JPT Pre-Board Exam June 2019: Proctor: Ar. Joe Uson Answer: C. Movie/ TV Studios
JPT Pre-Board Exam June 2019: Proctor: Ar. Joe Uson Answer: C. Movie/ TV Studios
JPT Pre-Board Exam June 2019: Proctor: Ar. Joe Uson Answer: C. Movie/ TV Studios
Proctor: Ar. Joe Uson
1. Highest Quality of Levelness
Answer: c. Movie/ Tv Studios
b. Mission Tile
c. Roman Tile
b. Hexahedron
c. Loosahedron
d. Octahedron
e. Tetrahedron
a. Blind story -
b. Piano Nobile
c. Half story
d. Loft
e. Mezzanine ( Visual Dictionary – Building Sections)
b. Sapwood
c. Springwood
d. Summerwood
e. Cambium
25. A Plate Structure Composed of thin, deep elements joined rigidly along their boundaries and forming sharp
angles to brace each other against lateral buckling. (See Visual Dictionary pg. 202 Plate)
a. Continuous Plate
b. Folded Plate
c. Isostatic Plate
d. Lamella Roof
e. Space Frame
26. Which among the masonry wall types connects to a structural frame such as wood or metal stud walls?
b. Grouted Masonry
e. Solid Masonry
27. A brick laid on its long edge, with its end exposed in the face of the wall.
a. Header
b. Stretcher
c. Soldier
d. Rowlock
e. Sailor
28. If poured concrete passes a cylinder Test at 1,400 psi, what is the expected compressive strength?
In this Question, it must be noted that the concrete in question was
a. 1,400 psi submitted to be tested on a cylinder test which it passed at 1,400 psi.
Knowing this, we can assume that concrete subjects are tested only after
b. 2,100 psi the concrete reaches its 7th day of Curing. By which we can totally assume
that at that age the concrete in question has 50% of its actual strength. This
means that you only need to multiply the result of the test by two to know
c. 2,800 psi the answer.
c. Control Joint
d. Isolation Joint
e. Contraction Joint
The test uses a thick-walled sample tube, with an outside diameter of 50.8
mm and an inside diameter of 35 mm, and a length of around 650 mm. This
is driven into the ground at the bottom of a borehole by blows from a slide
hammer with a mass of 63.5 kg (140 lb) falling through a distance of 760
mm (30 in). The sample tube is driven 150 mm into the ground and then
c. SPT (See Visual Dictionary Soil p.233)
the number of blows needed for the tube to penetrate each 150 mm (6 in)
up to a depth of 450 mm (18 in) is recorded. The sum of the number of
blows required for the second and third 6 in. of penetration is termed the
"standard penetration resistance" or the "N-value". In cases where 50
blows are insufficient to advance it through a 150 mm (6 in) interval the
penetration after 50 blows is recorded. The blow count provides an
indication of the density of the ground, and it is used in many empirical
geotechnical engineering formulae.
As used by foundation engineers, the act or process of sinking holes into
the overburden (sometimes to considerable depth into bedrock) with
rotary or drive sampling equipment for the purpose of recovering samples
d. Test boring
from which information on the physical characteristics of the materials
penetrated can be obtained; also applied to the sample or samples so
38. At present the steel industry uses 5 major welding processes. Which is the popular process called a “stick”
e. Flexure – See Visual Dictionary Beams Flexure Formuala. A formula defining the relationship between bending
Research on other Terms moment, bending stress, and the cross-sectional properties of a beam.
40. Building Multi-storey Site Cast-Concrete Walls with forms that rise up the wall as construction progresses.
b. Glass Cullet
c. Limestone
d. Silica Sand
e. Soda Ash
c. Monolithic
d. Double Glazed
e. Laminated
a. 2.5mm Thick
b. 3.0mm Thick
c. Monolithic
d. Double Glazed
e. Laminated
b. Butyl
c. Polysulfide
d. Polyurethane
e. Silicone
46. Concrete or sometimes Mortar conveyed through a hose and pneumatically projected at high velocity onto
a surface, as a construction technique.
a. Airlift
b. Blowpipe
c. Gunite
d. Pumpcrete
e. Shotcrete
a. Pigment
b. Binder
c. Solvent
d. additive
e. All of the choices
49. Portland Cement Concrete that contains less Portland cement paste than a typical PCC.
a. Dry concrete
Opposite of Rich Concrete. (According to architect Uson, use some
b. Lean Concrete deduction skills on answering some questions. Apply some Hypothetical
thinking. Make an educated guess from the choices.)
c. Pervious Concrete
d. Wet Concrete
e. Zero-slump concrete
50. Term for steel metal shapes such as angles, channels, flat, rounds, squares, etc. that are used for shaping into
different products.
A billet is a length of metal that has a round or square cross-section, with
an area less than 36 in2 (230 cm2). Billets are created directly via
a. Billet
continuous casting or extrusion or indirectly via hot rolling an ingot or
bloom. Billets are further processed via profile rolling and drawing.
Cold-formed steel (CFS) members are made from structural quality sheet
steel that are formed into C-sections and other shapes by roll forming the
b. Formed Steel
steel through a series of dies. No heat is required to form the shapes (unlike
hot-rolled steel), hence the name cold-formed steel.
Commodity metal shapes such as angles, channels, flats, rounds, squares,
c. Merchant bars and strips (but not reinforcing bars) which re-converters use for shaping
them into different products.
Rebar (short for reinforcing bar), known when massed as reinforcing steel
or reinforcement steel, is a steel bar or mesh of steel wires used as a
d. Reinforcing Bars
tension device in reinforced concrete and reinforced masonry structures to
strengthen and aid the concrete under tension.
e. Steel Bars
51. Aside from corrosion resistance as its most telling benefit, what is the second most important benefit of
stainless steel impart?
d. Hygiene This is due to its capability of being easily cleaned.
52. What is the best type of hinge to install for a door between kitchen and dining area?
b. Drop-leaf hinge
c. Continuous Hinge
d. Pivot Hinge
e. Concealed hinge
54. Distortion from shrinkage of sawn lumber depends on the position of the piece of lumber occupied in the
tree. Which sawing method produces the least distortion?
a. Plainsawn
b. Quarter sawn
c. Quarter sliced
d. Rotary Sliced
e. Rotary Sawn
55. Metal with maximum width of 0.005 inches
a. Foil (Not in VD)
b. Plate
c. Sheet
d. Strip
e. Wire
a. Asphalt
b. Asphaltene
c. Bentonite
d. Pitch
e. Tar
a. First Cost
b. Shell-out
c. Superstructure
d. Topping-out
e. RFO -???/
59. Which of the following locksets cannot be installed on the door edge?
a. Cylinder lock
b. Reversible Lock
c. Mortise Lock
d. Unit Lock
60. Which of the Following paving systems fall under flexible paving?
a. Asphalt paving
b. Grasscrete
e. Stone Paving
61. Overlay of Portland cement concrete (PCC) over an existing flexible pavement such as hot mix asphalt (HMA).
a. Full-depth Asphalt
b. Macadam
c. Reblocking
d. Superpave
e. Whitetopping
62. A Critical path shows logic diagrams of activities and their relationships. What kind of activity flow requires
one activity to be complete before the next activity starts?
A dummy activity is a simulated activity of sorts, one that is of a zero
a. Dummy Activities duration and is created for the sole purpose of demonstrating a specific
relationship and path of action on the arrow diagramming method.
b. Parallel activities
c. Pre-bid Activities
d. Restraining Activities
USON LOGIC: Use the question, and begin rationalizing the choices and the
e. Sequential Activities terms used. SEQUENCE fits in the definition of the certain activity flow. Lol.
Make an educated guess. Shithead.
63. A Critical path shows logic diagrams of activities and their relationships. What kind of activity flow allows
one activity to be carried out independently of others at the same time?
a. Dummy Activities
USON LOGIC: Same as the First one, Parallel fits the simile for the certain
activity flow. After all, to be parallel means to not interrupt or intersect
b. Parallel activities
with other activities; meaning that you could do that certain work without
waiting for the other work to be finished. BOOM
c. Pre-bid Activities
d. Restraining Activities
e. Sequential Activities
64. A Critical path shows logic diagrams of activities and their relationships. Where all activities do not have to
wait for the preceding activities to be finished before they can be started, what is the kind of activity flow
a. Dummy Activities
b. Parallel activities
c. Pre-bid Activities
USON LOGIC: Pfft! Research, Didn’t get the question either. LOL. Honestly
d. Restraining Activities it could also mean parallel.
e. Sequential Activities
65. Which of the following equipment can perform both excavation and finishing?
c. Gradall
d. Grader - is an earth working machine that grades or
levels the ground.
66. This type of forming system, used to form walls and slabs that are concreted in one operation, are suitable
for repetitive use, such as those found in high-rise residential projects, and particularly for cellular type
construction such as hotels, office buildings and hospitals.
a. Drawer forms
c. Modular forms
d. Mobile crane
68. Wood expands when…
b. When humidity increases
70. The Filipino Term for rabbet..
a. Asintada Alignment
b. Palitada Plaster/Stucco
c. Vaciada Rabbet - Vaciad, Basiador
d. Zocalo a molding covering the joint formed by a wall and the floor.
Tabike, exterior siding
e. Tabika
72. Instrument or tool capable of vertical and horizontal line check is called
e. Ruler
73. What is the appropriate paint material for G.I. Sheet roofing?
Made of Alkyd resin; Alcohol based. (See VD Paints)
a. Alkyd Type
Where oil and resin emulsified in water makes a heterogeneous finishing
material by an emulsifying agent such as casein.
A great advantage of oil resin paint is that its viscosity can be easily reduced
by the addition of water. Water is added as a thinner for the same reason
that turpentine or mineral spirits is added to oil paints.
Other advantages of oil-resin emulsion paints are that it dries quickly (two
coats can be applied the same day); it is easy to apply; it is easy to recoat
with itself or other paint, and it has little tendency to fade. (CDEP)
Any Paint or varnish drying to a very smooth hard usually glossy finish.
Sometimes also referred to as oil based type of paint.
Paints which use varnish as a vehicle. They have the ability of levelling
b. Enamel Type
brush marks, are more resistant to washing and rough usage, and have a
harder and Tougher film. They can have either a glossy, semi glossy or matt
A paint having a latex binder that coalesces as, water evaporates from the
emulsion. Also called rubber-based paint, water base paint. (see VD)
Latex is made from synthetic latex which acts as the pigment binder and
the film-forming material for the paint.
A careful balance of synthetic latex and alkyds resins gives a solution that
can thinned with water for application as a continuous film with excellent
adhesion and wash ability.
c. Latex Type
Synthetic latex paints have little tendency to turn yellow because, unlike
oil paints, they absorb very little oxygen from the air.
Latex paint is the preferred paint for the plaster, cement, concrete and
Even so, this was the answer because boysen roofguard, acrytex is actualy
latex based paint.
e. Urethane Type
79. What type of Joint is used to install a glass into a lite French window?
a. Dado
b. Rabbet
c. Tenon
d. Mortise
e. Butt
80. Which of the following does not pertain to lumber as having achieved a seasoned quality?
a. Air-dried Each of the choices are methods of seasoning wood. Doesn’t mean that
b. Kiln-Dried once a wood is air-dried it won’t achieve a seasoned quality as opposed to
c. Oven Dry the others.
d. Surface dry
e. None. All Qualify
81. For direct illumination (general lighting), what is the appropriate distance of light fixtures from the wall using
downlights (e.g. pinlights)?
d. 1/3 the height of the room
82. What is the act of excavating or filling of earth or any sound material or combination thereof, in preparation
for a finishing surface such as paving?
c. benching ??
d. Site preparation
e. Backfill