Linde 393 Service Manual PDF
Linde 393 Service Manual PDF
Linde 393 Service Manual PDF
Attached you will find an overview of different LTC versions as well as the various main
harnesses. The appropriate wiring diagram is listed in a file on the “Extranet” system.
Connector 121pol.
Example of a main harness to the LTC-unit (connectors marked)
Guide to change Input- and Output wires at LTC connectors
Guide to read the chart „LTC-units“
aufplan 2
Example of wiring at connector X10_X11 as well as LTC-unit
Marking 1 Functionalities
Marking 2 Wiring at connector X10_X11
Marking 3 Spare part number main harness
Marking 4 Wiring at LTC (121-pol. connector)
Example how to change a LTC-unit with the attached charts
LPG cut-off valve
Number of teeth (ringgear)
3 Aux via switch per Diagnosis (if equipped)
Fork Height Limitation (if equipped)
Power increase (if equipped)
Together with LTC-unit 390 360 1355 you got the main harness 392 381 0533. This main
harness would replace by 392 381 0557, therefore it is necessary to change wires on
connector at LTC-unit.
Baureihe SW ID SA/CO siehe Stromlaufplan X10/ X11 Parameter Einstellung in Pathfinderdiagnose
(01.05.2004 - 02.11.2005)
18 14 17 22 33 43 14 19 17 28 49 40 Software-ID 21 (Heben)
to switch on (392/393)
Pathfinder to activate
Engine Cut-off (LPG)
PD + electronic flap)
New E2-Servocover
Datalogger Signals
Old E2-Servocover
Automatic version
(from 02.11.2005)
Blink signal on/off
Circuit Diagram
(via Pathfinder)
Main Harness
Version Japan
Series Coding
Road version
2l PD Engine
Indoor ( 392)
Park Brake
3918026000 Diesel (09/06 - ) 3913810512 SDI (04.09.2006 - )
390 360 14 09
LHC-11/12 CE62 3913810514 Treibgas (04.09.2006 - )
D+T x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 3918026005 a Treibgas (09/06 - 12/06) 3913810515 Treibgas geregelt (04.09.2006 - ) 110307 Serie 29.09.2006 -
3918026007 Treibgas (01/07 - ) 3913810519 Treibgas geregelt 2.Lambdasonde (USA) (19.01.2007 - )
390 360 44 09
38 17 17 28 40 28
3928026030 Treibgas geregelt (01/07 - ) 3923810568 Treibgas ger. Auto. (07.12.2007 - ) 111428 28.08.2006 -
390 360 14 73
LHC-11/12 CE51 3943810522 TDI H40 (06.02.2006 - 09.11.2007)
D+T D+T x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Serie
3943810549 TDI H40 (09.11.2007 - )
390 360 44 73 3948026005 Diesel (02/06 - ) 3943810523 TDI H45/50 (06.02.2006 - 09.11.2007)
3943810550 TDI H45/50 (09.11.2007 - ) BR394: BR394:
111805 03.11.2006 -
3943810526 Treibgas H40 (06.02.2006 - 10.11.2007)
3943810556 Treibgas H40 (10.11.2007 - )
3943810527 Treibgas H45/50 (06.02.2006 - 10.11.2007)
3943810557 Treibgas H45/50 (10.11.2007 - )
3948026008 Treibgas (02/06 - ) 3943810528 Treibgas gereregelt H40 (06.02.2006 - 10.11.2007)
3943810558 Treibgas gereregelt H40 (10.11.2007 - )
3943810529 Treibgas gereregelt H45/50 (06.02.2006 - 10.11.2007)
3943810559 Treibgas gereregelt H45/50 (10.11.2007 - )
3938026015 Diesel (09/06 - ) 3933810555 TDI (28.08.2006 - 07.12.2007)
3933810569 TDI (07.12.2007 - )
3933810557 TDI höher (28.08.2006 - 07.12.2007)
25 10 17 24 54 60
31 17 17 24 36 19
39 18 14 24 26 58
390 360 63 83
LHC-11/11 CE21 06/03
3943810504 TDI H40 (0-Serie)
D x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 3948026003 Diesel (0-Serie) 28072 0-Serie bis
3943810505 TDI H45/50 (0-Serie)
390 360 77 83
DOC0005829 Rev 03
Übersicht: Basissteuerung - Funktion - Stromlaufplan - Hauptkabelsatz
Bearbeiter: EK4-Mungel Seite: 1 von 7 Stand: 18.07.2007
Baureihe SW ID SA/CO siehe Stromlaufplan X10/ X11 Parameter Einstellung in Pathfinderdiagnose
(01.05.2004 - 02.11.2005)
Software-ID 21 (Heben)
to switch on (392/393)
Pathfinder to activate
Engine Cut-off (LPG)
PD + electronic flap)
New E2-Servocover
Datalogger Signals
Old E2-Servocover
Automatic version
(from 02.11.2005)
Blink signal on/off
Circuit Diagram
(via Pathfinder)
Main Harness
Version Japan
Series Coding
Road version
2l PD Engine
Indoor ( 392)
Park Brake
3928026007 c SDI (11/02 - 08/03) 3923810519 SDI (11/02 - 01.09.2003)
3928026012 SDI (09/03 - 11/03) 3923810521 SDI (01.09.2003 - 01.12.2003)
3928026012 a SDI (11/03 - 11/04) 3923810524 SDI (01.12.2003 - 06.12.2004)
3928026012 b SDI (12/04 - 10/05) 3923810532 SDI (06.12.2004 - 02.11.2005)
36 14 14 27 20 41
30 12 14 10 58 63
390 360 63 65
LHC-11/11 CE01 11/02
D+T x x x x x 3938026003 TDI (11/02 - 08/03) 3933810506 TDI (11/02 - 08/03) 28648 Serie bis
AT-Nr.: 12/02
390 360 77 65 3938026001 Treibgas (07/02 - 11/02) 3933810501 Treibgas (07/02 - 11/02)
3938026004 Treibgas (12/02 - 08/03) 3933810507 Treibgas (12/02 - 08/03)
390 360 63 61
LHC-11/11 CE25 08.03.2004
3943810508 Treibgas H40 (01.01.2004 - 01.05.2004)
T x x x x x x x 3948026001 Treibgas (0-Serie) 32262 0-Serie bis
3943810509 Treibgas H45/50 (01.01.2004 - 01.05.2004)
AT-Nr.: 01.06.2004
3938026003 TDI / TDI höher (11/02 - 08/03) 3933810506 TDI (11/02 - 01.09.2003)
3938026007 TDI / TDI höher (09/03 - 01/04) 3933810512 TDI (01.09.2003 - 01.02.2004)
3938026007 a TDI (02/04 - 11/04) 3933810527 TDI (01.02.2004 - 06.12.2004)
3933810503 TDI höher (04/03 - 01.10.2003) Prototyp
3933810510 TDI höher (01.10.2003 - 03.05.2004)
10 15 14 27 53 56
21 15 14 25 60 63
39 13 13 24 59 35 41 15 13 27 52 51
390 360 63 59 3928026007 b SDI (10/02 - 11/02) 3923810517 SDI (10/02 - 11/02)
LHC-10/10 CE03 3928026007 c SDI (11/02 - 08/03) 3923810519 SDI (11/02 - 08/03) 06.06.2002
D+T x x x x x 27415 Serie bis
AT-Nr.: 3928026009 Treibgas (05/02 - 09/02) 3923810514 Treibgas (05/02 - 09/02) 04/03
390 360 77 59 3928026009 b Treibgas (10/02 - 11/02) 3923810516 Treibgas (10/02 - 11/02)
3928026009 c Treibgas (11/02 - 08/03) 3923810518 Treibgas (11/02 - 08/03)
390 360 63 32 3928026007 SDI (12/01 - 09/02) 3923810513 SDI (12/01 - 04/02)
LHC-10/10 CE04 12/01
D+T x x x x x 3923810515 SDI (05/02 - 09/02) 28910 Serie bis
AT-Nr.: 06/02
390 360 77 32 3928026004 Treibgas (10/01 - 04/02) Nullserie 3923810512 Treibgas (10/01 - 04/02) Nullserie
3928026009 Treibgas (05/02 - 09/02) 3923810514 Treibgas (05/02 - 09/02)
3938026007 a TDI / TDI höher (02/04 - 11/04) 3933810517 TDI (01.02.2004 - 06.12.2004)
3938026007 b TDI / TDI höher (12/04 - 02/06) 3933810527 TDI (06.12.2004 - 06.03.2006)
3933810522 TDI höher (03.05.2004 - 06.12.2004)
3933810533 TDI höher (06.12.2004 - 06.03.2006)
38 21 15 19 15 59
31 22 14 22 17 49
DOC0005829 Rev 03
Übersicht: Basissteuerung - Funktion - Stromlaufplan - Hauptkabelsatz
Bearbeiter: EK4-Mungel Seite: 2 von 7 Stand: 18.07.2007
Baureihe SW ID SA/CO siehe Stromlaufplan X10/ X11 Parameter Einstellung in Pathfinderdiagnose
(01.05.2004 - 02.11.2005)
Software-ID 21 (Heben)
to switch on (392/393)
Pathfinder to activate
Engine Cut-off (LPG)
PD + electronic flap)
New E2-Servocover
Datalogger Signals
Old E2-Servocover
Automatic version
(from 02.11.2005)
Blink signal on/off
Circuit Diagram
(via Pathfinder)
Main Harness
Version Japan
Series Coding
Road version
2l PD Engine
Indoor ( 392)
Park Brake
3928026012 b Diesel (12/04 - 10/05) 3923810524 SDI (01.12.2003 - 06.12.2004)
3923810532 SDI (06.12.2004 - 02.11.2005)
23 22 15 21 34 41
16 16 15 10 32 18
390 360 13 41
LHC-11/12 CE20 nur 3943810512 Treibgas H40 (01.05.2004 - 06.02.2006) 18.10.2004
D+T x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x bei x x x x x x x x 3948026007 Treibgas / Treibgas geregelt (06/04 - 01/06) 3943810526 Treibgas H40 (06.02.2006 - 10.11.2007) 33450 Serie bis
AT-Nr.: BR394 3948026008 Treibgas / Treibgas geregelt (02/06 - 12/06) 3943810513 Treibgas H45/50 (01.05.2004 - 06.02.2006) 03.11.2006
390 360 43 41 3943810527 Treibgas H45/50 (06.02.2006 - 10.11.2007)
3943810514 Treibgas geregelt H40 (01.05.2004 - 06.02.2006)
3943810528 Treibgas geregelt H40 (06.02.2006 - 10.11.2007)
3943810515 Treibgas geregelt H45/50 (01.05.2004 - 06.02.2006)
3943810529 Treibgas geregelt H45/50 (06.02.2006 - 10.11.2007)
3938026007 a TDI / TDI höher (02/04 - 11/04)
3938026007 b TDI / TDI höher (12/04 - 02/06) 3933810517 TDI (01.06.2004 - 06.12.2004)
3933810527 TDI (06.12.2004 - 06.03.2006)
3933810522 TDI höher (03.05.2004 - 06.12.2004)
31 22 14 22 10 16
31 22 14 22 17 49
31 22 14 21 66 63
390 360 13 03
LHC-11/11 CE23 20.10.2002
3948026003 Diesel (0-Serie) 3943810504 TDI H40 (0-Serie)
D x x x x x x x x x x x x x 30396 Serie bis
3948026005 Diesel (01/04 - 01/06 / Serie) 3943810506 TDI H40 (20.10.2003 - 06.02.2006)
AT-Nr.: 18.10.2004
390 360 43 03 3943810505 TDI H45/50 (0-Serie)
3943810507 TDI H45/50 (20.10.2003 - 06.02.2006)
DOC0005829 Rev 03
Übersicht: Basissteuerung - Funktion - Stromlaufplan - Hauptkabelsatz
Bearbeiter: EK4-Mungel Seite: 3 von 7 Stand: 18.07.2007
Speed Reduction
:xy - Pin on LHC N1.1 and N1.2 (LTC)
Power increase
Engine Cut-off
Coolant level
(121 pol. connector)
Sooth Filter
Door switch
Brake Light
Kl. D+/L
Kl. D+/L
Kl. 15
Kl. 58
Terminal on X10: :1 :2 :3 :4 :5 :5 :6 :7 :8 :9 :10 :11 :12 :12 :13 :13 :14 :15 :16 :17 :18
Main Harness Index Terminal on X11: :1 :2 :3 :4 :5 :6 :7 :8 :9
391 381 05 06 D 0-1 :34 :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :55 :75 :100 :11 :27 :51 :22 :42 :35
391 381 05 07 D mit 3ZH 0-1 :34 :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :55 :75 :100 :11 :27 :51 :22 :42 :35
391 381 05 08 T 0-3 :34 :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :55 :75 :100 :11 :27 :51 :22 :42 :35
391 381 05 09 T ger. 0-3 :34 :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :55 :75 :100 :11 :27 :51 :22 :42 :35
391 381 05 10 T mit 3ZH 0-3 :34 :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :55 :75 :100 :11 :27 :51 :22 :42 :35
391 381 05 11 T ger. mit 3ZH 0-3 :34 :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :55 :75 :100 :11 :27 :51 :22 :42 :35
391 381 05 12 D 0-1 :34 :41 :23 :23 :23 :55 :75 :27 :51 :22 :42 :35
391 381 05 13 D mit 3ZH 0-1 :34 :41 :23 :23 :23 :55 :75 :27 :51 :22 :42 :35
391 381 05 14 T 0-3 :34 :41 :23 :23 :23 :55 :75 :27 :51 :22 :42 :35
391 381 05 15 T ger. 0-3 :34 :41 :23 :23 :23 :55 :75 :27 :51 :22 :42 :35
391 381 05 16 T mit 3ZH 0-3 :34 :41 :23 :23 :23 :55 :75 :27 :51 :22 :42 :35
391 381 05 17 T ger. mit 3ZH 0-3 :34 :41 :23 :23 :23 :55 :75 :27 :51 :22 :42 :35
391 381 05 18 T ger. 2. Lambdas. Auto. 0-3 :34 :41 :23 :23 :23 :55 :75 :27 :51 :22 :42 :35
391 381 05 19 T ger. 2. Lambdas. 0-3 :34 :41 :23 :23 :23 :55 :75 :27 :51 :22 :42 :35
DOC0005829 Rev 03
Übersicht: Basissteuerung - Funktion - Stromlaufplan - Hauptkabelsatz
Stand: 31.03.2008 Seite: 4 von 7 Seite: 4
Speed Reduction
:xy - Pin on LHC N1.1 and N1.2 (LTC)
Engineoel level
Engine Cut-off
(121pol. connector)
Coolant level
Door Switch
Sooth Filter
Brake Light
Kl. D+/L
Kl. 15
Kl. 58
Terminal on X10: :1 :2 :3 :4 :5 :5 :6 :7 :8 :9 :9 :10 :10 :11 :11 :11 :4 :11 :12 :12 :13 :12 :13 :13 :14 :14 :18 :16 :16 :17 :14 :15 :3 :5 :11 :12 :13 :14 :15 :16 :17 :18
Hauptkabelsatz Index erminal on X11: :8 :5 :6 :9 :2 :3 :5 :6 :1 :4 :7 :2 :3 :5
392 381 05 11 T Bosch i. Arbeit 10/03 - 05/04 :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :50 :75 :42
392 381 05 12 T Impco - 10/01 - 04/02 :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :23 :35 :50 :75 :42
392 381 05 13 D - 09/03 - 10/03 :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :23 :35 :50 :75 :42
392 381 05 13 D a&b - :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :50 :75 :42
392 381 05 14 T 0&a 05/02 - 09/02 :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :50 :75 :42
392 381 05 14 T b&c - :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :50 :75 :42
392 381 05 15 D 0&a 05/02 - 09/02 :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :50 :75 :42
392 381 05 16 T 0 10/02 - 11/02 :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :50 :75 :42
392 381 05 17 D 0 10/02 - 11/02 :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :50 :75 :42
392 381 05 18 T 0 :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :50 :75 :42
392 381 05 18 T a :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :50 :75 :42 :27
392 381 05 18 T b&c :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :50 :75 :42 :27 :51
392 381 05 19 D - :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :50 :75 :42
392 381 05 19 D a :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :50 :75 :42 :27
392 381 05 19 D b :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :50 :75 :42 :27 :51
392 381 05 20 T 0&a :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :50 :75 :42 :27 :51
392 381 05 21 D 0&a :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :50 :75 :42 :27 :51
392 381 05 22 T ger. 0 :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :50 :75 :42 :27 :51
392 381 05 22 T ger. a&b&c :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :50 :75 :42 :27 :51
392 381 05 23 T ger. 0&a :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :50 :75 :27 :51
392 381 05 24 D 0 :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :50 :75 :42 :27 :51 :55
392 381 05 24 D a :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :50 :75 :42 :27 :51 :55
392 381 05 25 T 0 :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :50 :75 :27 :51
392 381 05 26 D mit 3ZH 0&a :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :50 :75 :42 :27 :51 :55
392 381 05 26 D mit 3ZH b&c&d :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
392 381 05 27 T mit 3ZH 0 :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :50 :75 :42 :27 :51 :55
392 381 05 27 T mit 3ZH a-d :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
392 381 05 28 T ger. mit 3ZH 0 :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :50 :75 :42 :27 :51 :55
392 381 05 28 T ger. mit 3ZH a-d :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
392 381 05 29 T ger. 0 :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :50 :75 :42 :27 :51 :55
392 381 05 30 T 0 :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :50 :75 :42 :27 :51 :55
392 381 05 31 E ger. i. Arbeit :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :50 :75 :42 :27 :51 :55
392 381 05 32 D 0&a :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :50 :75 :42 :27 :51 :55
392 381 05 32 D b&c&d :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
392 381 05 33 T 0 :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :50 :75 :42 :27 :51 :55
392 381 05 33 T a-d :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
392 381 05 34 T ger. 0 :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :50 :75 :42 :27 :51 :55
392 381 05 34 T ger. a-d :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
392 381 05 35 T 0&a :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
392 381 05 36 T ger. 0&a :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
392 381 05 37 T mit 3ZH 0&a :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
392 381 05 38 T ger. mit 3ZH 0&a :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
392 381 05 39 D 0&a :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
392 381 05 40 D mit 3ZH 0&a :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
392 381 05 41 E ger. 0&a :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
392 381 05 42 T ger. Automatik 0&a :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :75 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
392 381 05 43 T ger. Automatik 0&a :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :75 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
392 381 05 44 D 3ZH m. Hubhöhe 0 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
392 381 05 46 T mit Warnton Bremse 0 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
392 381 05 47 D 0 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
392 381 05 48 D mit 3ZH 0 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
392 381 05 49 T 0 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
392 381 05 50 T ger. 0 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
392 381 05 51 T mit 3ZH 0 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
392 381 05 52 T ger. mit 3ZH 0 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
392 381 05 53 T. ger. Automatik 0 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :75 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
392 381 05 54 T. ger. Automatik 0&a :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :75 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
392 381 05 55 D 0&a :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :75 :55 :34 :42 :27 :51
392 381 05 56 D mit 3ZH 0&a :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :75 :55 :34 :42 :27 :51
392 381 05 57 T 0&a :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :75 :55 :34 :42 :27 :51
392 381 05 58 T ger. 0&a :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :75 :55 :34 :42 :27 :51
392 381 05 59 T mit 3ZH 0&a :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :75 :55 :34 :42 :27 :51
392 381 05 60 T ger. mit 3ZH 0&a :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :75 :55 :34 :42 :27 :51
392 381 05 61 T. ger. Automatik 0-2 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :75 :55 :34 :42 :27 :51
392 381 05 62 T. ger. Automatik 0-1 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :75 :55 :34 :42 :27 :51
392 381 05 63 T. ger. Auto 2. Lambdas. 0-1 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :75 :55 :34 :42 :27 :51
DOC0005829 Rev 03
Übersicht: Basissteuerung - Funktion - Stromlaufplan - Hauptkabelsatz
Stand: 31.03.2008 Seite: 5 von 7 Seite: 5
- Pin on LHC N1.1 and N1.2 (LTC)
Engineoel level
Engine Cut-off
(121 pol. connector)
Coolant level
Sooth Filter
Door switch
Brake Light
Kl. D+/L
Kl. 15
Kl. 58
Terminal on X10: :1 :2 :3 :4 :5 :5 :6 :7 :8 :9 :10 :11 :11 :11 :4 :12 :13 :12 :13 :14 :14 :18 :16 :16 :17 :15 :3 :5 :11 :12 :13 :14 :16 :17 :18
Hauptkabelsatz Index Terminal on X11: :8 :5 :6 :9 :2 :3 :5 :6 :1 :4 :7 :2 :3 :5
393 381 05 06 D 0&a 11/02 - 08/03 :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :50 :75 :42
393 381 05 06 D b :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :50 :75 :42
393 381 05 06 D c :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :50 :75 :42 :27
393 381 05 06 D d&e :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :50 :75 :42 :27 :51
393 381 05 07 T 0&a 12/02 - 08/03 :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :50 :75 :42 :27
393 381 05 07 T b&c :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :50 :75 :42 :27 :51
393 381 05 08 T Bosch i. Arbeit :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :50 :75
393 381 05 09 T ger. 0 05/03 - 08/03 :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :50 :75 :42 :27 :51
393 381 05 09 T ger. a&b :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :50 :75 :42 :27 :51
393 381 05 10 D höher 0 10/03 - 05/04 :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :50 :75 :42 :27 :51
393 381 05 11 T höher 0 10/03 - 05/04 :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :50 :75 :27 :51
393 381 05 12 D 0&a 09/03 - 01/04 :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :50 :75 :42 :27 :51
393 381 05 13 T 0&a 09/03 - 10/03 :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :50 :75 :27 :51
393 381 05 14 T ger. 0&a 09/03 - 05/04 :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :50 :75 :27 :51
393 381 05 15 T ger. höher 0-d 09/04 - :26 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
393 381 05 17 D 0 02/04 - 11/04 :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :50 :75 :42 :27 :51 :55
393 381 05 17 D a&b :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :50 :75 :42 :27 :51 :55
393 381 05 18 T 0 11/03 - 05/04 :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :50 :75 :27 :51
393 381 05 19 D mit 3ZH 0 :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :50 :75 :42 :27 :51
393 381 05 20 T mit 3ZH 0 :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :50 :75 :42 :27 :51 :55
393 381 05 20 T mit 3ZH a-d :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
393 381 05 21 T ger. mit 3ZH 0 :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :50 :75 :42 :27 :51 :55
393 381 05 21 T ger. mit 3ZH a-d :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
393 381 05 22 D höher 0&a :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :50 :75 :42 :27 :51 :55
393 381 05 23 T höher 0 :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :50 :75 :42 :27 :51 :55
393 381 05 24 T ger. 0&a :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :50 :75 :42 :27 :51 :55
393 381 05 25 T 0 :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :50 :75 :42 :27 :51 :55
393 381 05 26 D 3ZH 0 :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :50 :75 :42 :27 :51 :55
393 381 05 27 D 0 :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :50 :75 :42 :27 :51 :55
393 381 05 27 D a-d :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
393 381 05 28 D mit 3ZH 0 :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :50 :75 :42 :27 :51 :55
393 381 05 28 D mit 3ZH a-d :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
393 381 05 29 T 0 :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :50 :75 :42 :27 :51 :55
393 381 05 29 T a-d :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
393 381 05 30 T ger. 0 :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :50 :75 :42 :27 :51 :55
393 381 05 30 T ger. a-d :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
393 381 05 31 T höher 0-c :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
393 381 05 32 T höher mit 3ZH 0-c :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
393 381 05 33 D höher 0 :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :50 :75 :42 :27 :51 :55
393 381 05 33 D höher a-d :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
393 381 05 34 D höher mit 3ZH 0 :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :50 :75 :42 :27 :51 :55
393 381 05 34 D höher mit 3ZH a-d :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
393 381 05 35 T 0&a :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
393 381 05 36 T ger. 0&a :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
393 381 05 37 T mit 3ZH 0&a :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
393 381 05 38 T ger. mit 3ZH 0&a :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
393 381 05 39 T höher 0&a :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
393 381 05 40 T ger. höher 0&a :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
393 381 05 41 T höher mit 3ZH 0&a :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
393 381 05 42 D 0 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
393 381 05 43 D mit 3ZH 0 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
393 381 05 44 D höher 0 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
393 381 05 45 D höher mit 3ZH 0 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
393 381 05 46 E ger. 0&a :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
393 381 05 47 T ger. m. Warnton Bremse 0 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
393 381 05 48 T 0 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
393 381 05 49 T ger. 0 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
393 381 05 50 T mit 3ZH 0 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
393 381 05 51 T ger. mit 3ZH 0 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
393 381 05 52 T höher 0 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
393 381 05 53 T ger. höher 0 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
393 381 05 54 T höher mit 3ZH 0 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51
393 381 05 55 D 0&a :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :75 :55 :34 :42 :27 :51
393 381 05 56 D mit 3ZH 0&a :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :75 :55 :34 :42 :27 :51
393 381 05 57 D höher 0&a :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :75 :55 :34 :42 :27 :51
393 381 05 58 D höher mit 3ZH 0&a :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :75 :55 :34 :42 :27 :51
393 381 05 59 T 0&a :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :75 :55 :34 :42 :27 :51
393 381 05 60 T ger. 0&a :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :75 :55 :34 :42 :27 :51
393 381 05 61 T mit 3ZH 0&a :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :75 :55 :34 :42 :27 :51
393 381 05 62 T ger. mit 3ZH 0&a :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :75 :55 :34 :42 :27 :51
393 381 05 63 T höher 0&a :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :75 :55 :34 :42 :27 :51
393 381 05 64 T ger. höher 0&a :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :75 :55 :34 :42 :27 :51
393 381 05 65 T höher mit 3ZH 0&a :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :75 :55 :34 :42 :27 :51
393 381 05 66 T ger. höher max. :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :75 :55 :34 :42 :27 :51
393 381 05 67 D :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :75 :55 :34 :42 :27 :51
393 381 05 68 T ger. max. 2. Lambdasonde :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :75 :55 :34 :42 :27 :51
393 381 05 69 D max. :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :75 :55 :34 :42 :27 :51
393 381 05 70 D höher :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :75 :55 :34 :42 :27 :51
393 381 05 71 D. höher max. :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :75 :55 :34 :42 :27 :51
DOC0005829 Rev 03
Übersicht: Basissteuerung - Funktion - Stromlaufplan - Hauptkabelsatz
Stand: 31.03.2008 Seite: 6 von 7 Seite: 6
Speed Reduction
Airconditioner off
:xy - Pin on LHC N1.1 and N1.2 (LTC)
Engineoel level
Engine Cut-off
Coolant level
(121 pol. connector)
Door switch
Sooth Filter
Brake Light
Kl. D+/L
Kl. 15
Kl. 58
Terminal on X10: :1 :2 :3 :4 :5 :5 :6 :7 :8 :9 :10 :7 :8 :9 :10 :11 :11 :10 :4 :12 :13 :12 :13 :14 :14 :18 :16 :16 :17 :15 :14 :18 :10
Hauptkabelsatz Index Terminal on X11: :8 :6 :9 :2 :3 :11 :1 :4 :7 :2 :3 :5
394 381 05 04 D H40 0&a&b :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :50 :75 :42 :27 :51
394 381 05 05 D H45/50 0&a&b :83 :26 :41 :22 :22 :22 :23 :35 :50 :75 :42 :27 :51
394 381 05 06 D H40 0 01/04 - :83 :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :23 :35 :50 :75 :42 :27 :51 :22
394 381 05 06 D H40 a&b&c :83 :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :35 :54 :50 :75 :42 :27 :51 :55 :22
394 381 05 06 D H40 d-g :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51 :22
394 381 05 07 D H45/50 0 01/04 - :83 :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :23 :35 :50 :75 :42 :27 :51 :22
394 381 05 07 D H45/50 a&b&c :83 :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :35 :54 :50 :75 :42 :27 :51 :55 :22
394 381 05 07 D H45/50 d-g :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51 :22
394 381 05 08 T H40 0 :83 :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :35 :54 :50 :75 :42 :27 :51 :55 :22
394 381 05 09 T H45/50 0 :83 :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :35 :54 :50 :75 :42 :27 :51 :55 :22
394 381 05 10 D H40 mit 3ZH b&c :83 :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :35 :54 :50 :75 :42 :27 :51 :55 :22
394 381 05 10 D H40 mit 3ZH d-g :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51 :22
394 381 05 11 D H45/50 mit 3ZH b&c :83 :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :35 :54 :50 :75 :42 :27 :51 :55 :22
394 381 05 11 D H45/50 mit 3ZH d-g :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51 :22
394 381 05 12 T H40 0&a&b :83 :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :35 :54 :50 :75 :42 :27 :51 :55 :22
394 381 05 12 T H40 c-f :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51 :22
394 381 05 13 T H45/50 0&a&b :83 :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :35 :54 :50 :75 :42 :27 :51 :55 :22
394 381 05 13 T H45/50 c-f :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51 :22
394 381 05 14 T ger. H40 0&a&b :83 :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :35 :54 :50 :75 :42 :27 :51 :55 :22
394 381 05 14 T ger. H40 c-f :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51 :22
394 381 05 15 T ger. H45/50 0&a&b :83 :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :35 :54 :50 :75 :42 :27 :51 :55 :22
394 381 05 15 T ger. H45/50 c-f :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51 :22
394 381 05 16 T H40 mit 3ZH c-f :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51 :22
394 381 05 17 T H45/50 mit 3ZH c-f :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51 :22
394 381 05 18 T ger. H40 mit 3ZH c-f :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51 :22
394 381 05 19 T ger. H45/50 mit 3ZH c-f :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51 :22
394 381 05 20 D H40 erhöht 0&a :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51 :22
394 381 05 21 D H45/50 erhöht 0&a :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51 :22
394 381 05 22 D H40 0 :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51 :22
394 381 05 23 D H45/50 0 :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51 :22
394 381 05 24 D H40 mit 3ZH 0 :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51 :22
394 381 05 25 D H45/50 mit 3ZH 0 :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51 :22
394 381 05 26 T H40 0-c :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51 :22
394 381 05 27 T H45/50 0-c :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51 :22
394 381 05 28 T ger. H40 0-c :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51 :22
394 381 05 29 T ger. H45/50 0-c :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51 :22
394 381 05 30 T H40 mit 3ZH 0-c :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51 :22
394 381 05 31 T H45/50 mit 3ZH 0-c :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51 :22
394 381 05 32 T ger. H40 mit 3ZH 0-c :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51 :22
394 381 05 33 T ger. H45/50 mit 3ZH 0-c :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51 :22
394 381 05 34 T H40 erhöht 0&a :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51 :22
394 381 05 35 T H45/50 erhöht 0&a :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51 :22
394 381 05 36 T ger. H40 erhöht 0&a :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51 :22
394 381 05 37 T ger. H45/50 erhöht 0&a :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51 :22
394 381 05 38 D Pumpe-Düse in Arbeit :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51 :22
394 381 05 39 D H40 0&a :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :35 :75 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51 :22
394 381 05 40 D H45/50 0&a :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :35 :75 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51 :22
394 381 05 41 D H40 erhöht 0 :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :35 :75 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51 :22
394 381 05 42 D H45/50 erhöht 0 :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :35 :75 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51 :22
394 381 05 43 D H45/50 erhöht m. Hubhöhenbegr. 0 :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :35 :75 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51 :22
394 381 05 44 T H45/50 erhöht m. Hubhöhembegr. 0 :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51 :22
394 381 05 45 D erhöht Pumpe-Düse in Arbeit :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :35 :75 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51 :22
394 381 05 46 T ger. H40 mit 3ZH 2. Lambdas. :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51 :22
394 381 05 47 T ger. H45/50 mit 3ZH 2. Lambdas. :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51 :22
394 381 05 48 D H45/50 Warnton Bremse :26 :41 :23 :23 :23 :35 :54 :55 :34 :100 :11 :42 :27 :51 :22
DOC0005829 Rev 03
Übersicht: Basissteuerung - Funktion - Stromlaufplan - Hauptkabelsatz
Stand: 31.03.2008 Seite: 7 von 7 Seite: 7