Center For By-Products Utilization: CBU-2002-19 REP-472 October 2002
Center For By-Products Utilization: CBU-2002-19 REP-472 October 2002
Center For By-Products Utilization: CBU-2002-19 REP-472 October 2002
October 2002
Accepted for Presentation and Publication at the Seventh CANMET/ACI International Conference
on Superplasticizers and Other Chemical Admixtures in Concrete, Berlin, Germany, October 2003
Synopsis: A recurring question about use of fly ash in concrete is dealing with setting and
hardening of such mixtures with our with out chemical admixtures. This paper presents literature
review on the setting and hardening characteristics of cement paste and concrete as influenced by the
inclusion of fly ash and chemical admixtures. The paper also reports the work carried out at the
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM-CBU) on the effects of Class C fly ashes from various
sources on the initial- and final-setting times of non-air-entrained and air-entrained concrete; and the
effects of Class C fly ash, gypsum, and various types of chemical admixtures (air-entraining
admixture (AEA), water-reducing admixture (WRA), superplasticizer, and retarding admixture) on
the initial and final setting times of cement paste. Test results indicated that: (1) both the initial- and
final-setting times were relatively unaffected at low-percentage replacement of cement with Class C
fly ash, although inclusion of fly ash caused large retardation in the times of setting, up to around 60
percent cement replacement; (2) initial- and final-setting times of cement paste remained essentially
the same or were slightly delayed with up to 20 percent cement replacement relative to zero percent
fly ash content; beyond this range, the setting times of cement paste were accelerated. Increased
rate of setting occurred at cement replacement levels of 40 percent and higher irrespective of type of
chemical admixtures used.
Keywords: Air-entraining admixture (AEA), concrete, fly ash, gypsum, high-range water-reducing
admixture (HRWRA), paste, retarder, time of setting, water-reducing admixture.
ACI Member Tarun R. Naik is Director of the UWM Center for By-Products Utilization (UWM-
CBU) and Associate Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. He
is a member of the ACI Board Task Group on Sustainable Development; Committees 232, Fly Ash
and Natural Pozzolans in Concrete; 229, CLSM; 214, Evaluation of Results of Tests Used to
Determine the Strength of Concrete; and 123, Research.
Rafat Siddique is a Research Associate at the UWM Center for By-Products Utilization, at the
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. His research interests are in the use of by-product materials in
construction and structural engineering. He is on leave from Thapar Institute of Engineering &
Technology, Patiala, India, where he is a Senior Assistant Professor.
Immediately upon mixing of cement and water, various chemical reactions occur leading to
formation of numerous types of hydration products. The types and amount of hydration products
formed depend upon duration of hydration, water-cementitious materials ratio (W/Cm), properties of
constituent materials, temperature, soluble alkalis, and mineral and chemical admixtures. The
formation of hydration products causes increase in stiffness of the cementitious matrix. This
stiffening behavior of the matrix is determined by the times of initial and final setting. The initial
setting of the matrix refers to the beginning of solidification for a given mixture. It is generally
accepted that at this stage concrete can neither be properly re-tamped nor handled or placed. The
final setting refers to the stage when the mixture attains sufficient hardness to support stress. The
subsequent continuing strength gain is called hardening.
Setting and hardening of cement mortar mixtures are considerably influenced by inclusion of
either mineral or chemical admixtures. Generally, the setting and hardening of mortar are delayed
when ASTM Class F (low-lime) fly ash is added to it. Mortar incorporating ASTM Class C (high-
lime) fly ash, however, has shown either both rapid or delayed setting depending upon the properties
and amount of the ash. The setting behavior can be more readily modified when gypsum and
chemical admixtures such as water-reducing admixture (WRA), superplasticizer, or retarding and
accelerating admixture are used. Even air-entraining admixture is known to slightly modify setting
behavior of concrete. A knowledge of setting characteristics of concrete incorporating both mineral
and chemical admixtures is needed for efficient scheduling of concrete construction, specifically
floor slabs, roadways, pavements, and other flat surfaces. Limited data exist on setting and
hardening behavior of paste, mortar, and concrete containing ASTM Class C fly ash and chemical
Many investigators have reported on the effects of fly ash on the times of setting of cement
paste and concrete.
Dodson1 investigated the setting characteristics of concretes made with both Class C and
Class F fly ashes. He reported that the setting times of concrete are mainly governed by cement
content and W/Cm when all other parameters are kept equal. He further added that an increase in
cement content caused a decrease in the initial- and final-setting times, whereas an increase in W/Cm
increased setting times. However, in general, addition of fly ash increased the setting times.
Ramakrishnan et al.2 reported on the setting characteristics of concretes made with or without fly
ash. They used one high-lime fly ash and two types of cement (ASTM Type I and Type II). They
concluded that inclusion of fly ash resulted in higher initial- and final-setting times compared to the
concrete without fly ash for both types of cement. Lane and Best3 reported that fly ash generally
slows the setting of concrete, although both initial and final times of setting remain within specified
limits. Retardation of setting due to the inclusion fly ash may be affected by the amount, fineness,
and chemical composition (particularly, carbon content) of the ash. However, the fineness of
cement, the water content of the cementitious paste, and the ambient temperature usually have a
much greater effect on times of setting than addition of fly ash. Replacement of 60% of cement
with high-carbon fly ash by mass resulted in 200% increase in the time of final setting of control
concrete mixture.
Mailvaganam et al.4 reported the properties of concretes made with a slag and a low-lime fly
ash. Concrete mixtures were prepared using various chemical admixtures at two different
temperatures (5oC and 20oC). At 20o C, concrete mixtures with 30 % fly ash showed longer initial-
setting time than the control mixture, by 1 to 1.75 hours; whereas at 5 oC, all mixtures with or
without fly ash had the initial-setting time greater than 10 hours. Majko and Pistilli5 reported the
time of setting results for air-entrained concrete mixtures incorporating high volumes of Class C fly
ash and WRA. They reported that setting times of concrete mixture increased by 4 to 6 hours with
the use of WRA and very high fly ash contents (119 to 178 kg/m3). Gebler and Klieger6 studied the
times of setting of concretes containing Class F and Class C fly ashes from 10 different sources for
high content mixtures. They reported that inclusion of the fly ash increased the initial- and final-
setting times of concrete mixtures. Carette and Malhotra7 reported the setting characteristics of
concretes made with fly ashes from different sources. Calcium oxide (CaO) contents of the fly
ashes varied between 1 % and 13 %. They concluded that, in general, the fly ashes increased the
initial- and final-setting times of concrete.
Bilodeau and Malhotra8 reported properties of concrete incorporating high volumes of Class
F fly ashes from three different sources. Cementitious materials content was 300, 370 and 430
kg/m3, and three W/Cm (0.39, 0.31 and 0.27) were used. They concluded that for every W/Cm, the
initial- and final-setting times of high-volume fly ash concretes were noticeably increased as
compared to those of the control concretes (without fly ash). This could possibly be due to the
lower cement content of the high-volume fly ash concretes. Carette et al.9 reported data on the
setting time of high-volume (55 % to 60 %) Class F fly ash concretes. Eight sources of fly ashes and
two sources of portland cements were used. The initial- and final-setting times varied from 4:50 to
12:51(hr: min), and 6:28 to 13:24 (hr: min), respectively, except for one mixture whose final-setting
time exceeded 13:24 (hr: min). Concrete mixtures showed varying setting times depending upon the
source of fly ash. In general, for each fly ash source, concrete made with a low-alkali content
cement having 6% C3A showed longer setting times than concrete made with a high-alkali content
cement having 11.9% C3A. Malhotra and Ramezanianpour10 have reported that inclusion of Class F
fly ash retards the hydration of C3S at very early stages of hydration and then accelerate at later
stages. C3A contribution from this fly ash increased with increasing its content as a replacement of
cement. Thus, fly ash also became a contributor of C3A and other reactive components at high fly
ash contents. Accelerated setting and hardening occurred due to the reactions of C3A present in the
fly ash in addition to contributions of reactions associated with cement hydration in presence of fly
ash at cement replacements of about 40% and above. Extremely high rate of setting and hardening
occurred at 70% fly ash content and beyond due to the presence of relatively higher amount of C3A
contributed by the fly ash, in addition to that contributed by cement. Hydration of aluminates was
very rapid leading to formation of C3AH6, C4AH19, and C2AH8 with generation of large amount of
heat of hydration13.
Samadi et al.13 studied the influence of phosphogypsum (PG) on the times of setting and
soundness of cement pastes. In this study, cement paste mixtures were made using ordinary
portland cement (OPC) and pozzolanic portland cement (PPC) at a constant water to cement ratio of
0.6 with PG content varying between 0 and 100 percent. In general both initial and final times of
setting increased with increasing PG content. The initial time of setting ranged between 100 to 560
minutes and 120 to 710 minutes for pastes containing OPC (ordinary portland cement) and PPC
(pozzolana Portland cement), respectively. The corresponding final time of setting ranged between
250 to 1440 minutes and between 270 to 1440 minutes. The paste expansion also increased with
increasing PG content. Brooks14 investigated the effects of silica fume (SF), metakaolin (MK), fly
ash (FA), and ground-granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBS) on the setting times of high-strength
concrete using the penetration resistance method (ASTM C 403). He also studied the effects of
shrinkage-reducing admixture (SRA) on the setting times of normal and high-strength concretes.
Based on the test results, he concluded that: (1) the setting times of the high-strength concrete were
generally retarded when the mineral admixtures replaced part of the cement. While the SRA was
found to have negligible effect on the setting times of normal strength concrete, it exhibited a rather
significant retarding effect when used in combination with a superplasticizer; and (2) the inclusion of
GGBS at replacement levels of 40% and greater resulted in significant retardation in setting times.
In general, as replacement levels of the mineral admixtures were increased, there was greater
retardation in setting times. However, for the concrete containing MK, setting time were only
observed up to a replacement level of 10%.
Ahmadi15 studied the initial and final setting times of concrete in hot weather. The effect of
field temperature, relative humidity, wind velocity, and admixture on the setting times of concrete
were observed. He proposed two equations: (1) the first equation was for determining the initial
setting time of concrete with a correlation factor of 0.93 and standard deviation of 5.28%. This
equation showed that as the field temperature and field air velocity increased, the initial setting time
decreased, and as the field humidity increased, the initial setting time increased; and (2) the second
equation for determining the final setting time of concrete with a correlation factor of 0.9 and
standard deviation of 5.8% showed similar effects as of initial setting time of concrete.
Targan et al.16 studied the effects of bentonite, colemanite ore waste (CW), coal fly ash (FA)
and coal bottom ash (BA) on the setting time of mortar. Based on the test results, they concluded
that (1) setting time of cements was generally accelerated when bentonite replaced a part of cement;
(2) in general FA, BA and CW increased the setting time of the cement; and (3) bentonite had a
negligible effect on the final setting time of cement containing BA, but it had a significant
accelerating effect when used alone or in combination with FA and CW at the higher replacement
level. Brooks17 presented a model for predicting initial setting time of concrete made with and
without fly ash. He drew following conclusions from the analysis of setting times of concretes
made with Type I cement and fly ash : (1) the proposed model, based on the assumption that initial
setting time is given by initial spacing of unhydrated cement particles divided by a rate coefficient, is
applicable for predicting the setting times of Type I cement concrete and blended cement concrete
containing approximately 60% of the fly ash; (2) the influencing factors quantified in the model are
water-to-cementitious materials ratio, fineness, specific gravity, temperature, and the blended oxide
ratio: CaO/(SiO2 + Fe2O3); and (3) the model estimated the average setting time to within 16%.
Final setting time is related to initial setting time by a factor of 1.35 with an average error of 13%.
Takemoto and Uchikawa18 and Uchiwaka and Uchida19 described a model for hydration
reaction process of cement in the presence of pozzolans. The reactions of C3A and Class C fly ash
resulted in formation of enttringite, monosulphoaluminate hydrate, calcium aluminate hydrates, and
calcium silicate hydrate. They reported that presence of pozzolan accelerated hydration of C3A
due to adsorbing Ca2+ from the liquid phases and providing precipitation sites for the hydration
They indicated that the setting of cement having normal composition was mainly related to hydration
of C3S content. The formation of enttringite occurred at very high C3A contents.
Matusinovic and Vrbos24 and Matusinovic and Curlin25 reported that setting characteristics
of high-alumina cement (HAC) were substantially influenced by inclusion of alkali metal salts. The
lithium cation had a greater effect on the times of setting than alkali cations did. The results showed
that lithium salt or alkali metal salts could be used as a set accelerator for HAC.
Perret et al.26 investigated the compatibility of six different microfine cements and four
different HRWRAs; and the influence of materials and mixture proportions on rheological
characteristics and final-setting time of microfine cement-based grouts. Three portland cements and
three slag cements, associated with various naphthalene-based and melamine-based HRWRA were
investigated. They concluded that: (1) not every microfinecement can be used with every HRWRA;
(2) some HRWRAs gave better fluidity, and some gave too long (24 hours) or too short (4 hours)
final setting times; and (3) the chemical composition and fineness of cements, as well as the type and
chemical characteristics of admixtures lead to different grout properties.
Experimental Details
An experimental program was designed to evaluate the effects of Class C fly ash content and
its source on setting times of non air-entrained concrete. Four different Class C fly ashes, obtained
from different electric power plants in Wisconsin, were used. The fly ashes corresponding to these
power plants are designated as P-4, DPC, Columbia, and Weston. Chemical and physical properties
of these fly ashes were determined. Three of the fly ashes (DPC, Columbia, and Weston) exceeded
ASTM C 618 requirement for MgO. However, they met all other ASTM C 618 Class C fly ash
requirement. Natural sand with 6 mm maximum size was used as a fine aggregate, and a 19 mm
maximum size gravel was used as a coarse aggregate throughout this investigation. These
aggregates met the ASTM C 33 requirements. Type I cement which met the requirements of ASTM
C 150 was used.
Concrete mixture proportions were proportioned with all the four Class C fly ashes. For
concrete mixture proportions containing P-4 fly ash, cement replacement varied from 0 to 100 %
with an increment of 10%; cement content varied between 360 and 0 kg/m3; fly ash content between
0 and 488 kg/m3; w/cm between 0.47 and 0.34; sand content between 815 to 833 kg/m3; and coarse
aggregate content between 1070 and 1084 kg/m3. For concrete mixture proportions containing DPC
fly ash, cement replacement varied from 0 to 90 % (0, 10, 30, 50, 70 and 90%); cement content
varied between 371 and 36 kg/m3; fly ash content between 0 and 403 kg/m3; w/cm between 0.45 and
0.35; sand content between 802 to 840 kg/m3; and coarse aggregate content between 1070 and 1110
kg/m3. For concrete mixture proportions containing Columbia fly ash, cement replacement varied
from 0 to 90 % (0, 10, 30, 50, 70 and 90%); cement content varied between 360 and 35 kg/m3; fly
ash content between 0 and 394 kg/m3; w/cm between 0.44 and 0.35; sand content between 816 to
854 kg/m3; and coarse aggregate content between 1053 and 1085 kg/m3. For concrete proportions
containing Weston fly ash, cement replacement varied from 0 to 100 % with an increment of 20%;
cement content varied between 360 and 0 kg/m3; fly ash content between 0 and 437 kg/m3; w/cm
between 0.44 and 0.34; sand content between 825 to 855 kg/m3; and coarse aggregate content
between 855 and 1080 kg/m3.
Initial and final setting times of concrete incorporating various sources of Class C fly ash are
shown in Table 1. In general, addition of fly ash up to a certain level (typically up to about 60%
replacements) caused delay in the initial and final setting times (doubled) of concrete; and beyond
this level of fly ash, a reverse trend was observed. The setting times varied from fly ash to fly ash
source. Both the initial and final setting times were relatively unaffected up to 10% cement
replacement. Above 10% cement replacement, the effect of fly ash inclusion on the setting behavior
of concrete became more pronounced with increasing fly ash replacement levels. The maximum
retardation in either the initial or final setting times occurred at 50% for the P-4, DPC, and Columbia
fly ash mixtures, and at 60% for the Weston fly ash mixture. However, the final setting time for the
Weston fly ash increased with an increase in fly ash content up to 80% cement replacement. The
control concrete mixtures without fly ash exhibited less than 5 hours of the initial setting times and
less than 6 hours of the final setting times. The maximum initial setting times were 10:25 hr:min at
50% cement replacement for the P-4 ash, 9:40 hr:min at 50% cement replacement for the DPC ash,
12:30 hr:min at 50 and 70% cement replacement for the Columbia ash, and 8:00 hr:min at 80%
cement replacement for the Weston ash. The maximum final setting times were 13:30 hr:min at 60%
cement replacement for the P-4 fly ash mixture, 12:30 hr:min at 50% cement replacement for the
DPC fly ash mixture, 21:40 hr:min at 70% cement replacement for the Columbia fly ash mixture,
and 11:50 hr:min at 80% cement replacement for the Weston fly ash mixture. Of all the fly ash
mixtures tested, the mixture with Weston fly ash showed the lowest setting times when compared
with other three sources of fly ash. When slower than desirable setting times occur, it would be
desirable to use set accelerating admixtures.
At high replacements of cement with fly ash (70% or above), the setting of concrete was
accelerated. This might be attributed to the fact that at higher cement replacements with fly ash, the
concentrations of total C3A and gypsum present in the mixture becomes low. This resulted in
reduced setting times of the mixtures containing low cement and high fly ash contents. As a result,
rapid setting of the concrete mixtures occurred. Therefore, under such conditions, it is desirable to
use a set retarding admixtures to allow enough time for proper mixing and placing of concrete.
Experimental Details
One source (Pleasant Prairie Power Plant, P-4) of Class C fly ash was used. Three nominal
compressive strength levels (21, 28, and 35 MPa) of non-air-entrained and air-entrained concrete
mixture proportions, by varying the water-to-cementitious materials ratio (0.45, 0.55, and 0.65) were
developed. Cement replacement percentage was 35, 45, and 55%. Replacement was on the basis of
1.25 to 1, fly ash replacement of cement. Non-air-entrained concrete mixtures contained cement
content between 236 and 115 kg/m3; fly ash content between 106 and 238 kg/m3; and w/cm between
0.58 and 0.39. Air-entrained concrete mixtures contained cement content between 276 and 132
kg/m3; fly ash content between 131 and 283 kg/m3; and w/cm between 0.47 and 0.33.
Setting time of non-air-entrained concrete mixtures are given in Table 2. For non-air-
entrained concrete mixtures, the initial setting time increased by about one hour for the nominal 21
MPa strength concrete as fly ash content was increased from 35% for each 10% increase in fly ash.
However, the actual initial setting time of approximately eight hours plus or minus one hour, is
practically the same for the 35, 45, and 55% fly ash replacement mixtures. Therefore, these
mixtures should perform similarly and they generally would not have any adverse impact on a
typical construction project. The final setting time for theses concretes increased by about 90
minutes for each 10% increase in fly ash when compared to the 35% fly ash mixture. However, the
actual final setting time, from 8-1/2 hours to 11-1/2 hours, also would not have any significant
adverse effect on a typical construction. The change in initial and final setting time for 28 MPa and
35 MPa non-air-entrained fly ash concrete was even less significant when fly ash replacement was
increased from 35 to 55%. Therefore, the initial or the final setting time is not significantly different
for non-air-entrained fly ash concrete as the fly ash replacement for cement is increased to levels of
55% for the 21, 28 or 35 MPa concretes. In general, however, for the non-air-entrained concretes, as
the strength levels increased with increasing cementitious materials ratio, the change in initial or
final times of setting was insignificant from 35% to 55% cement replacement with P-4 Class C fly
Setting time data for air-entrained concrete are given in Table 2. It is evident that the initial
time of setting for the nominal 21 MPa strength air-entrained fly ash concrete increased by about 1-
1/2 hours as the fly ash replacement was increased from 35 to 45%. As the fly ash replacement was
further increased from 45 to 55%, there was a reduction of one hour in the initial setting time. The
average initial setting time for the three mixtures of 21 MPa air-entrained concrete, containing 35,
45, and 55% fly ash, was 7 hrs: 30 min., with a range of 45 minutes from the average. The final
setting time for this concrete increased by about 1-3/4 hrs. as the fly ash replacement was increased
from 35 to 45%. When the fly ash replacement was further increased from 45 to 55%, there was
reduction of about 45 minutes in the final setting time. The average final setting time for the three
mixtures of 21 MPa air-entrained concrete containing 35, 45, and 55% fly ash was 9 hrs: 30 min.,
with a range of one hour from the average. The initial and the final setting time, therefore, varied
within a range of about one hour as fly ash replacement was varied between 35 to 55%. Variation
of plus or minus one hour in the initial or the final setting time for concrete will not be significant for
a typical construction project. Similar to the non-air-entrained concrete, the change in the initial and
final setting time for the 28 MPa and 35 MPa air-entrained fly ash concrete was even less significant
as the fly ash replacement was increased from 35 to 55%. In general, air-entrained concrete initial
and final setting times were not noticeable affected as the strength levels or fly ash levels were
Four series of tests were performed: (1) to evaluate only the effects of fly ash addition on the
setting times of cement paste; (2) to evaluate the effects of fly ash and two levels of air content on
the setting times of cement paste; and (3) to evaluate the influence of fly ash and normal dosage of
two types of chemical admixtures (WRA and HRWRA) on the setting times of cement paste; (4) to
evaluate the combined effects high dosage of fly ash and three dosage rates of two types of chemical
admixtures (retarders and gypsum) on the setting times of cement paste.
Experimental Details
A portland cement conforming to the requirements of ASTM C 150 was used. An ASTM
Class C fly ash, obtained from one source, Pleasant Prairie (P-4), was used. The fly ash met all
ASTM C 618 requirements for Class C fly ash. Five chemical admixtures: an air entraining
admixture (ASTM C 260), a water-reducer (ASTM C 494, Type A), a retarder (ASTM C 494, Type
B), and a HRWRA (ASTM C 494, Type F) were obtained from a local ready-mixed concrete
company, the Tews Company, Milwaukee, WI. A total of 82 cement paste mixtures were prepared
for evaluating their setting and hardening characteristics. Each mixture was composed of cement, fly
ash, and water. Fly ash was used as a replacement of cement ranging from 0 to 100 percent by mass.
A ratio of fly ash addition to cement replaced was kept at 1.25. All ingredients were mixed in a
laboratory mixer in accordance with ASTM C 305. Normal consistency of pastes containing
cement/fly ash was determined in accordance with ASTM C 187. Air content of each paste mixture
was determined according to ASTM C 185. Test specimens for each mixture were prepared for
measuring the initial and final times of setting using the Vicat apparatus (ASTM C 191).
The initial and final times of setting were essentially the same due to the inclusion of fly ash
at 10% compared to the 0% fly ash mixture (Table 3). Beyond 10% fly ash content, accelerated
setting occurred and the rate of setting increased with fly ash content. Very rapid rate of setting and
hardening occurred at 40% fly ash content and above. The entrapped air content was essentially the
same for all mixtures at about 6.5 0.5 percent.
Effects of air entrainment and content at two dosage levels on setting times of fly ash
mixtures are given in Table 4. At the low air content level, the time of settings were essentially the
same up to 20% fly ash content, beyond which the times of setting were accelerated. Very high rate
of setting occurred at 40% fly ash content and beyond. Thus at high fly ash contents, setting
characteristics of air-entrained mixtures followed a similar general trend as indicated by the fly ash
mixtures without AEA (Table 3). At the high air content level also, the general setting
characteristics of fly ash mixtures remained the same as that obtained at the low air content level.
However, in general, as the air content increased, from the entrapped air only (Table 3) to entrained
air with increasing amounts of air (Table 4), the setting times were less affected by the amount of fly
ash and, therefore, setting times were equal to the 0% fly ash content paste as the amount of fly ash
Effect of fly ash with normal dosages of chemical admixtures on setting times of paste
In this series of tests, fly ash content varied from 0 to 100% with normal dosages of
individual chemical admixtures (five different types).
Effects of normal dosage of water-reducer on setting characteristics of fly ash mixtures are
given in Table 5. Both initial and final times of setting were reduced above the fly ash content of
20%. Beyond 20% fly ash content, the setting was accelerated. High rates of setting occurred at
40% fly ash content and above. The hydration reaction was accelerated due to the reduction in water
to cementitious materials ratio, as well as more cement particles hydrating early due to dispersion of
the cementitious particles when the water-reducing admixture (WRA) was used.
Effects of normal dosage of superplasticizer on setting characteristics of fly ash mixtures are
given in Table 5. In general, water demand for superplasticized mixtures decreased with increasing
fly ash content. The combined effect of fly ash and superplasticizer was a noticeable reduction in
the times of setting beyond 20% fly ash content, and there was sharp reduction after 30% fly ash
content. In general paste containing WRA or HRWRA had similar affects on times of setting of
pastes containing 0% to 50% fly ash content.
Effects of normal dosage of retatder on setting characteristics of fly ash mixtures are given
in Table 6. The water demand for mixtures with retarder decreased with increasing fly ash content.
The time of setting for mixtures containing the retarder was essentially the same for fly ash content
up to 20%. Beyond the 20% fly ash level, the corresponding setting times were not helped by the
use of the retarder; even with double and triple amount of retarder dosages the practical needs of
sufficient retardation was not possible to achieve. The rate of setting became very high at 50% fly
ash content and above. At high fly ash contents, general trend of setting and hardening of paste
mixtures remained similar as that obtained for the fly ash mixtures without retarder (Table 3).
Effects of normal dosage of gypsum on setting characteristics of fly ash mixtures are given in
Table 7. The water demand for gypsum mixtures decreased with increasing fly ash content. The
results showed no significant difference in the initial and final setting times of the mixtures up to
10% fly ash content when gypsum was used. Beyond 10% fly ash content, the times of setting
decreased for gypsum mixtures with increasing fly ash content. The general setting behavior of
mixtures followed essentially similar trend as indicated by fly ash mixtures without gypsum (Table
3). Inclusion of gypsum in the fly ash mixtures caused a noticeable reduction of the initial and final
setting times compared to the paste mixtures without gypsum (Table 3).
Effect of High Fly Ash Contents with High Dosages of Chemical Admixtures on Setting Times
of Paste
At high fly ash content (above 40%), very rapid rate of setting of mixtures occurred. Use of
normal dosage of retarder and gypsum did not cause enough delay to compensate for the rapid rate
of setting resulting from the presence of the high-levels of fly ash. Therefore, high dosages of these
admixtures were used at fly ash contents of 70, 85, and 100%. The retarder and gypsum were used at
their respective double and triple dosages.
Fly ash with retarder
Effects of high dosage of retatder on setting characteristics of fly ash mixtures are given in
Table 6. In general, when the amount of the retarder increased beyond normal dosage, the initial and
final times of setting were considerably delayed, especially for 85% and 100% fly ash levels. These
results show that a delay in the times of setting can be achieved even at 100% fly ash level with high
dosage of the retarder. Under this condition, the final time of setting was delayed by over 300 %
compared to the normal dosage of the retarder. However, the rate of setting was still very high even
at the triple dosage of the retarder; and, at these high setting rates, practical benefits of necessary
retardation was not realized.
Effects of high dosage of gypsum on setting characteristics of fly ash mixtures are given in
Table 7. Due to very rapid setting, initial time of setting could not be recorded at the fly ash content
of 70% and beyond at the normal dosage of gypsum, probably due to early enttringite formation.
However, when dosage of gypsum was doubled or tripled, initial times of setting, though not slow
enough, could only be recorded for the fly ash levels of 70% and 85%. Thus, the use of high dosage
of gypsum did not help significant in modifying the setting characteristic of mixtures incorporating
fly ash.
1. Both the initial- and final-setting times of the concretes were significantly influenced by both
the source and amount of fly ash. Both the initial- and final-setting times were relatively
unaffected at 10% cement replacement. Although inclusion of fly ash caused large
retardation in the setting times, for up to around 60% cement replacement, the rate of
strength development were appropriate for most construction applications. Therefore, setting
time should not be taken as a sole parameter for selecting a fly ash for a particular
application. However, in order to improve construction productivity and efficient
construction planning, fly ash content should be reduced and/or chemical admixtures should
be added to control the setting times.
2. For non-air-entrained and air-entrained fly ash concretes having compressive strengths of 21,
28, and 35 MPa, the initial- and final-setting time were not significantly different when fly
ash replacement for cement was increased up to 55 percent.
3. The water demand of cement paste mixtures decreased with increasing fly ash content.
Further decrease in the water demand occurred when were used. Inclusion of fly ash in
cement paste mixtures caused small delay in the initial- and final-setting times up to 20% fly
ash content depending upon type of chemical admixtures used. Beyond this limit, the setting
was accelerated. Fast setting occurred at fly ash content of about 40% and beyond
depending upon type of chemical admixtures used.
4. Use of gypsum and water-reducer of normal dosages caused acceleration in the setting of
cement paste. However, no appreciable effect of normal dosage of superplasticizer on the
setting was observed.
The authors express deep sense of gratitude to the We Energies, Milwaukee, WI for financial support
for this investigation. The Center was established in 1988 with a generous grant from the Dairyland
Power Cooperative, La Crosse, WI; Madison Gas and Electric Company, Madison, WI; National
Minerals Corporation, St. Paul, MN; Northern States Power Company, Eau Claire, WI; Wisconsin
Electric Power Company, Milwaukee, WI; Alliant Energy Corporation, Madison, WI; and
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, Green Bay, WI. Their financial support, and support from
Manitowoc Public Utilities, Manitowoc, WI, is gratefully acknowledged.
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Table 1 - Setting Times at Various Cement Replacements with Four Different
Class C Fly Ash Sources (Series 1)27
Table 2– Initial and Final Setting Times of Concrete Mixtures (Series 2)28
Table 4 – Setting Times of Cement Paste Incorporating Class C Fly Ash
and Air-Entraining Admixture29
Table 6 – Setting Times of Cement Paste Incorporating Class C Fly
Ash and Retarder29
Table 7 – Setting Times of Cement Paste Incorporating Class C
Fly Ash and Gypsum29