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Basis of Comparison LAN Local MAN Metro WAN Wide

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Meaning A network that It covers It spans large locality

connects a group relatively and connects countries

of computers in a large region together. Example

small geographical such as Internet.

area. cities, towns.

Ownership of Private Private or Private or Public

Network Public

Design and Easy Difficult Difficult


Propagation Short Moderate Long


Speed High Moderate Low

Fault Tolerance More Tolerant Less Tolerant Less Tolerant

Congestion Less More More

Used for College, School, Small towns, Country/Continent

Hospital. City.
Every network device has two types of addresses, one called the logical address -- in most
cases this is the IP address -- and the other one being the physical address -- also known as
the MAC address.

The IP address is an address bound to the network device, i.e., computer, via software. In
a Windows-powered computer, the Windows operating system allows the user to configure
the IP address the specific workstation will have. This IP address is used to allow all
network aware programs, i.e., Internet Explorer, Netscape, Outlook, etc. to use this
address when communicating with other hosts. The seventh layer in the OSI model has the
IP addresses.

The MAC address is a hardware address, which means it is unique to the network card
installed on your PC. No two devices on a local network should ever have the same MAC
address. In the unlikely event this occurs, the two devices will have major communication
problems. During the manufacturing process, the vendor "burns" a specific MAC address
into each network card's ROM. When the serial numbers have all been used, they start
from the beginning, as it's very unlikely anyone would buy two network cards from the
same vendor, and they will contain the same MAC address.

So, to sum all that up, you should remember that a IP address is a logical address which is
configured via the operating system, while the MAC address is a hardware address, burnt
into the network card's ROM during the manufacturing process.

Purpose It identifies the physical It identifies connection of a

address of a computer on computer on the internet.

the internet.

Bits It is 48 bits (6 bytes) IPv4 is a 32-bit (4 bytes)

hexadecimal address. address, and IPv6 is a 128-bits

(16 bytes) address.

Address MAC address is assigned IP address is assigned by the

by the manufacturer of network administrator or

NIC card. Internet Service Provider.

Retrieve ARP protocol can retrieve RARP protocol can retrieve IP

Address MAC address of a device. address of a device.

Bus Topology
Bus Topology is used for small and simple network. Bus topology connects
all computers in a linear shape with a backbone to connect all computers. A
single cable is used to connect all computers devices with interface
connector. A single device send message towards other devices attached
with it but only intentional recipient accept and process the message. The
compulsory part of Bus topology is backbone because if it fails then there is
no communication possible among computers. In-fact Bus topology has
some advantages such as it is very easy and understandable. There is no
much wires used for connectivity therefore it is less expensive. A user can
easily extend a Bus topology because two cables can easily joined with a one
long cable which is Barrel connector. Bus Topology have some drawbacks
that its speed become slow with heavy traffic and then only one computer
can send any message., The troubleshooting of Bus Topology also very
difficult. If any cable is loose or break from any part then all activities are
stopped and the rest of the devices or computers connected to the network
stop responding.

Star Topology
A central device like hub, router and switch is used to connect all computers
in a star topology. The functionality of connected devices is entirely different
from each other in star topology because it may be Shielded Twisted Pair
(STP) cable or UTP cabled. The STP stands for shielded twisted pair cable
and UTP stands for unshielded pair cable. It is a most usable topology in
local area network from all over the world. Star topology can be easily put
into practice in offices, café, offices, travel agencies, or in a building. For star
topology we need many devices and cables as compared to Bus topology.
Star topology has some benefits such as it is easy to configure, and you can
easily increase computers in a network without any disturbance. You can
easily diagnose the error due to central device. In star network if any cable
or node failure then there is no effect on entire network but if switch, hub or
router failure then all network lay down. The drawbacks of Star topology is
that it is an expensive because all computers connected with central device
via cables .

Mesh Topology
Mesh topology designed on the concept of Router because its all work
depends on router. When a user send any message to any other user then
router search any shortest way to reach their destination. In all other
topologies messages are usually send and receive to every computer but in
mesh topology message find its way for destination. If all devices connected
to all other devices then it’s called full mesh topology but if a device
connected indirectly to the other then it is called partial mesh.
ALOHA: ALOHA is a system for coordinating and arbitrating access to a shared communication
Networks channel. It was developed in the 1970s by Norman Abramson and his colleagues at the
University of Hawaii. The original system used for ground based radio broadcasting, but the system
has been implemented in satellite communication systems.

A shared communication system like ALOHA requires a method of handling collisions that occur
when two or more systems attempt to transmit on the channel at the same time. In the ALOHA
system, a node transmits whenever data is available to send. If another node transmits at the same
time, a collision occurs, and the frames that were transmitted are lost. However, a node can listen to
broadcasts on the medium, even its own, and determine whether the frames were transmitted.

Aloha means "Hello". Aloha is a multiple access protocol at the datalink layer and proposes how
multiple terminals access the medium without interference or collision. In 1972 Roberts developed a
protocol that would increase the capacity of aloha two fold. The Slotted Aloha protocol involves
dividing the time interval into discrete slots and each slot interval corresponds to the time period of
one frame. This method requires synchronization between the sending nodes to prevent collisions.

• In pure ALOHA, the stations transmit frames whenever they have data to send.
• When two or more stations transmit simultaneously, there is collision and the frames are
• In pure ALOHA, whenever any station transmits a frame, it expects the acknowledgement
from the receiver.
• If acknowledgement is not received within specified time, the station assumes that the
frame (or acknowledgement) has been destroyed.
• If the frame is destroyed because of collision the station waits for a random amount of
time and sends it again. This waiting time must be random otherwise same frames will
collide again and again.
• Therefore pure ALOHA dictates that when time-out period passes, each station must wait
for a random amount of time before resending its frame. This randomness will help avoid
more collisions.
Slotted ALOHA
• Slotted ALOHA was invented to improve the efficiency of pure ALOHA as chances of
collision in pure ALOHA are very high.
• In slotted ALOHA, the time of the shared channel is divided into discrete intervals called
• The stations can send a frame only at the beginning of the slot and only one frame is sent
in each slot.
• In slotted ALOHA, if any station is not able to place the frame onto the channel at the
beginning of the slot i.e. it misses the time slot then the station has to wait until the
beginning of the next time slot.
• In slotted ALOHA, there is still a possibility of collision if two stations try to send at the
beginning of the same time slot as shown in fig.
• Slotted ALOHA still has an edge over pure ALOHA as chances of collision are reduced to
OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) is a reference model for how applications
communicate over a network.A reference model is a conceptual framework for
understanding relationships. The purpose of the OSI reference model is to guide vendors
and developers so the digital communication products and software programs they create
can interoperate, and to facilitate a clear framework that describes the functions of a
networking or telecommunication system.Most vendors involved in telecommunications
make an attempt to describe their products and services in relation to the OSI model. And
although it is useful for guiding discussion and evaluation, OSI is rarely actually
implemented as-is. That's because few network products or standard tools keep related
functions together in well-defined layers, as is the case in the OSI model. The TCP/IP
protocol suite, which defines the internet, does not map cleanly to the OSI model. The
seven Open Systems Interconnection layers are:

Layer 7: The application layer. This is the layer at which communication partners are
identified -- Is there someone to talk to? -- network capacity is assessed -- Will the network
let me talk to them right now? -- and where the data or application is presented in a visual
form the user can understand. This layer is not the application itself, it is the set of services
an application should be able to make use of directly, although some applications may
perform application-layer functions.Layer 6: The presentation layer. This layer is usually
part of an operating system (OS) and converts incoming and outgoing data from one
presentation format to another -- for example, from clear text to encrypted text at one end
and back to clear text at the other.Layer 5: The session layer. This layer sets up,
coordinates and terminates conversations. Its services include authentication and
reconnection after an interruption. On the internet, Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) provide these services for most applications.Layer 4:
The transport layer. This layer manages packetization of data, then the delivery of the
packets, including checking for errors in the data once it arrives. On the internet, TCP and
UDP provide these services for most applications as well.Layer 3: The network layer. This
layer handles addressing and routing the data -- sending it in the right direction to the right
destination on outgoing transmissions and receiving incoming transmissions at the packet
level. IP is the network layer for the internet.Layer 2: The data-link layer. This layer sets up
links across the physical network, putting packets into network frames. This layer has two
sub-layers: the logical link control layer and the media access control layer (MAC). MAC
layer types include Ethernet and 802.11 wireless specifications.Layer 1: The physical layer.
This layer conveys the bit stream across the network either electrically, mechanically or
through radio waves. The physical layer covers a variety of devices and mediums, among
them cabling, connectors, receivers, transceivers and repeaters.
TCP/IP, or the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, is a suite of
communication protocols used to interconnect network devices on the internet.
TCP/IP can also be used as a communications protocol in a private network
(an intranet or an extranet).The entire internet protocol suite -- a set of rules and
procedures -- is commonly referred to as TCP/IP, though others are included in
the suite.

TCP/IP specifies how data is exchanged over the internet by providing end-to-
end communications that identify how it should be broken into packets,
addressed, transmitted, routed and received at the destination. TCP/IP requires
little central management, and it is designed to make networks reliable, with the
ability to recover automatically from the failure of any device on the network.

The two main protocols in the internet protocol suite serve specific functions.
TCP defines how applications can create channels of communication across a
network. It also manages how a message is assembled into
smaller packets before they are then transmitted over the internet and
reassembled in the right order at the destination address.TCP/IP functionality is
divided into four layers, each of which include specific protocols.

The application layer provides applications with standardized data exchange. Its
protocols include the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), File Transfer Protocol
(FTP), Post Office Protocol 3 (POP3), Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).

the transport layer is responsible for maintaining end-to-end communications

across the network. TCP handles communications between hosts and provides
flow control, multiplexing and reliability. The transport protocols include TCP
and User Datagram Protocol (UDP), which is sometimes used instead of TCP for
special purposes.

the network layer, also called the internet layer, deals with packets and connects
independent networks to transport the packets across network boundaries. The
network layer protocols are the IP and the Internet Control Message Protocol
(ICMP), which is used for error reporting.

The physical layer consists of protocols that operate only on a link -- the network
component that interconnects nodes or hosts in the network. The protocols in
this layer include Ethernet for local area networks (LANs) and the Address
Resolution Protocol (ARP).

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