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The Post Offering Performance of Ipos From The Banking Industry

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The Post Offering Performance of IPOs from the Banking


Saurabh Ghosh*

*The author is a Research Officer in the Department of Economic Analysis and Policy, Reserve Bank of
India. Views expressed in this article are the author’s personal.

This paper concentrates on IPOs from the banking sector. The recommendations of the expert committees
on the banking sector reform encouraged Indian banks to raise funds from the capital market through IPOs.
In a developing country, the role of the banking sector for economic development is undisputed. In view of
its importance in economic resource allocation and empirical evidences of IPO underperformance in the
developing countries in the background, this paper analyses the banking sector IPOs in detail. The
performance evaluations on the basis of stock returns didn’t find significant evidences of underperformance
for the IPOs from the banking sector. Moreover, the study based on key accounting parameters showed
improvement in the performance of the banks in the post listing period. There were no significant
differences across ownership groups (public sector banks vis-à-vis their private counterpart) in the IPO
pricing and performance.


The IPO literature emphasizes the information gap between the issuers and
investors to be the main cause of the anomalies present in primary equity market.
Asymmetric information about the companies’ reliability, earning potential and
authenticity of the information disclosed remained the major factor driving the
uncertainty among the investors. One of the anomalies documented in the IPO markets is
referred as underperformance. The available evidences show that the IPO firms stock
return performance and operating performance deteriorates in the years after going
public. While no unanimous explanations are yet provided for, studies generally held
window dressing of accounting figures (to take advantage of investors optimism), agency
problem with disperse ownership after going public as the major reasons causing

Within the broad ambit of financial sector, the bank sector constitutes a crucial
component of any economy. It acts as the most important intermediary for channelising
resources from ultimate lenders to final borrowers. With the ushering of economic
liberalization (1992), the banking sector has undergone several changes in line with
Narasimham Committee recommendations. These reforms aimed at improving efficiency,
introducing transparency and insuring a sound financial footing of the banking sector.
One of the major steps in this direction was allowing the public sector banks to go for
IPOs, which would dilute the government ownership and bring these banks under market
discipline. Many of the public and private sector banks took the IPO route to collect
funds in the 1990s. In view of the evidences of perverse underperformance of the IPOs in
general (as documented in the IPO literature) and considering the importance of the
banking sector in overall development process, this paper devotes itself to a detailed
analysis of IPO from the banking sector. The underlying structures of the public sector
banks differ considerably from their private counterpart. So, it is of considerable interest
to evaluate the changes in the public sector banks vis-à-vis their private counterpart(s) in
the post IPO era.

This paper evaluates the stock returns and the operating performance of the Indian
banks that made initial public offerings during the last decade (1990s). It investigates the
extent of underperformance for the bank IPOs and documents whether there exists any
difference between the Public Sector Banks (PSB) vis-à-vis their private counterpart. In
an attempt to have a deeper insight, this study also takes up the accounting parameters to
evaluate the changes in the post IPO operating performance.

This paper is organized as follows, Section-2 summarizes the available

international literature, Section-3 explains why banking sector is distinct from the other
sectors. Section-4 describes the data, Section-5 illustrates the methodology and the
empirical results, Section-6 concludes the paper.

2. Literature Survey

Jay R. Ritter (1991) was the first to document evidences of underperformance as

another empirical anomaly present in the IPO market. Using a sample of 1526 companies
that went public in U.S.A. during 1975 to1984, he showed that in the long run IPO firms
significantly under-performed as compared to the already listed firms. Ritter used a set of
comparable firms matched by size (market capitalization) and industry as benchmarks.
By long run under-performance the author meant that an investment of one dollar in an
IPO at the end of first day’s public trading and retaining it for the next three years would
yield the investor a lower return as compared to the investment in an already listed
matching firm. Ritter used two measures to evaluate long run performance. He calculated
cumulative average returns of the newly listed companies and compared them using
various indices as benchmarks. He also used three years buy and hold returns for both
IPOs and a set of matching firms. Ritter documented that small and young companies and
firms that went public in the heavy volume years performed worse (on average) as
compared to a set of already listed companies. Loughran and Ritter (1995) tried to
address the unresolved issues of Ritter’s (1991) paper and shed more light on the issue of
long run under-performance of IPOs by taking a longer time horizon (1970-90) and found
evidences of perverse underperformance on the basis of stock returns.

The aforementioned studies concentrated on post issue stock prices to evaluate
long run performance of firms after going public. Jain & Kini (1994), on the other hand,
concentrated on accounting data of IPO firms to evaluate their post issue operating
performance. They found that IPO firms exhibit substantial decline in the post issue
operating performance over a period of six years (extending from the year prior to the
IPO). The authors used operating income as the ratio of Profit Before Dividend and Tax
to Total Assets (PBDT/TA). The operating cash flow was calculated as the ratio of the
profit before dividend and tax (net of capital expenditure) to total asset (PBDT-Capital
Expenditure/TA). Using these as measures of operating performance they found
deterioration in the IPO companies’ performance in the after market period.

Another study by Mikkelson et al. (1997) considered a sample of 283 U.S. IPOs
in the years 1980-83. Their study also supported the earlier findings and showed that
operating performance of the IPO firms deteriorated in the first ten years after going
public. Poor operating performance of the newly listed firms were associated with the
sample of small and young companies. The large and old companies displayed a high
level of performance before going public, and lower, but non-negative performance
afterwards. The authors argued that the poor performance of the small and young firms
might be because of high initial operating cost and/or aggressive pricing strategy
followed by already established firms. Finally Chun & Smith (2000) found support of
IPO underperformance from an emerging economy, Korea. Their study showed that
profitability declined for the Korean firms in the initial years after IPO.

The above literature survey could be summarized by saying that IPO firms generally
underperform in comparison to the stock index and already listed benchmark firms. Some
studies also reported deterioration in the operating performance after listing. Most of
these studies found that small and young companies window dress their accounting
figures to take advantage of the market sentiments at the time of floating their IPO. Some
of the authors emphasized the agency problem associated with dispersed ownership (after
listing) to be responsible for subsequent performance deterioration.

3. Indian Banking Industry

While the available literature and findings on the IPO underperformance have
already been discussed in the last section, this section devotes itself to the discussion of
the banking sector and its distinction from other IPOs in general. The banking industry
has its distinct characteristics in comparison with other industries. Considering its
importance in resource allocation and economic development in most economies the
banking sector has been more regulated than other industries and such regulations have
been all the more stringent in developing economics (Kumbhakar & Sarkar, 2002). The
banking sector in India, like most other developing countries, is characterized by the
predominance of government ownership in the presence of different other ownership
groups (private domestic and private foreign). In India, in an attempt to meet the social
and economic objectives, the largest private sector banks were nationalized in 1950s and
1960s. The smaller private sector banks and foreign banks were allowed to coexist with
the public sector banks.

The banking sector reform initiated in 1992 sought to improve the bank efficiency
through entry deregulation, branch delicensing, deregulation of interest rate and allowing
the public & private sector banks to raise the equity capital from the capital market. One
of the major reasons for allowing public sector banks to access capital market is to
support the re-capitalization needs of these banks. The Reserve Bank of India has
estimated that given the present growth rate of the economy and the extent of capital
adequacy norms, the public sector banks would need Rs.100 billion of additional capital
in the coming five years (Jalan 2000). The two possible sources of capital infusion are by
governmental infusion of funds and/or allowing the banks to access the capital market.
With many demands on government budget and the continuing need for fiscal
consolidation, subscription to banks’ capital cannot be regarded as a priority claim on the
budgetary resources. So the Narasimham Committee Report encouraged Public Sector
Banks to access the capital market at home and abroad to meet their re-capitalization

Another argument in favour of bank disinvestments envisaged shifting of
financial risk to private parties from financial institutions, which ultimately devolves on
to the Government (Rajan & Shah, 2002). The proponents of this argument have
favoured de-linking the financial institutions from the Government and disinvestments of
PSBs are a part of this programme. Lack of sound corporate governance practices are
considered to be the basis of many of the banking problems in India. Listing in an
organized stock market would bring more capital to the banking sector and the resultant
monitoring by investors and shareholders. This coupled with more voting rights given to
the shareholders would cause the banks to improve their performance.

The anomalies in the new issue market arise from the asymmetric information
between the issuers and the investors. The banking sector posses a special case because
of several reasons. All commercial banks in the post reform era have to maintain 8 per
cent capital adequacy norms along with income recognition, asset classification and
provision requirements in line with the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision’s
(BCBS) recommendations. Banks are presently required to disclose some of the key
accounting ratios, which include returns on assets, CRAR, net NPA to net advances etc.
to public. The liberalization measures have also infused much competition through easier
entry of private sector banks and foreign banks. There remain some fundamental
differences between the public sector banks and their private (especially new private)
counterparts. The latter does not have the burden of a large network of branches
especially in low diversity business areas, they are also able to introduce technology to
upgrade operational efficiency within a short time. However, the recent policy measures
attempt to provide a level playing field by ironing out the differences between the Public
Sector Banks and their private counterparts. These measures and the importance of the
banking sector have made the banking IPO one of the most important and interesting
areas of academic and policy oriented research. The availability of accounting data of the
banks prior to listing have enabled to test underperformance hypothesis on the basis of
accounting data and compare them with the pre listing performance.

The above section clearly brings out the need for banks’ disinvestments. The
policy in favour of banks raising capital through IPO was enacted in 1992. Since then
some of the public sector and private banks have gone for IPOs. The table 1 gives the
details of these banks and the year of their listing. The IPO literature, on the other hand
points toward presence of underperformance of newly listed companies in the developed
and developing countries. Considering the importance of sound banking system for
resource allocation and smooth functioning of the economy a detail analysis of pricing
and performance of banks that went public over the last decade is of paramount

With this in the background, this paper attempts to answer the following questions
relating to the IPOs coming from the Indian banking sector:
1. What was the extent of underpricing and underperformance for the IPOs coming
from public and private sector banks?
2. How the ex-post accounting variables showing profitability and efficiency
changed after listing? Did the banks underperform in terms of accounting
3. Whether there exist any differences between the public sector and private sector
banks in terms of stock returns and operating performance in the after market

4. Data

The empirical analysis in this paper is divided into two parts. The first part
concentrates on the descriptive statistics and univariate regression analysis to examine the
underperformance of the banking IPOs. For underperformance this paper has used the
Buy and Hold Returns (BHR) defined as

[ ]
BHR i = ∏ tj= Start (1 + rit ) − 1 × 100 0 0

Where `rit ` is the raw return of the ith firm for the event month `t`.

This section also compares the underperformance for public sector banks and
their private counterparts. The second part concentrates on the ex-post operating
performance of the newly listed banks. It evaluates whether the profitability and
efficiency parameters in the banking sector have deteriorated in the aftermarket period as
suggested by the underperformance of IPO school. This part also examines whether there
exist any difference in these performances across the public and private sector banks.

The main data-sources for this analysis are (i) Report on Trend and Progress of
Banking in India” (RTP), (ii) Prowess Database brought out by the Centre for Monitoring
Indian Economy (CMIE). The detailed descriptions of the variables are as follows:
ROA = Returns on assets, defined as the net profit of a bank divided by average total
OPWF = The operating profit of a bank normalized by the working fund.
IIWF = Interest income of a bank divided by the working fund
NPAADV = Net Non Performing Assets (NPA) of a bank divided by net advances
PPE = Profit Per Employee
CRAR_T = Total Capital to Risk Weighted Asset Ratio
SIZE = The issue size of an offer deflated by the GDP deflator over different years.
M_j = Buy and Hold Return (BHR) for ‘j’ months (where j=1,3,6,12,18,24,30 and 36)
EM_j = Excess Buy and Hold Return (BHR) over the Sensex return for ‘j’ months (where
j=1,3,6,12,18,24,30 and 36)
DPSB = Dummy variable that takes value one if the issue comes from Public Sector
Banks, otherwise zero.

5. Empirical Findings.

Table-1: Bank IPOs over 1990s

Banking IPOs Offer Date Listing Date Offer Price Listing Price
State Bank Of India 15-Dec-93 24-Oct-94 100.00 187.50
Federal Bank Ltd. 21-Mar-94 3-Jun-94 90.00 235.00
Global Trust Bank Ltd. 25-Aug-94 8-Nov-94 10.00 65.00
Oriental Bank Of Commerce 5-Oct-94 19-Dec-94 60.00 85.00
Bank Of Punjab 6-Mar-95 22-May-95 10.00 26.00
HDFC Bank 14-Mar-95 26-May-95 10.00 40.00
Dhanalakshmi Bank Ltd. 18-Mar-96 12-Dec-97 50.00 30.50
Dena Bank 28-Oct-96 20-Jan-97 30.00 27.00
Bank Of Baroda 5-Dec-96 24-Feb-97 85.00 79.50
Bank Of India 21-Feb-97 5-May-97 45.00 60.70
Corporation Bank 3-Oct-97 5-Dec-97 80.00 91.20
Indusind Bank Ltd. 25-Nov-97 29-Jan-98 45.00 39.30
State Bank Of Travancore 8-Dec-97 11-Mar-98 600.00 600.00
Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd. 13-May-98 3-Aug-98 38.00 31.15
City Union Bank Ltd. 22-Jun-98 7-Sep-98 35.00 21.00
U T I Bank Ltd. 21-Sep-98 27-Nov-98 21.00 17.00
South Indian Bank Ltd. 22-Sep-98 17-Dec-98 32.00 18.00
I D B I Bank Ltd. 9-Feb-99 12-Apr-99 18.00 17.00
Times Bank Ltd. [Erstwhile] 30-Jun-99 20-Sep-99 10.00 14.70
Centurion Bank Ltd. 20-Sep-99 6-Dec-99 10.00 12.35
Syndicate Bank 25-Oct-99 27-Dec-99 10.00 13.05
Indian Overseas Bank 25-Sep-00 12-Dec-00 10.00 10.10
Vijaya Bank 27-Nov-00 9-Jan-01 10.00 9.00
Andhra Bank 14-Feb-01 4-Apr-01 10.00 9.00
Offer price is the price at which an IPO company offers its share to public. Listing price is the first trading
days closing price

For this analysis, data for 24 banks (both PSB and Private) that went public in
1990s were used. The newly listed bank’s name, their offer date, offer price, listing date,
issue amounts were obtained from the CMIE monthly reviews. The monthly data on their
stock returns (from their month of listing to the next three years1) were downloaded from
the Prowess dataset. The accounting data (as described above) are obtained for the year
1996-97 to 2001-2002 from Report on Trend and Progress of Banking(RTP) in India2.

5.1 Short & Long Run Returns of the Bank IPOs

This paper now takes up the short and long run performances of the bank IPOs.
To do so, ‘j’ month(s) buy and hold returns (where j=1,3,6,12,18,24,30 and 36) were

For some banks, which haven’t completed three years, the latest available month was included for the
calculation of BHR.

calculated for the newly listed banks. The jth months’ buy and hold return represents the
amount that an investor gets back if he invests Re.1 in a particular script and holds it for
the next ‘j’ month(s).

The Table-2(a) reports the average BHR for the banks over different intervals of
time. The figures for the All Banks reported negative values but none of these averages
were significantly different from zero. None of the average BHR for the public sector and
private sector banks was significant at 10 per cent level. In an attempt to check whether
the market adjusted buy and hold return is a better indicator of the banks’ performance
the Sensex adjusted buy and hold returns were calculated and the averages for the whole
sample and the sub-samples are reported in the Table-2(b).

Table-2(A): Summary Statistics for the Buy and Hold Returns (Raw Returns)
Variables All Banks Public Sector Bank Private Banks
Mean P-value (µ=0) Mean P-value (µ=0) Mean P-value (µ=0)
M_1 5.29 0.45 -1.28 0.72 8.75 0.40
M_3 -3.11 0.51 0.28 0.97 -4.90 0.42
M_6 -6.24 0.35 -5.06 0.65 -6.86 0.43
M_12 -4.15 0.61 -14.47 0.15 1.27 0.91
M_18 4.23 0.66 -4.47 0.70 8.36 0.54
M_24 8.80 0.55 -21.47 0.14 22.26 0.28
M_30 2.41 0.84 -18.78 0.15 11.83 0.47
M_36 -3.38 0.75 -21.46 0.15 4.52 0.75
M_j = Buy and Hold Return (BHR) for ‘j’ months (where j=1,3,6,12,18,24,30 and 36)

Table-2(B): Summary Statistics for the Buy and Hold Returns (Sensex Adjusted
Variables All Banks Public Sector Bank Private Banks
Mean P-value Mean P-value Mean P-value
EM_1 5.29 0.64 -2.02 0.63 5.65 0.56
EM_3 -3.11 0.12 -2.00 0.76 -9.60 0.11
EM_6 -6.24 0.21 -2.69 0.73 -11.06 0.21
EM_12 -4.15 0.41 -6.02 0.48 -7.15 0.55
EM_18 4.23 0.80 4.71 0.76 -5.76 0.64
EM_24 8.80 0.65 -13.15 0.48 -1.31 0.92
EM_30 2.41 0.54 -17.30 0.40 -1.94 0.88
EM_36 -3.38 0.17 -28.57 0.16 -8.41 0.51
EM_j = Excess Buy and Hold Return (BHR) over the market return for ‘j’ months (where j=1,3,6,12,18,24,30 and 36)

The index adjusted buy and hold returns repeated earlier findings of Table-2(a),
none of these coefficients were significant even at 10 per cent level. The BHR calculated

These crucial ratios were reported in RTP from 1996-97 onwards and data upto 2001-02 were available at
the time of the study

for the public sector banks and the other private banks showed similar results, none of the
mean values were significant at the ten percent levels. This study based on stock returns
do not support the underperformance hypothesis for the banking sector IPOs. It is a major
departure from the available international evidences on IPOs in general. In an attempt to
examine whether the buy and hold return performance differed across the ownership
groups, this section undertakes mean test. This is done by regressing BHR(j) on DPSB
dummy. The null hypothesis is
H0 : µpsb - µob = 0 against alternative hypothesis,
H1 : µpsb - µob ≠ 0
Where ‘µpsb’ is average underperformance of the public sector bank issues and ‘µob’ for
the private banks. This is done by regressing underperformance over a dummy variable
‘DPSB’ (taking value one if the IPO is from a public sector bank, otherwise zero). The
regression equation is given below
UD = α + β(DPSB) + υ
The expected value of ‘UD’ conditional upon whether the issues are from PSB is give by
E(UD/psb) = α + β, similarly
E(UD/ob) = α
So the difference between µpsb and µob turns out to be
E(UD/psb) - E(UD/ob) = β
if β is significantly different from zero than the average underperformance for PSB is
different from their private counterparts.

Table-3 reports the value of the β coefficient and its significance when each of the
buy and hold returns (over different intervals of time) was used separately as a dependent
variable. The results (Table-3) show none of these estimated coefficients were
significantly different from zero at ten percent level. It also indicates that there was no
significant difference in the stock return performance of public sector banks as compared
to the private sector banks.

Table-3: Banking IPOs Performance Across Ownership Groups (Sensex Adjusted
Variables Public Sector Bank Vs Private Banks
Coefficient P-value Remarks
EM_1 -7.67 0.57 No significant difference between two groups
EM_3 7.59 0.42 No significant difference between two groups
EM_6 8.36 0.54 No significant difference between two groups
EM_12 1.13 0.94 No significant difference between two groups
EM_18 10.47 0.62 No significant difference between two groups
EM_24 -11.84 0.62 No significant difference between two groups
EM_30 -15.35 0.52 No significant difference between two groups
EM_36 -20.16 0.38 No significant difference between two groups
EM_j = Excess Buy and Hold Return (BHR) over the market return for ‘j’ months (where j=1,3,6,12,18,24,30 and 36)

To summarize, this analysis based on stock returns does not confirm the
underperformance hypothesis for the banking sector. The mean test results also suggest
that the stock return performance did not differ across different ownership groups (PSB
and OPB).

5.2 Post Listing Operating Performance of Bank IPOs

The analysis based on stock returns could not provide conclusive evidences on the
aftermarket performance of banking sector IPOs. To get a deeper insight, this section
concentrates on the ex-post operating performance of the newly listed banks. The model
specification closely follows Chun and Smith (2000) approach as given below,
Yit = a (i, t ) + ∑ b j IPO(t − j ) + b5 IPOt − n + u (i, t )
j =1

where a(i,t) is the constant term that incorporates the time specific effect and the
firm specific effects3. Yit is the variable capturing operating performance for ith bank and
for tth period. IPOt-j is a dummy variable equal to one if the year t-j is the IPO year and
IPOt-n equal to one if the IPO took place before five years and above. In this model the b1
coefficient captures the difference in performance of the IPO companies in the first year
as compared to the pre issue years. So a positive and significant b1 would imply that the
performance of the IPO company has improved in the first year after IPO as compared to
the pre issue years. The b5 coefficient, on the other hand, would give the performance of

In the fixed effect model the constant term is written as a (i, t ) = a + a (i ) + λ (t ) , which incorporates
the constant, group effect and time effect.

the bank IPOs in the five years and above after they got listed, compared to the pre-issue
years. A continuous improvement in the performance would require b5>b4>b3>b2>b1
condition to be satisfied.

The model specification also allows one to control for unobserved bank and time
specific effects. This type of model is popularly known in the literature as two factors
(individual and time specific) models and could be fixed or random depending on how
one models the individual and time specific effects. The former presupposes that the
differences across units (individual and time) can be captured by differences in the
constant term, while the later assumes both the effects to be randomly distributed and
captured in the error term [Green 2000]. Since this study concentrates on all the banking
IPOs over the last decade, we consider the fixed effect model, which is specified as
Yit = a0 + ∑i a (i ) Z i + ∑t λ (t )Vt + ∑ b j IPO( t − j ) + b5 IPOt − n + u (i, t )
j =1

where a0 is the model constant, Zis are firm specific dummies and Vt s are time or
year specific dummies. The time dummies are included to control for any time specific
variation over the period under consideration4. As described earlier, IPO(t-i) represents a
dummy variable, which is one if the year under consideration is ith year after the bank
has gone for its IPO. IPO(t-5) is a dummy variable, which takes value one in the year
under consideration, is equal to or more than five years since the bank’s IPO. The error
structure u(i,t) for the fixed effect model is similar to the OLS regression model.

Following Sarkar, Sarkar and Bhaumik’s (1998), operating performance of the

bank was captured using both profitability and efficiency measures. To capture
profitability of the newly listed banks, returns on assets (ROA), operating profit (OPWF)
and interest income (IIWF) (as defined in section 6.3) were included in the model. The

“Notice that the fixed effect model has an overall constant as well as a ‘group’ effect for each group and a
‘time’ effect for each period. The problem of multicollinearity – the time and group dummy variables both
sum to one – is avoided by imposing the restriction Σia(i) = Σtλ(t) = 0. A full set of estimates is produced
for the two-factor model in the same fashion as for the one factor model. The model is described in
standard textbooks such as Judge, etc.al. (1985) or Greene (1997).”—LIMDEP, Version 7, User manual,

efficiency measures included non-performing assets (NPAADV, a decline in this variable
would represent the improvement in the bank’s performance after IPO), Profit Per
Employee (PPE) and Total CRAR. These profitability and efficiency indicators were then
used as dependent variables in the above model to measure the post IPO performance of
the newly listed banks.
As mentioned in the literature survey, the empirical findings on IPO performance
(Jain & Kini (1994) Mikkelson) have shown that the new companies underperform in the
post listing period. The underperformance is captured by deterioration in accounting
parameters of the newly listed companies, on average. The objective of this study is to
test empirically the changes in accounting parameters of the banks that went for IPO and
thereby draw inferences on the post listing performances of these banks. Table-4 reports
the Panel regression results of the model specified above. The ‘bj’ coefficients (that
report the change in operating performance in the jth year after the IPO) demonstrates that
the return on assets (ROA) has actually improved in the two years immediately after IPO.
This is evident from table-4 where b1 (0.25) and b2 (0.23) are positive (b1> b2) and are
significant at 10 per cent level. However, the coefficients of ROA showed declining
values that have lost their significance over the years. The OPWF has also followed the
same path and shown an improving trend over the first few years. This is evident from
the positive values b1 (0.21), b2 (0.23) and b3 (0.33) reported in Table-4, which were
significant at 10 per cent level (b1< b2 <b3). This result also indicates that the operating
profit has actually improved over the years since IPO. However, the coefficients lost their
significance after the fourth year. But, there was no significant impact on the interest
income (normalized by working fund) as none of the coefficients ‘bj’ reported in the table
were significant at the ten percent level. The insignificance of these coefficients might
indicate the variability of interest income across the banks. Turning to the efficiency
indicators, the ‘bj’ coefficients of the model when net NPA (normalized by total
advances) was used as an independent variable maintained negative signs. This is
suggestive of reduction in non-performing assets of the banks in the post listing period.
However, only ‘b5’ was significant at the ten percent level. Moving over to the other two
measures of efficiency, namely the profit per employee (PPE) and the total CRAR, none
of the ‘bj’ coefficients were significantly different from zero at ten percent level. From

Table-4 it appears that unlike international evidences for the newly listed companies in
general, the IPOs coming from the banking sector in India did not underperform in terms
of their accounting parameters. Rather some of the key accounting parameters (namely
return on assets, operating profit) showed improvement in performance in the post listing

One question remained unanswered in the above analysis. Was there any
difference in the post listing performance over the ownership groups i.e. between private
and public sector banks? In an attempt to provide an answer to this, the above analysis is
appended by introducing an interactive dummy, DPSB. As described earlier it takes value
1 if the IPO is from public sector banks or zero otherwise. With the introduction of this
dummy variable, the model takes the form
4 4
Yit = a(i ) + λ (t ) + ∑ b j IPO(t − j ) + b5 IPOt −n + ∑ b j − pubIPO(t − j ) * ( DPSB) + b5− pubIPOt −n * ( DPSB) + u(i, t )
j =1 j =1

As in the Table-4 ‘bj’ indicates the coefficient of the IPO dummy for the jth year
after listing. The coefficient of the newly introduced interactive dummy ‘bj-Pub’ is the
same dummy variable IPO(t-j) multiplied by DPSB. ‘b1-Pub’ captures the ownership group
effect within the class of listed banks. If among the listed banks, the public sector banks
have performed differently then the coefficients of the interactive dummy variables
would take significant values and signs of these coefficients would show the direction of
such changes. The Table-5 shows the magnitude, direction and the significance of ‘bj-
Pub’ coefficients when each of the banking performance and efficiency ratio is used as
dependent variable. When ROA was used as an explanatory variable the results show that
the ‘bj’ coefficients maintained positive values for the first three years after IPO.
However, these coefficients ceased to be significant at 10 per cent levels. Moving over to
the differences between the PSB and their private counterpart the ‘bj-Pub’ coefficients
maintained positive sign, though none of them were significant at the ten percent level.
When operating profit (OPWF) was used as an explanatory variable the values of b2
(0.31) and b3 (0.39) were positive with (b2 < b3) and were significant showing that there
were signs of improvements in operating profit in the second and third years after IPO.
However, none of the interactive dummy coefficients were significant at ten percent

level. Similarly when the other ratios (namely INTWF, NPAADV, PPE and CRAR_T)
were used as dependent variables none of the interactive dummy coefficients were
significant at ten percent level. The results in the Table-5 indicated no significant
difference between the PSB and the private banks when the banks’ accounting parameters
were used as the dependent variables in the panel model. So Table-5 indicates that the
post IPO performance of the banking sector IPOs did not depend on the ownership
groups as none of the interactive dummy variables were significantly different from zero
at ten percent level.

These findings could be summarized by saying that unlike the international

evidences for the newly listed firms, the IPOs coming from Indian banking sector did not
underperform. Rather some of the post IPO operating performance indicators showed
signs of improvement in the years immediately after IPO. Moreover, the findings of this
section indicate no significant difference between the IPOs coming from the public sector
banks and their private counterparts. As mentioned earlier the deterioration in the post
listing operating performance is mainly associated with small and young companies that
window dress the accounting figures and tap the primary market in the boom periods to
collect as much money as possible from the investors. Banking sector is distinct from
other sectors in many ways. It is regulate in India as in many other developed and
developing countries. In the post reform period steps were taken to improve accounting
standard in line with international practices, make banking system more transparent and
enforce competition in the banking sector. These measures might have reduced some
amount of uncertainty among the investors’ (as compared to the IPOs from the other
sectors). The liberalization measures coupled with the market monitoring and RBI
supervision might have prevented the commonly observed underperformance for banking
sector IPOs. Rather, some of the key accounting parameters showed improvements in the
post listing period.

Table-4: Profitability and Efficiency Indicators Showing the Ex-Post Operating Performance of the IPO Banks

Performance Measures Efficiency Measures

Coeff. P-value Coeff P-value Coeff P-value Coeff P-value Coeff. P-value Coeff. P-value
b1 0.25 0.08 0.21 0.16 0.06 0.84 -0.93 0.21 -1.73 0.42 0.95 0.19
b2 0.23 0.09 0.23 0.10 -0.04 0.88 -1.12 0.12 -0.96 0.64 0.50 0.48
b3 0.07 0.62 0.33 0.02 -0.03 0.91 -1.61 0.13 -1.96 0.34 0.05 0.95
b4 -0.06 0.72 -0.04 0.79 -0.27 0.41 -0.97 0.23 -1.33 0.57 0.55 0.50
b5 -0.02 0.92 0.32 0.11 -0.35 0.35 -1.45 0.10 -0.67 0.80 0.38 0.68
Constant 0.82 0.00 1.94 0.00 10.30 0.00 7.00 0.99 4.24 0.01 11.76 0.00

Table-5: Difference in Ex-Post Operating Parameters Across Ownership Groups

Performance Measures Efficiency Measures

Coeff. P-value Coeff P-value Coeff P-value Coeff P-value Coeff. P-value Coeff. P-value
b1 0.29 0.15 0.20 0.36 0.49 0.25 -0.35 0.76 -1.89 0.53 1.22 0.23
b2 0.22 0.20 0.31 0.09 0.00 0.99 -0.77 0.41 -0.59 0.82 0.15 0.87
b3 0.01 0.99 0.39 0.03 -0.13 0.73 -1.66 0.05 -2.24 0.39 -0.86 0.33
b4 -0.25 0.25 -0.09 0.68 -0.14 0.75 -1.27 0.26 -0.70 0.83 -0.39 0.72
b5 -0.04 0.85 0.47 0.05 -0.11 0.82 -2.31 0.04 -0.21 0.95 0.66 0.57
b1-Pub -0.06 0.84 0.01 0.99 -0.82 0.16 -0.98 0.52 0.41 0.92 -0.40 0.78
b2-Pub 0.07 0.80 -0.18 0.54 0.02 0.99 -0.74 0.61 -0.37 0.93 1.18 0.40
b3-Pub 0.25 0.34 -0.17 0.56 0.38 0.49 0.42 0.78 1.41 0.72 2.69 0.15
b4-Pub 0.47 0.13 0.09 0.79 -0.18 0.77 0.69 0.67 -0.80 0.86 2.42 0.12
b5-Pub 0.13 0.72 -0.42 0.28 -0.55 0.47 2.38 0.19 -0.43 0.94 -0.39 0.84
Constant 0.80 0.00 1.94 0.00 10.28 0.00 6.97 0.00 4.11 0.05 11.69 0.00
Estimated coefficients of the Panel regression. The coefficients of the bank and time dummies are not reported here. ‘IPOt-j’ is a dummy variable equal to one if
the year t-j is the IPO year and IPOt-n equal to one if the IPO took place before five years. The coefficient of ‘IPOt-j’ reports the change operating performance in
the jth year after the IPO. ‘bj-Pub’ is the coefficient of the interactive term (‘IPOt-j’ multiplied by DPSB). ‘bj-Pub’captures the ownership group effect within the
class of listed banks. DPSB is the dummy variable which takes value one if the IPO is from Public sector bank, otherwise zero.

6. Summery and Conclusions

Financial systems in the developing countries are predominantly bank based and
it plays significant role in efficient allocation of resources. Considering the importance of
banking sector in overall economic development and the recommendations of expert
committees in favour of banks going public, this paper attempts short and long run
performance evaluation of the Indian banks that got listed during 1990s.

This exercise didn’t find any conclusive evidence of underperformance for the
bank IPOs on the basis of buy and hold returns. The analyses on the basis of the operating
performance suggest that there were no significant underperformance. The analysis on
the basis of the operating performance suggested that there were no significant
underperformance. Rather some of the key accounting indicators (e.g. returns on asset,
operating income) showed signs of improvement in the post-listing years. The analysis
also documented that performance didn’t differ significantly across the ownership
groups. These results are unlike the international and Indian experience of long run
underperformance of IPOs in general. The difference might be because the supervising
authority, the RBI, was successful in reducing the general practice of window dressing of
accounting figures before listing, as well as in limiting the agency problem (shift from
concentrated to dispersed shareholding pattern) that often cause underperformance.
Market monitoring along with the new policy measures may have actually helped to
improve some of the key accounting parameters for the banking IPOs in the post listing


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