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Church & Ministry Aug 2018

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Good Shepherd College of Cultural Studies

(Theological Education Ministry of Good Shepherd Church of India)

August 2018 Master’s Residential Seminar
Course: CM 603/Church and Ministry (3 Credit Hours)
Course Instructor: Rt. Rev. Dr. P. Surya Prakash, B.A, B.D, M. Th, Th. D
Church of South India

This course is designed to expose the students to have a clear knowledge of the church and its
ministry. Attempts will be made to understand the biblical basis for the church, nature and purpose
of the church, ministry and administration of the church. The sacramental ministry of the church and
other related topics would be also covered.

1. To help students understand and recognize the importance of church and its ministry
2. To enlighten students to various aspects and dynamics of church ministry
3. To enable students to have ministry and administrative skills in order to become an effective
4. To challenge students to be faithful to their call and commitment.
5. To help the students to be an instrumental in planting and developing a local church.
6. To prepare students minister effectively and skillfully to the demands of our present day
problems and challenges in the church and society.
7. To inspire and motivate students to have a passion for church ministry.


Jeyaraj, Jesudasan Baskar. Christian Ministry: Models of Ministry and Training. Bangalore:
Theological Book Trust, 2002.
Miley, George. Loving the Church Blessing the Nations: Pursuing the Role of Local Churches in
Global Mission. Waynesboro: Gabriel Publishing, 2003.
Pate, Larry. Starting New Churches,.Delhi: ICI University, 2004.
Ponraj, S. and Devasagayam. Planting and Perfecting of Churches: A Practical Guide for Grass
Root Church Planters. Chennai: Mission Educational Books, 1997.

I. The church –
1. The Etymology of the word Church

2. The Usage of the word

3. The Church and her faith
4. The Church and her Attributes & Characteristics
5. The Church and her Divine Head
6. The Church and her relation to the world
II. The Church as a Spiritual Organization
1. Portrait of the Church
A. The concept of the Church
B. Universal Church and Local Church
C. Spiritual Nature of the Church
D. Spiritual structure of the church
E. Spiritual function of the Church
2. Purpose of the Church
A. Making disciples
B. Maturing believers
C. Manifesting God’s glory
3. Priorities of the Church
A. Worshiping Community
B. Preaching/Proclaiming Community
C. Community in Fellowship
D. Witnessing Community
E. Working/Serving Community
III. Approaching Pastoral Ministry:
1. Pattern of Jesus Christ
A. Selection of the Disciples
B. Association with the Disciples and Community
C. Consecration of the Chosen
D. Inspiration through Teaching, Preaching and Doing
E. Demonstration of the Power of God
F. Delegation of the Responsibility
G. Supervision and Pastoral Care
2. Pattern of the Early Church
A. The Ministry of the Word
B. The Ministry of Fellowship
C. The Ministry of the Sacraments – Baptism and Lord’s Supper
D. The Ministry of Prayer
E. The Ministry of Outreach
F. The Ministry of Mission/s
G. The Ministry of Inter-church Support
3. Pattern of the Apostle Paul
A. The Purpose of Ministry
B. The Plan of God
C. The Pain in the Ministry
D. The Power of the Holy Spirit
4. Paul’s Instructions to Timothy
A. To Preach Sound Doctrine
B. To Proclaim the Gospel
C. To Defend the Faith

IV. The Minister and his/her Ministry

1. The Call to Ministry
2. The Ordination of the Church

3. The Pastor and his/her Personal life

4. The Pastor and his/her Family
5. The Pastor and his/her Preaching 2
6. The Pastor and his/her Counseling
7. The Pastor and his/her leadership skills & Administration
8. Challenges and Opportunities in pastoral ministry

V. The Sacraments and Ordinances

1. History of the word Sacrament
2. The Nature of Sacraments
3. Their Value and efficacy
4. Their necessity of celebration
5. Their position in the economy of Grace
6. The teaching of the Roman Catholic Church
7. The teaching of the Protestant churches

VI. The Holy Baptism

1. Theological Meaning and Practice
2. It’s relation to the Circumcision
3. It’s pre-Christian aspect
4. It’s condition and requirements
5. Mode of its administration
6. Significance of the rite
VII. The Holy Communion
1. Nature of the Sacrament
2. It’s original intention
3. Importance and Significance of the ordinance
4. The Real Presence
5. Its Solemn Obligations
6. Its inestimable benefits
7. Its dangerous neglect
VIII. The Church with diverse ministries
1. Church and Children
2. Church and Youth
3. Church and Women
4. Church and Men
5. Church and Charity
6. Church and Para-church organizations
7. Church and Society
8. Church and Ecology

IX. Church Organization and Administration

1. Episcopal and Non-Episcopal structure
2. Free and Independent churches
3. Leader centered churches
X. Modern Day Challenges and Ministry
1. Democratic pattern of organization and administration
2. Preservation of Ecology and Environment
3. Gender justice and Equality
4. Drug Use and Abuse
5. Internet and other related matters

6. Violence and Terrorism

7. Old Problems perpetuated: caste, corruption, poverty, religious fundamentalism, dowry, etc
1. Read any one of the prescribed text books and write a book review (1000 words). Book
review is not reproducing the contents of the book but your impressions and observations
based on your reflections. Evaluation 10%

2. Reflecting on the course and the subjects dealt with, write a critical essay about 2000 to
3000 words on “Opportunities of Ministry in modern India” with reference to either
democracy or gender equality or use and abuse of Internet. Evaluation 20%

3. Conduct an interview with a pastor of different denomination other than GSCI with suitable
questionnaire dealing with issues of ministry related to marriage, sacraments, environment,
corruption, church growth, TV evangelism etc. and evaluate the interview. Evaluation 20%

Please enclose a picture of you conducting the interview.


Bairn, A.M. Fair. The Church in History, Vol.1. New Delhi: Omsons Publications, 1999.

________. The Church in History, Vol.2. New Delhi: Omsons Publications, 1999.

Briner, Bob and Ray Pritchard. The Leadership Lessons of Jesus. Nashville: Broadman & Holman
Publishers, 1997.

Cladis, George. Leading the Team- Based Church. San Francisco: Jossey- Bass, 1999.

Davis, Anne (ed.). Formation for Christian Ministry. Louisville: Review and Expositor Southern
Baptist Theological Seminary, 1985.

Dennison, Justin. Team Ministry: A blueprint for Christian Leadership. London: Hodder &
Stoughton, 1997.

Flew, Newton R. Jesus and his Church. Carlisle: Paternoster press, 1998.

Getz, A. Gene, Sharpening the focus of the Church, Wheaton: Victor Books, 1984.

Jackman, David. Understanding the Church. Fearn: Mentor, 1996.

Lutzer, Erwin W. Pastor to Pastor. Chicago: Moody Press, 1987.

MacArthur, John F. Rediscovering Pastoral Ministry. Pune: Grace to India, 1995.

_________. The Masters plan for the Church. Chicago: Moody Press, 1991.

Malphurs, Aubrey. Ministry nuts and bolts. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 1997.

Means, James E. Leadership in Christian Ministry. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1989.

Richards, O. Lawrence. A Theology of Personal Ministry. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1981.

Stowell, Joseph M. Shepherding the Church into the 21st Century. Wheaton: Victor Books, 1994. 4
Van Engen, Charles. God’s Missionary People. Michigan: Baker Book House, 1991.

Watson, David. I Believe in the Church. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1933.

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