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European Journal of Heart Failure 2 Ž2000.


Effects of high-dose furosemide and small-volume

hypertonic saline solution infusion in comparison with a
high dose of furosemide as a bolus, in refractory congestive
heart failure
Salvatore Paternaa , Pietro Di Pasqualeb, , Gaspare Parrinelloa ,
Piera Amatoa, Antonella Cardinalea , Giuseppe Follonea,
Alfonso Giubilatob, Giuseppe Licataa
Department of Internal Medicine, Uni¨ ersity of Palermo, Palermo, Italy
Di¨ ision of Cardiology, ‘Paolo Borsellino’, G. F. Ingrassia Hospital, Palermo, Italy

Received 20 February 2000; received in revised form 24 April 2000; accepted 23 May 2000


Background: Diuretics, have been accepted as first-line treatment in refractory heart failure, but a lack of response is a
frequent event. A randomised single blind study was performed to evaluate the effects of the combination of high-dose
furosemide and small-volume hypertonic saline solution ŽHSS. infusion in the treatment of refractory NYHA class IV
congestive heart failure ŽCHF.. Materials and methods: Sixty patients Ž21 Fr39 M. with refractory CHF ŽNYHA class IV. of
different etiologies, unresponsive to high oral doses of furosemide, ACE-inhibitors, digitalis, and nitrates, aged 65᎐90 years,
were enrolled. They had to have an ejection fraction ŽEF. - 35%, serum creatinine - 2 mgrdl, BUN F 60 mgrdl, a reduced
urinary volume and a low natriuresis. The patients were randomised in two groups Žsingle blind.: group 1 Ž11 Fr19 M.
received an i.v. infusion of furosemide Ž500᎐1000 mg. plus HSS Ž150 ml of 1.4᎐4.6% NaCl. b.i.d. in 30 min. Group 2 Ž10 Fr20
M. received an i.v. bolus of furosemide Ž500᎐1000 mg. b.i.d., without HSS, during a period lasting 6᎐12 days. Both groups
received KCl Ž20᎐40 mEq.. i.v. to prevent hypokalemia. All patients underwent at entry a physical examination, measurement
of body weight ŽBW., blood pressure ŽBP., heart rate ŽHR., evaluation of signs of CHF, and controls of serum Na, K, Cl,
bicarbonate, albumin, uric acid, creatinine, urea and glycemia and daily during hospitalization, as well as the daily output of
urine for, Na, K and Cl measurements. Chest X-ray, ECG and echocardiogram were obtained at entry during and at the
discharge. During the treatment and after discharge the daily dietary Na intake was 120 mmol with a drink fluid intake of 1000
ml daily. An assessment of BW and 24-h urinary volume, serum and urinary laboratory parameters, until reaching a
compensated state, were performed daily, when i.v. furosemide was replaced with oral administration Ž250᎐500 mgrday.. After
discharge, patients were followed as outpatients weekly for the first 3 months and subsequently once per month. Results: The
groups were similar for age, sex, EF, risk factors, treatment and etiology of CHF. All patients showed a clinical improvement.
Six patients in both groups had hyponatremia Žfrom 120 to 128 mEq.rl. at entry. A significant increase in daily diuresis in both
groups was observed Žfrom 390 " 155 to 2100 " 626, and from 433 " 141 to 1650 " 537 mlr24 h, P - 0.05.. Natriuresis Žfrom
49 " 15 to 198 " 28 mEq.r24 h. was higher in group 1 vs. group 2 Žfrom 53.83" 12 to 129 " 39 mEq.r24 h, P - 0.05.. Serum
Na Žfrom 135.9" 6.8 to 142.2" 3.8 mEq.rl, P- 0.05. increased in the group 1 and decreased in the group 2 Žfrom 134.7" 7.9
to 130.1" 4.3 mEq.rl.. Serum K was decreased Žfrom 4.4" 0.6 to 3.9" 0.6, and 4.6" 9 to 3.6" 0.5 mEq.rl, P- 0. 05. in both
groups. BW was reduced Žfrom 73.8" 9.1 to 63.8" 8.8, and from 72.9" 10.2 to 64.5" 7.5 kg, P- 0. 05. in both groups. Group
2 showed more patients in NYHA class III than group 1 Ž18 vs. 2 patients, P - 0.05.. Group 2 showed an increase of serum
creatinine. Serum uric acid increased in both groups. BP values decreased, and HR was corrected to normal values in both

Corresponding author. Chief Division of Cardiology, ‘Paolo Borsellino’, Via Val Platani 3, 90144, Palermo, Italy. Tel. : q39-091-524181; fax:

1388-9842r00r$20.00 䊚 2000 European Society of Cardiology. All rights reserved.

PII: S 1 3 8 8 - 9 8 4 2 Ž 0 0 . 0 0 0 9 4 - 5
306 S. Paterna et al. r European Journal of Heart Failure 2 (2000) 305᎐313

groups. Group 2 showed a longer hospitalization time than group receiving HHS infusion Ž11.67" 1.8 vs. 8.57" 2.3 days,
P- 0.001.. In the follow-up Ž6᎐12 months., none of the patients from group 1 were readmitted to the hospital and they
maintained the NYHA class achieved at the discharge. Group 2 showed 12 patients readmitted to hospital and a higher class
than at discharge. Conclusion: Our data suggest that the combination of furosemide with HSS is feasible and it appears that
this combination produces an improvement of hemodynamic and clinical parameters, reduces the hospitalization time and
maintains the obtained results over time in comparison with those receiving high-dose furosemide as bolus. 䊚 2000 European
Society of Cardiology. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Furosemide; Hypertonic saline solution; Refractory congestive heart failure

1. Introduction Several studies have demonstrated the efficacy of

hypertonic saline solution ŽHSS. infusion in condi-
Despite recent advances in the treatment of con- tions in which regional organ blood flow is impaired
gestive heart failure ŽCHF., many patients continue to w17,18x. As such, HSS was first applied for the primary
present signs and symptoms that are refractory to the treatment of severe hemorrhagic and traumatic shock
treatment with digoxin, diuretics, ACE-inhibitors and and this therapy promptly restored central hemody-
other vasodilators w1x. Since the prevalence and inci- namics and peripheral blood flow w19x. The suggested
dence of CHF is increasing progressively worldwide mechanisms were a direct myocardial stimulation with
w2,3x, new strategies are needed for the management high cardiac output maintenance, increase of intra-
of patients with refractory CHF, a major therapeutic vascular volume, and subsequent peripheral arterial
challenge defined as the condition in which patients vasodilatation Žeffect of hyperosmolality and plasma
with New York Heart Association ŽNYHA. functional volume., reduction of tissue edema Žshifting of tissue
class III᎐IV present symptoms that have not im- water along the osmotic gradient. w20x, increased re-
proved, or have actually worsened, following recent nal blood flow, reduced sympathetic tone w21x.
attempt escalate therapy w1x. The management of HSS therapy has been the object of several experi-
patients with advanced CHF, classically consists in mental studies evaluating the effects of small-volume
sodium intake restriction, physical activity together in resuscitation, in sepsis and multiple organ failure
and treatments that include digitalis, diuretics and w20,22,23x. In view of the above facts, we hypothesize
ACE-inhibitors w4x. Diuretics, particularly potent loop that the combination of high-dose loop-active diuretic
diuretics, have long been accepted as first-line treat- and small-volume HSS through an i.v. infusion could
ment of patients with severe CHF and important fluid be effective in the treatment of patients with refrac-
retention w5,6x. tory CHF and previously we showed the safety and
However, a lack of response to furosemide is a tolerability of this combination w24x. A randomised
common event particularly in elderly patients with single blind study was performed to evaluate the
advanced disease. The age-related renal impairment efficacy of high-dose furosemide associated with
of renal function, the concomitant therapies that may small-volume hypertonic saline solution ŽHSS. infu-
affect renal function w7,8x, the changes induced by sion in comparison with an i.v. high-dose infusion of
CHF on the gastrointestinal absorption and motility, furosemide as a bolus, in hospitalized patients with
the reduced splanchnic blood flow w9᎐11x, contribute severe CHF refractory ŽNYHA class IV. to conventio-
to this resistance. When diuretics resistance occurs, nal therapy.
proposed therapeutic options include higher doses or
constant furosemide infusion w12x, concomitant do-
pamine infusion to increase renal blood flow, potenti- 2. Materials and methods
ating diuretics activity w13x, and combination of dif-
ferent classes of diuretics, providing synergistic effects
w14x. 2.1. Patient population and eligibility criteria
Hemodynamic alterations operating in CHF entail
an expansion of extracellular fluid volume Žtotal blood From January 1996 to June 1998, 754 patients were
volume and interstitial volume. and a reduction of consecutively admitted to hospital with CHF. To be
arterial blood volume with a consequent regional eligible to enter the trial, patients had to have, ac-
blood flow alteration. These alterations with associ- cording to the definition of refractory CHF w1x and
ated hormonal pattern modifications are responsible according to the Framingham criteria and New York
of a relevant hydrosaline retention with signs and association functional classification for congestive
symptoms of peripheral and central congestion and an heart failure w1x, uncompensated CHF Ždyspnea,
important reduction in renal blood flow w15,16x. weakness, lower limbs edema or anasarca ., NYHA
S. Paterna et al. r European Journal of Heart Failure 2 (2000) 305᎐313 307

functional class IV that was unresponsive to treat- Table 1

ment with oral high doses of furosemide up to 250᎐500 Clinical characteristics and ethiology of CHF Žfirst group, patients
receiving HSS. a
mgrday andror combinations of diuretics Žthiazide,
loop diuretic and spironolactone., ACE-inhibitors Patient Sex Age CHF EF% Diuresis NaU
Žcaptopril 75᎐150 mgrday., digitalis, and nitrates and n Žyears. ethiology Žmlr24 h. ŽmEq.r24 h.
to be under this therapy at least 2 weeks before the
1 F 68 CADq AF 35 450 45
study and before hospitalization. 2 F 72 CADq AF 30 500 40
The patients were judged unresponsive when they 3 M 69 CADq AF 32 350 55
showed during the treatment as above reported an 4 F 85 HHD 35 450 65
reduction of urine volume and constant increase of 5 M 84 CAD 27 350 45
body weight and impairment of clinical signs of heart 6 M 82 HHD 35 500 60
7 M 60 CAD 35 850 85
failure as reported, in spite of the increase of 8 F 84 HHD 35 500 50
furosemide and the combination of other diuretics. 9 F 71 CAD 30 400 60
Additionally, they had to have a left ventricular ejec- 10 F 84 CADq AF 35 350 55
tion fraction ŽEF. - 35%, serum creatinine - 2 11 M 76 CAD 35 400 40
mgrdl, BUN F 60 mgrdl, a reduced urinary volume 12 M 65 CAD 27 300 30
13 M 78 HHD 24 350 35
and a low natriuresis despite receiving the established 14 F 73 DCM 26 250 25
treatments. None of the patients had to take non- 15 F 90 DCM 23 300 30
steroid anti-inflammatory drugs. 16 M 70 CAD 22 300 60
Baseline clinical characteristics of the study sub- 17 F 67 DCM 35 400 40
jects are shown in Tables 1 and 2. Each patient 18 F 62 DCM 35 350 55
19 M 62 CAD 35 750 75
provided written informed consent before starting the 20 M 85 CAD 35 400 30
study. Randomization Žsingle blind. was carried out by 21 M 79 DCM 24 300 65
sequentially numbered boxes and was decided at en- 22 M 68 DCM 35 300 50
try, before performing complete clinical examination 23 M 70 HHD 27 250 25
and laboratory measurements. All patients included 24 M 72 DCM 20 200 40
25 M 80 CAD 25 300 40
in the study, after randomization, underwent a com- 26 F 69 HHD 35 300 45
plete physical examination, with a careful check of 27 M 74 CAD 35 250 55
CHF signs and symptoms, including measurement of 28 M 71 DCM 35 750 75
BW Žin the morning before breakfast ., supine and 29 M 73 DCM 26 300 45
standing blood pressure ŽBP. Žmean of three mea- 30 M 64 CAD 21 250 55
surements. and heart rate ŽHR.. Fasting blood sam- Abbre¨ iations: CAD, coronary artery disease; HHD, hyperten-
ples were drawn to determine serum Na, K, chloride, sive heart disease; DCM, dilatative cardiomyopathy; AF, atrial
bicarbonate, albumin, uric acid, creatinine, urea and fibrillation; and EF, left ventricular ejection fraction.
glycemia in a daily basis during hospitalization and
continued until a clinical compensated state was ob- ules: for serum Na values - 125 mEq.rl HSS concen-
tained. The total daily output of urine was collected tration was 4.6%. For serum Na values between 126
for creatinine, Na, K and Cl measurements. mEq.rl and 135 mEq.rl HSS concentration was 3.5%
Chest X-ray, ECG and echocardiogram Žto obtain and for serum Na values ) 135 mEq.rl, HSS concen-
EF according to the modified Simpson’s rule, which tration varied between 1.4 and 2.4%. KCl Ž20᎐40
uses two cross-section views Žfour and two chamber mEq.. i.v. was administered to prevent hypokaliemia.
apical views. were obtained before the beginning of During the period of study the patients received,
the therapy and again at the time of hospital dis- ACE-inhibitors, digitalis, and nitrates, as previously
charge. Two observers blinded to the clinical data reported. During the treatment and after hospital
evaluated the two-dimensional echocardiographic discharge the daily dietary sodium intake was 120
images. The recruited patients were divided in two mmol with a drink fluid intake of 1000 ml daily. An
groups Žsingle blind fashion., the first group received accurate assessment of body weight ŽBW. Žin the
an i.v. 30 min, infusion of furosemide Ž500᎐1000 mg. morning before breakfast . and 24-h urinary volume
plus HSS Ž150 ml of 1.4᎐4.6% NACI. b.i.d., and the was performed every day. Serum and urinary labora-
second group received an i.v. infusion of furosemide tory parameters were measured daily until reaching a
Ž500᎐1000 mg. as a bolus b.i.d., without HSS, for a clinical compensated state, considered as a change in
period of 6᎐12 days. Furosemide daily dosage was NYHA functional class to at least IIb and the accom-
definite considering diuretics, urinary volume, blood plishment of ideal BW, calculated by the Lorenz
pressure values and severity of signs and symptoms of formula wMale body weight s Žheight in cm-100. y <
congestion. The dose of HSS was determined in each height in cm-150.r4.9.; Female, body weight s Žheight
patient Žfirst group. according to the following sched- in cm-100. y < height in cm 150.r2.5.x.
308 S. Paterna et al. r European Journal of Heart Failure 2 (2000) 305᎐313

Table 2 tailed t-test to identify differences between the groups

Clinical characteristics and ethiology of CHF Žsecond group,
and analysis of variance ŽANOVA. for repeated mea-
patients without HSS. a
sures with the Bonferroni correction for intragroup
Patient Sex Age CHF EF% Diuresis NaU data. Nominal data were analyzed by the ␹2-test, a P
n Žyears. ethiology Žmlr24 h. ŽmEq.r24 h. value - 0. 05 was considered to be significant.
1 M 70 CAD 35 350 85
2 M 70 CAD 35 450 50
3 M 71 CAD 30 450 60 3. Results
4 M 79 HHD 30 500 55
5 F 83 CADq AF 25 350 60 Sixty patients Žfemalermale, 21:39. with refractory
6 F 81 HHD 32 800 30
CHF of different etiologies: 31 coronary artery dis-
7 M 65 CAD 35 550 45
8 F 82 HHD 33 600 40 ease ŽCAD., 12 hypertensive heart disease ŽHHD., 17
9 M 73 CAD 35 500 55 dilatative cardiomyopathy ŽDCM., aged 65᎐90 years,
10 M 83 CAD 30 450 65 met the entry criteria and continued the study in
11 F 71 CAD 25 350 45 accordance with the study protocol ŽTables 1 and 2..
12 M 67 CADq AF 25 350 60
The patients showed at entry: 60 orthopnea, 60 ex-
13 F 79 DCM 30 450 65
14 M 76 DCM 34 500 55 treme fatigue on effort, 60 third heart sound, 60
15 M 70 DCM 30 350 60 marked peripheral edema, 60 hepatic enlargement, 60
16 F 75 CAD 35 400 30 bronchial rales, 51 pleural effusion, 25 pericardial
17 M 73 DCM 25 450 45 effusion, 23 ascites.
18 M 66 HHD 35 550 45
A prominent improvement in clinical parameters
19 M 72 CAD 30 450 35
20 F 75 CADq AF 25 500 70 such as dyspnea, lower limb edema, anasarca and
21 M 73 HHD 27 600 60 weakness was obtained in all 60 patients studied. In
22 F 78 DCM 35 450 60 fact, 12 patients Žfrom first group. and 9 patients
23 M 77 CAD 30 250 45 Žfrom second group. in anasarca Žascites, pleural and
24 M 79 DCM 25 200 60
pericardial effusion. experienced complete resolution
25 M 75 CADq AF 27 300 40
26 M 85 CAD 30 300 55 of this state Ževaluated clinically and by X-ray and
27 F 64 DCM 30 250 45 echocardiography. after the treatment that resulted in
28 M 81 HHD 33 750 55 the rapid relief of dyspnea, weakness and fatigue.
29 M 70 CAD 27 300 65 Before the study, natriuresis was low in most patients
30 F 66 DCM 30 250 75 Žmean " S.D., 49 " 15 and 53.83" 12 in both groups,
Abbre¨ iations: CAD, coronary artery disease; HHD, hyperten- mEq.r24 h. despite all patients were receiving high-
sive heart disease; DCM, dilatative cardiomyopathy; AF, atrial oral doses of furosemide andror combinations of
fibrillation; EF, left ventricular ejection fraction.
diuretics, suggesting the presence of a resistance to
Once the clinical compensated state was reached, furosemide action. Six patients in both groups had
the i.v. administration of furosemide Žboth groups. hyponatremia Žfrom 120 to 128 mEq.rl. prior to the
and HSS Žfirst group. was stopped and replaced with beginning of the combined therapy.
oral furosemide administration Ž250᎐500 mgrday. and A significant increase was observed in daily diuresis
oral KCl supplementation and the best therapy con- in both groups, but in the first group the diuresis was
tinued without changes after the discharge along with greater than group 2 Žfrom 390 " 55 mlr24 h to
the standard therapy ŽACE-inhibitors, digitalis and 2100 " 626 mlr24 h, and from 433 " 141 to 1650 " 537
nitrates . in both groups. During the study-period and mlr24 h, P- 0.05.. Natriuresis was greater in the first
follow-up other treatments were not added to those group Žfrom 49 " 15 to 198 " 28 mEq.r24 h. than the
administered Žbeta-blockers, Ca q antagonists, an- second group Žfrom 53.83" 12 to 129 " 39 mEq.r24
giotensin II receptor antagonists, etc... h, P- 0.05. and serum Na Žfrom 135.9" 6.8 to 142.2
No patients received inotropic drugs i.v. during the " 3.8 mEq.rl, P- 0. 05. was observed to increase in
study period. After the discharge, patients were fol- the first group, while in the second group it showed a
lowed on a weekly basis with clinical and laboratory reduction Žfrom 134.7" 7.9 to 130.1" 4.3 mEq.rl.
evaluation for the first 3 months and later they were after therapy. Serum K was decreased significantly
evaluated once per month in the day-hospital of the Žfrom 4.4" 0.6 mEq.rl to 3.9" 0.6 mEq.rl, and from
clinic for a further 12 months. 4.6" 9 to 3.6" 0.5 mEq.rl, P- 0.05. but the value
remained in the normal range ŽTable 4.. BW weight
2.2. Statistical analysis was reduced Žrange 5᎐20 kg., from 73.8" 9.1 to 63.8
" 8.8 kg, and from 72.9" 10.2 to 64.5" 7.5 kg, re-
The results are expressed as mean values " S.D. spectively, P- 0.05. and the reduction was propor-
The statistical analysis was performed using the two- tional to increased urinary volume ŽTable 3..
S. Paterna et al. r European Journal of Heart Failure 2 (2000) 305᎐313 309

Table 3
Clinical and laboratory parameters before Žat entry. and after treatment Žat discharge. a

Furosemide without HSS Furosemide with HSS

Before After P- Before After P-

Patients ŽMrF. 20r10 r 19r11 r

Age Žyears. 74.3" 5.86 r 73.57" 7.95 r
SBP ŽmmHg. 145 " 27.5 119.9" 13.7 0.001 142 " 23.8 121.7" 12.7 0.001
DBP ŽmmHg. 82.1" 14.3 77.3" 11.5 n.s. 80.7" 13.8 73.2" 12.4 0.031
HR Žb.p.m.. 83.9" 15.5 79.5" 11.3 0.021 82.7" 13.7 77.1" 10.2 0.078
Ejection fraction 30.27" 3.26 31.3" 5.9 n.s. 30.3" 5.34 32.1" 6.4 0.024
Body wt. Žkg. 72.9" 9.3 64.5" 7.5 0.001 73.8" 9.1 63.8" 8.8 0.001
Diuresis Žmlr24 h. 433 " 141 1650 " 537U 0.001 390 " 155 2100 " 626U 0.001
Serum sodium ŽmEq.rl. 134.7" 7.9 130.1" 4.3U 0.007 135.9" 6.8 142.2" 3.8U 0.001
Serum potassium ŽmEq.rl. 4.6" 0.9 3.6" 0.5UU 0.001 4.4" 0.6 3.9" 0.6UU 0.002
Urinary sodium ŽmEq.r24 h. 53.83" 12.71 129 " 39U 0.001 49.17" 15.09 198 " 28U 0.001
Urinary potassium ŽmEq.r24 h. 59 " 33 95 " 39 0.001 64 " 28 85 " 27 0.004
Scrum glucose Žmgrdl. 95 " 22.3 98 " 26. 5 n.s. 98 " 25.9 96 " 23.8 n.s.
BUN Žmgrdl. 58.1" 3.7 97 " 13.5U 0.001 62.1" 4.1 70 " 9.5U 0.001
Serum creatinine Žmgrdl. 1.65" 0.07 1.94" 0.1U 0.001 1.6" 0.05 1.4" 0.07U 0.001
Uric acid Žmgrdl. 6.3" 2.1 8.9" 3.4 0.001 6.7" 2.6 8.6" 3.2 0.014
Serum albumin Žgrdl. 4.1" 0.7 4.08" 0.7 n.s. 3.9" 0.5 3.8" 0.5 n.s.
Hospitalization Ždays. 11.67" 2.6U 8.57" 2.3U 0.001
Weight Žkg. lost 8.47" 2.61 9.9" 4.14 n.s.
Data are expressed as mean " S.D.
P - 0.001.
Ps 0.04.

Table 4
Results of combined high-dose furosemide and hypertonic saline solution i.v. infusion in patients with refractory CHF Žat discharge.

Patient Furosemide HSS b.i.d.% Weight NYHA Hosp. duration

n Žmgrb.i.d.. Žkg. class Ždays.

1 250᎐500 1.4᎐2.4 5 IV᎐IIa 6

2 500᎐1000 1.4᎐3.5 15 IV᎐IIb 12
3 500᎐1000 1.4᎐3.5 13 IV᎐IIb 10
4 250᎐1000 1.4᎐2.4 20 IV᎐IIb 11
5 250᎐1000 1.4᎐2.4 13 IV᎐IIa 10
6 250᎐500 1.4᎐2.4 6 IV᎐IIa 6
7 250᎐500 1.4᎐2.4 13 IV᎐IIa 8
8 250᎐500 1.4᎐2.4 13 IV᎐IIb 10
9 250᎐500 1.4᎐2.4 6 IV᎐IIb 6
10 250᎐500 1.4᎐2.4 8 IV᎐IIa 7
11 500᎐1000 1.4᎐3.5 6 IV᎐III 6
12 250᎐500 1.4᎐2.4 5 IV᎐IIa 6
13 250᎐500 1.4᎐2.4 8 IV᎐IIb 7
14 500᎐1000 1.4᎐3.5 7 IV᎐III 7
15 500᎐1000 1.4᎐2.4 6 IV᎐IIa 6
16 250᎐500 1.4᎐2.4 8 IV᎐IIa 6
17 500᎐1000 1.4᎐3.5 8 IV᎐IIb 8
18 250᎐500 1.4 6 IV᎐IIa 6
19 500᎐1000 1.4᎐2.4 17 IV᎐IIa 11
20 250᎐500 1.4᎐2.4 18 IV᎐IIb 12
21 250᎐500 1.4᎐2.4 13 IV᎐IIa 10
22 250᎐500 1.4 7 IV᎐IIa 8
23 250᎐500 1.4 5 IV᎐IIa 6
24 250᎐1000 1.4᎐2.4 9 IV᎐IIa 8
25 250᎐1000 1.4᎐3.5 10 IV᎐IIb 12
26 500᎐2000 1.4᎐4.6 12 IV᎐IIb 12
27 250᎐1000 1.4᎐3.5 9 IV᎐IIb 11
28 500᎐2000 1.4᎐4.6 13 IV᎐IIb 12
29 250᎐1000 1.4᎐2.4 7 IV᎐IIa 8
30 500᎐2000 1.4᎐3.5 11 IV᎐IIb 9
310 S. Paterna et al. r European Journal of Heart Failure 2 (2000) 305᎐313

Tables 4 and 5 show the changes in NYHA functio- admission. The patients not receiving HHS infusion
nal class with a greater improvement in patients from showed a longer hospitalization in comparison with
the first group with most of them going from class IV patients receiving HHS infusion Ž11.67" 1.79 vs. 8.57
to class II, than the patients from the second group " 2.3 days, P- 0.05..
with most of them going from class IV to class III. The patients were followed in a weekly basis for the
Group 2 showed more patients in NYHA class III first 3 months after discharge and later they were
than group 2 Ž18 patients vs. 2 patients, respectively seen once per month in the outpatients clinic. During
P- 0.05.. The reduction in serum creatinine, observed the follow-up period, ranging from 6 to 12 months,
in the first group, was possibly induced by the expan- none of the patients Žfirst group. was readmitted to
sion of the extracellular fluid ŽECF. volume. The the hospital and all the patients maintained the same
second group showed an increase of serum creatinine. NYHA functional class achieved at the time of hospi-
Serum uric acid concentrations were significantly in- tal discharge. Twelve patients from the second group
creased after therapy in both groups, P- 0.05, but were re-admitted to hospital for clinical signs of heart
none of the patients developed gout symptoms. The failure and they presented at entry a higher functio-
patients did not complain of any major discomfort nal class than at discharge. In the first group a total of
during treatment and tolerated the i.v. infusion well. six patients died during the follow-up period Ž80%
No side effects of this therapy, in particular hearing survival after 12 months.. Three patients died 6 and
loss or tinnitus were observed in patients receiving 10 months after discharge by sudden death. The other
also HHS, while these effects were reported in six three patients died after 4᎐8 months after discharge,
patients treated with furosemide only, without HHS. but their deaths were not attributable to cardiac
Both systolic and diastolic values of BP were de- causes Žbladder cancer, plasma cell myeloma, femoral
creased without important clinical manifestations, and fracture .. In the second group 11 patients died, 7 for
HR was corrected to normal values ŽTable 3.. Patients irreversible heart failure and 4 for non-cardiac causes.
were discharged from the hospital after 8᎐15 days of No patients received beta-blockers and spironolac-

Table 5
Results of high-dose furosemide without hypertonic saline solution infusion in patients with refractory CHF Žat discharge.

Patient Furosemide Weight NYHA class Hosp. duration

n Žmgrb.i.d.. Žkg. Ždays.

1 250᎐500 8 IV᎐III 12
2 250᎐500 7 IV᎐III 14
3 250᎐500 8 IV᎐III 12
4 500᎐1000 11 IV᎐IIb 14
5 500᎐1000 16 IV᎐IIb 14
6 500᎐2000 10 IV᎐III 10
7 500᎐1000 7 IV᎐III 10
8 500᎐1000 6 IV᎐IIb 12
9 250᎐500 5 IV᎐III 10
10 500᎐1000 10 IV᎐IIb 12
11 250᎐500 8 IV᎐III 14
12 500᎐2000 7 IV᎐IIb 12
13 250᎐500 5 IV᎐III 10
14 500᎐1000 5 IV᎐III 11
15 500᎐1000 9 IV᎐IIb 9
16 500᎐1000 5 IV᎐III 9
17 250᎐1000 11 IV᎐III 10
18 500᎐500 13 IV᎐III 12
19 250᎐1000 10 IV᎐III 10
20 250᎐1000 8 IV᎐IIb 10
21 500᎐1000 9 IV᎐III 14
22 500᎐1000 9 IV᎐IIb 14
23 500᎐1000 6 IV᎐III 12
24 500᎐1000 11 IV᎐IIb 11
25 500᎐1000 6 IV᎐IIa 10
26 250᎐500 10 IV᎐IIa 11
27 500᎐1000 7 IV᎐III 11
28 500᎐1000 11 IV᎐III 11
29 500᎐1000 6 IV᎐III 14
30 500᎐1000 10 IV᎐IIa 15
S. Paterna et al. r European Journal of Heart Failure 2 (2000) 305᎐313 311

tone ŽRALES data were published recently.. From effect of endothelium edema, that further increases
October 1999 spironolactone was added to the treat- the hydraulic resistance w25x.
ment in both groups. All patients continued ACE- Regarding the kidney and its circulation, patients
inhibitors as previously reported Žcaptopril 75᎐150 with CHF reveal a picture that strikingly resembles
mgrday.. that defined in response to hemorrhage. Thus, given
the well-documented influence of the renal blood
supply on Na handling and the reversal of the antina-
4. Discussion triuresis when renal perfusion is increased in these
patients, it seems likely that the renal vascular re-
sponse participates in the Na retention in patients
The mechanismŽs. explaining the efficacy of the with advanced disease w33x. Therefore, an increase in
proposed combined infusion in the treatment of se- renal blood flow may be an important mechanism by
vere and refractory CHF may comprise the instanta- which Na retention may be counteracted. Intravenous
neous mobilization of extravascular fluid into the in- infusion of HSS determines a rapid elevation of extra-
travascular space through the osmotic action of HSS cellular NaCl concentration with a consequent rise in
w19,25x and the rapid excretion of this volume by the osmotic pressure, plasmatic volume expansion, instan-
action of ECF expansion itself and by the action of taneous fluid mobilization into the vascular compart-
i.v. furosemide infusion. Furthermore, HSS by a de- ment, increased renal blood flow w17,20x. Additionally,
monstrated increase in renal blood flow w26x may fluid shifted out of erythrocytes and endothelial cells
facilitate the action of furosemide and help overcome to the extracellular space leads to a reduction in
an established furosemide resistance, frequently capillary hydraulic resistance w25x. The rapid expan-
observed in these patients related to CHF itself w9᎐11x sion of ECF volume is responsible for the decreased
or to age-associated decrease in renal function w7,8x.
plasma and peritubular oncotic pressure that along
Diuretics represent a cornerstone in the treatment of
with and increased peritubular hydrostatic pressure,
patients with symptoms of severe CHF and many
enhances the urinary Na excretion by a reduction in
reports have described their efficacy and limitations
proximal Na reabsorption w34x. The simultaneous
administration of furosemide at high doses adds an
The overall response to loop diuretics depends on
important hydrosaline renal excretion, since the in-
the time course and the amount of drug reaching
crement in renal blood flow allows furosemide’s con-
urine, and the pharmacodynamic of response in the
centration in the Henle’s loop to be optimal. In fact,
ascending limb of Henle’s loop w8x. Renal blood flow
in advanced CHF is often reduced and the response HSS administration seems to potentiate the diuretic
to diuretic is progressively attenuated. Intravenous action of furosemide, and possibly to help overcome
administration is preferable in these patients to over- established resistance to furosemide with no need of
come the decreased absorption of the orally adminis- higher doses Žmaximal dose, 2 grday., and conse-
tered drug w1x. Furthermore, patients with CHF re- quently limiting electrolyte disturbance, and other
quire higher concentrations of furosemide in the re- side effects Žhypotension, tinnitus, etc..
nal tubule to induce an adequate natriuretic response The most important results of our study were the
and a constant delivery rate of the drug provided by significant reduction of hospitalization time in patients
an intravenous infusion may optimized the diuretic receiving HHS vs. those without HHS, the mainte-
treatment w12x. Interestingly, furosemide’s action is nance of the achieved NYHA functional class at
achieved not only as a result of a potent diuretic discharge, and a reduction of readmissions to hospital
activity but also because of a reduction in venous for CHF worsening. In addition we showed that mor-
return that leads to a rapid relief of left ventricular tality Žcardiac causes. after 1 year of follow up was
heart failure symptoms w31x. In fact, a dose-dependent reduced in treated patients. This result must be inter-
direct venodilator effect has been demonstrated in preted with caution because of the small number of
forearm blood flow studies, that appears to be medi- patients. Our data contrast with previously reported
ated by local vascular prostaglandin synthesis w32x. studies w35,36x, in fact, no patients receiving HHS
Hemodynamic alterations operating during uncom- infusion were readmitted to the hospital during the
pensated heart failure comprising an expansion of follow-up period. It is possible that the therapeutical
venous circulating blood volume and a reduction of effects of this treatment are not only mediated by the
arterial circulating blood volume lead to the instaura- direct effects on renal hemodynamics, but also by
tion of a ‘low flow state’ with substantial activation of neurohormones modulation. A further step is to study
the renin᎐angiotensin᎐aldosterone system ŽRAS. and the changes in RAS, vasopresin, atrial natriuretic
consequent fluid and Na retention w15,16x. The re- peptide, and cathecolamines in these subjects, con-
duced arterial blood flow may be worsened by the sidering that individual variable responses may con-
312 S. Paterna et al. r European Journal of Heart Failure 2 (2000) 305᎐313

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