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L17-18 QuadTrees PDF

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Quad Trees

CMSC 420
Applications of Geometric / Spatial Data Structs.

• Computer graphics, games, movies

• computer vision, CAD, street maps (google maps /

google Earth)

• Human-computer interface design (windowing


• Virtual reality

• Visualization (graphing complex functions)

Geometric Objects

• Scalars: 1-d poin

• Point: location in d-dimensional space. d-tuple of
scalars. P=(x1,x2,x3...,xd)
- arrays: double p[d];
- structures: struct { double x, y, z; }
- good compromise:
struct Point {
const int DIM = 3;
double coord[DIM];

• Vectors: direction and magnitude (length) in that

Lines, Segments, Rays

• Line: infinite in both directions

- y = mx + b [slope m, intercept b]
- ax + by = c
- In higher dimensions, any two points define a line.

• Ray: infinite in one direction

• Segment: finite in both directions
• Polygons: cycle of joined line segments What’s a good
- simple if they don’t corss for a polygon?
- convex if any line segment connecting two points on its
surface lies entirely within the shape. linked list
- convex hull of a set of points P: smallest convex set that of points
contains P
Geometric Operations

• P - Q is a vector going from point Q to P

• Q + v is a point at the head of vector v, if v were
anchored at Q x

• v + u: serially walk along v and then u. v+u is the

direct shortcut.
v u
• Great use for C++ operator overloading.
Types of Queries

• Is the object in the set?

• What is the closest object to a given point?

• What objects does a query object intersect with?

• What is the first object hit by the given ray? [Ray


• What objects contain P?

• What objects are in a given range? [range queries]

Intersection of Circle & Rectangle

center = C

Dimension 1

R.low[0] R.high[0]
Question: how do you
compute the distance
from circle center to the
Dimension 0 rectangle?
Intersection of Circle & Rectangle

Instead of a lot of
special cases, break the
distance down by
R.low[1] dimension (component)

R.low[0] R.high[0]

Distance = square root of the sum of the squares of the

distances in each dimension

d = √dx2 + dy2 + dz2

d2 = distx(C,R)2 + disty(C,R)2

distx(C,R) is 0 unless C is in blue regions

Distance between point C and rectangle R

distance(C, R):
dist = 0
for i = 0 to DIM:
if C[i] < R.low[i]:
dist += square(R.low[i] - C[i])

else if C[i] > R.high[i]:

dist += square(C[i] - R.high[i])

return sqrt(dist)
Why are geometric (spatial) data different?

No natural ordering...
• In 1-d:
- we usually had a natural ordering on the keys (integers,
alphabetical order, ...)
- But how do you order a set of points?

• Take a step back:

- In the 1-d case, how did we use this ordering?
- Mostly, it gave us an implicit was to partition the data.

• So:
- Instead of explicitly ordering and implicitly partitioning,
we usually: explicitly partition.
- Partitioning is very natural in geometric spaces.
Why are geometric (spatial) data different?
Static case also interesting...
• In 1-d:
- usually the static case (all data known at start) is not very
- can be solved by sorting the data
(heaps => sorted lists, balanced trees => binary search)

• With geometric data,

- it’s sometimes hard to answer queries even if all data are
known (what’s the analog of binary search for a set of
- Therefore, emphasize updates less (though we’ll still
consider them)
- Model: preprocess the data (may be “slow” like
O(n log n)) and then have efficient answers to queries.
Point Data Sets – Today

• Data we want to store is a collection of d-

dimensional points.
- We’ll focus on 2-d for now (hard to draw anything else)

• Simplest query: “Is point P in the collection?”

PR Quadtrees
PR Quadtrees (Point-Region)

• Recursively subdivide cells into 4 equal-sized

subcells until a cell has only one point in it.

• Each division results in a single node with 4 child


• When cell contains no points, add special “no-point”


• When cell contains 1 point, add node containing

point + data associated with that point (perhaps a
pointer out to a bigger data record).
PR Quadtrees Internal Nodes


PR Quadtrees


Find in PR Quadtrees

Insert in PR Quadtrees

• insert(P):
- find(P)
- if cell where P would go is empty, then add P to it
(change from to )
- If cell where P would go has a point Q in it, repeatedly
split until P is separated from Q. Then add P to correct
(empty) cell.

• How many times might you have to split?

unbounded in n
Delete in PR Quadtrees

• delete(P):
- find(P)
- If cell that would contain P is empty, return not found!
- Else, remove P (change to ).
- If at most 1 siblings of the cell has a point, merge siblings
into a single cell. Repeat until at least two siblings
contain a point.

• A cell “has a point” if it is or .

Features of PR Quadtrees
• Locations of splits don’t depend on exact point
values (it is a partitioning of space, not of the set of

• Leaves should be treated differently that internal

nodes because:
- Empty leaf nodes are common,
- Only leaves contain data

• Bounding boxes constructed on the fly and passed

into the recursive calls.

• Extension: allow a constant b > 1 points in a cell

(bucket quadtrees)
Height Lemma

• if
- c is the smallest distance between any two points
- s is the side length of the initial square containing all the

• Then
- the depth of a quadtree is ≤ log(s/c) + 3/2

internal node Therefore, s√2/2i ≥ c

of depth i Hence,
c length =
s√2/2i i ≤ log s√2/c = log(s/c) + 1/2

side length = Height of tree is max depth of

s/2i internal node + 1, so height ≤
log(s/c) + 3/2
Size Corollary

Thm. A quadtree of depth d storing n points has

O((d+1)n) nodes.

Proof: Every internal node represents a square with at

least 2 points in it.
Hence, each level has fewer than n nodes.
North Neighbor
North neighbor of a cell S at depth i
is the deepest node of depth ≤ i that
north neighbor of the root is NULL is adjacent to the north side of S.

north neighbor of a SW or
SE node is the NW or NE
node respectively

North neighbor of a NE or
NW node is a child of the
north neighbor of its parent.

Algorithm: walk up until you get an easy

case, apply easy case, and then walk down,
moving to SW or SE as appropriate
Compute North Neighbor

def NorthNeighbor(v, Q):

if parent(v) is None: return None
if v is SW-child: return NW-child(parent(v))
if v is SE-child: return NE-child(parent(v))

u = NorthNeighbor(parent(v), Q)
if u is None or is_leaf(u): return u

if v is NW-child: return SW-child(u)

else return SE-child(u)
An Advantage of PR quadtrees

• Since partition locations don’t depend on the data

points, two different sets of data can be stored in two
separate PR quadtrees
- The partition locations will be “the same”
- E.g. a quadrant Q1 in T1 is either the same as, a superset
of, or a subset of any quadrant Q2 in T2
- You cannot get partially overlapping quadrants
- Recursive algorithms cleaner, e.g.
Issues with PR Quadtrees

• Can be inefficient:
- two closely spaced points may require a lot of levels in
the tree to split them
- Have to divide up space finely enough so that they end
up in different cells

• Generalizing to large dimensions uses a lot of space.

- octtree = Quadtree in 3-D (each node has 8 pointers)

In d d = 20 =>
dimensions, nodes will ~
each node 1 million
has 2d children
Split & Merge Decomposition

Subdivide into
uniform blocks
Split & Merge Decomposition

Subdivide into
uniform blocks

Merge similar
Split & Merge Decomposition

Subdivide into
uniform blocks

Merge similar

Subdivide non-
homogenous cells
Split & Merge Decomposition

Subdivide into
uniform blocks

Merge similar

Subdivide non-
homogenous cells

Group identical
blocks to get regions
MX Quadtrees

• Good for image data

- smallest element is known, e.g. a pixel
- Space is recursively subdivided until smallest unit is
- Always subdivide to smallest unit:
MX Quadtree Demo
MX (MatriX) Quadtrees Shape of final tree
independent of
• Points are always at leaves insertion order

• All leaves with points are the same depth:

MX Quadtree Notes & Applications
• Shape of final tree independent of insertion order

• Can be used to represent a matrix (especially 0/1 matrix)

- recursive decomposition of matrix (given by the MX tree) can be
used for faster matrix transposition and multiplication

• Compression and transmission of images

- Hierarchy => progressive transmission:
- transmitting high levels of the tree gives you a rough image
- lower levels gives you more detail

• Requires points come from a finite & discrete domain

Point Quadtrees

• Similar to PR Quadtrees, except we split on points in

the data set, rather than evenly dividing space.
• Handling infinite space:
- Special infinity value => allow rectangles to extend to
infinity in some directions
- Assume global bounding box
Point Quadtrees
Insertion into Point Quadtrees

• Insert(P):
- Find the region that would contain the point P.
- If P is encountered during the search, report Duplicate!
- Add point where you fall off the tree.


Point Quadtree Demo
Deletion from Point Quadtrees

• Reinsert all the points in the subtree rooted at the

deleted node P.

• Can be expensive.

• There are some more clever ways to delete that

work well under some assumptions about the data.
Some performance facts (random data):

• Cost of building a point quadtree empirically shown

to be O(n log4 n) [Finkel,Bentley] with random

• Expected height is O(log n).

• Expected cost of inserting the ith node into a d-

dimensional quad tree is (2/d)ln i + O(1).
More balanced Point Quadtrees

• Optimized Point Quadtree: want no subtree rooted at node A to

contain more than half the nodes (points) under A.
• Assume you know all the data at the start:
x1 y1
x2 y2
x3 y3
• Sort the points lexicographically: primary key is x-coordinate,
secondary key is y-coordinate.
• Make root = the median of this list (middle element)
=> half the elements will be to the left of the root, half to the
• Recursively apply to top and bottom halves of the list.
Pseudo Point Quadtrees

• Like PR quadtrees: splits don’t occur at data points.

• Like Point Quadtrees: actual key values determine
• Determine a point that splits up the dataset in the
most balanced way.
- Overmars & van Leeuwen: for any N points, there is a
partitioning point so that each quadrant contains ≤
ceil(N/(d+1)) points.
Comparison of Point-based & Trie-based
• “Trie-based” = MX and PR quadtrees
- rely on regular space decomposion
- data points associated only with leaf nodes
- simple deletion
- shape independent of insertion order

• Point-based quadtrees
- data points in internal nodes
- often have fewer nodes
- harder deletion
- shape depends on insertion order
Problems with Point Quadtrees

• May not be balanced...

- But expected to be if points are randomly inserted.

• Size is bounded in n.
- Partitioning key space rather than geometric space.
- Because each node contains a point, you have at most n

• But may have lots of unused pointers if d is large!

• Solution is kd-trees.

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