Attitude + Social Norms 3-12
Attitude + Social Norms 3-12
Attitude + Social Norms 3-12
For the category of Attitude of therapists towards VR, results show mean score
was 7.0061±1.7617. The result agrees with the study of Glegg, et. al. (2013), which
conducted a quantitative study which investigated the factors that influence physical
therapists in the adoption of VR for brain injury rehabilitation. Results showed the
physical therapists’ positive attitude, and perception towards VR had intentions to use it
often in the future. Moreover, this result supports the study carried out by Fung et al.
(2010),which investigated the perceptions of occupational therapists and
physiotherapists on the use of Nintendo Wii™ in rehabilitation. In this study, both
physical therapists and occupational therapists favored the use of Wii in rehabilitation as
an adjunct to traditional therapy because it is therapeutic, engaging, and may increase
patient participation in rehabilitation. This result implies that both therapists have
positive attitude towards VR.