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Indian Nursing Council Amendment Regulation 2018

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jftLVªh laö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99

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PART III—Section 4
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No. 27] NEW DELHI, MONDAY, JANUARY 22, 2018/MAGHA 2, 1939

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[ S -IIIN&N N N ]
New Delhi, the 29th November, 2017
F. No. 11-1/2015-INC.—In the Gazette Notification No. 164 dated 13.05.2015 of the Indian Nursing
Council, the following changes/corrections are effected.

S.No. Regulation For Read

1 Preamble “In exercise of the powers conferred by sub “In exercise of the powers conferred by
section (1) of section 16 of Indian Nursing sub-section (1) of section 16 of Indian
Council Act 1945.. (XLVII of 1947) as Nursing Council Act 1947 (XLVII of 1947)
amended from time to time ……..” as amended from time to time and in
supersession of the earlier INC
Regulations ……”
2 2(5) “Vice-President” means the Vice President “Vice-President” means the Vice President
elected under Section 13 (1) of the Act. elected under Section 8 (2) (a) of the Act.
3 2(8) ‘Treasurer’ means the Treasurer appointed by ‘Treasurer’ means the Treasurer appointed
the Council under sub-section 1 or 2 (c) of by the Council under sub-section (2) (c) of
section 8 of the Act; section 8 of the Act;
4 6 (1) (b) Shall call a special meeting on 15 days’ Shall call a special meeting on 15 days’
notice, if he receives a requisition in writing notice, if he receives a requisition in writing
signed by not less than fifteen members and signed by not less than fifteen members and
stating the purpose other than that mentioned stating the purpose other than that mentioned
in the first proviso to Regulation No. 8 (1) (b) in the first proviso to Regulation No. 10 (1)
and being a purpose within the scope of the (b) and being a purpose within the scope of
Council’s functions for which they desire the the Council’s functions for which they desire
meeting to be called. the meeting to be called.
5 6(2) The first meeting of the Council other than a The first meeting of the Council other than a
special meeting referred to in the proviso to special meeting referred to in the proviso to
Regulation No. 4 (1) held in any financial year Regulation No. 6 (1) held in any financial
shall be the annual meeting of the Council for year shall be the annual meeting of the
that year. Council for that year.
6 7 At meetings referred to in the proviso to At meetings referred to in the proviso to
Regulation No. 4 (1) only the subject or Regulation No. 6(1) only the subject or
subjects for the consideration of which the subjects for the consideration of which the
meeting has been called shall be discussed. meeting has been called shall be discussed.
7 8 Notice of every meeting other than a special Notice of every meeting other than a special
meeting called under the proviso to meeting called under the proviso to
Regulation No. 4 (1) or under the first proviso Regulation No. 6 (1) or under the first
to Regulation No. 8 (1) (b) shall be dispatched proviso to Regulation No. 10 (1) (b) shall be
by the Secretary to each member of the dispatched by the Secretary to each member
Council not less than 30 days before the date of the Council not less than 30 days before
of the meeting. the date of the meeting.
8 15 (3) When a motion has been thus stated, it may be When a motion has been thus stated, it may
discussed as a question to be resolved either in be discussed as a question to be resolved
the affirmative or in the negative or any either in the affirmative or in the negative or
member may, subject to Regulation 14 and 15, any member may, subject to Regulation 14
move an amendment to the motion; and 17, move and amendment to the motion;
Provided that President shall not allow an Provided that President shall not allow an
amendment to be moved which if it had been amendment to be moved which if it had been
a substantive motion would have been a substantive motion would have been
inadmissible under Regulation 5. inadmissible under Regulation 7.
9 18 (1) (a) An amendment of the motion or of the For an amendment of the motion or of the
amendment as the case may be, as proposed amendment as the case may be, as proposed

S.No. Regulation For Read

in Regulation 13; in Regulation 15;
10 57 “The inspection of Training Institutions for “The inspection of Training Institutions for
the purpose of grant of recognition and the purpose of grant of suitability as also for
approval as also for periodic, re-inspections periodic re-inspections/surprise inspections
and for enhancement of seats as also for and for enhancement of seats as also for
attending examinations under section 13 (1)..” attending examinations under section 13..”
11 57 (1) “The Secretary shall appoint not less than two “The Secretary shall appoint not less than
ad-hoc inspectors whether from the members two ad-hoc inspectors whether from the
of the Council or otherwise to inspect any members of the Council or otherwise to
institution for the purpose of being recognized inspect any institution for the purpose of
as...” suitability as …”
12 57 (12) “Periodical inspections of recognized nursing “Periodical inspections/ surprise inspection
institutions shall be conducted so as to ensure of suitable nursing institutions shall be
continued maintenance of nursing education conducted so as to ensure continued
standards and for granting continued maintenance of nursing education standards
recognition to…” and for granting continued suitability to…”

T. DILEEP KUMAR, President


Digitally signed by
Date: 2018.01.25
SUKUL 22:44:02 +05'30'

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