gagata. vRE. vuri pie.
worm nCM. kokoruuto.
X - x
x-shaped adv. tapetutavira.
Y - y
yam (general name) nCF. utu. yardstick nCN. uvuipa.
yam growing tip nCN. utuua aveuaro. yaws disease nCN. atura.
yam that is cultivated nCF. riripui. year nCN. iva.
yam, that is cultivated, green leaves and vine nCF. varuiva. yell vRE. oive.
yam, thornless type shaped like fingers nCF. sipareko. yell at vRE. kuara.
yam, wild variety nCF. vakoreva. yellow adj. kese.
yam, with thorns nCN. arevara. Yes excl. aure.
1st day nPR. kataipa voki. 11th month (moon) nPR. katai tau kataipa kekira.
1st month (moon) nPR. kataipa kekira. 12th month (moon) nPR. katai tau eraopa kekira.
10th month (moon) nPR. katai taupa kekira.
2nd day nPR. eraopa voki. 2nd month nPR. eraopa kekira.
3rd moon nPR. Vo pevapa kekira.
4th moon nPR. Vo resurapa kekira.
5th moon nPR. Vo vavaepa kekira.
6th month (moon) nPR. katai vatarapa kekira.
7th month nPR. erao vatarapa kekira.
8th moon nPR. Vo peva vatarapa kekira.
9th moon nPR. Vo resura vatarapa kekira.