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IMB Lesson Plan: Activity Description of Activities and Setting Time

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IMB Lesson Plan

Subject: Central Focus

Math Three-digit addition within 1,000
Common Core/Essential Standard Objective:
NC.2.NBT.7 Add and subtract, within 1,000, relating the strategy
to a written method, using:
• Concrete models or drawings
Date submitted: Date taught:
• Strategies based on place value
• Properties of operations
• Relationship between addition and subtraction

Daily Lesson Objective: Students will be able to solve a three-digit addition problem within 1,000 using strategies based on place value, concrete models or
drawings, on an open number line independently.
Prior Knowledge: Students will have an understanding of place value of two-digit numbers whose added sums equal a three-digit number (hundreds place
value.) Students will also be able to solve addition problems using the associative property, writing numbers in expanded form and add along an open
number line.

Activity Description of Activities and Setting Time

15 minutes
*Review from previous lesson to build on known strategies.
The teacher asks students to share aloud how they are able to use mental math to solve addition of
10’s and 100’s using three-digit numbers. The teacher will call on students to share their
strategies while he/she records their thinking on the whiteboard. Student responses during this
review session of the previously taught standard will provide a basis for adding larger three-digit
number with larger place values on an open number line.
1. Engage
The teacher says: “Today were going to review what we have learned this week.
We started with adding 10’s and 100’s mentally using three-digit numbers.
Let’s look over an example together.
Let’s say Jay is saving up a lot of money so he can buy a fancy tuxedo and he has $378, but he
needs $10 more so he can buy it. what is the full price of the tuxedo?” (378+10=)
*Students are asked to share their strategy for solving
*ask a student to assist in drawing the correct number of blocks to solve.
-Did anyone else use the same strategy to solve this problem?
*How could we solve this problem using hundreds, tens and one’s blocks?

Teacher introduces another problem:

“What if we used this same three-digit number of 388 and added 100.
What place value are we adding with now?
How would the total change? (388+100=)
*students are again asked to share strategies
*” how might we build this using hundred, tens and one’s blocks?”

“Let’s try one more example together. How might you solve 398+10?”
*ask student to share their strategy.
*Model using manipulatives or HTO chart if that is a strategy a student prefers to use.

15 minutes
Teacher says: “Let’s try one that will require us to think a little bit harder in order to solve.
What if we started with 234, but had to add hundreds, tens and ones?
Say 234+225=? How might you solve this equation using the strategies you used in the previous
Students dismissed to work at their tables and given ten minutes to solve/strategize.
Math manipulatives already in place at group tables.
2. Explore *students work in pairs in their math journals to solve the equation.
Teacher circulates watching and listening for different strategies that a group or student will

Question prompts used by teacher:

• Which strategy are you using to solve the equation?

• How might you break apart the number to add all of the place values? (expanded form)
• How might an open number line be helpful to solve the problem?
• Is there a more efficient strategy you could use?

If students are stuck on how to solve or which strategy to use, they will have concrete
manipulatives at their tables. Teacher may guide them by having the group or individual build
both of the three-digit numbers and work through the steps of adding the place values together.
HTO charts will also be included for students to keep their manipulatives organized.

If a group finishes early, they will be encouraged to solve the equation using a different strategy.
They might also be given a new equation that requires regrouping in the tens and hundreds place
values and their strategy can be used to teach in the explain phase. They might also be given an
equation such as 456 + 298 to see if they can develop a strategy using the open number line that
involves addition and subtraction.

Expectations for teacher are to locate a student or students who have used manipulatives, a
student or students who used a different order of place values when adding on the open number,
and a student who grouped the hundreds, tens and ones to make bigger jumps to solve.

15 minutes
Students return to front of classroom to lead discussion on how to solve the three-digit addition
problem. A total of three students will be called on to provide explanations for how they used an
open number line to solve the problem 234+225.
Students will again provide explanations as teacher assists in recording their strategy on the
Teacher explanation to follow:
3. Explain “When we add on an open number line, we can break apart a three-digit number into hundreds,
tens and ones. Remember expanded form, it’s kind of like that. Let’s start with adding with the
hundreds place value.”
Teacher draws open number line with an equation that reads 234 + 400.
• “How should I begin?”
*students guide the modeling showing four jumps of a hundred equaling 634.
Some students may have used mental math or did not break the hundreds apart, demonstrating
how one large jump can be made.
Teacher provides one more example using three-digit addition where regrouping is required.
“Again, using an open number line how could we add 547 and 276?”
Teacher writes the equation 547+276 and has students share a strategy that can be used along an
open number line to add the two numbers.

Questions to ask:

• What is the number 276 written in expanded form?

• What would be the most efficient jump to make first? Second, third, etc?
• Is there another strategy besides an open number line that we could use to solve the
• How would this three-digit addition problem be solved using hundreds, tens and ones

4. Elaborate

Informal: Student participation during engage, explore and explain phases of lesson. Teacher
observes comprehension and use of previously taught strategies and observes their progression
5. Evaluate
towards mastery as they locate strategies that guide their thinking.
Assessment Methods of
all objectives/skills
Formal: Students will be given an exit ticket with two addition problems adding 10 and 100 to
three-digit numbers and a three-digit open number line addition problem where they will also
record their strategy to solve.

1.) Solve using mental math:

655 + 10=
655 + 100=

2.) Use an open number line to find:

483 + 212
Proficient Developing Beginning
_2_ pts _1_ pts _0_ pts
Conceptual Student can clearly Students includes visual Student does not
understanding label and illustrate the representation of include explanation of
strategy they used to strategy used to solve how they solved the
solve the equation in the equation but may equation. No visual or
solving the problem have not shown all of written steps that are
with clarity in their the steps they took to conclusive in showing
procedures. solve it correctly. the students strategies
and thinking.
Procedural Fluency Student utilizes strategy Student may have made Student is unable to
for solving and makes some error within the demonstrate how to
no errors, arriving at problem causing it to be use an appropriate
the correct answer. incorrect or solved only strategy to solve the
partially or overlooked equation.
a more simplified
strategy or step for
Reasoning Student shows great Student can define the Student can identify the
proficiency in explaining three place values and components of the
an efficient strategy to plot the addition along addition equation but
solve three digit an open number line or lack ability to employ an
addition or subtraction with the use of another appropriate method or
problems using an appropriate strategy strategy.
effective strategy and but is unable to explain
add two three-digit their process.
numbers along an open
number line.

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