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A Novel and Compact Dual Band Antenna Using Modified Elliptical Ring Monopole

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A Novel and Compact Dual Band Antenna Using

Modified Elliptical Ring Monopole

Anil Kamma, Kaustubh Chhabilwad, G. Shrikanth Reddy and Jayanta Mukherjee

Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
anilkamma@ee.iitb.ac.in, chhabilwadkaustubh@gmail.com, shri@ee.iitb.ac.in, jayanta@ee.iitb.ac.in

Abstract— A novel and compact dual band partial ground In this paper dual band antenna is fed by using co-planar
coplanar waveguide (CPW) fed monopole modified elliptical waveguide (CPW) technique [6-7]. The reason for choosing
antenna design is proposed. Dual band antenna is designed to
cover both WLAN band at 2.4 GHz and WiMAX band at 3.5 CPW based monopole is its merits such as easy integration
GHz. Antenna exhibits good return loss characteristics in both with monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC), no
the bands. Antenna is designed on RT/Duroid 5880 with soldering and via (shorting) problems. In addition it requires
dielectric constant 2.2, thickness 1.6 mm and loss tangent 0.0009 only one layer of metallic surface (single side PCB structure).
to improve the efficiency. Antenna parameters are optimized Dual band characteristics of the antenna are realized by
with respect to dual band characteristics. Based on these
optimized parameters antenna prototype is fabricated. Radiation incorporating modified elliptical ring shaped monopole as
pattern of the proposed antenna is quasi semi-omnidirectional. radiator. Proposed antenna is designed to operate in two
Parallel agreement between simulated and measured results famous wireless communication services which are wireless
makes the proposed dual band antenna suitable candidate for local area network (WLAN) [6-7] and Worldwide
modern wireless communication systems. Interoperability for Microwave Access (Wi-MAX) applications
Keywords-component—Dual Band antenna, WLAN and
WiMAX. The operating frequency range of WLAN applications
according to IEEE standard at frequency 2.4 GHz is 2.400
I. INTRODUCTION GHz-2.484 GHz. On the other hand rapidly growing modern
wireless communication technology Wi-MAX is operating at
Dual Band microstrip antennas are attractive due to its frequency 3.54 GHz over a frequency band from 3.4 GHz to
application flexibility, compactness, conformability, light 3.69 GHz [10]. Proposed antenna has advantages like ease of
weight and low cost [1]. With the rapid development of fabrication, simple to integration and compactness. In addition,
wireless communication systems, demand for dual band and it is also possible to adjust the bandwidths and center resonant
multi band system has been increasing. In last couple of years frequencies by changing antenna design parameters. Parametric
huge amount research has been reported on dual band and analysis of the antenna is carried out using CST microwave
multi band systems. Antenna design in this dual band system studio.
plays a vital role. The major issue in the design of dual band
antenna is introducing two resonating structures. II. ANTENNA STRUCTURE AND DESIGN
However, there are many techniques which have been
adopted to realize dual band antennas. Combinations of two
different rectangular patches are used to produce dual band
characteristics [1-2]. The popular technique in dual band
antenna design is monopole based dual band antennas with
different shapes like Inverted ‘F- shape’, ‘G’, inverted cone,
ring resonator, etc[2-3]. There is a report where dual band
response of the antenna is achieved by incorporating two
different slots which acts as two different resonators [3].
Another straight forward approach is considering first
resonating mode as first band where as higher order resonating
modes are as modeled as second band of the dual band
antenna [4-5].
Figure 1. Proposed Dual band antenna geometry (L=11, W= 13, S=2,
W0=2.8, A=9, B=7, a=3.8, b=2.5, r=4, t=0.6 and G=0.9 all dimensions are in
978-1-4799-6619-6/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE
The dual band monopole antenna is designed on RT/Duroid
5880 substrate (εr=2.2, thickness =1.6 mm) and loss tangent of
substrate material is tanδ = 0.0009 with total geometrical area
33×22 mm2. The CPW feed for proposed dual band antenna is
given through a 50 Ω CPW line of width W0=2.8 mm and gap
between the feed line and the ground is 0.15 mm and coplanar
ground with length L=11 mm and width 13 mm is used to
excite radiating patch. Fig.1 shows the geometry of the
proposed dual band antenna. The proposed antenna is single
layer structure as CPW feeding is used.
The proposed dual band consists of modified elliptical ring
shaped radiator. The minimum effective dimension of the
elliptic ring monopole antenna to cover WLAN band is quarter
guide wave length at the lowest frequency of the band. Design
procedure of the proposed dual band antenna is as follows.
Initially, antenna design starts with conventional planar
monopole elliptical wide band antenna. It is well known that Figure 2. Parametric variation of the proposed antenna.
planar antennas have more radiation efficiency at the edges and
corners rather than middle portion. Hence, middle portion of
the elliptic monopole is removed by ensuring least significant
change in the other antenna parameters like bandwidth,
radiation pattern, etc. Now, wideband elliptic monopole
antenna is converted to an elliptical ring monopole antenna.
Wide band response of elliptical ring monopole antenna is
transferred to dual band characteristics by removing certain
parts of the elliptical ring where it resonate for the frequencies
other than required bands. Portion of the elliptical ring
monopole is removed in symmetrical manner to make it into
two parts and these two parts are connected by microstrip line.
Partial ground monopole printed antenna provides wide
band by exciting multiple modes. This multi mode
characteristic of the antenna is used to achieve dual band
characteristics by removing certain portion of the elliptical ring
as shown in Fig.1. The discontinuity causes mismatch at the
middle frequencies between the two desired band consequently
antenna exhibits good isolation between these two bands. To
further understand the design of the proposed antenna,
frequency response based parametric analysis and dominance
of the current distribution analysis is as shown in Fig. 2 and
As shown in Fig. 2, parametric analysis is carried out by
changing the gap G to get desired dual band characteristics and
to optimize the parameters of the proposed dual band antenna.
For the case where gap G=0.4 mm, second band of the dual
band is ahead of the WiMAX frequency band. In order to make
the second band coincide with WiMAX band the gap ‘G is
increased to a 0.8 mm. However, for G =1 mm case second (b)
band is well within the WiMAX frequency band range, but
there is a disturbance in first band impedance bandwidth which Figure 3. Current distribution of the proposed dual band antenna at (a) 2.4
GHz and (b) 3.6 GHz .
is not coexisting with the WLAN band. To mitigate this
problem the gap G is optimized to G=0.9 mm, where both the
Another important and desired observation which is noticed
bands are covering desired WLAN and WiMAX bands.
is that a good isolation between the two bands of proposed
dual band antenna. As the isolation between the two bands is
more, there is strong impedance miss-match and consequently
strong rejection at those frequencies which lies between the
two desired bands. This strong isolation ensures that S11 is
close to 0 dB at those undesired frequencies between the two
desired frequency bands as shown in Fig.2. Fig.3 shows the
current distribution of the proposed dual band antenna at the
center frequencies of the two bands. The dominance of the
current distibution is limited to certain parts of the antenna
geometry based on excited mode.

Figure 6. Radiation patterns of the proposed antenna at 2.4 GHz

Figure 4. Protype of the proposed dual band antenna

Proposed dual band antenna is fabricated for the optimised

dimentions on the RT/Duroid 5880 substrate (Dielectric
constant 2.2, thickness 1.59 mm and loss tangent 0.0009) as
shown in Fig.4. Fig. 5 shows the measured return loss
characteristics of the propotype. In the WLAN band (first
band) and WiMAX band (second band) return loss is well
below the -20 dB that means most of the power is going to be
radiated and improves antenna efficiency. It is quite
acceptable as S11 is less than standard -10 dB where only 10%
of the power reflects back due to antenna impedance Figure 7. Radiation pattern of the proposed antenna at 3.6 GHz
A novel dual band antenna is designed, optimized and
fabricated for WLAN band at 2.4 GHz and WiMAX band at
3.5 GHz. Moreover, the proposed antenna has several merits
in terms of compactness, single layer structure, omni-
directional radiation pattern and low cost. Antenna is fed by
CPW technique that makes proposed antenna single layer
design and suitable for co-design with MMIC components.
Antenna parametric variations are carried out to optimize
desired dual band characteristics with gain of 2.45 dBi and 3.4
dBi at the two bands. Proposed antenna exhibits good return
loss characteristics i.e. below -30 dB in first band and below -
18 dB in the second band.

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