Transfer of Land (PART) 1
Transfer of Land (PART) 1
Transfer of Land (PART) 1
Do HEREBY TRANSFER to the Transferees named herein for the consideration stated
below all my/our estate and interest in the part of the land comprised in the said Certificate
of Title.
Additional Restrictive
Execution by a company Signed for and on behalf of/ JAMAICA PROPERTIES LTD.
Executed under the Common Seal of ____________________________________________
Name of Company
was hereunto affixed by
By____________________________________ / ___________________________
Name of Person Capacity
In the presence of
Signing Under a Power of
Attorney Executed for and on behalf of _______________________________
Name of Transferor/Transferee
By _______________________________ _________________________
Name of Attorney Signature
In the presence of
________________________________ __________________________
Name of Transferor/Transferee Signature
Marksman Clause – To be used when If the individual is unable to read or write by reason of illiteracy or illness
a party is unable to read or write by
reason of illiteracy, illness or
blindness. Signed by
_________________________________ _______________________________
Name of Transferor /Transferee Signature
After the same was read over and explained to him or her and who expressed themselves as
understanding the nature and effects of the contents.
In the presence of
________________________ is his/her own handwriting and that he/she was of sound mind.
Name of Transferor/Transferee
and voluntarily signed such instrument.
Please state the calling of
witness _________________________________________
Date of document
Dated _________ day of ___________, __________
Day Month Year
Land Valuation Number
Lodged By
Name ________________________________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________________________
Where more than one Certificate of Titles is involved the applicant should attach a schedule of all the
Where a company is transferor then a Certificate under the hand and seal of the Registrar of Companies
should be produced stating that the company is still on the register and that no proceedings have been
started to have it removed from the register
Where a document is executed before a Notary Public in a Foreign State or Country then a Certificate
from the relevant body appointing notaries public should be produced verifying the commission of the
notary public.
This Form must be presented to the Tax Payer Audit & Assessment Department before lodgment at
the Office of Titles
N.L.A. 2003