PAper To Digital
PAper To Digital
PAper To Digital
A hands-on guide to reducing waste,
improving your processes and changing
how you work with documents
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The paper-to-digital transformation workbook 2
Every business must deal with its own Fueled by the four key elements of digital transformation
set of challenges. But arching above – social, mobile, analytics and cloud (SMAC) – we’re
increasingly living and working in a world where:
them all is a single unifying trend:
digital transformation. • Remote working and cloud computing mean
“the office” is no longer a place, but a mindset.
No matter what issues you’re facing,
• People spend most of their time focused on high-
success will largely depend on how value tasks, while analytics and automation enable
well every aspect of your business machines to take care of the repetitive, mundane jobs.
adopts digital technology.
• Overall, your people have access to the information
they need, where and when they need it. This helps
them make informed decisions more quickly, which
lets them work in a responsive, customer-centric way.
Meanwhile, your operating environment is orderly,
optimized and lean.
The paper-to-digital transformation workbook 3
You can probably think of some reasons • Competition. If you don’t offer the best service at a
already, but here are a few of the competitive price, someone else will. And prospective
customers want to be assured that they’ll be working
most common: with suppliers who use innovation in all aspects of
their business. Being digital makes a statement about
• Data volume. Information is a vital resource, and your market leadership.
there’s more of it than ever before. It needs to be
processed quickly and securely, and paper just isn’t • Security. Paper is inherently insecure. A printed
up to the job. sheet of customer data can go just about anywhere,
anytime, with anyone. Keep it digital and you have
• Efficiency. Processes based on paper are inherently far more control over who can access what. More
slow, cumbersome and error-prone. Digital processes importantly, you establish a full audit trail that shows
are fast, responsive and accurate. your document’s chain of custody over its lifecycle.
• Savings. Removing paper from business nearly • Regulations. Complying with privacy legislation
always means saving money, whether in terms is a lot easier when you know exactly where and
of consumables, printer management, energy, how your records are stored, who has accessed
productivity or storage costs. them (and when), and what they’ve done with
the document or record.
• Customer service. The faster and smarter you work,
the better the service you deliver to customers. And • Sustainability. Using paper inevitably expands
by lowering your back-end printing and infrastructure your carbon footprint and consumes more energy.
costs, you free up funds and resources for front-of- Going digital means going greener.
house operations like marketing and customer service.
The paper-to-digital transformation workbook 4
The paper-to-digital transformation workbook 5
The paper-to-digital transformation workbook 6
Who we are
The paper-to-digital transformation workbook 7
The paper-to-digital transformation workbook 8
The path to
The paper-to-digital transformation workbook 9
The paper-to-digital transformation workbook 10
Task assignment:
Are you ready?
No Maybe Yes
We’ve realized some benefits from MPS, but we believe we could do much more.
Key information moves into, out of and around the organization on paper.
People spend a lot of their time transferring information to and from paper.
We’re not sure what archives we hold, or where specific records can be found.
We use paper purely because “that’s the way we’ve always done it.”
The paper-to-digital transformation workbook 11
1. Understand
The paper-to-digital transformation workbook 12
The distinction between “good” and “bad” “Bad” paper refers to documents that are in paper
paper helps identify where you really format, but without any compelling reason to be so.
That might be because:
need to use paper, and where you could
get rid of it. • They originate in digital format, are printed at some
point, and never get re-digitized.
“Good” paper refers to documents that have a valid reason
to be in hard-copy form. For example: • They’ve always been that way and no one has thought
of digitizing them.
• They originate on paper – for instance, customers’
handwritten letters, or a researcher’s notes • They get shared, transported and stored using
in a workbook. physical systems.
• They are used by stakeholders who will only transact • Current business processes require the use of paper,
on paper, or who much prefer it. even though you want to change and may already
be in the process of doing so.
• There is a legal requirement for a “wet ink” signature.
(Or there is no longer such a requirement, but Sometimes, paper is “bad” from one perspective, but “good”
perceptions lag behind the law.) from another. If your customers prefer to transact on paper,
it makes commercial sense to let them, even though it might
not be in line with your digital or sustainability goals. But
there may still be a way to minimize “bad” paper – for
example, by capturing customer letters electronically as
soon as they arrive, and immediately submitting them to
a digital workflow for the next step in the handling process.
The paper-to-digital transformation workbook 13
Looking at the way people use paper in Since you’re aiming to make a move away from print, it
your organization can help you pinpoint makes sense to go where the paper is to find processes that
could be improved. The more paper-intensive the process,
areas for improvement. the more inefficient it’s likely to be.
The paper-to-digital transformation workbook 14
Now that you’ve followed the paper to find the problem, – When does it end up on paper?
you can dig deeper into the issues by asking second-level
questions. And don’t just think about print! For example, – How many times do you need to rework
you can consider: the document when mandatory data is missing?
– What documents are at the heart of your – What are the tasks carried out within your team,
business processes? department or business?
– Where do they live, and how do they move around? – How does paper fit into them?
– Who creates, owns and uses them? – How many are unique to your team, task or line
of business?
– How and why do they start out as paper, spend
a portion of their lifecycle in paper format or – How many are different simply because nobody
get archived as paper? looked for ways to standardize them?
– How much does it cost to process that – What’s the lag in your process?
document? How long does it take on average?
• User behavior
• Data
– Who prints what, where, when and why?
– What data does your business processes depend on?
– Is there a good reason for them to print it?
– Where does it originate, and how is it processed? (Is it “good” paper?)
– Who produces it, works with it or uses it? – What rules, conventions, performance criteria or
incentives might affect their propensity to print
less – or print more?
The paper-to-digital transformation workbook 15
The paper-to-digital transformation workbook 15
Document workflow
Document workflow
havean an MPS
MPS arrangement in
contract in place, Thereare
There arefive
analytics, each
each offering
offering different
place, document
document workflow
workflow analytics
analytics give give insightsthat
insights thatcomplement
complementand and build
build onon each
each other:
you harddata
data onon how paper is being
being • •Device
printvolumes and
volumes costs
and costs
used. That,inin turn,
turn, can show you which
which bybydevice.
documents and processes
processes could be
be • •User
worth digitizing. when
• •Document
User-basedprinting and
filing data for key documents, showing how they
filing data for key documents, showing how they
• •Process analytics.Data
Dataononyour print-centric
processes and the steps that drive them.
processes and the steps that drive them.
• Service analytics. Information about service
• Service analytics. Information about service
performance response and how issues are resolved.
performance response and how issues are resolved.
To learn more about document flow analytics,
To learn
check outmore aboutondocument
our eBook flow analytics,
the subject.
check out our eBook on the subject.
The paper-to-digital transformation workbook 16
Make ad-hoc relationships more efficient Reduce cost and increase transparency
Variable number and sequence of steps Fixed number and sequence of steps
The paper-to-digital transformation workbook 17
At Xerox, we have developed a maturity assessment At Xerox, we offer analyses of data generated by our
tool that helps our clients come to grips with where suite of print management applications. These tools
they are on their MPS journey. track all five levels of MPS, from device level to service
level. Analytics presents the data in visual and interactive
The maturity assessment tool gauges both your dashboards, which makes data analysis much faster
organization’s current state and desired future state, and more meaningful.
and it benchmarks how your results stack up against
the market. It assesses maturity in six dimensions:
insight, security, mobility, sustainability, cost and
productivity. It also measures against the three stages
of the Xerox Next Generation MPS Journey: Assess &
Optimize, Secure & Integrate and Automate & Simplify.
The paper-to-digital transformation workbook 18
Customer communications Passing customer letters around Scan customers’ documents when
the organization and archiving them they arrive, then route and archive
on paper… them digitally
Applications Offering a PDF form that respondents Gather all the necessary
must download, print, complete by hand information via online forms
and return…
Education onboarding New recruits (or students, delegates, etc.) Have students register online and
report to a physical location, provide all material in PDF format via
where they receive printed collateral and e-mail or secure portal, so they can serve
complete paper forms… themselves without your intervention
Manufacturing logistics Struggling to run a supply chain using Use e-forms and electronic workflows
paper-based documentation… to make processes more accurate
and streamlined
Banking services Conducting onboarding and customer Deliver a digital mobile experience via
support via in-person, paper-based actions a secure portal and e-forms
The paper-to-digital transformation workbook 19
Task assignment:
identify candidates
for change
First, identify your top five candidate Now, rank them in order of importance, then again in
processes for digitization in your order of ease of transformation. Any that appear near
the top of both lists could be “quick wins” that you can
organization or department. Which push through quickly to realize benefits and build the
documents or process steps could case for further change.
you make digital?
The paper-to-digital transformation workbook 20
2. Educate
The paper-to-digital transformation workbook 21
Set targets
Before you can make improvements, you Targets / metrics you could use:
need to decide what “good” looks like. • Reduction in print volume (such as by team,
document type or individual; one-off or year-on-
That means determining policies, setting targets and
year; percentage or absolute; focus on print waste or
defining metrics – at the organizational and team levels
duplicate printing reduction)
and for individuals, too. Here are some examples:
• Reduction in consumables used (paper, toner)
Policies you might consider include:
• Device usage; more users per device means a smaller
• “When to print” policy (acceptable or appropriate
print fleet
reasons for using paper)
• Energy savings, carbon-footprint reductions, trees saved
• “How to print” policy (when to use color, double-sided,
high-quality, use of cover sheets, when to send to a
• Cost savings
central print facility)
• Reclaimed storage space
• Archiving policy (which documents to retain, where,
how long)
• Increased use of scanning
• Recycling policy
• Number of documents diverted from the print stream
and handled digitally
• Energy-saving policy
Targets at the individual level can help people understand
• Overage policy – monthly hard cap, or per-copy
what they have to do to make change happen. However,
charge if printing goes over a specified volume
it’s vital to respect the role of printing in people’s daily
activities – balance is key in achieving your overall
objectives. The last thing you want is to drive users to
costly workarounds such as printing at home or offsite
service providers.
The paper-to-digital transformation workbook 22
Task assignment:
metrics and targets
Overall print volumes Reduce by 30% within six months Managed print services dashboard
The paper-to-digital transformation workbook 23
Change user
The best way to encourage behavior change is to give Xerox® Print Awareness Tool
people ownership and control. If they know the targets
they’re working toward, and how to achieve them, One enemy of digital transformation is unconscious
you’re already halfway to success. printing: People simply aren’t aware of how much or
how often they print. So before they can change their
However, there will be times when you need to be more printing behavior, they need to become aware of it.
proactive. For example, you may need to build awareness
of the reasons for change, as well as what will change. The Xerox Print Awareness Tool is designed to do
exactly that. It uses the principles of “gamification”
Email, intranet content and e-learning programs can all to appeal to people’s competitive instinct and make
help to spread the word. A simple online “cheat sheet” desired behavior something they actively want to do.
could summarize the “dos and don’ts” of printing, or
present a decision tree or Q&A flowchart to help people The tool uses a simple graphical interface to show users
resolve helpdesk-style questions, or make decisions on their print history, key stats and how they compare with
how and when to print. their peer group, their department and the entire
organization. A flower graphic provides simple, “at
Sometimes, it might even be necessary to offer people a glance” feedback on how they’re doing that month
incentives to change. For example, you could award a – as they print, the petals fall away. Finally, helpful
prize to staff or teams who perform best against their hints suggest ways people could change their
goals. This is a basic, but too often forgotten, aspect behavior further.
of change management.
See how the Xerox Print Awareness Tool
can help you save money in our video:
The paper-to-digital transformation workbook 24
Change champions
The paper-to-digital transformation workbook 25
Get management
If your change is to succeed, it will Typically, you’ll need to cover three bases: technical,
need management at many levels to business and financial aspects.
put their weight behind it. The more If you’re in charge of IT, or have an IT management
transformative your project, the more role, you might already have the technical side covered.
important this becomes. But unless your change is so local or tactical that it’s
covered by your own budget, you’re also going to need
buy-in from:
The paper-to-digital transformation workbook 26
Task assignment:
identify supporters
The paper-to-digital transformation workbook 27
3. Execute
The paper-to-digital transformation workbook 28
Although paper is still widely used by When important processes are paper-based, people
many businesses, it’s rarely the best way can’t easily access information, and it’s harder to share
that information across teams – especially when those
to work. Think about it – if you were teams are global, mobile or outsourced. Paper imposes
setting up your business from scratch unnecessary barriers between people and their work
today, would you design paper into processes; or between different functions within the
organization, creating “silo” systems. It’s inefficient,
your processes? and it’s frustrating to work around, too.
The paper-to-digital transformation workbook 29
Task assignment:
identify your people-
to-paper API
The paper-to-digital transformation workbook 30
Why do people
use paper?
If you want to replace paper, you first So it’s worth considering the five main reasons people
need to understand the functional use paper:
role that it plays in people’s work. • To annotate documents by adding comments,
feedback or proposed amendments, or signing them
for legally binding purposes
The paper-to-digital transformation workbook 31
Why do people
use paper?
Digital Alternatives is a software platform from Xerox DocuShare is Xerox’s enterprise content management
that replicates some key uses of paper in a digital form. system. Built on open standards, it lets our clients store
and manage all their key documents in one place, using
It simplifies personal document workflows and a single platform across departments.
collaboration, helping users stay connected and
productive in the office, at home or on the road. DocuShare supports both digital files and imaged (scanned)
paper documents, making it ideal for organizations
Users can read, annotate, sign, share and manage that are making, the transition from paper to digital.
business documents with an intuitive user interface
available for Mac, PC, iPad and Android tablets. DocuShare integrates with Xerox Digital Alternatives,
allowing users to add files to DocuShare collections from
Digital Alternatives helps organizations transition from any application they’re currently using, rather than printing
paper-based tasks to streamlined digital workflows, the documents. It also supports other Digital Alternatives
increasing the efficiency of routine document processes. functions, such as digital signing.
Management benefits from increased insight and
control, with critical business content protected and Users can also create content rules and workflows to
accessible either on premise or via a Xerox-hosted automate the handling and sharing of information,
private cloud service. irrespective of source. It’s offered as an on-prem
solution, or hosted via Xerox’s secure cloud for optimal
Digital Alternatives is fully integrated with document security and flexibility when managing content across
management applications such as Xerox’s own teams or organizations.
DocuShare platform.
For more information on DocuShare, visit
Learn more about Digital Alternatives at
alternatives/enus.html Learn more about DocuShare at
The paper-to-digital transformation workbook 32
Phased introductions
and pilot projects
Some processes are simply too large or Pilot projects can be used to trial digitization approaches
complicated to be changed quickly. If within a targeted area – whether that’s a process,
building, department, state or country. Once your
changing everything in one go would be success case is validated, you can roll out the same
risky, consider targeting just one stage of approach to other areas.
a process first. Then, once that stage has
Phased introductions and pilots also have the benefit
been transformed, move on to the others. of highlighting the sort of challenges your initiatives
will typically face, so you can prepare for similar
It may be slower, but if it avoids the risk of business
situations in the future.
disruption or data loss, that’s probably a wait worth having.
Target area
The paper-to-digital transformation workbook 33
Task assignment:
encourage buy-in
Execution will only succeed if everyone To give one simple example, if you’re switching to a
within the affected group is on board. cloud-based document management system, people
may need to get used to keeping their files there, rather
Unless your change is very minor or than on their own desktops. They’ll also need to
localized in scope, this will be a big job, remember their logins and consider when they’ll need
and it’s important to take it seriously. internet access. But the benefit is that they’ll be able to
work wherever and whenever they want, with no more
As a first step, list the teams, managers and individuals worries over information security, version control or
who will be affected by the planned change, and managing their own backups.
determine how each one will be affected. How will their
work change? What will they need to do differently If you feel the pros might not outweigh the cons for
from day to day? certain people (at least in their perception), consider
what incentives you could offer that might encourage
Now, for each team or person, consider which benefits of them to change.
change are most significant, or most directly relevant to
their work. How can you express each benefit so they can
easily understand and relate to it? An experienced MPS
provider can offer valuable assistance with this analysis.
The paper-to-digital transformation workbook 34
4. Improve
The paper-to-digital transformation workbook 35
Analytics shows
the way
The paper-to-digital transformation workbook 36
Workflow automation
The paper-to-digital transformation workbook 37
The more wide-ranging your change, Some other points to consider are:
the more likely it is that people will resist
• People do what works. Is the new process clearly
it. So it’s worth considering where that better? Are there teething troubles to address? Are
resistance comes from, and how you can people trying to work around it, and if so, why?
overcome it.
• People do what helps. Are people finding the
Above all else, people fear what they don’t know. To allay experience of using the new process positive? Have
their fears, you need to make sure they understand what you asked them? Are there functions they have lost,
the change actually involves, by clearly communicating or believe they’ve lost?
the drivers, aims and benefits of change, as well as the
tactical “who, what, when and how.” If you don’t, rumors • People do what they want. They don’t like being
and hearsay will fill in the blanks. You need to make the pushed around, and they like to feel they own the
future exciting rather than daunting, and the past “old work they do. Have you involved them in decisions?
hat” rather than comforting.
People will always ask, “What’s in it for me?” So have your
answer ready – for example:
The paper-to-digital transformation workbook 38
Success stories
Stories can show readers the path from a problem (the Through our leadership in MPS, we can leverage it as
old process) through a challenge (the change) and on your foundation and path for digital transformation.
to a solution (the new process). And by featuring real As experts in how documents are used, we can help you
people (who readers might actually know), stories also with the technological side of paper-to-digital
humanize the change, emphasize that it’s achievable transformation and process automation. But we can
and that others are realizing benefits from it right now. also help you change the attitudes and behaviors that
will ultimately make or break your change initiative.
In some instances, success stories can fire people’s
competitive nature, driving adoption or success in other We use tried and tested best practices to set the right
areas so they’re not seen as lagging. Have your transition expectations, make sure users are happy with the
communications team consider ways to publish and change and accelerate adoption. We help you spend
promote stories to your employees and other change less time overcoming resistance and realize the benefits
stakeholders. Channels could include webinars, town of change as soon as possible.
halls, emails, newsletters, intranets and more.
The paper-to-digital transformation workbook 39
We hope you’ve found this workbook To learn more about paper-to-digital transformation,
a useful introduction to the process check out these other resources from Xerox:
of paper-to-digital transformation. • Our Analytics eBook provides an introduction to the
By reading it, you’ve taken the first step five levels of MPS analytics, explaining how analytics
toward a more efficient, streamlined data can suggest areas for improvement.
and “less paper” business. • Our blog post 14 Reasons MPS Is Your Bridge to
Didge (Digital, That Is) offers a snappy summary of
the case for paper-to-digital transformation enabled
by managed print services.
About Xerox