Bakery Review Feb-March 2019 Issue. Reach 9810315463 To Advertise or Subscribe ! PDF
Bakery Review Feb-March 2019 Issue. Reach 9810315463 To Advertise or Subscribe ! PDF
Bakery Review Feb-March 2019 Issue. Reach 9810315463 To Advertise or Subscribe ! PDF
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Associate Editor
Swarnendu Biswas
E d i t o r i a l
Resident Editor
Sharmila Chand (Delhi)
Ashok Malkani (Mumbai) he bakery industry in India is experiencing
Layout & Design robust growth, employing a large number of
Hari Kumar. V people. The bakery sector is the largest of all
Abhishek Singh Rathore
the segments of India’s food processing sector.
Production Assistant
Mamta Sharma A report released by leading market research
Advertising Sales
company IMARC in March 2019 stated that the
Delhi: Debabrata Nath, Sumesh Sharma Indian bakery market reached a value of $7.22
Director Sales billion in 2018. The market value is projected
Sanjay Anand to exceed $12 billion within the next five years,
Mobile: +91 9811136837
expanding at a compound annual growth rate
Director Operations
(CAGR) of 9.3 per cent during 2019-2024.
Rajat Taneja
Mobile: +91 9810315463 Cover Story discusses how bakery industry is innovating new products since
Editorial & Advertising Offices:
modern consumer crave for something new and innovative. The pastry chefs
Delhi: have endeavoured to come up with some contemporary and pioneering ideas.
Hammer Publishers Pvt. Ltd. Bakery industry which has witnessed huge changes in last decade or so is
206, Samrat Bhawan, Ranjeet Nagar Commercial Complex,
due for growth in more customer centric innovations in bakery products. Being
New Delhi-110008
Phone: 91-11-25704103, 45084903, 45093486 the integral part of bakery industry, many QSR’s serving burgers or pizzas are
Mumbai: dying out of lack of innovations. But the sector is still witnessing exponential
Hammer Publishers Pvt. Ltd. growth in India which coincides with the growing affluence and aspirations
105, 1st Floor, Aarpee Centre, Gufic Compound,
11th Road, MIDC, Near Tunga Paradise Hotel, of middle class. Business story discusses how the increasing demand has not
Andheri (E), Mumbai-400 093 only prompted international chains from expanding their business in India but
Phone: 022-28395833
has also tempted several Indian entrepreneurs to jump into the fray.
Another segment of the bakery industry - home bakers – is growing their
E-mail: influence among innovative buyers by offering their unique creations of
© 2019 Hammer Publishers Pvt. Ltd. No part of the publication may cakes, cupcakes and cookies from home. Today they have grown as a strong
be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, or transmitted in any form
or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or competition to regular retail bakeries and even franchises. Feature story
otherwise, without prior written permission of the publisher.
stress upon how home bakers, mainly women, have gained sufficient skill and
Bakery Review is a bi-monthly magazine, printed, edited, owned and
published by Rajneesh Sharma from 206, Samrat Bhawan, Ranjeet knowledge of making bakery products by educating themselves in major bakery
Nagar Commercial Complex, New Delhi. Printed at Swan Press, B-71,
academies in India and around the world, to become successful entrepreneurs.
Naraina Industrial Area, Phase-II, New Delhi-110 028.
Editorial Policy: Editorial emphasis in Bakery Review magazine is on Today there are lots of innovative entrepreneurs running successful bakery
educational & informational material specifically designed to assist outlets in major cities of India. With knowledge, they also have passion for
those responsible for managing Bakery & Confectionery business.
Articles are welcome and will be published on the sole discretion creating innovative products and trying new techniques and ingredients for
of the editor.
their creations. Next financial year will surely witness more creativity and
Disclaimer: The editor and publisher believes that all information
contained in this publication are correct at the time of publishing. innovation in bakery products, keep watching this space.
Content published not necessarily are the opinion or view of the editor
and publisher. Editor and publisher declines any responsibility for any
action taken based on the information contained in this publication,
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Annual subscription rate within India is Rs. 500 and for overseas
it is US $110, for surface mail. Single issue is available for Rs. 90
in India and US $25 for overseas. Cheques are payable to Hammer
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2 Feb-Mar ’19
Customising Bakery
Business Opportunities in QSR’s 04 Event
Home Baked Goods
10 News Scan
Flour Processing
38 TREND 42 Interview
Challenges Facing India’s Bakery Industry
Breaking Fast in Post-Modern India 44 Product Preview
Feb-Mar ’19 3
Aahar 2019:
Going Strong against odds
AHAR – The International Food & Processing Industries (Govt. of India) and solutions; fitness & spa equipment; safety
Hospitality Fair took place at its Agricultural & Processed Food Products & security solutions; in-room technology
regular venue of Pragati Maidan, Export Development Authority (APEDA). and entertainment; hospitality support IT
New Delhi. AAHAR 2019 happened to be the The associates for the event were All solutions; furniture & interiors; carts and
34th edition of AAHAR, which is regarded India Food Processors Association (AIFPA), trolleys among others.
as the largest fair in the food & beverage Association of Resource Companies for Besides facilitating business, Aahar 2019
and the hospitality sectors in India. The the Hospitality Industry of India (ARCHII), also provided an effective platform of great
mega show for the food & beverage and Food and Hospitality Support Association opportunity for the global food & beverage
hospitality industry took place during 12th of India (FHSAI), Forum of Indian Food and hospitality industry to disseminate/
-16th March 2019. Importers (FIFI), and Hotel & Restaurant gather relevant information and gauge
The show over the period has grown by Equipment Manufacturers’ Association of ongoing and future trends, which can
leaps & bounds but due to renovation of India (HOTREMAI). greatly benefit many participants at the
the VENUE - Pragati Maidan, the area was AAHAR 2019 was demarcated into two fair. The mega event came across as an
reduced due to lack of space available. It concurrent exhibitions. ‘Hospitality India’ ideal platform for importers, overseas trade
was a logistic nightmare for the ITPO to covered hotel & restaurant equipment and delegations and Indian players in the food
handle such a large show against all odds. supplies and ‘Food India’ covered food, & beverage and hospitality realm, and also
Though there were multiple issues related to processed food & beverage products. for policy makers and media personnel to
organisation of the show, still it witnessed AAHAR 2019, like its earlier editions, exchange knowledge and information. The
good participation and visitors during five did have an exhaustive list of products event attracted a large number of business
days of the event. on display. They included fresh produce & visitors. The prominent among them was a
During the recent years and even dairy products; chocolate; desserts; bakery pavilion from China.
today Aahar is regarded as a well-known products & ingredients; organic & health AA H A R 2 01 9 att ra cte d ove r 6 0 0
destination for global vendors and sourcing products; frozen, canned & processed exhibitors from India, including foreign
professionals from the food & beverage and food; meat; poultry; sea food; cheese and participants from 20 foreign countries. The
hospitality industry. With the food industry fine specialty food; snacks; food additives foreign exhibitors at the fair were from USA,
in India, currently growing at a CAGR of 11 and preservatives; coffee; tea; syrups; China, Canada, Germany, Italy, Switzerland,
percent, the potential for AAHAR is only juices; energy drinks; other non-alcoholic Russia, Poland, and Turkey to name a few.
expected to get bigger in the near future. beverages; alcoholic beverages, bakery & Over the five days of the event, AAHAR
The event was meant exclusively for the confectionery equipment; food preparation 2019 attracted leading visitors from all
business visitors on its first four days. The equipment & supplies; food processing parts of India.
event was open for the business visitors and & packaging equipment; refrigeration / There were new products and trends
as well as for the general public on the last chillers / freezers; tableware & glassware showcased during the five day event.
day of the event. products; bar equipment & supplies; New companies from India and abroad
The event was being organised by storage units; kitchen support equipment; participated for the first time to showcase
the India Trade Promotion Organisation housekeeping products & supplies; laundry new product launches. HOTREMAI in
(ITPO), the premier trade promotion body & cleaning equipment; linen; furnishings; association with HPMF organised a seminar
of the Government of India. The event textiles; fabrics & apparels; bathroom on the purchasing trends in the hospitality
was supported by the Ministry of Food fittings & fixtures; lighting solutions; cooling industry.
4 Feb-Mar ’19
Feb-Mar ’19 5
6 Feb-Mar ’19
Feb-Mar ’19 7
HICSA 2019
(Hotel Investment Conference – South Asia)
3-4 April 2019
Grand Hyatt, Mumbai
8 Feb-Mar ’19
Give your tastebuds a wake up call!
Fruit Fillings
’19 | Frozen Fillings | Dry Fruits | Syrups | Chocolates | Dairy
10 Feb-Mar ’19
Feb-Mar ’19 11
'Elevated' Coffee sector, Vice President and Head of South East Asia Region
at PureCircle, Navneet Singh said, “Today Indian consumer is
Experience in Delhi strongly inclined to natural solutions that improve health and
wellness. Based on our consumer insights, we find consumers
Combining coffee with unique brewing methods, coffee chain Starbucks are trying to walk away from sugar but they don’t want artificial
offers an “elevated” coffee experience at its Green Park store in New sweeteners like sucralose and aspartame in their diet. So the
Delhi. choice for a natural zero calorie sweetener is really appealing
The Green Park store in New Delhi is one of Starbucks' only three to consumers trying to balance calories with ingredients that
“coffee forward” stores in the country that celebrate every aspect of they understand and are from nature.”
the coffee journey -- the bean, PureCircle, the world’s leading manufacturer and innovator
the grind, the brewing style, of Stevia sweetener for the global food and beverage industry
the coffee master, the pairings reveals that year 2019 is going to witness a new trend of
of beverage with food curated Stevia sweetened food and beverage launches in the country.
specially for the elevated Due to rising graph of obesity, diabetes and other health risks
coffee experience, and the associated with consumption of excess sugar has made a huge
design of the store. shift in the consumer demand. Consumers are increasingly
Th e ot h e r two “ coffe e opting for no sugar and natural sugar variants of their favourite
forward” stores are located in Lokhandwala, Mumbai; and Green sweets, especially during the festive time. Working closely with
Park, Bangaluru. established as well as emerging F&B brands in India, PureCircle
The design concept for the New Delhi Green Park store is based on sees this trend catching up in a big way in the country.
coffee trees, with artwork that reference coffee fields. At the heart of Stevia is extracted from plant leaf and is 400 times sweeter
the coffee-forward espresso bar lies the Black Eagle (manual espresso than regular sugar yet has no effect on the blood sugar. Unlike
machine) which makes quality and consistency of the espresso shot artificial sweeteners Stevia is completely safe for consumption
its mission. and has no side effects.
The “Chemex” is another example of a manual pour-over method. PureCircle’s research studies have shown that when used
The Chemex is an elegant one-piece hourglass shaped vessel, made in sugar-reduced food and beverages versus full sugar/
of high quality, heat-resistant glass. What distinguishes the Chemex calorie products to displace carbohydrates, high-purity Stevia
most is its special filters. They remove more of the coffee oils for leaf extract can help reduce blood glucose as well as energy
exceptionally clean coffee. consumption. Plant-based, zero calorie Stevia can be part of
The Green Park store is also the first store in Delhi to offer the a well-balanced diet to help reduce energy intake without
“Starbucks Nitro Cold Brew”, a small-batch cold brew coffee which is sacrificing taste. From kids to adults and diabetics to non-
slow-steeped, infused with nitrogen for a naturally sweet flavour and diabetics, PureCircle High Purity Stevia sweetener is for all
velvety smooth mouthfeel, Starbucks said. family consumption and offers great taste.
12 Feb-Mar ’19
Feb-Mar ’19 13
from the hospitality sector participated in the day-long activities customers, associates and communities like Family and these
focused on guiding customers & aspiring bakers with the latest family values drive us towards continuous improvement. Our team
design trends in the Global Bakery sector. Some of Rich’s esteemed of talented chefs work tirelessly to create newer recipes and
clients aka Bakeries - Maxin Bakeries, Master Bakers, JJ Bakers etc. applications that can help our customers to be relevant to the
were also present at the event. modern consumer. Today’s event is one such effort made by Rich’s
Commenting on the initiative, Pankajj Chaturvedi states, team to share our learning and knowledge with our family.”
14 Feb-Mar ’19
Feb-Mar ’19 15
Customising Bakery
Indian bakery industry is considered to be one of the largest sections of the Indian processed
food industry. Its main components are biscuits, bread, cakes and cookies. But biting into the
same shaped and identical tasting products becomes tedious particularly in this age when the
craving is for something new and innovative. The pastry chefs have endeavoured to come up
with some contemporary and pioneering ideas in terms of shape, size and ingredients used for
bakery products. Thus one now can get bread made from different ingredients and cakes in
different shapes, sizes and icings and cookies that are not only made from various ingredients
but also stuffed with various kinds of fillings. Ashok Malkani views the innovations that have been
incorporated in the baked goods, by various chefs, to keep the interests of the consumers alive.
16 Feb-Mar ’19
Feb-Mar ’19 17
desserts in the world, so it’s essential to introduce new anced diet and also helps prevent chronic diseases
products to keep customers happy. Some new innovations • Incorporating trendy cooking methods, sous vide
in bakery products have to do with ingredients used in cooking style, moist heat to maximize bakery productiv-
baked foods. Many talented bakers today choose to bake ity
using brown butter. Also many bakeries choose to use • Variations in packaging
natural colours instead of artificial ones. An advantage of • Curating bakery products which have a longer shelf
using natural colours is they enhance the taste of the food life
as well as its appearance. Also, baked foods that contain • Ready-to-eat products with a high nutritional value
natural colouring are healthier to eat. Another innovation • Hydroponic produce
in baking is baked foods with a quirky appearance. Such Ajay Anand, Director of Culinary, Pullman and
foods don’t look too good to eat, but actually, tempt Novotel New Delhi Aerocity, declares, “Innovation is
people to eat them because of their quirky and fun shape.” an important attribute to gastronomy at Pullman &
Rajat Sachdev Virendra Rathore, Pastry Sous Chef, Sheraton Novotel New Delhi Aerocity. For instance, recently we
Hyderabad Hotel Gachobowli states, “The bakery introduced new, bold and exotic flavours such as oreo
industry is constantly evolving and in order to keep up gateaux, blueberry & lime, orange crackle cake, walnut
one has to regularly keep innovating and experimenting. and blue cheese. Additionally, we use glaze that gives
At Sheraton Hyderabad Hotel, we have introduced a shine to our products, making them more appetizing.
Ragi bread and Ragi pastries that are layered with Further, we have introduced new flavours of bread such
dairy-free cream. We have also curated a sugar-free as potato focaccia, walnut blue cheese and rye bread.”
chocolate Ragi pastry for patrons who want to savour K.S.Mahesh, senior executive chef, Radisson Blu
sweets without worrying about cheating on their diets. Resort Goa Cavelossim Beach, states, “In present times
Gluten free cakes, pastries and breads are amongst the it is very important to be innovative in bakery, keeping
signature delicacies at our property.” in mind a few key factors such as nutritional value
Pradeep Rawat, Sous Chef, JW Marriott Mussoorie of food, procurement of raw produce and the way it
Vikas Vibhuti Walnut Grove Resort & Spa, asserts, “If one wants can be used. The traditional methods and practices of
to be successful in the bakery industry, he needs baking should be well balance with modern techniques
to constantly innovate and update his techniques. to create a final distinctive appearance, textures and
Baking is a competitive industry today and trends are mouth feel. There is a wide range of produce available
always evolving in terms of techniques, ingredients worldwide. The following are a few of them:
and similar. Innovations are the answer to changing • Single origin chocolates which are procured from
customer demands. Currently, we are addressing the the best cocoa producing regions of the world.
requirement for healthy and organic ingredients. Refined • Use of ancient grains such as teff, einkorn, ama-
flour, saturated fats and even white sugar are finding ranth, millet, Tsampa and many more.
innovative and healthy substitutes by chefs, in order to • Use of botanicals to give floral notes such as of
give customers what they are looking for customisation rose, lavender and hibiscus; alongside savoury flavours
Manjul Myne is also an upcoming trend that guests look forward to.” from thyme, rosemary and basil.
Ashutosh Gairola, Bakery Head Chef, Renaissance • More and more use of sprits and flavoured liquors
Bengaluru Race Course Hotel affirms, “Bakery industry to create new impression to one’s palette.
is sweeping the market with innovative food items. • We can call it edible art, creating spectacular
The fundamental trend that is catching up is the quest products such as potted plants, whole fruits and even a
to become Gluten-free. Consumers are demanding few equipment’s and devices, with a very multi textured
‘cleaner’ bakery products. There is also a trend in mouth feel.”
cakes using chalky pastels unlike the traditional bright
colored versions. Innovations and strategies are the key Cakes & Cookies
to success. In the present day scenario, the innovations When one talks of innovative products one is left
that bakers have come up with are those that have set wondering what can be innovative in cakes and cookies.
a trend mark. One such most popular innovation is the Well the pastry chefs have come up with innovative
Rahul Shetty
introduction of fondant, customised and theme cakes.” ideas even for these products.
Mahesh Padala, Executive Chef, The Westin Ajay Anand disclosed, “A large sweet producer can
Hyderabad Mindspace, lists the new innovations in innovate in a mature cake market by using new trends
bakery products: prevailing in the bakery industry. The new tools available
• Using alternatives for sugar, for instance, replacing in the market are stencils, bases, moulds and similar.
sugar with fruits in ice cream They can even venture in preparing sugar-free products,
• Gluten and allergen free products gluten-free products and many more. At Cafe Pluck at
• Fresh farm produce Pullman New Delhi Aerocity, we are also innovating
• Substitute to traditional flour to meet dietary meal in cookies gateaux, bread, garnishes, sugar content,
requests chocolate, salt dough, etc.
• Maximising the use of functional ingredients like Mahesh Padala states, “With the innovative trends
Waqar Ahmed quinoa, corn, sorgo flour, etc, which improve an unbal- in bakery, the cake market is putting continuous efforts
18 Feb-Mar ’19
Feb-Mar ’19 19
on designer cakes and dessert cakes based on regional and adopting the use of more holistic ingredients that
and international market trends and styles. As far as create less calorie and fat-laden baked foods. We’ve
cookies are concerned, with the emerging trends of also incorporated new styles of baking that are centred
2019, chefs have started to innovate cookies with on specified themes.”
whole wheat, multigrain and gluten free options.” Waqar Ahmed believes that cake market can be
Rahul Shetty iterates, “A large cake bakery can made innovative by “using nutritious ingredients,
innovate by adopting new concepts to make their no-preservative products, adding natural colours and
creations stand out in terms of enhanced freshness, flavours, avoiding sugar and substituting it with natural
maximum nutrition and authentic flavor in their cakes sweeteners.”
and cookies.” Gopal Jha claims that nowadays desserts do not
Ashutosh Gairola says “Large cake bakeries can mean only cakes. “Desserts like tiramisu, macaroons,
innovate by introducing new filling combinations and and truffles are also consumed. There is an elaborate
pairings and having amusing shapes of cakes. In the range of sweets ranging from sorbets, gelatos, candies
field of cookies we at Renaissance Bengaluru Race to Indian milk sweets. Our bakery, at Grand Mercure
Course Hotel have used local indigenous flours like Ragi, Bangalore, has a variety of innovative desserts like
which is healthy and lends very a different flavour and granita, different flavours of macaroons with different
texture to the cookies. We also experiment with a range toppings, fruit & cream based desserts, truffles,
of savoury cookies with diverse savoury elements.” miniature verrine and more. Therefore, I would like to
Vikas Vibhuti states, “In the present scenario, most stress that innovations in bakery is not confined to
of the innovation revolves around health benefits, only cookies or cakes.”
dietary requirements or are occasion based. Few of Neelabh Sahay believes that whether it is cakes
the innovations we see are: or cookies, “innovation is the result of dedicated R&D.
Ashutosh Gairola • Dietary or customised breads These days, the major focus is on a gluten-free, vegan
• Use of Prebiotic, probiotic or antioxidant ingredi- and a sugar-free world that is why most chefs or bakers
ents now do their bread-baking with pumpkin seed, ground
• Gluten and allergen-free breads, pastries and cakes flax seed, Chia Seed, Psyllium husk and similar. Apart
• Healthier desserts; low calorie, no carb, keto from that making sugar-free cookies and cakes with
• Creative Pralines and lollies oatmeals is another new trend.”
• Innovative and artistic cupcakes Avinash Kumar states that innovation in “cakes
• Popsicles and frozen desserts, trendy designs and other sweets creates a greater USP in terms of
• Contrasting or weird flavour combinations healthy eating as well as making them more kids’
• Ornamental donuts with various fillings friendly. Innovation is not just confined to cakes and
• Desserts on the go cookies, at Tubbby’s, Novotel Imagica Khopoli, we have
• Innovative designs in terms of celebration cakes innovated vegan banana oatmeal cake, vegan cheese
Ajay Anand Pradeep Rawat declares, “At JW Marriott Mussoorie cake, strawberry chia verrines, sugar free pumpkin
Walnut Grove Resort and Spa, we are working on tiramisu and more.”
the current trends in baking, and promoting wellness Siva Kumar disclosed, “At ibis & Novotel Bengaluru
through healthy eating habits. We freshly bake a Techpark we have curated healthy cookies with
wide range of healthy cookies using natural and pure muesli and chia seed which has rich fiber, protein and
ingredients which are uncommon in bakery such as, calcium. Today everything is about personalisation
buttermilk cookies, broken wheat, oats, quinoa, flax and customisation. It’s possible to incorporate this in
seeds etc.” certain cases by knowing the consumer needs such as
Virender Rathore, avers that bakers specialising in allergies, dietary requirements and more. Accordingly,
cakes are now innovating and improvising by using customised breads can be curated.”
healthy oils and ingredients to meet the demands of Rajesh Yadav asserts, “In this competitive market,
the customers. At Sheraton Hyderabad Hotel, we freshly producers can come up with various innovative and
Gopal Jha bake a wide range of healthy cookies using natural creative ideas for cakes and other bakery products.
ingredients along with innovative healthy treats like Cookies can be of various types. We at Holiday Inn
ragi bread and pastries, granola and gluten-free bars Mumbai have introduced some healthy cookies like
amongst others.” whole wheat cookies, low fat cookies, and cookies
Niklesh Sharma is of the opinion that innovation without using flour, which tastes good and are healthy.
in bakery is not confined merely to cookies. He adds, You may even make customised biscuits. We also have
“We, at Academy of Pastry Arts, teach our students gluten free bakery products and also some Indian style
to learn baking and to experiment as well. Such cookies made of Methi and Mint.”
experimentation allows our students to thrive when Rajat Sachdev states, “The cake market today has
they work professionally. It allows them to create a grown manifold and a large sweet goods producer must
unique signature style of baking that differentiates be aware with the ongoing wave of trends in the cake
them from their peers. Some innovations we have industry. The strength of individual goods producers
Virender Rathore made include crafting unique cakes for individuals is their loyal customer base and control over their
20 Feb-Mar ’19
Feb-Mar ’19 21
quality and freshness. They should leverage Seed Savoury Biscotti, Almond Meringue buckwheat for a healthy lifestyle.”
this strength to expand their goodwill and Cookie, etc. which are extremely famous Waqar Ahmed disclosed, “At Hilton
curate unique delicacies that can compete with amongst our patrons.” Bangalore Embassy Golf Links we customise
the cake giants. Customers want to explore Alok Singh states, “In a mature cake breads in different shapes, sizes and unique
international flavours with authentic fillings market larger sweet goods producers would ingredients as per the guest request.”
and ingredients to satisfy their preferences innovate with the developing trends like Niklesh Sharma says, “Several bakeries are
and curiosity. For example, Japan is one of the reducing calories and fat content, using providing customers the option to customise
frontrunners in cake innovation. Their cakes natural flavours, nutritional value ingredients, their breads, by paying a little more.”
such as steam cakes, Dora Yaki and Manju more of fruit natural resources and local Ajay Anand avers, “We at Cafe Pluck at
cakes, are highly valued around the world seasonal flavours. Pullman New Delhi Aerocity have customised
and are often bought as souvenir gifts. The We, at Crowne Plaza Pune City Centre, bread to cater to guests who are on a gluten-
Japanese have also perfected the art of cake have innovated in cookies market with our free/sugar-free diet or are allergic to nuts.”
making with their friendly and amusing shapes, oats & jaggery cookies which are 100% K.S.Mahesh declares, “Customised breads
bringing out the playfulness in a novel way. At healthy & innovative. They are also our best are quite popular with people today as it gives
Sofitel Mumbai BKC, we have demonstrated the sellers.” you opportunity to create a unique flavour and
idea to customise cakes as per the consumer keeps the bread interesting. Customisation
flavours and likes. This can be seen in the Customised Bread can be done considering various key factors
recent produce, wherein we have customised Bread is a major product of the bakery such as shape, type of flour used, additional
cakes such as the Jack Daniels barrel and the industry but today the consumer is no longer of herbs or spices, type of crust etc. This can
customised Minion cake. satisfied with the regular white bread loaves. be achieved only after vast knowledge and
The basic trends in bakery and pastry They want different ingredients and shapes. baking experience to identify which bread
innovation are related to Health, Pleasure Customised bread is their demand. So how dough would be the best to customise also
and Convenience. Cookies are a classic far can the bakers succeed in this? keeping in mind three key factors of visual
favourite, and are being experimented with Manjul Myne avers “The consumers today appeal, texture and mouth feel.”
fun-filled toppings, botanical essences, know exactly what they want, especially, Rahul Shetty revealed, “We, at Bengaluru
berry flavoured cookies, gooey cookies, when it comes to their tastes and health. Marriott Whitefield, have many country
brownie cookies and more. Apart from the G i ve n t h e a d va n ce d e q u i p m e nt a n d style artisan breads which we create in our
taste, innovations are also being made with technology, making customised bread for pastry shop including the garlic parmesan,
different textures and shapes to give the regular patrons is very much possible and multigrain, sesame and carrot, to name
good old cookie an edgy twist along with is a trend that is fast picking up these days.” a few. We also make a lot of customised
the ingredients according to its reigns such Alok Singh adds “Bakeries can make breads in our pastry shop depending on our
as Flavoured Ciabatta,Rustic Sour Dough, customised breads. And they can afford it customer’s requirements.”
Lavash Bread etc.” as most of them have a high volume of the Ashutosh Gairola states “Customisation
Manjul Myne professes, “There are diverse consumption of the breads.” of bread normally involves using flour and
ways in which a sweet goods producer can Sheriyar Dotivala asserts that customised grains asked for by the guests. People these
introduce an innovative concept in cakes. bread is possible but at a special price. days are getting away from gluten; hence
Given that patrons today want to explore Rajat Sachdev discloses, “Bakeries are many gluten free recipes are there which
new international flavours especially in introducing the concept where customers can be used for making customised breads
bakery and desserts, a sweet-goods producer can choose their ingredients and add them as per the need of customers.”
can innovate and come up with new products to the bread of their choice to give it a more Vi kas Vi b h u t i ass e rts , “ B re a d
based on exotic flavours, pairings and personalised touch. Customisation is key to customisations are mostly based on health
healthier key ingredients in cake-making. A provide consumers with a unique product.” and dietary requirements. Paleo diet bread,
baker can always substitute whole-wheat Rajesh Yadav concedes, “Customised Gluten free, Keto bread, high fiber, high
flour for half or full white flour or use breads are also possible but it requires protein, super seed breads, low carb loaves
superfood ingredients like Avocado, Greek time. We, at Holiday Inn Mumbai, have are examples of some of the trending bread
yoghurt, Flax seeds, Banana, Quinoa, etc. made complete whole wheat breads and customisations available today.”
or substitute sugar with natural sweeteners many more.” P ra d e e p Rawat aff i r m s “ Th e n ew
like jaggery and palm sugar. Presentation is Avinash Kumar says, “If the demand is technologies and the array of ingredients
another area where the baking industry can there then the supply of customised bread available have made it possible for bakeries
progress further. A fancy attractive cake is would not be a problem.” to produce customised bread.”
always an attraction. Neelabh Sahay claims, “Making Virender Rathore, iterates “With a 24
In cookies, Rolled Oats Granola Bar is customised bread is possible, albeit, within hour prior notice, we, at Sheraton Hyderabad
a local favourite at Chandigarh Baking a restricted product line. For this, bakeries Hotel, can customise breads as per our
Co, JW Marriott Chandigarh. The exclusive need to invest some values for the training customer’s preference. Prior notice helps
recipe is a healthy mix of flax seeds, rolled and development of the human resource in sourcing uncommon ingredients, if any.”
oats, sultanas, honey, maple, etc. making because it requires skills to delivery variety.” Yes, there are no two opinions about the
it a healthier and attractive option for our Gopal Jha declares “customisation of fact that the bakery is constantly innovating
patrons. We also have options like the Nut breads depends on the demand. Breads – be it in terms of ingredients, shapes of the
Crunch Cookie, Chickpea and Coriander can be made with oats, millets, quinoa or products or technology. n
22 Feb-Mar ’19
Feb-Mar ’19 23
in QSR’s
Food industry has been booming in recent times. One of the factors responsible for this is
the rising disposable income of the middle class which, according to NRAI, is expected to
rise to Rs 51,000 crore in 2021, from Rs. 20,400 crore in 2016. Quick Service Restaurants’
business has been growing exponentially and is expected to touch Rs. 25,000 crore by 2020.
The increasing demand has not only prompted international chains from expanding their
business in India but has also tempted several Indian entrepreneurs to jump into the fray.
Several new ones are eyeing the market with interest. Ashok Malkani presents a kaleidoscopic
image of the QSR industry to enable newcomers make a success of their proposed project.
24 Feb-Mar ’19
Feb-Mar ’19 25
Once the licenses are acquired there are
various other aspects that a restaurateur
h a s t o t a ke i n t o co n s i d e rat i o n fo r
26 Feb-Mar ’19
Feb-Mar ’19 27
Managing operations mass produced in the central kitchen. Generally, in a QSR, the tendency is on
When it comes to improving restaurant The patties and fries are semi cooked in impulse buying. One of the main reasons
operations, several things come to mind: the main kitchen and they are just fried why the customers visit a QSR is because
cleaning schedules, side work, food safety before being served. The rest of the stuff they provide simple food with a familiar
guidelines, daily sales reporting, and – buns, vegetables and sauces are all from taste at a quick pace. Since there has to
more. One of the important factors is external sources. Since consistency is of be an extremely short period in which
that of product standardisation. This can great importance gauge the caliber of the the menu has to roll to customers, plan
be achieved by planning menu so that supplier who will meet goals of excellence menu to ensure that everyone can not
the base ingredients are the same. As in taste. Remember, standardisation and only understand it. It is also necessary
is common knowledge, in QSR business staff training are the two major factors to have suitably priced items which are
only assembling happens in the kitchen, for efficient management of operations. desired by the customers.
while about 90% of the cooking and To gauge the customers’ likes and
preparation happens at the Central or Menu planning dislikes research the acceptability of
Base Kitchen. For example, in a burger, While planning menu one has to understand different products. Once done, can decide
the sauces, patties and fries all are the buying trends of the customers. the cuisine and create the right menu.
Experts advise the dishes with same base
ingredients, a combination of the same
sauces and least amount of assembly
Pricing also plays an important role.
One of the major factors for making a
QSR a success is the pricing. If products
are priced highly, as compared to the
competitors, one would be out of the
running as far as the success of QSR is
Marketing strategy
India, with a population of over a billion
people provides ample opportunities
for QSRs. While this has led to a rapid
28 Feb-Mar ’19
Feb-Mar ’19 29
30 Feb-Mar ’19
Feb-Mar ’19
’19 Hammer Food & Beverage Business Review 51
32 Feb-Mar ’19
who have started baking customised According to Chef Balendra Singh, “Home
products. Women who are baking from bakers keep themselves updated by joining
their homes are not just baking cakes but short courses at any Baking schools. They
cupcakes and even cookies to meet the also keep themselves tuned to online videos
client’s needs and demands. They are also and classes. They subscribe to many tutorials
replacing traditional ‘mithai’ as gifts for which are available online”.
festivals like Diwali by producing new baked
items & even chocolate products. Customising Preferences
Most cakes are full of sugar, refined
Hobby to Business flours and preservatives. There was a need
Home bakers, today have taken the bakery for a healthier take on the treats we all
market by a storm for a number of reasons. crave. Also the market for vegetarian and
Many home bakers started baking only eggless cakes is increasing exponentially.
as hobby and passion are now started With home bakers around they offer plenty
developing business model to monetise their of freshly baked brownies, cookies, cakes to
hobby. Especially during major seasons they from this some special breads like brioche suit the customer requirements. The market
are the busiest lot producing for festivals, and may be different type of cakes, cookies for high end cakes across the country is
weddings and corporate events. etc. Home bakers don’t bake in bulk so increasing at high pace. There is a need for
Home bakers constitute a small and their pricing are always a little higher than customisation and personalisation of cakes
unorganised part of the larger baking from standard bakeries. Thus sometimes and home bakers are perfect solution for the
industry. The home bakers on an average it is difficult to convince customers on same. It thus, represents a product which is
take up around 4-6 orders per week, the Pricing vs. Creativity, Designs and unique to taste and liking of individuals. Here
depending on design and size. There is no Presentation”, asserts Chef Balendra Singh. are the top 5 reasons, why home bakers are
dearth of orders but the home bakers do like Chef Rishabh Anand believes, “Home changing the bakery market:
to limit how many bakes they do per week. Bakers have pricing issue with clients because Quality - Home bakers choose to bake
Being an unorganised sector, pricing is they are confronted on adding a ‘Value Tab’ every bread, every piece of cake with
not an issue nor is standardised. The bakers on what they are offer”. appropriate ingredients to taste and health,
have their own method of pricing based upon Home bakers are normally customer just the way they bake it for family. Home
the ingredients they use, the design and the centric and try to offer personalised bakers thus, have always assured their
quantity. On an average, a cake of about 3-5 creations for special moments crafted products to have a hundred per cent check
kgs takes somewhere between 6-12 hours of to create an unforgettable experience. on quality.
effort which is usually spread across days. These special occasions can be birthdays, Pricing - As home bakery is run by
The experts and experienced home bakers weddings, anniversaries, corporate events individuals and not a part of any commercial
take lesser time than the ones who are new or major festivals. Though customised cakes setup every ingredient is handpicked,
to baking. Starting from discussion on the are not new to India, over the past decade assuring the quality of the ingredients at
design, finalising the design, execution of home bakers have been actively baking and affordable prices. Since home bakeries are
the design till delivery, it is a process that crafting cakes. run keeping a pocket friendly approach
requires hard work and attention to detail. and it is thus available to a larger number
The more intricate the design the more of customers than any regular commercial
you pay for the craft. In fact you would be bakery.
surprised to know that there are trained Personalised – Each and every order
professionals who are known as cake artists. prepared by a home baker begins only after
According to Prakash Sanghvi, Director, the order has been placed and confirmed.
Delta Nutritives Pvt. Ltd., “Home bakers like This further ensures that every order is
to work with ingredients which have better freshly made for every individual customer.
shelf life, which are easier to store and not Thus, each and every product produced by
very costly in terms of pricing. As far as home bakers has an element of freshness,
quality is concerned sometime they tend to love as well as creativity. And what is better
compromise on ingredients. Since they are than the aroma of freshly baked breads and
making products themselves they tend to cakes?
maintain quality and creativity. Since they Convenience - Home delivery has come
are home bakers their investment is very as a magic wand for overseas customers
minimal thus they can offer competitive as they can show their love by sending
prices”. goodies to their home town. With the advent
“Home bakers are very experimental. of technology in our hyperactive world,
They create very exotic products and always e-commerce is assuring ease and perfection
customise for clients, products like cakes in in every field. Home bakers; today too have
jars, sugar free, theme based cakes, gluten taken up e-commerce as a mode to reach
free, vegan free, keto diet products and apart Chef Rishabh Anand out to maximum customers. It has been
Feb-Mar ’19 33
Business Promotions
Internet has played a major role in the
promotion of the home bakers which
provides huge exposure to them. Social
media has helped home bakers to reach out
to a bigger niche of audiences. In the earlier
times it was only the commercial bakeries
which were widely available. However,
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other
social media platforms are adding to the
popularity of home bakers. Home bakers
have started surfacing on internet, being
playing an important role in delivering every home, they cannot install big machines and more available to one and all by displaying
product with ease and in perfect condition. equipments. their products online.
Many home bakers these days therefore Lack of Promotions: They cannot market Chef Rishabh Anand agrees, “Home
provide on door availability of cake or other their product aggressively as standard bakers promote themselves through Social
goodies at desired destination bakers can. They mostly rely on personal media like face book, instagram, twitter and
Home bakers do prove to have an edge contacts and word of mouth. other social sites. They regularly post and
over the regular commercial bakers. The Limited range of products: Most home share their creations on these platforms.
drool-worthy chocolate cookies, almond- bakers specialise in few products and Home bakers also create their own website
glazed cake, honey-cake with walnut as well therefore do not offer full range of bakery and post new creations”.
as lemon are just a few things we love and items. Re s i d e n t i a l t a rg et m a r ket fo r m s
should not be missed upon. So, if you love Low shelf life: Since all products are a major consumer segment of bakeries. If
decadent chocolate cakes, treat yourself customised they cannot be sold to other Home Bakers establish their quality along
to the finest from some of the best home customers, therefore unsold products are with the pricing and availability, the word
bakers in town. unsold. of mouth will do the rest. “
Pricing: Customer always compare their Chef Balendra Singh adds, “Major market
Limitations & Challenges price with what is available in the bakery that is targeted by home bakers is within
“The market for high end cakes across shops. friends, relatives and neighbours. It is
the country is increasing at a seemingly Time constraint: Since they work on important to create a share for your products
high pace. Clients want customisation and limited time frame and resources, they among clients through word of mouth and
personalisation of cakes and other baker’s cannot generate large quantities. special promotions during occasions and
delight. It thus, represents a product which is festivals”.
unique in taste and liking of individuals. Home According to Prakash Sanghvi, “Home
bakers stand out and take the challenge to bakers follow social media; sometimes they
cater to customers’ needs by focussing and attend workshops by renowned bakers and
designing each order individually, whether also visit all types of bakery expos”.
it’s related to cake design, icing, pricing, The market for high-end cakes is certainly
hamper, packaging, cake table setup for their growing in Delhi NCR and other metro cities.
grand or small occasion or just giving in to Indian customers are developing a taste for
their sweet tooth occasionally”, states Chef high-quality products,
Rishabh Anand. According to Technopak cakes and
According to Chef Balindra Singh, “since bakery products is one of the fastest
home baking is a part time business, bakers growing food segments, growing at a rate
have to strike a balance between their of 20-25% annually. Industry players put
routine work and baking”. They normally face the size of the market at Rs 850 crore in
major limitations & challenges like: the organised HoReCa (hotels/ restaurants
Limited capital: They cannot compete with /catering) segment. Indian consumers,
standard bakers as they have less capital and especially millennials, are very comfortable
therefore less investments opportunities for with international cuisines and flavours and
machinery and tools. patronise established brands as much as new
Lack of space: Since they operate from Prakash Sanghvi bakeries and home bakers.
34 Feb-Mar ’19
Feb-Mar ’19 35
Flour Processing
In continuation to the series of articles on managing Flour for the best use in
development of bakery products, this is concluding recommendation for Flour Processing.
By Rudolf Strätker
36 Feb-Mar ’19
Ms Lynn How
Koelnmesse Pte Ltd
Tel: +65 6500 6712
Feb-Mar ’19 37
h e b a ke ry i n d u s t ry i n I n d i a i s
experiencing robust growth – over
nine per cent – according to a recent
report. It is a huge industry, employing a
large number of people. In fact, with over
one million unorganised small-scale bakeries
and more than 2,000 organised or semi-
organised bakeries, the bakery sector is
the largest of all the segments of India’s
food processing sector. A report released by
leading market research company IMARC in
March 2019 stated that the Indian bakery
market reached a value of $7.22 billion demand for bakery products in India, it experimenting with lighter items. Even
in 2018. The market value is projected to added. traditional bakeries are now innovating new
exceed $12 billion within the next five years, products to cater to the growing demand for
expanding at a compound annual growth rate Trends in Indian Bakery healthier foods.
(CAGR) of 9.3 per cent during 2019-2024. One clear trend that has emerged in the Another trend that has emerged in recent
As b a ke ry p ro d u cts p rov i d e b ot h bakery industry is the preference for lighter years is a preference for handcrafted items.
convenience and affordability to the and healthier foods. Gone are the days The sheer variety of handcrafted chocolates
consumers, their consumption level has when stores were full of only white breads. that becomes available during festivals
witnessed a rise in the past few years,” Now one can have multigrain bread, brown points towards the growing demand for such
according to the report titled “Indian Bakery bread or even gluten-free bread if someone items in the country. The demand is growing
Market: Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, is intolerant to this family of proteins found not just for handcrafted chocolates, but also
Opportunity and Forecast 2019-2024”. in grains like wheat, rye, etc. And these for other bakery items.
A large part of this market – nearly 80 products are not limited to a few urban These trends also show that the people
per cent – is captured by bread and biscuits corners. They have spread across the length are not shying away from paying a little
which are items of mass consumption. In and breadth of the country. And it is not more than what they prefer if they get the
fact, India is second only to the US in terms only breads which have become healthier. products of their choice – healthy, hygienic
of biscuit production. As breads and biscuits The same can be said of biscuits, cakes and and tasty. This is especially true in urban
are fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG), many other items. The rise of diabetes in the India, though the trend is catching fast in
they are consumed on a daily basis by country has also led to a rise in the demand other areas of the country as well.
the consumers, which is main reason for for sugar-free bakery products. Overall, this All these augur well for small unorganised
increases in sales of these products in India. trend towards healthier items has been bakery stores in India because they can now
“In addition to this, growth in the fast- driven by increasing health consciousness. concentrate on producing quality products
food chains further stimulates the demand So the time now has come for companies without bothering much about whether they
for breads as they are used for sandwiches, like Sustenance Foods which recently would be able to make reasonable profit
burgers, soups, snacks, etc.,” the report introduced handcrafted granola that is out of the products that could be priced
stated. Moreover, introduction of value- gluten-free, packed with nuts and seeds slightly higher.
added bakery products is giving an impetus and sweetened with locally sourced organic
to the market growth. Apart from this, honey to flourish. In fact, the trend towards Challenges Facing the Industry
busy lifestyles, changing eating habits and healthier bakery items has grown so strong The growth of an industry also brings its
western influence has reflected in a strong that it is not just new bakeries that are own challenges and the most important of
38 Feb-Mar ’19
them being increasing adequate capacity to and a room where open food is handled.
meet the new-age demands. For example, to No food or ingredients should be stored in
meet the demand for healthier food, bakeries this intervening space,” states the FSSAI
need to invest in making the facilities more guidance document.
hygienic and also hiring new people with Getting the right people is another
knowledge of such products. One cannot challenge. This is because, traditionally,
produce gluten-free bread in a facility that the industry has not put much emphasis
also produces products containing gluten. on imparting training on various facets of
Making facilities hygienic also requires the industry to make the workforce future-
that there should be adequate number ready. This is not to say that the the training
of toilets, hand-washing facilities and institutes in the country are not equipped to
changing rooms for the workers. According impart proper training. But there appears to
to a “Guidance Document on Food Safety be a need for the industry to build a culture and ingredient costs,” states the FSSAI
Management System” produced by Food of regular training and also give confidence document.
Safety and Standards Authority of India to young aspiring bakers that investing in “The sector reports a strong need for
(FSSAI), it is important for food production education to learn the nuances of the bakery more training institutes which can produce
facilities to have wash basins, drying industry is worth their money and time. skilled workers who are knowledgeable not
facilities (cloth towel should not be used), The increase in demand for fortified only about the trade but are also competent
soap, disinfectant, dustbin, tap and suitable items – which include fibre, antioxidants, in implementing the food safety and hygiene
temperature controlled water supply. It also omega-3 oils, and vitamin and mineral requirements prescribed in the country’s
requires the facilities to have sufficient fortifications -- also pose new challenges food laws,” document says.
number and separate hygienically for the industry. “The addition of inclusions Innovating new products is another big
designed toilets with proper flushing to baked products requires modifications to challenge for industry in view of increasing
facilities for male and female employees. the original product formula, thus creating competition in the market. There is also
“The toilets shall not open directly to the a new product from an existing one. Such need to increase awareness about the digital
food production area and shall be maintained modifications can be challenging to bakers technologies and usefulness of social media
in clean and hygienic condition. There must as changes in formulation may result in the platforms that can help bakeries in the
be an intervening space between the toilet need for changes to equipment, processes unorganised sector reach a wider market.
Feb-Mar ’19 39
Breaking Fast in
Post-Modern India By Swarnendu Biswas
he role of breakfast in our daily routine beverages. breads, idlis, sandwiches, healthy cereals
cannot be overstated. It is perhaps Young executives working in professional and fruit juices. The healthy breakfast trend
the most important of all meals; a organisations who are staying alone in big has already begun to gather momentum in
hearty breakfast can greatly facilitate to cities of post-modern India are one of the urban India…
give a good and cheerful start to the day. key market segments for the manufacturers “Breakfast is considered as one of the
However, nowadays many in urban India of breakfast market in India. most important meals. And breakfast has
have busy lifestyles, due to both husband Particularly, the young brigade of India become or is becoming an essential part of
and wife working across nuclear families; is eager to try new food products, far away coffee shops in urban India. At our resort,
due to long working and commuting hours, from traditional heavy and oily food. Their guests are generally on holiday, and as
etc. This gives them very less time to cook experimental nature and growing health such they dine at leisure. But spending
elaborate breakfast arrangements. consciousness are probably contributing good amount of time in breakfast does not
towards the mushrooming of several sleek mean they are eating heavy. People are now
Influencing Trends cafes across urban India; cafes which are increasingly getting health conscious and are
Moreover, as the economy is growing, we also serving up as breakfast outlets. seeking filling food but are strictly avoiding
see that lots of students, expats and single Many among these upwardly mobile oily stuff,” elaborated Tanya Agrawal,
working professionals are coming to metros young professionals and students prefer to Director, Shri Radha Brij Vasundhara Resort
and other big cities of the country, in search have quick and healthy breakfast that meets & Spa, Govardhan, Mathura.
of their career and aspirations. Many among their desire for taste, convenience and price. “Traditional north Indian food like
them do not have the time or the skill or both They often go to cafés to have quick but parantha and puri are not being consumed
to cook an elaborate and tasty breakfast. healthy bites, supplemented by coffee or tea as much these days, in Indian breakfasts, as
At the same time, owing to the spread of and fresh fruits or juice. it used to be in the earlier times. Nowadays
television, Internet and a spate of lifestyle All these happenings in the socio- we are seeing more and more people in India
diseases, people in urban India these days economic sphere of urban India during the consuming raw fruits, juices, skimmed milk,
have become more health conscious on last decade or so have paved the way for sprouts, muesli and cornflakes in breakfast.
an average; they do exercise, go to gym, new breakfast trends. People are looking Also breakfasting crowd in restaurants often
and prefer to eat healthy, they prefer food for breakfast options which are healthy, ask for nuts, yoghurt and honey. Request for
which have less calories and more fibre. tasty, fast to prepare or still better, ready- normal tea has gone down and people are
With the health consciousness and beauty to-eat, and are convenient to have on the seen ordering green tea and coffee without
consciousness being at an all time high in go. Breakfast options which cater to any of milk in breakfasts in our resort,” explained
our society, there is a growing need not only the above parameters are expected to be a Tanya further.
for sumptuous breakfast but also for healthy success, and breakfast options which satisfy
breakfast options. all these four parameters are sure to be a Breakfast Cafes?
Then there is a considerable proportion success, in India’s growing breakfast market. At present, India’s breakfast market in the
of upwardly mobile young crowd in India, The new-age breakfast trends are realm of food service industry is dominated
who, thanks to the growing impact of reflected in the replacement of aloo paratha by street vendors and small South Indian
Internet, overseas travel, and television, with dollops of butter, and of chole bhatura restaurants. However, India has seen the
have developed a global taste for food & from our breakfast tables with wholegrain emergence of sleek outlets which are acting
40 Feb-Mar ’19
Feb-Mar ’19 41
Passionate, Alive
and Happy – for
productive Work
By Sharmila Chand
What is the current trend in Chef Mark Long, they have always been an
Chef Ashutosh is currently the Indian Bakery industry? inspiration to me.
head of the bakery section at With rapid growth and changing eating
Renaissance Bengaluru Race habits of people, bakery products have What are your Hot Selling
Course Hotel. With over a decade gained popularity amongst the masses. bakery items?
of experience in his career he Over the last few years that diners have Some of our hot selling bakery items include
has slowly built and developed become quite health conscious and demand the signature Orange Cloud Entremet,
his skillset while working for for desserts made with fresh organic Cinnamon Buns, and the Sea Salt Dark
many hospitality brands like ingredients, sugar free and gluten free. Chocolate Chip Cookies amongst others.
T h e Le e l a G r o u p , W e s t i n , For pastries and desserts, I see many
Hyatt and now currently with pastry chefs going back to the classics and What is the demand these days
Marriott International in different creating traditional French pastries, and in Bakery?
capacities through the years. then updating them in new and exciting As more Indians are travelling, pastry trends
Originally from Rishikesh, Chef ways. More and more people are revisiting in the Indian baking industry are also
Ashutosh draws inspiration for the classics. evolving. A trend that we have seen growing
his surroundings and imbibes the is a fusion of two independent products like
same into all of his hand crafted How did you become a Pastry a Croibom (Croissant + bombolone), cronuts
products. His signature dishes Chef? (croissant + doughnuts), cruffins (croissants
include “Orange Cloud Cake” and Well it started from joining the school for + muffins), amongst others. Also, new
“Dharthi Chocolate Mud Pot”. In hotel management where I developed an unusual flavored doughnuts are in demand.
his free time he loves indulging interest towards cooking, and from there
in local cuisine and is an avid to the pastry kitchen, where I found my What about the health
photographer and food stylist passion and felt most alive and happy. quotient? How do you take
as well. care of that aspect?
In an exclusive interview with Who are your idols, who all There are many healthy substitutes to
Sharmila Chand, he talks about have inspired you? explore the several ways in which we can
his work philosophy and more… I am in awe of Chef Marco Pierre White and add a sprinkle of health to our baked goods.
42 Feb-Mar ’19
Fruit purees: These not only add natural Quality fresh ingredients: The consistency they do, and do what they love.
sweetness to the baked product but also of quality ingredients isn’t always available.
moisture, cutting down on fat requirement. Evolving Customer Preferences: Over a What is your strength as a
They also add nutritional value to the course of a decade concepts like gluten, bakery chef?
product. dairy, or sugar have evolved and guests no My team and my passion to keep innovating.
Sweet substitute: One way to lower longer prefer them.
sugar is to use powdered or liquid jaggery. Balancing creativity with what sells: What is your working
Part of the sugar can be replaced with date Sometimes we create a dessert for pastry philosophy?
purée, fig purée or date syrup but remember shops we really want to run but it just does There is no shortcut to success. One must
to reduce the overall moisture content in not sell because of the demand and market work with passion or not at all.
the recipe accordingly. trends. Finding the right balance between
Nut butters, yoghurts, whole-wheat flour the creative touch and business perspective. What are you passionate about
are few ingredients, which can be used in besides baking?
recipes for balancing health quotient. What do you like about your job? I love photography and food styling.
In the end, the chef’s primary job is to
Your favorite tool? And why? present food in a manner that makes the How do you like to de-stress?
The Kitchen aid stand mixer. It is probably guest happy. A pastry chef’s job is to take I p refe r to d i s t ress by u n p l u g g i n g . I
the most iconic kitchen appliance out there, this to the next level and make the dining consciously make an effort to avoid the
I’ve whipped creams and meringues with experience memorable enough to set the phone and social media each day, even if
only a whisk and a sturdy forearm before, tone for the guest’s day as the dessert it is for just half an hour.
but after a while, it gets a bit tedious. While is the last course of a meal. This is the
you can make cookie batter with a bowl and chef’s reward. The happiness and joy on What are your dreams?
a spatula, a stand mixer allows you to really the guest’s face after they taste that first To create a fun and productive work
dive into more serious recipes (and it saves bite of your cake or pastry is so satisfying environment in all the pastry kitchens teams
you from a muscle ache). and gratifying. that I am a part of or am heading.
What are the challenges a What you don’t like about your Lastly, what is your mantra for
bakery chef has to face in his job? success?
job? I strongly believe that one must love what Have big dreams. You will grow into them.
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Feb-Mar ’19 43
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In any case, it does not represent the views of Hammer Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
44 Feb-Mar ’19
Feb-Mar ’19 45
46 Feb-Mar ’19
Advertiser’s Inde x
Autobake production 01
combi craft 13
Solutionz consulting 40
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Feb-Mar ’19 47
Third Edition*
Are you a
Lady Pastry Chef?
Chef Sanjana Patel
Pastry Queen India 2015 Entries Open for Chef Eureka Araujo
Pastry Queen India 2017
Apply / Call:
Eligibility Criteria:
The primary selection is open for Indian professional Lady Pastry Chefs currently actively working in an organisation of
repute above 21 years, having proficiency in Sugar Art i.e. Sugar Sculpture (Participating Chef should have a good exposure in
Boiling of Sugar, Casting, Pull Sugar, Blown Sugar, Ribbons, Figurines, Flowers, Pastillage) and Chocolate Sculpture,
Chocolate Pralines, contemporary Chocolate Baked Cake, Mini Pastries, the Dessert on a Plate & the Dessert in a Glass.
Organised by: