March 2019 Alumni Newsletter
March 2019 Alumni Newsletter
March 2019 Alumni Newsletter
A plea for help in the Alumni Newsletter in March and August resulted in
an outpouring of donations from alumni
across the country. Along with the Gala,
the Alumni Association held a Raffle.
The grand prize was a Blue 4 Passenger
Golf Cart. The raffle netted approxi-
mately $9,500 towards the fundraising
efforts. The winning ticket was drawn at
Dr. Doug McKnight presents a check to PHS Band Director,
Mrs. Tina Harvey on behalf of Plattsmouth Alumni Assoc. the last home football game and was won
by Linda Snell Worlein‘69. Linda has al-
ways been a big supporter of the Marching Blue Devils.
A HUGE THANKS goes out to everyone who helped make this fund-
raising effort successful. Tina Harvey, PHS Band Director said she is
“overwhelmed by the outpouring of financial donations for the Plattsmouth Bands. Our growing program will reap the
benefit of our generous alumni and community with the addition of uniforms, instruments and equipment needed for
our band program.” THANK YOU!
Kathy Hackwith Groth is a PHS Class of 1968 graduate. Her roots in Plattsmouth are five generations deep.
Her mother, the late, EmmaReine Topliff Hackwith was a 1940 PHS graduate, who had Jessie Whalen (first HOF
inductee) as an English teacher. Kathy’s grandparents were, Dale and Leora Ann Brown Topliff who lived on a farm
south west of Murray. The farm was purchased by Kathy’s great-grandfather James Brown from a Civil War widow.
Kathy has five siblings who were also PHS graduates; Rob ’69, Randeen ’76, Holy ’77, the late Harley ’79, and Monte ’81.
Kathy has many vivid memories of her time at PHS. She was a hard working choir member, student direc-
tor of three school musicals. Her sense of community service emerged as a student when she quit Pep Club because
there was no community service component to the club. After graduation Kathy attended Rockford College in Rock-
ford, Illinois. She continued her involvement in theater in college . . . even meeting Vincent Price on a set. Kathy
also participated in the college radio station.
Kathy met Mark Groth at Rockford College. They married and were stationed in Campbell, Kentucky.
They moved from Kentucky to Colorado where they have lived since, raising two children Christian and Jessie,
named for Jesse Whalen.
Community Service and volunteerism, work, and family fills Kathy’s life in Colorado. She was the volun-
teer manager of the Central Presbyterian Church. Kathy wrote and was awarded a Federal Grant that launched the
agency that became The Food Bank of the Rockies, the largest non-profit in Colorado. She and a Colorado State
Senator wrote a Good Samaritan law, which protects donor organizations. Food Bank of The Rockies is now 40 years
old, and she still drives excess food around the Denver metro area in her trusty Volvo station wagon.
She has worked as an employee and volunteer in the public schools, running a book swap, a multicultural
event, a break out elementary session for students with different learning styles, has counseled gifted non-compliant
middle school students, and chaperoned after prom. For 25 years, she distributed surplus books to dozens of recipient organizations for The Friends of the
Aurora Public Library, served on that board as well as the Board of Trustees for the Aurora Public Library with 7 years as president.
Kathy was a member of the Blue Ribbon Committee on Homelessness in Aurora as well as the County. At the Mountain View United Church, she
served on the governing body, sang in the choir, taught Sunday School for 18 years, was Sunday School Superintendent for 15 years, and served on 5 commit-
tees. She organized and ran retirement celebrations, ordinations, church anniversaries and Bible School. She served on their neighborhood association for 20
years. She was named Outstanding Auroran. All the while being able to cook and serve a sit-down, white linen and fine china dinner for 40 in her home!
In addition to being a community activist, she worked for Denver area artists, a transportation company, and a mining tire company. She managed
the practice of a psychiatrist and organized his national training sessions.
Like her late mother, Kathy has a constant flow of people needing a place to stay, dinner, or backyard counseling at her home. She stays in contact
with immigrants whom she has helped find work and homes. Kathy Hackwith Groth, class of ’68 was surprised, honored and delighted, to be inducted into the
Plattsmouth Hall of Fame.
Saturday July 20, 2019
9:00 AM Shotgun Start
$75 Individual
$300 Foursome
Hole & Event Sponsorships
Golfers can register by calling,
Join us for a great day of golf and Sandy McKnight at 402-298-8513
help support a greater cause. For more information on sponsorships,
call Brian Harvey at 402-306-6051
Lt. Col. William McGraw is a 1987 PHS graduate. Bill is the son of William “Butch” McGraw’63 and Betty
Watson Phelps’64 . It is evident in his resume’ that education was very important as a life long process, to Bill. Fol-
lowing graduation from PHS, Bill attended Creighton University in Omaha and was also in the University ROTC
program. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Physics and was commissioned a Second Lieutenant in the
Air Force in 1991. He earned a Master’s degree in Business Administration from Oklahoma City University in 1997
and a Master’s Degree in Secondary Education at Old Dominion University in 2014. During his military service he
completed Squadron Officer School, Air Command and Staff College, and Air War College.
Bill spent a total of 26 years as an officer in the United States Air Force. He began his military career as a
Ballistic Missile Systems Engineer and was responsible for reviews of Nuclear Non-Proliferation and START Trea-
ties. He later led and advised Air Force Cost Analysis Agency teams across 6 major acquisition programs worth
over $18 billion dollars at the Pentagon in Washington DC. Bill’s teams effectively developed budgets and cost esti-
mates for GPS, Satellite Communications, and Space Reconnaissance capabilities, ensuring mission success. He
was Lead financial manager for multiple test and evaluation programs at the Air Force Research Laboratory in New Mexico. There he was
rated #1 Risk Management Program. After 9-11 he provided critical guidance and security support to over 3,000 deployed Airmen, maintaining
a $55 million dollar budget in support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM. He then became a Professor of Financial Management and Chair of
the Business, Cost Estimating and Financial Management Department of the Defense Acquisition University at Ft. Belvoir, VA. There he led
17 professors, instructing over 40 courses, and graduating 8,000 students per year.
In his final active duty assignment he retired as Comptroller and Director of Financial Management at Special Operations Command
South in Miami, FL, where he was responsible for the oversight of a $40 million dollar
budget in direct support of Special Operations Forces in over 30 Central and South
American countries.
Lt. Col. McGraw has been deployed to Russia in support of nuclear weapons
treaty monitoring as well as to Egypt, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Iraq. His
awards and decorations are many and impressive: Bronze Star, Defense Meritorious Ser-
vice Medal with one oak leaf cluster, Meritorious Service Medal with two oak leaf clus-
ters, Joint Service Achievement Medal, and Commendation Medal with three oak leaf
After retirement in 2017, he served as an AFJROTC instructor in Kansas, He
now makes his home in McLouth, KS where he continues to seek education. This time
he is pursuing an agricultural degree to facilitate his interest in gardening and farm ani-
mals on his acreage.
2507 Smith Avenue.
Box 357
Charlie Kerns ’54
Terry Kerns ‘78
Ken Kerns ‘06
Chris Kerns ‘13
CLASS OF 1959 - The Class of 1959, 60th Class Reunion will be held August 2 & 3
at Bay Hills Country Club in Buccaneer Bay. More information to follow. Please send
all updated email addresses/home addresses to Jean Wiles at
or call (402) 296-2427.
CLASS OF 1964 - The Class of 1964 is in the planning stages for their 55th class re-
union. Mark your calendars to attend the Alumni Banquet on May 25th. A gathering
will also take place on Friday, May 24th. More details will be coming soon.
CLASS OF 1969 - The class of 1969 will be celebrating their 50-Year Class Reunion
at the 20th Annual Alumni Association All School Banquet. The Banquet will be held
at the new Plattsmouth High School located at 1916 Old Hwy 34 at 6:00 P.M., on Sat-
urday May 25, 2019. The cost is $23.00 per person. Return the reservation form found
in this newsletter on or before May 13, 2019. We strongly encourage 1969 graduates
to contribute to the Class of 1969 Scholarship Fund. Contributions can easily be done
on the All Alumni Banquet form – one stop one shop. There will also be a social gath-
ering for the 1969 graduates at the Lake Ridge Country Club at Beaver Lake on Fri-
day, May 24. In addition to the 1969 graduates, we extend the invitation to other PHS
graduates, family and friends. Information can be obtained by contacting Rob
Hackwith at
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Steve Warga – ‘76
20th Annual Plattsmouth Alumni Association
Celebration – May 25, 2019
Make plans to attend the 20th Annual Alumni Association All School Banquet. This is a
wonderful opportunity to visit with old friends and make new ones. It is held at the
Plattsmouth High School located at 1916 Old Hwy 34, Platts-
mouth, NE 68048 at 6:00 P.M., on Saturday May 25, 2019. The
cost is $23.00 per person. Return the reservation form below before May 13, 2019.
Don’t forget, it is also that time of year to pay your dues! Make checks payable to:
Serving Plattsmouth and the sur-
Plattsmouth Alumni Association and send them to P.O. Box 283, Plattsmouth, NE rounding communities for over 100
68048. years.
Any questions regarding the 2019 Plattsmouth Alumni CELEBRATION may be directed Plattsmouth State Bank is pleased to employ
to Sandy McKnight 402-298-8513 or the following
Plattsmouth High School Alumni:
Banquet Details Debi Barnard-Tilson - “74
5:30-6:00 PM—Social Time Lori Schneider - ‘77
Lori Frazier Stipe - ‘77
6:00 P.M. – Dinner Scott Frazier - ‘78
7:00 P.M. – Honors Ceremony David Schneider - ‘81
Greg Schneider - ‘83
DINNER RESERVATION Craig Wehrbein - 86
Dinner will be served at 6:00 P.M. at the Plattsmouth High School, cost is $23.00 per person. Kiley Parsons-Smith - ‘89
Miranda Buechler - ‘98
_______________ Number of Guests attending. TOTAL $___________________ Kristina Calabro - ‘04
Names of those Attending: John Winters - ’04
Name (Maiden Name) _____________________________________Graduation year ________
Member FDIC 402-296-2194
Name (Maiden Name) _____________________________________Graduation year ________
Name (Maiden Name) _____________________________________Graduation year ________
Name (Maiden Name) _____________________________________Graduation year ________
Please help us keep our membership records current, provide us with your current address
even if you do not plan to attend the annual banquet.
Name (Maiden Name) _____________________________________Graduation year ________
The Plattsmouth Alumni Association is seeking
Name (Maiden Name) _____________________________________Graduation year ________ Nominations for the
Nominations will be accepted until April 15, 2019
Please submit nominations to:
Phone_______________________________________________________________________ Plattsmouth Alumni Association
Attn: Alum of the Year Committee
E-Mail_______________________________________________________________________ P.O. Box 283 Plattsmouth, NE 68048
□ YES, I would like to receive my newsletter by e-mail
This award will be given annually in recognition
of outstanding contributions that a PHS Alum
has given to his or her community. The recipi-
□ Enclosed is my Annual Membership fee of $10.00 per person ent will be selected based on the following.
□ Enclosed is my Lifetime Membership Fee of $150.00 per person. Individual must be a PHS ALUM
□ Enclosed is my donation to the Alumni Association Scholarship Fund $___________ Contributions to the betterment of his/
her commnity.
□ Enclosed is my donation to the Alumni Association General Fund $___________
□ Enclosed is my donation for________________________________ $___________ The nominator should submit a biographical state-
ment of the nominee, to include a brief family history
and accomplishments the individual has made during
TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED $____________________ their life since graduation (please state year of gradua-
tion). The nominator must submit a brief statement
explaining why they have nominated this individual
MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: Plattsmouth Alumni Association and that the candidate can attend. banquet.
P.O. Box 283 – Plattsmouth, Nebraska 68048
Plattsmouth Alumni Association NON-PROFIT
P.O. Box 283 U.S. POSTAGE
Plattsmouth, Nebraska 68048 PAID