Mathematical Association of America The College Mathematics Journal
Mathematical Association of America The College Mathematics Journal
Mathematical Association of America The College Mathematics Journal
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Misconceptions about the Golden Ratio
George Markowsky
The golden ratio, also called by different authors the golden section [Cox], golden
number [Fi4], golden mean [Lin], divine proportion [Hun], and division in extreme
and mean ratios [Smi], has captured the popular imagination and is discussed in
many books and articles. Generally, its mathematical properties are correctly
stated, but much of what is presented about it in art, architecture, literature, and
esthetics is false or seriously misleading. Unfortunately, these statements about the
golden ratio have achieved the status of common knowledge and are widely
repeated. Even current high school geometry textbooks such as [Ser] make many
incorrect statements about the golden ratio.
It would take a large book to document all the misinformation about the golden
ratio, much of which is simply the repetition of the same errors by different
authors. This paper discusses some of the most commonly repeated misconcep?
-> <-l-X->
Figure 1
Dividing a line segment according to the golden ratio
Figure 1 shows a line segment of length 1 divided into two pieces. This division
produces the golden ratio if (1/X) = X/(1 -X) or X2 +X- 1 = 0. The positive
root of this equation is X = (-1 + ^5)/2 = 0.61803398875..., so the ratio 1/X =
(l + ^5)/2? 1.61803398875... . Note that 1/X satisfies the equation Y2-Y-
1 = 0.
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Commonly, the Greek letters <i> [Hil; p. 78] or r [Bur; p. 128] are used to
represent the golden ratio 1.61803... . I will use <J> throughout this paper to
represent 1.61803 .... (Some authors use 0 to represent 0.618... .)
The golden ratio appears in many geometrical constructions. For example, it
appears as the ratio of a side to the base in the 72?, 72?, 36? isosceles triangle.
Figure 2 shows an isosceles triangle ABC with two sides of length 1 and a base of
length X. Bisecting angle A creates an isosceles triangle ADC similar to the first.
Triangle ADB is also isosceles so that the lengths of BD, AD and AC are all
equal to X. CD has length 1 -X, and since ABC and CAD are similar, l/X =
X/(l-X) and X==l/0. From I/O it is easy to construct the 72?, 72?, 36?
triangle and using this triangle it is easy to construct pentagons, pentagrams and
decagons. For additional geometric constructions see [Odo] and [Rig; p. 29].
Figure 2
Deriving the proportions of a 72?, 72?, 36? triangle
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(a) (b)
Figure 3
Spirals of rectangles
through the Fibonacci Quarterly will also turn up much information about the
golden ratio and the Fibonacci numbers.
However, the use of the adjective "golden" in connection with 3> is a relatively
modern one. Even the term "divine proportion" goes back only to the Renais?
sance. David Eugene Smith [Smi; Vol. II, p. 291] states:
The solution (of the problem of drawing 36? and 72? angles) is related to
that of the division of a line in extreme and mean ratio.2 This was referred
to by Proclus when he said that Eudoxus (c. 370 b.c.) 'greatly added to the
number of the theorems which Plato originated regarding the section'
This is the first trace that we have of this name for such a cutting of the
In comparatively modern times the section appears first as 'divine
proportion,'3 and then, in the 19th century,4 as the 'golden section.'
It may surprise some people to find that the name 'golden section,' or
more precisely, goldener Schnitt, for the division of a line AB at a point C
such that AB ? CB =AC2, seems to appear in print for the first time in
1835 in the book Die reine Elementar-Mathematik by Martin Ohm, the
younger brother of the physicist Georg Simon Ohm. By 1849, it had
reached the title of a book: Der allgemeine goldene Schnitt und sein
Zusammenhang mit der harminischen Theilung by A. Wiegang. The first
use in English appears to have been in the ninth edition of the Encyclope?
dia Britannica (1875), in an article on Aesthetics by James Sully,.... The
first English use in a purely mathematical context appears to be in G.
Chrystal's Introduction to Algebra (1898).
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The term "golden mean" was used in classical times to denote "the avoidance of
excess in either direction" [Oxf]. Some authors (for example [Lin]) use the term
"golden mean" to denote the golden ratio. The confusion of names might have led
some people to conclude that "golden mean" was used in classical times to denote
the golden ratio. For a detailed history of the golden ratio up until 1800 see [Her].
Throughout this paper you will see passages from different works that assert
presence of the golden ratio in some work of art or architecture. In some cas
authors will draw golden rectangles that conveniently ignore parts of the ob
under consideration. In the absence of any clear criteria or standard methodolo
it is not surprising that they are able to detect the golden ratio.
Following Martin Gardner's lead I will call such unsystematic searching for
the Pyramidology Fallacy. Pyramidologists use such numerical juggling to justify
sorts of claims concerning the dimensions of the Great Pyramid. Martin Gardn
[Gal; pp. 177-8] describes this methodology.
It is not difficult to understand how Smyth achieved these astonishing
scientific and historical correspondences. If you set about measuring a
complicated structure like the Pyramid, you will quickly have on hand a
great abundance of lengths to play with. If you have sufficient patience to
juggle them about in various ways, you are certain to come out with many
figures which coincide with important historical dates or figures in the
sciences. Since you are bound by no rules, it would be odd indeed if this
search for Pyramid 'truths' failed to meet with considerable success.
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can be substantially better than this. For example, codes of practice for structural
engineers call for tolerances of 0.2% (see [Ame; pp. 6-235, 6-236]). For measure?
ments done with a ruler, a +1% error range represents roughly a 1/16" error in a
6 inch object.
As a consequence of this assumption, I will consider a claim for the presence of
O to be at least reasonable if the computed ratio is within about 2% of O. To be
more generous, I will expand these bounds a little and use the range 1.58 to 1.66.
For convenience I refer to the range [1.58,1.66] as the acceptance range. If a ratio
falls outside the acceptance range I will not consider it reasonable to claim that it
is O.
Even if a ratio falls within the acceptance range, this will not constitute
automatic proof that O is present. This simply means that a claim has passed the
first test and is worth investigating further. Since the acceptance range includes
infinitely many numbers near O it is necessary to justify the claim that O is the
preferred number. Some other ratio coincidentally near O might be the important
Figure 4
A square pyramid
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Quite a few books repeat the claim that O is present in the Great Pyramid by
design. For example, Martin Gardner [Gal; p. 178], Herbert Westren Turnbull
[Tur; p. 80] and David Burton repeat essentially the same story:
Herodotus related in one passage that the Egyptian priests told him that
the dimensions of the Great Pyramid were so chosen that the area of a
square whose side was the height of the great pyramid equaled the area of
a face triangle. [Bur; p. 62]
This passage implies that the ratio of the slant height of a face to half the length
of the base is the golden ratio. If the area of a face (Figure 4) is equal to the area
of a square whose side is equal h we get the equation h2 = sb. The Pythagorean
theorem yields h2 + b2 = s2. Let r = s/b. Dividing both equations by b2 and
expressing the results in terms of r yields (h/b)2 = r and (h/b)2 + 1 = r2. Combin?
ing these equations yields 0 = r2 ? r? 1, which has the golden ratio as its only
positive root.
Fischler [Fi2] and Gillings [Gil; pp. 238-239] have decided that this interpreta?
tion of Herodotus is bogus. Fischler traces it to the book The Great Pyramid, Why
Was It Built and Who Built It? which was published in 1859 by the pyramidologist
John Taylor.
Neither Gardner, Turnbull nor Burton specifies the location of this passage in
Herodotus. I could find only one passage about the dimensions of the Great
Pyramid in the translations of Herodotus's History (ca. 445-425 B.C.) by Rawlinson
[He2] and Selincourt [Hel], and the commentaries of How and Wells [How].
Rawlinson [He2] translates this passage, paragraph 124 of Book II, as follows.
The Selincourt translation [Hel; p. 179] is similar. Herbert Westren Turnbull [Tur;
p. 80] admits that his interpretation depends on "the slightest literal emendation."
Figure 5 is the text from Herodotus [Hud; 11.124, lines 16-20], and a translation.
The text in parentheses gives the antecedents for the pronouns, while the text in
braces lists alternative readings for the word. The text does not support the story
repeated by [Bur], [Gal] and [Tur].
of which (the pyramid) is in each direction {the face; the front} each one 8 {100 feet; 10,000
square feet} of being (the pyramid) {of four equal angles; square} and the height the same.
(b) A word by word translation.
Figure 5
Herodotus (Herodoti Historiae, p. 124, II, lines 16-20)
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Furthermore, Herodotus's figures about the dimensions of the Great Pyramid
are wildly off. The Great Pyramid neither is nor was (it has lost some height over
the years) anywhere near 800 feet tall nor 800 feet square at the base. Finally, we
should note that Herodotus wrote roughly two millennia after the Great Pyramid
was constructed.
The distorted version of Herodotus's story makes little sense. Even the authors
who quote it do not give a reason why the Egyptians would want to build a pyramid
so that its height was the side of a square whose area is exactly the area of one of
the faces. This idea sounds like something dreamt up to justify a coincidence
rather than a realistic description of how the dimensions of the Great Pyramid
were chosen. It does not appear that the Egyptians even knew of the existence of
O much less incorporated it in their buildings (see [Gil; pp. 238-9]).
Some authors [Men; p. 64, 73] have noticed that the ratio of the circumference
of the Great Pyramid to the height is approximately 2tt. Using the figures given
above yields 4 X 755.79/481.4 ? 6.28 which is well within ?2% of 2tt =
6.2831853.... Now, of course, we must decide whether this is a coincidence or
whether there is some reason why this ratio would be close to 277.
A wide variety of theories have been advanced for the proportions of the
Egyptian pyramids ranging from preserving a particular slope [Gil; pp. 185-187] to
using rollers to measure horizontal distances and ropes to measure vertical
distances [Men; pp. 64, 73]. [Fi5] gives a survey of these theories.
The Parthenon at Athens fits into a golden rectangle almost precisely once
its ruined triangular pediment is drawn in. Though it incorporates many
geometric balances, its builders in the fifth century b.c. probably had no
conscious knowledge of the golden ratio.
H. E. Huntley [Hun; p. 63] presents a figure that looks like Figure 6 with the
The Parthenon at Athens, built in the fifth century, b.c, one of the world's
most famous structures. While its triangular pediment was still intact, its
dimensions could be fitted almost exactly into a Golden Rectangle, as
shown above. It stands therefore as another example of the aesthetic value
of this particular shape.
Similar statements can be found in the Random House Encyclopedia [Mit; p. 1445]
and in this journal [Man; p. 168].
The dimensions of the Parthenon vary from source to source probably because
different authors are measuring between different points. With so many numbers
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T~X T~X 3 C ^~X 3 c 3 c x~c
Figure 6
The Parthenon supposedly fitting into a golden rectangle
available a golden ratio enthusiast could choose whatever numbers gave the best
Marvin Trachtenburg and Isabelle Hyman [Tra; p. 90] give the dimensions of the
Parthenon as: height = 45 feet 1 inch; width = 101 feet, 3.75 inches; length = 228
feet 1/8 inch. They do not specify the points between measurements. These
numbers give the ratios width/height ~ 2.25 = 9/4 and length/width ~ 2.25 which
are well outside the acceptance range. The reader might be struck by the fact that
the ratio 2.25 appears as the ratio of width/height and length/width. Stuart
Rossiter [Ros; p. 88] gives the height of the apex above the stylobate as 59 feet.
This gives a ratio of 101/59 ~ 1.71 which also falls outside the acceptance range.
According to Stuart Rossiter [Ros; p. 77]
Its (the Propylaia's) axis is alined to that of the Parthenon, its width would
have equalled the length of the temple, and like the Parthenon, its
proportions are worked out in the ratio of 4:9, thus affording the only
certain example before Hellenistic times of designing one building in
direct relationship to another.
More generally, Christine Flon [Flo; p. 131] dismisses much of the numerical
mysticism about ancient structures with the following comment.
On the basis of a small number of ancient texts, an effort has been made
to find (in buildings sufficiently well preserved) a coherent system of
proportions based on the golden number, pKir), or on the universal ratios
of the Pythagoreans. Almost always, when all possible measurements have
been taken, some system of geometric figures or some modular common
denominator has come to light. However, the validity of this research
remains uncertain: it is easy to overestimate the importance of an architec?
tural speculation. It is not unlikely that some architects, in imitation of
sculptures such as Polycleitos, should have wished to base their works on a
strict system of ratios, but it would be wrong to generalize. In the
conservative environment of ancient Greece, architectural activity was an
empirical practice in which experience and intuition, that is to say 'mastery',
played a large part.
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Misconception: Many Painters, Including Leonardo da Vinci, Used *
Golden ratio enthusiasts (for example [Ber; pp. 94,96], [Wil; p. 74]) also claim that
Leonardo da Vinci used the golden ratio widely in his artistic works. In particular,
Margaret F. Willerding [Wil; p. 74] states
THE GOLDEN SECTION. As we look about us, we see many geometric
patterns in nature, art, architecture, and even in such mundane things as
tables, chairs, and cups and saucers. A very special pattern that we find in
leaves around the stems of plants, in seashells, and in the arrangement of
sunflower seeds is called the golden section. Leonardo da Vinci, one of the
greatest geniuses of all times, stated proportions for the ideal figure in
terms of this geometric pattern.
The drawing Bergamini is describing is often reproduced (Figure 7). Since the
rectangles in Figure 7 are very roughly drawn and do not have square corners it is
difficult to see the significance of the claim that some rectangles "approximate"
golden rectangles.
Figure 7
A drawing attributed to Leonardo da Vinci
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The claims that Leonardo da Vinci used the golden ratio seem to be based on
the fact that he illustrated Luca Pacioli's book De Diuina Proportione (1498, [Cla;
p. 72]). The biographies of Leonardo da Vinci by Clark, Vallentin [Val], and
Zammattio et al. [Zam] give no indication that he used the golden ratio in
paintings or drawings not intended for Pacioli's book. Roger Fischler [Fi3; p. 31]
claims that Pacioli "advocated a classical Vitruvian system, that is a system based
on simple proportions," and did not advocate using the golden ratio for painting.
Another painting often used (for example [Ber; p. 96], [Pap; p. 33]) to support
the claim that Leonardo da Vinci used the golden ratio extensively in his art is a
painting of St. Jerome ([Cla; plate 18]). For example, Bergamini states
A glance at Figure 8 from [Ber; p. 96] is sufficient to show the flaws in the claims
about this painting. The placement of the rectangle is somewhat arbitrary since the
top does not touch the head. The rectangle is drawn using a very thick line. Its left
side is tangent to a small fold of fabric and does not touch St. Jerome's body at any
point. St. Jerome's right arm extends well past the left side of the superimposed
rectangle. Finally, Leonardo da Vinci's acquaintance with the divine proportion
dates from his meeting with Luca Pacioli, which occurred 13 years after he painted
St. Jerome.
Figure 8
St. Jerome by Leonardo da Vinci
Bergamini [Ber; pp. 94-97] also claims that Mondrian and Seurat used the
golden ratio in their paintings. Again no exact data are given, but rectangles are
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superimposed over sketches and paintings with no justification being given for the
particular lines being drawn. Roger Fischler's [Fi3; p. 31] detailed analysis of
Seurat's writings, sketches and paintings shows that Seurat did not use the golden
ratio as a basis for his paintings. Fischler also discusses the alleged use of the
golden ratio by other painters, including Le Corbusier [Fil].
The Greeks saw beauty in number and shape and their excitement with
the golden ratio [5] manifested itself in their art and architecture and has
been echoed by later civilizations in such places as Notre Dame in Paris,
in the architecture of Le Corbusier, and in the UN building in New York.
We can assume that the reference is to the Secretariat Building, the most
prominent of the UN buildings in its New York complex. The UN gave these
dimensions for the Secretariat Building over the phone: 505 feet high, 287 feet
wide, and 72 feet thick. The only ratio even remotely close to 0 is height/width ~
1.76 which is outside the acceptance range 1.58 to 1.66. [Mob; p. 301] gives the
height of the Secretariat building as 550 feet, while [Whi] gives the height as 544
feet. These values give height/width ratios of 1.92 and 1.90, which are even further
away from O.
The explanation of the differences in height from the people in the UN's
Architectural Planning Section was that the building rises 505 feet from the main
entrance level, but it extends 41 feet below this level. Thus, the height depends on
whether you measure it from the west side of the building and street level (41 feet
up) or whether you measure it from the east side at river level. At any rate, the
Secretariat building does not appear to be designed on the basis of the golden
To see how significant the golden ratio is in architecture I consulted several
books on architecture. I could not find golden number, golden ratio, golden section
or divine proportion in the indexes of [Mus] or [Tra]. An attack on the 0 cult in
architecture is found in [Coo].
Tastes may vary, but many people asked to select one of the shapes shown
in Figure 13.5 for note-paper or for the frame of a picture would choose
the third. It is not too square and not too elongated. [Lan; p. 222]
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Figure 9
A reconstruction of Figure 13.5 from Land's book
The Golden Rectangle, whose length and width are the segments of a line
divided according to the Golden Section, occupies an important position
in painting, sculpture, and architecture, because its proportions have long
been considered the most attractive to the eye.
Many of the claims about people's preference for the golden ratio seem to be
based in large part on the experiments of Gustav Fechner performed in the 1860s.
According to Leonard Zusne [Zus; p. 399],
The above statement can hardly be viewed as overwhelming evidence for the
importance of the golden ratio in esthetics. Furthermore, Fechner's testing was
rather limited since he offered only 10 choices. If the choices were presented
ordered by increasing or decreasing proportion one could argue that people would
tend to select the ones in the middle.
H. R. Schiffman and D. J. Bobko [Sch; p. 102] state
Figures 10 and 11 can be used in your own tests to see whether people
consistently select the golden ratio as the most pleasing ratio for a rectangle.
Figure 10 shows 48 randomly arranged rectangles all having the same height but
with their widths ranging from 0.4 times the height to 2.5 times the height.
In Figure 11 the same 48 rectangles are arranged by increasing length when read
from left to right and bottom to top. Figures 10 and 11 each contain two rectangles
that qualify as golden rectangles, one having ratio 0 and the other having ratio
I/O, and two rectangles that exhibit the ratio of the Parthenon: 9/4 and 4/9. See
if you can identify them.
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Cn D ? ? ? ? cn ?
n cn ? ? cn ? ? n
D ? D D D D D ?
? D ? D D D D ?
? cn d a cn d n cn
cn a ? ? n d n d
Figure 10
Rectangles with ratios ranging from 0.4 to 2.5 in random order
? ???????
? nnnnnnn
D D D D D D ? D
Figure 11
Rectangles with ratios ranging from 0.4 to 2.5 in linear order
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among the rectangles whose ratios are so close together. This strongly suggests that
even if people do prefer certain rectangles, the only reasonable claim would be
that people prefer ratios in a certain range. The various claims made about the
esthetic importance of the golden ratio seem to be without foundation.
This passage repeats many of the misconceptions we have already discussed and
adds the claim that the ratio of a person's height to the height of his/her navel is
roughly the golden ratio. We are not told why this is significant; the navel is a scar
of no great importance in an adult human being. Much of the work relating the
golden ratio to the human body suffers from the Pyramidology Fallacy.
While it might be entertaining to compute the ratio of many people's heights to
the elevations of their navels, I did not spend much time on this effort. I did
compute the ratios for the four members of my immediate family: 1.59, 1.63, 1.65
and 1.66. Their average is 1.63, which falls within our test interval for the golden
ratio, although even in this small sample there is a significant amount of variation.
However, there is some ambiguity about the precise location of the navel since it
has a nontrivial length.
Boles and Newman [Bol; p. 47] find <? in, among other things, two Greek
statues, Doryphoros the Spearbearer by Polycleitos and Aphrodite of Cyrene.
The sketch of Doryphoros shows him divided into three zones: from the top of
the head to the right nipple on the chest which is given the length 1; from the right
nipple on the chest to the right knee which is given the length 1.61803; from the
right knee to the big toe on the right foot which is given the length 1. It is unlikely
that measurements were made accurately enough to justify a ratio with 5 decimal
places. In particular, a knee covers a large area and should not be treated as a
single point. A quick examination of their diagram shows that the left side of
Doryphoros does not have the same proportions.
The sketch of Aphrodite of Cyrene is also divided into three zones, including
one with a length of 1.61803. This time, since Aphrodite is missing her head, the
first zone runs from the stump of the neck to the navel, the second zone runs from
the navel to the right knee, and the third zone runs from the right knee to some
indeterminate point on the right foot. Again, assigning 1.61803 as a length is
nonsense and seems to imply that the sculptor of Aphrodite anticipated that she
would lose her head.
Besides seeing the golden ratio in the statues just mentioned, Boles and
Newman see it in many animal forms. [Bol; p. 59] shows a hawk, a dragonfly, a
flying squirrel and a sunfish boxed by golden rectangles. The proportion of the
golden rectangle is given as 1.61803 as before. Of course, wings, legs and fins can
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be moved over a wide range of positions and it is not surprising that the golden
rectangle can often be produced. Like the arm of St. Jerome, the tail of the flying
squirrel extends well past the boundaries of the bounding golden rectangle. Some
of the wing feathers of the hawk also extend past the boundaries. On page 59 of
[Bol] the left side of the bounding golden rectangle does not touch any part of the
sunfish or dragonfly. Despite these difficulties, Boles and Newman express the
proportions of the bounding rectangle using 5 significant figures.
Figure 12
One thousand values for m/M chosen at random
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The points have been grouped into intervals of width 0.01. Figure 13 shows the
1000 points from Figure 12 replotted using M/(m +M)= 1/(1 + r) instead of
m/M = r.
The expected value of points chosen uniformly and randomly from the interval
[0,1] is 0.5. On the other hand, choosing values from [0,1] at random and plotting
them as 1/(1 + r) produces the following expected value:
fi ax
ln(l+x) = In2-Inl = In2?0.69,
which is not the golden ratio, but is nevertheless closer to 0.61803... than is
For additional mathematical analysis of Duckworth's approach see [Fi4].
Figure 13
The values from Figure 12 replotted using M/(m + M)
An analysis, using the ratio m/M, has now been made with Duckworth's
data and indicates that random scattering is indeed the case with Virgil."
Not only did Duckworth waste a lot of time on his misguided effort, but other
people bandy his results about uncritically. An example can be found in [Nim;
p. 317] in the chapter entitled "Golden Numbers." This chapter, besides repeating
some of the errors discussed earlier in this paper, contains the following sentence
on page 317:
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Acknowledgments. I would like to thank Juliet Markowsky and Ed Laverty for helping to make this
paper more readable. I am grateful to Jay Bregman and Tina Passman for translating the Greek
passage from Herodotus. I would like to acknowledge helpful references from Pat Burnes, Tom Byther,
Mohamed Elgaaly, Ed Ferguson, Martin Gardner, Bill Halteman, Paul Schroeder and Bill Soule. I
would also like to thank my family for letting me measure their proportions and all the people who
attended my lectures on the golden ratio and selected the most beautiful rectangles.
The following is not an exhaustive list of books and papers dealing with the golden ratio, but it should
serve as a good starting point for your own investigations in this area. (Note that Roger Fischler and
Roger Herz-Fischler are the same person.)
[Ame] American Institute of Steel Construction, Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and
Bridges, AISC, Chicago, 1986.
[Ber] David Bergamini and the Editors of LIFE, Mathematics, Time Incorporated, New York, 1963.
[Bew] Jane B. Bews, Aeneid I and 618?, Phoenix 24, 2 (1970) 130-143.
[Bol] Martha Boles and Rochelle Newman, The Golden Relationship, 2nd ed., Pythagorean Press,
Bradford, MA, 1987.
[Bro] Malcolm W. Browne, "Impossible" form of matter takes spotlight in study of solids, New York
Times, September 5, 1989, pages Cl & Cll.
[Bur] David M. Burton, The History of Mathematics: An Introduction, Allyn and Bacon, Boston, 1985.
[Cla] Kenneth Clark, Leonardo da Vinci, Penguin, Harmondsworth, England, 1976.
[Coo] T. Cook, A new disease in architecture, The Nineteenth Century & After 91 (1922) 521-53.
[Cov] Thomas M. Cover, Do longer games favor the stronger player?, The American Statistician 43, 4
(1989) 277-278.
[Cox] H. S. M. Coxeter, The golden section, phyllotaxis, and Wythoffs game, Scripta Mathematica 19
(1953) 135-143.
[Cur] L. Curchin and R. Fischler, Hero of Alexandria's numerical treatment of division in extreme
and mean ratio and its implications, Phoenix 35, 2 (1981) 129-133.
[Due] George E. Duckworth, Structural Patterns and Proportions in Vergil's Aeneid: A Study in
Mathematical Composition, The University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, 1962.
[Fil] Roger Fischler, The early relationship of Le Corbusier to the "golden number," Environment
and Planning B 6 (1979) 95-103.
[Fi2] Roger Fischler, What did Herodotus really say? or how to build (a theory of) the great pyramid,
Environment and Planning B 6 (1979) 89-93.
[Fi3] Roger Fischler, On the application of the golden ratio in the visual arts, Leonardo 14 (1981),
[Fi4] Roger Fischler, How to find the "golden number" without really trying, Fibonacci Quarterly 19
(1981) 406-410.
[Fi5] Roger Fischler, Theories mathematiques de la grande pyramide, Crux Mathematicorum 4 (1978)
[Flo] Christine Flon, The World Atlas of Architecture, Mitchell Beazley Publishers, 1984. This is th
English edition of Le Grand Atlas de V Architecture Mondiale.
[Fol] D. H. Fowler, A generalization of the golden section, Fibonacci Quarterly 20 (1982) 146-15
[Fo2] D. H. Fowler, The Mathematics of Plato's Academy: A New Reconstruction, Clarendon Pres
Oxford, 1987.
[Gal] Martin Gardner, Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science, Dover, New York, 1957.
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