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Gray Matters Brochure 2015

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People Solutions.
Lose the battle to attract, retain and develop people and you lose the war
for gaining supremacy in the new economy.
The shortest sentence in the business bible


We firmly believe that every human – and the systems they
work in - have the "seeds" of achievement capacity, i.e.
potential, in them. They only need enabling systems and
processes to perform at their potential and achieve business

Hence all our interventions and initiatives are directed

towards facilitating our clients in creating this enabling
environment to unleash human potential and thus
achieving their aspired results.

"Leading" signifies that we position our capabilities and

capacities, in the mind-space of the people, becoming the
"reference point" – i.e. whenever they think of "someone
best in the field in facilitating result achievement" - they
think of us.
Human Resource
Advisory Services
To gain competitive advantage in today's global marketplace, successful companies
must capitalize on their single most important asset - their people. As companies
seek to maximize the organizational potential, they must recognize that many
traditional concepts may no longer be applicable. Many companies have
traditionally looked at people strictly as a cost. This approach certainly limits an
organization’s future success. Refocusing on an effective HR function is, therefore,
essential to maximize the business potential of a truly global organization

Gray Matters People Solutions offerings help clients realize the value of their
people. We understand that people are your organization's greatest asset and we
work with you to discover and maximise their true potential. With our experienced
consultants , we have the right people, tools and methodology to provide solutions
to your most challenging business issues connected directly or indirectly to People.
We offer the following services in the people solutions area:

Our Advisory Solutions

Organizational Transformation
Organization Vision
Organization Design
Job & Compensation Banding
Role Clarity & Task Prioritization
Measures that Impact Business
Balanced Scorecard
Business PMS Alignment
Performance Linked Variable Pay
Talent Pipeline Development
Competency Assessment
Career & Succession Planning
Human Resource Health Check-up
HR Effectiveness Audit
Employee Engagement Survey
Implementation Focus
HR On-Site
PMS On-Site
1 organizational
Organization Visioning Organization Design
The Mission statement is the Core Purpose of the An organization may have the best people, but it
organization. This guides the organization in every will achieve the best performance only when the
business it does or wishes to do. The Vision organization structure and style is aligned.
statements are those which provides the steps to
the Mission and the Values are uncompromising Organization Design is a formal, guided process for
principles that guide the organization and its people integrating people, information and technology of
through its journey. an organization. It is used to sync the chain of
commands of an organization to the purpose(s) the
organization seeks to achieve. Linking organization
structure to the broader strategy improves on the
probability of realising organizational goals.

The Workshop process consists of the following:- The Organization Design process followed:-
• How to have a Visionary approach, how to • Organization Diagnostics (interviews)
articulate a Shared Vision with the help of BHAGs. • Understanding Strategic Direction of the
• Facilitated Imagery of the Envisioned Future. organization (workshops / interviews)
• Using Affinity clustering to arrive at the core • Benchmarking Studies (Gray Matters database /
Values of the organization. secondary research)
• Vision Dialogue and Vivid Descriptions • Formulation of Job Clusters (Job Task
Standards© / Work Decision Level Structure©)
Post Workshop: - • Work Process Study / Manpower Optimization
• Draft the articulated Vision / Mission / Values • Proposed Organization Structure (with
statements alternatives)
• Design BTL communication material for the whole • Detailing the departmental structure and the Job
organization Bands with Job Banding Methodology ©
• Define organization wide awareness programmes • Defining Roles & Responsibilities (with the help
for disseminating the articulated statements of our Role Clarity & Task Prioritization© Tool)
measures that
impact business
Creating the Scorecard Operationalising BSc
Performance management involves employees, Performance Management is not a single
their management and their representatives, in a intervention that can be implemented easily. It
combined effort to improve organizational requires a carefully integrated range of activities to
effectiveness. A Transparent Performance be successful.
Management system would include clarity of We at Gray Matters have designed this intervention
thought process about the roles being performed method to integrate business performance directly
and hence the linkages of the tasks to the KRA, as with individual performance through BSc based PMS
well as the Business Objective. and the internal review mechanism process of the
organization. This solution improves the visibility of
linkages of individual / departmental performance
with business outcomes on a fortnightly / monthly
Gray Matters Measures That Matter© a Balanced Operationalising BSc process followed:-
Scorecard development and cascading tool for Stage 3 : Alignment :
linking organizational KRAs to individual KRAs works • Translating the corporate & departmental scorecard to
on the above principles. monthly business indicators
• Cascading the annual plan into monthly plan for the
Balanced Scorecard Creation process followed:- organization and creating a framework for each function
Stage 1 : Mobilizing Change on a monthly basis
• Converting the business plan to short and medium term • Creating monthly dashboard for reviews at corporate
goals and departmental level
• Creating of Strategy Maps Stage 4 : Making Strategy Everyone’s job :
• Creating a performance management framework based • Converting each business indicators to “ what it means
on Balanced Scorecard for me”.
Stage 2 : Translate Strategy into operation • Creating a reward and recognition framework linking
• Corporate Scorecard monthly to yearly performance
• Departmental Scorecard linked to Corporate Scorecard Stage 5 : Ensuring continuity:
• Individual Scorecard linked to Departmental Scorecard • Being part of few monthly review process
• Performance Management Handbook • Creating a system based framework to integrate all
• Communication collaterals for Goal Setting, Mid Term scorecards across function along with their outcomes
and Year End appraisal period
3talent pipeline
Competency Assessment Career & Succession Plng
An improved capability in a person leads to “Talent pipeline” refers to an organization’s
behaviour that meets the job demands within the ongoing need to have a pool of talent that is readily
organizational framework, which in turn brings available to fill positions at all levels of
about desired business results. management as the company grows.
Competency Assessment identifies an individual's We at Gray Matters have designed this intervention
strengths and weaknesses with an aim to method to provide our clients with a ready to fit
understand the person fit for a job role as against a structured solution to address talent issues rather
defined set of required competencies. This would than resorting to knee-jerk reactions. The solution is
help in the career development of the employee and systematic and transparent which improves the buy
the organization would have a ready-fit candidate. in of the employees and offers an integrated
approach with competency management and
Competency Assessment process followed:- learning management solution
• Job Competency Analyzer (JCA)© - to identify the
Career & Succession planning process followed:-
Competencies required for the organization.
• Converting business blue print to talent blue print
• Think Build Operate (TBO) © Framework – to
• Creating the Competency framework
create a competency dictionary defining the
• Creating the Learning management framework
behavioural indicators
• Competency Assessment
• Assessment / Development Centres (AC/DC) –
• Ascertaining Career paths for all job families
Assessment of actual proficiencies in a simulated
• Identification of Feeders & Mapping Competency
Assessment outcomes with feeder
• Individual Development Planning (IDP) Reports -
• Defining developmental need for all positions
A detailed Individual Development Planning (IDP)
• Creating integrated learning plan
report and a personal feedback on their
• Succession framework management
developmental areas for each participant
• Training management system & governance
• Activating Development of People & Training
(ADoPT)© – On-the-Job special projects and
• Linking training outcomes to career progression
Training Interventions for competency gap
• Developing an integrated talent pipeline system
human resource
health check-up
HR Effectiveness & Audit Engagement Survey
Organizations HR process and System effectiveness At Gray Matters we help clients understand the
level depend on the maturity level of the practices strengths and limitations of organizational practices
and their implementation level. Good HR practices and policies which are acting as enablers for
can influence financial and other performance 'engagement' or 'disengagement' in an organization,
indicators of organizations by generating employee through our Belief Index © surveys for the purpose.

A human resources effectiveness audit enables

organizations to comprehensively assess their HR
practices. We help clients unearth the potential of The Gray Matters Engagement Model – Belief
their own systems by measuring its effectiveness. Index© examines engagement outcomes from the
We also support clients in introducing or improving belief system of an individual. This framework
on their current systems based on business need and consists of four distinctive clusters, namely,
time perspective. Organizational Direction, Organizational Culture,
People Practices and People Circle. Within these
Identifying “gaps” between policy and practice clusters, there are 15 Factors which are represented
increases efficiency and productivity of an by 51 insightful Questions related to the
organization’s HR activities. It also contributes to organizational climate.
quality improvement processes and enhances Engagement Survey process followed:
employee satisfaction by ensuring that established • Survey Teaser Poster design to create
standards are being followed consistently. excitement and participation
• Survey Questionnaire (Online)
Services include: • Daily Response Tracking
• HR Effectiveness study (Analysis of Promise and • Detailed Analysis & Recommendations
Performance) • Action Improvement Discussion (AID)©
• HR Diagnostic Study / HR Audit (Matching Workshop – an action planning and
Practices vs policies) improvement discussion Post Analysis and
• Manpower Optimization Study (Process Study results to create the roadmap for
and Headcount Analysis implementation
5 on-site
Over time more It is a common phenomenon
organizations are outsourcing that clients finds a systematic
their complete HR needs to recommendation as
HR service firms. At Gray “excellent” but foresees
Matters we also extend bottlenecks in effective
implementation support at implementation thereby
client site. impacting results.
With market dynamics changing constantly many As part of the PMS On-site model we support our
organizations are globally looking at outsourcing clients for a full PMS cycle from design to delivery on
their non-core functions , one of them being People the ground.
Management. The reliance on HR experts to
manage the critical business driver is constantly The Services provided are:-
increasing, we at Gray Matters support our clients 1. Understanding the current PMS system
when there is a gap in HR leadership and HR 2. Redesigning the PMS system
leadership transition related situation in their 3. KRA / KPI Workshops for all employees
organization. With our HR On-site module, we act 4. Goal Setting Workshops for all employees
as the HR of the organization and help our clients 5. Mid-Year Review hand-holding
in either setting up or beefing up the HR function 6. End-Year Review hand-holding
without impacting any people practices or 7. Linkage of results to rewards
processes. 8. All Communications related to PMS
9. PMS Manual
With Gray Matters HR On-site solution you can…
Capitalize on our specialist HR knowledge at an With Gray Matters PMS On-site solution
optimal cost. Employees will focus on the right KRAs and KPIs
Get the best of talents to lay down the practical linking key organizational objectives
and effective HR framework for your All KRAs will be based on the SMART principle
organization. Managers will be guided to provide periodic
Ensure consistency in mapping people, process feedback to employees for them to improve
and also development of your HR Staff A transparent and objective linkage between
PMS outcome and rewards
Learning Solution
Advisory Services
Behavioral skills training have witnessed a marked transition in the last decade from
being ‘generic’ and ‘good to have’ to being ‘defined’ and ‘pre-requisite’. This shift in
perception is not without reason. Organizations across the globe have realized that
professionals with only technical skills partly complement the essentials of being
ready for the role . Research study has revealed, that people skills outweigh
technical skills by a factor of 3:1, in deciding the long-term success of professionals.
The mission of "Gray Matters –Learning Solutions" is to develop managers into
successful leaders by improving their behavioural skills. Our behavioural and
management development programmes focus on enabling the participants to
succeed by developing the right skill and attributes. We also measure training
effectiveness of our programs at 4 levels, namely, L1 - Reaction, L2 - Learning
Change , L3 - Behaviour Change and L4 – Impact and ROI.
We offer the entire range of customised behavioural programmes based on the
needs of your organization:

Our Learning Solutions

Competency Based Solutions (CBS)
The Competency Based Solutions (CBS) consists of unique modular programmes
designed to focus on areas key to the success of your organization. This solution has
been created based on a standard set of researched organizational competencies as
per Gray Matters Methodology , which addresses performance gaps cutting across
industries and levels inside the organization.
Learning Management System (LMS)
The Learning Management System (LMS) is a customised learning and development
package for your organization based on your own competency model which are
mapped to our system for monitoring the effectiveness and efficacy of each
program and tracking the progress of each learner.

Off The Shelf Programmes (OTS)

Many organizations prefer off-the-shelf programmes on various topics, based on
their own felt behavioural needs across multiple domain areas. We have 24 such
programs under one umbrella, catering to your needs.

Outdoor Experiential Learning (OEL)

Outdoor Experiential Learning is based on the premise that people learn best from
experience - and from reflecting on experience to gain insights for personal,
professional and team development. Our Proprietary BONFIRE© Model helps to
bring out the best in your people in a natural environment.

Signature Skill Building Programmes

Most Training programs are awareness programs. We present here few specialized
skill-building programs that would enhance the participants skills within the
programme days (3-4 days modules). It’s a straight ROI. These are our SIGNATURE©

competency based
In the current economic situation with market competition intensifying at all levels it is more than pertinent for
an organization now to improve skills at all levels. Organizations need to ensure that people across levels
demonstrate the desired behaviours to achieve the business results. The word training is getting replaced with
capability development sooner than before, making us to focus on more structured learning interventions.

Gray Matter’s Competency Based Solutions(CBS) is uniquely designed to support our clients with specific
solution related to Skill development by using a scientific model of linking organizational competency
requirements and learning solutions. This model reinforces organizational competencies and addresses
performance gaps while enabling the participants to implement the learning in their work environment.

We use Gray Matters proprietary tool Rapid Training Needs Identification (RTNI)© tool which is based on a set
of researched behavioural indicators derived from our competency model to identify our clients specific needs.
This helps in reduction of random training and ensures a structured intervention to improve business
performance. Our model ensures designing programs based on the skill-models for desired behavioural
indicators chosen by you. This is a behaviour improvement targeted method rather than a “fit-for-all” Training
programme and hence would yield better results for the participants and as a result for the organization.

Competency Based Solution process followed:- Gray Matters TBO© Competency Framework
• Understanding Organizational competency Think (T) – 6 Competencies
requirement and mapping to Gray Matters
(1) Information Seeking, (2) Organizational Awareness, (3)
Model Relationship Building, (4) Leadership Orientation, (5)
• Linking the Rapid Training Needs Identification Analytical Thinking, (6) Conceptual Thinking
(RTNI)© tool with organizational framework Build (B) – 6 Competencies
• Identifying the Competency based solutions (1) Interpersonal Understanding, (2) Impact & Influence,
relevant for the organization across levels (3) Developing Others, (4) Self Control, (5) Self
• Conducting the learning interventions as per the Confidence, (6) Flexibility
framework Operate (O) – 8 Competencies
• Post Training Learning Applications Plan (LAP) – (1) Achievement Orientation, (2) Concern for Order, (3)
we ensure participants to take on a project for Initiative, (4) Customer Service Orientation, (5)
application of their learning, to be submitted to a Assertiveness, (6) Teamwork & Cooperation, (7) Technical
panel after 6 months of the Training Program. & Managerial Expertise, (8) Organizational Commitment
• Based on LAP outcomes we also initiate “On-the-
Job” special projects and Training Interventions Note: Each of the above “Competencies” have
for competency gap mitigation as per our been further classified into “sub-components”
methodology (ADoPT)© – Activating and researched “behavioural indicators” that
Development of People & Training form part of the (RTNI)© tool .

management system
Changing market dynamics are impeding more and more organizations to outsource their learning
need to the experts for better results. The level of outsourcing varies across different maturity
models. The concept of relying on experts for an end-to-end learning solutions is gaining momentum
as opposed to only outsourcing the training delivery. This ensures an all encompassing learning
solution which can easily be connected to desired performance.

At Gray Matters we aim at solving our client’s requirement through our VITAL© Process, which is
designed to link the organizational need, and develop customised learning solution. The model is
based around the Gray Matters Competency / Skill Model which involves monitoring the
effectiveness of each program, with detailed analytics, connecting learning framework along with
business performance
The 5 step VITAL© process is centered on Learning Application Projects (LAP)
workforce capability development : All our learning development programs are
(a) Vision – Calibrating your organization's based on Multi-Stimuli model. We use
strategic vision - the "should be" as opposed multiple tools for the Learning sessions to
to the "as is". become interesting for the participants. Post-
(b) Intent - A strategic conversation with you to workshop, we deploy the “Learning
understand where the operation is today, Application Project”(LAP), which the
where you want to take it, and what learning participants need to submit and present to the
interventions would get you there. LAP Grading panel
(c) Trace – An employee sample survey to
determine the alignment around the vision, LAP provides an opportunity to the participants to
competency gaps that needs to be closed, and apply the concepts learned in the program to their
attitudes that undermine change. everyday work. They might need to interact with
their team members and colleagues to capture
(d) Align – Design learning interventions that
information and insights to complete their LAP.
support your strategic intent, blend
competency development with change in
behaviour demonstrated at work.
(e) Link - provide measurable results, mapped
directly to the organization competencies

Note: - Gray Matters ROI Model & Analytics

Our ROI model is based on the Results Pyramid. We
measure the impact of all learning interventions at 4
Levels – from Reaction to Impact .

We offer a comprehensive library of 63 training courses in order to address your business and
training needs. We can also tailor the content to address the specific challenges your organization is
facing. One of our account managers will collaborate with you to clearly understand and define
business objectives to ensure we deliver an effective training solution to improve your business.

These programmes are categorised under SHELF : -

(1) Social Skills, (2) High Accomplishment Skills, (3) Emerging Skills,
(4) Leadership Advantage Skills, (5) Functional Skills

Our Programmes…
Social Skills Emerging Skills Functional Skills
Body Language Selling to win HR for Non HR
Business Etiquette Work-Life Balance Digital Marketing
Assertiveness Skills Team Effectiveness Behavioural Safety
Interpersonal Skills First Time Manager Project Management
Workplace Etiquette Campus to Corporate Contract Management
Transactional Analysis From Manager to Leader Demand & Forecasting
Personality Development Managerial Effectiveness Social Media Marketing
Business Communication Achievement Orientation Supply Chain Management
Business English Proficiency Art of Getting Things Done Financial Statement & Ratios
High Impact Presentation Skills Effective Time Management Working Capital Management
Vendor Development Technique
Strategic Brand Management
High Accomplishment Skills Leadership Advantage Skills Logistics & Inventory Mgmt.
Analytical Thinking & Creativity Competency Based Interviews Sales Process Management
Customer Orientation (CRM) Leadership Development Service Level Agreements
Relationship Management Coaching & Mentoring Finance for Non-Finance
Stakeholder Management Competency Mapping Campaign Management
Performance Feedback Balanced Scorecard Financial Management
Emotional Intelligence Strategic Thinking Channel Management
Conflict Management Train the Trainer Credit Management
Stress Management Vision & Values Risk Management
Negotiation Skills Think Different Procurement
Decision Making Winning Ways Kaizen & 5S

experiential learning
The spreadsheets sink in the waterfalls. Unknown little birds tear apart the focus groups. A
thousand feet above sea level, that client brief and the quarter-end presentation succumb to
You rise. You realize. You are reborn.

Experiential education (or "learning by doing") is the process of actively engaging corporate
executives in an experience that will have benefits and consequences. Executives make discoveries
and experiment with knowledge themselves, instead of hearing or reading about the experiences of
others. Executives also reflect on their experiences, thus developing new skills, new attitudes, and
new theories or ways of thinking. Executives also relate existing knowledge and theory to their
experience to better understand the existing theory or modify it
One of the most powerful tools that we currently use for Advanced Training - due to its speed and
effectiveness in achieving results- is the experiential or action-learning simulation. Action Learning
is based on the premise that people learn best from experience - and from reflecting on experience
to gain insights for personal, professional and team development. While on the surface they often
appear to be simply "games", the team and leadership simulations that we use are a form of
action-learning that serve as powerful "practice fields" to sharpen critical skills for on-the-job

The learning is experiential, dramatized by the powerful impact of the outdoors – Out of your
comfort zone - Be it in the Himalayas or the Desert landscape! Not only more vivid but also which
transfers directly to Management skill and style at the work place.

BONFIRE© Sessions -These specialised sessions are the centrepiece of our OEL activities. These
sessions are designed for participants to develop Bonding, Organizing and Negotiating skills and
display Focus, Intuition, Responsibility and Enterprise – the attitudes essential for accomplishment
of work or tasks.
(Skill Building Workshops)

Making poor hiring decisions (and keeping bad hires) based on deficient
interviewing skills costs companies millions of dollars every year. This programme
helps interviewers develop the proven skill sets to interview and find the best
candidate every time. The Competency Based Interviewing Technique
improves the predictive success of interviews by 40%.

A 360 degree approach to make you more effective at your workplace.

Everybody communicates but very few connect. Learn the usage of First Brain
principles to sell your ideas, to put forth your thoughts to anyone. Learn to read
people, use and understand verbal and non verbal cues to connect to people,
understand ego states to diffuse conflicts.

This workshop breaks the myths of Leadership and identifies the potential ‘Leader
in You’. Covering various aspects like the Locus of control – Interpreting
Internality & Externality, Factors governing personal effectiveness, Measuring
Pro-activity, Conflict Resolution, Strategies for improving personal effectiveness
and many more such critical aspects of Leadership

A Murder Mystery exercise, which involves participants in a team to solve an

intriguing murder mystery like a real life detective, collecting clues, sifting
through evidences, thinking, analysing and finally identifying the killer. This
workshop helps an organization to find out Analytical Thinking, Problem Solving
Skills , Rational Thinking Skills and Decision Making capabilities of individuals. It
also helps to observe Individual and Group behaviour of participants.

Here we bring to you a unique workshop with full-length feature films to share
management concepts that we usually learn through classroom training. No
Boring PowerPoint. No Lengthy Lectures You Learn: - Planning, Organizing,
Leading, Controlling, Achieving, with the help of 4-5 movies from our
Management Movie Library
Career & Knowledge
Advisory Service
Gray Matters Career & Knowledge Solutions are geared to bridge the gap between
the client understanding requirement and knowledge solutions available by using
both well-known and new knowledge techniques.

We assess career tendencies and guide young minds towards their desired careers
by using our proprietary interest-based, career assess tool myVector® and
customized career counselling sessions

Our expertise also lies in developing content for reference books, newspapers,
magazines, graphic novels, live quizzes, TV game shows and quizzes, ground events,
school contact programmes, websites and mobile phones.

Our Career & Knowledge Solutions

Career Direction Tool
Our proprietary myVector ® is a scientific, interest-based career assessment tool
that uses Holland interest research to map interests to specific jobs and throws up
10 best fit for the assessed. A detailed report that include possible areas of study
and hobbies is generated for the child taking the test. It is available in both online
and off-line paper-and-pencil formats
Career Counseling Services
The speed at which new technologies are repealing the old order has created panic
among career experts, our counselling methodologies are geared to alleviate fear
and take well-reasoned, scientific-tool based decisions. Our proprietary career
direction tool myVector® results aid the counsellors choose careers for the young

Publications / Manuals / Newsletters

Our team can manage media right from ideation and hand-hold the entire process
till the product is launched. In this area our focus is on magazines, entrance
examination content, company brochures, and newsletters, posters for events and
logo development. The design team works in tandem to create attractive, cost-
effective and high impact layouts to deliver the desired message

Corporate Employee Engagement Events

We believe in creating knowledge-based products that entertain and our primary
focus on employee engagement is to create non-instructional but competitive
learning-based fun and customized events that go a long way in forging strong bonds
and camaraderie among employees

Stage & TV Knowledge Events

We have been engaged to develop content for knowledge-based shows on TV, stage
and corporate events. Our expertise lie in developing, designing, researching and
present knowledge-game shows for any age group. We also develop content for the
digital media
Career Direction Tool
Parents want the best for their children. And, myVector is an assessment tool for students based on three
they do play a big role in influencing their components - Interest, competency and values. It is one composite
children’s career choices. psychometric test for students from standard IX to post graduation.
This assessment is designed based on the well researched Holland
As a first step in our research, we surveyed Hexagon model
nearly 700 parents across India, to find out the
factors responsible for influencing their thinking The myVector Interpretive Report should be taken as an indicator
process for their Child’s Career Direction. and further counselling and exploration need to be done to get a
proper benefit from the exercise.
The Survey revealed two important aspects, that
parents across India are open to non-traditional Please note: One major factor that plays a huge role in career success is
careers for their children and also, they are the academic excellence. It is an acquired trait and improves with practice. For
key influencers when it comes to career example, if the results of the myVector Interpretive Report indicate that a
person can be successful in engineering, does not mean whatever he/she
studies, the person would be an engineer.
The Survey report which has been published in The
Telegraph, Career Graph, Annual Issue can also be Any institution that adopts myVector can administer the test on
viewed at www.myvector.co.in their own. Two kinds of reports are presented to the institution
- One, for the individual, giving details about the person and his /
her possible job opportunities that would make him / her
successful and
- Another, composite report for the institution, giving details on
their students and indicating the behavioural skills that the
institution might require to help students be equipped with, to
put them on the road for future career success.

Educational institutions where myVector Career Direction tool has been administered…
1. Calcutta International School 15. Laketown Govt. High School 29. Acharya Prafulla Chandra High School
2. Don Bosco, Park Circus 16. APC High School 30. Ultadanga High School for Girls
3. Garden High School 17. Mount Carmel College 31. Bagmari Maniktala High School
4. Bidya Bharati School 18. Rishi Bankim Chandra College 32. Bagbazar Multipurpose High School
5. Hare School 19. AGM High School 33. Singhibagan High School for Girls
6. Hindu School 20. Sri Sri Ramkrishna Vidyapith 34. B.T. Road Govt. Sponsored High Schl
7. Bethune Collegiate School 21. Mohan Girls High School 35. Sailendra Sarkar Vidyalaya
8. Jodhpur Park Boys High School 22. Maulana Azad N U University 36. Adi Mahakali Pathsala
9. Jodhpur Park Girls High School 23. Barrackpore R S College 37. Surah Kanya Vidyapith
10. Bidhan Nagar Govt. High School 24. Mahadevananda College 38. Giribala Balika Vidyalaya
11. Taki House Govt. High School 25. Anglo Vernacular High School 39. New Alipore Multipurpose School
12. Taki House Multipurpose School 26. Khanpur Girls High School 40. Ananda Ashram Balika Vidyapith
13. Ballygunge Govt High School 27. A A Sarada Vidyapith 41. Jawaharlal Nehru Vidyapith (Boys)
14. Sakhawat Memorial Girl’s High 28. Begum Rokeya Smriti Govt. Girls' School 42. Jawaharlal Nehru Vidyapith (Girls)

Gray Matters Knowledge Division (Content & Research

Services) creates, restructures, edits, presents and manages
Our Credentials
all forms of data, information and give customised solutions Employer Branding / Employee Engagement
for clients across the knowledge spectrum. Catalyst Multiplex – We conceptualized and designed
the entire event for the Assessment Centre at BOC
Our expertise lies in developing content for reference books, called the Catalyst Multiplex
newspapers, magazines, graphic novels, live quizzes, TV game Prashnotsov - A Fun@Work initiative for Magma
shows and quizzes, ground events, school contact Fincorp – An innovative Quiz show across 21 locations
programmes, websites and mobile phones. We also take pride In Quizitive - Hundred Year Celebration for Apeejay
in delivering customised, designed content in multiple Group – A Quiz show across 4 locations
Quiver – A Quiz contest for the employees of TIL
languages. We work with several experts from diverse fields
to develop well researched content. Nostalgia – A Quiz contest for the employees of Team
Our Expertise / Services ACE – We designed the Rewards and Recognition
Game and Quiz show content for TV and stage program for VIP Industries
Our USP lies in creating a turnkey solution for these shows Click – O-Mania – We designed the employee
with very high visibility. We assess the desired impact of these engagement activity linked to performance for iViz
events and develop our content strategy accordingly. We Limited, an IT startup organization
manage the entire research team for the shows, draw up the F R I E N D S – We designed an employee referral
program for various organizations
research plan and oversee the sanctity of the research
products, namely questions and facts. The stages of Stage & TV Shows
development includes researching facts, creating a fact Ke Hobe Banglar Kotipati – We managed the entire
catalogue, verifying facts from primary or immediate quiz content for the Bengali KBC
secondary sources, writing content, verifying the newly Jawab Kinte Chai – We managed the entire quiz of this
created contend, creating the content database and innovative quiz show on Sananda TV
managing content on the show. Byscope Bajimaat – We conceptualised and created
content for the celebrity quiz present by Ananda Bazar
Designing & Developing the entire content requirement for a Patrika
magazine, company brochures, mobile content, knowledge Mastermind Family – developing and managing
game shows, reference books such as yearbooks, school content for the iconic British knowledge-game show
STAR Quiz Challenge, UAE – Knowledge Partner for
magazine, scripts for corporate are researched and created at
the highly successful school quiz show
Gray Matters. Qatar IWA Quiz - Indian Women’s Association School
Employee Engagement ... we design, manage and deliver quiz in Qatar – Redesigning the 18-year-old quiz show
and playing the role of the knowledge partner
employee engagement knowledge events for corporations
Danube Cricquiz, Dubai – Knowledge partner and
and educational institutions. research head for the cricket quiz on Colors TV, Dubai
Brand Badshaa – We created content for BPCL’s online
selection quiz and also for 7 regional quizzes
Kolkata Quiz Festival – We created and presented the
General Quiz at the festival
Publications / Manuals / Newsletters
The Next Step – We design and also provide the entire
content for this children’s magazine
Catalyst Manual – We designed the entire Catalyst
Manual including evaluation criteria for BOC
Aerobuzz – In-house newsletter for Bengal
Aerotropolis Limited (BAPL)
Know before you Go – An info-guide on Durgapur for
new recruits of BAPL
PRISM – A Performance Management Handbook for
various organizations
1. ABP Limited 21. Century Plyboard (I) Ltd. 41. Helenic Intl (Bangladesh)
2. Aditya Birla Insulators 22. CGPL ( A Tata Power Company) 42. HSBC (Bangladesh)
3. Apeejay Finance Limited 23. Calcutta International School 43. iViz Techno Solutions (On Site)
4. Alchemy Leadership School 24. Coca Cola (Bangladesh) 44. Indian Chamber of Commerce
5. Aryan Mining Limited 25. Dassault Systemes 45. IXIA Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
6. Ambuja Cements Limited 26. Descon Limited 46. ICICI Prudential Life Insurance
7. Airtel (Bangladesh) 27. Disney TV 47. IFB Industries Limited
8. Apollo Hospital (Bangladesh) 28. Edcon Exports Pvt Ltd 48. India Infoline Limited
9. Bangla Trac (CAT) (Bangladesh) 29. Eveready Industries India Ltd. 49. ITC Limited
10. Bkash (Bangladesh) 30. Emami Limited 50. IWA (Qatar)
11. Banglalink (Bangladesh) 31. Emami Biotech Limited 51. Jubilant Foodworks Limited
12. Bengal Aerotropolis (On Site) 32. EEPC – Export Promotion 52. JAMIPOL (Tata Group)
13. BPCL 33. First Climate India (On Site) 53. Kazi Farms (Bangladesh)
14. Bharti AXA Life Insurance 34. Gontermann Piepers (I) Ltd. 54. KDS Garments (Bangladesh)
15. Balasore Alloys Limited 35. Gupta Power Infrastructure Ltd. 55. KDS Accessories (Bangladesh)
16. BOC India Limited 36. Getit Infoservices Limited 56. KY Steel (Bangladesh)
17. Blue Star Limited 37. Greenply Industries Limited 57. Khimji & Sons
18. BIG Synergy 38. Haldia Petrochemicals (On Site) 58. Kotak Securities Ltd.
19. B M Birla Heart Research 39. Hindalco Industries Limited 59. Kiswok Industries Limited
20. BBC Worldwide 40. Heinz India Limited 60. KPMG (Bahrain & Qatar)
61. Landis Gyr 81. Phoenix Yule 101.Star TV (Dubai)
62. Lafarge Surma (Bangladesh) 82. Peerless Hotels Limited 102.TIL Limited
63. Lafarge Umiam Mining Pvt. Ltd 83. Peerless General Finance Ltd. 103.Tega Industries Ltd. (On Site)
64. Linde India Limited 84. Quantum Group (On Site) 104.Team Taurus (On Site)
65. Lanka Bangla (Bangladesh) 85. R&B Garments Limited 105.Talwandi Sabo Power Limited
66. Mercy Hospital (On Site) 86. Robi Telecom (Bangladesh) 106.Trio Trend Private Ltd (On Site)
67. Magma Fincorp Limited 87. Reliance Communications 107.Techno Electric & Engg. Co. Ltd
68. Mindteck (India) Limited 88. Sandvik Mining & Construction 108.Tata Steel
69. Mission Hospital 89. Square Pharma (Bangladesh) 109.Tata Metaliks
70. Novo Nordisk (Bangladesh) 90. Sarovar Hotels & Resorts 110.Usha Martin Industries Ltd.
71. Neotia University 91. Sahara India Parivar Ltd. 111.United Spirits Limited
72. Navigator Software Pvt. Ltd. 92. Siemens Limited (India) 112.VIP Industries Limited
73. ONGC Petro additions Limited 93. Siemens (Bangladesh) 113.UPS (Bangladesh)
74. Oberoi Grand 94. SKP Securities Ltd. 114.VISA Steel Limited
75. Otis Elevator Limited 95. SREI Infrastructure Finance Ltd. 115.Vikrant Forge Limited
76. Pepsico India 96. SREI eSahaj Limited 116.Vikramshila Education
77. Pepsico (Bangladesh) 97. Standard Chartered Bank 117.Verde Consulting (On Site)
78. Paradise Cables (Bangladesh) 98. SPML Infra Limited. 118.Voith Paper Limited
79. Primary Plus 99. Selvel Industries 119.Yamai Fashions Ltd.(On Site)
80. Philips Carbon Black Limited 100.Star Cement 120.Vedic Village Spa Resorts
Registered Office
Gray Matters Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
294 S. N. Roy Road, New Alipore,
Kolkata – 700038,
T: +91 33 24987647 / 48
E: contact@graymatters.co.in
W: www.graymatters.co.in

Bangladesh Partner
HSPP Consultants Ltd.
HSPP Park View,
House 1, Road 3/A, Block J, Baridhara,
Dhaka 1229,
T: +880 2 9852981-2
E: csd@yourconsultants.eu
W: www.hsppconsultants.com

For more information on any of the

services and solutions from Gray
Matters, please contact our offices
mentioned above.

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