Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering: Even ESE 2018-2019
Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering: Even ESE 2018-2019
Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering: Even ESE 2018-2019
B. E. IV SEM Civil GE1204: Advanced Mathematical
Engineering (NEW & Techniques / GE204:Numerical
OLD) Methods & Statistical Techniques
B. E. V SEM Civil CV1325/CV325: OE I : Environmental Management,
Engineering (NEW & CV1327/CV327: OE I : Building Services Engineering,
OLD) CV1329/CV329: OE I : Construction Techniques, CV1330:OE‐1:
Transportation Engineering, GE1313: OE I : Numerical Solution
of Partial Differential Equations
B. E. VIII SEM Civil
B. E. VIII SEM Civil CV1421: Estimating & Costing (4
CV1421: Estimating & Costing (4
Engineering (NEW) & hours)
Special ODD term 2018‐
B. E. VIII SEM Civil CV421/CV812 Estimating & CV422/CV1422/CV71
Engineering (OLD) Costing (4 Hours) 0 Transportation
Engineering ‐II
1. Seating arrangement will be displayed by the Examination In-Charge
2. The answerbooks will be shown to students from 7th upto 10th day from date of examination. Contact HoD / FYCO. (Prof D. R. Raut)
3. Last date for submission of grievance related to valuation of answerbook 10th day from examination of that course. Controller of Examinations
4. Practical Examination will be held from 30-04-2019 to 03-05-2019. Page 1 of 3 18‐03‐19
Even ESE 2018-2019 Revised on 18‐03‐2019
B. E. VIII SEM Civil
B. E. VIII SEM Civil CV1432: PE‐5: Water Transmission and Distribution Systems, CV1433: PE‐5:
Engineering (NEW) & Advanced Steel Design, CV1434: PE‐5: Maintenance and Rehabilitation Engineering,
CV1455: PE‐5: Finite Element Method, CV1456: PE‐5: Advanced Geotechnical
Special ODD term 2018‐ Engineering, CV1457: PE‐5: Design of Bridge Structures, CV1458: PE‐5: Advanced
19 Foundation Engineering,
B. E. VIII SEM Civil CV432/CV821 PE V : Water Transmission and Distribution Systems
Engineering (OLD) CV433/Cv822 PE V : Advanced Steel Design CV434/CV823 PE V :
Maintenance and Rehabilitation Engineering
(Prof D. R. Raut)
Controller of Examinations
18‐03‐19 Page 2 of 3
Even ESE 2018-2019 Revised on 18‐03‐2019
B. E. VIII SEM Civil
B. E. VIII SEM Civil CV1446: PE‐3: New Engineering Materials, CV1447: PE‐3: Advanced CV1427: PE‐4: Wastewater Treatment, CV1428: PE‐4:
Engineering (NEW) & RCC, CV1448: PE‐3: Remote Sensing and GIS, CV1449: PE‐3: Earth and Earthquake Engineering, CV1429: PE‐4: Matrix Analysis
Earth Retaining Structures, CV1450: PE‐3: Watershed Management, of Structures, CV1452: PE‐4: Advanced Surveying,
Special ODD term 2018‐ CV1451: PE‐3: Urban Transportation Planning CV1453: PE‐4: Foundation Engineering, CV1454: PE‐4:
19 Water Power Engineering
B. E. VIII SEM Civil CV427/CV816 PE IV : Waste Water Treatment,
Engineering (OLD) CV428/CV817 PE IV : Earthquake Engineering,
CV429/CV818 PE IV : Matrix Analysis of Structures
(Prof D. R. Raut)
Controller of Examinations
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