Allergic Rhinitis Final
Allergic Rhinitis Final
Allergic Rhinitis Final
By Interns:-
(SESSION: 2013-2019)
Acute Rhinitis in children is classified in ICD-10 under item J00. Rhinitis has been
defined by the Joint Task Force Parameters on allergy, asthma and immunology as the
inflammation of the nose, characterized by nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, sneezing,
itching of the nose, and postnasal drainage. Generally, the severity of the symptoms
increase rapidly, peaks within 2-3 days after the infection and decrease soon after. The
mean duration of common cold is 7-10 days, but in a proportion of patients some
symptoms can still be present after 3 weeks. Acute respiratory infections account for
20-40% of outpatients and 12-35% of inpatients attendance in a general hospital. There
is no age or sex predilection. It may start in infants as young as 6 months or older
people.3 Usually the onset is at 12-16 years of age.5 Homeopathic Medicines are found
to be effective in variety of respiratory complaints in almost all age groups especially in
children from 6 months to 15 years. Allergic rhinitis is a global health problem that is
often treated with homeopathy. The objective of this review will be to evaluate the
effectiveness of homeopathic treatment of allergic rhinitis.
Allergic Rhinitis is an IgE mediated immunological response of nasal mucosa to air
borne allergens and is characterized by watery nasal discharge, nasal obstruction,
sneezing and itching in the nose. This may also be associated with symptoms of itching
in the eyes, palate and pharynx. 5
As allergic rhinitis has a significant genetic component, a positive family history for
atopy makes the diagnosis more likely. In fact, a greater risk of allergic rhinitis exists if
both parents are atopic than if one parent is atopic. However, the cause of allergic
rhinitis appears to be multifactorial, and a person with no family history of allergic
rhinitis can develop allergic rhinitis. 5
Etiology :-
INHALANT ALLERGENS- are often the cause. Pollen from trees and grasses, mould
spores, house dust, debris from insects or house mite are common offenders. Food
Allergy is rarely an important cause. 5
Paroxysmal Sneezing and excessive fluid and mucus secretion with Nasal obstruction or
blockage. Some may get bronchospasm. The duration and severity of symptoms may
vary with the seasons.
Tearing and redness of eyes with burning or raw sensation in throat and there is also
development of asthma symptoms (wheeze, chest tightness).
a) Nasal discharge (thick, viscous or purulent) with nasal congestion
b) Post nasal discharge with sneezing (less common). Loss of smell due to mucosal
oedema, postnasal drip, chronic cough and hearing impairment due to eustachian tube
blockage or fluid in the middle ear.
Signs of allergy may be seen in the nose, eyes, ears, pharynx or larynx.
1. Nasal Signs - It includes transverse nasal crease- a black line across the middle of
dorsum of nose due to constant upward rubbing of nose simulating a salute, pale
and oedematous nasal mucosa which may appear bluish.
2. Ocular Signs - includes oedema of lids, congestion and cobbler stone appearance
of the conjunctiva, dark circles under the eyes.
3. Otologic Signs - include retracted tympanic membranes as a result of eustachian
tube blockage.
4. Laryngeal Signs- It includes hoarseness of voice and oedema of vocal cords.
Complications :-
Differential Diagnosis:
Frequently characterized as
chronic sinusitis with nasal
polyposis, and chronic
sinusitis without nasal
Organon Approach: In this study, medicine will be prescribed after detailed case
taking giving importance to both physical and mental symptoms.
Allergic rhinitis can be said as the derangement of vital force expressing itself through
nose. In most of such cases it is presenting with a few symptoms. Hence, it needs to be
treated with guidelines of one sided diseases (Aphorism 172- Aphorism 184, Organon
of Medicine, fifth & sixth edition). 2
Two approaches:
1. Out of a few symptoms find the characteristic symptom and prescribe.
From Boericke’s Materia Medica, 21 rubrics of allergic rhinitis are found, out of which
5 rubrics with least medicines are as follows:
1. Inflammation (rhinitis), Acute catarrhal: concomitants: Aching in limbs. (4)
2. Type of discharge in Rhinitis: Bland mucus: (5)
3. Type of discharge in Rhinitis: Membranous formation: (4)
4. Type of discharge in Rhinitis: Salty-tasting: (2)
5. Type of discharge in Rhinitis: unilateral (3)
1) Allium cepa
2) Arsenicum album
3) Arsenicum iodatum
4) Euprasia
5) Sulphur
6) Natrum mur
7) Sabadilla
8) Tuberculinum
9) Belladonna
10) Hepar Sulph
11) Aconite Napellus
12) Aralia Racemosa
13) Pulsatilla
14) Calcarea Carb
15) Kali Bichromicum
16) Gelsemium
17) Eupatorium Perfoliatum
18) Arum Triphyllum
19) Tellurium met
20) Lycopodium
Study Setting:
Study Duration:-
a) Inclusion Criteria:
b) Exclusion Criteria:
Study Design:
Selection of Tools:-
a) Case Performa: Case taking Performa was designed for study with the
approval of guide.
Data Collection:
Statistical Techniques:
The study comprised of 10 patients especially children.The study will establish the
efficiency of Homoeopathy in treatment of Allergic Rhinitis. Cases which complicated
with other diseases is not included in study. The patients will take into the study after
questioning especial question related to study. The diagnosis as per as the clinical sign
and symptoms. The potencies will be use according to the individual case and as per the
requirement. The outcome measures will be assessed on the basis of the clinical parameter
and also by the improvement of the patient as a whole.
Study will improve the knowledge of the physician in managing the case of
Allergic Rhinitis
Study will benefit the patients by giving cost effective and long term relief.
Saleha Aggrawal
14.3) Signature:
15.2) Address:
15.3) Signature:
Dr. Rajender
Internship Incharge