Alarcon y Nauhuelcheo - Creencias Sobre El Embarazo, Parto y Puerperio en La Mujer Mapuche
Alarcon y Nauhuelcheo - Creencias Sobre El Embarazo, Parto y Puerperio en La Mujer Mapuche
Alarcon y Nauhuelcheo - Creencias Sobre El Embarazo, Parto y Puerperio en La Mujer Mapuche
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ANTHROPOLOGICAL EXPLORATIONS of religion have gaging more in bodily than verbal communication, in
tended to focus on the lives, experiences, and view- keeping with recent works suggesting that much can be
points of adults. The great canonical works have learned from the nonverbal ''langllages." 3 I found this
scarcely a word to say about how religion might affect dual strategy an acceptable compromise to a methodo-
children's lives. Robertson Smith wrote nothing about logical challenge. With such a combination of ap-
the religion of young Semites. Frazer never considered proaches, the experiences of infants themselves should
how divine kingship might influence children's play become at least partly accessible to the gaze of an out-
styles. Durkheim did not investigate the way that organ- side observer. Indeed, the very definition of experience
ized groups of boys and girls might intersect with organ- may be redefined if we agree to expand the corpus of
ized groups of adults in creating an effervescence of communication channels to include both the spiritual
spirit. Weber neglected to speculate on the effect that and the bodily, in this case, uto identify the existential
Protestant faith might have on child-rearing practices. conditions that constitute the experiential world of
With only a few exceptions, social scientists today Beng babies" (John McCall, personal communication,
continue to assume the irrelevance of early childhood November 1996; see Bruner and Turner 1986).
to spirituality, and silence still reigns concerning the
religious and ritual experiences of minors.1 If this is true
of young children, it is even more so of infants, who are The Spiritual Lives of Beng Infants
perhaps the most systematically ignored of all human Most Western folk models of child development im-
groups by anthropologists.2 ply a mute and uncomprehending newborn arriving for
In my own fieldwork, I relied in part on methods the first time in the world of humans from a restricted
that Victor Turner enunciated long ago (1973) for the uterine life of minimal stimulation and no social interac-
decoding of symbolic phenomena: exploration of in- tion as such. Before that, the biological model underly-
formants' own exigeses, identiElcation of the opera- ing all this further implies, the fetus was a mere zygote
tional meanings of symbols in particular ritual and so- of a few cells, and before those cells were joined, it had
cial contexts, and provisional establishing of a model or no existence whatsoever. Hence the Western caretaker
grammar of positional meanings of such symbols in a of an infant, whether the mother or anyone else, usually
wide variety of social contexts. Of course with infants attends to the bodily needs of the young tot with great
the great frustration relates to the first level of this care but may pay less attention to social relational con-
methodology: very young children do not make reliable cerns and virtually none to spiritual ones.4
informants, at least not when anthropologists define The Beng view of fetal development is quite differ-
conversation in the usual way. To counteract this limita- ent. Beng adults maintain that infants lead profoundly
tion, I relied on diviners, those Beng adults who them- spiritual lives. In fact, the younger they are, the more
selves purport to speak for infants after speaking with thoroughly spiritual their existence is said to be. Affili-
the spirits who themselves speak for crying babies. To ated with this spirituality is a set of infant care practices
complement this "adultocentric" perspective, I spent demanded of a caretaker. To understand this indige-
approximately 700 hours with infants themselves, en- nous conception of infants' spirituality, we must investi-
gate life before the womb.
ALMA GOTTLIEB is an associate professor in the Department of In Beng villages, each baby is said to be a reincarna-
Anthropology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL tion of someone who died. By itself this ideology is by
61801 . no means rare in Africa.5 It is also well known for South
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Asia and Native North America (Mills and Slobodin EveIy day there are deaths and births. The number of
1994). But we anthropologists have rarely asked what people living here and in wrugbe keeps going up and down.
the implications of this common ideology may be for the You know who youre replacing from wrugbe if someone
dies on the same day that you're born. Otherwise, if no one
treatment of infants and their experiences. In the Beng
dies on the day you're born, you don't know who you're
context, let us trace their life course.6
been gained through a series of conversations over the The boundary between wrugbe and this life is per-
years with many Beng people, especially religious spe- meable in another way. While wrugbe is said to be lo-
cialists, both Masters of the Earth (ba gbali) and divin- cated in distant countries or metropolises where the
ers (srandi7y). During my last visit, one diviner named lifestyle of the living residents is quite different from
Kouakou Ba regularly shared with me his exceptional that of rural Beng villagers, Beng adults do not perceive
knowledge of wrugbe. Still in his late twenties, Kouakou wrugbe as unreachable. Indeed, I was told of several liv-
Ba had already built up a large following because of his ing adults who had managed to travel invisibly to
reputation for speaking the truth based on early training wrugbe (in their dreams) in order to converse with an-
as a diviner. Here is how he explained his understanding cestors, then returned easily to tell the tale. When I ex-
of the temporal as well as, we might say, the demo- pressed amazement (no doubt influenced uncon-
graphic dimensions of wrugbe: sciously by the classical Greek conception of the
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afterlife imbued in me in high school, with its formida- responsibility seriously. When I asked how many times
ble Cerberus guarding the entrance to Hades), my inter- the mixture is applied to a newborn, I was skeptical
locutor assured me that anyone could converse with an when I heard from several women that it is applied "con-
ancestor and that the (dreamtime) journey to wrugbe it- stantly," but my own subsequent observations con-
self is not dangerous. firmed their claim. Next to every newborn sits an older
Reciprocally, until recently the wrus of Beng ances- woman, usually the baby's maternal grandmother, who
tors themselves were said to traverse back and forth be- dabs a tiny bit of an herbal mixture on the dangling cord
tween wrugbe and this life on a daily basis. Before local every few minutes.
ofElcials of the Ivoirian government ordered all thatch- The day that a baby's umbilical cord stump falls off
roofed houses to be destroyed in the late 1960s, the is momentous, for the newborn has just begun to
Beng lived in large, round dwellings that accommo- emerge from wrugbe. This is a gradual process that will
dated an extended family (Gottlieb 1992:135-136). This take several years to complete. Both to mark the begin-
was meant to include not only the living but also the ning of this slow passage and to inaugurate it more ac-
dead. Every night, someone in the household put out a tively, the infant's mother, along with some of her fe-
small bowl of food for the ancestors of the family. At male relatives, conduct two or three bodily rituals of
night, the last person to retire closed the door, locking transformation on the tiny new person.l2 First, they ad-
in the living and the dead to sleep together. In the morn-
minister an enema to the baby (called gbel?fAl?, split-
ing, the first person to open the door released the wrus,
ting the anus"), clearly causing distress to the crying
who traveled back to wrugbe for the day, to return at
child. A mother knows that she will hurt her infant; still,
night for their dinner and sleeping spot once again.
women looked at me with incredulity when I inquired
Considering this regular traffic between wrugbe
whether or not they might have pity on their newborns
and this life and considering that infants have just
and delay the ritual for some time. This is clearly not an
emerged from wrugbe, what are the implications for the
day-to-day experiences of babies?
For her first child, a mother is taught how to adminis-
ter such an enema by the female elder who has been bath-
The Umbilical Cord: Lifeline to Wrugbe ing her baby four times a day since the birth (Gottlieb
n.d.). She uses the leaves of a particular plant (kprokpro
Until the umbilical cord stump falls off, the new-
lana, unidentified) crushed together with one chili pep-
born is not considered to have emerged from wrugbe at
per and some warm water. From the next day forward,
all, and the tiny creature is not seen as a person (s07y).
the mother will administer such an enema twice a day to
Hence if the newborn should die during those first few
her baby (in the morning and at night). An older child
days, there is no funeral, and the fact is not announced
often receives regular enemas as well, and many adults
publicly. In this case the infant's passing is not con-
also give themselves enemas on a regular basis. Thus
ceived as a death, just a return in bodily form to the
the baby is starting to be "toilet trainedn from the Elrst
space that the infant was still psychically inhabiting.
week of life, beginning a series of civilizing" processes
Beng women told me that the umbilical stump usu-
inaugurating the baby's entry into this life." 13
ally drops off on the third or fourth day, and this was in-
Typically a few hours after the first enema, the new-
deed the case for all of the many Beng newborns I have
born is the subject of a second maJor ritual. The mater-
observed during my fieldwork. This schedule is rather
on the fast end of the scale when viewed cross-cultur- nal grandmother (or another older woman) makes a
ally.ll If my Beng informants comments are accurate necklace (dS) from a savanna grass of the same name
and my own observations representative, the Beng pat- (Figure 1). This necklace will be worn night and day by
tern appears to be somewhat accelerated compared to the infant to encourage general health and growth, until
other regions of the world. How can we account for this it eventually tears and falls off. At that point, depending
relatively rapid development on the part of Beng infants? on the baby's age and the mother's industry, it may or
Medical researchers have observed that aage at may not be replaced. Only after this first necklace is ap-
cord separation has been shown to be associated with plied can the mother or grandmother begin to add other
the agent used for umbilical cord care" (Novack et al. items of jewelry. The actual ritual is held in a rather se-
1988:220; see also Arad et al. 1981). Beng women apply cluded and dimly lit space (inside the bedroom of the in-
an herbal mixture to a newborn's umbilical stump that fant's mother) with a somewhat solemn tone. Finally,
may indeed shorten the number of days that the cord re- once the umbilical cord falls off the newborn, in the
mains attached to the navel. The intention is to dry out case of a girl, a third ritual manipulation of the body oc-
the moist cord fragment quickly, enabling it to wither curs on the same day as well: the newborn's ears are
and drop off, allowing the infant to begin its spiritual pierced. Now she is authorized to enter into the world of
journey from wrugbe to this life. Beng women take this feminine beautification. Having seen the newborn
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AG: When does that happen?
KB: By seven years old, for sure! At three years old, they're Another Beng friend added this commentary:
still in-between: partly in wrugbe and partly in this life.
Infants like money because they had money when they
They see what happens in this life, but they don't under-
were living in wrugbe. In coming to this world, they all
stand it.
choose what they want. This could be wali pu [French
During the liminal time of early childhood, the con- coins from the colonial era] or jewelly [usually cowrie
sciousness of the baby or toddler is sometimes in shells]: whatever is like what they had in wrugbe.
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As with the dC, an infant may wear the cowiie shell or hearing Kouakou Ba's pronouncement, the baby's
coin as an item of jewelry, usually a bracelet. Diviners mother found the required bracelets, and she and the
may recommend a single shell or coin, or they might baby's relatives began calling him uAnie." According to
suggest a number of cowries strung close together on a reports, after these two changes Anie stopped crying.
bracelet, or two or three coins strung on a cotton Bearing an ancestral identity can have ramifica-
thread.l5 The mother may leave the jewelry on the baby tions for the baby's life far beyond naming. Such a fact
continually, washing it carefully during the baths she can serve to organize the manner in which infants are
gives her child. Alternatively, she may put the bracelet treated. For example, girls and boys who were born fol-
or necklace on the infant on particular days relative to lowing the deaths of two siblings in the family are inevi-
the spiritual calendar. tably called uSunu" and Wamya' respectively (names
At the psychological level, the message being com- with no other meanings as such). Such infants are seen
municated to the parents by the diviner is that the infant as the reincarnation of one of those two now-deceased
needs to be valued more and needs to wear a visible sign siblings. Like all Beng children who die, the dead sib-
of this value. Western-trained child psychologists lings had been buried in a muddy patch behind the
would probably applaud this practice, as it encourages home. Being a reincarnation of one of those, Sunus and
parents of a small creature who cries regularly to devote Wamyas remember their recent resting place; thus they
themselves to the needs of the often stressed, and are said to like mud. As a result, their mothers may pat
stress-inducing, newborn (see Lewis and Rosenblum mud over their small bodies as infants or even older
1974). A diviner's instructions to parents to buy jewelry children.
for their crying child may serve to remind parents that The reincarnated identities of Wamyas and Sunus
the infant, while seemingly helpless and unable to com- may have consequences for the development of their
municate, was recently living a full life elsewhere and personality well beyond infancy. For example, as older
thus needs to be respected as a fellow person rather children and adults, they are said to be prone to depres-
than being viewed as a suffering, wordless creature. sion and can predict someone else's demise. If a Wamya
The fact of reincarnation may prove critical in the or Sunu appears depressed or acts aggressively without
life of a given newborn in another way. It may be appar- cause, people worry that someone is about to die. For
ent from the birth whose wrugbe ancestor the newborn instance, one day a nine-year-old Sunu spent the entire
embodies. As I quoted from Kouakou Ba earlier, if some- afternoon hitting her older sister for no apparent rea-
one in the family dies on the day that a baby is born, this son. Family members and neighbors worried aloud that
is taken as a sign of instant reincarnation (e ta, e nu, it was a bad omen. The next morning, two deaths were
Uhe/she came, returned"). Alternatively, a name that is announced in the village. On hearing the news, the girl's
shared, seemingly by coincidence, between infant and mother and aunts said, USo that's why she was hitting
ancestor may indicate a reincarnation. For example, a her older sister yesterday!" The deaths confirmed for
nine-month-old girl I knew had a series of names: Kla them the ability of Sunus to foretell death.
Aujua Ndri Amelie. Most villagers addressed her directly A funeral reminds everyone named Sunu or Wamya
(and referred to her) as mama (grandma). This is be- of the death of their own previous incarnation as well as
cause the baby was said to be the reincarnation of her that of their sibling; hence they are always among the
father's mother, Bande Kla Ajua, with whom she had saddest mourners. To commemorate this, all Sunus and
two names in common ("Kla," an ancient family name, Wamyas, from infants to very old people, wear a special
and uAjua" a day name for girls born on a Tuesday); necklace and/or bracelet during any funeral they attend
hence she was spoken to (and about) as if she were that (Figure 2). Considering their propensity for depression,
ancestor. one Beng friend told me, it would be a terrible mistake
A baby's identity may make itself known through for a Sunu and a Wamya to marry one another. On days
misery. In some cases the diviner may pronounce that they are both sad, they would be unable to take care of
the infant is unhappy with the name that has been be- their children: a mourning or depressed Sunu may fail to
stowed upon it and prefers another one, usually to com- nurse her infant, and both she and her husband might re-
memorate her or his wrugbe identity. Such renaming fuse to work in the Elelds.
can also take place for a spirit rather than an ancestor. People named Sunu or Wamya are said to have dif-
For example, a baby named Kouassi cried day and night ficult personalities (ste gregre), and their parents may
when he was a month old. In despair, his mother con- seek validation of this psychological diagnosis through
sulted Kouakou Ba, who said that the baby was crying divination. For instance, my friend Au told me that,
for two reasons. First, Kouassi Uwanted" two bracelets when she was pregnant with her son, her uncle con-
on his left hand: one with cowrie shells, the other of wa sulted a diviner, who predicted that his niece would
ti (silver). Second, he had been misnamed; his real have a child who would be very difElcult, crying a lot.
name was Anie, after a local sacred pool of water. After But Au shouldn't become too upset or angry about this
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One day I was playing This Little Piggy with the toes
of my six-month-old Beng daughter Amwe. As the last
little piggy went home, I laughed aloud at myself, ac-
knowledging that the baby couldn't possibly under-
stand the words of the ditty, all the more because they
were in English. The baby's Beng mother Amenan ob-
jected strongly to my remark, which she took as an in-
sult. Amenan insisted that our daughter understood per-
fectly well all that her American mother was saying.
When I asked somewhat skepticallyJ "You think so?",
Amenan explained the linguistic situation of wrugbe.
Unlike life in this world, she pointed out, different eth-
nic groups do not live apart from one another in the af-
terlife. Rather, members of all the world's ethnic groups
live there together harmoniously. Associated with this
ethnic mixture is a striking degree of linguistic ecu-
menicism. When the residents of wrugbe speak to each
other in their own languages, everyone understands,
with full mutual comprehension.l6
In the minds of many middle-class Western parents,
young infants are seen as lacking linguistic abilities. As
popular British author Penelope Leach writes unequivo-
cally, "At the beginning a new infant has no language
other than crying" (1983:62). The Beng model could not
pose a starker contrast, for it posits a baby who is anything
but "prelinguistic." In fact, among the Beng, infants are
Figure 3 said to be as multilingual as imaginable. Having only re-
Sunu infant girl with numerous protective necklaces, waist bands, cently emerged from wrugbe, where everyone under-
and bracelets (including cowrie shells and ancient French coins), stands every language, Beng newborns have full com-
many prescribed by a diviner. Photo by Alma Gottlieb.
prehension not only of Beng but of every language
spoken on this earth.
Furthermore, Beng infants are said to begin gradu-
baby's desires, they should do all they can to indulge them.
ally to leave their previous existence behind. This in-
[See Figure 3.]
cludes gradually giving up their knowledge of languages
From Kouakou Ba's statement we learn that the baby other than the one spoken around and to them daily. But
has desires but is unsure how to communicate them di- as we have also seen, this emergence from wrugbe is a
rectly. Accordingly, we learn of the active role that very slow process that takes several years. Until it is
wrugbe parents continue to take in their infant's life complete, the child continues to understand the many
even after the child has begun to enter this life, to the languages spoken in wrugbe, though with only sporadic
point of instructing the baby to cry to make a particular and diminishing comprehension. In sum, Beng infants
desire known. Through the infant, the wrugbe parents are doing the opposite of learning new languages sub-
are indirectly communicating to and instructing their sequent to a prelinguistic phase, as a popular Western
counterparts in this life. folk model posits. Instead, they are losing old languages
Of course there is something a bit self-serving in order to strip away excess linguistic baggage, as we
about Kouakou Ba's answer. In his view, a good enough might put it, and leave room for the languages that are
parent," as D. W. Winnicott would call her (see, for ex- most appropriate for this life.l7
ample, Winnicott 1987), is one who gives him regular Some scholars have claimed that the language used
business. His economic motives for encouraging clients to address infants and teach them language (sometimes
to consult him notwithstanding, how does a diviner called "baby talk" or, more Eurocentrically? "motherese")
such as Kouakou Ba manage to communicate with his has identifiable featuresthat are universal (e.g.^ Ferguson
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tent with the local ideology of the afterlife. Thus at a concerns, may elide variable cultural issues. Thus the
theoretical level, we might say that behavior replicates Beng are at least as impoverished as are the rural popu-
ideology in a directly observable way. lations with whom LeVine has worked in Kenya, yet cul-
On another note, I observe that the Beng pattern of tural factors (specifically, religious ideology) inspire
mothers addressing their newborns and older infants Beng mothers (and other caretakers) to speak d}rectly
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to infants no matter what the economic constraints and may be common (though not universal), the local cul-
anxieties. tural systems that give it meaning are variable. The
If, due to their previous life in wrugbe, Beng infants same behavior may make sense in very different ways,
are seen by adults to be capable of understanding lan- and for very different reasons, in diverse contexts
guage, what of their own verbalizing abilities? In fact, (Geertz 1973b).
Beng infants' babble is routinely remarked upon, de- On the other hand the babble of Beng infants is not
lighted in, and encouraged as protolinguistic, not only always rewarded by Beng adults, who train even babies
by Beng mothers but by siblings, grandparents, other not to interrupt adults' speech, as part of a pattern of
relatives, neighbors, and indeed anyone who observes children showing deference to their elders. Where
it. For instance, a mother of a seven-month-old once ob- adults in other societies may assume that infants are not
served her son looking with interest at two nearby pigs worthy conversational partners, hence not worth train-
who were grunting. When the pigs quieted, her baby ing in this respect (Ochs and Schieffelin 1984), the Beng
made noises that she interpreted as imitating the ani- attitude is quite different. Being equipped to understand
mals. She clapped her hands with pleasure and ex- language from their prior life in wrugbe, even the young-
claimed, Ja, e za do!" Literally, this meant, "So, he un- est infants are seen as eminently trainable in adult
derstands things!" Figuratively, it meant, So, he's norms of politeness. Just to cite one example, my friend
smart!" attesting to a perceived connection between Amenan and I were once talking with some neighbors in
speech and intelligence even in young infants. her courtyard. Nearby, her six-month-old grandson Sas-
Adults also take an active role in teaching their in- sandra sat on a mat on the ground, making what I con-
fants to speak the Beng language by speaking forX their sidered adorable baby noises. But the noises were so
infants. In this routine, an adult asks a question directly cute, and loud, that they proved distracting, and we
of an infant and another adult (the mother or whoever is adults in the courtyard were unable to continue our con-
currently minding the baby) answers for the child in the versation. Amenan told her young grandson solemnly,
first person, as if she were the baby. She is, in effect, aMi jol? twaa!" (Stop your speaking!), as she might gen-
Uprompting" the baby with Ulines" presumably to repeat tly rebuke an older child. In other words, she was taking
months later when the infant will be capable of such infant babble seriously enough to treat it as she would
speech. In one case, an infant of about seven months the language of older children, subject to the same so-
was seated on a mat on the ground without anyone obvi- ciolinguistic norms of politeness. In ways such as this,
ously serving as a caretaker. My husband asked the Beng adults confirm the linguistic abilities of even the
baby how he was, and no one said anything for a mo- youngest of children. In turn this practice implicitly af-
ment. When an unrelated woman in the courtyard (the Elrms the continuing connection of infants to the lin-
only adult nearby) realized that no one had answered guistically complex world of wrugbe from which they
for the baby, she immediately provided the first-person have emerged only recently, and partially.
answer, a 'nn, n kene" (Yes, I'm fine), and apologized for We have seen that Beng adults usually encourage
not having answered sooner. As this stonr reveals, infant babble while insisting that it conform to adult
adults consider it critical to encourage (as psycholo- rules of politeness, based on adults' assumption that in-
gists would say) or to acknowledge (as Beng would say) fants are said to understand any language. Neverthe-
the active verbalizing abilities of infants. less, despite this relatively positive and encouraging at-
Neither the encouragement of babies' own bab- titude by Beng adults toward the speech of babies, the
blings nor a high level of speech addressed directly by verbalizing abilities of infants are said to be problem-
older people to infants is universal. As some scholars atic. Beng adults assert that, just as they understand the
have reported elsewhere, infants' babble may be ig- language of others, Beng infants are indeed able to com-
nored in some societies, and adults may address their municate their desires and thoughts. But most adults
speech only rarely to babies. Both these strategies of are incapable of understanding these efforts at commu-
downplaying babies' language are well documented for nication. The diviner Kouakou Ba explained to me that
infants in Samoa as well as among the Kaluli of New when a baby cries, she or he is speaking the language of
Guinea (though Samoan adults start speaking to older wrugbe. Apart from crying, babies may also communi-
infants when the latter begin to crawl) (Ochs and cate by failing to defecate or to nurse. But none of the
Schieffelin 1984). Still, we must acknowledge that the subtleties of these means of communication is readily
Beng are hardly unique in valuing the babble of infants understandable to the baby's parents, who emerged
or in addressing them directly and frequently. To cite from that other life too long ago to remember its lan-
just one example that will be familiar to most readers of guage. Thus to have their infant's cries or digestive ir-
this journal, both these patterns of encouraging infant regularities translated, a diviner's services are required.
speech are very well established among middle-class In Beng villages, diviners serve as intermediaries
Western families. My argument is that while the pattern between the land of the currently living and the land of
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the previously living. They do this by using the services and other caretakers make concerning infants are any-
of intermediaries themselves, the spirits (bowza) who thing but "common" when viewed from an outsider's
speak both the language of the other world and that of perspective, while religion, that bastion of adult con-
this world. Thus it is a multitiered system of translation. templation worthy of the great philosophers and social
The spirits (or wrugbe parents) speak Elrst with the in- theorists, turns out to be critical to, and critically defin-
fant, who then announces, albeit ineffectively, his or her ing of, the lives of the tiniest humans.
desires to the parents of this life, via crying or digestive In other words, in this article I have tried to show
irregularities. In turn, the parents consult a diviner, who that at least in the Beng case, a nexus exists between
summons the spirits, who then speak for the baby. Fi- two domains of inquiiy that anthropologists have long
nally, the diviner conveys the baby's desires to the be- regarded as discrete: the seemingly commonsensical or
wildered parents of this life. In this way, the wrugbe natural domain of infant care and the seemingly more
identity of the infant is maintained in this world and the exalted domain of religion. Perhaps one reason that the
infant manages, through intermediaries, to communi- two domains of religion and infant care have typically
cate complex desires to the parents of this life. been assumed to inhabit different worlds of scholarly
The liminal status of infants produces a range of be- inquiry relates to prefeminist assumptions about the na-
haviors in mothers and other caretakers that goes a long ture of society and its assumed structure of gender
way toward accounting for how babies are handled. In roles. Briefly put, most social scientists writing before
this case, ideology provides a blueprint, a "model for," the current feminist era assumed the domestic world of
behavior (by adults) while praxis creates a amodel ofX the household to be the bastion of women's lives. In
ideology (Geertz 1973a). Moreover, infants themselves turn, the lives of women themselves (especially their
are accorded a high level of agency in this indigenous typically intense involvement with child rearing, most
model. Their agency is seen not only as biological but particularly care of infants) were long seen as more
also as intellectual, since they are attributed a high level natural than cultural and, hence, more private than pub-
of consciousness that must be decoded by an elite lic.20 Happily, feminism has challenged this easy set of
group of adults with special translation skills. In these associations, inspiring a generation of scholars to inves-
ways, Beng ideas about infant care challenge dominant tigate women's lives, including the world that is com-
Western models of child rearing at the same time that monly defined as domestic, as entirely cultural.2l In-
they challenge the anthropologist to take seriously both itially directing analysis to women's public lives,
the domain of religion in understanding infancy and the feminist anthropologists have more recently begun to
domain of infancy in understanding religion. see women's seemingly private involvements as never-
theless fully culturally shaped and, moreover, as having
a direct impact on public events. In other words, the
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to nudge me along in certain directions. I have also been lucky 3. E.g., Farnell 1994; Howes 1991; Stoller 1989, 1997.
enough to receive exceptionally careful readings and pro- 4. Of course Westerners with active religious affiliations
vocative suggestions from Nancy Abelmann, Edward Bruner, may involve their infants (and older children) in religious
Judy DeLoache, and Philip Graham, and five superb review- activities geared to the life cycle, including baptisms or cir-
ers for this journal (Dell Hymes, Philip Kilbride, John McCall, cumcision rituals and adolescent initiations (e.g., Kirshen-
Simon Ottenberg, and Charles Piot), to all of whom I extend blatt-Gimblett 1982). Furthermore, members of contempo-
my deep thanks. Comments that I have been unable to ad- rary Western religious communities, including Amish,
dress here for lack of space will be taken up in the book I am Mennonite, and Chasidic Jewish communities, usually pro-
writing on this subject. mote systematic child-rearing agendas based explicity on
For support of my field research and writing, I am beholden religious doctrines.
to the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Wenner- Between medical and religious orientations lies the psycho-
Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, the Social logical zone. Nancy Abelmann (personal communication, Au-
Science Research Council, the United States Information gust 1996) has commented that ^ 'our' conception of infancy
Agency, and several units at the University of Illinois: the also includes a needy baby who is (perhaps ineffectively)
Center for Advanced Study, the Research Board, and the trying to communicate her needs to a parent who doesn't
Center for African Studies. always quite get it.n In this senseX one common Western model
I thank Victoria Pifalo and Priscilla McIntosh, of the Medi- would lie somewhere between the two extreme models I have
cal Sciences Library, Raeann Dossett, of the Documents Li- sketched (Beng-spiritual versus biomedical).
brary, and Cynthia Fischer, of the Department of Psychology, 5. E.g., Creider 1986; MacGaffey 1986; Okri 1991; Oluwole
all at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, for help
1992; Uchendu 1965. A comparative study across the conti-
with references.
nent might reveal significant convergences and systematic
For intellectual support during my research, I owe a con-
tinuing debt, which I always strive in vain to repay, to my dear
6. I focus on life in rural Beng villages, with which I am
friends AKPOUEH Amenan Veronique and KOUADIO BAH
most familiar. Among the very small group of Beng mothers
Yacouba. Other Beng friends who shared with me their deep
now living in towns and cities, infant care practices seem to
insights into Beng infant culture during summer 1993 include
KOUAKOU BAH and the late KOKORA Kouassi, as well as
7. The title of this section (which is the working title of the
dozens of Beng women, young and old, whose struggles with
book I am writing on this subject) speaks both respectfully
motherhood in the face of grinding poverty I found humbling.
and critically to a posthumous volume of collected essays by
That summer, KOUADIO Bertin, KOUAKOU Augustin, and
the noted psychoanalyst D. W. Winnicott, Home Is Where We
KOUASSI Kwame Dieudonne also served as wonderfully able
Start From (1986), whose title is itself inspired by a line from
assistants. Bertin has continued to serve as a research assis-
T. S. Eliot's Four Quartets.
tant as he has made the transition to American student and
8. The urban nature of wrugbe implies an Zother" world
adoptive son at my own University of Illinois, a dual role that
that is truly Other7 given the very rural nature of traditional
I hold dear. In this essay, some personal names used are
Beng society. Considering the relatively recent (and still par-
tial) engagement of the Beng with the globalized, urban world
Finally, members of my immediate family continue to in-
(Gottlieb 1992:1-8), this presumably recent innovation in the
spire me, each in their own ways. Our son Nathaniel's baby-
indigenous cosmology is signiElcant, revealing at once a crea-
hood originally motivated me to think anthropologically
tive effort to incorporate modernity into the framework of
about infancy, and our daughter Hannah's toddlerhood now
tradition and an effort to distance the "other world" as dra-
continues this tradition. Sharing fieldwork, our children, and
matically as possible from this one (see Comaroff and Coma-
conversations about these with my husband Philip Graham is
roff 1993; Gottlieb 1992:119-142).
a continual pleasure.
1. The one exception to this tendency is the study of teen- 9. See Ardener 1989: 117, 123, et passim on demographic
agers (or younger children) in the context of organized initia- false consciousness" andifolk-demography."
tion rituals. Africanist discussions along these lines are par- 10. John Peel (personal communication, April 14, 1996)
ticularly well known. Audrey Richards's (1956) and Victor has noted that a somewhat similar zeontradiction" (by West-
Turner's (1967) explorations of Chisungu girls' and Ndembu ern standards) exists in Yoruba thought: ancestors are said to
boys' initiations, respectively, set the tone for several genera- inhabit two levels simultaneously, both individual and collec-
tions of future scholars' writings. See, for example, LaFon- tive, with no problem perceived concerning what appears to
taine 1985, Ottenberg 1989, and Schloss 1988. Western logic as internal inconsistency.
2. A brief but provocative treatment of infants' experi- 11. In one study of infants born vaginally in Seattle, the
ences of religion in general and the afterlife in particular is mean number of days for umbilical cord separation was 12.9
found in Leis 1982. Far more works investigate the lives of (Novack et al. 1988:221), though the range was 3 to 45 days.
children without concentrating on religious experiences. The mean appears to be shorter in developing countries (for
Other anthropologists mention infancy in passing as part of an explanatory hypothesis, see Novack et al. 1988:222); for
longer discussions of life-cycle issues, but few have taken example, in a study of infants born vaginally in India, the
infants themselves seriously as a proper subject of extended mean number of days was 5.2 (Bhalla et al. 1975). At the time
inquiry, and fewer still have investigated their religious lives of my own fieldwork, there weren't enough newborns for me
(see Gottlieb 1997). to observe this phenomenon at a statistically significant level.
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12. If the stump falls off early enough in the morning, the
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