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Aug 2017 (2012)

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Total No. of Questions : 6l SEAT No. :
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P5008 {ii [Total No. of Pages : 3
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,.. T.E. ('Mechanical)
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r \r. ,H:29
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"'(0012 Pattern)

[Max Marks:30
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'.;,.t: totlliiFtflndidiites: .-.:.-.'

1) A$wdfr f\i;yi questionsfromfollowing. .,.'.1,,i"'

2) lfeil'a;6lg)-rdrns must be drawn wherever necessfiry. ....-i,'
3) FiSur;_e1jb the right indicate futl marks. ,"::i..
4) Use,ij"electronic pocket cslculator is allowed i'S'
5) ($.i',bf pragrammable calculator is not permitt4di"
6) . Aisume Suitable data if necesssry..^\ i.i,).
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Ql) a) Draw neat labeied sketch of Knrrcklejoint .Write design steps and state
their applications. t6]
b) Obtain Bending stress equatiori for
@e beam subjected bending stress.
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Q2)a) Explainthefollowin'$:,, \:" [$1.]"

,) Factors of safety qqiifactors considered for selection of Facto!.
safety ,,.,.;o'

b) A hallow circular cblumn of extemal diameter 250 and internqlidiameter

200 mm caries rbjecting bracket on which a load *frO KN rests. The
cenlre of load f,rom the centre of column is 500 mrn .Find the stresses at
the sides of column and plot stress distributio'n,'p1?t across Circular
column. .rr.,-.i'""'' f6I .:'j"
i" ',,-.-l'. .,..'itt'

8.s) a) Design a Key for muff coupling whichl,lebnxQg!'two shaft of 29 mn

diameteq transmits 35 KW atru4A RPM . The,maxirnum torque ts25 a/o
greater than average torque. Allowable s\e'dt,stress and crushing stress
for key material are: 65 N/mm2 and i60.:N/mm2. t4l


b) Drarv a neat sketch of protected q,pe flange coupling; write design

procedure of Key and Bolts for it.

:210 N 1
81) Pr

Pt :640N
Pa : 100 N

!:, il

A transrpi$ion shift supporring a Herical gear B is shown in,,d.gure.

The shaft
is mouhtp.d onJwo b:dl_g_t A and C. Th; pitch circle
diap-eier of gear are
300mm. Getiriransmit 20Kw power at 500 rpm Gear.is',,..tgyed
to the shaft.
Material of shaft is 50C4 (Su,.: 700 and,Sr,:4b0 ;;"-;;;"rs Ko and
or+s$ code are r.s eafh. o.r.ni"J'rhrft;;? -ffi1"-r^"eai1ae
\ "rryOr;;
shaft Diameter according to torsional gigidity ifpermissible
^l:" *l"tn
oflwist is 2o and modulus of rigidity is 80000 N/mm2.
- angle

QS) a) Explainthe following: '

n.*'*. -j..:.\ I4l
r) Endurance Limit urrO,,tha*an# Strength.
ii) Goodman and Sqderb"rg D-,ug.um with their equations.
b) A forged. steel mad!.... ,,p
r 50 mm dt"*;i;'Juu.y..t.a tni.:
completely reversed&"Oll.s stress"tof 3 00 N/mm2. Determinl'iii"S;i f'

Use following data. ,- o ,r' ''

o s :600N/mmi.
uut iii:,.. :''\."'
.r :.

' Surface Fift.iSh Factor :0.43 ,*,,,:;': .


. Size Factor: 0.85 '

. Reliability factor:0.g97 at9\o/or:eliability
. Factor of 1.5
safety: .i'*i ., l,
r.. . '..'i...,,,

' Notch sensitivity:0.8 .,'l -.' ,'.li*'

. Theoretical stress concentratior, \ZiO..l=,, :
i ', t
OR .i'*,,.,.'

Q6) a) A cantilever: of beam rnade of cold-dra*.n steel 40cg with su,: 600 Ni
mm2 and S*:380 N/mm2 Themtximum and minimum force at
free end
varies from - 50 N to + 150 N.Reliabilin-factor is 0.g97,surface finish
factor and size factor are 0.77-and 0.g5 respecti\-ely. Notch sensitivity
fillet is 0.9 and theoretical s1(eds concentration factor is 1.44. If factor of
safety is 2 determiqg diar.-qetUi ofbeam according to Goodman,s criteria.
Assume effecti$,i.-{I
iigt}r,b:IUeam 100 mm. t6l
b) Draw, *,,,,,.)."
_ ,.St"
r) Modified Go.otman diagram for fluctuating axial & Bending stress
iD S*\r:Tur,.v+ii"r ferrous material.

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TE/Insem.-506 3 ".

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