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Syllabus 4th Year PDF

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H H Hlll YEi\ I<

Approwd by A1::ulrn1 ic ( ·01111(:d

Uninniity of Dhaka

l11•.tit111t· of l. t>allwr E11i.:i1wrri11).! a11d Tl'rhnology

Cninn,it y of l)h:.iha, Ila1:1rihagh. Dhaka- I ~OI).

SI. Cuurse Cours.: Title: CrcJ

t fotJI
\ l:i1 '
Theory Pr2..:11..::il i ..\~ -~~ , B"'
! :-o:c 25 :Yc 5c:-, 60'1- ..ioq.
I' I
0 I. I LPE--W I '

I , 0 ' 15

I I'
i 100
Manufa..:turing Technology o'.·

' I
I j I
I !
I I\)()

°' I I 40
4 60 I
Manufacturing Technology of
Leather-Products-IV Practical I
II li II
03. LPE-403 Analytical-Chemistry for 3 I 70 25 5 · too
Leather-Products I I
()4 _ LPE-405
Manufacture- II
Design and Pattern Making
I 3
25 5
II t()()
OS. LPE-406 Design and Pattern Making
I I 2 60 40
06. LPE-407 Polymer Science and 3 70 25 5 100
Engineering I
07. LPE-408 Polymer Science lnd
.., 40
- 60 100

08. LPE--i09
Engineering Practical
Env ironmental Sciem:e an<l 3
i 70 15 5
I - 100
Pollution Control I I I
09. LPE-4 10 Environmental Science and I 2 60 40 100
Pollution Control Practical I I
10. LPE-4 1 I Leather Technology-II 3 - 70 25 s 100

I I. LPE-4 12 Leather Technology-II 4

I 60 40 100
12. LPE-4 13 Prod uction Planning and
Quality Control
3 I - 70 25 5 100

13. LPE-415 Entrepreneurship and Business 3 70 25 s 100

14 LPE-416 Project Work and Seminar 2 - - - 75+ 100
15. LPE-418 Industrial Training [2 Months ] - I
2 - 50 so
16. LPE-420 Course Viva - 2 - .. 50 - 50
24 20 560 200 40 500 200 1500
A•= Course final examination: B•= In-course assessment : C*= Attendance B** =Continuous assessment
For Theoretical courses I Credit = 15 class
For Practical cuurses I Credit = 30 class

Page 12 of 2 7
LPE - ~fJI : 'vL\ .' \U· \ CTU<J'\(i ·1l·,C lf.'\fJJ,{ >f ;y <Jf Lt \'J HU< PJ< OIJ CCJ~ -J\

Clas'i pt:!r w1.:ck <:red it . k:r ·

2 3 Cour.c flr,'11 1. . ..<~:n: -;() fn •Ct),lf. . . t i.,.._.,,.c ~-;:>-r • • ... ~

, Cb,o,c, Attenrfoncc. S ·1 ot.il ( :ct.-.'>. -+5
--- -- ----------------
Fahrication Technology ,,f Leather Prt.idud.o,: Jntrod uc..t:<,n. prepc1,al<'>:--/ ? ~'Xe '>~ Ekr:~•- O!>CT.:Lo :·1-> .
Crca-,ing, edge dyeing or \taining. punching. rive ing, c:yclc:ing, u:ment1r.g. edge -c~ding. r!U"ki ng.
stamping, embossing comtruction merhod and c1'>\cmbling.

Lining material & their usc: Silk, ~atin. vcl'll·I. r(Jyon, poplin, rr.oire: e. ~tllce te :~on: oi rr:ercer1zec
cotton, printed cotton, dril l, lami n.itc, Polye5ters, woc;I <1nd far, qual ny. Pol:,nc...,a.

Stiffened articlf.'s: Flat stiffened work . gus'>eted pocket. compou:td gth'>e,. s ep gus5et. u rned edged
articles, simple card c,M:, envelope ca:-.e, turned edged •,1,·allru.

Box work: Hinge~ and fastening'>, box covering, jewel box iining large lx,.'( v. ork.

Assembling component parts on 11:ather gOt>d'> articlc-s: Appl~ng cemer.t adhes ives. A.~serr.blmg
materials and semi- produ ced art icle<;, Trimming edg~ . A, ... embling rigid haz d bag~.

Sewing '.\1achinery : Field of application. Stitch type,, \ 1ater1als fc!ed sy,;tem. Feeding mechani.5m.
Classification of sewing mach ine.

Construction of Gussets: Introduction, types of gu.,~ets. plain gusset. ·· ... gussets. Ila! g'.L'5-eG. r.ree
parts gussets (plain), thrtc part'> gusset (double;.

Bags: types of bag, Materials for bags. tools and equipment for bags manufoctu:e. no-gusse: bag ·hapes.
one -gusset bag shapes, two-gu~set bag shapes, joining one-:ir:d two-gusset bags. amchi:1g s!ra;:is 10
gussets, flap fastening, pockets, pockets, making a one-gu set bag pattern, ma.l<ing stitch holes. :i.m1ch1:1g
gussets. box-type bag, general working order, bag f as1enmg-tongue anc loop. double tJ:1gue and loop.
loop and toggle, loop and bead/toggle/bunon strap and buckle. turn lock. dra·,1,· s:ring. zips . fla;>s J.!Ki

Wallcts: Introduction. types & use, raw matena1s. perspecti\·e dra•..,·:n2, Its: of compone-n· .
meac; urement instruction, total pattern making, leather consumption, spliuing and ski\·ing instru:uon.
construction and assembling.

Executi..-e bags: Introduct ion. raw materials, perspccuve dr:i·.\·ing. iist of componen--. mc"~:.1rem;:m
instruction, total pattern maki ng. leather consumption. plit!ing and skiv1ng instruct10:1 . .:or.:i!ru.:tion anc

Passport case: Introduction. ra\v materi.ils. perspccuve drav. ing, !is oi com;x,r.~n- •. rr.e:i.· ure mer.:
in ;truction . total panem making. le.::ther consumption. splmmg ar.d ski v1~g 1~ ·:.ruc!!on . .:onstru.:'!ti:'n ....nc
a: ,embling.

Page 13 cf 27
Gents lunch hag: l111ruductio11 . raw 111a ln1al s. pcr-.pecti ve clr:i w 111g . l1s! 111' c:0 111µ0 11t:11h. mea<i1in.: mcnt
1nstrnctiPn. total p;1ttern 111aki11g. leather comu111pt1on, ~plillill? :ind ..,ki vir,g 11h trnc:ti(Jf1 . L<Hh lructll)n .ind

llpholskry : lntroJ11ctio11, tools. materials, t"ra111cs, strippi11g upholstery, U'>e of fo;im, uphohtered WJOh .
'Drop-in 'loose seats, occasional anJ di11ing chairs. restoration of ;intique ch.iirs. pouffe\ , replacing
springing and webbing. stile and collar cutting. planning aml cutting covering matcri.:il, buttoning, show-
wood upholstery. lluting, refurhishing wing easy chair, re-upholstery of chippendalc period easy chai r.
re-upholstery of a victorian -style bu11oned-back chair, re~toration of a victorian twist-leg chair,
upholstery of bed headboards.

Outer and Inner wear : ladies jacket, Waiste coat, Blazer. Men 's parka, Children wear, Collar and
s leeve construction, Neck line, hem lines variations, Assembling of different components.

Materials handling : Automated handling system, hand push movable trolleys, electromechanically
power conveyors.

Trouble Shooting: Defeels identification in different steps of Leather Products manufacture and their

Health and safety: Fire- fire risk & prevention / precaution, types of combustion & risks, fire fighting
methods & equipments, Hazards- Solvent hazards. mechanical & electrical hazards: ventilation &
working environment, ergonomics, fatigue, accidents factors, lighting methods, Occupational safety &
health act.



Class per week Credit Marks

4 4 Continuous assessment : 40, Course final examination 60

I. Manufacturing of Gent ' s belt.

2. Manufacturing of zippered purse, jewelry wallet,
3. Manufacturing of picture frame ,
4 . Manufacturing of waist coat.
5. Manufacturing of Playing card box .
6. Manufacturing of Various types of ladies bags.
7. Manufacturing of wallets.
8. Manufacturing of File folder.
9. Manufactliring of Diary cover.
I0. Manufacturing of Tissue Box
11 . Manufacturing of Table decorations ,
12. Manufacturing of Executive bag.
13. Manufacturing of Gents lunch bag
14. Manufacturing of Passpon case.
I 5. Manufacturing of Hand gloves.
16. !\llanufacturing of Fiut:d skirt.
17. Manufacturing of Gourd Skirt.

Page 14 of 27
I.PE - ~U3: .\:\ .- \LYTICAI. CHE.\IISTRY FOi< I.EA Tl I LH l'l<OIHTT~ .\ I -\'.\l F,\( "ll'IU:--II

Class per 1.1, eek Credit

3 ! Course final Exam: 70, lri-.:oursi: ,1...,si::-~11n:111. ~- .
I1 Cl:ls., ..\ttend:H1u:: ).
- 'l' ota I ('I
. "·"": ·iI )-

Ion-exchange methods: Introduction, ion-ex.change resins. 5 ynthctic org;111ic ion-exchangers. llSL'
or" ion-exchange resins. Anion and cation exchange resins. properties of ion exchange resin .
:ipplication of ion-exchange resins, ion-exchange chromatography. io11-1.:xchangc columns.
application of ion ex.change chromatography. ion -chromatography.
Ga.s chromatography: Introduction, classification. principles of gas -liquid chromatography. gas-
solid chromatography. techniques of gas-liquid chromatography. carrier gas. sample injector. gas
chromatogragh columns and detectors: different types of detectors- them1al conductivity dctcctm
iTCD). flame ionization detector (F1D). electron capture detector (ECO). nitrogen/phosphorus
d~tector ();PD), qual itatiYe and quantitati..,e. Application of gas-liquid chromatography iu leather

High-Performance liquid chromatography: Basic concept, comparison of HPLC with gas-

liquid chromatography, apparatus for HPLC , solvent delivery, sample injector, selection of
column Different detectors:- UV & RI detectors , Qualitative and quantitative analysis , t·ffect of
t~mper:iture in HPLC. application of HPLC.

Infrared spectrometr~·: Principles. instrumentations and applications.

::\udear magnetic resonance spectrometry: Principles. instrumentations and applications.

\lass spectrometry: Principles. instrumentations and applications.

Atomic absorption spectrometry: Introduction, basic principles, instrnmentation. effect of

r.ame temperature, chemical & spectral interference, recent developments, applications.

Surface characterization by spectroscopy and microscopy: Introduction to the studv of

··J.rfaces. spectroscopic surface method~. scanning electron microscopy. scanning p-robe
r.1icro5eopes, principles involved in the morphological investigation on leather and polymers.
imaging te~hniques for surface applications, ESCA, Auger spectroscopy.

Particle size measurements: Introduction. working principles. qualitative and quantit:.1tivc

::1form.? ion, applicatior.s.

Emironmental anal~·sis: Introduction. Banned amines. Identification of carci nol!enic amine>

i~o:n :i mixture of dyes, identification of benzidine-based dye. Air pollution ;~1 ra,werJ -
d~[cnninarion oi \ Olatile organic compound (VOC), formaldehydi! content in fini shing area. Total
O:-ganic carbon rTOC) anal yzer and i1-; appl ication for decern1ining TOC. detenninati 011 of COD
i.: BOD of can:1ery eff1uent.

Page> l :> of 27
Chemical analysis of leather and related chemicals: lntrodllction . Ta m1ing 011.11n i11l.1·-routi11e
analysis of synthetic tanning materials, analysis of alum tanning agents: fo rmaldehyde.

Analysis of k!alher- an;ilysis ol alum tanned leather; formald ehyck tanned kathcr. Leather
auxiliaries: analysis of sulphated oils: moisture, acid value, soaps, organically combined S03
existing as neutralized sulphuric esters and as neutralized sulphonic esters, sodium sulphate,
sodium chloride, unsaponifiahle matter. qualitative identification of surface active groups.
detennination of hydoxyproline in materials containing collagen.


l . Gary D. Christian -_Analytical Chemistry

2. John Kenkel- Analytical Chemistry for Technicians
3. Skoog, Holler & Nieman- Principles of Instrumental Analysis
4 . Shanna B. K. - Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis
5. Skoog, West & Holler- Fundamental of Analytical Chemistry
6 . Browning D. R. - Chromatography
7. Hatakeyama T. and Quinn F.X. - Thermal analysis.
8. Vogel A. I. - Text Book of Quantitative Chemical Analysis
9. Sarker P.K. - Analytical Chemistry for Leather Manufacture.
10. Williams D. H. and Ian Fleming- Spectroscopic methods in Organic chemistry.
11 . Kalsi P.S. - Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds.
12. V enkatachalam P.S. - Lecture Notes on Leather.
13. John A. Dean. -Analytical Chemistry Handbook.
14. Dr. Sethi P.D. - HPTLC (High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography).
15. Banwell C. N. - Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy.
16. Hamilton, Hamiltoan-Thin Layer Chromatography.
17. Fifield & Haines-Environmental Analytical Chemistry.
18. UNIDO- Tannery and Environment.
19. Chhatwal G .R. - Encyclopedia of Environmental Analysis (vol. I, 2 &3)
20. Robert L. Grob- Modem Practice of Gas Chromatography
21. Dyer A., Hudson M.J. and Williams P.A. -Progress in Ion Exchange -Advances and
. applications.

Page 16 of 2 7
I 1•1,: ,W'.' : IIFSlf ;N :\ .'\II> P.\TTl-:Jt'i .\-1/\KJN<;

( 'l.b:-. l'-'1 \\'('('~

- -~
.1 I inal I •:x :1111 : 70, 111 ct Jllf'-it: ;1,..,e -;s;111 ~ n t : 25 .
( ·011r:-.I.'
C:L1ss /\111:ndam::I.': 5. Total Cl a_~~ : ,15 J
--- --- - -- - - -------- ---

:\rt,~ D,·sign: d1..'fi11itH,11 , 1<.ka and disrnssion 011 art , design , motif. fashion, style, fad -;, cralc. newnc,, ,
lTal°t:-. .'\pplil·ation of design, styk. foshion , motif in leather products. Exploration of des ign, -;ourcc ~rid
i11tl11e11cc .wailabk for a leather: products design , sketching variety of products ~tylcs and design
l.:'O\'l'rin~ men's and women's wear in 2D and 3D, effecti vc use of line, shape. color. pattern, and texture
(111 kath~er products, presenting design themes. stimulating presentation or balanced, logical and readable


Free hand drawing: Line (straight and curve), triangle, circle, ellipse, rectangle, Tone (silver tone. first
tone. second tone, third tone,) Composition, Proponion, Illustration using water colour, Poster colour.
Colour pencil. ~Pastel colour. Different colour terms, Theory, vision, matching, Basic scheme,3-
dimensins. subjective nature of colour vision. Motif analysis, Drawing composition. Design in
dimension. Texture fixation, Colour composition in design creativity analysis. Products sketching
Design and techniques for leather products: Planning the design and selecting the skin. creating a
design/spec sheet. Elements of design-line, space, value color, texture, composition. Line in leather
design-preparation of leather for line, tracing. Use of body propo1tions, leather and other materials in
garments manufacture, visual and verbal analysis. assignment of finished gannent. Boutique. screen
print, applique techniques

Design Analysis: Subjective judgment taste and aesthetics subjectivity, Objectivity: High a11d )ow
cultural values in design, Means of production Changing language from craft workshops to factory
assembly line, Criticism in Fashion design Issues of luxury and utility. The value of design Costing and
negotrating design project, Market segmentation, Demographic and psychographics design implication
for different customer groups, aspeets of consumer /buyer behavior, Customer profiles, Customer needs
and wants , Pricing strategies. Method of distribution retail , Mail order and future strategies. Designers
problem of a personality perspective.
Concepts of patterns: Introduction, concept of patterns. procedure of making various types pattern.
transferring patterns, placement of pattern. rectangular pattern, curved pattern.
Product development: Procedure of product development, story board, theme board. colour board
preparation, motif analysis, logo design, value addition , research and inspiration. cultural value in
Style and de_sign v~riat.ions: Block pr~~.arations ~f men 's women's an_d children clothing. rand styling
and perspective design 1mplemcnts, D1fterent Sleeves, Collars, Neckl111es, Heml ines. Facings, Button-
stands designing and style variations. ~
Modifications: Lowered armhole adaptation, extend and dropped shoulder adaptation (body with
sleeve and yoke).
Pattern Grading for men's and women's clothing: Introduction, history, size and measurements.
system development, grading mdhodology,

Enlargement: Sy'itcm of enlargement. body rnea-;uremcnt and system analys i-; for enlaroement
procedure and calculations followed by stanlIanl sizing charts.

!--'age 17 of 27

- - - - - -~- l_a_rk_·s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~
~_c_1a_~_'__!_)e_,_\_\·L-'l_'k_+-_-~_1_r·_d_11_ _-+-! - - - --
2 2 \ Continuous assessment : -io. Course final examination 60 ·

~fanufacturing Te\:hniques of the following items-

1. Men's wear preparation and Grading techniques:

a) Block preparation.
b) Bolero lype waistcoat
c) Gilet type waistcoat

2. Women's wear preparat.ion and Grading:

a) Block preparation.
b) Ladies jacket
c) Skirt grading.

3. Preparation of various types of bags.

4 . Different Size Modifications

1. Pattern Cutting & Making up- Martin M. Shoben
2. Leather Apparel Design - Francesea Sterlacci
3. Clothing Technology- Europa Lehrmittel
4 . Fashion With Leather- Bastford
5. Making Leather Clothes- Jongensen.
6. Pattern Cutting for Women 's Outerwear- Gerry C ookl in.
7. Metric Pattern Cutting for Children's Wear and Baby Wear- Winifred Aldrich
8. Grading for the Fashion Industry- Taylon Shoben
9. Pattern Drafting and Making up- Bella kapoor
I 0. Pattern Grading for Men· s Cloths- Cooklin
11. Pattern Grading for Women' s Cloths- Cooklin
12. Fabric Form and Flat Pattern Cutting- Winifred Aldrich
I 3. The Clothing Factory- H. C. Carr
14. Computers in the Fashion Industry- Patrick Taylor
15. Leather Goods Handbook.

Pagp 1Snf27

Course final Exam: 70, In-course assessment: 25.
Class Attendance: 5. Total Class: 45

P_~lymeric mater~als_: Definition and classification of polymers. chemistry and mechanis m involved in
d1tferent_po!ymenzat_10n process such as stepwise. addition, ring opening, free radical polymerization,
po_ly~enzation t~ch_mques-Bulk. solution, suspension and emulsion polymerization. Co-polymerization,
aniomc and cat10mc polymerizations. Chemistry & Technology involved in - Natural & synthetic
rubber. PVC, polystyrene, PU, LOPE & HOPE polypropylene, EV A, ABS , acrylics, fibre reinforced
plastics, poromerics /PVC or PU coated fabrics . Polymeric materials as adhesives and binders.

Macromolecules: Introduction, classification. structure of macromolecules in solid and solution state.

Structure and properties of polymers: Chemical and geometrical strncture of polymer molecules,
glass transition temperature and related topics of polymers properties, crystallinity in polymers.

Properties of commercial polymers: Introduction, polyamide and related polymers, phenol-

formaldehyde polymers. urea-fonnaldehyde polymers and melamine-formaldeh yde polymers, cellulose
and related polymers, silicones, epoxies and biopolyrners.

Polymers Degradation and Environmental issues: Introduction, types of degradation, management of

plastics in the environment, polymer recycling, incineration, biodegradation, impact on environment of
various types of polymers.

Polymers, additives, blends and Composites: Additives, plasticizer, filler and reinforcements, other
important additives, polymer blends and interpenetrating networks- polymer blend.

Polymers used in Leather, Footwear and Leather product~ industry: Introduction, important
polymers used in leather industry and application in leather processing.

Polymer processing: Basic processing operations, Plastic technology, Fibre technology, Elastomer

Page 19 of 27
-~---- - - -- - ---
Clas. per week i ('rcdit Marks 1

'--------':J :_-_-_-_-_].'l.____2_ _--_-_-_--_--_-,_Ic_ o,_1t_i1_1L1_o_~ _s_·,_,s_s1.:_·s_·s_m_1.:_n_r : :~~~-~n~r·~:r·ina~-~:~r~

-i~~lJ()~J(,() l
1. Identification of polymers use in leather. footwc,u· and leather products ma11t1fact uring.
.., Detem1ination of chemical compositions of selected polymers.
3. Detennination of ionic character of selected polymers and surfactants.
4. Determination of viscosity of acrylic, polyurethane, butadicne binders.
5. Determination of electrolyte stability of acrylic, polyurethane, butadicnc binders.
6. Determination of solvent stability of acrylic, polyurethane, butaclicne binders
7. Determination of film hardness of'acrylic, polyurethane, buta<liene binders.
8. Determination of adhesive strength of acrylic, polyurethane, buta<licnc binders.
9. Determination of tensile strength and elongation of the finish film fonnation by acrylic ,
polyurethane, butadiene binders
10. Detennination of ironing effect of acrylic, polyurethane, butadienc binders
11 . Determination of tlexibility of finish film based on acryl ic, polyurethane, butadiene binders.
12. Dctennination of water resistance of finish film based on acrylic, polyurethane, butadienc
binders, silicones based compounds and nitro_cellulose based compounds
13. Chromatographic analysis of plasticizer.


1. Billmeyer F.W. Jr. - Text Book of Polymer Science.

2. Fried J.R. - Polymer Science & Technology.
3. Gowariker Y. R. -Polymer Science.
4. Arora M.G. & Singh M. • Polymer Chemistry.
5. Reed R. (Ed.) - Science for Students of Leather Technology.
6. Misra G.S. - Polymer Chemistry.
7. Bienkiewicz K. - Physical Chemistry of Leather Making.
8 .. Heidemann E. - Fundamentals of Leather Making.
9. Parry D.A.D . & Creamer L.K. · Fibrous Proteins: Scientific, Industrial and Medical aspects.
I0. Finar I. L. · Organic Chemistry Volume-II
11 . Winding C.C. & Hiatt G.D. · Polymeric Materials.
12. Ghosh P. · Polymer Science and Technology of Plastics and Rubbers.
13. Sandler S. R. & Karo W. - Polymer Synthesis.
14. Gustavson-The chemistry & Reactivity of Collagen

I ·-- --- -- --- - - -·-- - ·1

\ Class per week I Credit ~vlarb

3 Course final Exam: 70. In-course 1c;c;e:. r.ient: ~5
Class Attendance: 5. Total Clas ·. 45

Environment and ecology: Introduction, components of environment , factors affecting em·!ronnicr,!.

Tannery and environment: Tanning process and their environmental implication . major pro:e~~
sequences. chemical inputs ar_1d wastes -curing of hides and skins, beam house oper:itions, tanning, pos:
tanning activity - wet and mechanical processes, and finishing.

Water pollution: Introduction, definitions of water pollution. sources of water pollution, differen types
of water pollution and their harmful impacts on ground and surface water, factors affecting surface waier
pollution, classification of water pollutants and effects of the various types of pollutant .

Air pollution: I~troduction, composition of air, sinks of atmospheric gases. chemical reaction' occur in
different spheres, smog formation in air, major sources of air pollution and impact on the environment.
global and modeling climate change, green house gases and green house effect, acid rain and its effect..
air pollutant and their characteristics, hazardous air pollutant (HAPs).

Soil pollution: Introduction, sources of soil pollution, detrimental effects of soil pollutants. disease
caused by soil pollution, treatment of soil pollutants. control of soil pollution.

Waste management: Definition of waste, integrated waste management, waste generation, separation.
storage. collection, transformation of solid waste.transfer and transport, disposal water and air pollution
control. Purification and reuse of water during leather processing. low float techniques using updated
equipment. recycling of individual process liquors. lntemational standard and exposure limits.

Recovery, regeneration, reuse and disposal of tannery wastes: Recovery of residues of effluenu.
organic materials, dissolved salts, energy, solid waste, recycling of lime /sulphide liquors. dehair, high
chrome exhaustion techniques in chrome tanning, chrome recovery and recycling, oil and grease
recovery, disposal of effluents

Biodegradability and biodegradation: Introduction, methods of measuring biodegradation.

characteristics of tannery discharges, biological treatment of tannery effluents.

Tannery chemicals and waste generated in different tanning operations: Introduction, brief
discussion of different types of chemicals used in leather processing.

Impact of tannery discharge on receiving waters: Introduction, presenration of receiving wmer and
techniques used, results obtained and physico-chemical study. biological study and results obtained.
specific analysis of chromium traces .

Pollution due lo sulfur, chlorine and nitrogen: Introduction, ecotoxicity of chlorine. nitrogen and
sulfur compounds: sulfur, chlorine and nitrogen in tannery eftluems, study of effluents Jnd treatmen;
plants, balance in residual baths, tests for demonstrating nitrification.
Ecotoxicology: Introduction. toxic hazards and their control, control, of substance h,u ardous to heJlth.
hazard evaluation. risk asses5ment and control.

Page 21 of27
Safrt_y m.rnual 011 leather pronssing: lnt1odiictiun. chemical safc:ty. ra w 111atcrial handlin g_. ra11ki[lg rit
chemir:.1ls ba-;cd Pn their hazard potential. storagl' 111stnict1011s fur hazarduu~ and 01_hc:r chemicals. '"<: of
-;:1fc1y ware,; or pt'rs0 1ial protl'Ctivc cquipmc111 , upkeep of working uwl workmg s11rfacc'-

Treatment tcchnolog)': General outline pf trcatmc11t -11ecessirnted process_cs. types _ or tr~eatm~nt

lntroduclion. principle of pre, primary and secondary 1n:allne11ts. screernng, settling. Chen11cal
pr,.;cipitation. removal of grea~c and oi l, sulphide liquors, chromium , solid waste, primary treatment
pl:int. St!diment:nion t:u1k. trickling filters system , biological fluidized beds. Different type-; of
technologies used for the treatment of tannery wastes, primary and secondary treatment plant tertiary
:md quaternary treatment of tannery wastes .

Em·ironmental Law and Industrial Pollution: Environmental pollution control. enforcement.

monitoring and auditing, technical services government and industry pol icies. se lf-regulation., by


I Class per week Credit Marks I

'I ...-, 2 Continuous assessment : 40 Course final examination 60

1. Detennin:ition of chloride content in alkaline solution.

-, Test for the identification of surface active groups.
3. Detennin:ition of bio-chemical oxygen demand from wastewater sample.
-l . Determination of chemical oxygen demand from wastewater sample.
5. Detennination of particle size and shape of supplied pigments.
6. Detennination of chromium (VI) content from spent liquor using UV-VIS Spectrophotometer
_7 . Determination of Penta-chlorophenol using High Perfom1ance Liquid Chromatography
8. Determination of extractable fat content from leather sample
9. Identification of Phenolic components from leather using High Performance Liquid
10. Identification of banned amines from leather using High Performance Thin Layer

1. Thierry Chambolle-Environment and Tannery
2. DE A.K. · Environmental chemistry
3 . So~iety of Leather Technologists & Chemists . Official Methods of Anal sis ( I 996).
4. UNIDO- Tannery and Enviroment. y. ·
5. Cllhatwal, G.R.-Environmental Analysis.
6. Mensink Ir. J.S.-Environmental Quick Scan L th . p d .
7 Cllhatwal G R . E I • . ea er ro ucts .
. .. ·. . ncy~ oped1a of Environmental Analysis (vol I ,, &3)
8. F1f1eld & Hames. -Environmental Analyt' 1Ch . · •-
9 . Environmental Chemistry-8 K Sharm icda H Kem1stry .
. . . a an . aur
I 0. Roy M . Hamson-Pollution causes Effe t dC .
. •h d
l I . Ric · · c s, an ontrol
ar J. Watts- Hazardous wastes· S . .
12. Thierry Chambolle-E · · ources, Pathways Receptors.
nv1ronmem and Tannery

Page 22 of 27
l.l'E--H I : 1.EATlll•,H TE('J l~OLO<, Y-11

, ---- ---- ------------ ·7
/ll:111-, , ,

\ __ t ·1.1, ·. ,,1 "l't.'k ·---c-·,_. . _d-1t_ __.
2 :; Course linal f:xam : 70 . In co11rs<: a','>C'>'> fll Cnt 25 .
I Class t\ttc:11d:rnce: 5. Total Cla~~ : -15
--- - - -·--- -- --· - --

Tanning: Introduction. vegetabk tanning- hyclroly-.able tanning and condensed talln ing. rc,lll
tanning. synthetic tanning, aluehyde tanning, chrome-vegetable combination tanning.

:\lcchanical operation prior to post tanning operation: Sammying, spl iuing , ~having,

Re-chroming & Neutralization : Re-chroming- Objectives, chemicals used for rechroming,

inlluencing factors for rechroming operation, Neutralization- Objectives, chemicals used for
neutralization, influencing factors of neutralization, quality control during neutrali zation.
Retanning: Objectives. chemicals used for retanning, influencing factors of the retanning
operation, quality control during retanning.
Dyeing & Fat liquoring : Dyeing- objectives, dyes and their classification, selection of dyes for
specific leather production. influencing factors of the dyeing operation.
Fat liquoring- Objectives, selection of fat-liquors and oils, influencing factors of the fat-
liquoring operation, quality control during fat -liquoring.

finishing: Definition, Classification of finishes , Structure of finishes, Materials for leather

finishing.Theory of film formation Preparation of leather for finishing-buffing, snuffing. dc-
dusting, flesh coating. staining/color impression , ground coating, season coating, top coating,
ironing. glazing, plating, selection.

Finishing techniques: Shoe upper leather, nappa leather, glaze kid leather, nubuck leather. suede
leather, patent leather, corrected grain leather, pull-up leather, clothing leather.

insole leather: lining leather, split leather.

Sole leather: Vegetable tanned sole leather, chrome tanned sole leather, and combination tanncJ
sole leather.

l'age '2:~ of '.!.7



-l -l IContinuous assessment : 40. Course final examination 60

I. Standard upper leather manufacture

2. Manufacture of suede/nubuck/nappa/chamoise leather.
3. Standard lining leather manufacture
4. Manufacture of glaze kid finish
5. Manufacture of shrunken grain leather
6. Manufacturing process of patent finish leather
7. Manufacture of garments/clothing/gloving leather.
8. Manufacture of fur skin .
9. Manufacture of screen/block/boutik printed leather.


Class per week Credit Marks

2 3 Course final Exam: 70, In-course assessment: 25 ,

Class Attendance: 5. Total Class: 45

Introduction: Concept of production system, scope and importance of production, elements of

production. production planning, determination of factors of production and their control.

Productiviry concept:
Introduction, productivity of materials, land, building, machine and manpower, factors contributing 10
productivity improvement.

Techniques for productivity improvement:

Introduction, work content and ineffective time. productivity improvement by reducing work content,
productivity improvement by reducing ineffective time, management of productivity.

Work study:
Introduction, basic procedure, prerequisites of conducting a work study, human factors, the influence 0i
working condition, Ergonomics. ·

Method study:
Introduction, objectives, procedure, record, examine. Develop, flow and handlin!! of materials, tools for
recording the movement of worker. ~

\Vork measurement:
Introduction. objective~. basic procedure, the techniques. time study. rating. standard time.

P.igr 24 of 27
Quality: Definition of qu:ility and quality control in .
. a1 · I . . - , 1po11ant tem11nolol!v u . 1 . 1· .
function. qu· tty p arrnmg and improvement. paramet . f .. . . -- ~ec 111 qua 1ty control , quality
ers or 1ttness !or use.

Qualitv- policies and objectives: Need for lfuality 1- .· , . .

. po ic1e., . corporate qu ·tl1ty fJOI1.·11~ I 1·
for specific parameters :ind tormulation of qualit 1. . . . . . ' c .:s, qua 1ty po 1c1c.:s
Y po rcies, quality obJect1 ves . zero defects.
Total quality management (TQM)· Total ual'
.· 1. . . • q 11Y managemem concept internalization of qualitv
customer dnven qua Hy act1v1ty, system development for TQM ·ct I TQ i\'I ' .. . . . ··
on leather industry. i , , ea , system, appltcat1on ot TQM

Stan~ards fo~ l:a th er_.product~ testing: International Standards, national standards, Testing soling
matenals, Test m.::, a~hesive~. Testmg other products components, Using computers for quality control in
the leather products mdustnes.

Qu~lity co~trol for different stages of leather-products manufacturing: Quality control in pattern
cutt1_ng- cuttmg ?f bags_, ':allets, belts, jackets, dresses etc: quality control during skiving and splitting.
clo:mg -~e~entmg, p~unmg. sewing, decoration creating with different accessories; quality control
dunng firnsh111g- spraying, ironing, polishing, handing, storage, preservation, packaging and delivery.

Recommende8 quality requirements: For leathers or non-leather materials, cotton lining materials,
other hidden quality requirement.

Health and safety in leather products manufacture: Hazards and potential accidents. safety measures.

Quality assurance in leather products manufacture: Quality assurance, quality control, raw
materials, design department, production planning and control in cutting department, during preparation
for sewing, in the sewing room, intem1ediate inspection, final inspection, cost of quality. cost of
conformance, cost of non-conformance.

Quality management systems: Perceptions of quality, development of lSO-9000 series, content and
application field of ISO-9000-9004 series.

Environmental management systems: Introduction. ISO 14000 series: structure of the ISO 14001
standard, occupational health hazards and industries, environmental impact assessment (EIA) and audit,
environmental audit (EA), environmental management plan.

01 . European Organization of Quality Control; Glossary of Terms Used in Quality Control. Berne.
02. Juran J.M, Gryna F.M - Juran ·s Quality Control Hand Book. McGraw-Hill Book Company.
03. Ott ; Process Quality Control. . McGraw-Hill Book Company.
04. Taylor - Quality Control Systems. McGraw-Hill Book Company.
05. Juran J. M.- ]1tran on Planning for Q1tality. The Free Press, New York.
06. UNIDO, Acceptable Quality standards in the Leather and Footwear Industry.
07. Roland Kilgus - Clothing Technology

-- , ----·- ---·· ·· - - -- - ---. ·- -

Credit \'larks
.., Course final Exam : 70. In-course assessmen t: 25 .
Class Allendance: 5 Total Class : -t5 j

Business- Meaning. element, characterisrics. function . importance. :idvnnlages, rdation with


Entrepreneurs- Meaning. function, qualities. factors , role of business entrepreneurs

Business method and Business organization - Meaning, importance. distinction. rypcs, principles.
evolution. factors influence

Sole proprietorship business - Meaning, features , advantages, impo11ance. fields suitable for sole
proprietorship business

Partnership business - Meaning, element, advantages,

disadvantages, contents of Partnership deed, power of Partner, reconstruction of Pa11ncrship business,
difference between sole trade ship and Partnership business.

Joint Stock Company - Meaning, characteristics, advantages,

disadvantages, difference between JSC & Partnership business, classi fication of JSC & Private and
public limited company.

Export Management -_Meaning, Function, Principles:...Factors, types. Leather export: Introd11ction-

A profile of industry- Leather manufacture; basic steps in leather making-Grading - quality control -
Animal and tannery by-products-Leather products- Technical aspects of footwear manufacture-
Garment construction- Machinery- Role of council for Leather Exports - Schemes for Government for
leather Exports; Medium term export Strategy for 2002-2007;EPCG schemes; Duty exemption
_schem_es; Duty remission schemes etc. - Schedule of rates under duty entitlement Pass book scheme
and draw back.

* Business systems & commercial letter- Md. Khalekhuzaman
* W. H. Newman - Business Policies Management.
* B. I. B Ghosh - Business organization. A. Mukherjess Co.
* M. C. Shukla - Business organization & Management.

Page 2G o f 27
l.PF-416 PROJECT WORK ,\Nil SE\-11\AU

l'1uJl:U Work . "/5


Project and Seminar:

E:ich student is required to submit a report on the project assigned to him/her by 1hc department. Prior to
the submi ssion of the project report, each student should present a seminar based on the work done.


Credit:2 Marks: 50

Duration -2 months


Marks 50

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