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Third Division G.R. No. 168970, January 15, 2010: Supreme Court of The Philippines

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Supreme Court of the Philippines


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624 Phil. 172

G.R. No. 168970, January 15, 2010

Assailed in the present petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules
of Court is the Decision[1] of the Court of Appeals (CA) dated May 31, 2005 in
CA-G.R. CV No. 58041 which set aside the February 7, 1997 Decision of the
Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Lanao del Norte, Branch 4 in Civil Case No. 3263.

The facts of the case are as follows:

Herein petitioner and respondents are the children of the spouses Rufo and
Sebastiana Balus. Sebastiana died on September 6, 1978, while Rufo died on July
6, 1984.

On January 3, 1979, Rufo mortgaged a parcel of land, which he owns, as security

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On January 3, 1979, Rufo mortgaged a parcel of land, which he owns, as security

for a loan he obtained from the Rural Bank of Maigo, Lanao del Norte (Bank).
The said property was originally covered by Original Certificate of Title No. P-
439(788) and more particularly described as follows:

A parcel of land with all the improvements thereon, containing an area

of 3.0740 hectares, more or less, situated in the Barrio of Lagundang,
Bunawan, Iligan City, and bounded as follows: Bounded on the NE.,
along line 1-2, by Lot 5122, Csd-292; along line 2-12, by Dodiongan
River; along line 12-13 by Lot 4649, Csd-292; and along line 12-1, by
Lot 4661, Csd-292. x x x [2]

Rufo failed to pay his loan. As a result, the mortgaged property was foreclosed
and was subsequently sold to the Bank as the sole bidder at a public auction held
for that purpose. On November 20, 1981, a Certificate of Sale[3] was executed by
the sheriff in favor of the Bank. The property was not redeemed within the period
allowed by law. More than two years after the auction, or on January 25, 1984, the
sheriff executed a Definite Deed of Sale[4] in the Bank's favor. Thereafter, a new
title was issued in the name of the Bank.
On October 10, 1989, herein petitioner and respondents executed an Extrajudicial
Settlement of Estate[5] adjudicating to each of them a specific one-third portion of
the subject property consisting of 10,246 square meters. The Extrajudicial
Settlement also contained provisions wherein the parties admitted knowledge of
the fact that their father mortgaged the subject property to the Bank and that they
intended to redeem the same at the soonest possible time.
Three years after the execution of the Extrajudicial Settlement, herein respondents
bought the subject property from the Bank. On October 12, 1992, a Deed of Sale
of Registered Land[6] was executed by the Bank in favor of respondents.
Subsequently, Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) No. T-39,484(a.f.)[7] was issued
in the name of respondents. Meanwhile, petitioner continued possession of the
subject lot.

On June 27, 1995, respondents filed a Complaint[8] for Recovery of Possession

and Damages against petitioner, contending that they had already informed
petitioner of the fact that they were the new owners of the disputed property, but
the petitioner still refused to surrender possession of the same to them.
Respondents claimed that they had exhausted all remedies for the amicable
settlement of the case, but to no avail.

On February 7, 1997, the RTC rendered a Decision[9] disposing as follows:

WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered, ordering the plaintiffs to

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WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered, ordering the plaintiffs to

execute a Deed of Sale in favor of the defendant, the one-third share of
the property in question, presently possessed by him, and described in
the deed of partition, as follows:

A one-third portion of Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-

39,484 (a.f.), formerly Original Certificate of Title No. P-788,
now in the name of Saturnino Balus and Leonarda B. Vda. de
Calunod, situated at Lagundang, Bunawan, Iligan City,
bounded on the North by Lot 5122; East by shares of
Saturnino Balus and Leonarda Balus-Calunod; South by Lot
4649, Dodiongan River; West by Lot 4661, consisting of
10,246 square meters, including improvements thereon.

and dismissing all other claims of the parties.

The amount of P6,733.33 consigned by the defendant with the Clerk of
Court is hereby ordered delivered to the plaintiffs, as purchase price of
the one-third portion of the land in question.
Plaintiffs are ordered to pay the costs.


The RTC held that the right of petitioner to purchase from the respondents his
share in the disputed property was recognized by the provisions of the
Extrajudicial Settlement of Estate, which the parties had executed before the
respondents bought the subject lot from the Bank.
Aggrieved by the Decision of the RTC, herein respondents filed an appeal with
the CA.

On May 31, 2005, the CA promulgated the presently assailed Decision, reversing
and setting aside the Decision of the RTC and ordering petitioner to immediately
surrender possession of the subject property to the respondents. The CA ruled
that when petitioner and respondents did not redeem the subject property within
the redemption period and allowed the consolidation of ownership and the
issuance of a new title in the name of the Bank, their co-ownership was
Hence, the instant petition raising a sole issue, to wit:


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The main issue raised by petitioner is whether co-ownership by him and

respondents over the subject property persisted even after the lot was purchased
by the Bank and title thereto transferred to its name, and even after it was
eventually bought back by the respondents from the Bank.
Petitioner insists that despite respondents' full knowledge of the fact that the title
over the disputed property was already in the name of the Bank, they still
proceeded to execute the subject Extrajudicial Settlement, having in mind the
intention of purchasing back the property together with petitioner and of
continuing their co-ownership thereof.
Petitioner posits that the subject Extrajudicial Settlement is, in and by itself, a
contract between him and respondents, because it contains a provision whereby
the parties agreed to continue their co-ownership of the subject property by
"redeeming" or "repurchasing" the same from the Bank. This agreement,
petitioner contends, is the law between the parties and, as such, binds the
respondents. As a result, petitioner asserts that respondents' act of buying the
disputed property from the Bank without notifying him inures to his benefit as to
give him the right to claim his rightful portion of the property, comprising 1/3
thereof, by reimbursing respondents the equivalent 1/3 of the sum they paid to
the Bank.
The Court is not persuaded.
Petitioner and respondents are arguing on the wrong premise that, at the time of
the execution of the Extrajudicial Settlement, the subject property formed part of
the estate of their deceased father to which they may lay claim as his heirs.

At the outset, it bears to emphasize that there is no dispute with respect to the
fact that the subject property was exclusively owned by petitioner and
respondents' father, Rufo, at the time that it was mortgaged in 1979. This was
stipulated by the parties during the hearing conducted by the trial court on
October 28, 1996.[12] Evidence shows that a Definite Deed of Sale[13] was issued
in favor of the Bank on January 25, 1984, after the period of redemption expired.
There is neither any dispute that a new title was issued in the Bank's name before
Rufo died on July 6, 1984. Hence, there is no question that the Bank acquired
exclusive ownership of the contested lot during the lifetime of Rufo.

The rights to a person's succession are transmitted from the moment of his death.
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The rights to a person's succession are transmitted from the moment of his death.
[14] In addition, the inheritance of a person consists of the property and
transmissible rights and obligations existing at the time of his death, as well as
those which have accrued thereto since the opening of the succession.[15] In the
present case, since Rufo lost ownership of the subject property during his lifetime,
it only follows that at the time of his death, the disputed parcel of land no longer
formed part of his estate to which his heirs may lay claim. Stated differently,
petitioner and respondents never inherited the subject lot from their father.
Petitioner and respondents, therefore, were wrong in assuming that they became
co-owners of the subject lot. Thus, any issue arising from the supposed right of
petitioner as co-owner of the contested parcel of land is negated by the fact that,
in the eyes of the law, the disputed lot did not pass into the hands of petitioner
and respondents as compulsory heirs of Rufo at any given point in time.
The foregoing notwithstanding, the Court finds a necessity for a complete
determination of the issues raised in the instant case to look into petitioner's
argument that the Extrajudicial Settlement is an independent contract which gives
him the right to enforce his right to claim a portion of the disputed lot bought by
It is true that under Article 1315 of the Civil Code of the Philippines, contracts are
perfected by mere consent; and from that moment, the parties are bound not only
to the fulfillment of what has been expressly stipulated but also to all the
consequences which, according to their nature, may be in keeping with good faith,
usage and law.
Article 1306 of the same Code also provides that the contracting parties may
establish such stipulations, clauses, terms and conditions as they may deem
convenient, provided these are not contrary to law, morals, good customs, public
order or public policy.
In the present case, however, there is nothing in the subject Extrajudicial
Settlement to indicate any express stipulation for petitioner and respondents to
continue with their supposed co-ownership of the contested lot.
On the contrary, a plain reading of the provisions of the Extrajudicial Settlement
would not, in any way, support petitioner's contention that it was his and his
sibling's intention to buy the subject property from the Bank and continue what
they believed to be co-ownership thereof. It is a cardinal rule in the interpretation
of contracts that the intention of the parties shall be accorded primordial
consideration.[16] It is the duty of the courts to place a practical and realistic
construction upon it, giving due consideration to the context in which it is
negotiated and the purpose which it is intended to serve.[17] Such intention is
determined from the express terms of their agreement, as well as their
contemporaneous and subsequent acts.[18] Absurd and illogical interpretations
should also be avoided.[19]
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For petitioner to claim that the Extrajudicial Settlement is an agreement between

him and his siblings to continue what they thought was their ownership of the
subject property, even after the same had been bought by the Bank, is stretching
the interpretation of the said Extrajudicial Settlement too far.
In the first place, as earlier discussed, there is no co-ownership to talk about and
no property to partition, as the disputed lot never formed part of the estate of
their deceased father.
Moreover, petitioner's asseveration of his and respondents' intention of
continuing with their supposed co-ownership is negated by no less than his
assertions in the present petition that on several occasions he had the chance to
purchase the subject property back, but he refused to do so. In fact, he claims that
after the Bank acquired the disputed lot, it offered to re-sell the same to him but
he ignored such offer. How then can petitioner now claim that it was also his
intention to purchase the subject property from the Bank, when he admitted that
he refused the Bank's offer to re-sell the subject property to him?
In addition, it appears from the recitals in the Extrajudicial Settlement that, at the
time of the execution thereof, the parties were not yet aware that the subject
property was already exclusively owned by the Bank. Nonetheless, the lack of
knowledge on the part of petitioner and respondents that the mortgage was
already foreclosed and title to the property was already transferred to the Bank
does not give them the right or the authority to unilaterally declare themselves as
co-owners of the disputed property; otherwise, the disposition of the case would
be made to depend on the belief and conviction of the party-litigants and not on
the evidence adduced and the law and jurisprudence applicable thereto.

Furthermore, petitioner's contention that he and his siblings intended to continue

their supposed co-ownership of the subject property contradicts the provisions of
the subject Extrajudicial Settlement where they clearly manifested their intention
of having the subject property divided or partitioned by assigning to each of the
petitioner and respondents a specific 1/3 portion of the same. Partition calls for
the segregation and conveyance of a determinate portion of the property owned in
common. It seeks a severance of the individual interests of each co-owner, vesting
in each of them a sole estate in a specific property and giving each one a right to
enjoy his estate without supervision or interference from the other.[20] In other
words, the purpose of partition is to put an end to co-ownership,[21] an objective
which negates petitioner's claims in the present case.

WHEREFORE, the instant petition is DENIED. The assailed Decision of the

Court of Appeals, dated May 31, 2005 in CA-G.R. CV No. 58041, is

Corona, (Chairperson), Velasco, Jr., Peralta, and Mendoza, JJ., concur.
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[1]Penned by Associate Justice Arturo G. Tayag, with Associate Justices Rodrigo

F. Lim, Jr. and Normandie B. Pizarro, concurring; CA rollo, pp. 69-76.
[2]See Certificate of Sale and Definite Deed of Sale, Exhibits "A" and "B,"
respectively, records, pp. 74-75.
[3] Exhibit "A," records, p. 74.
[4] Exhibit "B," id. at 75.
[5] Exhibit "C"/"4," id. at 76.
[6] Exhibit "D," id. at 79.
[7] Exhibit "E," id. at 80.
[8] Records, pp. 1-6.
[9] Id. at 131-140.
[10] Id. at 139-140.
[11] Rollo, p. 21.
[12] See TSN, October 28, 1996 p. 2.
[13] Exhibit "B," records, p. 75.
[14] Civil Code, Art. 777.
[15] Civil Code, Art. 781.
Aliño v. Heirs of Angelica A. Lorenzo, G.R. No. 159550, June 27, 2008, 556
SCRA 139, 148.
[17]TSPIC Corporation v. TSPIC Employees Union (FFW), G.R. No. 163419,
February 13, 2008, 545 SCRA 215, 226.
[18] Tating v. Marcella, G.R. No. 155208, March 27, 2007, 519 SCRA 79, 87.

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[19] TSPIC Corporation v. TSPIC Employees Union (FFW), supra note 17.
[20] Arbolario v. Court of Appeals, 449 Phil. 357, 369 (2003).
[21] Cruz v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 122904, April 15, 2005, 456 SCRA 165, 171;
Lopez v. Court of Appeals, 446 Phil. 722, 743 (2003).

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