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National Institute of Open Schooling: Vocational Education Department

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National Institute of Open Schooling

Vocational Education Department

Application Form

Application to be filled in by the institution seeking grant of accreditation of Vocational courses

of National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS).

A. Details of the processing fees/DD.

DD No._________________Date________________Name of the Bank _________________Amount

Rs. ______________.

1. Name and address of the Managing Society/Agency/Trust owning the institution.



Fax Ph. No. E-mail

2. If registered, please mention:-

a) Registration No. ______________________________
b) Date and year of registration ________________________
c) Year of expiry ________________________

3. Details of the Members of the Society/Public Trust constituted under the Law

Sl. Name Profession Educational qualifications

4. Name and complete address of the Institution (with PIN, State, District, Taluk etc.) for which
accreditation is sought.


__________________________________________________________Pin code_________________
Taluk District State

Fax Ph. No. E-mail

5. Year of establishment of the institution (if already functioning) ________________________

6. Name of the nearest Railway Station/main Bus Terminal & its distance from the institution


7. Name and complete address (Residential) with Telephone No. of the Principal/
Director/Head of the Institution __________________________________________________


8. If an existing AVI/AI of NIOS, please give following details

AVI /AI No.___________

Sl. Course for which Code Year of Intake Enrolment in last three years Remarks
No Accreditation granted Accreditation Allowed

9. Has the institution applied earlier to NIOS for grant of accreditation of Vocational Courses? If
yes, please mention:-
Date of submission of Application: _________________________
Reference No. of NIOS, if any: ____________________________
10. Indicate the details of other institutions, if any, being run by the Managing Society.

S. Name & Address of the Area of Work Name of the recognizing

No. Institutions accrediting/Affiliating/Central/ State
govt. agency/others

11. Details of the Vocational Courses being conducted by the applicant Society in any other
institution or in the same campus.

S. Name of the Duration Entry level Year of Intake Name of the

No. Courses/Trade of the Qualification starting capacity recognizing
course the accrediting/Affiliati
courses ng/Central/ State
govt. agency/others

12. Name of the Vocational Courses of NIOS for which accreditation is being sought.

S. No. Name of Course/ with NIOS course code Proposed intake/No. of batches proposed




13. Justification Note –motivation factors indicating the reasons as to why you are keen to provide
vocational education courses, proposed by you for the accreditation, for the people in your area.
Indicate your experience in the field, kind of services/activities the society is currently engaged
in, so as to acquaint NIOS with your sense of commitment to this work.

Please submit this on a separate sheet.

14. Whether the Management of the society has resolved to take up NIOS courses. If yes, please
submit a copy of the Resolution of the society.

15. Infrastructure (available for NIOS courses)

S. No. Schedule of Facilities available No. of units with area of Total area
for proposed NIOS courses local unit
1. Teaching classroom (Course

2. Labs(Course wise)

3. Workshops

4. Library

5. Store

6. Administrative area

7. Audio Visual Room

8. Staff Room

9. Students Common Room

10. Common Facility

11. Staff Residence

12. Hostels

Please attach the approved lay out plan of the building displaying each unit.
16. Building details:

a) Whether the Institution is located in a rented building or own building. Please attach a copy
of the Title Deed/Lease Deed __________.
b) Institute located in the area, whether commercial/residential/institutional/others
Residential (Please tick mark)
Others specify ______________

c) Date of occupation of premises ________________________________________.

d) Date of lease & date of expiry _________________________________________.

e) Whether the Institution has the facilities to conduct public examinations. If so, please specify
details regarding Halls, rooms etc. ________________________.

Power Supply
f) Date of connection ________________________
g) Three phase/Single phase __________________
Connected sanctioned load KW ______________________

17. Library Facilities: Indicate the total number of titles available for Vocational Education.
_______________________________________________________________________. The
number of Journals ___________________________________________________________

18. Tools & Equipments (course wise) for proposed courses

(To be submitted separately for each course)

Name of the Course

Sl. Name of the Specifications of the Quantity Date of purchase. (In case
No. Tools/Equipments Tools/ Equipments in stock purchases have been made in
different years, the years of first
and last purchase)

19. Details of availability of General Audio-visual/Teaching aids available in the institute.

20. Finances:
a) Details of the sources of finance of the institution

(i) Govt. Aid

(ii) Donation

(iii) Fees from students

(iv) Others

b) Annual Budget & the total expenditure of last three years

c) Details of yearly expenditure (minimum three years) on

(i) Equipment

(ii) Raw material/consumable

(iii) Salary to the Faculty/Supporting Staff

21. Human Resource

Teaching faculty:

(a) Name of the Principal/Head of the institution and his/her Acad./ Vocational/Qualifications &
experience. (In case of new institutions, details of course-wise PPL/Head of the institute
proposed to be appointed to be furnished)

(b) Please give details of instructional/Staff wise working on regular or on part-time basis, or
identified to be appointed (in case of new institutions).
S. No. Name and Designation Acad./ Professional Experience (in years) Whether full
Qualifications as well as job time or Part-
description time

(d) Supporting/Administrative Staff:

1. Clerks ________________________
2. Accountant ____________________
3. Lab Attendant _________________
4. Peons ________________________
22. Any other information
Any other relevant information/particulars which the applicant wishes to highlight in connection with the
Accreditation of Vocational courses of NIOS.

1. Certified that the institution (Name) __________________________________________

___________________________________ applying for Accreditation of Vocational
Education Courses of NIOS is fully owned by ___________________________________
________________________________________________(Name of the Society/Trust)

2. Certified that the Society/Trust has obtained a certificate from competent local authority regarding
the Health and Sanitary conditions of the building of the institution.

3. Certified that building housing the institution and other structure has been declared safe (including
fire safety) by the competent local authority.

4. Certified that the information/particulars furnished above are Correct and authentic to the best of
our knowledge.

Signature of the President/

Secretary of the Society
owning the institution

Name & Address____________


Rubber Seal of the Society

Date : __________________

Date:__________________ Place:______________________
List of Enclosures

(To be attached by an applicant institution duly attested)

Document Particulars Whether enclosed or

No. √) or
not Please tick (√
1. Copy of the Memorandum of Association and Rules and
2. Copy of the Certificate of Registration

3. Justification Note

4. Resolution of the Management for taking up NIOS

5. A copy of the Title Deed or rent/Lease Deed

6. Plan of the Building

7. List of Tools & Equipments/trade wise

8. Copy of audited Statement of Income and Expenditure of

the Society for the Last three years
9. List of teachers/supporting staff and their
particulars/trade wise

10. Demand Draft of the requisite amount in favour of

“Secretary, NIOS” payable at New Delhi.
11. Other Documents as required

12. Affiliation/Recognition letter if any form Govt and other

statutory bodies

Note : All the above mentioned documents duly certified by the Secretary/president of the society may
please be submitted along with the applicant without which the applicant may not be
considered. All documentary proofs/certificates attached with application should be in English
or Hindi and if they are in regional language it must be accompanied by translated version in
English/Hindi and attested by the First Class Magistrate.

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