1 Sean Balfe
1 Sean Balfe
1 Sean Balfe
EN 1090
Execution of steel structures and
aluminium structures.
Seán Balfe
Director, Sustainability and Built
Construction Products Regulation
• System of harmonised
technical specifications.
• A framework of notified
bodies (NB)
• Mandatory CE marking.
• Mandatory Declaration of
• Surveillance authorities.
ISO 3834-3
ISO 9001
The manufacturer of
components shall be
controlled using a
component specification
giving all the necessary
information in sufficient
detail to enable it to be
manufactured and for its
conformity to be
Big Steel Co. Cootehill Co. Cavan
EN 1090-1:2009+A1:2011
Welded steel beam – M 324
First floor support Virginia Library
Tolerances on geometrical data: EN 1090-2
Weldability: Steel S355J0 according to EN 10025-2.
Fracture Toughness: 27J at 00C
Reaction to fire: Material classified: Class A1
Release of cadmium: NPD
Emission of radioactivity: NPD
Durability: Surface preparation according to EN 1090-2, preparation grade P3. Surface painted
according to EN ISO 12944-5, S.1.09.
Structural characteristics:
Design: NPD
Manufacturing: According to component specification CS-034/2015 and EN 1090-2, execution class
5. Affix CE mark
1 Swift Square, Northwood, Santry, Dublin 9.
Tel: 01 8073800
Email: info@nsai.ie
Web: www.nsai.ie (apply online for certification)
Purchase Standards from www.standards.ie