Ismail2015 PDF
Ismail2015 PDF
Ismail2015 PDF
Senna siamea is a medium-size, evergreen plant which has been utilized as a source of food, medicine
and other agricultural purposes in different communities. However, there is dearth of information in
regard to its possible biomedicinal uses, especially in Nigeria. Thus the preliminary phytochemical
analysis and thin layer chromatography (TLC) separation was done using methanol, n-hexane and
ethyl acetate (1:3:1) as solvent system while iodine vapour as spotting agent. The phytochemical
screening of methanol extracts of leaves revealed the presence of cardiac glycoside, flavonoid,
saponin, alkaloid and tannins while chloroform extracts of leaves revealed saponin only. Ethyl acetate
and petroleum ether extracts revealed absence of all these phytochemicals. The chloroform, ethyl
acetate and petroleum ether extracts of flower revealed absence of saponin, flavonoids, tannins and
alkaloids but with traces of saponin and anthraquinones. TLC separation showed nine (9) spots each
of chloroform and ethyl acetates, six (6) spots of methanol, three (3) spots of petroleum ether from
leaves extracts. While, three (3) spots each of ethyl acetate and methanol, six (6) spots of chloroform
were identified for flower extracts. No water spot separated from both leaves and flower extracts. From
our findings, it can be concluded that S. siamea lam contains some significant phytochemicals that
can exhibit desired therapeutic activities such as hypoglycemia, anti-arrthymia and antimicrobial.
However, there is the need to conduct further pharmaceutical analyses on test extracts in order to
establish these biomedical applications.
Plants have been found to be the source of energy for the anthraquinones, flavonoids, phenols, saponins, steroid,
animal kingdom. In addition, plant can synthesize a large tannins, terpenes etc (Namukobea et al., 2011).
variety of chemical substances that are of physiological Medicinal plants are those that contains one or more of
significance (Kretovich, 2005). The active phytochemical its phytochemicals that can be used for the synthesis of
principles produced by plants include, alkaloids, phenolic, useful therapeutic agents (Sofowora, 2000). The wide
range of medicinal plant parts like flowers, leaves, barks, solution, Molisch’s reagent, Fehling’s solution A and B, lead sub-
stems, fruits, roots extracts are used as powerful raw acetate solution, 10% sodium hydroxide, 10% ferric chloride in 95%
alcohol, Barfoed’s reagent, 3,5 dinitro benzoic acid I, iodine
drug possessing a variety of pharmacological activities solution, dilute hydrochloric acid, Wagner’s reagent, concentrated
(Momin et al., 2012). In the last two centuries, there have hydrochloric acid, 3.2% ferric chloride in glacial acetic acid, 10%
been serious investigations into the chemical and lead acetate, 10% tannic acid, 1% w/v picric acid, 5% sodium
biological activities of plants and these have yielded hydroxide, bromine water, potassium iodide solution, 3% hydrogen
compounds for the development of synthetic organic peroxide, 1 M sodium hydroxide , acetic anhydride.
chemistry and the emergence of medicinal chemistry as a
route for the discovery of more effective therapeutic Sterilization
agents (Roja and Rao, 2000).
Senna siamea is native to Southeast Asia from India, All work surfaces were comprehensively disinfected with cotton
Sri Lanka, and Thailand to Indonesia, Burma, and wool soaked in antiseptic fluid to minimize contamination during
Malaysia and forms part of the warm and wet tropical work process.
forests. The species has been introduced in Africa and
America. S. siamea is effective in managing constipation Dry heat sterilization
association with a number of causes including surgery,
childbirth and the use of narcotic pain relievers (Hill, An hot air oven was used to sterilize the conical flasks, forceps,
1992). It is used locally as antimalarial drugs especially office punch, wire loop and filter paper discs (wrapped in foil paper)
when decocted (the leaves and bark) (Lose et al., 2000). and beaker at 160°C for 45 min.
In traditional medicine, the fruit is used to charm away
intestinal worms and to prevent convulsion in children. Moist heat sterilization
The young fruits and leaves are also eaten as vegetables
in Thailand. The flowers and young fruits are used as All materials used in the course of this research project that are not
curries (Kiepe, 2001) and as an antimalarial (Otimenyin sensitive to moist heat sterilization were adequately sterilized using
et al., 2010). The stem bark extract was reported to have autoclave and detergents. Materials such as glass wares, beakers
and conical flasks etc. were properly washed with detergent and
analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects (Ntandu et al., water so as to remove dirt and contaminants and were allowed to
2010). Isolated compounds, emodu and lupeol from the dry prior to usage. These materials were then sterilized in a
ethyl acetate fraction of the stem bark of S. siamea were portable laboratory autoclave at 121°C for 15 min.
reported to be the active principles responsible for the
antiplasmodial property with IC50 values of 5 µg/ml,
Collection, authentication and processing of plant materials
respectively (Ajaiyeoba et al., 2008). Sub-chronic studies
of the aqueous stem bark extract of the plant in rats did The fresh leaves and flowers of S. siamea were collected from the
not show significant toxic effect after seven weeks of botanical garden of University of Maiduguri. Plant materials were
administration (Mohammed et al., 2012) identified and authenticated by a taxonomist, Professor S. S.
This study was designed to determine the Sanusi of the Department of Biological Sciences, University of
phytochemical compositions as well as to perform thin Maiduguri, Nigeria in respect with the description in published
literatures (Dalziel, 1958; Keay et al., 1989). The plant materials
layer chromatography separation of the leaves and were dried under shade at our Pharmaceutical Chemistry
flowers extracts of S. siamea in order to create Laboratory for about four weeks and then made into powdered
awareness of its possible medicinal and nutritional form, using mortar and pestle and then sieved.
The method of extraction in this experiment was by maceration. The
These include the test plant (the fresh leaf and flower of S. siamea), general process on a small scale, consist of placing the powdered
beaker, conical flask, measuring cylinder (large and small), glass plant material (250 g) of leave was soaked in 500 ml methanol
funnel, glass stirrer, cotton wool, spatula, bunsen burner, top while that of flower was soaked with different solvents that is water,
mettler weighing balance, test tubes, stainless steel tray, thermostat petroleum ether, methanol, chloroform and ethyl acetate (in order of
water bath, oven, syringe and needle, aluminum foil paper, hand decreasing polarity) in 1 L capacity conical flasks stopper and kept
gloves, mortar and pestle, analytical weighing balance, test-tube for 48 h with intermittent shaking. The cold extracts thus obtained
holder, refrigerator, meter rule, sieves (No. 5), bottles, UV were filtered with Whatman No. 1 filter paper into different conical
fluorescence analysis cabinet tripod stand, wire gauze, capillary flask and allowed to dry at room temperature under normal
tubes, retort stand, thin layer chromatography (TLC) paper, TLC atmospheric pressure. 50 g of the powdered leaves were soaked in
tank, test tube rack, tiles and filter paper. 100 ml distilled water and the extract was obtained using the
aforementioned method.
Reagent used
Phytochemical analysis
Dragendoff’s reagent, methanol, chloroform, 1% aqueous
hydrochloric acid, Mayer’s reagent, sodium chloride solution, glacial Phytochemical analysis for the qualitative detection of alkaloids,
acetic acid, concentrated sulphuric acid, 10% Ferric chloride anthraquinone, carbohydrates, flavonoids, tannins and saponins
20 J. Pharmacognosy Phytother.
was carried out on the extracts as described by Trease and Evans saponin, flavonoids, tannins and alkaloids but with traces of
(2010), Sofowora (1993) and Harbone (1973). saponin. Anthraquinones glycosides was absent in all the extracts.
Thin layer chromatography (TLC) Extraction process for leaves and flowers
Commercially available standard TLC plate was used with standard This is seen in Tables 1 and 2.
particle size range to improve reproducibility. The absorbent silica
gel coated on an aluminum foil of 22 cm length, 11.5 cm breadth Extractive value = weight of plant (part) extract/weight of dry
and 0.3 cm thick plate for leaves while 22 cm length, 11.9 cm powdered sample × 100
breadth and 0.3 cm thick plate for flower. Small spot of the solution
containing the sample was applied on the plate 1.5 cm from the Volume of methanol used = 1 L.
bottom marked by a line ruled using a pin. For a multiple spotted Weight of dried powdered = 300 g.
plate, the spots are applied 1 cm apart to avoid cross contamination Weight of methanol extract = 101 g.
and interference as they move up the plate. Extractive value = 101/300 × 100 = 33.7%
The sample spotted on the plate was allowed to dry before the plate This is seen in Tables 3 to 9.
was placed into the chromatographic tank which was covered
immediately after which its atmosphere is completely saturated with
solvent (mobile phase). The reaction was then monitored as the Thin layer chromatography (TLC)
solvent moved up the plate (elutes the sample) using mobile phase
solvent ratio 1:3:1 of methanol, n-hexane and ethyl acetate, Extracts of leaves and flowers were individually applied on the
respectively. When the solvent reaches the top of the plate, it is origin, they dissolved and moved with the solvent, each extract
removed, marked and dried. separated into bio constituents and moved to different locations.
After all the spots became clear. UV fluorescence lamp at 254 nm
was used to visualize and identify all the various spots. However, at
Visualization 366 nm and daylight, spots were not clearly visualized. On
exposure to iodine vapour, spots of various extracts became
Following separation of the solvent, the plate was removed and darker. TLC separation showed nine (9) spots each of chloroform
dried; the spots detected using various techniques and reagents. and ethyl acetates, six (6) spots of methanol, three (3) spots of
This includes visualization in daylight; viewing under UV at 254 and petroleum ether from leaves extracts. While, three (3) spots each of
366 nm i.e. short and long wavelengths and spraying with spotting ethyl acetate and methanol, six (6) spots of chloroform were
reagent, using iodine vapor tank. identified for flower extracts. No water spot separated from both
leaves and flower extracts.
Summary of TLC results
The phytochemical screening of methanol extracts of leaves
revealed the presence of cardiac glycoside, flavonoid, saponin, Leaves TLC
alkaloid and tannins while chloroform extracts of leaves revealed
saponin only. Ethyl acetate and petroleum ether extracts revealed Length of the plate = 22 cm.
absence of all these phytochemicals. The chloroform, ethyl acetate Breath of the plate =11.5 cm.
and petroleum ether extracts of flower revealed absence of Thickness of the plate = 0.1 cm.
Hassan et al. 21
Solvents used
Tests Extracts
Water Methanol Chloroform Ethyl acetate Petroleum ether
leaves ++ ++ - ++ +
Molisches test (for carbohydrate)
flowers ++ ++ + +
leaves - + ++ + -
Iodine test (for starch)
flowers - + ++ +
leaves - ++ + + +
Fehling’s test ( for reducing sugar)
flower - ++ - ++
leaves - + ++ ++ +
Combined reducing sugar test
flowers + ++ - +
leaves - - - - -
Barfoed test (for monosaccharides)
flowers - - - - -
++ More abundance, + Abundance, - Absence
Solvents used
Tests Extracts
Water Methanol Chloroform Ethyl acetate Petroleum ether
Leaves + ++ - ++ -
Lead sub- acetate test
Flowers + ++ - - -
Leaves ++ + - + -
Ferric chloride test
Flowers ++ + - + -
Leaves - - - - -
Bromine water test
Flower - - - - -
++ More abundance, + Abundance, - Absence
Solvent front of the plate = 18.3 cm. Tables 14 to 16 shows TLC results of flowers.
Rf value = distance move by the solute ÷ distance move by the
Solvents used
Tests Extracts
Water Methanol Chloroform Ethyl acetate Petroleum ether
Leaves - - - - -
Borntrager’s Test
Flowers - - - - -
++ More abundance, + Abundance, - Absence
Solvents used
Tests Extracts
Water Methanol Chloroform Ethyl acetate Petroleum ether
Leaves - - - + ++
Burchard test (for glycosides steroids)
Flowers - - - + -
Leaves - ++ - + +
Salkwoskii test (for steroidal nucleus)
Flowers - + - + -
leaves ++ + - - ++
Keller killiani’s test
flower ++ - + + -
leaves - - - - -
Kedde test
flowers - - - - -
++ More abundance, + Abundance, - Absence
Solvents used
Tests Extracts
Water Methanol Chloroform Ethyl acetate Petroleum ether
Leaves ++ + ++ - -
Frothing test
Flowers + - - - -
Leaves + + + - -
Haemolysis test
Flowers + + - - -
++ More abundance, + Abundance, - Absence
disorders, herpes and rhinitis (Aliyu, 2006). When saponins, flavonoids, tannins and alkaloids. The
decocted, S. siamea leaves are locally used as anti- extracting solvent used are decreasing order of polarity in
malaria drug (Lose et al., 2000). Previous studies on S. which each of them extract a number of solvent to their
siamea extracts have confirmed some of the traditional own polarity depending on the active metabolites the
uses: antiplasmodial activity (Gbeassor et al., 1990; plant contained. Based on this experiment the alkaloid,
Nsonde-Ntandou et al., 2005; Mbatchi et al., 2006). tannins and saponins content of this can be responsible
Antibacterial activities of the extract were tested against for its antibacterial activity (Dahiru et al., 2013)
thirteen pathogenic bacteria and were compared with the Preliminary phytochemical analysis showed that leaf
standard antibiotic, kanamycin by measuring the zone of extracts of S. siamae possesses alkaloids, saponins,
inhibition diameter and expressed in millimeter (mm) tannins and glycosides which is in support with studies
(Hailu et al., 2005; Dahiru et al., 2013). done by Momin et al. (2012), Edeoga et al. (2005) and
Phytochemical screening reveals that methanolic Bukar et al. (2009). Phytoconstituents such as saponins,
extract contains carbohydrate, cardiac glycosides, phenolic compounds and glycosides when present in S.
Hassan et al. 23
Solvents used
Tests Extracts
Water Methanol Chloroform Ethyl acetate Petroleum ether
Leaves - + - - -
Shinoda’s test
Flowers - + - -
Leaves ++ + + + -
Ferric chloride test
Flowers + - - - -
Leaves + ++ - - -
Lead acetate test
Flower + ++ - - -
Leaves + - - - -
Sodium hydroxide test
Flowers + - - - -
++ More abundance, + Abundance, - Absence
Solvents used
Tests Extracts
Water Methanol Chloroform Ethyl acetate Petroleum ether
Leaves - - - - -
Mayers reagent
Flowers - - - - -
Leaves - - - - -
Dragendorff A × B
Flowers - - - -
Leaves + + - - -
Wagners reagent
Flower + + - - -
Leaves - + - - -
10% w/v tannic acid
Flowers - - - - -
Leaves - + + - +
1% w/v picric acid
Flowers - + - - -
++ More abundance, + Abundance, - Absence
Spots positions (cm) Rf values (cm) Day light UV-254 nm UV-366 nm Iodine vapour
16.3 0.89 Green Green Blue black Light Green
15.2 0.83 Green Green Blue black Light Green
14.1 0.77 Light green Light green Blue black Yellow
11.5 0.62 Light yellow Light yellow - Yellow
10.8 0.59 Yellow Light brown - White
9.3 0.50 White White - Brown
- No colour
siamea have been reported to inhibit bacterial growth and infections (Gonzalel and Mather, 1982; Okwute, 1992).
to be protective to plants against bacterial and fungal Cardiac glycosides have also been found useful in
24 J. Pharmacognosy Phytother.
Spots positions (cm) Rf values (cm) Day light UV-254 nm UV-366 nm Iodine vapour
16.8 0.91 White White White Yellow
16.1 0.87 Green Violet Blur black Green
14.6 0.79 Green Green Blue black Green
14.4 0.78 Light green Green - Yellow
13.7 0.74 Light green Light green - Yellow
13.5 0.73 Light brown White - Yellow
11.9 0.65 White Violet - Brown
10.8 0.59 Light brown Light brown - Brown
9.8 0.53 Light yellow Violet - Brown
- No colour
Spots positions (cm) Rf values (cm) Day light UV-254 nm UV-366 nm Iodine vapour
15.9 0.86 Green Light green Blue black Yellow
14.8 0.80 Green Green Blur black Green
13.9 0.75 Light green Green Blue black Green
13.1 0.71 Light green Light brown - Yellow
11.3 0.61 Light green Light brown - Yellow
10.5 0.57 Yellow Light brown - Yellow
9.4 0.51 Brown Brown - Yellow
8.7 0.47 Green Brown - Brown
7.6 0.41 Light green Violet - Brown
- No colour
Spots positions (cm) Rf values (cm) Day light UV-254 nm UV-366 nm Iodine vapour
16.3 0.89 Green Green Blue black Green
15.0 0.81 Green Green - Light green
14.6 0.79 Yellow Violet - Yellow
- No colour
Spots positions (cm) Rf values (cm) Day light UV-254 nm UV-366 nm Iodine vapour
11.9 0.66 Yellow Violet Blue black Brown
10.8 0.60 Light brown Brown - Brown
9.7 0.54 Yellow Violet - brown
- No colour
treatment of heart failure and supraventricular chemicals than the flowers and since all active
arrhythmias (Zamotaev et al., 2005). The traditional uses metabolites in the flowers are also present in the leaves,
indicate that both the leaves and flowers have been used using leaves alone might suffice for treatments.
together for therapeutic purposes. From this study, Presence of alkaloids, tannins, saponins, glycosides,
findings showed that the leaves have more phyto- steroids, phenolic compounds and flavonoids in all the
Hassan et al. 25
Spots positions (cm) Rf values (cm) Day light UV-254 nm UV-366 nm Iodine vapour
15.9 0.88 Green Light green White Brown
15.5 0.86 Light green Yellow White Brown
14.5 0.81 White White White Brown
12.9 0.72 Yellow Violet White Brown
11.9 0.66 Yellow Violet White Brown
8.9 0.49 Light brown Brown White brown
- No colour
Spots positions (cm) Rf values (cm) Day light UV-254 nm UV-366 nm Iodine vapour
15.9 0.88 Light green Green - Brown
15.5 0.86 Yellow Yellow - Brown
14.6 0.81 Light yellow Violet - brown
- No colour, Solvent system- methanol: n-hexane: ethyl acetate (20: 60: 20), Running time- 53 min, Adsorbent
used- silica aluminum sheet, Locating reagent- Day light, UV 254 nm, UV 366 nm and iodine vapour
extracts confirmed the presence of rich bioactive in order to establish these biomedical applications.
principles in the leaf. Tannins, steroids and glycosides
had been reported in ethanol extract of the leaf of S.
siamea (Bukar et al., 2009; Muhammad et al., 2012) Conflict of interest
while alkaloids, saponins, phenolics and flavonoids by
Momin et al. (2012). Secondary metabolites are mostly There are none to declare.
produced by plant during adverse condition for protection
against herbivores (Chitra et al., 1999). Alkaloids,
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