Assistant Dirlling Engineer PDF
Assistant Dirlling Engineer PDF
Assistant Dirlling Engineer PDF
Salient features of the Constitution - Preamble- Its significance and its place in the
Emergency Provisions.
SNDP Yogam, Nair Service Society, Yogakshema Sabha, Sadhu Jana Paripalana
Sangham, Vaala Samudaya Parishkarani Sabha, Samathwa Samajam, Islam Dharma
Paripalana Sangham, Prathyaksha Raksha Daiva Sabha, Sahodara Prasthanam etc.
Leaders Of Renaissance
Simple stress and strain, longitudinal strain, lateral strain, Poison's ratio, Hook's
law, modulus of rigidity, shear stress, shear strain, relationship between elastic
constants, Friction, sliding friction, rolling friction, cone of friction, centre of
gravity, moment of inertia, shear force and bending moment- types of beams
and its loading conditions, shear force and bending moment diagrams and
equations in different types of beams and different types of loads - point load,
uniform distributed load, cantilever beam, simply supported beam, deflection of
beams, torsion of circular shafts-solid and hollow shafts, power transmitted by
shafts, principle stresses-Mohr’s circle, Columns-critical load, equivalent length,
slenderness ratio.
Basic concepts and definitions, microscopic and macroscopic approaches,
definitions of heat and work, zeroth law of thermodynamics, temperature scales,
first law of thermodynamics, properties of pure substances, ideal gas equation and
other equations of state, second Law of thermodynamics, Kelvin – Planck and
Clausius statements, reversible processes and cycles, entropy, inequality of
Clausius, entropy changes in various thermodynamic processes, principle of
increase of entropy, available and unavailable energy, availability function,
availability and irreversibility open and closed systems, third Law of
thermodynamics, general thermodynamic relations – combined first and second
law equations, Helmholtz and Gibb’s functions, Maxwell’s relations, equations for
internal energy, enthalpy and entropy, ideal and real gases, Clapeyron equation,
throttling process, Joule Thomson coefficient, inversion curve, gas mixtures,
composition of a gas mixture, mass and mole fraction, Dalton’s law, Gibbs –
Daltons Law, equivalent molecular weight and gas constant, properties of gas
mixtures – specific heats, internal energy, enthalpy and entropy.
Properties of fluid - density, specific weight, viscosity, surface tension,
bulkmodulus, compressibility, rate of shear strain, Newton’s law of viscosity,
Newtonian and non- Newtonian fluids, real and ideal fluids, incompressible and
compressible fluids, fluid pressure and its measurement, buoyancy and floatations,
energies in flowing fluid, head - pressure, dynamic, static and total head, continuity
equation, Eulers equation, Bernoulli’s equation, flow rate measurements- venturi
and orifce meters, notches and weirs, pitot tube, Reynolds number, laminar and
turbulent flow, Hagen- Poiseuille equation, turbulent flow through pipes, head loss
due to friction, Darcy- weisbach equation, Chezy’s formula , losses at entry, exit,
sudden expansion and sudden contractions.
Impact of free jets - stationary and moving vanes, flat and curved vanes, series of
vanes, work done and efficiency, impulse and reaction turbines – Pelton wheel,
Francis turbine and Kaplan turbine, work done and efficiencies, draft tubes,
cavitation, governing and specific speed of turbines, reciprocating pump – air
vessels, cavitation, slip, indicator diagram,work required and efficiency,
centrifugal pump - manometric head, work, efficiency and losses, priming, specific
speed, performance characteristics.
Classification of engineering materials-selection of materials with reference to
properties, service and economic considerations. thermal, physical, mechanical,
electrical, magnetic, dielectric properties, super conductivity and super plasticity of
materials, metallic bonds, crystal structure, space lattice, types of unit cells, Miller
indices, co-ordination number, atomic packing factor, allotropy and polymorphism,
imperfections in crystals. elastic and plastic deformation of metals,. slip, twinning,
dislocation, critical shear stress, Frank-Read source, Strain hardening, De-
lamination theory, diffusion mechanism, Fick’s Laws. theory of alloys, Gibb’phase
rule, solid solutions, Hume Rothery’s rule, equilibrium diagrams, equilibrium
diagram of binary alloys, eutectic, eutectoid, peritectic and peritectoid reactions.
iron-carbon equilibrium diagram, isothermal TTT diagrams, critical cooling rate,
heat treatment processes, hardenability tests, surface treatments, case hardening,
carburising, nitriding, cynading, induction hardening, precipitation hardening,
recovery, recrystalisation and grain growth.Properties, composition and uses of
various types of cast iron and steels, effect of various alloying elements. Properties,
composition and uses of copper, aluminum, titanium and its alloys.
Steam engineering- Rankine cycle, boilers, boiler mountings, boiler accessories,
steam engine, steam nozzles. steam turbines, multistage turbines. IC engines -
classification, air supply system, fuel supply system, ignition system, performance
testing, combustion in SI and CI engines, auto ignition, preignition, detonation,
octane and cetane numbers, anti knocking agents. Gas turbines-classification,
regeneration, intercooling, reheating, efficiency and work output. Compressors -
classification of compressors, uses of compressors, reciprocating compressor-
single stage compressor, equations for work, efficiencies, multistage compressor,
intercooler, rotary compressors, fans and blowers. Refrigeration- concept of COP,
heat pump, unit of refrigeration, reversed Carnot cycle, refrigeration systems,
refrigeration equipments and refrigerants. Psychrometry- dry air, moist air,
saturated, unsaturated and super saturated air, degree of saturation, dry bulb
temperature, wet bulb temperature, dew point temperature, psychrometric
processes, air conditioning, air conditioning systems. Heat transfer – conduction,
convection and radiation, Fourier’s law, thermal conductivity, conduction through
plane wall and composite wall, black body concept, Stefan-Boltzman law,gray
body concept, Newton Rikhman equation free and forced convection. Heat
exchangers– classification, recuperator type and regenerative type, parallel flow,
counter flow type & cross flow,concept of overall heat transfer coefficient, LMTD.
Power plants-hydro electric, thermal, diesel and nuclear power plants.
NOTE: - It may be noted that apart from the topics detailed above,
questions from other topics prescribed for the educational
qualification of the post may also appear in the question paper.
There is no undertaking that all the topics above may be covered in
the question paper