Student Conference: Chemical Engineering Department, Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune, India
Student Conference: Chemical Engineering Department, Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune, India
Student Conference: Chemical Engineering Department, Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune, India
Distillation columns have traditionally been simulated using a sequential simulation approach.
Modelling and simulating distillation columns are important enterprises. The models used for
distillation columns vary from the simple to the quite complex, depending on the nature of
This paper attempts to establish relationships between the effects reflux ratio and the amounts
of high key and low key components of multi-component system in distillate and residue. The
simulation is carried out with different values of reflux ratio, typically a product of Rm
(minimum reflux ratio) and a constant such that the constant ranges from 1.5-2.5, using ASPEN
PLUS. By inserting the Actual stages and the feed stage, we get the optimum desired result for
our multi-component system.
We intend to do a process design for the synthesis of n-butanol on industrial scale. Guerbet
reaction is used for the industrial production of n-butanol.
This reaction produces side products: 2-ethylhexanol, 2-ethylbutanol, n-hexanol, n-octanol and
water. Also unconverted ethanol is present in the process stream. Thus this stream needs to be
further treated upon so as to obtain pure n-butanol as product and ethanol to be fed back for
Separation Processes plays a vital and major role in every chemical industry. Among various
separation process, distillation is most important and most energy intensive process for
chemical and petroleum industries. Distillation column is used for about 95% of liquid
separation and energy use from this process accounts for about 3% of worlds energy
consumption. To address this issue, new distillation structures have been considered and are
more energy efficient.
Process Description:-
The Project is based on Process designed for the production of N-butanol from Ethanol using
catalysts and pressurized hydrogen. The project aim is to design the profitable process for the
production of butanol by converting it from ethanol through Guerbet reactions with the aid of
catalyst. It involves various equipments and section which work on different pressure and
temperature conditions. More importantly it involves large process.
The first section (100) includes the reaction portion of the process, in which ethanol from
storage tank and a recycle stream are combined and react in the presence of Hydrogen to form
butanol and water.
In the second section (200), temperature and pressure changes are utilized to remove hydrogen
and recycle it back to the reactor.
Section three (300) uses a distillation column to separate the product butanol, with small
amounts of heavier alcohols, from the unreacted ethanol and the water byproduct.
Finally, this primarily water-ethanol system is separated in section four (400) using ethylene
glycol as an entrainer in order to purge water and recycle almost pure ethanol to the reactor.
*Material and energy balance has been done for this process and the same has been reported in the
project report.
ASPEN Simulation
All the feed parameters, like composition, reflux ratio, number of stages, feed stage, temperature
and pressure conditions, etc., were provided to the simulator and results duly studied. We
found the minimum reflux ratio value and then varied the reflux ratio as the product of
minimum reflux and a constant which varied between 1.5 to 2.5.
Light key component is ethanol, heavy key component is n-butanol, light non key component is
water while heavy non-key component are 2-ethylhexanol, 2-ethylbutanol, n-octanol, n-hexanol,
ethylene glycol.
xf Fxf (kmol)
Water 0.112246 151.8979
Ethanol 0.782914 1059.485
butanol 0.09991 135.2041
hydrogen 0 0
ethylhexanol 0.000952 1.288302
ethylbutanol 0.001549 2.096198
n-hexanol 0.001213 1.641503
n-Octanol 0.001213 1.641503
Glycol 0.00000196 0.002652
Total 0.99999896 1353.257
Table 1: Feed Composition
These inputs were provided to the simulator, so the distillate and the residue composition and
enthalpy were obtained as result.
Reflux ratio:-
It is the ratio of flow rate of liquid has returned to the distillation column from the reflux drum
to the flow rate of the amount of distillate is removed.
R = L/D
If the reflux ratio is reduced the slope of the operating line is reduced and the number of stages
required achieving for separation. Further reduction will increases infinite number of stages
because the slope line will become closer to operating line. This case is called a minimum reflux
In this section of the column above the feed point, the concentration of the more volatile is
larger than in the feed. This means that the vapour is enriched or ‘purified’ by discarding the
less volatile component into the downflowing liquid. So the section of the column above the feed
tray is called rectifying or enriching section.
Enthalpy (Cal/mol)
-64860 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Enthalpy (Cal/mol)
In this section of the column below the feed tray , the more volatile component is removed or
stripped out of the liquid (by process of counterdiffusion, of course) to get a relatively pure
volatile component at the bottom. So this section is called the stripping section.
Here, L’ and V’ are the liquid and the vapour flow rate in stripping section respectively, H’L and
H’V are enthalpy of liquid and vapour respectively.
0 126
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0 0.2 0.4 0.6
1.5 n-octanol
0.5 ethylene glycol
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Enthalpy (Cal/mol)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Enthalpy (Cal/mol)
As the reflux ratio increases, in rectifying section the water composition remains
constant, while ethanol composition sharply increases and butanol composition
decreases, at the same time, composition of 2-ethylbutanol and hexanol also decreases.
There is no change in composition of remaining component.
For same effect of increasing reflux ratio, in stripping section the water composition
decreases with small amount, ethanol composition decreases and the butanol
composition increases, while the composition of other component remains same.
The enthalpy of rectifying section increases with increase in reflux ration, while for
stripping section its decreases for all components in multi-component system.
The project was supported by Dr. Tanushree Bhatcharjee, Dr. Gaytri Gawande. We thank our
guide Dr. Tanushree Bhatcharjee who provided insight and expertise that greatly assisted the
research, their pearls of wisdom with us during the course of research led us to make the great
Shawna Downing, Catherine Haak, Nader Jouzy & Kyle Sarnataro, Process Design for the
Production of N-Butanol from Ethanol, Department of Chemical & Biomolecular
Engineering,4-2014,University of Pennsylvania.
Sabra Hanspal, The Guerbet Coupling of Ethanol into Butanol over Calcium
Hydroxyapatite Catalysts, University of Virginia.
R.K.Sinnott, Coulson & Richardson’s Chemical Engineering Design,vol.6,Ed.3,Chemical
Robert E. Treybal, Mass transfer Operations
B. Bhatt & S.B.Thakur, Stoichiometry,Ed.5
B.K.Datta, Principles of Mass Transfer and Separation Processes