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This document is published in:

2014 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence

in Big Data (CIBD): proceedings (2014). IEEE, 1-8.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/CIBD.2014.7011537

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A Scalable Machine Learning Online Service for
Big Data Real-Time Analysis

Alejandro Baldominos∗ , Esperanza Albacete∗ , Yago Saez∗ and Pedro Isasi∗

∗ Computer
Science Department
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Email: {alejandro.baldominos, esperanza.albacete, yago.saez, pedro.isasi}@uc3m.es

Abstract—This work describes a proposal for developing or in other words: knowledge. This field has been studied
and testing a scalable machine learning architecture able to since the first appearance of the Knowledge Discovery in
provide real-time predictions or analytics as a service over Databases (KDD) concept, but depending on the data sources
domain-independent big data, working on top of the Hadoop and the domains, different approaches and techniques were
ecosystem and providing real-time analytics as a service through used, such as association, clustering, classification, prediction,
a RESTful API. Systems implementing this architecture could
provide companies with on-demand tools facilitating the tasks
sequential patterns identification, decision trees or, what is
of storing, analyzing, understanding and reacting to their data, more usual, a hybrid approach resulting from a combination
either in batch or stream fashion; and could turn into a valuable of these approaches. However, when a big data framework
asset for improving the business performance and be a key involves real-time analytics, a specific software architecture is
market differentiator in this fast pace environment. In order to needed. Typically, a distinction is made when considering how
validate the proposed architecture, two systems are developed, this data is analyzed with regard to time constraints:
each one providing classical machine-learning services in different
domains: the first one involves a recommender system for web • Batch processing, where a set (typically a very big
advertising, while the second consists in a prediction system which one) of data is processed to retrieve some statistics
learns from gamers’ behavior and tries to predict future events of other information. This processing is not required
such as purchases or churning. An evaluation is carried out to happen in real-time, as the expected result is not
on these systems, and results show how both services are able
needed within a strong time constraint. This process-
to provide fast responses even when a number of concurrent
requests are made, and in the particular case of the second system, ing is the most adequate for those machine learning
results clearly prove that computed predictions significantly techniques or algorithms that require to run periodic
outperform those obtained if random guess was used. training and update processes.
• Stream processing, where new data must be pro-
I. I NTRODUCTION cessed in real-time, in many times considering the
historical data as well, in order to generate a value.
Each day, the amount of data and the number of changing Most often, it involves the use of previously trained
data sources continue to grow. As companies are collecting models, in order to avoid too much processing and
vast amounts of data from the Internet, their own web sites, ultimately reduce response times.
social media channels, customer information, call center re-
ports or financial transactions; the need for analytical tools Typical examples of batch processing would involve com-
able to leverage knowledge behind all these data is imperative. puting trends or extracting patterns from customers activity
Even more important than this is the fact that this growth during a period, that can be categorized per product, web-
is going to increase exponentially in the future, as there site, geographical distribution or user profiles in a social
are other emerging areas which are about to come such as network. For this type of operations, frameworks such as
Smart Cities and Internet of Things, where the number of the MapReduce [1] paradigm are suitable, as they enable
potential devices capable of generating high volumes of data distributed processing of the data over a cluster of inexpensive
is going to be multiplied as a result of what is known as M2M nodes. However, additional value can be obtained when stream
(machine-to-machine interaction). All these incoming changes processing comes into play, as it unveals new possibilities
will require an adequate scaled infrastructure which allows such as providing real-time recommendations to a customer.
storing, processing and responding to an increasing number For instance, these systems can dynamically interact with
of batch and stream requests. customers offering specific products and empowering their
This vast amount of information, if conveniently processed, engagement by means of an accurate prediction of when they
can reveal relevant insights about each business. For instance, are about to leave the site. This prediction enables generating
analysis of the former data may serve to predict the upcoming the appropriate events to modify the customer behaviour.
friendships or interests of a social network user, suggest
related products in which a customer may be interested to II. S TATE OF THE A RT
purchase or adapt the content and structure of an online
course to better fit the students’ needs. At this point it is As stated in the previous section, this paper proposes an
where machine learning techniques can help to analyze big architecture serving as the framework for developing systems
data sources and extract the important trends, links, rules... providing batch and stream data processing as a service.

Therefore, this work tackles the last two stages of the big data [28], which is also distributed and supports non-relational op-
value chain [2], i.e., storage and analytics of big data. erators; and SPADE [29], which provides a distributed system
along with a language and a toolkit with predefined stream
Starting with storage, a core decision to be taken for the operators. The state-of-the-art generation of SPEs includes S4
development of this architecture is the underlying filesystem. [30], Storm and MOA [31]. More recently, SAMOA [32],
To this respect, the fact that huge amounts of data are to which emerges as a combination of S4 and MOA, is a platform
be stored by the systems suggests the use of a distributed maintained by Yahoo! for analyzing and performing machine
filesystem such as HDFS [3], built after the Google File learning over big data streams.
System [4] as an opensource implementation forming part
of Hadoop’s core. The advantage of this filesystem is its
ability to scale linearly as new nodes are added to the cluster Fig. 1. Machine learning taxonomy according to Yahoo!, where a classifica-
tion of big-data machine learning technologies is made depending on whether
and to manage replication automatically, which significantly they support batch or streaming processing, in a distributed or non-distributed
simplifies the development tasks. Moreover, in the cases where fashion (source [32])
semi-structured data is to be stored, HBase, an opensource
implementation of Google Bigtable [5], turns to be a good
option that automatically stores records on top of HDFS.
Moving to analytics, and for the matter of batch processing,
the MapReduce framework invented by Google [1] and further
built as an opensource development for Hadoop turns out to be
a suitable approach, as it naturally handles data stored in HDFS
and is able to process them in a parallel manner. Additionally,
many programming tools have been developed which provide
an abstraction over MapReduce, such as Hive [6] or Pig
[7][8], thus simplifying the development. Finally, more recent
approaches have appeared which try to address some of the
issues of the original MapReduce, including reducing time
costs. Some of these new tools include MapReduce++ [9],
GraphLab [10] or Spark [11].
In the recent years, many works have been published which
tackled the problem of performing machine learning over big
datasets. Some of these works include performing analytics An image of how the different approaches and technologies
over Twitter [12], computing k-means clustering over big mentioned in this section correlate among them can be seen
data in the cloud [13], providing recommendations [14][15], in the machine learning taxonomy shown in figure 1.
studying the behavior of tourists [16], performing sentiment The interest of real-time analytics in the market is growing
analysis [17], minimizing product escapes in aerospace test en- [33], as it can be seen by looking at the acquisitions of Apama
vironments [18], improving a predictive model in a healthcare and StreamBase, CEP techniques that were purchased by the
domain [19], detecting astrophysical objects [20], discovering end of 2013 by Software AG and Tibco respectively. Software
communities in social networks [21] and many more. Also, AG, a global leader in business processes, integration and big
recent works have provided detailed studies of technologies data, conducted a session at the IDC Big Data and Business
for batch processing techniques over big data [22], as well Analytics Conference held in November 2013, during which
as current applications and systems for this purpose [23] and they explored the value that organizations across industries
proposed APIs for distributed machine learning [24]. can benefit from by accessing, analyzing and responding to
business events at the right time, concluding that it will be a
Besides the technologies supporting batch-processing, this
key market differentiator in this fast pace environment.
work also deals with stream analytics. This kind of real-
time analytics require valuable responses of data in movement Increasingly remarkable interest in the area of stream
typically measured in milliseconds. Complex Event Processing processing can be seen by just staring at the key strategies
(CEP) allows data analytics, such as detecting patterns while adopted by the big Internet players such as Google, Microsoft
the data is still in motion, i.e. while events and transactions or Amazon, who just released their commercial products on
are still happening. In addition, in some environments a mil- recent years. For instance, Google released BigQuery1 [34],
lisecond response-time advantage makes the difference. CEP a cloud-based tool for quickly analyzing very large datasets;
techniques are not new, however, the significant attention that and has recently launched the Google Prediction API2 , to
big data technologies are experiencing these days is going to provide real-time predictions. According to Google, both these
definitely push them up. services working together allow to upload 100,000 rows of
real-time data per second and analyze it in near real time,
The history of Stream Processing Engines (SPEs) date back being this high streaming capacity the main advantage with
to a decade ago. One of the earliest SPEs are Aurora [25] and most of their competitors. Another example of this emerging
STREAM [26], which proposed database management systems area is Amazon’s product called Kinesis3 , a service launched
suitable to fit the requirements of monitoring applications
where continuous input is received from different sources. A 1 https://cloud.google.com/products/bigquery/
more recent generation of SPEs includes Borealis [27], an 2 https://cloud.google.com/products/prediction-api/

evolution of Aurora incorporating distributed computing; SPC 3 http://aws.amazon.com/kinesis/

in 2013 that scales elastically for real time processing of big bundled as a service, thus enabling cheap on-demand batch
data streaming, such as analyzing website clickstream usability and stream analysis of big data. The architecture of this
engagement, which works over other Amazon Cloud products system is shown in figure 2. The exploitation of the system
such as Redshift and Elastic MapReduce. Finally, at the time should be easy, however, as an added-value service, a team
of writing this paper (July, 2014), Microsoft is announcing its of data scientists and consultants would offer to analyze each
Machine Learning services working over Microsoft Azure4 . customer’s case in order to allow obtaining the most value
from the data and to properly customize the system.
Besides the options provided by these big competitors,
there are other commercial options such as IBM InfoSphere As it is shown in the figure, the architecture is composed of
Streams5 along with their propietary language SPL [35]; two major modules: the batch machine learning module and
Adello6 (formerly known as HStreaming), a platform for the stream machine learning module, which are themselves
mobile advertising; SQLstream7 or Splunk8 to mention a few. responsible for carrying out all the data processing tasks. In
Also, there are a significant number of alternative open-source addition to these, the architecture provides a storage module,
projects, such as those provided by Twitter, like Storm9 , a a dashboard, and a RESTful API. All these components are
stream-processing software for Hadoop, and Summingbird10 , described in this section.
a streaming MapReduce library working over Storm; or H2 O
from 0xdata11 . Other products involve Apache Spark Stream- A. Batch Machine Learning Module
ing12 [36] and Kafka13 . To give a rough idea about the
importance and newness of this field, most of the projects The batch machine learning module is suitable for those
described previously are not even in their first release (e.g. tasks which are not time-critical. When dealing with big data,
Storm current release is v0.9.02, Spark 1.0.0 was released this some tasks can be expected to take seconds or even minutes to
May 30th, 2014 and Kafka current last release is complete. In particular, three processing tasks are well suited
to this module:
Moreover, a significant number applications performing
real-time analytics over big data have been published over • Performing query analytics, where some information
the last couple of years. To mention a few of them, there are is extracted from the raw data. These analytics include,
works aimed at learning classifier chains for data mining [37], but are not limited to computing data distributions,
improving routing and navigation services [38], recommending operating over subsets of the data, mapping data to a
musical preferences [39], detecting trends on Twitter and different domain and generating data summaries to be
Bitly [40], filtering spam [41], processing image and video passed to the dashboard for its visualization.
streams [42], analyzing streams of aviation data [43], moni- • Performing data clustering, i.e., in the case where the
toring underwater acoustics [44], discovering communities in data involves several records and a distance function
Twitter during natural disasters [45], detecting issues in electric among them can be defined, these records can be
power systems [46], searching in logs [47] or summarizing grouped in several clusters, so that all records within a
microblogging data [48], among others. The latter four of the cluster are closer among them than with other records
forementioned works use HBase and Hadoop, proving it to be in an external cluster.
a convenient storage system for performing streaming analysis;
and some of the previous works also provide their products as • Building machine learning models, in order to enable
a service, so that the real time analytics system can be accessed fast processing later by the stream machine learning
through a REST API. module. Again, some examples of these models could
be nave Bayes classifiers, bayesian networks, neural
Many other recently published works propose their own networks, decision trees, markov models, etc.
systems and architectures to provide real-time analytics over
big data, either based on Storm [49], HBase [50] or specifically While this statement does not always hold, it could be
aimed at unstructured data [51]. Finally, other less specific said that in most cases, batch processing tasks will be im-
works focus on reviewing the state-of-the-art of real-time plemented by means of MapReduce routines, which enable
platforms for distributed analytics [52] and looking at other parallel processing of big data over a cluster of inexpensive
research challenges and issues to develop a platform for nodes. However, progressive evolution to Spark is being done,
analyzing big data on real time [53]. as it outperforms Hadoop in many different cases [11].

III. O UR P ROPOSAL B. Stream Processing Module

As stated before, this work proposes the design of an The stream processing module is designed to attend the
architecture for developing machine learning tools which are requirements of time-critical applications, so that it can execute
4 http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/campaigns/machine-learning/
certain tasks and provide a result within few milliseconds.
5 www.ibm.com/software/products/infosphere-streams In most cases, this module will take advantage of machine
6 https://www.adello.com/ learning models previously built by the batch processor, thus
7 http://www.sqlstream.com/ applying a variety of state-of-the-art machine learning tech-
8 http://www.splunk.com/ niques along with the real-time stream of incoming data to
9 https://storm.incubator.apache.org/ generate an output in real time. In particular, this module
10 https://github.com/twitter/summingbird adapts well to three tasks which require very fast responses:
11 http://0xdata.com/h2o-2/
12 https://spark.apache.org/streaming/ • Carrying out prediction, i.e., making an assumption
13 http://kafka.apache.org/ over a future event based on a set of historical events.

Fig. 2. Architecture supporting machine learning over big data, including a storage module built over a distributed filesystem, batch- and stream-processing
modules, a dashboard for displaying results and visualizations and a REST API to bundle the systems supported by this architecture as a service
historical data





real -time stream

Segmentation HDFS
JSON data

request +

Neural Nets.
Markov Chains machine learning


Analysis Clustering

Summarization Model

batch machine learning
RESTful API dashboard module

• Performing classification or segmentation, so that interesting results which can be summarized or displayed to the
given an instance of a certain user or record of any customer, thus revealing potentially relevant insights about the
type and a set of classes or types, the system can data. Moreover, this visualization will also provide feedback to
assign that instance to one or more of those. the user, who could decide whether the input data is appropiate,
and take corrective measures if required.
• Providing recommendations, such as suggesting a
product to a user assuming that the user will be
potentially interested in that product. E. RESTful API
The RESTful API allows offering real-time analysis tools
C. Storage Module as a service, so that specific analytics could be performed on
The Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) settles the demand. Moreover, the customer could establish a pipe so that
basis for this module. HDFS itself is suitable for storing raw all the data generated is automatically streamed to the API,
data (such as logs, historical data, text files or any other taking the most advantage from the real-time features.
kind of unstructured data such as documents or pictures),
as it provides reliable distributed storage over a cluster of IV. U SE C ASES
inexpensive computers, relieving developers from having to A prototype system based on the proposed architecture has
manage data distribuion and replication among each node. been already built, in order to be used as a proof of concept
However, when structured or semi-structured information is of these emerging technologies. This system has been used
to be stored, Apache HBase provides a convenient abstraction to successfully attend two different use cases based on real
as it is a non-relational database built on top of HDFS. Also, customer scenarios, serving respectively to the purposes of
the fact that it indexes row keys enables running faster queries displaying ads in a website and predicting users’ behavior in a
on it, while HDFS itself is better suited to performing reads social ecosystem. In this section, these use cases are described,
over entire big files. Without loss of generality, it could be providing some hints on how the proposed architecture can
said that raw data will mostly be used for batch processing, support a system to unleash value from raw data and eventually
and also for retrieving semi-structured information or building increase the conversion rate in different domains.
models which will be stored in HBase, a process for which
the batch machine learning module is responsible. A. Web Recommender System

D. Dashboard The first use case involves the development of a system

to display real-time advertisements to web visitors, so that
The dashboard is a module which provides an intuitive these ads are potentially interesting to users. The customer
and graphical way to visualize some analytics performed over can choose whether the system will provide recommendations
the data by the batch processing module, and can also provide using content-based filtering or collaborative filtering. The

Fig. 3. Architecture of the web recommender system. Raw logs are stored Fig. 4. Architecture of the user behavior prediction system. Event logs are
in HDFS and a clustering batch process extracts categories of both webs and stored in HDFS and a job periodically processes them in order to update a
users in a non-time-critical fashion. Then, the stream processor is able to probabilistic model stored in HBase. Then, the stream processor is able to use
provide recommendations in real-time as theyy are requested
q the model to predict the future behavior of users ggiven their current behavior


Clustering Recommender Model Builder Predictor
(Batch) (Stream) (Batch) (Stream)

Web Logs URLs & Users Logs Markov Model



architecture for the web recommender system is shown in stored in HDFS. These logs are periodically processed by
figure 3. It is worth noting that new HTTP requests come with a batch process, which converts the event logs into event
a very high frequency, and ads should be displayed as soon as sequences, and uses these for training (or updating) a prob-
the page is loading, so real-time turns out to be an important abilistic model based on variable-order Markov and storing it
requirement for this system. in HBase.
The raw logs, recorded from historical HTTP requests are
stored as-they-are in HDFS, along with some metadata of the As the user executes new events, the service is called and
visited webpage, such as keywords or the description. A batch the stream machine learning module is in charge to predict how
process, which is not time-critical, is executed periodically in the user will behave in the future, so that the site owner can
order to extract web categories and user categories from these, take specific actions in order to condition the user behavior.
i.e., to group webpages which tends to be topic-related and to For instance, if the user is supposed to be leaving the site (i.e.,
group users visiting similar websites. This task is performed to turn into a churner) in the short future, an special offer could
by the batch machine learning module, and in particular, a k- be suggested in order to try to retain the user. In order to try to
means implementation included in Mahout was in charge of infer the shortcoming behavior of a user, the stream processor
computing both these web and users categories. will use the previously computed Markov model along with
the last events he or she performed.
A real-time processor was developed within the stream
machine learning module, in order to take advantage of the The API for this service allows to record new events
result of the clustering so that, when a new HTTP request is sequences which update the Markov probability matrix used
received, both the website and the user can be rapidly catego- for predicting the gamer behaviors (either by providing the
rized (if they were not before) and a useful recommendation next most likely event or all possible next events along with
can be provided. The recommendation would consist of one their probability to occur). In addition, it allows to recommend
or more URLs in which the user may be interested, so that an an action than influences user behavior to a specified one.
advertisement can be displayed in the website.
The API for this service allows to log new HTTP requests, Similar works can be found in the literature which proposes
which results in updating the web and users categories. Also, systems to learn behavioral models for videogames [57] and
it provides recommendations using collaborative or content- predicting churn [58], while these are not really focused on
based filtering from a set of specified websites. the big amounts of recorded data.

B. User Behavior Prediction System

The second use case is based on a social game which was V. E VALUATION
interested in predicting the future behavior of his users given
After the machine learning architecture was applied for the
a historical of past events. To do so, a variable-order Markov
development of the use cases described in the previous section,
model [54] is learnt, as it is able to capture how a variable
an evaluation was designed in order to validate it. Successful
number of past events are able to influence future events from
results would be attained if the web service provided real-time
a probabilistic approach, and it has been successfully applied
responses whenever it is required and, in the case of prediction,
before to other domains such as predicting drivers’ behavior
results were accurate (in the case of recommendation, this
[55] or filtering spam [56]. The architecture for this system is
accuracy has not been tested so far). The purpose of this evalu-
shown in figure 4. Again, this application requires from real-
ation is to provide a hint of how the architecture performs when
time processing of data, as gamers may perform several events
attending real-time requests. Still, a more robust evaluation is
per second, and thus a fast response is critical.
planned using benchmarks when available, and examining how
For this use case, historical records containing the events performance evolves when the system is scaled horizontally
carried out by each user was provided, which would first be (i.e., new nodes are attached to it).


Average Median Std. Dev. Frequency Precision Recall

Sequential 447.77 435 47.84 #1 2.89% 25.45% 8.19%
Concurrent (10) 538.80 540 40.76 #2 1.25% 66.08% 33.98%
Concurrent (30) 802.93 792 89.58 #3 38.87% 82.09% 83.20%
#4 7.52% 6.84% 26.08%
#5 0.5% 96.37% 93.95%
A. Web Recommender System #6 0.05% 100% 2.86%
#7 7.16% 88.11% 81.19%
A preliminary evaluation of the web recommender system #8 0.82% 61.86% 18.58%
has been performed using a dataset with 200,000 URLs #9 1.82% 71.27% 77.78%
(clustered in 100 different categories), 10,000 users (clustered #10 33.66% 47.03% 67.92%
in 20 different profiles) and 2,000 ad campaigns, each of them #11 3.12% 87.42% 49.07%
having at least one but potentially several different ads. The #12 0.34% 98.93% 99.78%
running environment involves a single-node cluster with 8 #13 1.98% 55.95% 48.62%
processing cores and 16GB of RAM virtualized over VMware
ESXi 5.0. Hortonworks HDP 2.1 was chosen as the preferred
distribution, which provides Hadoop 2.4 and HBase 0.98, while
the web service was deployed over JBoss AS 7. Fig. 5. Recall vs. relative frequency for each event of the online social game
domain. Results show that the prediction system is able to learn from past
Table I shows the average and median times measured events to predict behavior, as in most cases there is a significant improvement
in milliseconds, as well as the standard deviation when the over the accuracy provided if random guess was used.
recommender service is called 5,000 times with different input
parameters. Additionally, the times for each call are recorded 90,00%
also when several requests are performed concurrently in
batches of 10 and 30 calls respectively. As it can be seen, 80,00%
average times are always under 1 second even in those cases
where 30 concurrent requests are happening, thus providing 70,00%
acceptable real-time responses. Also, there are no significant
differences in the execution time between different calls, as it 60,00%
is shown by the small standard deviation and the proximity
between the median and the average. 50,00%

B. User Behavior Prediction System
A preliminary evaluation of the prediction system has been 30,00%
carried out in order to check whether it successes when trying
to predict user behavior in the domain of online social games,
and also whether the prediction service is able to scale to attend
multiple concurrent requests.
In order to validate the prediction system, data obtained 0,00%
#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #12 #13 #14
from a social online game has been used to train and test the
prediction model. The whole dataset was divided in a training Frequency Recall
set and a test set of 70%-30% of the total size respectively.
In particular, the dataset used recorded events performed by
gamers, which can be modeled as a sequence. For this reason a
variable-order Markov model was used as it is suitable to learn
from a sequence of events of different lengths. For this dataset, which translates into the fact that the probabilistic model is
the behavior of 10,000 users were recorded during 20 days. able to successfully learn behavioral patterns performed by
This time, running environment involves a 4-nodes cluster with the users from the events sequences themselves.
8 processing cores and 16GB of RAM each virtualized over
VMware ESXi 5.0. As in the previous use case, the installed
Table III shows the average and median times measured
distribution was Hortonworks HDP 2.1 and the web service
in milliseconds, as well as the standard deviation when the
was deployed over JBoss AS7.
prediction service is called 3,000 times, each one requesting
Table II shows the results in terms of precision and recall of a behavior prediction for a different user. Again, the times for
the different events (names are hidden and a numeric identifier each call are recorded also when several requests are performed
is shown instead), as well as the relative frequency of each of concurrently in batches of 10 and 30 calls. As it can be seen,
these events in the dataset. Moreover, figure 5 plots the recall average times are always far under 500 milliseconds even when
of each event versus its relative frequency. As it can be seen, many requests are executed in parallel, which turns out to be
there is a significant advantage over simple “random guess”, a very fast response.

1.0 will reject new MapReduce algorithm implementations,
SEQUENTIAL AND WITH CONCURRENT (10 AND 30) REQUESTS which in turn will run over Apache Spark. Also, it is planned
to study how deploying a Storm topology contributes to the
Average Median Std. Dev.
performance of the stream-processing module.
Sequential 20.29 18 10.55
Concurrent (10) 98.43 79 283.21
Concurrent (30) 235.04 228 77.98 ACKNOWLEDGMENT
This research work is part of Memento Data Analysis
project, co-funded by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Energy
VI. C ONCLUSIONS and Tourism with identifier TSI-020601-2012-99.
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