Gray Matters Brochure 2015
Gray Matters Brochure 2015
Gray Matters Brochure 2015
People Solutions.
Lose the battle to attract, retain and develop people and you lose the war
for gaining supremacy in the new economy.
The shortest sentence in the business bible
Gray Matters People Solutions offerings help clients realize the value of their
people. We understand that people are your organization's greatest asset and we
work with you to discover and maximise their true potential. With our experienced
consultants , we have the right people, tools and methodology to provide solutions
to your most challenging business issues connected directly or indirectly to People.
We offer the following services in the people solutions area:
The Workshop process consists of the following:- The Organization Design process followed:-
• How to have a Visionary approach, how to • Organization Diagnostics (interviews)
articulate a Shared Vision with the help of BHAGs. • Understanding Strategic Direction of the
• Facilitated Imagery of the Envisioned Future. organization (workshops / interviews)
• Using Affinity clustering to arrive at the core • Benchmarking Studies (Gray Matters database /
Values of the organization. secondary research)
• Vision Dialogue and Vivid Descriptions • Formulation of Job Clusters (Job Task
Standards© / Work Decision Level Structure©)
Post Workshop: - • Work Process Study / Manpower Optimization
• Draft the articulated Vision / Mission / Values • Proposed Organization Structure (with
statements alternatives)
• Design BTL communication material for the whole • Detailing the departmental structure and the Job
organization Bands with Job Banding Methodology ©
• Define organization wide awareness programmes • Defining Roles & Responsibilities (with the help
for disseminating the articulated statements of our Role Clarity & Task Prioritization© Tool)
measures that
impact business
Creating the Scorecard Operationalising BSc
Performance management involves employees, Performance Management is not a single
their management and their representatives, in a intervention that can be implemented easily. It
combined effort to improve organizational requires a carefully integrated range of activities to
effectiveness. A Transparent Performance be successful.
Management system would include clarity of We at Gray Matters have designed this intervention
thought process about the roles being performed method to integrate business performance directly
and hence the linkages of the tasks to the KRA, as with individual performance through BSc based PMS
well as the Business Objective. and the internal review mechanism process of the
organization. This solution improves the visibility of
linkages of individual / departmental performance
with business outcomes on a fortnightly / monthly
Gray Matters Measures That Matter© a Balanced Operationalising BSc process followed:-
Scorecard development and cascading tool for Stage 3 : Alignment :
linking organizational KRAs to individual KRAs works • Translating the corporate & departmental scorecard to
on the above principles. monthly business indicators
• Cascading the annual plan into monthly plan for the
Balanced Scorecard Creation process followed:- organization and creating a framework for each function
Stage 1 : Mobilizing Change on a monthly basis
• Converting the business plan to short and medium term • Creating monthly dashboard for reviews at corporate
goals and departmental level
• Creating of Strategy Maps Stage 4 : Making Strategy Everyone’s job :
• Creating a performance management framework based • Converting each business indicators to “ what it means
on Balanced Scorecard for me”.
Stage 2 : Translate Strategy into operation • Creating a reward and recognition framework linking
• Corporate Scorecard monthly to yearly performance
• Departmental Scorecard linked to Corporate Scorecard Stage 5 : Ensuring continuity:
• Individual Scorecard linked to Departmental Scorecard • Being part of few monthly review process
• Performance Management Handbook • Creating a system based framework to integrate all
• Communication collaterals for Goal Setting, Mid Term scorecards across function along with their outcomes
and Year End appraisal period
3talent pipeline
Competency Assessment Career & Succession Plng
An improved capability in a person leads to “Talent pipeline” refers to an organization’s
behaviour that meets the job demands within the ongoing need to have a pool of talent that is readily
organizational framework, which in turn brings available to fill positions at all levels of
about desired business results. management as the company grows.
Competency Assessment identifies an individual's We at Gray Matters have designed this intervention
strengths and weaknesses with an aim to method to provide our clients with a ready to fit
understand the person fit for a job role as against a structured solution to address talent issues rather
defined set of required competencies. This would than resorting to knee-jerk reactions. The solution is
help in the career development of the employee and systematic and transparent which improves the buy
the organization would have a ready-fit candidate. in of the employees and offers an integrated
approach with competency management and
Competency Assessment process followed:- learning management solution
• Job Competency Analyzer (JCA)© - to identify the
Career & Succession planning process followed:-
Competencies required for the organization.
• Converting business blue print to talent blue print
• Think Build Operate (TBO) © Framework – to
• Creating the Competency framework
create a competency dictionary defining the
• Creating the Learning management framework
behavioural indicators
• Competency Assessment
• Assessment / Development Centres (AC/DC) –
• Ascertaining Career paths for all job families
Assessment of actual proficiencies in a simulated
• Identification of Feeders & Mapping Competency
Assessment outcomes with feeder
• Individual Development Planning (IDP) Reports -
• Defining developmental need for all positions
A detailed Individual Development Planning (IDP)
• Creating integrated learning plan
report and a personal feedback on their
• Succession framework management
developmental areas for each participant
• Training management system & governance
• Activating Development of People & Training
(ADoPT)© – On-the-Job special projects and
• Linking training outcomes to career progression
Training Interventions for competency gap
• Developing an integrated talent pipeline system
human resource
health check-up
HR Effectiveness & Audit Engagement Survey
Organizations HR process and System effectiveness At Gray Matters we help clients understand the
level depend on the maturity level of the practices strengths and limitations of organizational practices
and their implementation level. Good HR practices and policies which are acting as enablers for
can influence financial and other performance 'engagement' or 'disengagement' in an organization,
indicators of organizations by generating employee through our Belief Index © surveys for the purpose.
competency based
In the current economic situation with market competition intensifying at all levels it is more than pertinent for
an organization now to improve skills at all levels. Organizations need to ensure that people across levels
demonstrate the desired behaviours to achieve the business results. The word training is getting replaced with
capability development sooner than before, making us to focus on more structured learning interventions.
Gray Matter’s Competency Based Solutions(CBS) is uniquely designed to support our clients with specific
solution related to Skill development by using a scientific model of linking organizational competency
requirements and learning solutions. This model reinforces organizational competencies and addresses
performance gaps while enabling the participants to implement the learning in their work environment.
We use Gray Matters proprietary tool Rapid Training Needs Identification (RTNI)© tool which is based on a set
of researched behavioural indicators derived from our competency model to identify our clients specific needs.
This helps in reduction of random training and ensures a structured intervention to improve business
performance. Our model ensures designing programs based on the skill-models for desired behavioural
indicators chosen by you. This is a behaviour improvement targeted method rather than a “fit-for-all” Training
programme and hence would yield better results for the participants and as a result for the organization.
Competency Based Solution process followed:- Gray Matters TBO© Competency Framework
• Understanding Organizational competency Think (T) – 6 Competencies
requirement and mapping to Gray Matters
(1) Information Seeking, (2) Organizational Awareness, (3)
Model Relationship Building, (4) Leadership Orientation, (5)
• Linking the Rapid Training Needs Identification Analytical Thinking, (6) Conceptual Thinking
(RTNI)© tool with organizational framework Build (B) – 6 Competencies
• Identifying the Competency based solutions (1) Interpersonal Understanding, (2) Impact & Influence,
relevant for the organization across levels (3) Developing Others, (4) Self Control, (5) Self
• Conducting the learning interventions as per the Confidence, (6) Flexibility
framework Operate (O) – 8 Competencies
• Post Training Learning Applications Plan (LAP) – (1) Achievement Orientation, (2) Concern for Order, (3)
we ensure participants to take on a project for Initiative, (4) Customer Service Orientation, (5)
application of their learning, to be submitted to a Assertiveness, (6) Teamwork & Cooperation, (7) Technical
panel after 6 months of the Training Program. & Managerial Expertise, (8) Organizational Commitment
• Based on LAP outcomes we also initiate “On-the-
Job” special projects and Training Interventions Note: Each of the above “Competencies” have
for competency gap mitigation as per our been further classified into “sub-components”
methodology (ADoPT)© – Activating and researched “behavioural indicators” that
Development of People & Training form part of the (RTNI)© tool .
management system
Changing market dynamics are impeding more and more organizations to outsource their learning
need to the experts for better results. The level of outsourcing varies across different maturity
models. The concept of relying on experts for an end-to-end learning solutions is gaining momentum
as opposed to only outsourcing the training delivery. This ensures an all encompassing learning
solution which can easily be connected to desired performance.
At Gray Matters we aim at solving our client’s requirement through our VITAL© Process, which is
designed to link the organizational need, and develop customised learning solution. The model is
based around the Gray Matters Competency / Skill Model which involves monitoring the
effectiveness of each program, with detailed analytics, connecting learning framework along with
business performance
The 5 step VITAL© process is centered on Learning Application Projects (LAP)
workforce capability development : All our learning development programs are
(a) Vision – Calibrating your organization's based on Multi-Stimuli model. We use
strategic vision - the "should be" as opposed multiple tools for the Learning sessions to
to the "as is". become interesting for the participants. Post-
(b) Intent - A strategic conversation with you to workshop, we deploy the “Learning
understand where the operation is today, Application Project”(LAP), which the
where you want to take it, and what learning participants need to submit and present to the
interventions would get you there. LAP Grading panel
(c) Trace – An employee sample survey to
determine the alignment around the vision, LAP provides an opportunity to the participants to
competency gaps that needs to be closed, and apply the concepts learned in the program to their
attitudes that undermine change. everyday work. They might need to interact with
their team members and colleagues to capture
(d) Align – Design learning interventions that
information and insights to complete their LAP.
support your strategic intent, blend
competency development with change in
behaviour demonstrated at work.
(e) Link - provide measurable results, mapped
directly to the organization competencies
We offer a comprehensive library of 63 training courses in order to address your business and
training needs. We can also tailor the content to address the specific challenges your organization is
facing. One of our account managers will collaborate with you to clearly understand and define
business objectives to ensure we deliver an effective training solution to improve your business.
Our Programmes…
Social Skills Emerging Skills Functional Skills
Body Language Selling to win HR for Non HR
Business Etiquette Work-Life Balance Digital Marketing
Assertiveness Skills Team Effectiveness Behavioural Safety
Interpersonal Skills First Time Manager Project Management
Workplace Etiquette Campus to Corporate Contract Management
Transactional Analysis From Manager to Leader Demand & Forecasting
Personality Development Managerial Effectiveness Social Media Marketing
Business Communication Achievement Orientation Supply Chain Management
Business English Proficiency Art of Getting Things Done Financial Statement & Ratios
High Impact Presentation Skills Effective Time Management Working Capital Management
Vendor Development Technique
Strategic Brand Management
High Accomplishment Skills Leadership Advantage Skills Logistics & Inventory Mgmt.
Analytical Thinking & Creativity Competency Based Interviews Sales Process Management
Customer Orientation (CRM) Leadership Development Service Level Agreements
Relationship Management Coaching & Mentoring Finance for Non-Finance
Stakeholder Management Competency Mapping Campaign Management
Performance Feedback Balanced Scorecard Financial Management
Emotional Intelligence Strategic Thinking Channel Management
Conflict Management Train the Trainer Credit Management
Stress Management Vision & Values Risk Management
Negotiation Skills Think Different Procurement
Decision Making Winning Ways Kaizen & 5S
experiential learning
The spreadsheets sink in the waterfalls. Unknown little birds tear apart the focus groups. A
thousand feet above sea level, that client brief and the quarter-end presentation succumb to
You rise. You realize. You are reborn.
Experiential education (or "learning by doing") is the process of actively engaging corporate
executives in an experience that will have benefits and consequences. Executives make discoveries
and experiment with knowledge themselves, instead of hearing or reading about the experiences of
others. Executives also reflect on their experiences, thus developing new skills, new attitudes, and
new theories or ways of thinking. Executives also relate existing knowledge and theory to their
experience to better understand the existing theory or modify it
One of the most powerful tools that we currently use for Advanced Training - due to its speed and
effectiveness in achieving results- is the experiential or action-learning simulation. Action Learning
is based on the premise that people learn best from experience - and from reflecting on experience
to gain insights for personal, professional and team development. While on the surface they often
appear to be simply "games", the team and leadership simulations that we use are a form of
action-learning that serve as powerful "practice fields" to sharpen critical skills for on-the-job
The learning is experiential, dramatized by the powerful impact of the outdoors – Out of your
comfort zone - Be it in the Himalayas or the Desert landscape! Not only more vivid but also which
transfers directly to Management skill and style at the work place.
BONFIRE© Sessions -These specialised sessions are the centrepiece of our OEL activities. These
sessions are designed for participants to develop Bonding, Organizing and Negotiating skills and
display Focus, Intuition, Responsibility and Enterprise – the attitudes essential for accomplishment
of work or tasks.
(Skill Building Workshops)
Making poor hiring decisions (and keeping bad hires) based on deficient
interviewing skills costs companies millions of dollars every year. This programme
helps interviewers develop the proven skill sets to interview and find the best
candidate every time. The Competency Based Interviewing Technique
improves the predictive success of interviews by 40%.
This workshop breaks the myths of Leadership and identifies the potential ‘Leader
in You’. Covering various aspects like the Locus of control – Interpreting
Internality & Externality, Factors governing personal effectiveness, Measuring
Pro-activity, Conflict Resolution, Strategies for improving personal effectiveness
and many more such critical aspects of Leadership
Here we bring to you a unique workshop with full-length feature films to share
management concepts that we usually learn through classroom training. No
Boring PowerPoint. No Lengthy Lectures You Learn: - Planning, Organizing,
Leading, Controlling, Achieving, with the help of 4-5 movies from our
Management Movie Library
Career & Knowledge
Advisory Service
Gray Matters Career & Knowledge Solutions are geared to bridge the gap between
the client understanding requirement and knowledge solutions available by using
both well-known and new knowledge techniques.
We assess career tendencies and guide young minds towards their desired careers
by using our proprietary interest-based, career assess tool myVector® and
customized career counselling sessions
Our expertise also lies in developing content for reference books, newspapers,
magazines, graphic novels, live quizzes, TV game shows and quizzes, ground events,
school contact programmes, websites and mobile phones.
Educational institutions where myVector Career Direction tool has been administered…
1. Calcutta International School 15. Laketown Govt. High School 29. Acharya Prafulla Chandra High School
2. Don Bosco, Park Circus 16. APC High School 30. Ultadanga High School for Girls
3. Garden High School 17. Mount Carmel College 31. Bagmari Maniktala High School
4. Bidya Bharati School 18. Rishi Bankim Chandra College 32. Bagbazar Multipurpose High School
5. Hare School 19. AGM High School 33. Singhibagan High School for Girls
6. Hindu School 20. Sri Sri Ramkrishna Vidyapith 34. B.T. Road Govt. Sponsored High Schl
7. Bethune Collegiate School 21. Mohan Girls High School 35. Sailendra Sarkar Vidyalaya
8. Jodhpur Park Boys High School 22. Maulana Azad N U University 36. Adi Mahakali Pathsala
9. Jodhpur Park Girls High School 23. Barrackpore R S College 37. Surah Kanya Vidyapith
10. Bidhan Nagar Govt. High School 24. Mahadevananda College 38. Giribala Balika Vidyalaya
11. Taki House Govt. High School 25. Anglo Vernacular High School 39. New Alipore Multipurpose School
12. Taki House Multipurpose School 26. Khanpur Girls High School 40. Ananda Ashram Balika Vidyapith
13. Ballygunge Govt High School 27. A A Sarada Vidyapith 41. Jawaharlal Nehru Vidyapith (Boys)
14. Sakhawat Memorial Girl’s High 28. Begum Rokeya Smriti Govt. Girls' School 42. Jawaharlal Nehru Vidyapith (Girls)
Bangladesh Partner
HSPP Consultants Ltd.
HSPP Park View,
House 1, Road 3/A, Block J, Baridhara,
Dhaka 1229,
T: +880 2 9852981-2