HSE Questionnaire - Dragon Oil. 2
HSE Questionnaire - Dragon Oil. 2
HSE Questionnaire - Dragon Oil. 2
Revision 2, 9th August 2016
Country :
Location :
Date Questionnaire Completed :
Contractor's Name :
Contractor's representative :
Questionnaire for Contractor HSE Capability Assessment
E Management "Guidelines for working together in a contract environment"
n the text in italics the content in this document is identical to Appendix III of the OGP HSE Management "Guidelines for wo
n a contract environment"
the most senior person in the organization responsible for this policy being carried out at the premises and on site where h
s are working? Provide name title and experience.
man & Managing Director is the most senior person responsible for the HSE Policy at Carporate level and respective Project
are responsible for Site HSE Policy at their respective sites.
aining content will be focussing on the Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment of all the Activities, Control Measures ad
g the risk and the residual risk with which the work is performed. In the process of addressing the above, the training will b
(a) relevant to the HSE programs proposed for implementation. (b) relevant to the procedure for testing the Emergency
ess (c) compliance requirements. Though there is no fixed duration set for the above trainings, it shall ensure that each em
nd competent towards effective implementation of HSE procedures. Please refere Training Matrix attached as Annexure-V
etence and general HSE training
rrangements does your company have to ensure new employees have knowledge of basic oil industry safety, and to keep t
e up to date?
tion training is compulsory for all employees. Site specific Training matrix shall be prepared and executed as per the sched
nd external expertise.
rrangements does your company have to ensure new employees also have knowledge of your HSE policies and practices?
tion is compulsory for all employees in which basic topics are covered i.e. HSE policy, Site requirements, PPEs, roles &
lities, risk assessment, significant environmental impacts etc. Please refer Employee HSE Induction form attacehd as Anne
rrangements does your company have to ensure existing staff HSE knowledge is up to date? (If training is provided in-hous
s of content).
aining programmes have been arranged to ensure that existing staff HSE knowledge is up to date. Please refer Training Ma
as Annexure-VI.
rrangements does your company have to ensure job competency for those involved in managing HSE hazards and risks? Pr
ompetency matrix. How do you recognise your Employees for safe working?
petent personnel are deployed for taking up the project activities as written in the HR policy. Roles and Responsibilities of t
along with the targets to be achieved are specified prior to deployment for a project. Periodical performance assessment (
HSE performance) will be conducted by the HOD and Project Manager to ensure competence skills are sustained.
zed training
ou identified areas of your company's operations where specialized training is required to deal with potential hazards? (Plea
d provide details of training given).
Offshore HSE Induction is being provided to all personnel proceeding to offshore field in order to deal with potential hazard
d with the scope of work of the project.Please refer Employee HSE Induction form attacehd as Annexure-VII.
pecialized work involves radioactive, asbestos, chemical or other occupational health hazards, how are the hazards identifie
and controlled?
sments are carried out in order to identify, assess and control the hazards before starting each project activity including sp
afety Analysis are also carried out to identify, assess and control the hazards depend on the available site conditions. Pleas
sment procedure attached as Annexure-VIII.
rangements does your company have to ensure new employees have been instructed and have received information on se
operation. What training do you provide to ensure that all employees are aware of company requirements?
g on the geographic locations, specific security hazards have been identified.and Administrative controls such as deployme
t security system, liaison with the local government authorities, implementation of activities that demonstrate local social &
lity awareness programmes carried out during the induction training. Company HR induction is mainly focussed on awaren
rrangements does your company have to ensure existing staff security knowledge is up to date? (If training is provided in-h
e details of content).
site Specific Security plan attached as Annexure-IX.
rrangements does your company have to ensure job competency for those involved in managing security risks? Provide tra
cy matrix.
site Specific Security plan attached as Annexure-IX.
lified staff - additional training
company employ any staff who possess HSE qualifications that aim to provide training in more than the basic requirement
any employs the HSE staff who possess HSE qualifications that aim to provide training in all aspects of HSE.
do you spell out the HSE performance standards you require to be met?
on has well defined set HSE Objectives & Targets. HSE programs are devised for the performance of HSE Management Sys
er HSE Objectives & targets attached as Annexure-X.
you identify new industry or regulatory standards that may be applicable to your activities?
the Head Office, news letters and consultants. By referring Legal handbooks, obtaining information from website content a
g to relevant Journals dealing with legal requirements.
do you spell out the standards you require your contractors to meet?
edures pertaining to implementation and operation, we mention that the Contractors shall comply with the company standards.
you ensure these standards are met and verified?
ement of the set objectives and targets for the entire project are assessed considering the in-house activities and the Contractors activities
reported in the Site HSE Committee and Management Review meetings.
: Risk Management
nd effects assessment
iques are used within your company for the identification, assessment control and mitigation of hazards and effects? Provide evidence.
ment is prepared before starting any activities. Refer Risk Assessment procedure & Format attached as Annexure-VIII.
e of the workforce
ms are in place to monitor the exposure of your workforce to chemical or physical agents?
ntification & Risk Assessments, Job Safety Anaysis, PTW systems are in place to identify the hazards to which the work force is exposed. The
ring checks are carried out at each job locations to monitor the chemical & physical agents.
g of chemicals
workforce advised on potential hazards (chemical, noise, radiation, etc.) encountered in the course of their work?
al protective equipment
gements does your company have for provision and upkeep of protective equipment and clothing, both standard issue, and that required f
ms are in place for identification, classification, minimisation and management of waste?
on, classification, minimisation and management of diffeerent types of wastes are done as per the regulatory compliances mentioned in the
ntal Management Plan. Standard Operating Procedures for environmental management, compliance to MARPOL notifications, SOLAS requi
Preparedness and its Response evaluation, continous monitoring of significant environmental aspects ensure the control of environmental
nd alcohol
e a drug and alcohol policy in your organisation? If so, does it includes pre-employment and random testing?
mpany has a defined Drug and Alcohol Policy. It does not include the pre-employment & random testing, however the random test is being
tes. Please refer Site Drug & Alcohol Policy attached as Annexure-XII.
: Business Processes
perations manuals
have a company HSE manual (or Operations Manual with relevant sections on HSE) that describes in detail your company
ng practices relating to your work activities? If the answer is YES please attach a copy of supporting documentation.
any Site HSE manual is in place. Please refer Site HSE manual attached as Annexure-XIII.
have a company Security manual (or Operations Manual with relevant sections on Security) that describes in detail your co
Security working practices relating to your work activities? If the answer is YES please attach a copy of supporting docume
you ensure that the working practices and procedures used by your employees on-site are consistently in accordance with
ity policy, objectives and arrangements?
ne HSE inspection, Management walk about, Internal Audit and External Audit is carried out for continuous Monitoring.
ent control and maintenance
u ensure that plant and equipment used within your premises, on-site, or at other locations by your employees are correctly registered, con
ined in a safe working condition? Provide a description of your preventive maintenance system.
n is certified & follows ISO:14001:2004 / OHSAS:18001 standards. organization will ensure within premises that infrastructure, plant, equip
ations are correctly registered, certified, controlled and maintained in safe working condition. organization have its online EMS (Equipment
system ) in place and periodicaly alearts are generated for every equipments.
fety management
gements does your company have for combating road and vehicle incidents?
ave hired vehicles and the contractor have the overall responsibility for combating road and vehicle incidents.
: Performance Monitoring and Improvement
ment and performance monitoring of work activities
angements does your company have for supervision and monitoring of performance?
e Medical staff in your Company?
angements does your company have for passing on any results and findings of this supervision to your:
onthly HSE Reports, Management Review Meetings, Management Information System (MIS) Reporting.
otice boards, Monthly HSE meetings, Online Document Management System (DMS).
formance achievement awards
mpany received any award for HSE performance achievement?
mpany suffered any statutory notifiable incidents in the last 5 years (safety, occupational health and environmental)? Answer with details i
ry, most frequent types, causes and follow-up preventative measures taken.
mpany suffered any improvement requirement or prohibition notices by the relevant national body, regulatory body for HSE or other enfor
r been prosecuted under any HSE legislation in the last 5 years? If your answer is YES please give details.
formance record
maintained records of your incidents and HSE performance for the last 5 years? If YES, please provide the following: Number of Fatalities,
st Work Day Cases, Medical Treatment Cases and Restricted Work Day Cases. Also include the Fatal Accident Rate, Lost Time Injury Frequen
dable Incident Rate (TRCF) for each year. (Note: Please include your company definitions of the above-mentioned terms for clarification ref
Performance Accident Data Report).
nt from Incident Investigation Report is discussed in safety committee & management review meeting. Copy of the same is distributed to a
Workers are communicated about Lesson Learnt of incident in tool box meeting. Please refer Incident Investigation report attached as An
s incidents are reported / recorded. The learnings of all nearmiss incidents are discussed and communicated to all employees in tool box m
r Near Miss Incident report attached as Annexure-XVI.
company HSE Plans include schedules for auditing and what range of auditing is covered?
l audit is scheduled once in a quarter. External audit by certification agency is scheduled once in a year. Please refer Internal Audit schedu
Annexure XXI.
he effectiveness of auditing verified and how does management report and follow-up audits?
ctions & improvement efforts are recorded in minutes of meeting of MRM. In the next MRM, the results of all actions & efforts are discuss
he effectiveness. Management Review Meeting (MRM) is conducted once in a quarter.
company HSEMS comply with any international standard ( ISO or OHSAS) and it has been certified by recognized certification society?
n HSEMS complies with the following standards: ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2004 and BS OHSAS 18001:2007.
r certifications attached as Annexure-XVIII & XIX.
: HSE Management - Additional Features
ship of association
e nature and extent of your company's participation in relevant industry, trade, and governmental organisations?
to the activities of National Safety Council, India.
nal features of your HSE management
ation have arranged Behaviour Based Safety trainings to all Line managers & HODs by external faculty at all project sites.
ation have also implemented SPOT (Safety Performance Observation Team) card at all project sites to improve the reporting of Good HSE p
& Unsafe Conditions. SPOT Observations are recorded and reported on daily basis to the Head office by all project sites. Please refer copy
ed as Annexure-XX.
ation have site based Environmental Management plan & waste management plan. Refer Annexure-XXII.
ed significant environmental Aspect Impact register is prepared to ensure compliance of all relevant legal requirements related to Environm
ation have the site based HSE Rewards scheme to encourage the employees for best HSE performance. Refer Annexure-XXIV.
0 : Working Conditions
nce with laws
Company comply with local laws and regulations regarding working conditions?
ation complies with local & global laws & regulations regarding working conditions. As a process of external auditing, our overseas projects
the review of HSE performance.
have an internal policy regarding working conditions? If the answer is yes, please attach a copy.
n Occupational Health Safety & Environment policy covers the necessary commitment regarding working conditions. Please refer organizati
hed as Annexure-I.
n, since 1959, has been a trusted infrastructure construction company across diversified segments.
apoorji Pallonji Group since 2000.
cord of delivering projects ahead or on time.
xecuted across diverse geographies such as Africa, Middle East, since 1980, contributed 30% to revenues.
marine construction.
technological prowess.
quality management systems ISO 9001, ISO 14001, BS OHSAS 18001.
ast 53 years organization has delivered :-
marine works.
ridges, flyovers, Viaducts.
lane kilometers of roads.
Tanks (India has 8 LNG Tanks).
egas Terminal.
Elevated Metro.
els and Hydro Works.
neral Civil Engineering & Industrial Structure.
hore Process Platform completed , LEWPP-T1 &T2 on going.
verseas Projects.