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Meda Lesson Plan

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Lesson Title: Bee Bot Shapes Grade/Level: K Date/Learning Experience #:

Curriculum Standards Essential Question(s)/I Can Statement(s)

State Curriculum Standards – Underline your language/vocabulary words What question(s) or I Can statement(s) drive your instruction?

K.G.A.2 Correctly name shapes regardless of  I can identify shapes

their orientations or overall size.  I can recognize that shapes are different regardless
of their color or size.

Lesson Objective(s) – Student Learning Outcome(s) for this learning experience

Objectives use active verbs, are measureable (if applicable), and link to standards. Consider using Bloom’s Taxonomy or Webb’s Depth of Knowledge.

Analyze different shapes such as triangle, square, circle, and rectangle regardless of their color or size.

Knowing Your Learners

Describe pre-requisite skills students already know that will help them meet the lesson objective(s). What is your evidence that students need this/these skills(s)? This may include
pre-assessment data; student personal, cultural or community assets you have gathered and observations you have made concerning your students.

The teacher will review attributes that define a shape. Such as, the number of sides certain shapes have.
Students will also review shapes such as triangle, circle, square, and rectangle. Students will need to recognize
these shapes as they will continue to get more complex each year.

How will students demonstrate understanding of lesson objective(s)? Assessment/Evaluation
Formative: How will you monitor student progress towards lesson objectives as you are teaching? What modifications will you make
on assessments/evaluations for
students with diverse and/or special
During the Bee Bot activity the teacher will observe the students in a small group needs (i.e. students with IEP or 504,
struggling learners, advanced
setting. The teacher will have a checklist for each student that can be checked off learners) and will these modifications
during the activity to show understanding of the content. be within/for small groups or
Summative: What evidence (formative and/or summative) will you collect and how will you document student learning/mastery of
lesson objective(s)? A summative assessment is not needed for every lesson, however, it is required for every lesson submitted for
CAEP data collection points I, II, and III.

The summative assessment for this activity will be determined by evaluating if the
students can program their Bee Bot to go to the correct shape on the mat. The
students will also have a section in their interactvie notebook where they will having
a writing prompt for this activity.

Academic Feedback: How will you give academic feedback? How will your academic feedback promote student understanding of the
learning objective(s) or state standard(s)?
The teacher will give sandwich feedback (something they are doing well, something
to improve on, and end on something they are doing well) to students throughout
the lesson, and more significantly during the Bee Bot activity and assessment.

Academic Language Demands

Function and Product of the Lesson The function is the verb, usually a Blooms verb (e.g., analyze, interpret, recount), that guides the language objective of the lesson.
This includes a product that students will either write, say, present, or do that involves Academic Language (e.g. essay, present, recount).

Academic Vocabulary What specialized terms and phrases do students need to understand what they are expected to do? How does this vocabulary connect to the objectives,
state standards and function of the language demand?

 Correctly
 Orientation
 Size
 Shapes

Content Vocabulary What are the key vocabulary words, symbols, or sounds in this lesson? How does this vocabulary connect to the objectives, state standards and function
of the language demand?

 Programming
 Bee Bot functions (Forward, backward, turn, clear, pause)
 Triangle, circle, square, rectangle.
 Sides
 Know colors

The specific content vocabulary that connects to the standard and objectives would be the different shapes.
Recognizing and understanding the different orientations that define each shape are essential in kindergarten.

Syntax and/or Discourse, Mathematical Precision (math only). This section is not required for Early Childhood or Special Education.
Syntax What are the specific ways or conventions for organizing symbols (e.g., linear, horizontal), words (grammar), phrases, or graphics that students need to know to be able to
do what you are asking?
Discourse What are the specific ways in which members of a discipline (e.g., scientist, historian, etc.) talk, write, and communicate knowledge that students need to know to be
able to do what you are asking (e.g., essays, presentations, performance, journal, debate, historical account, signal)?

The teacher will talk out loud to students throughout the lesson in order to provide discourse. This discourse
will involve class discussion and lecture.

Language Supports What general instruction will you provide to help students in the whole class (e.g., word walls, learning partners, guided notes) learn the
discourse/syntax? What focused instruction (e.g., Venn diagrams, graphic organizers, outlines, student examples, sentence stems) will you provide to help students learn the
discourse/syntax (can be completed in small groups)? What individual instruction that targets the needs of an individual student(s) will you provide to help that student(s) learn
the discourse/syntax? What opportunities will you provide for students to practice language/vocabulary and develop fluency? What tools (e.g., EQ or vocabulary board, Venn
diagram, anchor chart, vocabulary cards, graphic organizer, peer support, sentence stems, pictures, table, chart, thinking map, modeling, sort, song, body movements, games) will
you use to help students meet the language demands?

General Supports – Strategies used to support the whole class and may be used to support more than one demand (e.g., Venn diagram, learning partners, word
wall, anchor chart, vocabulary cards, graphic organizer, sentence stems, pictures, table, chart, thinking map, modeling, sort, song, body movements, games). These
strategies can cross disciplines and be used in a variety of lessons.

The teacher will provide an anchor chart to support whole group instruction.
Targeted Supports – Strategies that focus toward a specific language demand (e.g., Venn diagrams, graphic organizers, outlines, examples, sentence stems). These
may be addressed during small groups. These can be general supports that are modified for specific students or groups of students.

A printed out copy of the material shown on the anchor chart will be given out for struggling
students to use as a reference.

Individual Supports – Supports used to target the specific needs of an individual student (e.g., ELL, student with autism, struggling reader or writer, student
with significant language delays). These students may or may not have been formally identified and may or may not have an IEP or 504 plan.

For students struggling with the Bee Bot activity, more time will be allowed and the teacher
will assist with one-on-one instruction if needed.

Instruction – When designing your instruction, consider when you will implement formal and informal assessments/evaluations, when
you will provide feedback, and when you will teach academic language. Therefore, this section should include aspects written above.
Individual &
Group Needs
Plans instruction to meet
Description of Activities and Instruction Description of Activities and Instruction the needs of individual
Lesson Part students. Adaptations are
(Teacher Does) (Students Do)
tied to learning objectives.
Specific individual or group
learning includes
requirements in IEP or
504 plans.
Set/Motivator: Restate
and address your Essential
TTW ask the class what they think TSW answer what they think
Question. How do you robots can do. robots can do. Allow students
engage student interest in to turn and
the content of the lesson?
How does this relate to TTW ask the students if they have TSW raise their hands and answer talk to peers
previous learning? Use before
knowledge of students’ ever heard of a robot called a Bee if they have ever heard of a Bee
academic, social, and
Bot. Bot. answering
cultural characteristics.

TTW show the students the Bee Bot TSW turn and talk to a friend
and ask them what they think they and answer what they think they
will be doing with it. will be doing with the Bee Bot.
Before Activity: Before Activity: TTW will have
Tasks: Provide specific TTW go over I Can statements with TSW will participate in the whole specific shapes
step-by-step details of lesson
content aligned with the class. group discussion. easily accessible
objectives, utilizing a on the mat to
variety of teaching
strategies. TTW go over shapes such as circle, During Activity: students who
triangle, square, and rectangle. TSW go with their small group are struggling.
to the mat that was assigned to Those students
TTW begin a whole group discussion them. will still get
on how we can identify a shape Ex: an opportunity
number of sides TSW pull a piece of paper out of to use the Bee
the basket and read what it says. Bot but their
TTW explain what the word shape will be
“programming” means and teach to TSW then match the words on at an easier
the class the functions of the Bee their paper to the correct shape route.
Bot. Each button will be explained to on their mat.
give the students a better
undertsnading of how the Bee Bot TSW determine the best way to
works. program their Bee Bot and then
see if their Bee Bot makes it to
During Activity: the correct or incorrect spot on
TTW put the students into small the mat.
groups and direct them to go to the
different shape mats set up in the After Activity:
room. Answer the questions asked about
shapes and the Bee Bot.
TTW explain to the students to pull
one piece of paper each with a
different shape and color wrote out
on it out of the different baskets.
TSW then have to match their
wrote out shape and color to the
correct picture on the mat. Once
the students have found their shape
on the mat they must correctly
program their Bee Bot to go to that
shape. The checklist and summative
assessments will be used and
determined in this step.

TTW give students a number order

to go in and each child will be given
a turn with the Bee Bot. The
teacher will monitor and assist with
the groups at all times.

After Activity:
TTW begin a discussion on the
different shapes and what they
thought of the Bee Bot Activity.

Questions and/or
activities for higher
Before Activity: TSW answer the questions Before
order thinking: These  What are some shapes that instruction:
are open-ended and cannot
be answered by yes or no. we know off the top of our give students
These can be asked at
head? turn and talk
various points throughout
the lesson and guide rather time.
than direct student  If we see a triangle and its
red and then we see another
triangle and its blue, is it Instruction:
still a triangle? Or has the Ask basic
shape changed because they questions to
were different colors. help students
 If we see square that is really comprehend

big, and then a quare that is the text.

really small, are they both

still squares? Or are they
different because their size is Ask certain
different? students
 Has anyone ever heard of the questions
word programming? directed
toward their
 When you think of a robot
level of
what do you think of?
learning, and

During Activity: material that

 (If they programmed the Bee they can

Bot correctly) what function
on the Bee Bot helped you
program it to the correct
shape on the mat?
 (If the Bee Bot was
programmed incorrectly)
What do you think you need
to fix to get the Bee Bot to
go to the correct spot?
What didn’t work?

After Activity
 Did anyone have any
difficulties while programming
the Bee Bot?
 What are some things that
worked with it?
 What are some things that
did not work with it?
 How can we use the things
that we have learned today
about the Bee Bot for the
next time we work with it?

Closure: Makes clear

connections to real-world
TTW assign a prompt in their TSW write and draw in their Struggling
situations and requires interactive notebook where they will interactive notebook. students can
students to reflect on and
apply their learning through
verbal or written
need to write a sentence and illustrate their
expression. illustrate their Bee Bot shape and drawing rather
activity. This will allow the students than doing
to visualize their shape they both the
programmed their Bee Bot to go to. illustration and
Material/Resources: What do you need for this lesson? Identify, within a bulleted Technology: (a) Describe the technology you plan to use in your lesson, (b)
list, the specific materials and resources that you will use. Describe how these materials and How does the identified technology in your lesson improve student learning? If
resources add value, depth, and extend students’ learning. applicable, (c) explain how you will use this technology to support a variety of
student needs within the learning environment, and (d) If you used this technology
to design and implement formative and/or summative assessments, please explain.
 Anchor Chart –will be used as support for any Did you use the technology to collect and/or analyze your data to inform
instruction? Explain.
students’ that need something to refer back to.
 Bee Bot robot- used for technology purposes A Bee Bot robot will be used for technology
 Bee Bot mat- used for the Bee Bot activity purposes. This robot will allow the students to
 Printed out shapes- for the mat learn shapes in a fun and interactive way by
learning programming, and also aligning directly
with a state standard. The students are given a
summative assessment on their writing, but also
on if they can program their Bee Bot to the
correct spot on the mat.
If the Bee Bot is not available the students will
use the Bee Bot card intstructions. The
isdtructions match the functions on the back of
the Bee Bot robot.

Co-Teaching Strategies Used: (highlight and explain all that apply): One Teach, One Observe; One Teach, One Assist; Station Teaching; Parallel Teaching; Supplemental
Teaching; Alternative (Differentiated); Team Teaching

If another person is present during this lesson the best strategy to use would be station teaching since the
students will be in small groups.


Management: Explanation of processes and/or procedures, transitions from one activity to another, strategies for gaining attention, motivating students to engage in the lesson
and focus on learning (e.g. work boards, posted procedures, modeling, positive feedback, redirection). If management decisions were addressed above, please bold those processes and

The students will be in routine of their everyday classroom procedures which will be no different in this
lesson. My strategy for gaining attention in the lesson will be with a hook line. After asking higher order
questions the students will be given specific directions on how to do the Bee Bot activity. Students will be in
small groups through this lesson, and after the Bee Bot activity they will begin working independently on
their interactive notebook writing.

This lesson of correctly naming shapes regardless of orientation and size aligns directly with state standards.

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