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Pressure Meter

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TEXAMe - Pressuremeter




The TEXAM is the new electronic version of the TEXAM pressuremeter in which the pressure
and deformation are measured with electrical sensors and read with a tablet-operated readout.

Description Key Features

The TEXAM pre-boring pressuremeter is a rugged and reliable  Electronic version of the TEXAM
instrument that can be used for various ground engineering applica-  Easy to operate and maintain
tions. This pressuremeter distinguishes itself by its ease of use and
 Rugged construction
versatility. Loading is done manually with a screw jack, which allows
the user to run tests in either strain or stress controlled steps. The  Controlled rate of deformation or pressure
manually-controlled hydraulic loading system ensures a good re-  Conforms ASTM D4719-07
peatability of the test, while making unload-reload cycles very easy.
The new electronic version of the TEXAM pressuremeter makes  Safe : no compressed gas necessary
general operation of the equipment even easier and repeatable.  Versatile: Easy cyclic or creep testing
 Automatic acquisition & real time visualisation for
This equipment includes the following parts.
A control unit houses electrical pressure and volume sensors, con- enhanced control of the test on an Android tablet*
nectors, a control valve and a manual actuator (screw jack) for pres- Applications
surizing the water in the cylinder via a piston.
A readout unit consists of the DP Box unit operated with an Andoid
tablet. This versatile readout is compatible with other pressure-
 Bearing capacity and settlement estimation of all
meters manufactured by Roctest. A special application, installed on types of foundations
the tablet, allows configuring the tests and calibrations, to read and  Deformation of laterally loaded piles and sheet piles
plot the test results in real-time, to log the data, and to review test
A water-filled probe is fitted with an easy-to-replace single outer
sheath. This sheath consists of rubber typically protected with metal-
lic fins.
And finally an easy-to-repair, high-pressure tubing connects the
probe to the control unit.

TEXAMe - Pressuremeter


Control unit

Working pressure 10 000 kPa (1500 psi)

Dimensions 40 x 46 x 125 cm (l x w x h) as-


Weight 30 kg / 28 kg (Box / Actuator)

D/P BOX Readout unit

Bluetooth communication with an

User Interface
Android tablet

Resolution 1 kPa and 0.01 cm3

2 x 12 V, 2.3 A, rechargeable
Power Supply

Dimensions 25 x 28 x 12 cm (l x w x h)
Typical Pressuremeter Test Results
Housing Splashproof, resistant ABS case
Autonomy > 8 hours typically
Diameter 74 mm (N Long) / 44 mm (A)

Universal AC wall plug with US/ Length 72 cm / 84 cm

Power supply interface Euro adapter + adapter cable for Weight 6.4 kg / 4.5 kg
car (lighter) & for external battery
Max radial expansion 35 %
Note: D/P BOX & Android Tablet sold separately

Test Procedure

The probe is placed at the test depth in a pre-drilled borehole obtained by a method adapted to the soil conditions: wet rotary drilling, auger-
ing, shelby tube pushing, etc. In granular soils below the water table, the probe can be driven directly within a slotted casing. The test is run
either with a constant rate of deformation by using a uniform rate of rotation of the actuator, or with equal increments of pressure as for the
Menard pressuremeter test.

Test Results Optional Accessories

An in-situ stress-strain curve is obtained by plotting the injected vol-  A high-precision digital gage kit to
ume against pressure. The main parameters yielded from the test be connected on the front panel as
readings are the Pressuremeter Modulus, Creep Pressure, and the a backup reading.
Limit Pressure. A tool (TexamCompanion) developed by Roctest can  A mechanical volume counter to
be used for that purpose. install on the handle shaft, also for
backup reading.
 A slotted casing assembly compat-
Ordering Information ible with A-size probe, for use in
difficult soils (gravely soils). Digital Pressure
Gagae Kit
Please specify:
 Tubing length (25, 33 , or 50 m)
 Probe diameter Note that the TEXAM is compatible with the BOREMAC and
 Accessories (metallic sheaths, rings) and optional items PENCEL Probes - see sparate brochures for more details.

Roctest Ltd,
680 Birch Street Phone +1 450 465 1113 Email info@roctest.com
St-Lambert, Quebec Fax. +1 450 465 1938 Web www.roctest.com
Canada J4P 2N3
E5001E-180202 Roctest reserves the right to make any changes in the specifications without prior notice

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